Training Dev SBM
Training Dev SBM
Training Dev SBM
Chapter 1
Objective of the study
Scope of study
Limitations of study
Chapter 2
Branch Network
Human Resources
Organisational Setup
Financial Profile
Business Profile
Technology Initiatives
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Having selected most suitable persons for various jobs in the organization
through the application of scientific techniques, the next function of
personnel management is to arrange for their training. All types of jobs in
the organization usually require some type of training for their efficient
performance. Employees talent are not fully productive without a
systematic training programme. Moreover, big organization hires a large
number of young people every year. Because the vat majority of these do
not know how to perform jobs assigned to them in work at some college or
institution, must receive some initial training in the form of orientation to
the policies, practices and ways of their employing organization. The need
for a systematic training has increased because of rapid technological
changes, which create new jobs and eliminate old ones. New Jobs require
some of special skills which may be developed in old workforce only by
giving them necessary training.
The study aims at finding out the Training and development practice in
HOLALURU, Holaluru. The main objectives of this study is to find out the
The methodology used for this study is the questionnaire for a sample of 30
respondents from various branches in Holaluru. The data is analyzed on the
present scenario of the employees and managers in the organization.
Scope of study
These projects report give scope of training and development of
banks. The field survey is confined to Holaluru only. Considering the
shortage of time and the cost factor. The employers in a branch of Holaluru
gave a co-operation to complete the project Report.
Data collection
Primary Data: The sources of Primary data were Personal interviews.
Secondary Data: The sources of secondary data were the books and
There are some limitations in doing project report. They are as follows.
Time and resources constraints.
It has not been possible to get sensitive real data on actual analysis
performed by the bank.
Here we cannot contact all types of employees.
Some employees will not give correct opinion about the survey.
Accuracy of this report is limited because of factors like limitations of
cost and bias.
Branch Network
Human Resources
Organisational Setup
Financial Profile
Business Profile
Technology Initiatives
State Bank of Mysore was established in the year 1913 as Bank of Mysore
Ltd. under the patronage of the erstwhile Govt. of Mysore, at the instance
of the banking committee headed by the great Engineer-Statesman, Dr. Sir
M.Visvesvaraya. Subsequently, in March 1960, the Bank became an Associate of State
Bank of India. State Bank of India holds 90% of shares. The Bank's shares are listed in
Bangalore, Chennai and Mumbai stock exchanges.
Branch Network
The Bank has widespread network of 902 Branches (as on 05.10.2013) and
14 Extension Counters spread all over India including 6 Small and Medium
Enterprise Branches, 4 Industrial Finance Branches, 3 Corporate Accounts
Branches, 7 Specialized Personal & Services Banking Branches, 9
Agricultural Development Branches, 3 Government Business Branches, 1
Asset Recovery Branch besides 5 Service Branches, offering wide range of
services to the customers.
Organisational Setup
While the Chairman of State Bank of India is also the Chairman of the
Bank, The Managing Director is assisted by two Chief General Manager
and 13 General Managers.
Financial Profile
Business Profile
Technology Initiatives
List of RTGS enabled Banks and Branches (with their IFSC codes)
Mobile Banking
Customers can avail of banking services across all branches and channel
network irrespective of location where their accounts are maintained.
Products like CORE POWER and MULTICITY CHEQUE have been
introduced in this direction. Besides, CBS facilitates swifter remittance of
funds across Banks through its in-built RTGS & NEFT functionalities. All
branches of the Bank are RTGS enabled.
Internet Banking-
Corporate Customers
Banking in India originated in the last decades of the 18 th century. The first
banks were The General Bank of India which started in 1786, and the Bank
of Hindustan, both of which are now defunct. The oldest bank in existence
in India is the State Bank of India, which originated in the Bank of Calcutta
in June 1806, which almost immediately became the Bank of Bengal. This
was one of the three presidency banks, the other two being the Bank of
Bombay and the Bank of Madras, all three of which were established under
charters from the British East India Company. For many years the
Presidency banks acted as quasi-central banks, as did their successors. The
three banks merged in 1925 to form the Imperial Bank of India, which,
upon India's independence, became the State Bank of India.
The first entirely Indian joint stock bank was the Oudh Commercial Bank,
established in 1881 in Faizabad. It failed in 1958. The next was the Punjab
National Bank, established in Lahore in 1895, which has survived to the
present and is now one of the largest banks in India.
Around the turn of the 20th Century, the Indian economy was passing
through a relative period of stability. Around five decades had elapsed since
the Indian Mutiny, and the social, industrial and other infrastructure had
The presidency banks dominated banking in India but there were also some
exchange banks and a number of Indian joint stock banks. All these banks
operated in different segments of the economy. The exchange banks,
mostly owned by Europeans, concentrated on financing foreign trade.
Indian joint stock banks were generally under capitalized and lacked the
experience and maturity to compete with the presidency and exchange
banks. This segmentation let Lord Curzon to observe, "In respect of
banking it seems we are behind thetimes. We are like some old fashioned
sailing ship, divided by solid wooden bulkheads into separate and
cumbersome compartments."
The period between 1906 and 1911, saw the establishment of banks
inspired by the Swadeshi movement. The Swadeshi movement inspired
local businessmen and political figures to found banks of and for the Indian
community. A number of banks established then have survived to the
present such as Bank of India, Corporation Bank, Indian Bank, Bank of
Baroda, Canara Bank and Central Bank of India.
Training methods and Techniques for employees
Principle of Training
Objectives and Goals of Training
Need for training
An organization either Business or Industrial Enterprises needs many
factors for its growth, further development and for its very survival. The
most important factors are Capital, Materials, Machineries and Human
Resources as the success or failure of any organization depends on the
effective combination of these factors. Managing all other factors are
comparatively easier than managing Human Resources. The Human
Resources are most important and need to be handled carefully. Since all
the others factors are handled by the human resources, they have to be
trained in a effective manner to utilize the resources at optimal level to get
the desired output and thereby to reach the organization goals. The
effective combination of all these factors results to way for success.
Training & Development (T & D) deals with the design and delivery of
3. Group discussions and study analysis: case study method was initially
introduced by Christopher Lang Dell at Harvard Law School in 1880’s. The
principle used is ‘experiences is the best teacher’. Here several empirical
structure are examined in detail to find out commonalities to derive general
1. Training Plan: This must be well planned, prescribed and ably executed
effective implementation depends to great extend on planning.
2. Organizational objectives: T & D program must meet objectives of the
3. Equity and fairness: T and D program must enjoy equal opportunity to
drive benefit out of such training and must have equal chance to undergo
such training.
4. Application specification: Training content is balanced between theory
and practical. It must be ‘Application specification’
5. Upgrading information: T and D program is continuous reviewed at
periodic interval as order to make them updated in terms of knowledge and
6. Top Management support: Top management support is essential to make
Training and Development effective.
7. Centralization: For economy of effective uniformity and efficiency,
centralization of training department is found more common and useful.
8. Motivation – Training and Development have motivation aspects like
better career opportunity, individuals & skill development etc.
Recent changes in the environment of business have made the Training and
Development function even more important in helping organization
maintain competitiveness and prepare for the future. Technological
innovations and the pressure of global competition have changed the ways
organizations operate and the skills that their employee need. The tight
labor market has increased the importance of training in several ways. First
higher employee turnover means that more new employees need training.
Second, it has been suggested that frequent and relevant development
experiences are an effective way to gain employee loyalty and enhance
retention of top-quality staff.
This chapter presents the data gathered from the questionnaire. The data is
then analyzed referring to the research questions.
Interpretation: The sample size of my research was 100 i.e. 24 officers &
76 Clerical.
Opinion Yes No
Officers 20 4
Clerical 64 12
Above 80% employees said that effective communication is the back bone
of any organization body. More than three-fourth of organizational conflicts
are the outcome of poor distortions in communicational. Better
communication will lead to lesser conflicts which will further amount to
sound organizational health and profitability.
70% of the respondents said that they are frequently provide support to
their them. 27% of them said that are occasionally provide support to their
team and 3% of them said that never.
50% of the employees said that they are support the term because of
motivating them, 23% of the employees feel that supervisors helping in
problem solving. Motivation of employers will not only develop the
employees but it will also lead to speedily and effective implementation of
Opinion YES NO
Officers 20 4
Clerical 65 11
85% of respondents said that they using aids for communicating with
customers when necessary. 15% of them said not using aids.
Out of 100%, 34% of respondents are using audio-visual and 33% using
visual aids and 33% using other aids for communicating. Audio- Visuls
constitute a one-way system of communication with no scope for the
audience to raise doubts for clarification. Further there is no flexibility of
presentation form audience to audience.
Opinion YES NO
Officers 21 3
Clerical 6 10
More than 87% of respondents says yes, 13 % of them not assist and
encourage mobility when they needed.
Opinion Yes No
Officers 18 6
Clerical 49 27
75% of officers and 64% of Clericals response that they manage finance of
the organization as they manage their personal purpose. Most of the
employees feel that their personal goals are in conformance with
organizational goals.
17% of officers and 50% of clericals respondents assist for on the job
And 4% of officers and 29% of clericals respondents assist for off the job
It is found that the average age group of trainees are in their twenties or
early thirties which signifies that the consumer durable industry need more
of young blood as enthusiasm is an integral part of the industry.
The maximum emphasis is given to job instruction methods where the
trainee are made to understand their job thoroughly and the role they are
going to play in performing their job.
Respondent are not the part of planning and designing of the training
programme they do approach either to training team or the team head and
in rare case they go to trainer itself. The training objective are in keeping
with needs and abilities of the trainee and it is this that proves to be the
major reason for success of the training as whole.
The relation between the training methods adopted and the training
objective are to be harmonious as it is the training method that fulfills the
Last but not least behavioral training is more important as while doing the
study it was found that people are less cooperative and outgoing to help
out. Rather they felt as if study won't do any harm to them in terms they
would divulge information.
Apart from all other training even meditation training if can be done then
we think it would add to a greater advantage to the employee as they
would feel more relaxed and light while working as sitting all the day in
front of their laptop or personal computer they get tired. It's good to start
new thing. Let's begin it.
1. Name
2. Address :
3. Position:
a) Officers [ ]
b) Clerical [ ]
c) Others [ ]
4. Monthly Income range:
a) Below 20000 [ ]
b) 20000-30000 [ ]
c) Above 30000 [ ]
5. Educational Qualification?
19.You were able to pass on the knowledge and skills provided from the
training programs to you subordinates.
a) Mostly []
b) Sometimes [ ]
c) Never []
20.How would you rate the training?
a) Excellent []
b) Good []
c) Average []
d) Poor []
21.Time period of Training.
a) Very long []
b) Long []
c) Short []
d) Very Short [ ]
Date: Signature