Information and Communication Technologies and Everyday Life: Individual and Social Dimensions

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Leslie Haddon and Roger Silverstone

Information and communication
technologies and everyday life: individual
and social dimensions

Book section
Original citation:
Haddon, Leslie and Silverstone, Roger (2000) Information and communication technologies and
everyday life: individual and social dimensions. In: Ducatel, Ken, Webster, Juliet and Herrman,
Werner, (eds.) The Information Society in Europe: Work and Life in an Age of Globalization.
Critical media studies. Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, MD, pp. 233-258. ISBN 9780847695904

© 2000 Rowman and Littlefield

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In Ducatel, K., Webster, J. and Herrmann, W. (eds) (2000) The
Information Society in Europe: Work and Life in an Age of
Globalization, Rowman and Littlefield Inc, Lanham, Maryland.

Chapter 10

Information and Communication Technologies and Everyday

Life: Individual and Social Dimensions

Leslie Haddon and Roger Silverstone

In recent years a body of qualitative and case study research has

begun to accumulate showing that users, consumers and citizens
are not just passive recipients of technology but actively engage in
defining and giving meaning to Information and Communication
Technologies (ICTs). A central theme of this work is that ICTs
only become meaningful in use; they are socially shaped. 1 Only
through the meanings that are constructed by producers, by those
who market or regulate them and by those who consume them do
they have any significance. ICTs mean different things to different
people; and meanings will change and often they will conflict. For
these reasons, a number of underlying themes will inform our
• ICTs are seen as both objects and media: ICTs are doubly
articulated into everyday life as machines and media of
information, pleasure, communication,
• ICTs are seen as material and symbolic objects: ICTs are
bought and used not just for what they can do but for what
they stand for, aesthetically, in claiming social status, or in
claiming membership of a group or sub-culture.
• ICTs are embedded in time and space: the consumption and
use of ICTs influences, and is influenced by, location in
time and space. Globally, they connect and disconnect.
Locally, they can raise flexibility and control.
252 Information in a Living Society

• ICTs involve users both actively and passively: users can

increasingly interact with ICTs, but even the “passive” use
involves choices and discrimination
• ICTs shift boundaries between public and private spaces:
ICTs provide new opportunities for citizenship and for
surveillance, new opportunities for networking but also
increased isolation.
These relationships are multiple and dynamic, operating both
inside and outside the home, and historically, as well as
sociologically, economically and culturally. Without a mature and
sociologically sensitive understanding of the present we will
mistake the future. However, on the basis of the pioneering
analyses analyzed below we might finally manage to avoid the
traps of the utopian or dystopian thinking that still dominates
many business, policy and popular discourses. 2
The speed and scale of household adoption of ICTs

It is important to realize just how long it takes for ICTs to become

fundamentally and unproblematically integrated into our lives.
Recent research on the current young elderly notes how they were
the first phone generation. Many experienced the arrival of the
telephone at an early stage in their life, often first encountering it
at work, and as a result they became entirely comfortable with it at
home (Haddon and Silverstone 1996a). Many of their own
parents, those we might call the older elderly, however, are often
still not totally at ease with the phone, even though they may have
used it much of their adult lives. They have not the relatively
developed and relaxed phone manner of their children not do they
use it in as many ways.
More medium and short term changes can be seen in inelasticities
of spending and time use. A recent Belgian study shows how in
the medium term there is only a limited re-distribution of the
spending of household income across broad categories of goods
and services (Punie 1995). 3 For example, between 1980 and
1992, spending on clothes and food, alcohol and tobacco was
slightly down, while durables, leisure and telecommunication
expenditure rose. In the shorter term there is considerable
ICTs and Everyday Life 253

inelasticity that means that new goods or services have to compete

for the household budget. Punie takes the UK experience with
CDs to illustrate what this inelasticity can mean for particular
product. Although CDs have successfully ousted records, no
increase took place in audio-related spending. Moreover, since
CDs are more expensive than records, people acquired fewer of
them and had smaller audio collections.
The Belgian research also charts changes in the domestic time
budget. Despite rises in overall leisure time over the last 30 years,
the ratio of time spent at home or outside has remained
remarkably constant at around 60:40. This finding should make us
wary of claims (or fears) that we are becoming increasingly home-
centered and that home-centered activities will dominate our time
in the future. Instead there is a substitution effect. People find new
reasons for going out and making social contact. The study
discovered less time spent at the theatre, cinema, and football
matches but more on holidays, outings and going to restaurants
and cafes. As with the spending of income, we may change the
details of how we organize our lives and the technologies and
services we use may change in the medium term. But the
underlying broad patterns of living do not radically alter so
More evidence relevant to questions about the speed and degree of
take-up of domestic ICTs comes from the penetration patterns of
the technologies that have found their way into the home. Only
occasionally does a product experience a startling short-term
success. Examples, such as the radio boom of the 1920s and the
PC boom of early 1980s, were significantly related to the
symbolic nature of these products. More commonly, even
successful ICTs like the CD or the VCR take over a decade to go
from launch to mass market. While, teleshopping and telebanking
have been around for at least that long without achieving a mass-
market breakthrough.
Furthermore, changes in the practices of everyday life often linger
behind the mere acquisition of new technologies. ICTs have to
find a place in the routines and rhythms of the home environment.
Generally, we are often slow to change such habits, including our
254 Information in a Living Society

habits of media and communication use (Thrall 1982, Silverstone

1995). For example, it took over a decade for most people to
switch from the habit of watching one TV channel all evening to
more frequently switching from channel to channel (Dutton 1995).
This suggests real problems for new media like interactive TV, or
new communications technologies such as video telephony,
because they entail significantly new behaviour (cf. Silverstone
and Haddon 1996).
In the 1980s a number of writers evaluated claims on whether an
“Information Revolution” was leading us to a totally new
“Information Society” (Winston 1989, Winner 1989, Lyon 1988).
They pointed out that in many respects technological change,
adoption and its consequences were neither as rapid nor as radical
as the term “revolutionary” implied. Current evidence on ICTs in
the home would support the caution such writers were showing,
especially in the short to medium term.
The symbolic nature of ICTs and the process of domestication

There is a growing literature on the consumption of goods and

services in general (Bourdieu 1986, Douglas and Isherwood 1980,
Featherstone 1991, McCracken 1990, Miller 1987). These focus
on the significance of food, clothes, furniture, or domestic
architecture for identity, lifestyle and taste. We may “need” food
and clothes to sustain our bodies, but when we make particular
choices between goods there is often much more involved than
just considerations of physical survival. Such insights have more
rarely been applied to technologies or ICTs, although histories of
the early years of now familiar technologies discuss this symbolic
dimension. 4
One approach to these issues considers innovation as a process of
“domestication” (Silverstone et al 1992, Silverstone 1994b, Lie
and Sorenson 1996). The household initially confronts new ICTs
as strange and maybe even frightening. The process of acceptance
(and indeed resistance) is a matter of making the new technologies
familiar. They must be accommodated within the complex
structures and patterns of everyday life inside and outside the
home. This process may involve some degree of negotiation or
ICTs and Everyday Life 255

even conflict amongst household members over spending

priorities or the control over the spaces and times of the
household. In crossing the threshold and as they become
integrated into the domestic culture of the family the meanings of
ICTs change. Of course, the arrival of a new ICT might be wholly
or partially resisted. Some people continue to feel ill at ease with
the role of television in their life or in that of their children. They
can be wary of letting in any more equipment that could threaten
to increase the amount of TV watching, such as cable, VCR or the
second TV. Similarly, there are fears of “addiction” to interactive
video games and the Internet use. Particular technologies, perhaps
above all the PC, are far from being domesticated. The PC is
innately complex and tests the skill and competence of
Once ICTs in the home, the further process of their domestication
involves choosing where to put them and how to use them. This
relates to aesthetic considerations or to strategies for displaying
technologies as well as functional requirements. For example
teleworkers might arrange their equipment to show that they are
serious workers (Haddon and Silverstone 1993).
The location of ICTs in the home may also reflect strategies to
control them. The placing of the telephone, or the television, in
shared or private spaces has consequences for who uses them and
how. The daily and weekly pattern of use through is equally
significant. Broadcast schedules divide up the day providing
temporal markers for home-based lone parents and the elderly
(Randell 1995). TV watching can be a pass-time. On other
occasions time has to be set aside from other obligations to use
ICTs. It is therefore important to appreciate how consumption
involves other household members; some with more power than
others, formulating rules about access and use. Who is allowed to
use the PC and under what conditions? Is there a limit to TV
watching? How much the phone is used and what are
“unnecessary” calls? Of course such rules may be broken or
resisted. Teenagers may commandeer the phone or illicitly view
banned horror films. In other words, the home is a place with its
own moral economy, but a moral economy that is often contested
256 Information in a Living Society

and subject to renegotiation. 5 It is in this setting that ICTs are

placed and given meaning.
It is clear that there is a range of questions to ask about the
consumption of ICTs beyond their “usefulness”, questions that
actually address their social and symbolic significance. Policy and
market makers too should be aware of that ICTs have a double
life, and that the social world is not a neutral space across which
technologies and services pass without change and resistance.
The recent history of the home computer boom, and the failure of
home automation technologies across Europe to take off, offer
revealing, if rather different, examples of how social factors
intrude into the innovation process. 6 The example of the home
computer illustrates how in practice wider media and institutional
discourses and policies can have a significant bearing on the fate
of new ICTs. Meanwhile home automation provides a good
example of a product being developed in an area already rich in
symbolism, and where the images influence the product’s
development and reception. Moreover, images are contested.
There is not necessarily one single or dominant discourse. 7
Crucial battles have to be fought over this world of public images.
Both producers and policy makers need to be sensitive to this
dimension in their presentations, announcements, documents,
promotional activities, demonstration projects and general contact
with the media. In addition to monitoring sales figures or surveys
of usage, attention also needs to be given to this whole question of
symbolism, such as, sudden and perhaps unexpected public
concerns. 8
ICTs and perceptions of reality and identity

The history of technological innovation, especially that of ICTs, is

one of anxiety and concern as well as of hope and expectation.
The present generation of ICTs is no exception. Contemporary
concerns focus on three discrete but interrelated areas: social
isolation, addiction and influence. They are interrelated by a
common theme that sees in technology a dehumanization: a threat
to the comfortable and necessary familiarities of face to face
interaction, and of the ability to control through the measure of
ICTs and Everyday Life 257

lived experience our relationship to the world and to other people

in it. Indeed research on media innovation throughout the century
has been driven by concerns about the vulnerability of individuals
and as societies to media control.
Concerns have re-emerged about the effects of ICTs on our
relationships with each other and our participation in the family
and wider social life. New risks of isolation result from a
withdrawal from participation in public space (for example by
teleworkers) or for those who by virtue of age or disability are
vulnerable to isolation and marginalisation.
Ithiel de Sola Pool’s (1977) description of the double life of
technology in his discussion of the telephone is clearly important
here. He recognized that the phone both had the power both to
connect and disconnect - to bring people together electronically
while maintaining the distance between them. All ICTs have this
double life. Recent research on teleworkers (Haddon and
Silverstone 1993, Huws 1993) and the elderly (Haddon and
Silverstone 1995) has shown how ICTs mediate social life. They
both isolate and compensate for that isolation, e.g. the elderly use
the phone both to maintain links with dispersed relatives. Social
life also mediates the effects of technology, for example those
who feel more isolated as a result of their involvement with IT
may compensate by reinforcing or developing social networks (in
the family, neighborhood, friendship or through work).
There are similar concerns for the family as a whole. The arrival
of multiple TV sets and video recorders, not to mention the radio,
the Walkman and the music center, has encouraged many
commentators (e.g. Young 1990) to bewail the resulting social
fragmentation and dislocation. It is obvious that such
technological individuation is significant, enabling household
members to control their own media spaces and to create private
worlds of media consumption and electronic communication. For
example, parents worry their children’s exposure to TV content
and use of the phone. But are ICTs undermining family life?
Research suggests that such fears are exaggerated.
258 Information in a Living Society

The history of the mass media, and especially of television,

depicts the media as providing a hearth for the family (Frith 1983,
Scannell and Cardiff 1991). Even the dispersion that follows from
owning multiple TV sets may be functional, for example by
enabling teenagers to “leave” the family safely (Morley and
Silverstone 1990). Also with the arrival of a new dominant set
connected to satellite or cable (Moores 1993) the family hearth is
recreated. It is also important to point out that there are more
fundamental and powerful forces affecting family life, such as
unemployment and changing social values and moralities. These
need to be taken into account before a balanced conclusion about
the effects of new ICTs can be reached.
Each new media innovation brings fears of addiction, as some
early adopters and users become completely obsessed. There will
always be a ready flow of examples, particularly of children
(television addicts, computer addicts). A substantial body of
research explores these issues and offers evidence that addiction is
both common and harmful (Winn 1977). Yet there is a fine line
between creativity and addiction (Silverstone 1994b), and the
intense relations even with supposedly passive media, suggest that
such relationships can creative (Turkle 1984, Fiske 1987, Ang
1985). Also people who develop such relationships are likely to
have had equally intense involvement in other activities (Shotton
1989). Perhaps, it is a truism to point out that while ICTs can offer
intensely seductive worlds, only a few particularly vulnerable
individuals are unable to control their relationship to them.
There has been a long history of concerns over ICTs effects on our
perceptions of the world. For example, how violence on television
might influence children’s behaviour, how computer games might
distort our sense of reality, how computers might change our
perceptions of what it is to be human. However, the
methodological problems to be overcome in order to isolate
television as an independent variable have proved to be almost
ICTs and Everyday Life 259

insuperable. Considerations of the context of use, the time scale of

influence, the nature and definition of television violence, the
complex nature of narrative and performance, the differences
between real and fictional representation, as well as the definition
of what can be considered violent social behaviour, all contribute
to a research problem that has yet to be conclusively resolved and
may never be (Cumberbatch and Howitt 1988).
Interesting and important research on the long-term effects of
certain kinds of representations has been conducted in the United
States (Gerbner at al. 1986). But the findings have not been
replicated elsewhere and the confidence with which researchers
have claimed that heavy users of television have a different,
distorted and often more anxious view of the world than light
viewers has been widely criticized (Morgan and Signiorelli 1990).
Elsewhere, some contemporary thinking has moved beyond a
concern with specific effects of media, in relation to violence or
pornography for example, to a concern with a media engendered
hyper-reality of multiple simulations. The increasingly pervasive
mass media are seen by these writers (see Baudrillard 1983) as
replacing a world of lived experience, offering in its stead an
infinity of refracted symbols isolating all who consume media
from any other reality.
ICTs in the household

Gender and ICTs

The household is a complex and differentiated social and cultural,
as well as an economic and political, environment. This
complexity ramifies still further once attention turns to the
differences related to gender, age, health and impairment. One
particularly strong demonstration of how ICTs can become
gendered and how men and women experience them differently
has been provided by feminist research has provided a range of
These differences emerge in the consumption as well as
production of ICTs. Innovation is not just a matter of engineering.
The design of a new technology involves a whole range of actors
260 Information in a Living Society

in defining the intended characteristics of a new technology or

service (Silverstone and Haddon 1996). Hardware designers,
industrial designers, marketers and advertisers, software
publishers, content and service providers, magazines retailers and
distributors contribute to the final, but still contested, meaning of
a new ICT (Cawson et al 1995, Silverstone and Haddon 1993). At
all these levels we find examples of actors giving particular
gender connotations to ICTs (Cockburn 1992).
Research has examined the ways in which gendered images of
potential end-users inform the innovation process. Specifically it
has considered the extent to which women’s interests are
considered in their specification and design (Berg 1990) and
shown how much design assumes a male user. This can relate to
the strength required to operate a technology (Cockburn 1992), to
the technical knowledge that it is assumed the end user possesses
and to the genres and modes of action in software, such as
interactive games (Skirrow 1986, Haddon 1993). ICTs can also
acquire meaning from the places where they are located. For
example the first public interactive games machines were in
public arcades which are male-dominated locales (Haddon 1993).
Analysis has become increasingly subtle, discussing both the
ambivalence and the ambiguities in the design and content. They
also allow for the fact that the gender connotations of technologies
can and do become modified over time. One can point to the
recent advertising campaign in the UK in which British Telecom
attempted (apparently with some success) to persuade men to use
the phone more like women have been shown to do. This suggests
that public education, as well design related policies, could allow
women to engage more freely with new technologies and services.
However gender bias is not exclusive to production and to design.
Considerable research, originally based on the study of the use of
television in the home has illustrated the extent of male
appropriation of ICTs (Morley 1986). This can be seen by and
large as an expression of traditional male and female roles and
responsibilities. Many writers point out that women are still more
likely to take on the main responsibility for housework and child
care, and hence while home can be more of a site of leisure for
ICTs and Everyday Life 261

men it is a site of work for women (Gray 1992). This has a variety
of ramifications. Much of women’s attention when viewing TV is
more fragmented as they simultaneously go about other jobs
(Morley 1986). They can feel guiltier when indulging themselves
in the consumption of programs (Morley 1986, Gray 1992). When
acquiring ICTs a key consideration is how it is going to help with
everyday pressures (Meyer and Schultz 1995). Also, women find
it harder to justify time spent experimenting, or “playing”, with
new ICTs such as computers (Haddon 1990). In fact, some studies
have indicated how women have been wary of getting involved in
some ICTs, like operating the VCR, in case it lead to them ending
up with yet more work recording items for other people (Gray
1992). The main case where women have been favorably disposed
to a communications medium is the telephone (Martin 1988,
Rakow 1988, Moyal 1989). Here, women's conventional
responsibility for maintaining family links and social circles is a
key reason for acceptance.
It is clear from research (Cowan 1989, Wacjman 1991, Haddon
and Silverstone 1996b) that there are fundamental aspects to the
inequalities of gender in the family. Both the control over and the
quality of space and time have been seen as having significant
implications for women. Haddon and Silverstone (1996b) have
discussed the notion of temporal capital as a way of identifying
time as a crucial resource in the management of everyday life. It is
clear that there are not only differences in the amount and quality
of time which households can mobilize, but that both amounts and
quality of “free –time” are profoundly gendered. Similar
differences can be seen in access to and control over space,
perhaps most dramatically in the comparison of male and female
teleworkers (Haddon and Silverstone 1993)
It is possible to see how the household superimposes new
meanings on the public definitions of ICTs. In so far as the moral
economy of a household is structured through gender difference,
ICTs have to be fitted in and consumed in accordance with
existing routines and rituals, responsibilities and conflicts. At one
level, the implications are difficult to assess, since there is a strand
of feminist writing which has been very critical of the ways in
262 Information in a Living Society

which males are often assumed enthusiastically to embrace

technology and technical change (McNeil 1987). On the other
hand, there have also been numerous concerns about women and
girls being “left behind” in terms of emerging forms of ICT
literacy. While the gender processes that occur in the home are
less addressable by state policy compared to those around
production, sensitivity to how domestic consumption is shaped
may at least inform policies to make ICTs more accessible.
ICTs and Age

The young elderly

Many of the current generation of young elderly (aged 60-74)
have taken early retirement (Laczko 1989, Laczko and Phillipson
1991) As many have accumulated savings and will benefit from
occupational pensions increasing numbers of young elderly are
relatively economically comfortable. Some are experiencing a
decline in physical strength that can make them feel more
vulnerable and less secure, leading them to adopt a more home-
centered existence. For others, however, a longer life expectancy
combined with an early exit from the workforce means that will
enjoy many years of good health and fitness. Others adopt a very
active life to replace work - studying, doing voluntary work,
joining clubs, and sitting on committees (Haddon and Silverstone
1996a). Yet others turn more to family, supporting their own adult
children, looking after grand-children or even caring role for their
own parents.
The telephone seems very important for this group. For the more
active the phone becomes very significant for the management of
their commitments and many have actually noted their
dependency upon it. For the more home-centered, the phone is a
significant for keeping in touch with family and friends. For
widows and widowers, the phone can become very significant for
social contact, especially with geographically dispersed adult
As regards ICTs, they are willing to accept fairly straightforward
extensions of the familiar, such as modern or additional handsets
ICTs and Everyday Life 263

and some cordless phones. They also frequently possess multiple

TVs, TVs with teletext, remote controls and VCRs. However the
openness to incremental innovation does not extend to radically
new ICTs, such as PCs. Although there are always some
technology enthusiasts and those who have used ICTs while still
at work.
Overall use of new ICTs depends not just on functionality but on
how it is presented and packaged. Firstly, it should feel familiar.
For example familiarity with the remote control means that more
remote control devices in the home would not be alien. Secondly,
it should be useful for their current activities. For example, many
in this group travel frequently and use teletext and radio for travel
information. New ICTs that relate to their increasing involvement
in activities outside the home, for example in the community or in
hobbies, are also likely to be accepted.
The older elderly
Across Europe the elderly population is growing, including the
older elderly (75+). Although percentages vary, many of the older
elderly are women and a substantial proportion lives alone. In
general, older elderly people have limited income, especially the
women, since they have benefited less from occupational
pensions. Demographic and other factors have increasingly
limited the number and availability of female relatives in their
middle years that have traditionally cared for this age group
(Cullen and Moran 1991). New and innovative policies will be
needed to sustain care levels as this population grows.
However, various researchers and advocacy groups for the elderly
have stressed that aging should not just be conceptualized in
negative terms: as a problem. Living independently also involves
a consideration of quality of life. Recently, greater attention has
been given to assisting this age group, as well as the young
elderly, to realize opportunities, to develop life interests and to
contribute to the community. ICTs are often seen as having a role
to play.
Reflecting the long-standing state interest in keeping the elderly in
their own homes, the main technologies that have received
264 Information in a Living Society

attention have been “aids to living”, which enable the elderly to

function and carry out daily routines in their home, and to medical
and security related technologies. Examples include a range of
low-level aids right up to home automation (Gann and Iwashita
1995) and remote medical monitoring and diagnostics, and
personal alarms. Manufacturers of these specialized products have
in part shown an interest in the elderly market because the costs of
the products are often paid for by health insurance or welfare
schemes (Mollenkopf 1993). Mainstream consumer electronics
firms have been less interested in this market, in part because of
the stigma associated with the elderly. In general, both the elderly
themselves as well as their support groups have also had very
limited involvement in actual product development (Mollenkopf
1993). Such groups have only recently begun to consider
technologies that might facilitate socio-emotional support and
social participation in the community, especially through
Overall, despite an emerging “silver market” across Europe, as the
numbers of relatively affluent elderly expand, there are still
considerable barriers at this age to accepting innovations. As for
other groups, symbolism can be as important as functionality.
Therefore, design, presentation and the strategies by which
technologies are introduced are significant (Mollenkopf 1993).
Above all there are concerns that applications such as
teleshopping, telemedicine, telemonitoring could become
technological fixes leading to a loss of human contact (Cullen and
Moran 1991).
Health, impairment and disability
Health, impairment and disability issues are by no means unique
to the elderly. Many elderly undergo merely a minor degradation
of faculties, and the prospects for later cohorts of elderly appear
even brighter to the extent that they led healthy lives when
younger. However, within this age group there are many who are
starting to experience health-related problems and lesser or greater
degrees of impairment. 9
ICTs and Everyday Life 265

Compare the situation of the young (i.e. pre-retirement age)

disabled and the older, retired, disabled. For the young disabled,
or those with a medical condition, work is still a consideration,
and indeed there are attempts to use ICTs to enable them to
participate in the labor force through teleworking (Haddon 1991).
Of course there are a number of dilemmas with this
“technological” solution to increasing disability. The first
concerns the risk of social isolation. The second concerns the
wider issue of whether they should be segregated in discrete and
dedicated institutions or integrated into an able-bodied world.
Also, employers would have to develop appropriate work
practices to cater for disabled workers. But, there are advantages
in teleworking that can make it appealing for some disabled, for
those who have absolute mobility problems or for whom travelling
to work is fatiguing. Teleworking also facilitates control over the
layout of the work environment. One problem for disabled outside
the home can be the positioning of the items with which they
work. They might also be able to control the pace of work to suit
their capabilities. In these cases, telework could be attractive if it
allows the maintenance of social contact and facilitates distance
For disabled people who are retired work is not an issue, but
social isolation and participation are. As noted in the discussion of
the young elderly, given the chance many lead active lives and
engage with the outside world, friends and family. Can new ICTs,
especially communications technologies, play a role here? Within
the home that intelligent home systems can supplement existing
technologies to provide “aids to daily living” (Gann and Iwashita
1995). Various forms of alarms to provide a sense of security as
well as help in emergencies and ICTs to monitor medical
conditions have also received some attention. On the other hand,
to the extent that any such aids symbolize dependency, they are
sometimes resisted (Haddon and Silverstone 1996a). Even here, it
is important to look to questions of functionality and usefulness
and to ask what ICTs mean to people, as well as to be sensitive to
how they are represented to those who might make use of them.
266 Information in a Living Society

Finally, can new ICTs and services need to be designed in such a

way that they do not actually create barriers to use for those with
impairments? “Inclusive design” sets out to be usable by as many
people as possible (Barker et al 1995). It avoids designing in
barriers to people with impairments. In fact, it is argued that
sensitivity to the requirements of those with disabilities can
produce design solutions to benefit everyone. For example, many
people with reasonable sight may tolerate poor lighting. But, they
too may benefit lighting adapted for the extra requirements of
people with poorer vision. Similarly, with ICTs, design
improvements could clearly be made in graphical displays or
programming controls (e.g. on heating systems).
It is of course important to note that the experience of these
groups, especially those defined by their age or stage in the life
cycle is varied (Haddon and Silverstone 1996a, Buchner 1970,
Meyer and Schulze 1994). Values, competence and needs change
depending on past experiences with technology. Thus,
generalizations across cohorts or predictions about the behaviour
of future cohorts on the analysis of present ones are risky unless
attention is given to the skills and expectations that different
groups carry with them as they move through life.
Household composition
Apart from research on the elderly and ICTs (Kordey 1993, Wald
and Stückler 1991 on the telephone; Williamson 1994, Tulloch
1989, Randell 1990 on TV) the vast majority of research on the
consumption of domestic ICTs has been on nuclear families.
Despite the fact that, in northern Europe at least, they now
constitute a minority of all households. Even surveys which
segment the market at different points in the life course (e.g.
Dordick and LaRose, 1992) often assume a progression through a
nuclear family stage. This does not do justice the diversity of
household forms, each with their own dynamics, which people can
experience at some point in their lives. Attention to this diversity
is increasing precondition for research in this field.
We can point to one UK study of lone parent households as one of
the few attempts to look at other forms of household and try and
ICTs and Everyday Life 267

understand the particular ways in which ICTs become, or do not

become, part of everyday life (Haddon and Silverstone 1995).
In the UK 1 in 7 children live in lone parent families at any one
moment while a third of all children are part of a lone parent
household at some time in their childhood. These patterns of
course reflect a more general break-up and re-formation of both
partnerships and families (Bradshaw and Millar 1991). Although
not all have a low income, many, usually female, lone parents live
on social security payments and/or part-time work. They form a
substantial portion of all households classified as poor. This
relative and absolute poverty is related to household composition
as a consequence of the costs and constraints of childcare without
the daily support of a second parent. There are, sometimes,
positive dimensions to this experience. Lone parents are relatively
free, within their own homes, of the conflicts and the
compromises of an unsatisfactory relationship. However, the
absence of a second adult can create particular constraints,
demands and household dynamics. For example, many lone
parents describe feeling trapped at home in the evening because
there is no one else to look after the child. And organizing the
logistics of child management, such as getting someone to pick a
child up from school, can be more complicated for just one parent.
As a group they can be seen to have a potentially high demand for
ICTs, but rarely sufficient resources to acquire them. For example,
the phone is a vital social lifeline for many lone parents trapped in
the home, and it can, and often does, take on great significance as
a tool for organizing and coping with daily life. One might ask
what other ICTs could have a similar role. Indeed, the mobile
phone has been mentioned as an aid to checking up on, and
organizing, children (Rakow and Navaro 1993). TV can also play
a more significant role for lone parents than households with
partners in the sense of providing companionship, filling time and
occupying children when there is no other parent to do so. ICTs
already have, both actually and potentially, a significant role in
such households, yet it is becoming increasingly clear that the
costs of access are likely to prohibit anything but the most basic
levels of access.
268 Information in a Living Society

Two more general points can be made about household

composition. First, its fluidity (Haddon 1995c), for example,
where a family has broken up, children can find themselves
spending time in more than one household. In the case of lone
parents, on occasions when the children are visiting the other
parent, their homes do become, for a time, single-person
households. Where both parents find new partners bi-nuclear
families are created, and the number of children present at any one
time in these households will vary depending on the domestic
arrangements between previous partners. Finally, in such a
household adults may have only a part-time presence: as when
some lone parents spend weekends or part of the week in the
home of a boy or girlfriend.
Children, or indeed adults, spending time in two different
households therefore are highly likely to experience different rules
and regulations, or different regimes of access to ICTs. One parent
in one household will allow the children to watch particular TV
programs while the other, in a second household, prohibits such
viewing. Access to new technologies will, similarly, vary.
Travelling between homes may mean that equipment will be
duplicated in the different households or carried between them.
The second point is that household composition is dynamic:
people pass through different types of household at different
points in their life. Most of us experience living alone at some
point in our lives. There are the years which couples spend
together after their children have left. Transitions between
households can be both traumatic and involve major
readjustments, many of which can involve new demands on ICTs.
For example, for lone parents the phone often takes on a crucial
role as a lifeline to supporting networks in the period immediately
after the dissolution of a relationship and the resulting upheaval.
There are clear implications here for both niche and mass markets
for ICT. Above all there is a need to recognize how markets
change with the ICT experiences of different cohorts and
demographic evolution.
Households and the Outside World
ICTs and Everyday Life 269

The relationship between home and work

ICTs have become central both in the mediation of private and
public worlds as well as changing the boundaries between them.
Here again there are interrelated dynamics of social and technical
change, which have to pursue its implications for ICTs’ role in
everyday life. In this regard, the workplace is important not just as
place for learning skills relating to new technology, but as
somewhere where new ICTs and services gain a general visibility.
Even if they are not used personally by particular staff, they
become familiar. It is possible to appreciate their usefulness and
drawbacks. One learns to feel at ease with them in that setting, just
as the young elderly became used to the phone in part through
work. Thus, for the unemployed (but also for those caring for
children at home or the retired elderly) the absence of work can
mean the absence of contact with a whole range of ICTs. Once
again there is the possibility of exclusion from the Information
It also follows that the commitment to paid employment outside
the home will shape the amount of time available to use PCs,
watch television or otherwise participate in other ICT-based
leisure activities. It will have a bearing, too, on when people can
be contacted by phone or are free to contact others. Moves to
more flexible working hours, to shift-work in organizations
operating a 24-hour day, and to telework all mean more varied
times to access ICTs. Technologies such as the VCR and the
answer phone have enabled people to cope better with being out
of synchronization with more mainstream leisure times and we
might speculate that these trends would make other “time-
shifting” technologies increasingly attractive, ones which could
deliver messages, information, entertainment on demand.
Finally we can point to the implications of changing patterns of
work in the home, and especially, in addition to telework, to the
growing number of second jobs and “overspill work” which is
brought home as a result, often, of pressures within the formal
working environment. Mobile work, too, often entails using the
home as a base between being on the road and periodically
returning to an employer’s premises. Two consequences follow.
270 Information in a Living Society

The first is that with work entering the household, the boundaries
between home and work blur and therefore need to be more
consciously managed: sometimes through the adoption of new
ICTs, sometimes through changes in the patterns of use of existing
ICTs. The second is that work brought home introduces ICTs into
the home, which then find a domestic role. These last two points
can be explored further through a case study of telework.
Case study: teleworking and ICT
There are many types of teleworking, and many experiences of the
phenomenon. An executive or professional in control of their
work and accessing distant databases is far removed from a low
paid typist working at a home based word-processor, unsure when
the next work will come and having to respond to clients at short
notice. For some, telework is wonderful and provides great
freedoms. For others it is a mere phase in their life that enables
them better to manage their circumstances. For yet others it is
perhaps the only viable option open to them (Haddon and
Silverstone 1993).
Haddon and Silverstone (1993) have shown how work entering
the home can change the experience of existing ICTs. The best
example concerns the phone. Where a second work line is not
justifiable, as in the case of some clerical self-employed
teleworkers, the domestic phone takes on an additional role as a
work tool and rules concerning its use have to be re-negotiated.
Household members, including children, have to learn how to
answer appropriately, or when not to answer at all. Issues arise
over blocking social calls at times when they might prevent work
calls arriving. And the whole sound regime of the home has often
to be reviewed, with teleworkers deciding where the phone is to
be re-located and controlling domestic background noise in an
attempt to create a good impression of their working environment
when dealing with calls from prospective clients and employers.
This last example also provides an instance when ICTs can come
to the rescue, as the answer phone, fax and e-mail all enable the
control of communication, the protection of privacy and the
display of status. 10
ICTs and Everyday Life 271

Telework can also introduce new ICTs into the home, and the
discovery of new domestic applications follows. Once in the
home, teleworkers and other family members gain familiarity with
the technology, might experiment and develop their competencies
and awareness of its possibilities. Apart from finding new uses for
computers, innovative practices include using a home-based fax
machine to contact distant relatives and the photocopier for school
projects. Teleworking households, then, may not necessarily be
early adopters of future leisure-oriented ICTs, but they are more
likely to be early adopters of those which have a work-dimension
and therefore are significant in the discovery of their domestic
Families, networks, communities and mobility
There has been a general increase in social and geographical
mobility in the latter half of this century. Its consequences have
long been noted by British researchers examining the
transformation of inner-city traditional working-class
communities (Young and Wilmott 1957). Meanwhile German
research on the unemployed has charted those historical changes
which have led to new patterns of geographical settlement:
namely suburbanization and the break up of local working class
communities (Hu?ermann and Petrowsy 1989, cf. Williams 1974,
Silverstone 1997a). Migration from country to country, as well as
from city to suburb and to rural locations has involved the
progressive fracturing of established communities and networks
and led to increasing isolation, particularly of the elderly (Meyer
and Shultz 1995).
Of course it needs to be recognized that community formation is
an on-going process. New communities form, maybe different in
nature from previous ones, when people move to a new area.
Meanwhile, despite a decline for many in the intensity of face-to-
face contact it must also be remembered that much interaction is
often maintained, even though people are now located at a greater
distance from each other. The cars, public transport and, perhaps
principally, the telephone have helped maintain social links
despite geographical dispersal, within extended families and
272 Information in a Living Society

across generations. This has contrary implications for any new

media in a similar role, since any substitution will have to
demonstrate substantial advantages if it is to shift deeply
engrained habits and skills.
Unpaid commitments outside the home, for example “voluntary
work” can also have a role in the diffusion of ICTs, for all
generations including the young (Büchner 1990). Such activities
include administration and other forms of production. For
example, PCs used to word-process school reports, desk top
publishing tickets for sports matches, up-dating records of hobby
groups, or handling official correspondence on behalf of clubs; or
using the telephone to organize outings and other events,
arranging speakers and players or calling meetings (Haddon
1995c). In these situations ICTs enhance the capacity of
individuals to function in non-home environments, although later
uses in, and for, the home may follow, as in the case of telework.
This potentially important route for ICTs into the household is
often neglected.
Community has become a buzzword in discussions of the
Information Society. Information and communication
technologies are often seen, yet again, a panacea. They are seen to
offer, through their various electronic networks, the opportunity
for communities to be created and as a result for otherwise
marginalized and disenchanted citizens to reclaim their rights to
participate in an energized and revitalized public sphere (cf.
Reingold 1994).
Research has begun to confront these often utopian fantasies, both
from the point of view of the limits of the electronic version of
community (Aufderheide 1992) and from the point of view of
their role, in supporting existing “real” ones (Hollander and
Stappers 1992). UK research on teleworkers (Haddon and
Silverstone 1993) has identified the various ways in which social
networks emerge, or are reinforced, to compensate for threats to,
or the loss of, community (a work community) that can
accompany the move to teleworking.
Yet community and communities must be a central focus of
attention. The capacity of broadcasting in its hey-day to create a
ICTs and Everyday Life 273

sense of national community (Scannell and Cardiff 1991) building

on the role the press before that had in “constructing” community
(Anderson 1983) is well established even if it is sometimes
exaggerated and romanticized. New ICTs, especially based around
the Internet, clearly offer a number of different routes to, and
ways of, creating networks that could be considered communities,
especially in so far as they sustain informal and real time
communication between the like minded, albeit on a global rather
than a local scale. How far these networks are in any sociological
sense communities is of course the open question. Can they
survive and contain conflict? What mechanisms do they have to
survive beyond the lives of any individual participant? How can
they be sustained given the electronical capacity to participate in
the network without ever declaring ones “true” identity? How can
they be effective given inevitable constraints on access? These
are questions that have yet to be answered.
On the other hand shared interest is clearly the basis for new
electronically mediated communities to form. Bulletin boards and
buddy lines can be seen to provide the mechanisms for, as well as
being the product of, attempts to create alternative communities
based around a single interest. Correlatively, existing
communities, based in a shared culture or ethnicity can be seen to
be being reinforced by and through distinct appropriation of the
products of mass culture or new forms of media delivery
(Gillespie 1995). Here it is possible to point to the role ICTs may
have in strengthening existing communities both by providing
cultural resources for shared activities which would enable the
construction of distinct identities (Miller 1992) as well as offering
a new infrastructure for its on-going support.
Finally, to the issue of mobility and to role of mobile technologies
in everyday life. Here once again there is little published research
to draw on. It is possibly only to make a few general and intuitive
observations. Even in relation to work, mobility and mobile ICTs
appear in several guises. The growing number of full-time mobile
workers and those who move between sites and meetings for some
of the time are increasingly supported by mobile communications
and mobile PCs. Work-related commuting has also led some
274 Information in a Living Society

professionals to utilize mobile ICTs to make more productive use

of travelling time. Meanwhile “overspill” work brought home to
complete after the working day may make use of portable ICTs,
such as laptop PCs, which can be brought from the workplace. We
noted earlier in the discussion of telework that ICTs acquired for
work are often used for non-work purposes and certainly some
research suggests that the early use of mobile phones for work
purposes helped to open up one route to a mass consumer market
(Wood 1993).
Leisure activities are also increasingly being supported, or indeed
disturbed, by mobile ICTs as public spaces are occupied by
private individuals converting what is generally public to
something immediately private through their connection to
Walkman or mobile telephone. In this context the car, much
ignored too in ICT research, is significant as being more than just
a vehicle or mode of transport. Its ICT infrastructure, in-car
entertainment, mobile phone, and perhaps passengers with their
personal stereo or mobile hand-held games console, helps this
mobile space to become an extension of the home environment.
Similarly, the portability of such ICTs enables people to set up
their own supporting technological infrastructure, to extend home
and customize new space when they are away: be it on holiday, in
second homes or spending time in different households.
Even though we do not yet have a framework for evaluating the
social and cultural implications of such developments, we can at
least ask whether in some sense these developments might in the
longer term create new forms of dependency. Do we develop a
greater sense of security though being able to carry with us what is
familiar, and specifically with mobile communications, to reach
out and contact others at any moment? Do we use what is
otherwise relatively unproductive travel time more intensely
because it is possible to carry this infrastructure around with us?
More specifically, do mobile communications create new forms of
surveillance as employers or families expect phone carriers to be
continuously contactable and to maintain a link with home or the
workplace? On the other hand, do mobile phones support new
just-in-time lifestyles which will enable us to cope with stress by
ICTs and Everyday Life 275

enabling us to organize lives while on the move. There are a

number of key issues here that demand further research.
Household resources: the new haves and have-nots
Concerns have been voiced about a two-tier Information Society
(e.g. CEC1994a). Existing elites and professional classes would
have almost limitless access to all that ICTs can offer. Those at
the margins (the unemployed, lone-parents, the elderly, the
ethnically oppressed, the regionally distant, the rural) will find it
increasingly hard to gain the resources necessary (even with
falling costs of entry) to access the new technologically driven and
increasingly technologically dependent culture. Yet voicing
concern is only part of the story. Very little research has been
conducted which addresses these issues directly. And
considerations of disadvantage, when they are visible tend to be
limited to issues related to the lack of financial resources. To be
sure the elderly and the disabled are potentially disadvantaged
groups are increasingly being, targeted as likely to benefit from
new ICTs. But the approach is based on the assessments of
physical and material needs rather than cultural values and
competencies. As a result innovation is technologically driven
rather than being sociologically sensitive.
The new forms of disadvantage are highlighted in a German study
(Hu?ermann and Petrowsy 1989), which demonstrates the
important of the phone for the unemployed in suburban settings.
These writers note the greater consumer-oriented lifestyle, greater
dependence on the market and hence greater dependence on
income from formal employment (as opposed to what households
could self-produce). At the same time, in a parallel way to the
arguments about children, the unemployed are also more likely
nowadays to move in social networks at some distance from them
and based on common interests and lifestyle rather than
Under conditions of long term mass employment, informal
networks and active job seeking by the unemployed are becoming
more significant routes to finding work than attendance at job
centerss. The phone helps job seekers to stay within social
276 Information in a Living Society

networks. Work opportunities are often identified by personal

acquaintances should a vacancy occur. Informal inquiries can be
made and the job seeker is contactable by potential employers.
The phone is also important for sorting out pensions and other
benefits and finding out what documentation to bring to social
security interviews. Meanwhile the phone can be vital in
managing to get employment in the informal economy for the
quasi self-employed. On the consumption side, the phone can help
in finding out about special offers when trying to manage on a
reduced income. It can help as a psychological support, especially
given the greater stigma that has accompanied the break up of
supporting communities and the individualized experience of
unemployment. Finally, the phone is as important for the
unemployed as anyone for setting up meetings. They may have
time to spare, but they must synchronize it with others and plan
their time. It is often via the phone that people are invited to social
events such as coffee gatherings, sports or family celebrations.
Without one it is easy to drop out of society.
This study has a wider salience. The researchers make the general
point that while the phone has enabled geographical relocation
and new forms of social networking, it has at the same time
become a necessary condition for maintaining these networks and
patterns of contact. The more widespread the phone has become,
the more difficult it is to be without one. The authors argue that
the phone is nowadays important for citizenship, and make a case
for the state provision of phones and perhaps some state support
for the costs of usage.
This is an important study and it raises a much wider range of
issues that extend both beyond the phone as an increasingly
essential technology as well as beyond the particular
circumstances of the unemployed. A recent study of lone parents
(Haddon and Silverstone 1995, Silverstone 1994a) dramatically
brought to light the unavailability for many of anything beyond
the most basic information and communication technologies.
There is also economic stress engendered by maintaining even a
basic level of electronic access to mass culture, information
services and social networks. Beyond economic or financial
ICTs and Everyday Life 277

disadvantage there is the risk of a wider and even more significant

exclusion from participation in contemporary society.
Lack of economic resources is of course a crucial determinant of
exclusion in an increasingly market based society - and this will
become increasingly punitive in societies where commitments to
universal access in telephony, and public service in broadcasting
are being weakened daily. Nevertheless disadvantage has to be
measured culturally as well as economically. It requires an
assessment of the skills and competencies, and the espousal of
particular values needed to enable individuals to become full
members of a society whose structures and supports are
increasingly electronically mediated.
This raises two kinds of questions. The first is whether there are
technologies that are likely to assume the same kind of essential
status. Essential that is both to person to person, and person to
institution, communication as well as essential for the gaining of
the information necessary for effective action and participation in
society as a whole. For example, networks like the Internet may
become a major way to access work or education. Not to have
access, or not to have the ability to access, such networks, would
be a disadvantage. If cable companies offering free or cheap calls
or other messaging systems in the local area resulted in
community services being offered through these channels, to be
unable to afford access to cable would be to be excluded.
The second questions focus on the particular problems faced by
distinct social groups - problems of such scale and chronic
intensity that ICTs are never even close to being seen as relevant
to their circumstances. For example in study of lone parents
(Haddon and Silverstone 1995) it became clear that limited
income often meant that anything beyond very basic ICTs such as
the phone or television was beyond the horizons of many lone
parents. Their entire preoccupation was with the struggle to
survive. A struggle that involved the provision of basic shelter and
nourishment as well the maintenance of basic social needs. Even
those who able to create a home, a personal space for their family,
and a sustained participation both in social networks and leisure
278 Information in a Living Society

activities outside the home, had a minimal interest in, or

awareness of, the Information Society, and perhaps justifiably so.
In these cases, even the improbable capacity of governments to
underwrite or subsidize access to the electronic culture is unlikely
to be sufficient to enable the disadvantaged to participate. With
priorities lying elsewhere, and basic skills and competencies being
denied to them, they are going to need much more by way of
incentive and support than merely financial inducements. And
equally it should be pointed out that for such groups participation
in contemporary culture is as much a function of their ability to
access a wide range of television programs and channels as it is to
access an information service. The capacity to discuss what was
seen last night on television is as important a route into society as
the ability electronically to access information offered by the local
social services.
Conclusions and consequences

End-user and social aspects the Information Society are

increasingly recognized in policy statements (see for instance the
discussion by Ducatel, Webster and Herrmann in the introduction
to this book). But the implications of that recognition are rarely
discussed and there is little consideration given either in policy or
research as to how to alter the situation. This problem is likely to
persist until we have developed a more mature understanding of
the social and cultural factors that currently affect the use of ICTs
in everyday life. Above, we have to realize that the role of the
domestic consumer is not just a passive one involving the resigned
acceptance of innovation at the end a long process of technical
development. On the contrary, policies and markets must actively
engage users in the innovation process.
User “activity” is of course complex. It is the product of social
and as well as psychological factors. It changes through time. It is
a symbolic as well as a material process, involving judgements of
status and aesthetics as well as usefulness and functionality. It is
not determined by any single factor, and it is especially not
determined by the mere availability of the latest gee-whiz ICT.
This is difficult but essential.
ICTs and Everyday Life 279

The first major implication of these arguments is the need for

more and better research. Although research and technological
development programs now tend to acknowledge social and
cultural factors in technological change, they still mostly separate
such research from the core business of getting technical results.
Likewise in policy development, access to, and participation in,
the emerging Information Society is constrained by a complex
array of social and cultural factors, not all of which are in turn are
reducible to questions of material resources. The threats and
realities of exclusion, on the basis of language and culture,
ethnicity, location, age and gender, as well as disability, conspire
to undermine any dreams of universal access or public service
which must underpin any effective attempt to draw whole
societies into a new age. Change is both slower than often
anticipated and certainly more uneven. The reverse salients are
human not technical. This suggests a need to underwrite
innovation in key areas based on social policy objectives rather
than leaving all to the leadership of the market. It also suggests
that this subsidy should not ignore the extension of access existing
forms of media, vulnerable to the spread of market forces, for
example cable or satellite television. This is needed as well as
access to technologically more advanced and, on the face of it,
more socially necessary forms of information. It is clear too that
resources will need to be found to provide public access, and once
again not just access to public information sites. Electronic mail
and cultural consumption, as well as market participation (virtual
consumption) are key foci for the emerging Information Society,
and many will be dependent on public kiosks or cybercafes for at
least initial entry and participation.
It follows, finally, that those planning new electronic services will
need to keep their heads. Technologies change faster than people.
There is little in the way of demonstrated need for such new forms
of consumption, and for many both physical access as well as
personal competence will, notwithstanding the staggering growth
of Internet access, keep such markets fragile and uneven
(Silverstone 1997b).
280 Information in a Living Society


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1. Much of the social shaping literature has concerned itself with the process of design
and production, arguing against a technologically determinist position from the
perspective of the institutional and wider social processes that define and frame how a
new technology will appear. The inevitable consequence has been to downplay or
entirely ignore the continued shaping of technology in use (Cockburn 1992).
2. The stress on the consumer is one that is increasingly being shared by the ICT
industry. Policy makers are also beginning to recognize that taking the consumer into
account at an early stage is essential in the research and development of new
technologies and services as well as at the point of market launch. There are a number of
reasons. Rising competitiveness in less regulated markets (for example in
telecommunications). The struggles of a converging industrial structure to define a new
market (for example in multimedia). An increasing fragmentation of consumer tastes in
a market that is both expanding and changing rapidly (a shift across the sector from
hardware to software and services).
3. While the data for other European countries may vary, it is likely that many of the
trends will have a more general validity.
4. See on radio (Douglas 1986, Forty 1986), on TV (Spigel 1992), on the telephone (de
Sola Pool 1977, Marvin 1988), on the VCR (Keen 1987), and on the computer (Haddon
1988, Skinner 1994).
5. For a discussion of the household as a “moral economy” and its relevance to the
consumption and use of ICTs, see Silverstone 1994b. See also other research on ICTs,
such as home computers and Minitel in Norway (Lie and Sorenson 1996, Aune, M.
1992, Berg 1994a 1994b). This form of analysis sensitizes researchers to themes that
they might investigate when exploring how a new ICT might be perceived, received or
resisted and to household conflicts that might emerge from it.
See: for the UK, Haddon 1995a 1995b Haddon 1988, Haddon and Skinner 1991,
Skinner 1994, on the Netherlands, Presvelou 1986, Nissen and Riis 1989, on Sweden, on
Norway Aune 1992, and on France Jouet et al 1991
292 Information in a Living Society

7. In Philips’ launch of CD-i, staff, advertisers, retailers and supporting magazines

presented the product in different ways and for different motives (Silverstone and
Haddon 1993).
8. For example, all Danish audiotext services were shut down because of a public outcry
about sex hotlines (Christoffersen 1994). British Telecom at one point ejected some
users because of fears that political issues being discussed on their network might
provoke adverse media publicity (Cawson et al 1995).
9. Disability is a continuum, only 10 per cent of registered blind are totally without
10. Haddon and Silverstone (1993) found that many self-employed teleworkers,
especially professionals, would use the answer phone, or answering services specifically
to create an impression of working from an office, or to disguise the fact that they were
not, for fear of losing their credibility as either client or consultant.

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