JustCulture Judicial Final
JustCulture Judicial Final
JustCulture Judicial Final
Edition 1.0
Edition date: 11.02.2008
Reference nr: 08/02/06-07
"Taking Safety to new heights"
Document Description
Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System
This document guides you in the implementation of a Just Culture. It also helps you identify some possibilities for creating national
and international Just Cultures. This is important in aviation, because experience has shown that we can learn immensely from
honest mistakes. But that means they need to be reported—freely, without fear of retribution. Indeed, ideas about Just Culture,
most prominently, feature openness and information sharing. All definitions of a Just Culture draw a line between acceptable and
unacceptable behaviour. This line, however, is also exactly what makes a Just Culture hard to implement. That which determines
a Just Culture can also undermine it.
Different States have so far tried, to a greater or lesser extent, to address the problems at the heart of a Just Culture in different ways.
While they may differ considerably in outward appearance, all these efforts actually centre around three main questions: Who draws
the line? What role does domain expertise have? and, How protected is safety data?
A Just Culture is not just another safety-related initiative. It is the only way to proceed towards enhancing safety. The need to do
so should be recognised by all parties involved, regardless of any practical and cultural difficulties along the way. Two insights,
emanating from decades of safety and human factors research, confirm this. Progress on safety has become synonymous with
taking a system perspective and moving beyond blame.
CONTACT PERSON(S): Dragica Stankovic TEL: +32 2 729 5034 UNIT: DAP/SSH
Ann-Frédérique Pothier +32 2 729 3743 JUR
Electronic Source
Edition 1.0 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System 3
EATM Infocentre
EUROCONTROL Headquarters
96 Rue de la Fusée
Document Approval
The following table identifies all management authorities who have successively approved the present issue of
this document.
4 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System Edition 1.0
Document Change Record
The following table records the complete history of the successive editions of the present document.
Infocentre Section
Edition Date Reason for Change
Reference Affected
0.1 20/11/06 First working draft setting the direction All
for study
0.2 16/01/07 Completion of the ANSPs and literature All
0.3 05/03/07 Revision before presentation at SISG20 All
0.4 10/04/07 First review of legal experts All
0.5 22/06/07 Revision post SISG 20 and accommodation All
of EUROCONTROL Legal Service revision –
sent for correspondence SISG consultation
Edition 1.0 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System 5
Executive Summary
Introduction and aim: This document guides you in the implementation of a Just Culture. It also helps you
identify some possibilities for creating national and international Just Cultures. This is important in aviation,
because experience has shown that we can learn immensely from honest mistakes. But that means they need
to be reported—freely, without fear of retribution. Indeed, ideas about Just Culture, most prominently, feature
openness and information sharing.
The problem with drawing a line between acceptable and unacceptable: All definitions of a Just Culture draw
a line between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. This line, however, is also exactly what makes a Just
Culture hard to implement actually. That which determines a Just Culture can also undermine it. What matters in
creating a Just Culture, then, is not to come up with a definition that leaves a number of supposedly self-evident
labels (“wilful violation”, “negligence”, or people that are not “prudent”, or “normal”, or “reasonably skilled”) on the
wrong side of the law and the rest on the right side. Because those labels are far from self-evident. What matters
instead is to consider very carefully, and preferably make arrangements about, who gets to draw the line in a
particular ANSP or State.
Setting up a Just Culture revolves around three questions: Different States have so far tried, to a greater or
lesser extent, to address the problems at the heart of a Just Culture in different ways. While they may differ con-
siderably in outward appearance, all these efforts actually centre on the reconciliation of three key questions:
1. Who in the State, ANSP or society gets to draw the line between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour?
2. What and where should the role of domain expertise be in judging whether behaviour is acceptable or
3. How protected against judicial interference are safety data (either the safety data from incidents inside of
ANSPs or the safety data that come from formal accident investigations)?
Here is what we derived in general from an examination of different States' answers to these three questions:
a. The more a State has made clear, agreed, structural arrangements about who gets to draw the line, the
more predictable the judicial consequences of an occurrence are likely to be. That is, controllers and
ANSPs will suffer less anxiety and uncertainty about what may happen in the wake of an occurrence, as
structural arrangements have been agreed on and are in place.
b. The greater the involvement of the domain expertise in support of drawing the line jointly with judicial
system, the less controllers and ANSPs are likely to be exposed to unfair or inappropriate judicial proceedings.
c. The better protected safety data is from judicial interference, the more likely controllers in that State
could feel free to report. The protection of this safety data is connected, of course, to how the State
solves questions 1. and 2.
Accidents vs. incidents/occurrences have different impact over profession, public, media and justice. Judicial
proceedings in the aftermath of an accident can impede investigatory access to information sources, as people
may become less willing to cooperate in the accident probe. This could make it more difficult for investigators to
obtain valuable information, particularly when judicial proceedings are launched at the same time as the safety
investigation. There is, however, evidence that criminal prosecution in the aftermath of an accident does not dimin-
ish the preparedness of those expected to report regarding incidents, not even when they are part of the same
organisation. We should draw a distinctive line between accidents (involving victims) and simple occurrences
where no life was in danger. While Just Culture would be applicable to both, the practice shows that is much easi-
er implemented in the latter case. Intervention of the department of justice and prosecution in the case of acci-
dents is to be expected also due to political, public, media, victims and their relatives’ pressure.
6 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System Edition 1.0
Different local solutions to reconcile the three questions: Research conducted for this report showed a variety
of different local approaches, all of which were somehow a resolution of the three questions. These local
approaches are detailed in the report:
Those approaches are not designed, proposed or advocated by EUROCONTROL but rather reflect the situation in
various States within ECAC. Some could be interpreted as best practices and some probably not (on the contrary,
some should not be followed if a Just Culture is to be implemented). Those 8 identified approaches are not meant
to represent a complete and exhaustive view of what is found in Europe; it may also well be that other best prac-
tices are still to be born. Successful implementation of Just Culture depends on a variety of soft parameters and it
is left to the stakeholders to judge which local approach, solution or combination of local solutions can best be
adapted to their local environment. However, what is strongly recommended is a staggered approach.
A staggered approach to building a Just Culture: The approach finally suggested in this report is a staggered
one. This approach allows you match the ANSP’s ambitions to the State’s possibilities and constraints, the cul-
ture of the State and its legal traditions and imperatives. Each step in the staggered approach is already a con-
tribution to the creation of a Just Culture. The steps suggested are:
1. Start at home, in the national ANSP, where lines are clear and people know their rights and duties.
2. Decide who in the ANSP draws the line between acceptable and unacceptable mistakes that are not
within the competence of justice but still are falling in a grey area of oranisational/administrative sanctions.
3. Protect the ANSP's data from undue outside probing.
4. Decide who draws the line between what is acceptable and unacceptable in the State so that justice and
aviation domain roles are clear.
5. Sort out cross-border issues.
Conclusion: A Just Culture is not just a nice option. It is the only way to go, and the desire to create one
should be a solved problem for all stakeholders—whatever the practical and cultural difficulties along the way.
Two insights from decades of safety and human factors research confirm this. Progress on safety has become
synonymous with taking a systems perspective and moving beyond blame.
Edition 1.0 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System 7
8 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System Edition 1.0
Table of Contents
5 – Three questions:
1. Who draws the line?
2. What role does Domain Expertise have? and
3. How protected is Safety Data? 21
Appendices 33
Edition 1.0 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System 9
1 - The aim of this document
This document aims to help you build a Just Culture. Building a Just Culture is difficult, but there are small, local
steps that you can take. This guidance document lays out a number of them. Changing a culture is really hard.
Doing it quickly is impossible. But you can actively work to change some of the practices within your ANSP and
maybe even within your country.
You can perhaps change some of the rules that you work under, either in your own organisation, or you can help
influence law makers in your country to change rules on a national scale. This could be rules, for example, on the
protection of controllers who send in incident reports. You can also work towards trying to develop relationships
and initiate dialogue, for example between a prosecutor for aviation cases and safety experts within the States and
Working towards a Just Culture means trying to change some key practices, some key rules, and perhaps some
key relationships between stakeholders, so that, eventually, slowly but surely, a Just Culture may emerge.
10 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System Edition 1.0
2 - What is JUST CULTURE?
Just Culture has been defined as a culture in which where gross negligence, wilful violations and destruc-
front line operators or others are not punished for tive acts are not tolerated. This is important in aviation,
actions, omissions or decisions taken by them that are because we know we can learn a lot from the so-called
commensurate with their experience and training, but ‘honest mistakes’.
A concise representation of where to delineate the Just Culture was defined by the SAFREP TF1 and is repre-
sented in Figure 1 below.
Inadequate attitude?
No Honest
Facts negligence mistakes
qualify as
violation Gross Criminal
negligence acts
traceable to ATCO
No SMS to address these
Inadequate attitude? Gross Honest
for the single purpose
negligence mistake of improving safety
Issue for the
competence of
The line is also important because if “anything goes” will understand the same way. And recognise too, that
(that is, all behaviour is acceptable), then controllers this judgment is clouded significantly by the effects of
may not feel that they have to report anything at all. hindsight. With knowledge of outcome, it becomes
Another argument for the line is that the public must almost impossible for us to go back and understand
be protected against intentional misbehaviour or the world as it looked to somebody who did not yet
criminal acts, and that the application of justice cre- have that knowledge of outcome.
ates such protection.
Appendix 1 contains examples of international regula- Who gets to draw the line?
tions and directives that attempt to draw a line. You
will probably recognise such lines in your own ANSP’s What matters in building a Just Culture is not to come
policies too. up with a definition that leaves a number of labels
(“wilful violation”, “negligence”, not “prudent,” “normal,”
or “reasonably skilled”) on the wrong side of the line
Drawing a line is difficult and the rest on the right side. Because those labels are
far from clear. Almost any mistake can be seen as wil-
But drawing a line is difficult. It is actually the hardest ful disregard or negligence, if this comes from some-
part of building a Just Culture. Look at this definition of body with the power and authority to do so (a manag-
negligence: er, or a prosecutor).
“Negligence is conduct that falls below the standard
required as normal in the community. It applies to a What matters in building a Just Culture is to consider
person who fails to use the reasonable level of skill very carefully who gets to draw the line. In fact, it is
expected of a person engaged in that particular activ- best to make clear arrangements about who gets to
ity, whether by omitting to do something that a pru- draw the line (and when). This is more important and
dent and reasonable person would do in the circum- more useful than actually trying to define the line.
stances or by doing something that no prudent or rea-
sonable person would have done in the circum-
stances. To raise a question of negligence, there needs
to be a duty of care on the person, and harm must be Air traffic controllers are
caused by the negligent action. In other words, where
there is a duty to exercise care, reasonable care must responsible professionals who
be taken to avoid acts or omissions which can reason-
ably be foreseen to be likely to cause harm to persons take accountability for their
or property. If, as a result of a failure to act in this rea-
sonably skilful way, harm/injury/damage is caused to a work
person or property, the person whose action caused
the harm is negligent.”6 Do controllers not want to have, or take, responsibility
for their actions? Actually, most controllers even want,
This definition does not immediately solve the prob- and expect, accountability. It gives their job meaning.
lem of which behaviour is negligent. Rather, you now The possibility of blame is the other side of the feeling
have to solve a larger number of equally difficult prob- of control that their work otherwise gives to them.
lems instead: What is “normal standard”? How far is
“below”? What is “reasonably skilful”? What is “reason- But you cannot ask a controller to be entirely responsi-
able care”? What is “prudent”? Was harm indeed ble for something he or she had no complete authori-
“caused by the negligent action?” ty over. Real controlling work is full of what we can call
responsibility-authority mismatches, where con-
Of course, it is not that making such judgments is trollers have formal responsibility for the outcome of
impossible. In fact, we probably do this quite a lot their work, but do not have full authority over the
every day. It is, however, important to remember that actions and decisions that take them to that outcome.
judgments are exactly what they are: a reasonable The question is not whether the work of the con-
level of skill is a judgment, not a reality that everybody trollers contained these mismatches (because it most
Edition 0.7
6- GAIN, Op. Cit., p. 6 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System 13
2 - What is JUST CULTURE?
likely did). The question is whether the ANSP itself and The responsibility-authority mismatch brings back the
the State’s legal system can actually deal with them basic goal conflicts that drive most safety-critical and
fairly. This is important to consider when asking your- time-critical work: it has to be simultaneously safe and
self who should get to draw the line in your organisa- efficient. As a result, the work involves sacrificing deci-
tion or country: sions: sacrificing safety for efficiency, reliability for cost
reduction, diligence for higher production. If an entire
I Do people imply that controllers should take centre is crying out for controllers to be efficient, how
responsibility for the outcomes of their actions can we (or a prosecutor) then turn around after an
simply because their formal status demands it occasional failure and all of a sudden demand that
and their pay check and societal standing com- they should have been thorough all along instead?
pensates for it? If they don’t like that, they
should not have been in that job. At first sight, it is so easy to claim that the individuals
in question should have tried a little harder, should
I Or do they take responsibility-authority mis- have looked a little better, should have been more
matches seriously? Not just for considering motivated, or should have concentrated more. But on
how “accountable” you can actually claim any- closer inspection, we can discover a context that con-
body was, but also because the existence and spired, in various obvious and less obvious ways,
extent of responsibility-authority mismatches against people’s ability to do a good job. Even if they
tells us all something essential about the came to work to do a good job, the definition of a
organisation in question. Does management, “good” job may have shifted towards production and
for example, acknowledge such mismatches punctuality, towards customer service and efficiency,
on part of its controllers (or itself, for that mat- towards attaining or even beating production targets.
ter)? Does it try to address them in any meaning- This happens in a typically incremental, drifting fash-
ful way? ion that is hard to notice.
14 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System Edition 1.0
3 - Interfacing with Judicial Authorities
Some incidents in air traffic control lead to action by a I Judicial proceedings in the aftermath of an
prosecutor. Appendix 2 details an example case from accident can impede investigatory access to
the Netherlands, which we have put in this guidance information sources, as people may become
material with support and approval of the ANSP. less willing to cooperate in the accident probe.
This could make it more difficult for investiga-
tors to get valuable information, particularly
when judicial proceedings are launched at the
Possible safety consequences same time as the safety investigation. There is,
however, evidence that criminal prosecution in
of judicial action the aftermath of an accident does not dampen
people’s report willingness regarding incidents,
Controllers and other people in the aviation industry not even if they are part of the same ANSP. This
are anxious of inappropriate involvement of judicial could point to a subtlety in how controllers
authorities after incidents that, according to them, calibrate their defensive posture: accidents,
have nothing to do with unlawful actions, misbehav- and becoming liable for one, are somehow
iour, gross negligence or violations. This involvement judged to be qualitatively different from liability
can range from the participation of law enforcement for incidents.
officials in investigations, to those authorities actually
stopping the investigation altogether by taking it over I Judicial proceedings could stigmatise an inci-
and impeding access to evidence for safety investiga- dent as something shameful. Criminalising an
tors. And it is not unlikely that judicial proceedings incident can send the message to everybody in
hamper safety improvement efforts. For example: the operational community that incidents are
something shameful. This could already be a
I Judicial proceedings after an incident can belief inside some ANSPs, for example where
have the effect that people stop reporting fines are imposed after incidents or where line
incidents. One ANSP, for example, reported a managers get involved to judge the controller’s
50% drop in incidents reported in the year fol- performance. Controllers may fear that an inci-
lowing criminal prosecution of controllers dent can reflect badly on their reputation and
involved in a runway incursion incident. could make him or her feel like an outcast, partic-
Interestingly, the criminal prosecution does not ularly if there is no effective CISM (Critical Incident
even have to start, let alone lead to a conviction: Stress Management) programme in place.
just the threat (real or perceived) of criminal
prosecution can make people think twice about Many ECAC States actually enjoy a kind of delicate
coming forward with safety information. stability. Controllers do feel relatively free to report,
and information thus reported is not used by the judi-
I Judicial proceedings, or their possibility, can cial authorities—even though the legal door is wide
create a climate of fear to share information open. One reason for this open door is the freedom-of-
even internally. This can hamper an ANSP’s information laws that are common in many ECAC
potential to learn from its own incidents. One states. Although access to information can provide,
ANSP, for example, reported how a controller directly or indirectly, knowledge of an incident to a
involved in an incident refused that the incident prosecutor, this is not always their main source of
be used (in a de-identified form) for recurrent information. Rather, it is the access granted to the
training, precisely because of the perceived risk administration of justice that will result in those prose-
of persecution. This may deny colleagues an cutors using the relevant information. Access to infor-
opportunity of learning a lesson from their own mation is more of an issue with respect to media and
operation. possible ensuing public / political pressure.
Edition 1.0 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System 15
3 - Interfacing with Judicial Authorities
That prosecution does not occur (despite the availabil- wake of an incident, whether to prosecute or not is
ity of potentially incriminating information) is some- often a very difficult call to make. In making this call,
thing that has been legally or structurally arranged in prosecutors can benefit from some guidance and per-
only very few ECAC States. Most States rely on a mix- haps even domain expertise, but access to objective
ture of unspoken agreements, on prosecutors who do domain expertise can be very hard. Whether to go
not know, do not care or do not dare to take on an avi- ahead with prosecution or not is at the prosecutor’s
ation case, a self-restrained national media, or trust discretion—in principle. In practice, there can be pres-
that has its roots in history rather than solid legal pro- sure from various directions. For example, there may
visions. be political pressure. The role of the media is signifi-
cant here too: it could be that when the media calls for
prosecution, then politicians may too. There is also
The different stakeholders political pressure in the other direction (i.e. to not
prosecute): ANSPs and professional associations in
The question of judicial action lies at the heart of a bal- some States have lobbied successfully for agreements
ance between two fundamental societal interests. between politicians and other stakeholders, so that
Both are about serving the public: the maximising of prosecutors leave ATC incidents alone. Further, in acci-
safety (through incident and accident investigation dents that involve multiple countries (see later under
and reporting) and the maximising of justice (through cross-border issues), prosecutors in one country could
the application of laws). The two can conflict (as the go ahead with prosecution to prevent those in other
case study in Appendix 2 illustrates). Very few States countries from doing so instead (for example because
actually regulate the priority for one or the other in their courts’ judgments could be harsher). The decision
their own laws. Interpretation of the laws, specific facts to prosecute an individual is a serious step. Fair and
of a case or often the political environment or even effective prosecution is essential to the maintenance
media or public pressure may be elements that will of law and order. Even in a small case a prosecution has
shape which domain will get to prevail: safety or jus- serious implication for all involved – victims, witnesses
tice. Here are the typical stakeholders and their likely and defendants. Within the discipline there are codes
interests: of conducts to support the prosecutor’s decisions to
go ahead or not in a manner as objective as possible.
The suspect: For the controller, supervisor or manag- One of these codes supports the view of Just Culture
er who is suspected of a “crime,” there are often two i.e. when recommends that a prosecution is less likely
kinds of consequences: psychological and practical. to be needed if the offence was committed as a result
Psychologically, the suspect may feel humiliation, of a genuine7 mistake7or misunderstanding.
shame, and/or stigmatisation.
The air safety investigators. Formal investigation
Practical consequences can include jail time or signifi- bodies can talk in such terms about the human contri-
cant financial costs (fines, court costs, lawyers’ fees). bution to an occurrence. This can draw prosecutorial
These are often borne by professional associations attention. Of course, courts in many countries are not
(and sometimes by employers) because few con- supposed to use official technical investigation reports
trollers or managers have insurance that covers the in their judicial proceedings. But the protections
cost of criminal prosecution. One other real conse- against using investigation reports are generally weak,
quence of criminal prosecution is the risk of losing a and they or their preliminary findings are routinely
license. A criminal record is enough for some compa- used in legal proceedings. Even if this is not done
nies or regulators to avoid a controller. Some ANSPs expressly (the role of investigation bodies is to prevent
that have the resources may redeploy a controller, may recurrence and improve safety and not to apportion
not want to have the controller work operationally any blame or liabilities), there is generally no law against a
longer, or the controller him- or herself elects not to. prosecutor or a judge reading an investigation report
once it has become public. It is unlikely that the opin-
The prosecutor. Prosecutors are on the front-line of ion of that judge or prosecutor would not be influ-
defending and upholding the law. They have to decide enced in some way by what is in that report. This
which acts should be prosecuted. Their role is to makes it crucial for investigators to use language that
launch a prosecution on behalf of the State. In the is not inflammatory or biased; and oriented towards
16 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System Edition 0.7
7- What in aviation language one could call a
“honest mistake”
3 - Interfacing with Judicial Authorities
explaining why it made sense for people to do what such as the peculiarities of group behaviour, from
they did, rather then judging them for what they groupthink to the emergence of a dominant jury
allegedly did wrong. member. Jury selection is another problem, especially
where jury members get selected on how they will
The defence lawyer. The defence lawyer has an likely vote on particular aspects of the case, making
important role in the defence strategy taken by the them potentially prejudiced. The resulting group is
suspect. He or she can, for instance, recommend that unlikely to be a “jury of peers” where the “peer” to be
the suspect not answer certain questions, or not testi- judged is somebody who exercised a complex safety-
fy at all. Judges or juries are not supposed to draw con- critical profession that required many years of special-
clusions about the suspect’s culpability strictly from ist education and training.
the fact that they choose to remain silent. A practical
problem faced by most defence lawyers is that they The employing ANSP. At first sight, the employing
are unlikely to really understand work in air traffic con- ANSP would not seem to benefit from the prosecution
trol. Defence lawyers are also limited—in budget, in of one of their controllers. It can generate bad press
human resources and in their authorisations to investi- and management can look bad too. Criminalisation
gate—to dig up their own facts about the case. can also interfere with the reporting system that the
Prosecutors can deploy the police to force facts into ANSP has in place (see Appendix 2). But it is not always
the open. They can draw on the resources of govern- this simple. It can sometimes be convenient for an
ment crime labs, witnesses or forensic institutes. ANSP if the explanation of an incident remains con-
Defence lawyers instead have to rely on voluntary centrated on one of their controllers. This can avoid
disclosure of facts by parties that think it is in their expensive changes to equipment, procedures or train-
interest (and the employing ANSP may not). This is ing. It also can deflect responsibility away from man-
why cases often get argued on legal grounds rather agement. Few ANSPs would voluntarily choose to take
than content: finding minor procedural or formal flaws this route, however: it could be a last resort if the pres-
that undermine the prosecution’s case can be cheaper sures on the organisation’s liability have become too
and more effective for the defence than trying to intense to deal with in any other way.
match the investment that prosecutors can usually
make. The victims. Passengers in an aircraft can be seen as
the victims of an incident, or of a survivable accident.
The judge. A judge in countries with Napoleonic law In fatal cases, their family or near ones can also be seen
generally has three tasks: establishing the facts, deter- as the victims. Most countries afford victims the role of
mining whether the facts imply that laws were broken, witness in a trial. One interest for victims is that they
and, if they were, decide adequate punishment. want to be heard, and recognised as such. From expe-
Establishing facts can be difficult, because they are rience it seems that what matters for an ANSP involved
often contested (which is why there is a court case), in a tragic incident, is to validate victims’ concerns and
and judges rely on others (e.g. a prosecutor) to bring wants, and to do it quickly. Not many ANSPs have well-
the facts to the fore. A judge also is unlikely to have developed response mechanisms in place that deal
expertise in air traffic control or human error. This is respectfully and timely with the needs of victims. If this
where expert witnesses come in: other controllers, is not done, victims may find cause to turn to the
managers or perhaps scientists whose field is relevant media or judicial system instead. Appendix 3 tells of
to the issue at hand. Expert witnesses are supposed to one case where victims actually rallied around the
be friends of the court, that is, help the judge under- controller who was charged.
stand the facts from an unbiased point of view. But
they often represent (and are compensated by) one of Law makers. Legislators play an important role, as
the parties. Moving from fact to judgment can also be they are eventually the ones who help draw the lines
hard, and it is not always clear how judges do this. How in laws that will then be applied by prosecutors and
judges believe that their judgment is supported by the judges. They will also have to align national laws with
facts they assembled is something that can be con- those of international legislators (such as the EC). An
fined to a few lines of text. Common law countries may ANSP may also find that, without some type of access
use a jury instead of a judge, but that does not remove to legislators, making changes in the direction of a Just
these difficult problems. It also adds new problems, Culture could be difficult.
Edition 1.0 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System 17
3 - Interfacing with Judicial Authorities
18 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System Edition 1.0
4 - The effect of Hindsight in determining
Figure 2 – The unfolding world from the point of view of people inside
the situation—not from the outside or from hindsight8.
Some authorities are acutely aware of the effects of When viewed from inside the situation, people’s
the hindsight bias. The Chairman of the investigation behaviour probably made sense - it was connected to
into the Clapham Junction railway accident in Britain features of their tools, tasks and environment.
wrote, “There is almost no human action or decision that Controllers’ decisions are almost always sound when
cannot be made to look flawed and less sensible in the set against the time limitations and production pres-
misleading light of hindsight. It is essential that the critic sures and other factors that help shape behaviour.
should keep himself constantly aware of that fact.”9 But
few in the judiciary have as much awareness of the
debilitating effects of hindsight.
Edition 0.7
8- Dekker, S. W. A. (2006). The field guide to Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System 19
understanding human error.
Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Co.
9- Hidden, A. (1989). Clapham Junction
Accident Investigation Report, p. 147.
4 - The effect of Hindsight in determining the blame
20 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System Edition 1.0
5 - Three questions:
1. Who draws the line?
2. What role does Domain Expertise have? and
3. How protected is Safety Data?
Different States have so far tried, to a greater or lesser b. The greater the involvement of the domain
extent, to address the problems at the heart of a Just expertise in support of drawing the line jointly
Culture in different ways. While they may differ consid- with judicial system, the less controllers and
erably in outward appearance, all these efforts actual- ANSPs are likely to be exposed to unfair or
ly centre around three main questions: inappropriate judicial proceedings.
1. Who in the State, ANSP or society gets to draw c. The better protected safety data is from judicial
the line between acceptable and unacceptable interference, the more likely controllers in that
behaviour? State could feel free to report. The protection of
this safety data is connected, of course, to how
2. What and where should the role of domain the State solves questions 1. and 2. For exam-
expertise be in judging whether behaviour is ple, States that do protect safety data typically
acceptable or unacceptable? have clauses so that the judiciary can gain
access “when crimes are committed,” or in “jus-
3. How protected against judicial interference are tified cases when duly warranted,” or “for gross
safety data (either the safety data from incidents negligence and acts sanctioned by the criminal
inside of ANSPs or the safety data that come from code.” It is very important to make clear who
formal accident investigations)? gets to decide what counts as a “crime”, or “duly
warranted” or “gross negligence”, because any
The differences in the directions that States are taking uncertainty there (or the likelihood of non-
towards Just Cultures boil down to variations in the domain experts making that judgment) will
answers to these three questions. Some work very once again hamper controllers’ confidence in
well, in some contexts, others less so. An overview of the system and their willingness to report.
local solutions is given below. Advantages and disad-
vantages of the different local solutions are presented Research carried out for these guidelines showed a
too. The solutions below do not form a complete or variety of different local solutions/approaches, all of
exhaustive list, as many more combinations of dealing which were somehow a resolution of the three ques-
with the three questions are possible. Individual ele- tions. These solutions/approaches are not designed,
ments of the different solutions can be mixed together in proposed or advocated by EUROCONTROL but rather
ways that are not accounted for directly as listed below. reflect the situation in various States within ECAC.
Some could be interpreted as best practices and some
In general, though, we can already see this for the probably not (on the contrary, some should not be fol-
three questions: lowed if a Just Culture is to be implemented). The 8
identified approaches, outlined below, are not meant
a. The more a State has made clear, agreed to represent a complete and exhaustive view of what
arrangements about who gets to draw the line, is found in Europe. It may also well be that other best
the more predictable the judicial conse- practices are still to be discovered or developed.
quences of an occurrence are likely to be. That Successful implementation of Just Culture depends on
is, controllers and ANSPs will suffer less anxiety a variety of soft parameters and it is left to the stake-
and uncertainty about what may happen in holders to judge which local solution or combination
the wake of an occurrence, as arrangements of local solutions can best be adapted to their local
have been agreed on and are in place. environment.
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5 - Three questions
22 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System Edition 1.0
5 - Three questions
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5 - Three questions
2. the role of domain expertise has been consider- 2. the role of domain expertise is supposed to be
able in building the necessary trust between stake- considerable in this solution. The judge of instruction
holders, particularly in convincing other stakeholders is supported by a team from the aviation industry to
(the media, the judiciary) of the enormous value of help determine which cases should go ahead and
their self-restraint, so that the entire society can bene- which not. The make-up of this team and their interac-
fit from a safer ATM system. tion with the judge of instruction are crucial of course.
For example, if unions or professional associations are
3. protection of safety data is not legally guaranteed not sufficiently represented, industry representatives
but merely achieved by cultural convention and/or may decide that it is in their interest to recommend to
political pressure. the judge to go ahead with prosecution, as it may pro-
tect their concerns.
Consequences: In this solution there is nothing “on
paper”: the entire contract between stakeholders to not 3. protection of safety data is managed through the
interfere with each others’ business is left to consensual judge of instruction. If prosecutors want access to safe-
agreements and trust. Controllers may feel free to ty data, they will have to go via the judge of instruc-
report because, historically, there is been no threat (and tion, but there are exceptions for serious incidents and
can history be a guarantee for the future in this case?). accidents.
On deeper inspection, though, this solution is as robust
as the culture in which it is founded. And cultures can be Consequences: At least one State has proposed to
very robust and resistant to change. This, at the same appoint a judge of instruction as part of its transpo-
time, creates a high threshold for entry into such an sition of Directive EC 2003/42. This could be promis-
arrangement: without the right cultural prerequisites, ing, but the consequences are as yet unclear (see
this solution may be difficult to achieve. Appendix 2).
24 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System Edition 1.0
5 - Three questions
judgments about the controller’s or manager’s per- effective) to the revocation of licenses to practice.
formance that non-domain experts would not see. However this solution does not prevent the State
from taking action when required e.g. in the cases of
3. protection of safety data is managed as an effect criminal acts.
of this arrangement. The regulator has interests in pro-
tecting the free flow of safety information (not only as 1.who gets to draw the line: the controller’s or man-
data for its oversight, but particularly for the self-regu- ager’s peers get to draw the line between acceptable
lation of the industry it monitors). and unacceptable. There may be pressures, of course,
that go outside the actual situation considered, so as
Consequences: The integration of prosecutor and reg- to guarantee society’s (and the judiciary’s!) continued
ulator can prevent unfair or inappropriate prosecution, trust in the system (e.g. the ATM system) and its ability
not only because of the tight integration of domain to manage and rectify itself. This may make it neces-
expertise, but also because of the greater relevance of sary to sometimes lay down the line more strictly so
the laws or regulations that will likely be applied (as the that a message of “we are doing something about our
prosecutor works for a State body that makes and problems” clearly gets communicated to the out-
applies the laws for aviation). The risk in this solution, of side—to the detriment of justice given to an individual
course, is that the regulator itself can have played a role controller or manager. Who gets to draw the line for
(e.g. insufficient oversight, or given dispensation) in the criminally culpable actions is an even larger problem:
creation of an incident and can have a vested interest in internal rules are not equipped to handle those, so
the prosecution of an individual controller so as to somewhere there needs to be the potential for judg-
downplay its own contribution. There is no immediate ing whether outside legal action is necessary. This can
protection against this in this local solution, except for be the prosecutor’s initiative (but then he or she needs
regulatory self-restraint, by creation of an independent enough data to trigger action) or the disciplinary
department within the regulator and perhaps the pos- board (but they probably lack the legal expertise to
sibility of appeals higher up in the judiciary system. make that judgment).
Edition 1.0 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System 25
5 - Three questions
Not only does it have domain experts judge whether 3. protection of safety data is an effect of this
something is acceptable or unacceptable, it also arrangement as the arrangement does not automati-
draws largely from the domain the “rules”, written or cally provide any formal protection, but parties have
unwritten, on the basis of which that judgment is informally agreed to share data principally among
made. Few States have this for controllers (but some themselves, without involving others.
have a history of internal disciplinary rules, a system
that was protected in, for example, their Air Law). Consequences: This solution has benefits such as
allowing the two concerned parties (ANSP and airline)
There is a possible paradox in the justness of profes- to discuss a local problem openly and together work
sional disciplinary rules. Because disciplinary rules toward solutions. The learning cycle can often be
exist for the maintenance of integrity of the entire pro- quite short. The sustainability of this local solution is
fession, individual practitioners may still be “sacrificed” of course questionable. Information is available in mul-
for that larger aim (especially to keep the system free tiple places (the airline and the ANSP), and perhaps
from outside interference or undue scrutiny). To in multiple countries. This makes control over its
remain trustworthy in the eyes of other stakeholders, containment more difficult than if it were in one
then, the disciplinary rules may have to wreak an occa- place. Also, different or new airlines may enter the
sional internal “injustice” so as to outwardly show that ANSP’s ever-shifting customer base, so the arrange-
they can be trusted. This does not necessarily enhance ment may not work for all airlines that fly through its
the basis for Just Culture, as controllers could still centres. Arrangements such as these can also arouse
feel threatened and anxious about possible career the suspicion of judicial authorities. The solution is
consequences. also found detrimental to collective safety learning
in general. No one single stakeholder will be capable
of seeing the big picture, identifying the key risk
Local solution 8: areas and draw up lessons that could help the aviation
community. Overall, although it may seem attractive
Direct sharing data between for local purposes, in the long run it is detrimental to
aviation stakeholders Just Culture.
1.who gets to draw the line: the line is not the critical
issue here; more, it is the learning and quick fix of iden-
tified problems. It is likely, however, that if the airline
somehow determines that the incident is serious
enough to warrant investigation by external authori-
ties, it is likely that it will contact them about it. This
could also be the case for the ANSP given its profes-
sional and legal obligation to report.
26 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System Edition 1.0
6 - A staggered approach to building your
Just Culture
Where do you go from here? Controllers have a pro- approach is already a contribution to the creation of a
fessional and legal obligation to report, but this can Just Culture. It is also true that not all steps need to be
be hampered by the lack of a Just Culture. Just relying introduced by all States in order to promote a true Just
on a country’s legislature or judiciary to create the Culture. Some may work in certain States while others
conditions for a Just Culture, however, is not going to may not. Each step already goes a little bit of the way
work. Building a Just Culture starts at home, in the ANSP. to reconcile the agendas of different stakeholders.
Each step may be a small contribution to the building
The approach suggested here is a staggered one of trust between them. Each subsequent step is
(see figure 3). This approach allows you to match probably more difficult, as it draws in more parties
the ANSP’s ambitions to the State’s possibilities and with different backgrounds and persuasions, and
constraints, the culture of your State and its legal larger stakeholder groups and their perspectives
traditions and imperatives. Each step in the staggered and interests.
Each subsequent step gets more difficult, but each step is already progress in the direction of a Just Culture.
Edition 1.0 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System 27
6 - A staggered approach to building your Just Culture
Step 1: Start at home, in your astating for them, but for every controller, and
by extension the ANSP, as incidents are once
own ANSP again seen as something to be kept concealed,
out of view. Reintegrate these controllers into
To lay the basis for the emergence of Just Culture in the operation smoothly and sensitively, being
your State, nothing is as important as starting at aware of the possibility for stigmatisation by
home, in your own ANSP. This will allow you to begin their own colleagues.
building trust between the first parties that matter:
controllers and their managers. Trust in management I Implement, or review the effectiveness of your
is not necessarily wide-spread among controllers in CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management) pro-
ECAC States, which may have a number of reasons. gramme, a crucial ingredient in helping con-
One can be that managers sometimes come from trollers see that incidents are “normal”, that they
backgrounds other than aviation or ATM, but even if can help the organisation improve, and that
they are ex-controllers, managers can be seen as “out- they can happen to everybody.
siders.” Trust that was lost in management because of
their positions on industrial or social issues (e.g. the I Build a staff safety department, not part of the
application of work time regulations or vacation time) line organisation that deals with incidents. The
can also spill over into safety issues. So even if man- direct manager (supervisor) of the controller
agement has not acted negatively in relation to an should not necessarily be the one who is the first
incident before, its behaviour elsewhere (or percep- to deal with that controller in the wake of an
tion thereof ) can affect the trust controllers will have incident (other then perhaps relieving him or
in management handling of safety matters. her temporarily to deal with the stress and after-
math of the incident). Aim to de-couple an inci-
A number of things can be done fairly quickly (if not dent from what may look like a performance
already done or implemented today): review of the controller involved. Any retraining
of the controller involved in the incident will
I An incident must not be seen as a failure or a cri- quickly be seen as punishment (and its effects
sis, neither by management, nor by colleague are actually quite debatable), so this should be
controllers. An incident is a free lesson, a great done with utmost care and only as a last resort.
opportunity to focus attention and to learn col-
lectively. I Begin with building a Just Culture at the very
beginning: during ab-initio training. Make
I Abolish all financial and professional penalties in trainees aware of the importance of reporting
the wake of an occurrence. Suspending con- incidents for a learning culture, that incidents
trollers after an occurrence should be avoided at are not something individual or shameful but a
all cost. These measures serve absolutely no pur- good piece of systemic information for the
pose other than turning incidents into some- entire organisation, and that the difference
thing shameful, something to be kept hidden. between a safe and an unsafe ANSP lies not in
An ANSP that has these kinds of rules in place how many incidents it has, but in how it deals
can count on losing out on a lot of valuable safe- with the incidents its people report.
ty information, and will never be able to comply
with Directive EC 2003/42. I Be sure that controllers know their rights and
duties in relation to incidents. Make very clear
I Monitor and try to prevent stigmatisation of what can (and typically does) happen in the
controllers involved in an occurrence. They wake of an incident. One union had prepared lit-
should not be seen as a failure or a liability to tle credit-sized cards on which it had printed the
work with their colleagues. This is not only dev- controller’s rights and duties in the wake of an
28 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System Edition 1.0
6 - A staggered approach to building your Just Culture
occurrence (e.g. to whom they are obliged to Step 3: protect your ANSP’s
speak (e.g. investigators) and to whom not to
speak (e.g. the media)). Even in a climate of anx-
data from outside probing
iety and uncertainty about the judiciary’s posi-
tion on occurrences, such information will give Protecting your ANSP’s data from outside probing
controllers some anchor, some modicum of cer- should not be left to chance (i.e. the prosecutor has
tainty about what may happen. At the very least not previously shown interest, so why would he or she
this will prevent them from withholding valu- now?), and probably not left to cultural convention or
able incident information because of misguided political pressure either. The creation of trust between
fears or anxieties. stakeholders is of course very important, and in this
case it means that the judiciary will be willing to let the
Starting at home, in your own ANSP, will allow you to ANSP handle its own data when it has been given the
lay the basis for a Just Culture, because you have assurance and confidence that the ANSP will contact
begun leading by example in your State. the judiciary if a case is really likely to be culpable.
None of this, however, is likely to automatically inspire
controllers to freely report without fear. It is best to try
Step 2: Decide who draws the to enshrine the protection of the ANSP’s data in law, as
a few ECAC States have succeeded in doing.
line in your ANSP regarding
internal/ disciplinary level
Step 4: Decide who draws the
One important decision for an ANSP is not only who
gets to handle the immediate aftermath of an incident
line in your State
(the line organisation: supervisor/manager, or a staff
organisation such as safety department). It is also how Having non-domain experts draw the line between
to integrate controller peer expertise in the decision acceptable and unacceptable controller performance
on how to handle this aftermath, particularly decisions is likely to bring risks and difficulties. This is where the
that relate to the individual controller’s stature. advantages of local solutions come in that somehow
Whether a controller should undergo retraining, for meaningfully integrate domain expertise in the draw-
example, is something that should be discussed not ing of the line nationally. The use of expert witnesses
only with the controller in question (rather than just during a trial is not likely to do this meaningfully, as
handed down from above), but also checked with a the role is always rather constrained and testimony
group of peers who can consider the wider implica- limited. In fact, this may be too late a stage in which to
tions of such a measure in the wake of an incident (e.g. bring in domain expertise.
on the reputation of that controller, and also on the
way incidents will be seen and treated by colleagues It could be profitable to start a discussion with the
as a result). Empowering and involving the controller prosecuting authority in your State on how to help
him or herself in the aftermath of an incident is the them integrate domain expertise (to support them in
best way to maintain morale, maximise learning, and making better judgments about whether something is
lay a next basis for a Just Culture. worthy of further investigation and prosecution). This
may require that previous mistrust is overcome and
may seem difficult in the beginning. In the end, how-
ever, it may tremendously benefit all parties, as it may
also create a better understanding of each other’s
point of view and interests.
Edition 1.0 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System 29
6 - A staggered approach to building your Just Culture
30 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System Edition 1.0
7 - JUST CULTURE: The only way forward
A Just Culture is not just a fine option. It is the only way to go, and the desire to create one should be a solved
problem for all stakeholders—whatever the practical and cultural difficulties along the way. Two insights from
decades of safety and human factors research confirm this. Progress on safety has become synonymous with:
I Taking a systems perspective: Accidents and incidents are not caused by failures of individuals, but emerge
from the conflux or alignment of multiple contributory system factors, each necessary and only jointly
sufficient. The source of occurrences is the system, not its component parts.
I Moving beyond blame: Blame focuses on the supposed defects of individual operators and denies the
importance of systemic contributions. In addition, blame has all kinds of negative side effects. It typically
leads to defensive posturing, obfuscation of information, protectionism, polarisation, and mute reporting
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32 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System Edition 1.0
Edition 1.0 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System 33
Regulations and directives that draw a line between
honest mistakes and unacceptable behaviour
A large number of rules, regulations, directives and guidance materials together govern how you should deal with
reporters of incidents, and with the information they furnish. Of course they come from, and apply to, different
international, national, institutional or organisational levels. Yet they are all partially overlapping, sometimes
contradictory, and they sometimes use different terms (such as “occurrence” versus “incident”) to denote the
same thing. What matters here, however, is not what divides or distinguishes the variety of rules on reports and
reporters. What matters is what unites them. And what unites them, unequivocally, is the insertion of the
escape hatch, a qualification. Here are some examples:
I ICAO Annex 13, which governs incident and accident investigation, states that the sole purpose of such
investigation is the prevention of incidents and accidents. But in its paragraph 5.12., the Annex offers a
qualification: data should not be made “available for purposes other than accident or incident investigation,
unless the appropriate authority for the administration of justice in that State determines that their dis-
closure outweighs the adverse domestic and international impact such action may have on that or any future
investigation” (emphasis added). To be sure, at the end of the very same paragraph ICAO reminds the reader
that such disclosure may seriously hamper investigations and, by extension, flight safety.
I Directive 94/56/EC transposes the main principles of ICAO Annex 13 into EU legislation. The directive does
not take §5.12 head-on, and does not explicitly offer any protection to those reporting or involved in an inci-
dent (whether serious or not), apart from an injunction in Article 8(1) to protect the anonymity of the per-
sons involved in the incident.
I Directive 2003/42/EC, which governs occurrence reporting in civil aviation, also has a qualification: a State
must not institute legal proceedings against those who report, apart from cases of gross negligence (empha-
sis added). Article 8(3) of the Directive 2003/42/EC provides protection from the State for reporters of safety
occurrences. However, this protection is specified to be without prejudice to the applicable rules of penal
rule. Consequently, the Directive does not provide any protection from criminal proceedings, and even
preserves (as does Annex 13) the full and unimpeded access of judicial authorities to safety data that may
then be used for prosecution. It could even be said that the Directive makes prosecution more likely, as it
mandates the reporting of events that would otherwise not voluntarily be reported.
I ESARR-2: While ESARR-2 does state how incident reporting and learning from incidents must take place
(and by implication can only really take place) in a non-punitive environment, this is only in the “Rationale”
part of the document, and not obligatory. ESARR-2 is consistent with the EC directives in what is meant with
“non-punitive”, but Directive 2003/42/EC contains stronger requirements on the protection of information
than ESARR-2. The principles of a Just Culture are elaborated and contained only in separate advisory
material to ESARR-2.
EC Directives require transposition into national law, so their precise interpretation and application may depend
on political attainability and legal-cultural traditions, and vary across States as a result. Fewer than a handful of
States have gone further than the Directives suggest, categorically denying access to information for criminal
prosecutions, either by decree or tactic. In Norway, for example, article 12-24 of the Air Law reads:
“Prohibition on use as evidence in criminal proceedings: Information received by the investigating authority may not be
used as evidence in any subsequent criminal proceedings brought against the persons who provided the information.”
34 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System Edition 1.0
This does not rule out criminal proceedings against a controller who was involved in an incident, but it does
protect the controller from self-incrimination, and presumably helps assure controllers and others that it is safe to
keep reporting. As another example, reporters in Spain enjoy two protections not explicitly available under the lat-
est EC directive: (1) de-identification is applied to reports stored in the database, and (2) the original reports, along
with all identifying information, is destroyed. The physical destruction of such information, of course, removes a
major access route for judicial authorities: even if laws allow them to go after information, this is no use if the
information no longer physically exists. However, some States (and their ATM systems) are small enough for it to
be relatively easy to track down a controller involved in the incident, even if it is stored in completely de-identified
form. Without other protections, in other words, the possibility for prosecution has not gone away.
Many other States have, either by default (through the transposition of EC Directives) or by specific design, the
kind of qualifiers that are in Annex 13 and the EC Directives. Phrases such as “except in cases of gross negligence”,
or “if there is evidence of a criminal act”, or in “justified cases”, or “only when duly warranted” all function as a kind
of qualification. These qualifiers are a kind of escape clause. And building in an escape clause means it can be
used—also to push normal, honest mistakes into the realm of the negligent, the culpable. This, then, raises the
critical question of this guidance document: who has the power to draw the line? One person may make a strong
case that an act was a simple omission in line with experience and other contextual factors. But another person can
likely make an equally strong case that the same omission is evidence of negligence. So who gets to draw the line?
Who in your ANSP, in your country, has the power, the legitimated authority, to label particular mistakes as not
Edition 1.0 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System 35
Case study of judicial action after ATC incident
– The Delta Case
This appendix describes a case study of judicial action after an ATC incident at the Dutch LVNL (ATC The
Netherlands). It highlights how a prosecutor saw this as a “test case,” how the judge decided that the controllers did
not break, but rather “infringed” the law, and the safety consequences of prosecution.
Most importantly, this incident and its legal aftermath did help the development of a new, local solution which
included a so-called “judge of instruction” in the Netherlands. The judge of instruction, supported by an industry
panel, should function as an intermediary, who gives a prosecutor permission to go ahead with a case or not. This
could be one model of how to move forward on Just Culture. It integrates the perspective of several stakeholders
in the decision on whether to begin a judicial process. The proposal for a judge of instruction (change 576 to the
country’s air law) was adopted by Dutch legislators on 2 November, 2006, and is currently being developed so that
it can be implemented in the country.
How exactly this will work out, and who from the aviation domain will assist the judge of instruction, is as yet
unclear. This much can be previewed, however: Having a prosecutor who is interested in pursuing a case in the first
place can be enough for some controllers to decide that the climate is not really safe for them to report anyway. So
independent of the judge of instruction’s decision, the fact that a prosecutor has approached that judge may be
enough for controllers to reduce their trust in the system.
LVNL issued no fewer than 23 recommendations, all of them aimed at rectifying systemic arrangements in, for
example, design, layout, staffing, coaching, communication and handovers. The independent safety investigation
board issued nine, quite similar, recommendations. This, as far as the professional aviation community was (and is)
concerned, is how the incident cycle was supposed to work. A free lesson, in which nobody got hurt, was used for
its maximum improvement potential. The people involved had felt free to disclose their accounts of what had hap-
pened and why. And they had felt empowered to help find ways to improve their system. Which they then did, for
everybody’s benefit.
36 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System Edition 1.0
But two years after the incident, the aviation prosecutor decided to formally charge the coach/supervisor, the
trainee and the assistant controller with “the provision of air traffic control in a dangerous manner, or in a manner
that could be dangerous, to persons or properties.” (Dutch law contains such provisions). Each of the three con-
trollers was offered a settlement: they could either pay a fine or face further prosecution. Had they paid the fine,
the prosecutor would have won her “test” and the door for future prosecutions would have stood wide open. The
controllers collectively refused to pay. A first criminal court case was held a year and a half after the incident. The
judge ruled that the assistant controller was not guilty, but that both the trainee and the coach/supervisor were.
They were sentenced to a fine of about 450 US dollars or 20 days in jail. The trainee and the coach/supervisor decid-
ed to appeal the decision, and the prosecutor in turn appealed against the assistant controller’s acquittal.
More than a year later, the case appeared before a higher court. As part of the proceedings, the judges, prosecutor and
their legal coterie were shown the airport’s tower (the “scene of the crime”), to get a first-hand look at the place where
safety-critical work was created. It was to no avail. The court found all three suspects guilty of their crime. It did not,
however, impose a sentence. No fine, no jail time, no probation. After all, none of the suspects had criminal records
(which should surprise nobody: they were air traffic controllers, not criminals), and indeed: the air traffic control tower
had had its share of design and organisational problems. The judge had found legal room for what seemed to be a com-
promise, by treating the case as an infringement of the law, as opposed to an offence. An infringement means “guilt in
the sense that blame is supposed to be present and does not need to be proven.” The only admissible defence against
this is being devoid of all blame. This would work only if the air traffic controller was off-duty and therefore not in the
tower to begin with. It also stopped all appeals: appealing an infringement is not possible as there is no conviction of
an offence, and no punishment. The real punishment, however, may have already been meted out. It was suffered by
the safety efforts launched earlier by the air traffic control organisation, particularly its incident reporting system. Over
the years that the legal proceedings went on, the number of incident reports submitted by controllers dropped by 50%.
This article describes a recent criminal court case against three Dutch Air Traffic Controllers. It consists of two parts:
the first part is a factual description; the second part is an interpretation. Bert Ruitenberg’s involvement in the court
case, described in this article, is as follows: He was part of the investigation team for ATC The Netherlands (LVNL)
that wrote an internal report on the incident, and he was one of the expert witnesses in the court proceedings.
Factual description
On December 10th 1998 an incident occurred at Schiphol (Amsterdam) Airport in which a Delta Airlines Boeing 767
aborted its take-off roll when the pilots observed a towed Boeing 747 crossing the runway in front of them. At the
time of the incident low visibility procedures were in force.
Edition 1.0 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System 37
Appendix 2 - Case study of judicial action after ATC incident – The Delta Case
This incident was investigated by the Incident Investigation Department of ATC The Netherlands (LVNL), and a
report was published on March 4th 1999. The incident was also investigated by the Dutch Transport Safety Board
(DTSB), who published a report in January 2001.
The LVNL report concluded inter alia that the incident happened as a result of a misinterpretation by the Assistant
Controller of the actual position of the tow-combination when radio-contact was first established. The Assistant
Controller passed her interpretation of the position of the tow-combination to the Trainee Controller who was
responsible for the runway concerned. When the Trainee Controller later looked at his ground radar for confirma-
tion that the tow-combination had crossed the runway, he took the observed position on the south-side of the
runway to mean that the crossing had been completed and subsequently he cleared the Delta Airlines for take-
off. In reality the tow-combination was about to begin crossing the runway in the opposite direction.
Contributing factors identified in the LVNL report included the following items:
There was uncertainty about the operation of buttons on a newly added panel in the Tower for the control of stop
bars at the runway intersection where the tow was crossing. In addition, the labelling of these buttons was found
to be ambiguous.
The working position of the Assistant Controller was not equipped with a screen on which a ground radar picture
could be selected.
The Coach of the Trainee Controller simultaneously had to perform Supervisor duties in the Tower.
The LVNL report provided 23 recommendations that were all aimed at correcting identified systemic deficiencies
in the organisations of ATC The Netherlands and the Schiphol Airport Authority.
The DTSB report, which for the factual information part is almost a verbatim copy of the LVNL report, identified the
following "causal factors":
I Low visibility weather conditions which prevented Air Traffic control to visually identify vehicles on the
I Inadequate information during the radio communications between the tow-combination and Tower;
I Take-off clearance without positive confirmation that the runway was unobstructed;
The DTSB made 9 recommendations that were all aimed at correcting identified systemic deficiencies in the
organisations of ATC The Netherlands and the Schiphol Airport Authority. (The DTSB recommendations did not
differ from those made in the LVNL report).
38 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System Edition 1.0
Appendix 2 - Case study of judicial action after ATC incident – The Delta Case
(A copy of the DTSB report in English is available on the Internet at www.rvtv.nl – look under "2001", identification
number 98-85/S-14.)
In December 2000, almost two years after the date of the incident, the Dutch aviation prosecutor decided to
formally charge the Coach/Supervisor, the Trainee and the Assistant Controller with "the provision of Air Traffic
Control in a dangerous manner, or a manner that could be dangerous, to persons or properties". (The Dutch
Aviation Law contains an article that amongst other things prohibits providing ATC in such a manner – any error in
the translation is attributed to the translator.) Each of the three persons received a proposal to avoid further pros-
ecution by paying a fine. After internal consultation it was decided to not accept that proposal and to take the
case(s) to court.
A first criminal court case was held in August 2001. The judge ruled that the Assistant Controller was acquitted and
that both the Trainee and the Coach/Supervisor were guilty as charged. They were sentenced to a fine of approxi-
mately US$ 450 (or 20 days in jail). The Trainee and the Coach/Supervisor decided to appeal this decision, and the
prosecutor appealed against the acquittal of the Assistant Controller.
A second criminal court case was held in September 2002. This next level of court in The Netherlands comprised
three judges. LVNL, who had been supportive of the controllers from the beginning, hired the services of a highly
respected attorney to represent the controllers together with the attorney who was involved in the first court case.
Furthermore the services of Dr. Patrick Hudson, a Professor of Psychology at Leiden University and a respected safe-
ty specialist in the petrochemical field and aviation, were enlisted to provide a scientific Human Factors analysis of
the events around the time of the incident. Dr. Hudson's report was formally presented to the court on behalf of
the defence.
The defence legal team invited the court to visit the Control Tower at Schiphol in order to get an impression of the
operational air traffic control environment. This official "visit to the spot", which formed an integral part of the court
proceedings, was held two days before the court session in which the appeals were tried. Participants included the
three judges, the court clerk, the prosecutor and the attorneys. During the visit, explanations were provided by two
controllers who had also served as expert witnesses in the first court case.
In court, two days after the official visit to the Tower, Professor Hudson and the two expert witnesses replied to
questions by the prosecutor and the defence attorneys. It then was established that there wasn't sufficient time to
end the proceedings that day, so the session was adjourned for a month. When the court reconvened in October,
additional questions were asked of Professor Hudson and one of the experts, and also of the three defendants.
Early November 2002, two weeks after the court session, the judges announced their verdict. They found all three
defendants guilty as charged, but they did not impose a sentence (i.e. no fines, no time in prison, no probation or
anything). The motivation of the court included the following points:
I The court treated the case(s) as an infringement of the law (as opposed to an offence).
In Dutch law this means that "guilt in the sense of blame is supposed to be present and does not need to be
proven". The only admissible defence against this is a situation where the people concerned are devoid of all blame.
Edition 1.0 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System 39
Appendix 2 - Case study of judicial action after ATC incident – The Delta Case
I The court found that none of the three controllers were "devoid of all blame" regarding the incident.
The assistant should not have misinterpreted the position of the tow combination, the trainee should have been
more careful in establishing that the runway was vacated, and the coach/supervisor should have monitored the
trainee more closely rather than tending to other duties.
I The court recognised that the facilities in the control tower for the prevention of such incidents were "less
than optimal", as evidenced by the improvements implemented after the incident.
I In its judgement the court included that the prosecution of the three controllers for this "infringement",
that occurred in the course of their professional duties, has deeply affected their lives.
I The court took into consideration the indication by the prosecutor that this case for her was somewhat of a
legal "test case".
I In its judgement the court included that none of the defendants had a criminal record and that there were
no indications that in exercising their responsible functions they had ever failed before.
Based on the above the court was of the opinion that no punishment or (corrective) measures should be imposed
on the defendants.
This ruling from the appeal court may have consequences (at least in The Netherlands) for aspects such as On-the-
Job Training (OJT), the individual responsibility of all operational staff in ATC, the responsibility of the ATC organi-
sation, and the usage of (internal) safety reports in legal proceedings.
The court has not made any distinction between the roles of the assistant, the trainee and the coach/supervisor
with respect to responsibility. This means that, contrary to what the general belief was until now, a trainee – though
working under the responsibility of a coach – can be personally liable for any mistakes made. It also means that
assistants can be personally liable for any mistakes made, even though they normally don't take any independent
traffic-related decisions in their work. Such liability will apparently be determined in individual cases that are
brought to court (and only IF they are brought to court).
Although ATC The Netherlands, as an organisation, implicitly is assigned a certain responsibility by the court (ref.
the "less than optimal facilities" in the control tower), the court apparently accepts the prosecution of individual
employees of the company in a case like this. Until this case, the general belief was that primarily the organisa-
tion/company would be prosecuted, and that individual controllers would only be prosecuted in case of gross neg-
ligence, wilful misconduct (or as it is called in the IFATCA Manual: flagrant dereliction of duty), or substance abuse.
In this court case, the internal incident investigation report of ATC The Netherlands was introduced as part of the
legal material. Unfortunately the appeal court has not made any comments on this, which implicitly would seem
to justify the interpretation of the prosecutor that such an internal report is not covered by the provisions from
40 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System Edition 1.0
Appendix 2 - Case study of judicial action after ATC incident – The Delta Case
ICAO Annex 13. (Annex 13 contains a statement that investigation reports should not be used in court.) In Dutch
law Annex 13 only applies to reports originating from the "official" aviation investigation authority in The
Netherlands, i.e. the DTSB.
Especially, this latter point may have implications for the safety culture in ATC The Netherlands. Until the prosecu-
tion of the three controllers there was a growing spirit of co-operation amongst controllers when it came to inci-
dent investigation. If, however, individual controllers now can be prosecuted on the basis of the reports resulting
from internal incident investigations, and these reports are admissible in court as evidence, it has to be feared that
the co-operation from controllers will become less. Similarly, the motivation of controllers to report incidents will
become less.
The contemporary view in aviation safety circles is that safety breakdowns are the product of good people trying
to make sense of an operationally confusing context, rather than the product of bad people making errors. ATC The
Netherlands obviously subscribes to this view, whereas the Dutch legal system does not. It is too early to say at the
time of writing this article, within weeks of the court's verdict, what the exact consequences of the verdict are.
Maybe the verdict will be appealed once more, thus bringing the case to the Dutch High Court (the highest possi-
ble level of court in The Netherlands).
IFATCA too must keep trying to convince legal authorities around the world that aviation safety will only be
improved if controllers and pilots are assured of a Just Culture for the reporting and investigation of incidents. A
Just Culture is one in which errors by front line operators are investigated without retribution in order to find out
why they happened and how the system can be improved to prevent the recurring of such errors, but in which at
the same time aspects such as sabotage, substance abuse, violations of procedures, and wilful misconduct are not
In the meantime, Dutch controllers will have to do their work with, in the back of their minds, the bewildering
knowledge that if anything they do or don't do is perceived as possibly dangerous by the legal authorities, they
may face criminal prosecution. The highest level of public prosecutors in The Netherlands have admittedly stated
that they will only prosecute in "serious cases" but they have not provided an explanation of what exactly the word
"serious" means in this respect, which doesn't help to make it easier for the controllers. A lot of work remains to be
Edition 1.0 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System 41
The role of “victims” in the prosecution of controllers
– Zagreb MIDAIR collision in 70s
Victims may actually believe that justice is not served by prosecuting controllers. In one case more than 30 years
ago, air traffic controllers were charged with murder and jailed in the wake of a mid-air collision. The place was
Zagreb, and the aircraft that collided there on 10 September 1976 were an Inex Adria DC-9 and a BEA Trident. 176
lives were lost.
In the mid-seventies, Zagreb was one of the busiest air traffic control centres in the Europe. Its navigation beacon
(VOR ZAG) formed a junction of airways heavily used by en-route traffic to and from south-eastern Europe, the
Middle East, the Far East and beyond. The centre, however, had been structurally understaffed for years. At the time
of the accident, the radar system was undergoing testing and the centre’s radio transmitters often failed to work
The BEA jet had been en-route from London to Istanbul, while the Inex-Adria aircraft was climbing out of Split and
was about to cross the altitude at which the BEA Trident was cruising. After attempting to resolve the situation (in
English and using aviation phraseology), the controller asked the Inex-Adria pilots, in Serbo-Croat, to stop their
climb at the level they were crossing at that moment (after the pilots had asked “at which level?”). According to data
given to the controller, the BEA jet appeared at FL335. It was actually at FL330.
The Inex-Adria aircraft happened to level off at exactly the same altitude. Three seconds later, Inex-Adria’s left wing
smashed through BEA’s cockpit and both aircraft plummeted to the ground. “Improper ATC operation,” the accident
investigation concluded. The judiciary, however, was to form its own opinion. The judge chairing the trial of
controllers after the accident spent a significant amount of time in the Zagreb ACC, in an effort to understand
the technology and work methods. Yet one controller was sentenced to a prison term of seven years, despite
officials from the aviation authority offering testimony that the Zagreb centre was understaffed by at least 30
controllers. Significantly, family members of one of the victims in this mid-air collision led a campaign to prevent
the controller’s jailing, and then joined with controllers to have him released after serving two years.10
It was not until the early 1990’s that the whole air traffic control system around Zagreb was revamped. This is one
reason why victims can have doubts about putting controllers on trial for their alleged errors. They often want to
have some confidence that it will not happen again, and criminal prosecutions of either controllers or managers
may well take that confidence away from them.
I Richard Weston and Ronald Hurst, Zagreb One Four: Cleared to Collide?, 1982 (ISBN 0-246-11185-2)
I AAIB, British Airways Trident G-AWZT, Inex-Adria DC-9 YU-AJR: Report on the collision in the Zagreb area,
Yugoslavia, on 10 September 1976 (Reprint of the report produced by The Yugoslav Federal Civil Aviation
Administration Aircraft Accident Investigation Commission), Aircraft Accident Report 5/77.
I AAIB, British Airways Trident G-AWZT, Inex-Adria DC-9 YU-AJR: Report on the collision in the Zagreb area,
Yugoslavia, on 10 September 1976 (Reprint of the report produced by The Yugoslav Federal Committee for
Transportation and Communications - Second Commission of Inquiry with United Kingdom Addendum),
Aircraft Accident Report 9/82.
42 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interfacing with the Judicial System Edition 0.7
10- Thomas, G. (2002, September). Aviation on
trial. Air Transport World, 9, 31-33
Special mention is made to Sidney Dekker, Professor of Human Factors, and Director of Research at Lund University, School of Aviation,
Sweden; and Tom Laursen, Head of Occurrence Management at skyguide, Switzerland, who, through their extensive knowledge in the
Just Culture arena and dedicated effort, helped build this deliverable.
Edition 0.7 Just Culture Guidance Material for Interface with Judicial System 43
© European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation