5th Group Desuggestopedia
5th Group Desuggestopedia
5th Group Desuggestopedia
A. Background
Desuggestopedia (the name of this method changed from
Suggestopedia to Desuggestopedia to emphasize the importance on
desuggesting limitations on learning. Desuggestopedia has been called an
affective humanistic approach. Suggestopedia or Desuggestopedia is a
teaching method developed by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi
Lozanov. It is used mostly to learn foreign language. The theory applied
positive suggestion in teaching when it was developed 1970s. However, as the
method improved it has focused more on “desuggestive learning” .
Teacher should choose appropriate method of teaching different types
of students, to cultivate students’ motivation, and to increase students’
memorizing ability. Suggestopedia or disuggestopedia is one of methods that
can be used by teacher. It is a method that desuggests the limitations that
students have to help them to believe that they could be successful in learning,
so it can cultivate students’ motivation in learning. Then, it is one of methods
which concerns to students’ learning style because there are visual display,
audio, and physical involvements during learning process. Moreover, it
involves emotional meaning in given the lesson which help students’ better in
B. Formulation of the Problems
1. What is desuggestopedia ?
2. What are the techniques of desuggestopedia ?
3. What are the characteristics of desuggestopedia ?
4. What are advantages and disadvantages of disuggestopedia ?
B. Characteristics
8. The emphasis of teaching is more on content. Errors made by students
are tolerated at the beginning of the lesson but in the later part, the
correct forms are used by the teachers.
9. No formal tests are given, but the evaluation is done during the normal
in-class performance.
C. Techniques of desuggestopedia
1. Classroom set-up
2. Peripheral learning
The students learn English not only from direct instruction but
also from indirect instruction. It is encouraged through the presence in
the learning environment of posters and decoration featuring the target
language and various grammatical information. They are changed
from time to time. By doing this, the students can learn many things
indirectly in the classroom or outside classroom. The teacher may or
may not call attention to the posters. For example, students can
produce simple sentence by using the posters or grammatical
information on the wall.
3. Positive suggestion
4. Choose a new identity
5. Role play
In the second phase, the students are asked to put their script
aside. They simply listen as the teacher reads the dialog at the normal
rate of speed. The teacher is seated and reads with musical
accompaniment. The content governs the way the teacher reads the
script, not the music.
8. Primary activation
9. Creative adaptation
not allow the students to focus on the form of the linguistic message,
just the communicative intent.
2. Authority concept
Students remember best and are most influenced by information
coming from an authoritative source, teachers.
3. Double-planedness theory
It refers to the learning from two aspects. They are the conscious
aspect and the subconscious one. Students can acquire the aim of teaching
instruction from both direct instruction and environment in which the
teaching takes place.
4. Peripheral learning
Desuggestopedia encourages the students to apply language more
independently, takes more personal responsibility for their own learning
and get more confidence. Peripheral information can also help encourage
students to be more experimental, and look to sources other than the
teacher for language input. For example, the students can make some
sentences using the grammatical structure placed on the classroom’s wall,
describe a particular place in an English speaking country by looking at
the poster on the wall, etc. When the students are successful in doing such
self-activities, they will be more confident.
Disadvantages :
1. Environment limitation
Most schools in developing countries have large classes. Each
class consists of 30 to 40 students. One of the problems faced in
utilizing this method is the number of students in the class. There
should be 12 students in the class (Adamson, 1997).
2. The use of hypnosis
Some people say that desuggestopedia uses a hypnosis, so it
has bad deep effects for human beings. Lazanov strongly denied about
3. Infantilization learning
Desuggestopedia class is conditioned be child-like situation.
There are some students who do not like to be treated like this as they
think that thay are mature.
A. Conclusion
Teacher will find different situation and different types of students in
learning. Therefore, teacher should be creative and smart in choosing and
using different types of methods in teaching different skill of language.
Teacher can use suggestopedia as teaching method in their teaching. Using
suggestopedia is very interesting but challenging to do. It can be seen from
some considerations. In one side it has some benefits, but on the other side it
also has some weaknesses. In addition, the key factors of effective teaching
are not the approaches and methods in language teaching themselves but the
teacher’s deliberate selection of different approaches and methods and the
devoted practice of putting theories into real teaching activities in a
corresponding social-cultural context. It is a fact that no approach or method
is perfect. However, there is no end for teacher to seek the perfection of the
approaches and methods in language teaching. The language teaching method
known as Suggestopedia provides some valuable insights into the power of
cognition and creates techniques that make students feel comfortable, relaxed
and suggestible to the material being learned.
B. Suggestion
We can describe the material that the subject of this paper, of course
there are still many shortcomings and weakness, because they lack the
knowledge and lack of the reference. As author, we much hope dear readers,
providing constructive critism and suggestion for the perfect paper to the
author in the writing of paper in next oppurtunities. Hopefully this paper can
be useful for writers in particular are also readers in general.
06/30/desuggestopedia-method/.Accesed on 4th December 2018 at 05.33pm