This document provides chapter summaries and questions for a Business Studies textbook for ISC Class XII. It covers topics such as staff recruitment, selection, training, motivation, remuneration, leadership, appraisal, promotion, transfer, dismissal and communication. For each chapter there are objective type questions as well as longer answer questions. The document aims to help students learn and gain confidence to do well in their Business Studies examination.
This document provides chapter summaries and questions for a Business Studies textbook for ISC Class XII. It covers topics such as staff recruitment, selection, training, motivation, remuneration, leadership, appraisal, promotion, transfer, dismissal and communication. For each chapter there are objective type questions as well as longer answer questions. The document aims to help students learn and gain confidence to do well in their Business Studies examination.
This document provides chapter summaries and questions for a Business Studies textbook for ISC Class XII. It covers topics such as staff recruitment, selection, training, motivation, remuneration, leadership, appraisal, promotion, transfer, dismissal and communication. For each chapter there are objective type questions as well as longer answer questions. The document aims to help students learn and gain confidence to do well in their Business Studies examination.
This document provides chapter summaries and questions for a Business Studies textbook for ISC Class XII. It covers topics such as staff recruitment, selection, training, motivation, remuneration, leadership, appraisal, promotion, transfer, dismissal and communication. For each chapter there are objective type questions as well as longer answer questions. The document aims to help students learn and gain confidence to do well in their Business Studies examination.
BIKASH AGARWAL 9831421813 --------------- ISC - CLASS XII
[This is merely a suggestion so do not depend totally on it. However student are requested to learn each and every question given in this suggestion to get good marks in the examination as well as to gain confidence] Chapter 1 : Staff Recruitment & Selection Objective Questions: 1.) Define recruitment. 2.) Why is medical examination as essential part of selection procedure? 3.) What is meant by “Campus Recruitment”? 4.) Explain the significance of ‘application blank’ in a selection procedure. 5.) What are stress interviews? 6.) Define internal sources of recruitment. 7.) Explain two limitations of recruitment interview. Long Questions: 1.) What are the various types of interviews? 2.) Describe the selection procedure for appointing staff in a large organisation. 3.) State the advantages and disadvantages of internal recruitment. 4.) Write a note on advertisement as a source of recruitment. 5.) Why are test conducted in a selection procedure? State advantages and limitations of such tests. Chapter 2 : Staff Training Objective Questions: 1.) What is vestibule training? What is its purpose? 2.) Mention two advantages of orientation training. 3.) What is the purpose of induction training? 4.) Distinguish between training and development. 5.) State the significance of refresher training. Long Questions: 1.) Define training. Distinguish it from education. 2.) What is off the job training? Give examples where only this types of training will be used. 3.) Describe the major steps for developing a training programme. 4.) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of on the job training. 5.) “Post training activities are an important part of a training programme” Explain post training activities. Why are they conducted?
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For any Query Visit at : CPT, CS FOUNDATION, IPCC, CS EXECUTIVE, B.COM (Hons & General), M.COM (C.U., V.U., B.U.), BBA (Finance, HR), MBA (Finance, HR), ISC (XI AND XII), H.S., ICSE CLASSES ARE GOING ON SPECIAL CLASSES FOR ECONOMICS, MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS NOTES AND SUGGESTIONS ARE AVAILABLE BIKASH AGARWAL 9831421813 --------------- ISC - CLASS XII BUSINESS STUDIES - 2015 6.) What is apprenticeship training? Give advantages and disadvantages of the same. Chapter 3 : Staff Morale Objective Questions: 1) How motivation differs from morale? 2) State the important of team work. 3) How can a supervisor affect an employee’s morale? 4) What do you understand by “morale depressants”? 5) What is the effect of high morale of staff on productivity? 6) Give four signs of low morale in an organisation. Long Questions: 1) Discuss the methods of raising staff morale in an organisation. 2) What are the factors that reduce morale? Suggest measures that may be adopted to improve morale. 3) Explain the significance of teamwork in any organisation. 4) Explain the Morale Productivity Matrix. Chapter 4 : Staff Remuneration Objective Questions: 1) Is a payslip the same as pay roll? Explain 2) What is meant by time card? 3) Define remuneration. 4) What do you understand by incentives in the case of staff remuneration? 5) Distinguish between real wages and money wages. Long Questions: 1) Compare and contrast the time wages system and piece wages system. 2) Discuss the Halsey and Rowan Plans of incentives with suitable examples. 3) Explain the differences between Halsey and Rowan plans of wage incentive. 4) What is time rate of wage payment? State any two conditions where it is suitable? Chapter 5 : Staff Motivation Objective Questions: 1) “Motivation is the core of management” – Comment 2) List the factors of motivation. 3) Explain the term “hierarchy of needs”.
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For any Query Visit at : CPT, CS FOUNDATION, IPCC, CS EXECUTIVE, B.COM (Hons & General), M.COM (C.U., V.U., B.U.), BBA (Finance, HR), MBA (Finance, HR), ISC (XI AND XII), H.S., ICSE CLASSES ARE GOING ON SPECIAL CLASSES FOR ECONOMICS, MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS NOTES AND SUGGESTIONS ARE AVAILABLE BIKASH AGARWAL 9831421813 --------------- ISC - CLASS XII BUSINESS STUDIES - 2015 4) “Money is not the only motivation for staff.” – Justify this statement. Long Questions: 1) Discuss Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of human needs. 2) Differentiate between monetary and non monetary factors affecting motivation. Chapter 6 : Staff Leadership Objective Questions: 1) How is leader different from a manager? 2) Explain bureaucratic style. 3) What id meant by Laissez-Faire leadership? 4) Distinguish between leadership and management. 5) What is autocratic leadership? 6) A leader is born not made – Give argument for or against this proposition. Long Questions: 1) State and explain the qualities of a good labour leader. 2) Explain different leadership styles, bringing out clearly the merits and demerits of each style. 3) Explain the importance of leadership in staff management. Chapter 7 : Staff Appraisal Objective Questions: 1) What is meant by Merit Grading of Staff? 2) How does performance appraisal help in training and development of an employee? 3) Define performance appraisal. 4) What is the purpose of Staff Appraisal? Long Questions: 1) Discuss the importance of performance appraisal. 2) Discuss the pros and cons of performance appraisal of subordinate staff by superior staff. 3) How does performance appraisal help the employees and the organisation. Chapter 8 : Staff Promotion and Transfer Objective Questions: 1) What is meant by open promotion system and closed promotion system? 2) What is meant by staff promotion? BIKASH AGARWAL Page No. 3 9831421813 For any Query Visit at : CPT, CS FOUNDATION, IPCC, CS EXECUTIVE, B.COM (Hons & General), M.COM (C.U., V.U., B.U.), BBA (Finance, HR), MBA (Finance, HR), ISC (XI AND XII), H.S., ICSE CLASSES ARE GOING ON SPECIAL CLASSES FOR ECONOMICS, MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS NOTES AND SUGGESTIONS ARE AVAILABLE BIKASH AGARWAL 9831421813 --------------- ISC - CLASS XII BUSINESS STUDIES - 2015 3) Define versatility transfer. 4) What is remedial transfer? 5) “Transfer can be used as punishment” – Justify 6) Distinguish between promotion and transfer. Long Questions: 1) Define promotion. Explain advantages and disadvantages of seniority based promotion. 2) Give your arguments in favour of ‘merit’ and ‘seniority’ as a criterion for promotion. Which one will you adopt in your organisation and why? 3) “Demotion is a serious punishment and humiliation for the employee” State and explain reasons when it becomes necessary to implement it in the office. Chapter 9 : Staff Dismissal Objective Questions: 1) Explain the term voluntary retirement. 2) What is a disciplinary interview? Why is it conducted? 3) Distinguish between retrenchment and layoff. 4) Suspension of an employee is not a punishment. Comment Long Questions: 1) Explain the procedure for dismissal of an employee.
Chapter 10 : Nature & Process of Communication
Objective Questions: 1) What is feedback? 2) List the elements of communication process. 3) Why is communication called a two way process? 4) Explain the term encoding. Long Questions: 1.) What is meant by face to face communication? 2.) What is meant by semantic barriers? Explain semantic barriers to communication. 3.) Define communication. Suggest measures to make the communication system in an organisation effective. 4.) Explain the component of communication process Chapter 11 : Oral Communication Objective Questions: BIKASH AGARWAL Page No. 4 9831421813 For any Query Visit at : CPT, CS FOUNDATION, IPCC, CS EXECUTIVE, B.COM (Hons & General), M.COM (C.U., V.U., B.U.), BBA (Finance, HR), MBA (Finance, HR), ISC (XI AND XII), H.S., ICSE CLASSES ARE GOING ON SPECIAL CLASSES FOR ECONOMICS, MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS NOTES AND SUGGESTIONS ARE AVAILABLE BIKASH AGARWAL 9831421813 --------------- ISC - CLASS XII BUSINESS STUDIES - 2015 1.) What is horizontal communication? 2.) What is vertical communication? 3.) What do you understand by ‘gestural communication’? Long Questions: 1.) Explain the merits and demerits of oral communication. 2.) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of written communication. 3.) Write short note on internal communication in an organisation. Chapter 12 : Telephone Objective Questions: 1.) What is an email? 2.) Distinguish between a telefax and a telegram. 3.) What is video conferencing? 4.) What is a cordless phone? What are its limitations? 5.) Is a cordless phone the same as a mobile phone? Explain. Long Questions: 1.) Explain the qualities of a good telephone operator. 2.) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of telephone services in an organisation. 3.) Name and explain staff locating systems that can be used in a modern office. Chapter 13 : Business Correspondence Objective Questions: 1.) What is a letter of enquiry? 2.) What is memo? 3.) Explain the term postscript. 4.) Distinguish between notice and circular 5.) Explain clarity in a good business letter. Long Questions: 1.) What are the essentials of a good business letter? 2.) Draft a letter of appointment for a school teacher offering her the job of an English teacher in a primary school. 3.) Draft an appointment in response to an advertisement inviting application for the post of an assistant manager in a company. Chapter 14 : Report Writing
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For any Query Visit at : CPT, CS FOUNDATION, IPCC, CS EXECUTIVE, B.COM (Hons & General), M.COM (C.U., V.U., B.U.), BBA (Finance, HR), MBA (Finance, HR), ISC (XI AND XII), H.S., ICSE CLASSES ARE GOING ON SPECIAL CLASSES FOR ECONOMICS, MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS NOTES AND SUGGESTIONS ARE AVAILABLE BIKASH AGARWAL 9831421813 --------------- ISC - CLASS XII BUSINESS STUDIES - 2015 Objective Questions: 1.) What is a non-statutory report? 2.) What is the role of appendix in a report? 3.) What is a note of dissent? 4.) What are routine report? Long Questions: 1.) Describe the essential qualities of a good reporter. 2.) Explain social reports and informational reports. Chapter 15 : Company Meetings Objective Questions: 1.) What is an agenda? 2.) What is statutory meeting? When it is held? 3.) What is an extraordinary meeting? 4.) What is a motion in the context of meetings? When can it become a counter motion? 5.) What is quorum? Long Questions: 1.) Discuss the different types of meetings
Chapter 16 : Visual Communication
Objective Questions: 1.) State the advantages and disadvantages of visual communication. 2.) Distinguish between Bar diagram and Pie chart. 3.) Explain bar graph 4.) What are special tables? Long Questions: 1.) Explain pictogram and histogram with the help of suitable examples. 2.) With the help of suitable examples, explain the following – Bar graph and Pie diagram. Chapter 17 : Mail & Post Office Services Objective Questions: 1.) Explain book post. 2.) Explain the significance of pin code BIKASH AGARWAL Page No. 6 9831421813 For any Query Visit at : CPT, CS FOUNDATION, IPCC, CS EXECUTIVE, B.COM (Hons & General), M.COM (C.U., V.U., B.U.), BBA (Finance, HR), MBA (Finance, HR), ISC (XI AND XII), H.S., ICSE CLASSES ARE GOING ON SPECIAL CLASSES FOR ECONOMICS, MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS NOTES AND SUGGESTIONS ARE AVAILABLE BIKASH AGARWAL 9831421813 --------------- ISC - CLASS XII BUSINESS STUDIES - 2015 3.) What are advantages of postal franking? 4.) What are phonograms? 5.) Expand the following – TMO, VPP, PPF, CTD Long Questions: 1.) Discuss the procedure for handling outgoing mail in a big business concern. 2.) Describe the procedure followed by a large business firm for handling inward mail. 3.) Write short notes on “under certificate of posting” 4.) What are the benefits of franking machine? Chapter 18 : Management of Records Objective Questions: 1.) Explain the meaning of indexing. 2.) Explain the term suspension filing Chapter 19 : Office Automation Objective Questions: 1.) Explain the term EDP 2.) What is the difference between hardware and software? Long Questions: 1.) What factors would you keep in mind while considering “office automation” in a modern corporate unit?
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(Wishing all of you a good luck for your examinations)