Ultra High-Speed Rail Travel Study Update

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Ultra-high-speed travel study update

H o u s e Tr a n s p o r t at i o n C o m m i t t e e

RON PATE, Rail, Freight and Ports Division Director

Roger Millar, Secretary of Transportation

January 30, 2019 Keith Metcalf, Deputy Secretary of Transportation

Timeline of studies

• 2017 Legislative session - $300,000 approved for preliminary feasibility

study (Microsoft and trades contributed an additional $60,000 for an
economic analysis).
• Dec. 2017 – Report submitted to legislature and presented to Joint
Transportation Committee.
• Jan. 2018 – Economic analysis addendum shared with legislature.
• 2018 Legislative session - $750,000 approved for business case analysis
(Microsoft, British Columbia and Oregon contribute a combined additional
$650,000 towards the analysis).
• June 2019 – Business case analysis will be completed and submitted to
the legislature.
• 2019 Legislative session – Governor has requested $3.25 million to
develop a new ultra-high-speed transportation authority, conduct outreach
and undertake preliminary environmental review.

Overview of ultra-high-speed ground transportation

• Would link Seattle, Portland, and Vancouver, BC, with possible

additional stops in between
• Travel time between each city expected to be less than an hour
• Speeds up to 250 mph
• Analyzing rail, maglev and hyperloop options
• Connections to existing trains, transit, and rideshare options
• Requires separate, new right-of-way
• Probably significant tunneling and/or elevated tracks and bridges
• Anticipates public and private investment
• Seen as improving mobility, environment, and quality of life
• Viewed as a catalyst for economic growth in the entire Cascadia

2017 preliminary feasibility study

Very high-level, preliminary analysis

• Advisory group of representatives from the public, private and nonprofit
sectors in Washington, Oregon and British Columbia provided input
• Found 12 daily round trips may be optimal
• Looked at scenarios ranging from three to seven station stops
• Evaluated effect of connecting to a new east-west route to Spokane
• Annual ridership projected between 1.7 and 2.1 million soon after opening
• Capital construction costs ranging from $24 to $42 billion
• Potential to ultimately cover annual operating and maintenance costs with
ticket sales, but how soon varies by technology
Economic analysis (supplement to the feasibility study)
• Preliminary analysis shows large economic development potential
• Forecasts generating 200,000 jobs (both construction and long-term)
• Forecasts GDP increasing by $321 to $388 billion over 20 years
• Projects decreasing greenhouse gas emissions by more than 28,000
metric tons/year

2019 business case analysis

Purpose and Goals

• Independently assess economic, environmental and financial
strategic case for ultra-high-speed system
• Analyze how it might be a catalyst for regional economic growth and
• Develop ridership projections and economic impact forecasts
• Identify service, route and possible stations
• Identify funding options from a range of possible sources
• Explore potential governance models

Initial findings amongst current travelers

Stated preference survey of travelers in the corridor

Mode choices of current drivers and flyers
• Surveyed both leisure and business travelers if ultra-high-speed travel was available
• 2,400 respondents
• Found significant interest, with 74% saying they would
“definitely try” ultra-high-speed system

Mode share capture potential between cities

Portland, OR ↔
Seattle, WA Seattle, WA ↔
Portland, OR ↔ Vancouver, BC
Vancouver, BC

25% 14%


Initial findings from Advisory Group members

Insights from Advisory Group – 40 stakeholders

representing businesses; non-profits; local, state
and provincial governments

S ease of
regional growth

H R HEALTHIER travel compete in world economy


AE concerts and sports
new opportunities

R S connectivity improved
E O job
DU tourism communities linkages

C FAST quality environmentally-friendly
E TRAVEL of life smart FORWARD-
affordable housing investment THINKING

Initial findings from business leaders offer similar opinions

Insights from interviews with business leaders • A better quality of life through:
– Improved access to education, training and jobs
• Given today’s congestion and population growth,
– Less time spent commuting
can’t imagine Cascadia Region in 30-50 years
– Less green house gas emissions, better health
without it
• Reduced cost of doing business
• View this PNW corridor as similar to east coast’s
• A transportation system that might be crucial for
New York to Washington, D.C. corridor
natural disaster recovery
– Conducting business
• Creating additional capacity on I-5 corridor for freight
– Connecting with family and friends
and broadband
– Attending cultural, entertainment and sporting events
• Improve ability to access, recruit and retain talent 26 interviews with large and small businesses
• Availability of more affordable workforce housing from various sectors, trade organizations, and
government entities throughout the region
• Ease of doing business (a meeting between cities
They’re confident our region can make it happen
vs. a full-day or two-day trip) Business leaders believe we need to develop a broad
• Increased opportunity for collaboration vision that is compelling, exciting, coalescing, and
• Able to compete in world economy in future years easy to comprehend

Work in progress through June 2019

Analyzing various station stop scenarios Economic analysis

• Looking at scenarios with up to nine stations • Ensuring equity is at the forefront of decisions
• Comparing stations in downtown cores vs suburban sites vs • Analyzing this region’s future growth potential in global
airport locations market
• Finding the sweet spot between benefits and costs of adding • Looking at enhanced connections across industry
more stations and/or increasing speed of travel clusters
• Developing possible schedules with a mix of express service • Examining more infill development possibilities and
and multi-stops (perhaps not every train needs to stop at every opportunities for innovative start-ups
station) • Thinking about possible transformations in small towns
Construction considerations and weighing job opportunities with quality of life issues

• Comparing cost of right-of-way acquisition and land use issues Funding and finance
through high-population centers vs more suburban alignments • Important to create a governance authority able to seek
• Analyzing ability to construct a fairly straight alignment that’s public and private funding
necessary for some of the technologies being considered • Identifying a range of funding options and tools
• Looking at topography of corridor that will require tunneling, • Ensuring revenue-sharing related to economic
elevated tracks, bridges, and grade separation from roadways development around stations

Governor’s 2019 proposal to continue project work

Seeking funds to develop a corridor authority Report due to Governor and Legislature by
• Participation from Washington, Oregon, British Columbia June 30, 2020, to include:
• Abides by MOU signed by Governor Inslee and British • Assessment of current laws in Washington,
Columbia Premier Horgan in October 2018 Oregon and British Columbia related to this
• Builds on results of the current business case analysis
being conducted • Summary of community engagement process

• Will address governance and operating structures, legal Requesting total of $3.25 million to
instruments, and contracting requirements
undertake this work
• Requires robust community engagement process to help
• Department of Transportation – Program Y
refine the alignment of the corridor
• $3,000,000 from the multimodal transportation
• Requires preliminary environmental review of the project
account – state appropriation
• Requires recommendations to advance the development
• $250,000 from the multimodal transportation
of the corridor
account – private/local appropriation


For more information,

please contact:

Jason Beloso
Ron Pate
Planning Manager
Rail, Freight, and Ports Division
Rail, Freight and Ports Division


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