2 CodeWeek Partner Selection Process
2 CodeWeek Partner Selection Process
2 CodeWeek Partner Selection Process
To achieve its goal of 50% school participation in EU Code Week by 2020, the European
Commission invites all relevant stakeholders to get involved and organise activities in schools in
order to promote EU Code Week and reach as many students and teachers as possible.
For this reason, and to safeguard that all selected partners will deliver and have a significant
impact on the initiative, the below principles have been set out.
1. All interested potential partners have to fill in the application form, found here;
2. In the survey, the potential partner should describe the kind of activities that it is planning
to initiate during EU Code Week 2018;
3. The potential partner should give an estimation of the participation of students/schools it
is planning to reach;
4. The potential partner should come up with a “tag” that will be used by all schools
participating in activities within the potential partner’s framework, so that the overall impact
can be measured;
5. The European Commission will evaluate the applications and invite selected potential
partners to a meeting/skype call to discuss further and reach an agreement;
6. After the selection by the European Commission, the potential partner will officially be
recognised as a EU Code Week Partner (“Partner”);
7. The Partner will be able to use the logo of EU Code Week to promote its participation in
the project;
8. The Partner’s logo and web link will be published in the partners banner on the homepage
of the Code Week website;
9. The Partner will be able to know how many schools and students have participated as a
result of its effort. This information, if agreed, will be also published on the Code Week
10. The partnership is established for one annual edition of EU Code Week and can be
renewed based on the Partner’s contribution, willingness to continue supporting the
project, and approval of the European Commission.