Estimation of Population Mean Seatwork
Estimation of Population Mean Seatwork
Estimation of Population Mean Seatwork
2. A random sample of 100 car owners in Metro Manila 2. A random sample of 100 car owners in Metro Manila 2. A random sample of 100 car owners in Metro Manila
shows that a car is driven on the average 13,500 kilometers shows that a car is driven on the average 13,500 kilometers shows that a car is driven on the average 13,500 kilometers
per year with a standard deviation of 1,900 kilometers. per year with a standard deviation of 1,900 kilometers. per year with a standard deviation of 1,900 kilometers.
Assuming that the distribution of measurements is Assuming that the distribution of measurements is Assuming that the distribution of measurements is
approximately normal, construct approximately normal, construct approximately normal, construct
a. 90% confidence interval a. 90% confidence interval a. 90% confidence interval
b. 99% confidence interval b. 99% confidence interval b. 99% confidence interval
for the average number of kilometers a car is driven for the average number of kilometers a car is driven for the average number of kilometers a car is driven
annually in Metro Manila. annually in Metro Manila. annually in Metro Manila.