Question Bank HRM
Question Bank HRM
Question Bank HRM
What are its objectives? What qualities a Human Resource Manager processes to be successful? What is the role of HRM in an organisation? What steps should be taken by HRM to make its role more significant in an organisation which believes in outsourcing HR? Enumerate the challenges of HRM in the present organisational context (2009, 2008, 2007, 2005, 2002, 2000) 2. What are the special problems faced by Indian Corporate in making Human Resource Management Function more successful.(2003, 2001) 3. What is Human Resource Planning? Why is Human Resource Planning essential in an organisation? What is its purpose and what are its important elements. What are the different factors which should be considered while planning for human resources in an organisation? (2007, 2001, 2000) 4. Give a brief outline of the Human Resource Planning System. (2002) 5. What is Manpower Planning? Discuss the process and importance of Manpower Planning in an organisation. What factors do you consider while forecasting manpower needs of an organisation? (2009, 2005, 2004) 6. How is Business Plan different from Human Resource Planning? (2006) 7. What is Personnel Policy? Describe the important personnel policies that affect the job of a Personnel Manager. (2009, 2006, 2004) 8. What is Job Design? How it is different from Job Analysis? Explain with suitable examples. (2004) 9. What is Job Analysis? Job Analysis comprises three distinct components. Name and describe them. (1999) 10. Define job evaluation. What are the advantages and disadvantages of job evaluation ((2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2003, 2002, 2000) 11. How would you design a Management Development program for middle level managers? What are the merits and demerits of the different methods of training evaluation? (2007) 12. Explain the concept of organisation structure. What are different forms of organisation structure? What are merits of formal organisation structure? (2003, 2002, 2000) 13. Discuss the sources of recruitment for an organisation. Explain the merits and demerits of each. What are the modern sources and techniques of recruitment? Describe the steps in the selection procedure in an organisation. Explain how the procedure can be made more scientific for talented manpower (2009, 2007, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2001)
14. Describe a scientific method for selection of candidates for an organisation and discuss its merits and demerits. What are the essential of selection procedure. Discuss the steps involved in it. (2007, 2000) 15. What is meant by reliability and validity of a selection test? Discuss the methods of reliability. How is reliability of Interview as a selection instrument found? (2007, 2003) 16. What is Motivation? Definition. Briefly describe the objective of motivation. Discuss any two theories of motivation. Explain the strategies used by organisations to motivate employees (of a loss making concern). How do organisations use these theories to enhance achievement orientation in their employees? Why is it a critical issue of interest to managers in organisation? (2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2003, 2000, 1999) 17. Describe the profile of a de-motivated worker. (2002) 18. What are the merits and demerits of incentive based schemes of remuneration? (2001) 19. Identify the importance of orientation? What are the similarities and differences in an orientation program of engineers and MBA trainees? (2006) 20. What is Organisational Change? What are the sources of resistance to change in an organisation? How can these be effectively overcome? How can effective change be implemented in an organisation? What steps should a Human Resource manager take to make a change management program successful.(2009, 2007, 2005, 2002, 2001) 21. What is Management of change, why do employees resist change? Furnish a detailed account of Resistance of change? (2008) 22. Define and discuss planned change.
23. Bring out the differences between Training and Development. Discuss the importance of training and development in organisations. How do you identify the training needs in an organisation? Describe the different methods of training. Also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of lecture method of training (2009, 2006, 2005, 2002, 2000, 1999) 24. How would you evaluate a training program? Does its evaluation have any bearing on its design? (2003) 25. How do you identify the Training needs of an enterprise? Suggest a Training Programme (2008) 26. What is Performance Appraisal/Performance Appraisal System? What are its objectives? What are the steps involved in the performance appraisal process? What is Performance Management? Describe the various sources of errors in the appraisal process. What are the organisational factors needed to support an effective performance appraisal system? (2009, 2006, 2005)
27. What is the difference between the performance Appraisal and performance management systems in an organisation? (2005) 28. What is Job Analysis and Job Evaluation? What are their advantages and Significance? (2009, 2008, 2005, 2000) 29. Role of a constructive trade union in meeting workers expect ion and employers requirement of higher productivity. (2002, 2001) Opinion Based 1. Performance Appraisal is not merely for appraisal, but is for accomplishment and improvement of performance Discuss. (2008) 2. A situational combination of rewards and punishments can effectively motivate men, is the statement true of false? Explain. (2004) 3. The 360 degrees Performance Appraisal mostly can do away with biased approach while assessing an employee. Do you agree with the above statement? Give your views. (2004) 4. For internal mobility Management Development Programme is a must. Comment (2004) 5. The Challenge and the role of HRM department being what it is, it is strange its status is not recognized and respected Elucidate and give your viewpoint (1999) 6. The first step in effectively managing employee performance is to evolve rational, mutually acceptable and clearly understood criteria elaborate. (1999) Short Notes 1) Employee Turnover/Personnel Turnover (2009, 2008, 2005) 2) Job Satisfaction and its major components (2009, 2005, 1999) 3) Succession Planning (2009, 2007, 2002) 4) Employment Exchange (2008) 5) Job Rotation (2008, 2007, 2006, 2003, 2001) 6) Probation Period (2008, 2004) 7) Placement (2008) 8) Assessment centers (2007, 2006, 2002 2000) 9) Training need analysis (2007, 2002, 2001) 10) Career Development (2006) 11) Sons of soil theory in recruitment (2004) 12) Appraisal by peers. (2004) 13) Career development (2004) 14) Maslow's theory of needs. (2004) 15) Hertzbergs two factor theory (2001) 16) Employee Morale (2005) 17) Managing Change (2003) 18) Multi Skilling (2003, 1999) 19) Resolving Conflict (2003) 20) Job Description (2002) 21) Organisation Downsizing (2002) 22) Team Effectiveness (2002) 23) Employee Manual (2002) 24) Principles of Natural Justice (2001) 25) Workers participation in Management (2001) 26) Work Sampling (2000) 27) Types of audit 2000)
Distinction between training and development (2000) Need and importance of personnel policies (1999) Ethics of appraisal (1999) External sources of recruitment (1999) Designing motivation jobs (1999) Distinguish between Induction and orientation systems. (2009, 2002)