Time Magazine January 18 2016
Time Magazine January 18 2016
Time Magazine January 18 2016
POLL, p48 p25
Now he just needs the votes
VOL. 187, NO. 1 | 2016
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SUNDAY.’ Spotlight
The movie was C$6$
RICHARD SHERMAN, star cornerback for the named the best
NFL’s Seattle Seahawks, on why he doesn’t of 2015 by the
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Investment GM made retaliation 7+$17+,6
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shooting, introducing President
Obama before the President
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A Bahraini protester holds a poster of Shi‘ite cleric Nimr al-Nimr, who was executed by Saudi Arabia
GEOPOLITICS NOT SO LONG AGO, THE SAGA OF THE was shunted into the background for
House of Saud still worked as opera. decades, while the spotlight tracked
An unstable The setting was epic, the libretto aging monarchs who crossed stages in
Saudi Arabia compelling: an ambitious patriarch in
the 18th century wins control of the
robes that masked both royal girth and
a descent into empty pageantry. Then
could mean Arabian Peninsula by striking a deal
not with the devil but with the armies
came 9/11, and news that 15 of the 19
hijackers who had struck the U.S. were
big trouble of a religious fanatic, Muhammad Saudi. In 2013, surging U.S. oil produc-
ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab, founder of the tion passed Saudi Arabia’s.
for the ultraconservative branch of Sunni Now there’s the kingdom’s Jan. 2 ex-
Middle East Islam called Wahhabism. Centuries
later, when oil is discovered beneath
ecution of 47 prisoners, further desta-
bilizing a Middle East that Saudi Ara-
By Karl Vick the desert wastes, a successor enters bia long boasted it had under control.
into another alliance, with U.S. The most prominent victim was Nimr
President Franklin D. Roosevelt al-Nimr, a cleric and nonviolent activist
receiving Abdul Aziz ibn Saud in 1945 for Saudi Arabia’s oppressed Shi‘ite mi-
on the Great Bitter Lake of the Suez nority. His beheading enraged the Sau-
Canal, where the King’s party insisted dis’ great Shi‘ite rival, Iran, where hard-
on sleeping in the tents they pitched line thugs promptly pillaged the Saudi
1. South Korea
20.5 Mbps
MURDER OF A MAYOR Mourners in Pueblo Viejo, Mexico, carry the cofin of Gisela Mota, mayor of Temixco, who 9. Latvia
was slain in her home on Jan. 2, hours after she took ofice. Three suspects have been arrested in Mota’s death, which 14.5 Mbps
Morelos Governor Graco Ramírez blamed on the drug-traficking gang Los Rojos. So far, an estimated 100 mayors have
been assassinated during the country’s war on drug cartels. Photograph by Tony Rivera—AP
16. U.S.
DIGITS 12.6 Mbps
60 million
Estimated liters of alcohol drunk in
Iran each year despite an alcohol
ban, roughly the same amount as
in the state of Wisconsin
68. Mexico
C O U C H : A P ; E L E M E N T S , T R U M A N : G E T T Y I M A G E S; I L L U S T R AT I O N S B Y M A R T I N G E E F O R T I M E
5.5 Mbps
Political RUSSIA
Andrei Ivantsov,
Ex-PM Silvio
pop songs a member of the Berlusconi
Liberal Democratic co-wrote the
A “hymn” by
Party, released the anthem “Forza
Germany’s far-right 91. China
song “Crimea!” in Italia” to unite his
Pegida movement CHINA SOUTH AFRICA 3.7 Mbps
honor of Russia’s party of the same
controversially The Communist The African National
annexation of name during its
shot to the top of Party released an Congress regularly
the peninsula in founding in 1993.
Amazon’s sales English-language drops original
April 2014. In the The song was
charts in Germany in music video about songs to rally
music video, the played at events,
December, prompting its latest five-year supporters. In a
parliamentarian with karaoke-style
the online retailer to plan (shi san wu) 2014 Western
sings in snowy subtitles for fans to
announce it would in October. Various Cape campaign 144. Yemen
woods and by the sing along.
donate the proits to cartoon characters video, a chorus of 0.9 Mbps
seaside. —Julia Zorthian
a charity supporting rap to listeners: people in bright
refugees. Pegida “If you want to yellow shirts dance
is one of several know what China’s and sing the lines,
political groups to gonna do/ Best “Oh, lalalalala/ Let
rally support with pay attention to the us vote ANC/ Now’s
original tunes: shi san wu.” the time.”
D I G I T S S O U R C E : I R A N ’S M I N I S T R Y O F L A B O R A N D S O C I A L A F F A I R S 15
ment of Justice and have already seen this month. The threat of
the Environmental
Protection Agency discord within the Saudi royal family is on
sued Volkswagen on the rise, and a scenario of open conlict—
Jan. 4 for allegedly unthinkable before King Salman’s January
violating the Clean 2015 ascension—has become entirely realistic.
Air Act, four months The key source of external Saudi anxiety
after the German
automaker admitted is Iran, its regional rival, soon to be free of
to systematic cheat- sanctions. Now that Iran has responded with
ing on emissions open hostility to the Saudi execution of a top
tests. The firm could Shi‘ite cleric, we can expect an intensiication
be fined billions of Russian President Putin, left, and U.S. President of their proxy conlicts in Syria, Yemen and
Obama will be at odds again this year elsewhere in the region.
Dale Bumpers,
90, former
Natalie Cole
Democratic Singer and songwriter
governor and
Senator from By David Foster
Arkansas. Shortly
after retiring
from the Senate, like superstar you could ever meet. She
he returned to was someone you could conide in, with a
defend then sympathetic ear and generosity of heart.
President Bill We shared countless hours together in
Clinton with a
powerful closing
the studio and touring the world. Sitting
argument during behind the piano while she commanded
his impeachment the stage provided the best view of how
trial. quickly she connected with her audience.
She knew how to establish an immedi-
Vilmos ate rapport, as though she were singing
Zsigmond, 85, to each listener individually. Producing
cinematographer “Unforgettable” was so musically gratify-
behind such ing, and that the public responded with
classics as
such enthusiasm was the cherry on top for
The Deer Hunter,
The Black Dahlia us both. Hearing her voice blend with her
and Close dad’s—the brilliant Nat “King” Cole—was
Encounters of a moment I’ll cherish.
the Third Kind, Natalie is one of those rare artists who
for which he won
don’t just perform songs—they inhabit
an Academy
Award. His them. I use the present tense, because her
career included music, just like her father’s, will live on for
collaborations generations.
with Martin Cole, who died on Dec. 31 at 65,
Foster is a Grammy Award–winning musician and the
Scorsese and
Woody Allen.
chairman of Verve Records at a performance in 2009
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through the
2016 hype
Despite wall-to-wall presidential
coverage, some of the best
stories of the campaign have
been lost in the shuffle.
M I L I T I A : J A R O D O P P E R M A N —T H E N E W YO R K T I M E S/ R E D U X ; S A N D E R S , M C C A I N : G E T T Y I M A G E S
Such restraint may seem strange, rights on federal land triggered a 2014 still matters.
given the militia’s gripes about standof between antigovernment
government tyranny. But the strategy extremists and the feds. The government PREDICTIVE—YET
was sound. “The key is to be very retreated from that ight and has so far Two weeks before
cautious,” says Tom Kubic, a former declined to prosecute the family. the Iowa
FBI special agent in charge of the Not everyone was thrilled with the caucuses in
bureau’s 1996 showdown with the feds’ approach, given the shows of 2008, the
eventual GOP
antigovernment Montana Freemen, force that have greeted urban protests nominee, John
which ended peacefully after 81 days. in recent years. “One could not imag- McCain, polled in
Disastrous clashes like the 1992 ine a group of armed black men taking fourth place nationally, and
shoot-out at Idaho’s Ruby Ridge and over an unoccupied federal building,” Hillary Clinton was still the
the 1993 siege of the Branch Davidian said Representative Donna Edwards, a prohibitive favorite over Barack
Obama. Newt Gingrich was
compound near Waco, Texas, became Maryland Democrat. Former FBI agent beating Mitt Romney nationally
rallying cries for the radical right and Robin Montgomery, who ran the bu- on New Year’s Day in 2012.
a source of inspiration to domestic ter- reau’s critical incident response group, Polls are useful, but this race is
rorists like Timothy McVeigh, whose acknowledged the frustration. “It does just now getting serious.
1995 bombing of an Oklahoma City fed- embolden folks to see the government —Philip Elliott and Zeke J. Miller
eral building killed 168. Oicials didn’t will not take aggressive action,” he says.
want the Malheur National Wildlife “It’s a conundrum.” —ALEX ALTMAN
20 TIME January 18, 2016
A colossal
A statue of Mao Zedong
towers about 120 ft. (36.6 m)
in China’s central Henan
province on Jan. 4. Chinese
media reported that donations
for the megastructure of the
late ruler, who died nearly
40 years ago, eclipsed
Photograph by ChinaFotoPress
—Getty Images
dark magenta
Steven Avery has already served time in prison for a crime he did not commit;
a new Netlix series suggests the same thing is happening again
ENTERTAINMENT ON CHANGE.ORG, MORE THAN podcast Serial and HBO’s The Jinx be-
300,000 people have signed a peti- fore it—explores a single story over
The hidden tion demanding that Steven Avery, a multiple episodes. That structure al-
danger of convicted murderer, be released from
prison. The Wisconsin man, the peti-
lows creators to present all the relevant
components of a case, they say, and let
TV’s true- tion argues, was the victim of “uncon-
stitutional mistreatment at the hands
viewers draw their own conclusions.
“We weren’t there to solve the crime.
crime of corrupt local law enforcement”;
accordingly, his trial should be thrown
We were there to document the experi-
ence of being accused in this country,”
obsession out and he should be “exonerated at Murderer co-creator Moira Demos has
By Daniel D’Addario once by pardon.” said. “We’d always hoped the series
But the impetus for these demands would promote a dialogue.” In other
isn’t the discovery of new evidence or words, this isn’t just a TV show. It’s a
the revelation of a secret witness. It’s a call for social justice.
10-episode docuseries on Netlix. By that measure, Murderer is re-
Making a Murderer is part of a new markably efective. We meet its sub-
wave of interactive true-crime en- ject, Avery, as a folk hero who has just
tertainment. Whereas Nancy Grace been released from prison after serv-
openly fries her subjects and Dateline ing 18 years for an assault he did not
wraps messy trials into snackable seg- commit. (He’s freed by DNA testing.)
ments, this breakout series—like the Two years later, Avery gets arrested for
The View
murder by the same cops he’s suing for negligence— THE NUTSHELL
and using a mix of media clips, trial footage, narra- DIGITS Home
tive title cards and original interviews, Demos and
co-creator Laura Ricciardi recount the shadowy
events that lead to his conviction, one episode at a
time. It’s both enthralling and enraging.
But is it accurate? In some ways, yes: every-
29% Estimated
and controlled ire
are often cited as
critical advance-
thing depicted on the show actually happened. improvement in the ments in Homo
Yet at its core, Murderer is still a reality-TV se- nutritional quality of sapiens’ evolu-
U.S. school lunches
ries. That means central igures are “cast” in roles since 2012 thanks tion. But in his
(hero, villain, victim) and its events are heavily ed- to the Healthy new book, neuro-
ited to ensure that viewers know who’s who, just Hunger-Free Kids anthropologist
as they would on an episode of Survivor or The Act, which mandated John S. Allen argues that our move into
Real Housewives. That’s the nature of condens- that cafeterias dwellings may be just as important—if
serve more fruit and
ing more than 30 years of legal drama into 10 epi- vegetables (among not more so. Beyond providing protec-
sodes. Nonetheless, it has given rise to one of the other stipulations); tion from the elements and predators,
sharpest critiques of Murderer so far: Avery’s pros- researchers found homes created spaces where complex
ecutor, Ken Kratz, alleged that the show left out that participation in social interactions could take place and
crucial facts to advance a pro-Avery agenda, a sen- school-lunch programs mates and ofspring could become fami-
remained virtually
timent echoed by several Internet sleuths. (Demos unchanged, refuting lies. They also enabled early humans to
and Ricciardi deny those claims.) concerns that students sleep securely and soundly, which has
None of which means fans aren’t allowed to feel might reject healthier been shown to increase brain functions
angry or sad or even determined to ight for change. options like learning and memory formation.
Although the true-crime genre may have started Dwellings are “critical not only for rest-
with chilly, removed storytelling, as in Truman ing but also for thinking,” Allen writes.
Capote’s In Cold Blood, there’s a reason the melo- “By removing us from the distractions
drama of Murderer and Serial is resonating right and stimuli of the outside world and
now. A growing number of people sense “that the providing a wholly predictable environ-
American judicial system has serious problems,” ment,” they give us “an opportunity to
says David Schmid, an associate professor of En- use our mental powers to better deal
glish at the University of Bufalo who has written with that world.” Hence the word used
extensively about the cultural impact of true crime. to describe that feeling we get when we
“These shows give them a way to work through stray too long: homesickness.
their feelings about that.” Errol Morris, director —SARAH BEGLEY
of the documentary The Thin Blue Line, says true-
crime fans are drawn to “the belief that through in-
vestigation and ratiocination we can come to a con-
clusion about the world.” CHARTOON
Still, true-crime characters are real people, and Star Wars vs. toast
acting out against them on the basis of a set of highly
curated facts can be ill-advised if not harmful. Ac-
cording to Jay Wilds, a key igure in Serial’s Season 1
case, the podcast’s fans have videotaped his house
and posted his personal information on Reddit. And
in the days following Murderer’s premiere, the Yelp
page for Kratz’s law irm was inundated with nega-
tive reviews, including a re-airing of embarrassing
indiscretions unrelated to his prosecution of Avery.
Dean Strang, one of Avery’s lawyers, has said
this vitriol reminds him of what he faced in 2005
when the public became convinced his client was
guilty after watching local news reports. Now that
Strang is being praised, however, he’s just as skepti-
cal of the sentiment. “Both of those experiences are
artiicial and distorting,” he has said, because they
represent only “what’s going on in fevered social
media”—not what actually happened, in the court-
room or in the case. □ J O H N AT K I N S O N , W R O N G H A N D S
In addition to talking
with a therapist, which
has been shown to
relieve SAD symptoms,
making plans with
friends is a great way to
avoid feeling isolated.
Rosenthal suggests
QUICK TAKE going for a 20-minute
walk early in the
The new business of breast-feeding morning, when natural
light is brightest. There
By Courtney Jung are also special light-
therapy boxes that can
IN THEORY, BREAST-FEEDING IS FREE—AN fuels a secondary market for human milk. In illuminate an ofice or a
intimate interaction between mother and growing numbers, mothers who have illed cubicle.
child exempt from the market. But it has their fridges and freezers with bags, bottles
also emerged as something people may not and ice-cube trays of breast milk—more STAY ACTIVE
Several studies have
expect: a billion-dollar business. than their own babies can consume—are found that exercise
The shift started about 10 years ago, when selling it for $1 to $3 per ounce on sites like can alleviate and even
electric breast pumps became a standard onlythebreast.com. Customers range from prevent depression,
feature of breast-feeding. But it really took other mothers to athletes hoping to boost likely in part because
of after 2013, when the Afordable Care performance to anyone eager to try a new of the release of
feel-good chemicals in
Act was reformed to require insurance superfood. Some moms are even selling their the brain.
companies in the U.S. to cover the cost of milk directly to companies that use human —Alexandra Sifferlin
breast pumps for new mothers, driving breast milk to make nutritional supplements.
unprecedented demand. Medela, a leading It’s all part of a strange new reality in which
manufacturer in the U.S., stepped up breast-feeding is being propelled by not only a
production by 50% to keep up—and annual drive for sustenance but also a drive for proit.
industry sales are on track to hit $2.6 billion
by 2020. (That’s on top of the already ample Jung is the author of Lactivism: How
market for breast-feeding accessories, which Feminists and Fundamentalists, Hippies and
include clothes, pillows and supplements.) Yuppies, and Physicians and Politicians Made
The widespread use of pumps in turn Breastfeeding Big Business and Bad Policy
The View Politics
Hillary and
women: Can
gender be a force
By Jay Newton-Small
nation’s 50 governors are women, along ideas.’ So here’s the test: at a December Clinton town hall in Mason
with just 18% of mayors. HILLARY CLINTON City, Iowa, irst-time voters Susan Straka, 19, and Ali Reil,
To break through, Clinton must get 20, both said they planned to caucus for Bernie Sanders. But
a broad cross section of women to vote they were not yet certain. “It depends what’s happening in the
for her. And while she does well with room. If she’s losing, I’ll caucus for her,” Reil added. “She’s a
older women, she has long struggled woman, and that’s a big part of it.” □
28 TIME January 18, 2016
THE BIG DOG IS GETTING OLD, AND A LITTLE SCRUFFY. BILL and worried about, particularly here, in
Clinton returned to New Hampshire, a natural adrenaline the world’s great bulwark against antic
boost in the past, on the irst working day of the new year and tribalism, the United States.
could barely be heard, despite the ampliication. His voice, Moynihan would be having an an-
never a reliable instrument, had abandoned him. He was THE TONE thropological ield day in the current
gaunt and gray, with salmon skin, dressed in a brown tweed presidential campaign, a contest in
jacket and V-neck sweater over a checked shirt, looking very which race and tribe have—dare I say—
much like a retiree. He descended the steps from the stage at trumped economics at the bleeding
the Exeter town hall gingerly. A vegan now, he seems desper- heart of the matter. Sanders can argue
ately in need—spiritually, at least—of a cheeseburger. all he wants that white workers cheer
He is still brilliant, of course. He can still cut through Trump’s anti-immigrant tirades because
the most complicated policy snarls and make them In New of the jobs the Latinos “take,” but the
comprehensible—especially to what political scientists call Hampshire, real heat is being generated by chang-
“low information” voters, the blue collar guys who used to Bill Clinton ing demographics, a nation slipping
admire his McDonald’s and lounge-singer lifestyle but have took repeated from white to polychrome—and further
jabs at the
drifted Trumpward this year. (Note to Donald: Bill Clinton’s splintered by new electronic tribes: Fox,
sex life has never hurt him with the vast majority of the public rhetoric ESPN, BET, Univision.
and seems decisively grandfathered now.) dominating Despite their vaunted inclusive-
The message was pretty much the same as ever, with a the GOP race: ness, a word Clinton used frequently in
nod to the current rhetorical ugliness. It’s still the economy, “America is New Hampshire, the Democrats have
a place that
stupid. “If everyone has a job, it reduces tensions,” he said in slipped into a backdoor tribalism as
welcomes all
Exeter, implying that paycheck migraine is causing the anger people who well. On its web page, the Democratic
rampant in the country. But, he said, there were all sorts of are willing to National Committee lists 18 diferent
hopeful opportunities out there. Climate change was an op- treat other ainity groups you can ailiate with—
portunity to build a “modern infrastructure” and create people like according to race, ethnicity, disability,
they want to
jobs. Equal pay for women, family and medical leave, early gender and gender choice. During the
be treated.”
education—his wife’s favorites—were “an economic strategy.” 2014 election, I heard Democrats pro-
The argument felt as frail as he looked. posing policies that appealed to many of
Clinton’s is a mild version of an eternal theme on the left: these groups, but few that appealed to
the upper class divides and conquers the workers by pitting Americans as a whole.
them against one another. Bernie Sanders said it plainly on I suspect tribal fears will dominate
Face the Nation in December: “What Trump has done with class inequities this year, as they usu-
some success has taken that [class based] anger, taken those In a reference ally do. We seem a perpetually unhappy
[economic] fears—which are legitimate—and converted them to Donald place, illed with bilious voters. You
into anger against Mexicans, anger against Muslims.” No Trump’s call might be curious about the last time we
doubt, there is some truth to this. But I wonder if the Demo- to temporarily were happy, when a majority of Ameri-
bar Muslims
crats aren’t missing a much larger boat in 2016. from entering
cans thought the country was on the
the U.S., “right track.” It was in April of 2003,
OVER THE HOLIDAYS, I read a book called Pandaemonium: Clinton said, as we went to war in Iraq, according to
Ethnicity in International Politics, by Daniel Patrick Moynihan. “One of our New York Times/CBS News polling—by
It is a slim but pungent volume, published in 1993, allowing great meal 56% to 36% we were a nation of happy
tickets in the
Moynihan to celebrate the end of the Soviet Union, an event next 20 years
warriors, our tribes temporarily sub-
he had long predicted. The supersonic dissolution of the Evil is that there sumed. There is a lesson in that: there
Empire and Yugoslavia gave him fresh fodder for a theory he’d is somebody is joy in unity, however foolishly forged.
peddled for much of his life: that ethnicity was a more pro- here from “[We’re] atomized and hunkered down
found force than social class in the afairs of humans. He was a everywhere in our bunkers,” Bill Clinton said in Ex-
stubborn tribalist. It is an argument that seems freakishly pre- eter, pining for a country where, as he
scient after the international dissolution frenzy of the past 20 always says, “the things we have in com-
years. Just ask the Kurds, Houthis, Czechs or Slovaks. It was not mon are more important than the things
a force that Moynihan particularly liked, but one he respected, that divide us.” □
the campaign
rule book,
Trump forged a
connection with
angry voters and
rode it to the front
of the GOP ield
How Donald Trump took the Republican Party from its old bosses
By David Von Drehle
There is a reason most
presidential candidates
stump through diners and
living rooms this time of year.
They can’t ill a bigger room.
Trump drew thousands in Lowell,
And then there is Donald J. Trump. Mass., on Jan. 4 dented Trump-driven television ratings
On the second day of January, in the for GOP debates and his unsinkable run
Gulf Coast town of Biloxi, Miss., at least at the top of the national polls—a streak
13,000 stood for hours in a stinging chill Iowa. Two days later, he illed the 8,000- of more than ive months and counting—
to pack an entire sports arena for Trump, seat Paul Tsongas Center in Lowell, even the most mainstream Republicans
and when that venue was full, the over- Mass., with people who waited on line are coming to grips with an idea they have
low spilled into a second megaspace in subfreezing cold. The next night, after resisted since last summer. This could be
nearby. Trump called it the biggest standing for two hours in single-digit their nominee. And they are asking them-
crowd in Mississippi political history, temperatures, locals illed the equiva- selves, could they stop worrying and, per-
which is exactly what you’d expect him lent of two high school gymnasia on the haps, learn to love the Donald?
to say, and also entirely plausible. Vermont–New Hampshire border to Leading Republicans unhappily ind
A few days earlier, Trump had packed catch Trump’s revival show. themselves deep in “probing” conver-
a convention hall in Council Blufs, Given these crowds, the unprece- sation, asking, “perhaps he wouldn’t be
F I R S T PA G E S : G E T T Y I M A G E S; T H E S E PA G E S : R I C K F R I E D M A N — C O R B I S 35
so bad,” says veteran strategist and lob- ment insiders—just as Cruz hopes to atop the polls and then helped keep
byist Ed Rogers. True, Trump is a wild do. But this triumph of intramural knife him there. What Flubber was to phys-
card, a lamethrower, a man with no ighting proved a disaster at general- ics, Trump is to politics: an antidote to
known party loyalties and no coherent election time. Goldwater sufered one of gravity, cooked up by a quirky but prodi-
political principles, a thrice-married ca- the worst defeats in American political gious amateur.
sino mogul and reality-TV star, a narcis- history. It’s no wonder that GOP leaders Other candidates work to relate their
sist and even a demagogue. On the other are every bit as wary of Cruz as they are lives to the struggles of ordinary voters.
hand: Biloxi. of Trump. Trump does the opposite, encouraging
At a time when the crown princes of In short, the GOP has awakened less Americans to savor vicariously his bil-
Republican politics can’t mount so much than a month from the Iowa caucuses lionaire’s privilege of saying whatever
as a two-car parade, Trump is drawing and the New Hampshire primary to ind he damn well pleases. “I love Donald
the biggest crowds by far. He has the itself in bed between a bombshell and a Trump because he’s so totally politically
largest social-media footprint—again, kamikaze. It’s a sobering dawn for a po- incorrect. He’s gone after every group,”
by far—and lodges the sharpest attacks litical party that seemed, not long ago, says Greg Casady, 61, an Army veteran
on Hillary Clinton while attracting the just a tweak or two away from glory. Re- who joined an immense Trump rally in
greatest number of potential recruits publicans dominate America’s state leg- Council Blufs, Iowa. “He’s spending his
to Republican ranks. As a result, Wash- islatures and governors’ mansions. They own bucks—therefore he doesn’t have to
ington insiders from both parties are control both houses of Congress. So why play the politically correct game. He says
now calling around to GOP heavies, ask- is their electorate leaning toward the out- what we wish we could say but we can’t
ing, “Do you know anybody on Trump’s stretched grip of such a man as Trump? aford to anymore.”
campaign? Who is on his foreign-policy And could Trump be a sign of some- Trump is an anomaly, but not the
team? I need to get to know them fast.” thing bigger even than himself? only one in this 2016 campaign. There
Republican National Committee chair- is Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont,
man Reince Priebus, who entertained a TRADITIONAL GOP POWER BROKERS an avowed socialist who leads the early
discussion of Stop Trump strategies at a have long since lost count of the indig- polls in the New Hampshire Democratic
meeting late last year, now consults reg- nities Trump has inlicted on their rites primary—despite the fact that he spent
ularly with the front runner by phone. and rituals. Since entering the race in most of his career spurning the Dem-
Even if the GOP could resist, should it? June with a fantastical promise to wall ocrats. Though not as shocking or ag-
“He’s got the mo, he’s got the masses,” of America’s southern border and send gressive as Trump, Sanders is no less
says Rick Hohlt, a GOP strategist. “He’s the bill to Mexico, Trump has shredded the darling of a discontented army. He
attracting a new class of voters.” Eforts the political rule book, scattering the too draws large audiences—but unlike
to stop him have failed miserably; mean- pieces from his private helicopter. Have Trump, Sanders faces an even stronger
while, Trump may be getting smarter as a mouth, will travel. Policies that would opponent in former Secretary of State
candidate, adds Hohlt. “He knows when be preposterous coming from anyone Hillary Clinton.
to push and when to back of.” else—like barring all Muslims from en- Big Money, the supposed superpower
The man is moving people, and pol- tering the country or hiking U.S. tarifs of post–Citizens United politics, is a dud
itics does not get more basic than that. while somehow erasing trade barriers so far. Super-PAC bets by various billion-
Trump is a bonire in a ield of damp erected by other nations—sound magi- aires have done nothing to ire up such
kindling—an overcrowded ield of gov- cal to his supporters when served up by candidates as former Florida governor
ernors and former governors and junior their hero. Outrages that would sink an Jeb Bush. Bush has illed screens in key
Senators still trying to strike a spark. His ordinary candidate, like mocking a per- states with millions of dollars in both pos-
nearest rival, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, son who has a congenital disease or giv- itive and negative ads. The result: falling
has traction in Iowa among the evangeli- ing a pass to Vladimir Putin for the mur- poll numbers. Touted as a front runner
cal bloc and—in contrast to Trump— is der of Russian journalists, lifted Trump a year ago, Bush is mired in single dig-
a tried-and-true conservative. But with its and rang in the new year by announc-
little more than half the support Trump ing that he was scrapping a round of ads
boasts in the RealClearPolitics average
of national polls, Cruz has a long way to
The GOP has in favor of more ground troops in early-
voting states.
go to show that he can move masses. awakened less Big Media too has been brought low.
Cruz stafers, tellingly, have been
studying a 1967 tome titled Suite 3505
than a month The collapse of Trump was predicted so
often, so erroneously, in so many out-
as a playbook for their campaign. This from the Iowa lets that the spectacle was almost comic,
F. Clifton White memoir, long out of
print, tells the story of the 1964 Barry
caucuses to ind like a soap opera that keeps killing of
the same deathless character. Televised
Goldwater campaign. That was the last itself between a debates became seminars in media eth-
successful populist rebellion inside the
Republican Party, propelling a rock-
bombshell and ics, with candidates delivering stern
lectures to their questioners, while of-
ribbed conservative past the Establish- a kamikaze screen, campaigns threatened to boycott
36 TIME January 18, 2016
Sanders marshaled an army of
networks and blacklist reporters. discontented Democrats, putting rescue missions: the East Coast shuttle
What if all of these groundswells are pressure on Clinton operations of dying Eastern Airlines,
part of the same tsunami? By coming to for example, and the ruined paradise of
grips with Trump, Republicans might Atlantic City. Launched with fanfare (if
begin grasping the future of presidential one of the megatrends of our era. often abandoned in silence), these ef-
politics, as the digital forces that have Donald Trump is history’s most dis- forts burnished Trump’s image as a can-
upended commerce and communica- intermediated presidential front run- do, cut-the-crap businessman—even as
tions in recent years begin to shake the ner. He has sidestepped the traditional he risked his fortune. This is part of the
bedrock of civic life. middlemen—party, press, pollsters and power of owning your image, free of the
Disintermediation is a long word for pooh-bahs—to sell his candidacy di- mediators. You can tell your own story,
a seemingly simple idea: dumping the rectly to voters, building on a relation- even if it is not entirely true. Trump’s
middleman. It came into use a half- ship he has nurtured with the public a ine businessman, with a keen eye
century ago to describe changes in the from project to project across decades. for bargains and a knack for leverage.
banking business. A generation later, the As far back as 1986, Trump began Where he is peerless is as a promoter; he
term described a key concept of the In- seeding this direct relationship with the is the Michelangelo of ballyhoo.
ternet age. In one ield after another, the public. That was the year he goaded New A masterstroke in 2004 vaulted him
power of networked computing swept York City Mayor Ed Koch into handing free of remaining middlemen; that’s when
middlemen out of the picture. Ubiq- over the disastrous renovation of the Trump debuted his television show, The
uitous retailers like RadioShack and Wollman ice-skating rink in Central Apprentice. Tens of millions of Americans
Waldenbooks have either downsized or Park. The decline of New York was an followed the cameras past the gatekeep-
vanished as their customers go online old story by then, and the ice rink was ers and into a direct relationship with the
to buy directly from manufacturers and a sorrow symbol. City bureaucrats had purse-lipped entrepreneur. That this in-
warehousers. Netlix shutters the Block- turned a routine rehab into a six-year timacy is an illusion doesn’t really mat-
buster chain by mailing movies directly slog with no end in sight. Trump took ter; it has an undeniable power to create
to viewers—then ofers streaming, which the reins, and the project took less than loyal followings for even the unlikeli-
cuts out the mailbox as well. Craigslist six months. He cut the ribbon on a beau- est characters. From the Kardashians of
drains the advertising lifeblood from tifully inished rink, completed ahead of Rodeo Drive to the Robertsons of Duck
local newspapers, and local libraries re- schedule and below budget, with live TV Dynasty, from the Cake Boss to Honey
invent themselves after the web puts the there to cover it. Boo Boo, the crafted characters of reality
world in your pocket. It’s a familiar story, He followed up with more self-styled TV experience a diferent kind of stardom
from the TV and movie idols of the past.
Fans are encouraged to feel that they
know these people, not as ictional char-
acters but as lesh and blood.
Something similar goes on in every
celebrity Twitter feed or Instagram ac-
count. Properly tended, the social net-
work of skilled disintermediators can
grow to encompass tens of millions of
people, all sharing a joke or commiserat-
ing over a disappointment or comparing
breakfasts with their famous “friend.”
The pop star Taylor Swift’s nearly
70 million Twitter followers recently
overheard her share a Christmas mem-
ory with her brother Austin and chuck-
led at a picture of her cute elf costume.
Peggy Lemke, 64, from Dows, Iowa,
is one of many voters who see what is
going on. “Trump is a reality-show phe-
nomenon,” she says. “His supporters
treat this like American Idol. We treat ev-
erything like American Idol. I’m having
a really hard time taking this seriously.”
Disintermediation is not entirely
new. In 1941, the radio personality
W. Lee “Pappy” O’Daniel dealt Lyn-
don B. Johnson the only defeat of his
consummate insider’s career. Johnson
had the credibility with middlemen,
but O’Daniel had a direct connection
to his listeners. Nearly 60 years later,
the professional wrestler Jesse Ventura
used his direct connection with an au-
dience to win a three-way race for gov-
ernor of Minnesota. But technology
now gives the power of direct relation-
ships to everyone, not just media stars;
indeed, the line between being a media △
star and simply having a big Twitter fol- Cruz railed against the party
lowing is blurring into nothingness. It’s establishment to gain traction in INDEED, the psychology of disinterme-
telling that Trump’s rallies often fea- Iowa, while insider favorite Bush diation adds another layer of protection
ture appearances by a pair of women has struggled for attention to a igure like Trump. For members of
C R U Z : E R I K S . L E S S E R — E PA ; B U S H : C H R I S T O P H E R M O R R I S — V I I F O R T I M E
who go by the names Diamond and Silk, an online network, the death of the mid-
whose spirited endorsement of Trump dlemen is not some sad side efect of this
on YouTube has been watched by nearly if not all, of these individuals, their net- tidal shift; it is a crusade. Early adopters
100,000 people—as many as tune in to worked relationships with Trump feel of Netlix relished the fate of brick-and-
some cable news shows. closer and more genuine than the im- mortar video stores, just as Trump vot-
Trump tends his virtual commu- ages of the candidate they see iltered ers rejoice in the idea of life without the
nity with care. Among the candidates, through middlemen. “lamestream” media. Trump gets this:
his 5.6 million Twitter followers are This can explain why Trump is un- mocking abuse of his traveling press
matched only by his counterpart at the scathed by apparent gafes and blunders corps is a staple of his campaign speeches.
top of the Democratic polls, Hillary Clin- that would kill an ordinary candidate. The fading power of middlemen is
ton. Trump has 5.2 million Facebook His followers feel that they already know also visible in less garish manifestations
likes—three times as many as Cruz and him. When outraged middlemen wail in than the Trump campaign. For example,
17 times as many as Bush. His 828,000 disgust on cable news programs and in voters used to judge candidates in part
Instagram followers is nearly a third op-ed columns, they only highlight their on their record of government service.
more than Clinton’s 632,000. For many, irrelevance to the Trumpiverse. Experience was a middleman, a sort of
38 TIME January 18, 2016
ticket puncher, that stood between the At a late-December rally in Council not vote for Trump is bigger. Trump’s in-
would-be President and the public. Not Blufs, Trump treated his audience to temperate remarks have alienated mil-
anymore. A stable of successful GOP one of his trademark free-form speeches, lions of Latino, Muslim and women vot-
governors—Rick Perry of Texas, Bobby which are like nothing in the modern cam- ers. His rash pronouncements are the
Jindal of Louisiana and Scott Walker of paign repertoire. He sampled alter egos antithesis of the moderate approach that
Wisconsin—have dropped out, unable from talk-radio host to insult comic to the many citizens still value. His proposed
to understand the new calculus. As for ictional Gordon Gekko. (“I’m greedy,” religious test for foreigners who want to
the three current Senators on the trail— Trump bragged. “Now I’m going to be come to this country is as inconsistent
Cruz, Florida’s Marco Rubio and Ken- greedy for the United States.”) When with America’s self-image as linoleum
tucky’s Rand Paul—experience is the he wrapped up, Teresa Raus of nearby loors in a Trump hotel.
least of their selling points. All are irst- Neola, Iowa, waited another 30 minutes The problem is that the party is weak
term rookies known for defying party for Trump’s autograph. Why? “I feel real at the national level, deeply divided into
leaders, not for passing legislation. Rubio conident that he can make America bet- hostile camps, while Trump has the
won oice by challenging his party’s oi- ter. I believe him,” she explained. And yes, strength of a technological epoch at his
cial choice for the seat. Cruz glories in his she’s angry. Other politicians “are liars,” back. Finding a way to live with Trump
reputation as the least popular Senator in Raus continued. “They’re all liars. I’m sick might not be a choice for the GOP; those
the cloakroom: he doesn’t need Washing- of politicians. If he’s not running, then I’m might be the terms of surrender that he
ton’s validation. In fact, it’s the last thing not voting.” dictates at the national convention in
he wants. But if Trump voters are angry, that Cleveland in July. And in private, even
The three Senators—and their col- doesn’t mean they’re crazy. You meet top party oicials occasionally admit it.
league Sanders in the other party—have more state representatives and business Unless Cruz can continue to rise
used the Senate as a foil. What they ac- owners at his rallies than tinfoil-hat con- through the primaries—aided by mem-
complished as Senators, which is next to spiracy bufs. In ways, they are a van- bers of the congressional Freedom Caucus
nothing, pales in their telling compared guard, catching sight of a new style of who share his maximal conservatism—or
with what they refused to do. They did not politics and deciding early to throw out a candidate like Rubio manages to push
sell out. They did not compromise. They the old rules. Their radical democracy aside all mainstream rivals to consolidate
did not break faith with their followers—a helps account for Trump’s uncanny re- the anti-Trump vote, the pot-stirring plu-
virtue that has replaced the ideal of ser- silience: the less he honors the conven- tocrat may well steamroll through winter
vice to a constituency. With disinterme- tions of politics, the more his support- into spring with the lion’s share of the del-
diation, the power to set the campaign ers like him. They aren’t buying what the egates. They won’t stop Trump because
agenda shifts from the middlemen to the political process is selling. They want they can’t stop Trump.
online networks, and those networks, this to buy direct from the source. “It’s like In that case, party insiders may be
year, are very angry. Here, again, Trump this,” says Casady, the Army vet. “We’re forced to decide whether to pull every
is far outrunning his rivals in seizing the going to go with this guy sink or swim, trick in the rule book to keep Trump
momentum. Americans are unhappy and we’re not going to change our views. from the nomination, with all the havoc
about an economy that punishes work- It doesn’t matter. It’s time for us to do a that would ensue—including a very real
ers, according to opinion polls and con- totally insane thing, because we’ve lost it chance that the party could split in two.
versations with voters. They are tired all. The times demand it, because noth- Faced with that prospect, they may de-
of politicians who don’t deliver on their ing else is working.” cide instead to swallow hard and follow
promises. Trump’s strongest backers are Trump’s glowing blond nimbus into bat-
angry about illegal immigration. Cruz SOME POWERFUL FORCES inside the tle this fall. “The pundits don’t under-
channels anger over Obamacare. Sand- GOP will continue to ight Trump to the stand it,” Marco Rubio told an audience
ers mines anger from the opposite end of bitter end. As strong and durable as his at a recent campaign stop in New Hamp-
the spectrum, targeting “Wall Street” and support appears to be, the number of shire. “They don’t understand why in
“billionaires” to the seething satisfaction Americans who tell pollsters they would this election, why aren’t the things that
of the Democratic base. worked in the past working again? Why
These voters don’t want someone to is it that the people with the most money,
feel their pain; they want someone to ‘It’s time for or the most endorsements, or the one
mirror their mood. Woe to the candi-
date who can’t growl on cue. Perhaps
us to do a that all the experts thought would be in
irst place—why aren’t they winning?”
nothing has hurt the Bush campaign— totally insane Donald Trump will be happy to
whose money and endorsements, lav-
ished by middlemen, have izzled on
thing, because tell them. —With reporting by ALEX
the launchpad—more than Trump’s ob- we’ve lost it all. KANSAS CITY; PHILIP ELLIOTT/CLARE-
servation that the former Florida gover-
nor is “low energy.” Translation: he’s not
ticked of. Voter anger in this sour sea- demand it.’ SAM FRIZELL and MICHAEL SCHERER/
son is less a data point than table stakes. —Iowa voter Greg Casady, 61 WASHINGTON □
As their numbers rise, pandas are
ever more a tool of Chinese diplomacy
By Hannah Beech/Wolong, China
Dressed in panda
costumes, researchers
in Wolong, the home
of China’s panda-
conservation eforts,
check a 4-month-old
female cub
pletely vegetarian—helps the country present a less include the hundreds of thousands of dollars needed
threatening face to the world. “The panda’s ancestors for the animals’ upkeep. Conservation is poorly
killed and ate meat, like other bears, but somehow funded in China, and the nation’s wildlife authorities
they lost that instinct,” says Zhang. “That’s an impor- count on foreign infusions of cash for panda research
tant message for us to send overseas, that we promote and habitat protection. In addition, any cubs born
42 TIME January 18, 2016
overseas must eventually be returned to China. After the moment: “Roosevelts Bag a Panda. Cat-Footed Clockwise
all these years, the panda remains a political animal. Bear of the Himalayas First Shot by White Men.” from top left: a
T H E S E PA G E S : A D A M D E A N — PA N O S F O R T I M E
The irst meetings of East and West over the giant The modern era of panda diplomacy began in cub rests after
panda did not meet any standards of conservation. In 1972, when U.S. President Richard Nixon traveled eating; making
the late 1920s, in the craggy wilds of Sichuan, Kermit to the People’s Republic of China to begin normal- special bread for
and Theodore Roosevelt Jr.—sons of Teddy, the U.S. izing relations with the communist country. For de- the pandas; a
President—tracked an elderly male panda. True to cades, the U.S. had favored Taiwan, China’s political bear eats some
their times and to their big-game-hunting father, they rival, with diplomatic ties. Beijing responded to the bread; cubs
responded to a historic encounter with the elusive warming of relations by bequeathing two pandas to born in captivity
beast by loading their guns and killing it, supposedly the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. (In exchange, are fed in the
with simultaneous bullets. A news headline marked the Americans presented the rather less appealing nursery
gift of a pair of musk oxen to China.) With only a
short break, Washington has hosted a burly pro-
cession of pandas ever since. “The political impli-
cations of having pandas in the nation’s capital are
huge,” says David Wildt, a senior scientist and head
of the center for species survival at the National Zoo,
who has spent decades collaborating with Chinese
researchers in Wolong. “The Chinese embassy is just
down the road, and this is a great symbol for U.S.-
China relations.”
Last August, panda twins were born in Wash-
ington. One died within days, while the surviving
cub was named Bei Bei, a diminutive denoting pre-
ciousness. The name was bestowed at a September
ceremony by U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama and
her Chinese counterpart, Peng Liyuan. While Peng’s
husband, President Xi Jinping, embarked on his irst
state visit to the U.S.—amid concerns over Beijing’s
territorial assertiveness in the South China Sea and
mounting cyberattacks that the U.S. government has
traced to the Chinese military—she celebrated with
a piebald baby born no bigger than a stick of butter.
The panda hugging contrasted with events of 2010,
when, just days after U.S. President Barack Obama
announced that he would meet with the Dalai Lama—
the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader shunned by
Beijing—China recalled two pandas born in the U.S.
Today 51 pandas are scattered around the globe,
in about a dozen countries. The pandas still go only
to favored nations. Next in line are South Korea and
the Netherlands. In October, when German Chancel-
lor Angela Merkel embarked on a trade-heavy tour
of China, she initiated talks to bring a panda pair to
Zoo Berlin. “This is a very special piece of China,”
Merkel said, “that will please a lot of people in Ger-
many.” Conversely, in 2014, when Malaysia Airlines
Flight 370 disappeared on its way from Kuala Lum-
pur to Beijing, with a majority of Chinese passengers
onboard, Chinese authorities delayed the scheduled
export of a pair of pandas to the Malaysian capital.
When Zhang irst arrived in the village near the
newly established Wolong panda preserve in 1983,
there were no roads, no electricity, no phone lines. than 20% of babies survived. In 2015, 26 were born,
There were also very few pandas—just 10 in the sanc- and 23 made it past the critical newborn stage.
tuary and fewer than 1,000 in the country. Zhang and Six pandas have gone through the rewilding pro-
his colleagues tried everything to boost the popula- gram so far, the last one released in November. Three
tion at China’s biggest panda facility through captive have died: one from disease while in the inal stages
breeding. Feeding pandas a Chinese version of a male of shifting to nature; one probably from a bamboo-
enhancement drug didn’t go over well, especially for rat bite; and one after tumbling from a tree, most
one befuddled bear who found himself aroused for likely following a ight with another panda. Early next
more than a day. year, two more pandas will be sent into nature, says
For years, captive pandas went at the mating pro- Zhang. Historically, reintroduction to the wild has
cess backward, upside down or not at all, preferring proved challenging. In the few promising cases, such
to gnaw on bamboo rather than snif out potential as with the black-footed ferret in North America or
partners. But by the 2000s, pregnancies proliferated, the golden-lion tamarin in Brazil, a large number of
largely because of artiicial insemination. The focus animals perished.
at Wolong shifted to keeping frail panda cubs alive. A survey released last year found that the number
When Zhang started working with pandas, fewer of wild pandas had increased to 1,864, from nearly
44 TIME January 18, 2016
irst and foremost, instead of ourselves, panda con-
servation is not going to work.”
Though Zhang is nicknamed Papa Panda, his au-
thority does not encompass designating protective
zones for the animals. That power belongs to another
department in China’s siloed bureaucracy. China now
has 67 panda preserves, but they are disconnected
and, in a nation with little arable land and the world’s
largest human population, under constant threat of
encroachment. Unless the preserves can be linked
and fully protected, they may be too fragmented to
ensure the animal’s long-term survival. (Because the
panda is a solitary animal that almost exclusively eats
one food, it is particularly vulnerable to habitat deg-
radation.) Nor can Zhang determine where his pan-
das are exported. “I don’t decide which country gets
a panda,” he says. “All I can do is follow orders when
I am told that a foreign zoo expects a panda.”
In 2012, Stephen Harper, then Prime Minister of
Canada, used a trip to China to promote lucrative
natural-resource deals, like uranium exports to fuel
Beijing’s nuclear industry. He capped of his journey
with a stopover in the country’s southwest, where he
snuggled with a baby panda. The following year, a
FedEx plane landed in Toronto with two VIPs—Very
Important Pandas—onboard. Maria Franke, curator
of mammals at the Toronto Zoo, understands the po-
litical importance of her charges. “We’re a very multi-
cultural city with a big Asian population,” she says,
“and we recognize that having such a charismatic
species in Toronto will strengthen the connections
between China and Canada.”
Proponents of panda diplomacy hope the loan
money will foster conservation in the animal’s na-
tive land. (At the end of 2015, the world boasted
423 captive pandas, well beyond the 300 thresh-
old needed to sustain the population with enough
genetic diversity.) If Chinese are dedicated to pro-
tecting their national symbol, perhaps awareness of
vulnerable animals from Africa and Asia—which are
used in traditional Chinese medicine and cuisine—
will follow. Even at the panda preserves, there are
1,600 a decade before. That’s good news after years A Wolong many other struggling species that could proit from
of declining numbers due mainly to human intru- employee habitat protection, such as the takin or golden mon-
sion into their habitat. But wild pandas remain iso- pushes a cart key. “We shouldn’t just protect the panda in China,”
lated in disjointed, degraded environments where after cleaning says Zhang, “even though I know the panda is the
inbreeding threatens their health. Their population a panda one animal everyone cares about.”
still ranks below that of other endangered animals, enclosure at A 2014 WWF survey found a 52% decline in ver-
like the rhino and tiger, which teeter on the verge of the reserve tebrate species over the past 40 years, in what the
extinction. One bamboo blight or virus could ter- in Sichuan organization terms the earth’s sixth mass extinction,
minate a species. “The reality for the panda, these province due to habitat degradation, human exploitation and
iconic animals, is that they’re probably doomed in climate change. “You can argue about whether zoos
the wild,” says Marc Bekof, an evolutionary biologist are the best places for pandas or whether reintroduc-
and professor emeritus at the University of Colorado tion into the wild is going to work,” says Franke. “But
at Boulder. “We may have to accept the fact that the at the end of the day, we are facing a critical mass ex-
only pandas in the future will be in cages and stop tinction, and we cannot do nothing.” Humans created
playing the game that zoos are doing all this for con- this problem. Pandas, chewing on their bamboo, are
servation, because they’re not. Unless we put animals waiting for us to provide the solution. □
A D A M D E A N — PA N O S F O R T I M E
The Way We in ways that are befuddling regulators in
cities and states across the country. The
new companies—they often call them-
peer revolution
By Katy Steinmetz
This raises many questions, among
them: Can algorithms replace human
managers? Do these business models de-
mand a rethinking of labor laws? Or are
companies just using new tools to get up
to old tricks that give them an edge?
There is no one name—whether shar-
ing economy, gig economy or on-demand
AFTER 28 YEARS as a matchmaker, Sherry said, ‘Sign me up!’” Singer recalls. Within economy—that captures the diversity of
Singer, a 51-year-old resident of Long about a week she was patching together a this disruption. But it’s clear that the de-
Beach, Calif., had grown tired of mak- living one order at a time as requests came mand for this way of working and consum-
ing matches. She had also grown accus- through on her smartphone, and working ing is profound. According to a irst-of-
tomed to the independence of being her whenever she felt like it. No experience or its-kind poll from TIME, communications
own boss as she helped customers ind formal interview was required. and global public relations irm Burson-
love. But she fretted about where or how Companies like Postmates connect Marsteller and the Aspen Institute Future
to ind a new line of work. Then Singer people who want goods and services— of Work Initiative, 44% of U.S. adults have
met a woman who said she was making whether it’s a meal from a restaurant participated in such transactions, playing
$200 a day working as a freelance cou- that doesn’t deliver, a bedroom to stay the roles of lenders and borrowers, drivers
rier for Postmates, a San Francisco–based in for the night or someone to help move and riders, hosts and guests. The number
startup specializing in on-demand deliv- a piano—with people who will provide this represents, more than 90 million peo-
eries from restaurants and stores in major them for a price. These peer-to-peer ple, is greater than the number of Ameri-
cities, the types of places that wouldn’t transactions, numbering in the hundreds cans who identify, respectively, as Repub-
normally bring their gourmet burgers or of thousands each day, bypass the tradi- licans or Democrats. (Poll igures exclude
cough syrup to someone’s doorstep. “I tional employer-employee relationship adults who are not Internet users.) “This
Instacart offers grocery delivery from
shops like Whole Foods; some workers
are employees, others contractors
Lyft drivers sell
rides in their
personal cars;
the company has
offered $1,000
sign-up bonuses
Thousands of
“hosts” rent out
their homes each
month; some have
run afoul of local
laws that prohibit
short-term rentals
Zirx Caviar
Zirx users order valet parking Ads for Caviar
on-demand; ads tout “maximum couriers promise
flexibility” for valets, who can contractors “up
control their own hours to $25 an hour”
for delivering
food from popular
Sites like
TaskRabbit allow
users to outsource
household errands
or odd jobs;
workers set their
own rates
Inside AMERICANS WHO HAVE OFFERED SERVICES electrician who could be engaged to do
the new several jobs by several diferent clients,
economy 61% Offerers
55% quoting his own rate, organizing his own
Who’s providing? 51% schedule and leveraging a skill set that al-
Who’s consuming?
Americans weigh in
47% 41% lows him to function as his own business.
That, says University of Connecticut law
34% 32% professor Sachin Pandya, looks more like
Americans involved a contractor. Now imagine the fast-food
cashier who must adhere to set shifts and
Users Offerers
wear a certain uniform and has a single
ARE MEMBERS OF YOUNGER RESIDENTS boss who tells him what to do and how
MALE ... ETHNIC MINORITY... URBAN AREA to do it. That looks like an employee. The
idea is that “people who are classiied as
employees are in a more vulnerable posi-
tion in the economy,” Pandya says.
42% 22%
51% 64%
Yet it’s often not clear-cut, and many
companies in the new economy blur the
TOTAL PARTICIPATION IS 44% distinction by exercising varying amounts
of control over workers who use their apps
to valet-park your car or deliver your gro-
SHARING ceries. If Uber sets the rate that drivers
32% 44% can earn per mile and reserves the ability
to kick drivers of the platform if they get
low customer ratings, that suggests an el-
22% ement of control. But when those drivers
(UBER, LYFT, SIDECAR) LOVE WORKING AGREE THAT THE can turn their app on or of at any time,
IN THE INDUSTRY IS EXPLOITING working as much or as little as they like,
INDUSTRY A LACK OF REGULATION that looks pretty freewheeling.
Offerers General Complicating the issue for policy-
71% population makers is the fact that these platforms are
% POSITIVE luring all kinds of workers. TIME’s poll
19 Experience
58% 47%
found that oferers are most often young,
male, urban-dwelling and members of a
(AIRBNB, VRBO, HOMEAWAY) with new- AGREE racial or ethnic minority. (Nearly 40% are
economy female.) While they’re more concentrated
companies in metro-heavy states such as New York
29% 26%
and California, they live all over the coun-
try. Perhaps most important, while a small
percentage depend on home-sharing or
17 NEGATIVE ride apps for 100% of their income, about
half say these gigs account for less than
(HANDY.COM, CARE.COM, TASKRABBIT) 20% of it and may only ofer services a
BUT ARE SPLIT ON WHETHER THE GOVERNMENT couple times per month or year. So it is
CAR far from clear that more government over-
RENTAL FAVOR DON’T OPPOSE sight makes sense. “From an eiciency
perspective,” says St. Louis University
14 Motivated
47% 4% 49% law professor Miriam Cherry, “you don’t
want somebody who gives someone a ride
once a week in their car to be regulated.”
36% 15% 49% Workers within platforms aren’t
cookie-cutter either. Some Lyft drivers
FOOD AND GOODS offerers* may be empty nesters looking for some-
General thing to ill their days, while others use the
37% 28% 34%
11 % population platform 50 hours a week to feed them-
selves. Some Airbnb hosts are struggling
middle-class workers who need the rental
money to pay their mortgage, while others
48 TIME January 18, 2016
market because they can make more rent- People offering be stressed much more later on. For some
ing them out a few nights at a time. In Au- of these workers, the gig economy is all
gust, Uber’s lawyers made diversity a key
goods and services good until it’s not.”
argument before a judge in California’s are typically young, Which is why some politicians are pur-
Northern District Court who was deciding male, urban-dwelling suing new compromises within existing
whether to certify an estimated 150,000 and members of a frameworks. In December, the Seattle city
drivers as a single class in a lawsuit against council voted unanimously to become the
the company. There is no such thing as
racial minority irst city to allow Lyft and Uber drivers
a “typical” Uber driver, the irm argued, to unionize. States like Utah have passed
and if the company were forced to reclas- laws that let certain new-economy com-
sify all drivers as employees, Uber’s en- the start. The ease of getting onto these panies operate only after they register
tire business model would have to change; new platforms can be thrilling, with a low with the state and meet insurance stan-
drivers would have to work in shifts. barrier to entry and promise of making dards. “The intent of this legislation is to
“These are real live human beings who as much money as you’re willing to work create an environment where innovation
vary widely,” the company’s lawyer said in for. Ads often tout promises of making can continue to happen but not at the ex-
court. “It’s a hornet’s nest.” After a judge $25 an hour. According to the poll, new- pense of the workers,” said Mike O’Brien,
issued an order in December that could economy workers tend to be more opti- the council member who spearheaded the
certify a class of that size, Uber vowed mistic about their inancial future than Seattle proposal. Uber and Lyft testiied
to appeal. “Drivers control their use of workers as a whole. “There’s something a in opposition.
the Uber app,” the company tells TIME little bit more adventurous,” a Lyft driver Some companies have decided to
in a statement. “Their lexibility is key.” from Chicago says, “knowing that I kind change back to the old models, transition-
The poll reveals that many workers say of determine how much money I will be ing workers from contractor to employee
they’re happy as things are. Some 71% de- getting at the end of the week.” Yet a num- status. Instacart, a grocery-delivery-app
scribed their experience ofering services ber of lawsuit plaintifs allege that after company, announced in 2015 that in-store
as positive, while 22% said their experi- all their expenses were considered, they shoppers would have the opportunity to
ence had been mixed, and a mere 2% de- weren’t even making minimum wage. switch, after a pilot showed that treat-
scribed their experience as lat-out nega- Increasingly policymakers from both ing them as employees improved reten-
tive. About two-thirds agreed that these sides of the aisle fear that the erosion of tion of better-trained workers. Still, some
companies are trustworthy and care about the old social contract between employ- politicians and labor experts believe that
their workers, and that’s a point the new ers and workers could place a large bur- this doesn’t need to be such an either-or
irms often make in court. Uber iled 400 den on state and local welfare budgets situation, nor one that regulators solve
testimonies from “driver-partners” in an if those new-economy jobs don’t last. by themselves. “Just as these enterprises
attempt to prove how satisied its contrac- “Without a social contract,” notes Sen- have been able to disrupt [various indus-
tors are with the status quo. ator Mark Warner of Virginia, who co- tries],” says Warner, “maybe we ought to
The new economy can make self- chairs the Future of Work project at the unleash that innovation in what the social
employment more attractive, at least at Aspen Institute, “the social safety net will contract should look like.” □
From L.A. to Atlanta, the irm vows to
deliver local goods in an hour; being
Uber their courier is “probably America’s
The ride-app irm is adding best part-time job,” the CEO says
“hundreds of thousands” of
new “driver-partners” globally
each month
This startup touts “expert”
handymen and home cleaners; Handy
says top contractors can make up to
$1,000 per week
Leader, Revolutionary
and Rival
©2016 Time Inc. Books. TIME is a registered trademark of Time Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries
Roth, Russell and Leigh can’t stave of cabin fever in this 182-minute dirge of a western
MOVIES QUENTIN TARANTINO HAS ALWAYS a western set in snow country, is unas-
been openhearted about his love for sailably beautiful. Tarantino and cin-
Tarantino’s spaghetti westerns, particularly those ematographer Robert Richardson in-
Hateful Eight of Sergio Corbucci. Although Corbucci
is less well-known in the States than
troduce us to a world—post–Civil War
Wyoming, to be exact—in which the
inds beauty his splashier counterpart, Sergio
Leone, his best pictures—like the 1966
Inuit’s quasi-mythical abundance
of words for snow translates into an
in snow— Django, featuring Franco Nero as a
raggedy gunighter who drags a coin
un-color wheel of satin grays, sable
blacks and primal whites. In the open-
not so much like an inconvenient suitcase wherever ing, a dappled, ashy form that appears
in people he goes—have an earthy fortitude that
not even Leone quite matches. The
to be a gnarled tree turns out to be
a stone cruciix, partly obscured by
By Stephanie Zacharek faces of Corbucci’s rogues are road pillowy snow, a forgotten Jesus in a
maps of scowls and sneers. Tarantino godforsaken land.
has said of Corbucci, “He loves the But that early visual is a ruse, a cin-
uglies,” and Tarantino does too, as ematic red herring that does nothing
anyone who has ever adored any of his to prepare us for the meandering dia-
movies can attest. logue, sour brutality and intellectual
But is he a man who loves too and spiritual murkiness that lie ahead.
T H E W E I N S T E I N C O.
much? The irst third of Tarantino’s All the promise of the irst hour of The
eighth movie, The Hateful Eight, Hateful Eight is squandered in the last
Time Of Movies
two: what begins as a wickedly chilly oily-impeccable manners, Tim Roth’s MOVIES
adventure—one that seems commit-
ted to using every inch of the rare ultra-
Oswaldo Mobray; Michael Madsen’s
cowboy scribe Joe Gage; and Bruce
Anomalisa is
wide 70-mm format that Tarantino Dern’s General Sandy Smithers, a classic sad puppet
so lovingly resurrected for this ilm—
evolves into a frostbitten, claustropho-
Confederate racist who, naturally, gets
under Major Warren’s skin: the center-
bic chamber piece in which an assort- piece of their inlamed encounter is a
ment of miscreants debase one another, protracted story involving a key part of AS R.E.M. ONCE SANG,
verbally and otherwise, until only bits Warren’s anatomy and some of the cre- everybody hurts, and in Char-
of them, barely it for crows, are left. ative uses he’s found for it. lie Kaufman and Duke John-
Samuel L. Jackson plays surly yet As with Tarantino’s 2012 Django son’s Anomalisa, an obsessive
principled bounty hunter and for- Unchained, the woolly, rambling drama about sufering and
mer Union soldier Major Marquis dialogue here focuses largely on the isolation featuring stop-mo-
Warren, long-legged and loping in a scourge of bigotry. But it’s unclear what tion-animated igures, that
goes for puppets too. Michael
(voiced by David Thewlis)
Jackson, left, and is a successful motivational
Goggins: not exactly speaker on a business trip to
hateful, but not so Cincinnati. He’s also, it turns
pretty, either out, cracking up, having be-
come so distanced from other
humans—and from himself—
that he can barely function.
His demeanor shifts when he
meets a shy young fan, Lisa
(Jennifer Jason Leigh, whose
guardedly cheerful presence
gives the movie some soul).
They connect in a scene that,
particularly for puppet sex,
is staged with remarkable
tenderness, but it’s clear this
bliss can’t last.
Kaufman (Synecdoche,
cape-shouldered military coat and Tarantino is trying to say about racism, New York) and Johnson (TV’s
broad-brimmed hat. Headed for the other than that he’s against it—and we Moral Orel) work hard to
nearest town, he hops a ride on a stage- already knew that. He’s illed this movie make us feel something for
coach: inside are fellow bounty hunter with intentionally unlikable characters. this shell of a person, strug-
John Ruth (Kurt Russell), a ruian in The challenge is to make us care for gling to be whole. But once
a scrubby fur coat, and the outlaw he’s them, in all their lawed splendor. you start reckoning with
captured, tough little Wild West urchin But there’s so little human gran- Anomalisa’s obsession with
Daisy Domergue (Jennifer Jason Leigh, deur in The Hateful Eight. Ennio Mor- self-absorption, the novelty
terriic in every scene). Daisy’s left eye is ricone’s score is both majestic and deli- of this one-man pity party
ringed by a hell of a shiner, and it doesn’t cate, its grand spaces illed with tendrils wears of. A little puppet pain
take long to igure out that it’s Ruth of feeling—but it’s as if the music can goes a long way.—S.Z.
T H E H AT E F U L E I G H T: T H E W E I N S T E I N C O.; A N O M A L I S A : PA R A M O U N T
who gave it to her. He smacks her often, feel something we can’t. The picture’s
and with escalating bravado, in what brutality is sometimes viciously funny:
becomes the movie’s deining running heads are blown open, their pinky-red
joke: the more she gets hit, the more she contents illing the air like mini-geysers.
grins and cackles, as if she were drawing But mostly the violence feels pinched
banshee strength from the abuse. and mingy rather than resplendent,
At some point, belligerent, bigoted uncharacteristic for Tarantino. Its glo-
Sherif Chris Mannix (the live-wire Wal- rious, snowcapped visuals aside, The
ton Goggins) also wedges himself into Hateful Eight comes of as bloodless
that coach, which will eventually end even in the midst of all its bloodiness,
up at Minnie’s Haberdashery, a popu- and its characters are devoid of nobility,
lar stopping-of point for weary travel- even the horrible kind. These are uglies Anomalisa’s Michael asks,
ers. Huddled inside are a hangman with not even a mother could love. □ Where is my mind?
52 TIME January 18, 2016
Sufficiency Thinking:
Thailand’s Gift to an
Unsustainable World
them do what they do best: act. Keeping them work- heart, ofering it up, iguratively speaking, alive
ing in temperatures so frigid, they can’t even move and bloody on a platter. It—he—is the most vis-
their lips, as Iñárritu did, isn’t a method-acting ceral efect in the movie: revenge served warm.
strategy—it’s just brutal. Bon appétit. □
54 TIME January 18, 2016
committee. lot in life, the other characters least really funny—to say. □
56 TIME January 18, 2016
Time Of Reviews
In a new
novel, past is
natural bent of a short-
story writer, given to careful
description and the kind of
feinted closure that pushes
uncomfortably past happily
ever after. If her new novel,
The Past, reads like a long
short story, that’s not a bad
thing. The Crane siblings and
their progeny have gathered
at their grandparents’
English country home to
decide whether to sell it. As
the three sisters and brother
work through their ties to the
BOOKS house, they also take stock
Advice from the tidy queen— of one another and the twists
life has handed them.
now, with illustrations Commingling with their
past selves and the memory
ONE OF THE CENTRAL TENETS OF MARIE KONDO’S WORLD- of their mother, the siblings
renowned tidying method is that books should not be stored— seem to stagnate in time,
if you’ve read something once, she says, you’ve absorbed it and the soporiic efect of the
should discard it from your life. Yet just over a year after the countryside but also of
S PA R K J OY © 2 0 1 6 B Y M A R I E K O N D O, I L L U S T R AT I O N S C O U R T E S Y T E N S P E E D P R E S S / M A S A K O I N O U E ; K O N D O : N AT S U N O I C H I G O
U.S. release of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, which nostalgia. Hadley builds
has sold more than 3 million copies in 35 languages, she’s back to a dramatic climax by
with a companion book, Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class Michael Bay standards—
on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up. For her adherents, this crash, bang—but it’s a red
will be one more item to thank for its service before dutifully herring. The events that alter
placing it on the discard pile when completed. our existence, her novel says,
Spark Joy ofers visual instructions for her complex folding happen not with a quake
method, which involves storing clothes upright, not lat, so that but with a shiver: an errant
opening a drawer reveals its full contents. Kondo also reiterates embrace, a chance meeting,
that when sorting through your possessions, only those objects the feel of cancerous tissue
that “spark joy” when held should be kept. This has given ‘Tidying is under the skin. With each
Kondo a reputation for minimalism, but in fact, readers will see the act of discovery, in an instant, the
she’s inarguably pro-stuf: she owns 19 sets of chopstick rests; confronting present outweighs the past.
advocates for decorating your home with beloved baubles yourself; —RADHIKA JONES
and tchotchkes even if they have no use; and empathizes with cleaning is
possessions, covering up stufed animals’ eyes before throwing the act of
them out and ruling that “balling your socks and stockings, or confronting
tying them into knots, is cruel.”
Following the “KonMari” method to the letter would be
hugely time-consuming, and readers may prefer to pick and MARIE KONDO, Spark Joy
choose some of the smaller life hacks she ofers, like keeping
warranties in a clear plastic folder to help you remember to
throw them out when they expire. But Kondo has real coni-
dence in her regimen’s ability to transform the neatnik as well
as the house. “Life truly begins,” she writes, “only after you
have put your house in order.”—SARAH BEGLEY
Time Of Reviews
Alex Brightman
tackles the Jack Black
role in the musical
TELEVISION School of Rock
The second season of
the TV Land dramedy
Younger, premiering
Jan. 13, brings a new
set of repercussions
for Sutton Foster’s
40-year-old single mom
trying to pass as a
Panic! at the Disco’s
ifth rock album, Death
of a Bachelor (Jan. 15),
From Hair to Bowie: the
mixes confessional rock invasion heats up
lyrics with a sound By Richard Zoglin
inspired by Queen and
Frank Sinatra.
BOOKS an uneasy, arm’s-length relationship. Despite a cou-
Samantha Hunt’s ple of successful early hookups (Hair, Jesus Christ Su-
mesmerizing third
novel, Mr. Splitfoot, perstar), the two seemed content to go their separate
spins a spooky tale ways during most of the rock revolution. Major rock
that begins in an artists wanted nothing to do with the middle-of-the-
C L O C K W I S E F R O M T O P L E F T: G E T T Y I M A G E S; M AT T H E W M U R P H Y; A H R O N F O S T E R ; J A N V E R S W E Y V E L D ; PA R A M O U N T
orphanage and ends road sounds (and audiences) of Broadway, and with
with a journey through an occasional exception (like the Tony-winning Rent)
New York.
Broadway’s embrace of rock has been mostly an ex-
MOVIES ercise in nostalgia—recycling oldies in shows like
Michael Bay’s thriller Mamma Mia!, Jersey Boys and Beautiful: The Carole
13 Hours: The Secret King Musical.
Soldiers of Benghazi
(Jan. 15) stars John But the times are a-changing. Two rock super- These Paper Bullets! has a mod
Krasinski as one of six stars, Bono and Sting, have each taken a stab at style and faux-Beatles numbers
security contractors Broadway in recent years (Spider-Man and The Last
responding to the Ship, respectively). David Byrne created a bracing
2012 attack on the world-beat score for Here Lies Love, his of-Broadway
American diplomatic
compound in Libya. musical about Imelda Marcos. Duncan Sheik, who
wrote the rock-driven score for Spring Awakening,
will return to Broadway in the spring with a new mu-
sical based on Bret Easton Ellis’ slasher novel Ameri-
can Psycho. And Lin-Manuel Miranda has shown
that hip-hop can turn the most unlikely of musical
subjects—Founding Father Alexander Hamilton—
into the hottest ticket in New York City.
In a itting sign of the times, onetime hitmaker
Andrew Lloyd Webber has returned to his rock-
’n’-roll roots, writing the score for Broadway’s new Michael C. Hall takes the reins
School of Rock. Based on the 2003 Jack Black movie, for David Bowie in Lazarus
about a deadbeat rock guitarist who turns a class of QUICK TALK
nerdy private-school kids into a headbanging rock
band, the show misses much of the ilm’s lazy charm
Natalie Dormer
as it hammers home its rock-is-liberating message Best known as Game of Thrones’ ON MY
with all the subtlety of an AC/DC power chord. But Margaery, Natalie Dormer stars next in the RADAR
Webber’s lightly tongue-in-cheek rock songs—like horror movie The Forest (out Jan. 8). It’s GUILLERMO
the kids’ anthem of rebellion, “Stick It to the Man”— inspired by Aokigahara, the Japanese
get you tapping your feet like nothing in The Phan- forest where people go to take their lives. CRIMSON PEAK
tom of the Opera.
The marriage of rock and theater can produce When you watch movies, are you del Toro always
duds as well. Billie Joe Armstrong, the Green Day easily scared? I’m a bit of a wimp, to speaks very
lead singer who brought his concept album Ameri- be honest, when it comes to horror eloquently
can Idiot to Broadway in 2010, has followed it with movies. When I was a girl and someone about monsters.
These Paper Bullets!, a spoofy update of Shake- would bring the latest slasher ilm to a He calls them
speare’s Much Ado About Nothing, revolving around sleepover, I was the one hiding in my living, breath-
a Beatles-like pop group in the early ’60s. But ex- sleeping bag. I’m not into violence for ing metaphors
of social and
cept for a few clever, faux-Beatles numbers that the gratuity’s sake—pornographic violence. personal issues.
group performs onstage, the show is barely a musi- It has to inform the story. That’s what
cal at all—more like a scrappy, not-very-funny col- every good
lege revue in need of a good rewrite. What surprised you about ilming horror movie
There’s no spooing going on in Lazarus, the horror? There’s a choreography and should have.’
dead-serious new of-Broadway musical from David precision to horror that I didn’t expect.
Bowie. The former glam rocker, working with Irish The way you set up the scare—it’s
playwright Enda Walsh and avant-garde director almost like setting up a joke in comedy.
Ivo van Hove, has decided to revisit the character of There’s the setup, the timing, the punch
Thomas Newton, the stranded space alien he played line. With horror, it’s all about setting
in the 1976 movie The Man Who Fell to Earth. The up the suspense and then timing it right
result is at once the most puzzling and most dazzling so the audience jumps when you jump.
new musical of the season.
In the movie, the humanoid alien comes to earth, What was it like visiting the forest
learns our ways from watching television, and builds where the movie takes place? It’s sur-
a billion-dollar conglomerate, all so he can return real because it’s such an ethereal place,
and save his dying planet from drought. In Lazarus, but it has this dark heritage. Every few
which apparently takes place years later, Newton is yards there’s a sign: “If you’re thinking
now a melancholy recluse, swilling gin in his barren of doing something to hurt yourself,
New York apartment and pining for his lost love. call this help line.”
Lazarus is needlessly opaque and dramatically
static, but it looks and sounds terriic. A giant video Any hints you can give about the
screen sits at center stage, dissolving in and out next season of Game of Thrones?
of static, the images sometimes mimicking the ac- Thrones is always making these
tion onstage, at other times producing characters unlikely pairings from one season to
who emerge from the screen into real life. There’s the next. We all get thrown in with a
an ethereal, blond waif who wants to take Newton new sparring partner. And I’ve actu-
home, his smitten assistant and her jealous husband, ally had a new sparring partner this
an assortment of blue-haired vixens and geisha season because Margaery is in jail,
girls, and a bad guy named Valentine who commits a and Cersei, after the walk of shame
murder—I think. It’s all set to Bowie’s hard-driving, last season, got back into the Keep.
angst-ridden songs, both old (“The Man Who Sold
The World,” “Changes”) and new. There was backlash to Cersei’s walk-
Michael C. Hall, as Newton, captures the dry, me- of-shame scene. Were you surprised
tallic timbre of Bowie’s voice, and the entire com- by that? It’s brave, bold writing,
mitted cast (accompanied by a band visible through whether you agree or disagree with the
a glass wall at the rear of the stage) does a lot to help choices that are made. There’s a lot of
distract us from the near incomprehensible story writing out there that plays it safe and
line. Call it a tone poem on the subject of alienation. doesn’t challenge its audience. Thrones
Or the best live-action music video ever put onstage. understands that its audience is sophis-
Or maybe better to just give up, turn and face the ticated and can process controversy.
Time Of PopChart
Destiny the
whale shark
(voiced by
Kaitlin Olson)
Pixar revealed
two new
For the irst time, the from its
Library of Congress forthcoming
chose a graphic novelist Finding Nemo
to be the 2016 national sequel,
ambassador for young Finding Dory.
people’s literature:
American Born Chinese
scribe Gene Luen Yang
(illustrated at left).
Bailey the beluga
Will Smith’s whale (voiced by
Ty Burrell)
Louis Vuitton
Celine Dion Tatum donned
covered Adele’s a Princess
smash hit “Hello” Elsa costume
to rave reviews. to perform
“Let It Go” on
Spike TV’s Lip
Sync Battle.
YO U T U B E ; P R I N G L E S : K E L L O G G ; H O T D O G , P R I N G L E S : A L A M Y; S M I T H : B R U C E W E B E R — L O U I S V U I T T O N ; D I O N , S P E A R S , L U C A S , M A R T I N : G E T T Y I M A G E S
G E N E L U E N YA N G — F I R S T S E C O N D B O O K S (2) ; F I N D I N G D O R Y: D I S N E Y/ P I X A R ; TAT U M : S P I K E T V; B R E A D F A C E B L O G : I N S TA G R A M ; B U F F A L O B I L L S :
Britney Spears got
stuck in a prop tree
during one of her
Las Vegas shows.
‘I sold them
to the white
Kellogg Co. has
started selling slavers.’
hot-dog-flavored GEORGE LUCAS, on the deal he
Pringles at select made to sell Star Wars rights to
Walgreens stores. Disney. He later apologized for
the comment, calling his analogy
“inappropriate” and saying he has
“great respect for the company.”
George R.R.
Martin revealed
that the next
A Song of Ice and
Fire book won’t
be out before
the Game of A Buffalo Bills fan set
Thrones Season 6 himself on fire after jumping Instagram’s newest
premiere, despite through a burning table at celebrity is
his earlier a tailgate. @BreadFaceBlog, a
promise. woman who smashes
her face into bread.
60 TIME January 18, 2016 By Nolan Feeney, Samantha Grossman and Ashley Ross
This is how you say
it’s going to be okay.
Every 8 minutes the American
Red Cross responds to a
disaster and makes this promise.
You can help us keep it.
email with something funny in it to someone a few feet away. get used to being in each other’s orbit just like every-
Even if you can hear their email alert and you are fairly sure one else. As I’ve recently learned, being together takes
they are opening the email and you can see them smiling and practice, even if you once shared a bathroom for 18
are certain they are reading what you sent, do not look in their years straight. A college vacation comes up, a beloved
eyes knowingly. And absolutely don’t say, “Hey, wasn’t that but utterly changed adult person shows up in your co-
funny?” You’ll smash the fragile illusion of privacy and ano- living space, and you have to igure out all over again
nymity. Wait for them to reach out. Or send a chat message. when it’s O.K. to break that fourth wall and ask who’s
(Yes, even if they are close enough to touch.) Otherwise, your calling so early on Christmas morning, and when to
co-desk-habitator will feel exposed, like you know almost pretend you didn’t hear a thing. □
62 TIME January 18, 2016
Cozi is a 3-time
Mom’s Choice
Award® Winner
Monday, Boozeday Tuesday, Winesday You’ve talked about pubic hair and
Wednesday. I don’t think the top brass peeing your pants and kissed Regis
knew what we were doing for a while, Philbin on air. Any regrets? Of those
because nobody watched us. They were three? Yes, yes and yes! I better not say
busy! And then one day, they were like, yes to kissing Regis—let’s just do the
“Are they drinking?” We were like, irst two. —SARAH BEGLEY
64 TIME January 18, 2016
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