Lacanian Compass 71
Lacanian Compass 71
Lacanian Compass 71
Volume 4 - Issue 1
The LC EXPRESS delivers the Lacanian Compass in a new format. Its aim is to
deliver relevant texts in a dynamic timeframe for use in the clinic and in advance of
study days and conference meetings. The LC EXPRESS publishes works of theory
and clinical practice and emphasizes both longstanding concepts of the Lacanian
tradition as well as new cutting edge formulations.
This paper was presented on September 17th, 2017 one having the possibility of using phallic significa-
in the Lacanian Compass video seminar series as a tion to limit the power of narcissistic jouissance; the
lead up to Clinical Study Days 11: Delights of the Ego latter in need of finding other inventions to estab-
in NYC, Feb 2018. In this talk Domenico Cosenza lish an anchorage beyond the anorexic symptom to
unfolds, in a brief manner, his years of research and contain this limitless jouissance.
many publications, as well as his reflections on many
years of experience working with anorexic patients The author ends his proposal by underlining the
as a Lacanian psychoanalyst, not only as a clinician, strong refusal that these subjects have, which is
but also as a director of institutions in the field. linked to a sense of identity; the statement “I am
Cosenza focuses on the anorexic subject’s relation- anorexic,” becomes a position with which they
ship with the ego, which according to Lacan is the usually represent themselves and is taken as a way
human symptom par excellence, a place of conden- of being, a solution that denies the deathly risks at
sation between imaginary identifications and libido. stake. However, this is a solution that needs to cling
Cosenza takes this perspective to clarify a crucial to Ego-Syntonia to be able to sustain itself and it is
difference between the approach to anorexia of the not usually stable for a long time, as there is often
post Freudians and that of Lacan, who instead of a pass to Bulimia. This pass will bring anxiety into
situating it as a type of weakness of the ego, asserts play — Ego-Dystonia— and that may be an open-
that in the core of the anorexic symptom there is a ing to the Other, and therefore to treatment.
narcissistic jouissance, an Ego-Syntonia associated
with an exercise of power that the subject inflicts Alicia Arenas
over its own body — and the ones around it — in
the search for the ideal image of the thin body, sus-
tained by the object nothing.
To limit this narcissistic jouissance of renunciation Domenico Cosenza is a psychologist and psycho-
it will be necessary to find the specific tools for each analyst in Milan, Italy. He has PhD in Psychoanaly-
case, as the “image of the body” for the anorexic sis from the University of Paris VIII. He is AE,
subject also touches the junction between the real and AME of the Scuola Lacaniana de Psicoanalisi
and the symbolic. Thus to treat the relationship (SLP), and of the World Asociation of Psycho-
with the image, one needs to enter into the dialec- analysis (WAP), and President of the SLP. He is
tics of transference, that is, into the discourse of the Professor at the Freudian Institute, Professor of the
Other, in order to metaphorize the image through a Psychology Depatment, University of Pavía, Scien-
chain of signifiers, because when this does not occur, tific Director of Eating Disorders Institutions,
the image will remain frozen, outside of discourse, and Vice President of the Federazione Italiana Dis-
and the treatment will be difficult. In this sense, turbi Alimentari (FIDA) and responsible for
Cosenza makes a fundamental distinction between the Milan site.
hysterical anorexia, and anorexia nervosa, the first
From Freud, psychoanalysis teaches us that the ego Yet this reading of the ego as an object of passion is
is an object of passion. This is not only to say, as not entirely satisfactory if we consider it in rela-
Freud has shown, against the conscientious tradi- tion to Lacan's advanced teaching. After all, on this
tion of modern philosophy and psychology, that the point Freud had clearly picked up on a constitutive
ego is not the foundation of our being, but also that relationship between the ego and the libido, which
3. Recalcati, M. L’ultima cena. Anoressia e bulimia (Milano: Bruno Mon- 4. Soria, N. Psicoanalisis de la anorexia y la bulimia (Buenos Aires: Tres
dadori 1997): p 122. Haches 2000): p. 96.