New Syllabus SMP1 Eng127 Eng148
New Syllabus SMP1 Eng127 Eng148
New Syllabus SMP1 Eng127 Eng148
This course presents communication as integral to management strategy and as a critical component for success in the workplace. In this class, learners will develop a
foundation for designing effective messages, both written and oral, ( from concept to delivery. Learner s will use a strategic communication model (4.2) to identify
objectives, analyze audiences, choose information (4.1), and create the most effective arrangement and channel for that message (4.3). Particularly, the course emphasizes
elements of persuasive communication: how to design messages for diverse and possibly resistant audiences and how to present that information in a credible and
convincing way (
At the end of the course, the learners are to (A) 1. Value the role of a well-written business letter in a specific business transaction; 2. Respond to the importance online
and oral business presentation in introducing or expanding a particular business; 3. Internalize appropriate decorum in a job interview; (S) 4. Articulate understanding of
the different types of business letters through written tasks; 5. Manipulate effective marketing strategies for successful business presentation; 6. Embody proper behaviors
and dress code through a job interview; (K) 7. Remember and Understand the fundamental concepts of business letters; 8. Synthesize concepts in delivering online and oral
business presentations; and 9. Remember and understand common job interview questions in order to respond properly.
All these are achieved through ( excellent instruction, relevant and responsive research and/ or extension services, and quality-assured production ( of a
true NOrSUnian with the core values of SAPPHIRE needed to ( become dynamic, competitive and globally responsive.
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Duration Content/ Intended Learning Outcomes Outcomes-Based Teaching-Learning Outcomes-Based Assessment (OBA) CILO BGI
(by Topic (by Unit/ process+particularity/ (OBLT) (Ref DM: Constructive Alignment) (Ref DM: Constructive Alignment) (Ref DM:
hours) Chapter/ Module) purpose+product Teaching and Resource Type Tool/ Constructive
Learning (Instructional Material/ (Ref DM: Instrument Alignment)
(Ref DM: Introduce/ Activity Reading) Written Work/
Demonstrate/ Practice) Performance
(TLA) Task/ Major
(ILO) Exam)
1-3 NOrSU Pre-liminaries A-Respond by providing an Interpreting the Powerpoint of slides on Quiz Rubric
Institutional Intended interpretation of NOrSU mission NOrSU mission NOrSU VM, PILOs, and
Learning Outcomes as integrated in this course through written CILOs
(IILOs) as task
√ VM/ Grad
Attributes S- Articulate contents of the Creating an Graded Recitation Rubric
√ Cmps/Col/ Sch Goals course through an illustration of illustration of
cascaded to the CILOs the CILOs
Program emphasizing the
Intended Learning contents of the
Outcomes (PILO) course
cascaded to
Intended K-Synthesize/create a position Writing a Written Task Rubric
Learning essay of the above concepts for position essay
Outcomes the course
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Duration Content/ Intended Learning Outcomes Outcomes-Based Teaching-Learning Outcomes-Based Assessment (OBA) CILO BGI
(by week/ Topic process+particularity/ (OBLT) (Ref DM: Constructive Alignment) (Ref DM: Constructive Alignment) (Ref DM:
hour) (by Unit/ Chapter/ purpose+product Teaching and Learning Resource Type Tool/ Constructive
Module) Activity (Instructional Material/ (Ref DM: Instrument Alignment)
(Ref DM: Introduce/ Reading) Written Work/
Demonstrate/ Practice) (TLA) Performance
Task/ Major
(ILO) Exam)
4-6 Concepts of Business A - Respond to the importance Providing situations Handouts Interactive Teacher’s checklist
Correspondence of business letters in starting and where business letters discussion
I. Understanding the maintaining a business. are helpful
Foundations of Business
Correspondence and Its S – Articulate understanding of Evaluating different Sample business letters Group Discussion Criteria
Importance the qualities of a good business examples of with errors
II. Essential Qualities of a letter for clear business ineffective business
Good Business Letter transaction letters
(Inner and Outer qualities) Business Quiz Item-scoring
K – Remember and understand Identifying the nature, correspondence PDF;
the different fundamental importance and see
concepts of business qualities of business https://www.slideshare.
correspondence for effective correspondence net/NikhilBangde1/bus
business operation. through teacher- iness-communication-
student discussion unit-ii-business-
7-8 Parts of a Business A- Value the parts of a business Justifying the Sample business letter Interactive Teacher’s checklist
Letter letter in delivering accurate effectiveness of a with parts indicated; discussion
I. Basic information business letter that Business
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10-24 Types of a Business A- Internalize the importance of Displaying the need Handouts Interactive Teacher’s checklist;
Letter the types of the business letters and usefulness of discussion
for specific business purposes business letters in Business
I. With 7 basic- different situations correspondence PDF;
part format
S- Articulate the types of Developing samples of see Written task Rubric for business
a. Inquiry letter business letter by developing a each type https://he.kendallhunt.c (by group) letters
b. Quotation letter sample of each type om/sites/default/files/h
c. Order letter eupload/pdfs/Insley_2e
d. Complaint letter _Ch9.pdf
e. Recovery letter K- Apply concepts of the Identifying the Group Discussion Rubric for group
f. Request Letter different types of business letters different types and discussion
g. Acknowledgement for proper communication in samples of business
Letter business transactions letters through group
h. Job application research and
Letter discussion
accompanied with
II. Other teacher intervention
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i. Curriculum Vitae
j. Memorandum
Online and Oral A- Respond to the importance Helping the team in PowerPoint Oral recitation Teacher’s
Business Presentations online and oral business realizing the concepts Presentation observation
I. Online presentation in introducing or for successful online Checklist
Business expanding a particular business and oral business See:
26-28 Presentation presentations https://
a. Planning S- Developing slides (PowerPoint Modifying slides waleedliaqat/the-three- Weekly checking Teacher’s Checklist 4.2; 4.3
b. Creating Presentations) for effective online appropriate for a step-writing-process- of the progress of
PowerPoint and oral business presentations certain type of technical-writing the slides
Presentation business (by group)
II. Oral Business See:
Presentation http:// 4.1
a. Preparing to K- Combine techniques/concepts workplacecommunicati Oral and Online Rubric
Speak in delivering online and oral Integrating effective ondoneright.blogspot.c Business
29-40 b. Practicing business presentations tools/strategies in om/2011/01/ Presentation
your delivery online and oral importance-to-analyze- (by group)
business presentation situation-and.html
See: 4.3
41-45 http://
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46-49 Proper decorum in a job A- Display appropriate decorum Practicing appropriate PowerPoint Interactive Teacher’s checklist;
interview during a job interview decorum during a job Presentation discussion
I. Proper
behavior and
dress codes
S- Execute proper behaviors and Performing a mock Mock Interview Criteria for mock
II. Common dress codes in a job interview interview andreabrenholz/dress- interview
Interview code-presentation
How to K- Identify common job Discovering See: Quiz Item-Scoring
respond interview questions in order to appropriate answers to https://
respond appropriately common job interview www.thebalancecareer
50-54 Final Exam: Job Interview (Rewriting of Job Application Letters and Curriculum Vitae) Job interview Rubrics for job
with professionals interview
from a BPO
Non-Print Important website, webpage, learning management system like edmodo/ twitter/ facebook/ schoology (blended mode instruction)
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The possible attendance in Blended Mode of Instruction (BMI) with the observance of the standard: 75% classroom face-to-face and 25%
technology mediated sessions…
Grading System Breakdown of the 100% final grade into at least 4 specific grade-components as agreed by the concern faculty members in the department/
program/ college or school
Major Examinations (Mid-Term/ Final)……40%
Written work/Attendance ……………..………30%
Performance/Project …………………………..30% _________ Cut-off or required grade in relation to the
Final Grade = 100% course/ program standard is ____
Uniform and Students are deemed accountable to follow decent and appropriate clothing. There is a specific day of the week when the students are required
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Academic Honesty All forms of dishonesty as indicated as ideal class rules in the basic and higher education is automatically equivalent to a failing grade of the
and Scholarship academic exercise. Plagiarism is automatic “Failed” in an output.
Special Education Need Persons with physical/ learning disabilities are requested to see the Professor within the first two weeks of the semester. A doable strategy is
and Disability designed by both the Professor and student throughout the semester. Have an appointment with the Professor for his/ her consultation time.
Gender and Development All oral and written communication outputs/ class interactions are required to observe the use of gender sensitive language. The course
Related Accommodation prohibits discrimination and harassment based upon race, ethnicity, sex (including sexual assault), pregnancy, color, religion, national origin,
physical or mental disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and genetic information. Any student who has concerns
about such behavior should the Professor.
Religious Accommodation In the academic work in the class, everybody is required to avoid conflicts with student’s religious practices and/ or observances. For an
exemption, the student may request reasonable accommodations. This request must be in writing, and the Professor will review the request and
this may even seek for assistance from the Dean.
Academic State clearly your rule for mentoring-coaching for competency-based classes, dual classes with both lecture and laboratory…
Mentoring, Coaching and State clearly your rule course consultation…
Integration of CHED CMO 1, series 2019 on Peace Studies/ Education
Mandates CMO 2, series 2019 on Indigenous People Studies/ Education
Intended Attitude
(ILO) Skill
Week 1 2 3 4 5
Routine Activity
(5 mins) Greeting the
Class/ Opening Remarks
Checking Attendance/
(10 mins) Motivation;
Review; Drill or Practice;
Audio or Video Clip
Seatwork; other student-
centered pedagogy;
Summative Assessment
(Chapter/ Unit Test) or
Formative Assessment
A S S E S S M E N T (Summative/ Performance) (Ref DM: Written Work/ Performance Task/ Major Exam)
Summative Standards/ Performance Rating (%) Total
(Questions) Criteria 1 2 3 4 5
Lowes Highes
t t
Week 1 2 3 4 5
Closing Activity
(5 mins)Wrapping-up;
Closing Remarks; Giving
Assignments/ Agreements