C Programming

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Multiplication Table
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int num, i = 1;
printf(" Enter any Number:");
scanf("%d", &num);
printf("Multiplication table of %d: ", num);
while (i <= 10) {
printf(" %d x %d = %d", num, i, num * i);
return 0;
# include<iostream.h>
# include <conio.h>
int space=10; \\ to print the pyramid in center, you can also increase the # of
for (int i=0;i<=5;i++)
for (int k=0;k<space;k++)
cout<<" ";
for (int j=0;j<2*i-1;j++)
3.Swapping Two Numbers
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int a, b, temp;
printf("Enter the value of a and b: ");
scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
printf("Before swapping a=%d, b=%d ", a, b);
/*Swapping logic */
temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
printf("After swapping a=%d, b=%d", a, b);
return 0;

4.Fibonnaci series
int main() {
//array fib stores numbers of fibonacci series
int i, fib[25];
//initialized first element to 0
fib[0] = 0;
//initialized second element to 1
fib[1] = 1;
//loop to generate ten elements
for (i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
//i'th element of series is equal to the sum of i-1'th element and i-2'th
fib[i] = fib[i - 1] + fib[i - 2];
printf("The fibonacci series is as follows ");
//print all numbers in the series
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
printf("%d ", fib[i]);
return 0; }
5.C Ask Number from 1 to 9
int getnumber();

int main() {
int input = 0; //call a function to input number from key board
input = getnumber();

//when input is not in the range of 1 to 9,print error message

while (!((input <= 9) && (input >= 1))) {
printf("[ERROR] The number you entered is out of range");
//input another number
input = getnumber();
//this function is repeated until a valid input is given by user.
printf(" The number you entered is %d", input);
return 0;

//this function returns the number given by user

int getnumber() {
int number;
//asks user for a input in given range
printf(" Enter a number between 1 to 9 ");
scanf("%d", &number);
return (number);
6.Checking Prime Numbers
#include <stdio.h>
main() {
int n, i, c = 0;
printf("Enter any number n: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
if (n % i == 0) {
if (c == 2) {
printf("n is a Prime number");
else {
printf("n is not a Prime number");
return 0;

7.Check weather given number is palindromic

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int n, n1, rev = 0, rem;
printf("Enter any number: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
n1 = n;
/* logic */
while (n > 0){
rem = n % 10;
rev = rev * 10 + rem;
n = n / 10; }
if (n1 == rev){
printf("Given number is a palindromic number"); }
printf("Given number is not a palindromic number");
return 0; }
8.Checking weather given number is odd or even
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int a;
printf("Enter a: ");
scanf("%d", &a);
/* logic */
if (a % 2 == 0) {
printf("The given number is EVEN ");
else {
printf("The given number is ODD ");
return 0;

9.Finding greater number from given three number

#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int a, b, c;
printf("Enter a,b,c: ");
scanf("%d %d %d", &a, &b, &c);

if (a > b && a > c) {

printf("a is Greater than b and c");

else if (b > a && b > c) {
printf("b is Greater than a and c");
else if (c > a && c > b) {
printf("c is Greater than a and b");
else {
printf("all are equal or any two values are equal");
return 0; }
10.Find greatest Among ten number
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int a[10];
int i;
int greatest;
printf("Enter ten values:");
//Store 10 numbers in an array
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
scanf("%d", &a[i]);
//Assume that a[0] is greatest
greatest = a[0];
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (a[i] > greatest) {
greatest = a[i];
printf(" Greatest of ten numbers is %d", greatest);
return 0;

11.Staring pyramid in c
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
int rows, star, spaces;
int number_of_stars = 6;
int number_of_rows = number_of_stars;

for (rows=1; rows <= number_of_rows; rows++) {

for (spaces=1; spaces <= number_of_stars; spaces++) {
printf(" ");
for (star=1; star <= rows; star++) {
printf(" ");
number_of_stars = number_of_stars - 1;
return 0;
12.Diamond in C

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int n, c, k, space = 1;

printf("Enter number of rows\n");

scanf("%d", &n);

space = n - 1;

for (k = 1; k <= n; k++)

for (c = 1; c <= space; c++)
printf(" ");


for (c = 1; c <= 2*k-1; c++)



space = 1;

for (k = 1; k <= n - 1; k++)

for (c = 1; c <= space; c++)
printf(" ");


for (c = 1 ; c <= 2*(n-k)-1; c++)



return 0;
13.Generate ArmStrong Number


int r;
long number = 0, c, sum = 0, temp;

printf("Enter the maximum range upto which you want to find armstrong numbers ");

printf("Following armstrong numbers are found from 1 to %ld\n",number);

for( c = 1 ; c <= number ; c++ )

temp = c;
while( temp != 0 )
r = temp%10;
sum = sum + r*r*r;
temp = temp/10;
if ( c == sum )
printf("%ld\n", c);
sum = 0;

return 0;
14.Find Armstrong Number
#include <stdio.h>

int number, sum = 0, temp, remainder;

printf("Enter a number\n");

temp = number;

while( temp != 0 )
remainder = temp%10;
sum = sum + remainder*remainder*remainder;
temp = temp/10;

if ( number == sum )
printf("Entered number is an armstrong number.");
printf("Entered number is not an armstrong number.");

return 0;

15.Floyed’s triangle
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int n, i, c, a = 1;

printf("Enter the number of rows of Floyd's triangle to print\n");

scanf("%d", &n);

for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)

for (c = 1; c <= i; c++)
printf("%d ",a);

return 0;
16.Pascal Triangle in C


long factorial(int);

int i, n, c;

printf("Enter the number of rows you wish to see in pascal triangle\n");


for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ )

for ( c = 0 ; c <= ( n - i - 2 ) ; c++ )
printf(" ");

for( c = 0 ; c <= i ; c++ )

printf("%ld ",factorial(i)/(factorial(c)*factorial(i-c)));


return 0;

long factorial(int n)
int c;
long result = 1;

for( c = 1 ; c <= n ; c++ )

result = result*c;

return ( result );
17.Bubblesort in c

/* Bubble sort code */

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int array[100], n, c, d, swap;

printf("Enter number of elements\n");

scanf("%d", &n);

printf("Enter %d integers\n", n);

for (c = 0; c < n; c++)

scanf("%d", &array[c]);

for (c = 0 ; c < ( n - 1 ); c++)

for (d = 0 ; d < n - c - 1; d++)
if (array[d] > array[d+1]) /* For decreasing order use < */
swap = array[d];
array[d] = array[d+1];
array[d+1] = swap;

printf("Sorted list in ascending order:\n");

for ( c = 0 ; c < n ; c++ )

printf("%d\n", array[c]);

return 0;
18.HCF LCM in C

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
int a, b, x, y, t, gcd, lcm;

printf("Enter two integers\n");

scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);

a = x;
b = y;

while (b != 0) {
t = b;
b = a % b;
a = t;

gcd = a;
lcm = (x*y)/gcd;

printf("Greatest common divisor of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, gcd);

printf("Least common multiple of %d and %d = %d\n", x, y, lcm);

return 0;

19.Find String length


char a[100];
int length;

printf("Enter a string to calculate it's length\n");


length = strlen(a);

printf("Length of entered string is = %d\n",length);

return 0;
20.String comparision using strcmp

char a[100], b[100];

printf("Enter the first string\n");


printf("Enter the second string\n");


if( strcmp(a,b) == 0 )
printf("Entered strings are equal.\n");
printf("Entered strings are not equal.\n");

return 0;
21.String comparision without strcmp
int compare(char a[], char b[])
int c = 0;

while( a[c] == b[c] )

if( a[c] == '\0' || b[c] == '\0' )
if( a[c] == '\0' && b[c] == '\0' )
return 0;
return -1;
22.String concatenate

char a[100], b[100];

printf("Enter the first string\n");


printf("Enter the second string\n");



printf("String obtained on concatenation is %s\n",a);

return 0;
23.Programme to check leap year

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int year;

printf("Enter a year to check if it is a leap year\n");

scanf("%d", &year);

if ( year%400 == 0)
printf("%d is a leap year.\n", year);
else if ( year%100 == 0)
printf("%d is not a leap year.\n", year);
else if ( year%4 == 0 )
printf("%d is a leap year.\n", year);
printf("%d is not a leap year.\n", year);

return 0;
24.Check weather input alphabet is vowel or not
#include <stdio.h>

char ch;

printf("Enter a character\n");
scanf("%c", &ch);

if (ch == 'a' || ch == 'A' || ch == 'e' || ch == 'E' || ch == 'i' || ch == 'I' || ch =='o' ||

ch=='O' || ch == 'u' || ch == 'U')
printf("%c is a vowel.\n", ch);
printf("%c is not a vowel.\n", ch);

return 0;

25.Insertion sort in c
* insertion sort ascending order */

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int n, array[1000], c, d, t;

printf("Enter number of elements\n");

scanf("%d", &n);

printf("Enter %d integers\n", n);

for (c = 0; c < n; c++) {

scanf("%d", &array[c]);

for (c = 1 ; c <= n - 1; c++) {

d = c;

while ( d > 0 && array[d] < array[d-1]) {

t = array[d];
array[d] = array[d-1];
array[d-1] = t;


printf("Sorted list in ascending order:\n");

for (c = 0; c <= n - 1; c++) {

printf("%d\n", array[c]);

return 0; }
26.Selection sort in c

int array[100], n, c, d, position, swap;

printf("Enter number of elements\n");

scanf("%d", &n);

printf("Enter %d integers\n", n);

for ( c = 0 ; c < n ; c++ )

scanf("%d", &array[c]);

for ( c = 0 ; c < ( n - 1 ) ; c++ )

position = c;

for ( d = c + 1 ; d < n ; d++ )

if ( array[position] > array[d] )
position = d;
if ( position != c )
swap = array[c];
array[c] = array[position];
array[position] = swap;

printf("Sorted list in ascending order:\n");

for ( c = 0 ; c < n ; c++ )

printf("%d\n", array[c]);

return 0;
27.Sort string in C

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

void sort_string(char*);

char string[100];

printf("Enter some text\n");


printf("%s\n", string);

return 0;

void sort_string(char *s)

int c, d = 0, length;
char *pointer, *result, ch;

length = strlen(s);

result = (char*)malloc(length+1);

pointer = s;

for ( ch = 'a' ; ch <= 'z' ; ch++ )

for ( c = 0 ; c < length ; c++ )
if ( *pointer == ch )
*(result+d) = *pointer;
pointer = s;
*(result+d) = '\0';

strcpy(s, result);
28.strlwr in c

char string[] = "Strlwr in C";


return 0;

29.Strupr in c


char string[] = "strupr in c";


return 0;

30.To Print Date


struct date d;


printf("Current system date is %d/%d/%d",d.da_day,d.da_mon,d.da_year);

return 0;
31.Substring in C
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>

char* substring(char*, int, int);

char string[100], *pointer;
int position, length;

printf("Enter a string\n");

printf("Enter the position and length of substring\n");

scanf("%d%d",&position, &length);

pointer = substring( string, position, length);

printf("Required substring is \"%s\"\n", pointer);


return 0;

/*C substring function: It returns a pointer to the substring */

char *substring(char *string, int position, int length)

char *pointer;
int c;

pointer = malloc(length+1);

if (pointer == NULL)
printf("Unable to allocate memory.\n");

for (c = 0 ; c < position -1 ; c++)


for (c = 0 ; c < length ; c++)

*(pointer+c) = *string;

*(pointer+c) = '\0';

return pointer;
32.Swap two String


char first[100], second[100], *temp;

printf("Enter the first string ");


printf("Enter the second string ");


printf("\nBefore Swapping\n");
printf("First string: %s\n",first);
printf("Second string: %s\n\n",second);

temp = (char*)malloc(100);


printf("After Swapping\n");
printf("First string: %s\n",first);
printf("Second string: %s\n",second);

return 0;

33.Reverse String


char arr[100];

printf("Enter a string to reverse\n");



printf("Reverse of entered string is \n%s\n",arr);

return 0;
34.Shutdown pc in widows XP

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

char ch;

printf("Do you want to shutdown your computer now (y/n)\n");


if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y')

system("C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\shutdown -s");

return 0;

35.Shutdown pc in widows7

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

char ch;

printf("Do you want to shutdown your computer now (y/n)\n");


if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y')

system("C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\shutdown /s");

return 0;

36.Shutdown pc ubentu linux

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
system("shutdown -P now");
return 0;
37.The remainder (%) operator
#include <stdio.h>

main (void)
int a, b, c, d;

/* a few operations */
a = 10 % 3;
b = -10 % 3;
c = 10 % -3;
d = -10 % -3;

/* you need to double the % to display on screen */

printf ("10 %% 3 is %d\n", a);
printf ("-10 %% 3 is %d\n", b);
printf ("10 %% -3 is %d\n", c);
printf ("-10 %% -3 is %d\n", d);

return (0);

38. Integer division

#include <stdio.h>

main (void)
int a, b, c;
double x, y, z, w;

a = 10; b = 20;

/* dividing two integers */

z = a / b;
c = a / b;
printf ("The value of z is %5.3lf ", z);
printf ("and the value of c is %d\n", c);

/* converting (casting) one operand before the division*/

x = (double)a / b;
printf ("The value of x is %5.3lf\n", x);

/* casting the quotient after the division*/

y = (double) (a / b);
printf ("The value of y is %5.3lf\n", y);

/* casting both operands before the division*/

w = (double)a / (double)b;
printf ("The value of w is %5.3lf\n", w);

return (0); }
39. Functions from the math library
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define PI 3.1416

main (void)
double before, after, x, y, z;

/* the ceil function */

before = -217.5;
after = ceil (before);
printf ("The ceiling of %3.1lf is %3.1lf\n", before, after);

/* the floor function */

before = -217.5;
after = floor (before);
printf ("The floor of %3.1lf is %3.1lf\n", before, after);

/* the log function */

before = 200.0;
after = log (before);
printf ("The ln of %3.1lf is %3.1lf\n", before, after);

/* the log10 function*/

before = 200.0;
after = log10 (before);
printf ("The log of %3.1lf is %3.1lf\n", before, after);

/* the sqrt function*/

before = 200.0;
after = sqrt (before);
printf ("The square root of %3.1lf is %3.1lf\n", before, after);

/* the fabs function (for doubles)*/

before = -413.56;
after = fabs (before);
printf ("The absolute value of %3.1lf is %3.1lf\n", before, after);

/* the sin function */

before = 45.0;
after = sin (before * PI / 180);
printf ("The sine of %3.1lf is %5.3lf\n", before, after);

/* the cos function */

before = 45.0;
after = cos (before * PI / 180);
printf ("The cosine of %3.1lf is %5.3lf\n", before, after);
/* the tan function */
before = 45.0;
after = tan (before * PI / 180);
printf ("The tangent of %3.1lf is %5.3lf\n", before, after);

/* the exp function */

before = 10.0;
after = exp (before);
printf ("e to the power of %3.1lf is %5.3lf\n", before, after);

/* the pow function */

x = 9.0; y = 3.0;
z = pow (x, y);
printf ("%3.1lf to the power of %3.1lf is %3.1lf\n", x, y, z);

return (0);

40. getchar() and putchar()

#include <stdio.h>

main (void)
char c;

printf ("Enter a character: ");

/* getchar() gets a single character from the keyboard */
c = getchar();

printf ("The character is: ");

/* putchar() prints a single character on the screen */
putchar (c);

return (0);
41. The (-)unary operator

#include <stdio.h>

main (void)
int a, b, c;

a = 10; b = 20;

/* b is 20 so -b is -20 */
b = -b + a;

/* with multiple similar unary operators, use parentheses */

/* do you understand why c is 30? */
c = -b - (-a) + -b;
printf ("The value of b is %d ", b);
printf ("and the value of c is %d\n", c);

return (0);
42. Increment (++) and decrement (--) */

#include <stdio.h>

main (void)
int a, b;

a = 5;

/* increment (++) */
/* a is incremented by 1 */
printf ("After ++a, a is now %d\n", a);

/* a is once more incremented by 1 */

printf ("After a++, a is now %d\n", a);

/* a is incremented but b gets the current a */

b = a++;
printf ("After b=a++, a is now %d and b is %d\n", a, b);

/* a is incremented and b gets the incremented a */

b = ++a;
printf ("After b=++a, a is now %d and b is %d\n", a, b);

/* decrement (--) */
/* a is decremented by 1 */
printf ("After --a, a is now %d\n", a);

/* a is once more decremented by 1 */

printf ("After a--, a is now %d\n", a);

/* a is decremented but b gets the current a */

b = a--;
printf ("After b=a--, a is now %d and b is %d\n", a, b);

/* a is decremented and b gets the decremented a */

b = --a;
printf ("After b=++a, a is now %d and b is %d\n", a, b);

return (0);
43. The random [rand()] function */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

main (void)
/* initialize random generator */
srand (time(NULL));

/* generate random numbers */

printf("RAND_MAX = %d\n", RAND_MAX);
printf ("A number between 0 and RAND_MAX : %d\n", rand());
printf ("A number between 0 and 99: %d\n", rand() % 100);
printf ("A number between 0 and 9: %d\n", rand() % 10);
printf ("A number between 1 and 6: %d\n", (rand() % 6) + 1);

return (0);

44. demonstrates how to assign values to pointer

#include <stdio.h>

main (void)
/* c and d are pointers to integers */
int a, b, *c, *d, e;

a = 10;
b = a * 3;
c = &a; /* address of a goes into c */
d = &b; /* address of b goes into d */
e = *c + *d; /* *c is a and *d is b */
*d = a;
d = &a;
*c = *d - a % b + *c;

printf ("Do you understand why\n");

printf ("a= %d, b= %d, e= %d ?\n", a, b, e);

return (0);
45.just a silly program playing with pointers */
#include <stdio.h>

main (void)
/* a and e are integers */
int a, e;

/* b is a pointer to an integer */
int* b;

/* c is a pointer to a pointer to an integer */

int** c;

/* d is a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to an integer */

int*** d;

a = 25; /* a contains the integer 25 */

b = &a; /* b contains the address of a */
c = &b; /* c contains the address of b */
d = &c; /* d contains the address of c */

/* Do you understand that ***d is actually a? */

e = ***d * 2;

printf ("%d", e);

return (0);

46. Simple countdown using a for loop */

#include <stdio.h>

main (void)
int time;

/* the loop */
for (time=60; time>=0; time=time-1)
printf ("%d ", time);

printf ("\n\nLIFTOFF!\n\n");

47. A user-defined function without argument nor
result */

#include <stdio.h>

/* the function definition */

stars (void)
printf ("********************************\n");
/* end of function definition */

/* main program */
main (void)
printf ("The line of stars comes from a function.\n");

/* calling the function */

stars ();

/* the function can be called as will*/

printf ("\n");
stars ();
printf ("Hello world!\n");
stars ();

return (0);
48. A void function with one argument */

#include <stdio.h>

/* a void function returns nothing */

stars2 (int n)
int i;

/* a loop displaying a star at

each iteration */
for (i=1; i<=n; ++i)
printf ("*");
/* change line after each series */
printf ("\n");

main (void)
int a;


/* the argument may be a constant,

a variable or an expression */

stars2 (20);
stars2 (a);
stars2 (a+2);

return (0);
49. The factorial function: one argument, one result
#include <stdio.h>

/* this function will return an integer */

factorial (int n)
int i, product;

product = 1; /* initialization */

/* computes n*n-1... */
for (i=n; i>1; i=i-1)
product = product * i;

/* the value that goes out */

return (product);

main (void)
int a, result;

printf ("Enter an integer number: ");

scanf ("%d", &a);

/* calling the function */

result = factorial (a);

/* printing the report */

printf ("The factorial of %d is %d.\n", a, result);

return (0);
50. Problem: Write a program that prints out all the
prime numbers between 1 and 1000. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

/* function returns true if n is even. */

/* it returns false if n is odd */
even (int n)
return (!(n%2));

/* function returns true if n is prime */

prime3 (int n)

int divisor, i;
/* looking for a divisor. if found, it
is not a prime number */

divisor = 0;

/* eliminating even numbers except 2 */

if (even (n))
if (n==2)
if (n==1)
divisor=0; /* 1 is a prime number */
/* trying to divide number by 3,5,7,... */
/* to find a divisor until sqrt(n) */
for (i=3; i<=sqrt(n); i=i+2)
if (!(n%i))

/* if there is a divisor then NOT prime */

return (!divisor);

/* This main program prints all prime numbers

between 1 and 1000 */

main (void)
int x;

for (x=1; x<=1000; ++x)

if (prime3 (x))
printf (" %d ", x);

return (0);
51. Function finding prime numbers (no pointers)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

/* function returns true if n is even. */

/* it returns false if n is odd */
even (int n)
return (n%2==0);

/* function returns true if n is prime */

prime (int n)
int divisor, i;

/* looking for a divisor. if found, it

is not a prime number */

divisor = 0;

/* eliminating even numbers except 2 */

if (even (n))
if (n == 2)
divisor = 0;
divisor = 2;
if (n == 1)
divisor = 0; /* 1 is a prime number */
/* trying to divide number by 3,5,7,...
/* to find a divisor until we reach n-1
for (i = 3; i < n; i = i + 2)
if (n % i == 0)
divisor = i;

/* if there is a divisor (not zero) then NOT prime

return (!divisor);

main (void)
int x;

printf ("Enter a positive integer number: ");

scanf ("%d", &x);

/* testing for prime and printing the report */

if (prime (x))
printf ("%d is a prime number.\n", x);
printf ("%d is not a prime number.\n", x);

return (0);

52. Reading a string with gets */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

main (void)
char city[20], city2[20];

printf ("What is the capital of Canada? ");

/* the string is read with gets */
gets (city);

printf ("What is the capital of Argentina? ");

gets (city2);

/* here is the report */

printf ("\nThe capital of Canada is: %s.", city);
printf ("\nThe capital of Argentina is: %s.", city2);

return (0);

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