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Submitted to Submitted By
Mr. Jai Shankar Shukla ANUSHKA TRIPATHI
Asst. Prof. dept. ROLL NO: 2110722010007


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I do hereby declare that the research project entitled

TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT , submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirement of the award of degree of BACHELOR OF COMMERCE is entirely
my original work and all ideas and references have been truly acknowledged.

It does not contain any work that has been submitted for the award of any
degree or of any university.


Place: Lucknow

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This is to certify that ANUSHKA TRIPATHI completed her Research

Project entitled “ under my guidance and supervision. To the best of
my knowledge, the present work is the result of her original
investigation and study .No part of the research project has been
submitted for any other university. The project is fit for submission
for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of


Place: Lucknow

ROLL NO: 2110722010007

13 3


I express my deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Jai Shankar Shukla sir

for suggesting the subject, gave me his valuable guidance and
supervising the present dissertation. He was also a constant source
of inspiration to me, and his deep and wide knowledge of urban
geography helped me out of many difficult situations. I would
thanks to Mr. Jai Shankar Shukla for their help in valuable guidance
in this project and sherwood college of professional management
for giving me an opportunity to carry out my work smoothly. I am
also sincerely thankful to all faculty members for their valuable


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TABLE OF CONTENT Particulars Page no.

1 Chapter 1: 9-37
2 Chapter 2 : 38-46
Research design
3 Chapter 3 : 47-58
Data Analysis and
4 Chapter 4 : 59 -63
& Conclusion
5 References Books 64-65

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Executive Summary:

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Training is a process through which a person enhances and develops his

efficiency, capacity and effectiveness at work by improving and updating his
knowledge and understanding the skills relevant to perform his or her job.
Training also helps a person cultivate appropriate and desired behavior and
attitude towards the work and people. Unless training is provided, the jobs and
lives of employees in organizations are at stake.
It gives people an awareness of the Rules & Procedures to guide their behavior.
It is an application of knowledge to improve the performance on the Current
job or to prepare one for an intended job. Organization & individual for their
survival & attainment of mutual goals should develop & progress
this can be done mainly through training technique because training is the
most important technique & it is a value addition to the organization through
Human Resource Development for the development of the employee.
The employee she/he been selected, placed & introduced in an organization
should be provided with training facilities in order to adjust & make them
suitable for the Job as no organization can get a candidate who exactly
matches with the job & organizational requirements.
Primary data was collected through survey and personal interview, whereas
secondary data made use of certain reports from the HRD department
provided the information as to the total no of employees, schedule of training
programs, number of persons attending it and other such things.
The secondary data also included textbooks, company data, and internet. The
analysis of the questionnaire was carried out through which the purpose of the
study was served. The analysis was done by using statistical tool in which the
study made use of two test that is : frequency test and correlation. These tests
gave the clear idea about the most significant factors which are positively
correlated and those factors which are not so significant and are not positively
correlated. Hence it helped the study to identify the important factors which
are quiet essential for effective training and development in the organization.
This study gives a detailed idea about the employee’s attitude towards the
training program and how the employees apply the knowledge, skills and
attitude in job performance.

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Therefore through the analysis the study could be interpreted that the training
and development programs are quiet effective but still needs to be improved
on some of the aspects mentioned above.

Chapter - 1 Introduction
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Human Resource Management is defined as the people who staff and manage
organization. It comprises of the functions and principles that are applied to
retaining, training, developing, and compensating the employees in
It is also applicable to non-business organizations, such as education,
healthcare, etc. Human Resource Management is defined as the set of
activities, programs, and functions that are designed to maximize both
organizational as well as employee effectiveness. Scope of HRM without a
doubt is vast.

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All the activities of employee, from the time of his entry into an organization
until he leaves, come under the horizon of HRM. The divisions included in HRM
are Recruitment, Payroll, Performance Management, Training and
Development, Retention, Industrial Relation, etc. Out of all these divisions, one
such important division is training and development.
Training And Development is a subsystem of an organization. It ensures that
randomness is reduced and learning or behavioral change takes place in
structured format.
William James of Harvard University estimated that employees could retain
their jobs by working at a mere 20-30 percent of their potential. His study led
him to believe that if these same employees were properly motivated, they
could work at 80-90 percent of their capabilities.
Behavioral science concepts like motivation and enhanced productivity could
well be used in such improvements in employee output. Training could be one
of the means used to achieve such improvements through the effective and
efficient use of learning resources.
Human resources, are the most valuable assets of any organization, with the
machines, materials and even the money, nothing gets done without man-
power. The effective functioning of any organization requires that employees
learn to perform their jobs at a satisfactory level of proficiency.
Here is the role of training. Employee training tries to improve skills or add to
the existing level of the knowledge so that the employee is better equipped to
do his present job or to prepare him for higher position with increased
responsibilities. However individual growth is not an end itself.
Organization growth needs to be meshed with the individual’s growth. The
concern is for the organization viability, that it should adapt itself to a changing
Training is different education particularly formal education. While education
is concerned mainly with enhancement of knowledge, training aims essentially
at increasing knowledge, stimulating attitude and imparting skills related to a
specific job.
It is a continuous and life long process.

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Training provides an atmosphere of sharing and synthesizing, with the help of

the trainers, the information already available on the subject. Training is a time
bound activity program.
Thus there is a separate specialized discipline of trainers socializing in the field
of human activity Meaning:
A business' most important asset is often its people. Training and developing
them can be one of the most important investments a business can make. The
right training can ensure that your business has the right skills to tackle the
future. It can also help attract and retain good quality staff, as well as
increasing the job satisfaction of those presently with you - increasing the
chances that they will satisfy your customers.
Thus Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of employee.
It is a universal truth that the human resources available in an organization
have to be managed more efficiently than the material resources comprising of
machines and money.
Eloquently putting “Training is a systematic development of the knowledge,
skills and attitudes required by employees to perform adequately on a given
task or job”.
Definition: “Training is the act of increasing the knowledge & skills of an
employee for doing a particular job” ▪ Flippo It is a short term educational
process & utilising a systematic & organised procedure by which employees
learn technical knowledge & skills for a definite purpose Training improves
knowledge skill, behaviour & attitude towards the requirements of the job &

Features of Training:
The features of good training programs are as follows:-
a. Clear Purpose:
The objective of the programme should be clearly specified.
The training should be result oriented.
b. Training Needs:

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The training needs of employees should be clearly defined. The methods

selected for imparting training should be appropriate and effective.
c. Relevance:
The training programme and its contents must be relevant to the requirements
of the job for which it is intended.
d. Balance between Theory and Practice:
A good training programme should provide a balanced mix of theory and
practice the theoretical framework should be backed by practical application
to provide all round training.

e. Management Support:
Top management must actively support the training programme so that the
training programme may help the employees to yield better results.
Once the employees get the support form management support the perform
there job more effectively.

Training Objectives:
1. To prepare the employee both new & old to meet the present as well as the
changing requirements of the job & the organisation.
2. To prevent obsolescence
3. To help the new entrants the basic knowledge & skills they need for an
intelligent performance of a definite job.
4. To prepare employees for higher level jobs.
5. To develop the potentialities of people for the next level job. 6. To ensure
economical output of required quality.
7. To ensure smooth & efficient working of a department.
9. To promote individual & collective morale, a sense of responsibility, co
operative attitudes & good relationships.

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Purpose of Training:
One of the main purposes of training is to prevent industrial accidents. This is
done by creating safety consciousness among workers.
a. When the employees are trained it enables them to achieve the required
level of performance which in turns increases the productivity.
b. Training helps in increasing the knowledge and skills of employee
c. When the employees are trained it becomes easy for them to adapt
themselves according to the changes made in business.

A Study on Employees Training and Development Vision Needs of Training:

1. To enable the new recruits to understand work: A person who is taking up
his job for the first time must become familiar with it.
For example, if a fresh graduate is appointed as a clerk in a bank, he must first
of all gain knowledge of work assigned to him.
2. To enable existing employees to update skill and knowledge: Training is not
something needed for the newly recruited staff alone. Even the existing
employees of a concern may require training. Such training enables them to
update their skill and knowledge.

Importance of Training:
1. Improvement in Skill and Knowledge:

Such training helps the employees to perform his job much better. This benefits
the enterprise as well.
2. Higher Production and Productivity:
If an enterprise has a team of well trained employees there will be rise in
production as well as increase in productivity.
Productivity is the input- output ratio
3. Job Satisfaction:
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Trained employees will be able to make better use of the making of their skill.
This increases their level of self-confidence and commitment to work. Such
employees are bound to have higher job satisfaction
4. Better use of Resources: Trained employees will be able to make better use
of materials and machines. This reduces the rate of wastage and spoilage of
materials and also breakage of tools and machines
5. Reduction in Accidents:
Trained employees are aware of safety precautions and so they are alert and
cautious. This is bound to bring down the number of accident in the works
6. Reduced Supervision:
Well trained employees do not need much supervision. They can do their work
without having to approach their superior often for guidance.
7. Reduction in Complaints:
‘Only bad workers blame their tools’. An employee who has acquired the
necessary skill and job knowledge would certainly love his job.
8. Adaptability:
Trained workers have the capacity to adapt themselves to any kind of situation.
They are odd in crisis management too. This indeed is beneficial for the
9. Scope for Management by Exception:
With trained workers working under them, it becomes easy for the managers to
get things done by delegating authority. This enables the managers to
concentrate more on important issues confronting the organization. 10.
Stability: “The employees of today are going to be the managers of tomorrow”.

The retirement of key managers may not affect the stability of an organization
if it has a team of trained, efficient and committed employees who are ever
ready to take over management.

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Advantages of Training:

1. Quick Learning: Training helps to reduce the learning time to reach the
acceptable level of performance.
The employees need not learn by observing others & waste a long time, if the
formal training program exists in the organisation.
The qualified trainers will help the new employees to acquire the skills &
knowledge to do particular jobs within a short span of time.
2. Higher Productivity:
Training raises the skill of the employees in the performance of a particular job.
It helps to the existing employees to raise their level of performance on their
present job assignment.
3. Less Supervision:
If the employees are given adequate training, the need of supervision is
lessened. Training does not eliminate the need of supervision but it reduces the
need of detailed & regular supervision.
4. Economical Operation:
It helps to make a better & economical use of materials &equipment’s wastage
will be low. In addition the rate of accidents & damages to the machinery &
equipment will be kept to the minimum by the well trained employees.
5. Higher Morale:
The objective of training program will mould employee’s attitude to achieve
support for organisational activities & obtain better Benefits of Training:

How training benefits the organisation:

1. Leads to improve profitability and more positive attitudes towards profits
2. Improves the job knowledge and skills at all levels of the organisation.

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3. Improve the morale of the workplace.

4. Helps people identify with organisational goals.

Benefits to the individual which1 in turn ultimately should benefits the


1. Helps the individual in making better decisions and effective problem solving.
2. Helps a person handle stress, tension, frustration and conflict.
3. Provides information for improving leadership knowledge, communication
skills and attitudes.
4. Increase job satisfaction and recognition.
5. Moves a person’s towards personal goals while improving interactive skills.
6. Satisfies personals needs of the trainer.
Purpose of Training:
a. Training is necessary when a person moves from one job to another (transfer)
b. Training is necessary to make employees mobile & versatile. They can be
placed in various jobs depending on organizational needs.

6. Better Management:

Manager can make use of training to manage in a better way. To him training
the employees can assists in improving his planning, organising, directing &
7. Confidence: Training crates a feeling of confidence in the minds of workers.
It gives safety & security to them at a work place.
8. New Skills: Training develops skills which serve as a valuable personal asset
of the workers.

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9. Promotion: Training helps for the promotion of the employees in the


How to make Training Effective:

a. Determine the training needs through job description, performance
appraisal, potential appraisal and discussion with employees.
b. Prepare a training calendar in discussion with the managers concerned.
c. Define the training objectives specifically.
d. Select the efficient faculty

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Methods of Training:

1. On the Job Methods:

• It is also known as job instruction training

• It is most commonly used method
• Under this method, the individual is placed on a regular job & taught the skills
necessary to perform that job.
• This method is also called “learning by doing”
• In this method trainee learns under the guidance or supervision of the
supervisor or instructor.

a. Job Rotation:

Job rotation involves the transfer of trainees from one job to another and
sometimes from one branch to another. The trainee receives job knowledge &
gains experience from his supervisor.
The trainee receives full duties and responsibilities of the rotated position. It is
more suitable for lower level executives.
b. Coaching: In coaching, the superior plays an active role in training the
subordinate. The superior may assign challenging task to the subordinate for
the purpose of training.

c. Job Instruction:
This method is also known as training through step by step. Under this method,
the trainer explains to the trainee the way of doing the jobs, job

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D. Committee Assignment:
Under this method, a group of trainees are given & asked to solve an actual
organizational problem. The trainees solve the problem jointly. It develops the
team work.
2. Off the Job Method:
• Under this method the trainee learns outside the job and involves himself in
full time learning.
• In this method of training, the trainees is separated from the job situation &
his attention is focused upon learning the material related to his future job
• The duration of this training ranges from days to few weeks.
Theory can be related to practice in this method.
b. Role Playing:
It is defined as a method of human interaction that involves realistic behavior
imaginary situation.
c. Lecture Method:
This is also called class room training. The special lectures can be given by the
top executive of the organization or by the specialist in a particular field.

d. Conference or Discussion:
It is a method in training the clerical, professional & supervisory personnel. This
method involves a group of people who pose ideas, share facts, ideas, data &
draw conclusions all of which contribute to the improvement of job

e. Seminar and Workshops:

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Management employees can be trained with the help of seminars and

workshops. In seminars, trainees present their papers on work related

Steps involved in Training:

Step 1: Define the chart part of the organization in which the work has to be
done. It is to have a focused approach of the study.
Step 2: Use various data collection measures to collect both qualitative as well
as quantitative data.

Step 3: Analyze the entire data collected in order to find out causes of problem
areas and priorities areas, which need immediate attention.
Step 4: Priorities the different training programmers according to the
responses collected.
Step 5: Record and file the entire data so that it can be used for future reference
while designing training programmers/ training calendar.
Areas of Training:
1. Knowledge:
Employee gets knowledge on rules and regulations related to job, staff & the
products or services offered by the company.
2. Technical Skills:
The employee is trained on specific skill (operating a machine, handling
computers etc).
3. Social Skills:
The employee is made to develop a right mental attitude towards the job,
colleagues and the company. He/she is taught to be a team worker/member.
4. Techniques:

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It involves application of knowledge and skill to various on-the-job situations.

Training Needs Assessment:

1. Determine: the training needs:

This involves finding answers to questions such as , whether training is
Where it is needed, which training, what is the duration
a. Organizational analysis
b. Task or role analysis
c. Person analysis
2. Organizational Analysis:
Study of the entire organization in terms of its objectives, resources, utilization
of these resources.
a. Analysis of objectives –

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study of short term and long term objectives and the strategies to fulfill the
b. Resource utilization analysis:
contribution of various departments towards resources utilization.
c. Environmental scanning –
the economic, political, socio-cultural and technological environment is

3. Task or Role Analysis:

a. Detailed examination of a job, its components, its various operations and
conditions under which job is performed.
b. The exercise is meant to find out how the various tasks have to performed,
what kind of skills, knowledge, attitudes are needed to meet the job needs.

4. Person Analysis:
a. Focus is on the individual in a given job.
b. Find out if performance is satisfactory and if training is required
c. Find if employee is capable of being trained and the specific areas in which
he has to be trained.

Identify Training Objectives:

Basically there are three types of objectives:

1. Regular
2. Problem Solving
3. Innovative
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1. Regular :
a. Orientation:
Basic training, introduction about the job, how it has to be performed, time
needed to perform. b. Refresher courses on safety procedures
2. Problem Solving:
a. To reduce complaints, mistakes, errors, accidents.
b. Training in communication to reduce and handle employee grievances 3.

Evaluation of a Training Programme:

Evaluation helps in controlling & correcting the training programme. It can be
done in 5levels:
1. Reactions: Trainees reactions to the overall training – coverage of topics,
method of presentation, techniques used, doubts were clarified etc
. 2. Learning: The trainer’s ability and the trainees abilities can be judged by the
content that is being learnt and how he applies it to the job.
3. Job behavior: Includes manner and extent to which the trainee has applied
his learning to the job.
4. Organization: This evaluation measures the use of training, learning and
change in job behavior in the form of increased productivity, quality, morale,
sales turnover and the like.

1. Questionnaire: A detailed questionnaire can be used to obtain opinions,

reactions, and views of trainees.
2. Tests:
Standard tests can be conducted to check how much the trainees have learnt.
3. Interviews:
One to one interview with trainees to know their reactions regarding training.
4. Human Resource Factors:
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Evaluation can be done based on employee satisfaction, which can be

determined by decrease in absenteeism, accidents, grievances, dismissals
5. Studies:
Comprehensive studies can be carried out eliciting the opinions and
judgments of trainers, superiors, colleagues etc.
6. Cost benefit Analysis:
The cost of training (cost of hiring, tools to learn, training centers, production
stoppage etc) could be compared with its value (in terms of improved learning,
superior performance etc.)
7. Feedback:
Identify gaps in the training programmer, correction measures needs to be
taken for improvement.


Management development is all those activities and programmer when
recognized and controlled have substantial influence in changing the capacity
of the individual to perform his assignment better and ingoing so all likely to
increase his potential for future assignments.
Thus, management development is a combination of various training
programmer, though some kind of training is necessary,

Definition of Development:
According to Mr. Emoia “Development covers not only those activities which
improve job performance, but those which bring about growth of personality,

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help individuals in the progress towards maturity actualization of their potential

capacities, so that they become not only good employees but better men and

Training needs identification for a company:

Training need identification is a tool utilized to identify what educational

courses or activities should be provided to employees to improve their work
productivity. Here the focus should be placed on needs as opposed to desires
of the employees for a constructive outcome.
In order to emphasize the importance of training need identification we can
focus on the following areas:
a. To pinpoint if training will make a difference in productivity and the bottom
b. To decide what specific training each employee needs and what will improve
his or her job performance.
c. To differentiate between the need for training and organizational issues and
bring about a match between individual aspirations and organizational goals.
Identification of training needs is important from both the organizational point
of view as well as from an individual's point of view.
From an organization’s point of view it is important because an organization
has objectives that it wants to achieve for the benefit of all stakeholders or
members, including owners, employees, customers, suppliers, and neighbors.

It has been known by several names, including "Human Resource

"Human Capital Development" and "Learning and Development".

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These definitions, of course, are viewed within the context of organizational

learning rather than other contexts (e.g. personal) of training and development.
Training Process Needs Assessment:

1. Organization Support
2. Organizational Analysis
3. Tasks and KSA Analysis
4. Person Analysis Instructional Objectives Development of Criteria Training
Validity Transfer Validity Inter organizational Validity Inter organizational
Validity Selection and Design of Instructional Programs Training Use of
Evaluation Mod. Lots of time training is confused with development, both are
different in certain respects yet components of the same system.

Whereas the presentation skills program helps them on job, the literature
based program may or may not help them directly.

The major difference between training and development therefore is that while
training focuses often on the current employee needs or competency gaps,
development concerns itself with preparing people for future assignments and
it covers not only those activities which improve job performance but also
those which bring about growth of the personality ;which helps individuals in
the progress towards maturity and actualization of their potential capacities so
they become not only good employees but better men and women. Training a
person for bigger and higher job is development.

Individual Objectives –It help employees in achieving their personal goals,

which in turn, enhances the individual contribution to an organization.

Organizational Objectives –It assist the organization with its primary

objective by bringing individual effectiveness. Functional Objectives –It
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maintain the department’s contribution at a level suitable to the organization’s


Societal Objectives –It ensure that an organization is ethically and socially

responsible to the needs and challenges of the society.

Difference between Training and Development:

Theories of Training and Development

Results: Results evaluation determines the success of a training program in

operational and strategic terms, such as increased sales, reduced expenses,
improved quality and reduced cases of workplace injuries.
However, it may not always be possible to correlate improved operational
performance with training. For example, improvements in product quality may
127 27

be due to better design tools and more qualified staff, not just a new quality
training program. External factors, such as changes in the economy and the
competitive environment, may also influence operational results.

Factors influencing Training and Development:

a. Top management support
b. Commitment from specialists and generalists
c. Technological advances
d. Organizational complexity
e. Learning principles

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Methods of Training and Development in Mitharya:

1. On the Job Methods:
• It is also known as job instruction training
• It is most commonly used method
• Under this method, the individual is placed on a regular job & taught the skills
necessary to perform that job
. • This method is also called “learning by doing”

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• In this method trainee learns under the guidance or supervision of the

supervisor or instructor
. A. Coaching: In coaching, the superior plays an active role in training the
subordinate. The superior may assign challenging task to the subordinate for
the purpose of training. The superior may assist and advice the subordinate to
complete the assigned task. In this case, the superior acts as a coach in
training the subordinate.
A limitation of this method is that the trainee may not have the freedom or
opportunity to express his own ideas. This method of training motivate the
employees in Mitharya.
B. Job Instruction:
This method is also known as training through step by step. Under this method,
the trainer explains to the trainee the way of doing the jobs, job knowledge &
skills & allows him to do the job.
The trainer appraises the performance of the trainee, provides feedback,
information & corrects the trainer.
This method of training motivate the employees in Mitharya. C. Committee
Assignment: Under this method, a group of trainees are given & asked to solve
an actual organizational problem. The trainees solve the problem jointly. It
develops the team work.
2. Off the Job Method:
• Under this method the trainee learns outside the job and involves himself in
full time learning.
• In this method of training, the trainees is separated from the job situation &
his attention is focused upon learning the material related to his future job
• There is an opportunity for freedom of expression for the trainees.
a. Vestibule Training:
In this method, actual work conditions are simulated in a class room. Material,
files, & equipment which are used in actual job performance are also used in
training. This type of training is commonly used for training personnel for
clerical &semi-skilled jobs.
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The duration of this training ranges from days to few weeks. Theory can be
related to practice in this method.
b. Role Playing:
It is defined as a method of human interaction that involves realistic behavior
imaginary situation.
This method of training involves action doing & practice, the participants play
the role of certain characters such as the production manager, mechanical
engineer, workers etc. this method is mostly used for developing inter personal
interaction & relations.

c. Lecture Method:
This is also called class room training. The special lectures can be given by the
top executive of the organization or by the specialist in a particular field. The
person is generally expert in the particular field.
The trainees generally had the note books to note down the important points
said by the expert.
This method can also be used for the new entrant in the organization or to
deliver the message to large group in that case the cost per trainee is less. This
method of training motivate the employees in Mitharya.
d. Conference or Discussion:
It is a method in training the clerical, professional & supervisory personnel.
This method involves a group of people who pose ideas, share facts, ideas, and
data& draw conclusions all of which contribute to the improvement of job

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Chapter - 2 Research Design

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Title of the Study:

A Study on Employees Training and Development at Mitharya Private Limited

Need for the Study: Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of
an employee for doing a particular job. It utilizes a systematic and organized
procedure by which employee learns technical knowledge and skills.
Training refers to the teaching and learning activities carried on for the primary
purpose of helping members of an organization.
Training is closely related with education and development but needs to be
differentiated from these terms.
It is aimed at improving the behavior and performance of a person. Training is
a continuous and life long process.
Training provides an atmosphere of sharing synthesizing with the help of the
trainers, the information already available on the subject. Significance of the
Study: The development of any organization depends on its employees. For
organizational productivity training and development assumes great

A better knowledge about these things can facilitate the trainer as well as the
trainee in conducting and benefiting from the training. But training being a very
complex process makes it a bit difficult. \
So the best way to achieve it is by studying and analyzing the feedback of
employees as well as managers.

Objectives of the Study:

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1. To recognize the meaning, nature, scope and features of the training and
2. To know how the training and development program effects on the employee
3. To study the employees perception towards organisational training and
4. To study the methods used in training the employees.
5. To determine which kind of training and development programs are effective
in motivation.

Research Methodology:

Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem.

It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done
scientifically. In it we study the various steps that are generally adopted by a
researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them.

Methodology gives us the blueprint of activities to be carried out

systematically in order to complete the study successfully.

➢ Formulating the Research Problem

➢ Extensive Literature Review
➢ Developing the Objectives
➢ Preparing the Research Design including Sample Design

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➢ Collecting the Data

➢ Analysis of Data
➢ Preparation of the Report or Presentation of Results, Formal write ups of
➢ Generalization and Interpretation and Conclusion


1. Questionnaire:
A questionnaire was served to all the employees asking their opinion about the
effectives of training and development programs at Mitharya Private Limited
2. Personal Interview:
A face-to-face talk is carried out with the employees where I asked several
employees about their feelings and opinions on various aspects of their jobs
and organization.

3. Company Data and Reports:

Certain reports from the HRD department provided the information as to the
total no of employees, schedule of training programs, number of persons
attending it and other such things, which indicated the employee performance
on the job after attending these training programs.
1. Primary Data:
An instrument is used to collect the required information from the employees
and also interact the employees personally. Primary data helps us in making
observation of employee’s behaviors, talk gestures which helped me in
identifying the attitude of employees towards the training program and the
effectiveness of the training program in the organization.
Primary Data Sources:
a. Questionnaire

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b. Observation
c. Interview

2. Secondary Data:

It was collected from the website of the company, and the company personnel,
certain reports from the HR department.
The research also took the help of the books and journal. Secondary Data:
a. Book
b. Periodicals or journals
c. Research thesis and dissertations

Both are equally essential for any type of survey.

Research Design:
A research design is the assignment of conditions for collection and analysis
of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the search purpose
formidable problem that follow the fact defining the research is the preparation
in this study the researcher has made use of the descriptive research design
this is used to determine some definitive purpose with the help of structured
questionnaire to further primary information to focus on the accurate
description of the variable present in the problem Sampling:

It would be time consuming as well as difficult to interview all 400 employees.

So for the purpose of this project report researcher has selected 100 of
population for sampling. The samples were selected using simple random
sampling techniques

136 36

Period of the Study:

This study was conducted in Mitharya Private Limited with a period of 30 days.
1. Initial five days were spent on data collection.
2. Next 6 days were engaged with the employees to have a personal contact
with them.
3. The next 15 days were used to help up in the HR department concerns such
as conducting meetings, applications arranging and informing meeting etc

Mitharya Private Limited Limitations of the Study:

1. Due to restriction to enter into some of the departments at Mitharya Private

Limited. I could not cover some of the aspects required for my study.
2. Interaction with the company executive was limited due to their busy
3. The information collected is mainly primary data and the accuracy is subject
to the responses received.
4. The employees of the Mitharya and services found it difficult to answer
questions properly due to their busy and heavy workload.
5. Some were reluctant to answer some question thinking that might affect
their job negatively.

SWOT Analysis:

1. Strengths:

137 37

a. Committed toward work, positive and logical in approach, constructive in

handling criticism.
b. Quick learner of new skills.
c. Confidentiality keeper.
d. Self-motivated.
2. Weaknesses:
a. It has a competitive pricing policy. b. It is investing too much in R&D but its
marketing skills are provides continuous training to below average.
c. Competitors are chasing close maintains solid partnerships behind with its
3. Opportunities:
a. Opportunity to face the competitors in the market.
b. Opportunity to enter foreign contracts other than Indian contracts.
c. Opportunity to establish worldwide branches because of its services. d.
Opportunity to acquire more market share.
4. Threats:
a. Instability and economic instability which are affecting the business. b.
Knowledge broadcast system via the internet.

138 38

Chapter – 3
Data Analysis and Interpretation

139 39


140 40

In Table 1 and Figure 1, 99%of the respondents agree that they like to attend
training program and 1% of the respondents does not like to attend training
program for their necessary performance.

In Table 2 and Figure 2, 82% of the respondents agree that training means it is
knowledge and skills, 11% of the respondents agree that training means
141 41

learning, 5% of the respondents agree that training for them is sharing

information and 2 % of the respondents agree that training is enhancement of
their knowledge and skills necessary for their performance.

142 42

143 43

In Table 4 and Figure 4, 82% of the respondents strongly agree that training is
a part of organizational strategy, 17% of the respondents neutral in their
opinion and 1% of the respondents not agree with this statement.

144 44

145 45

In Table 6 and Figure 6, 73% of the respondents agree that every month training
programs are conducted in their organization, 19% of the respondents agree
that quarterly required training programs in their organisation. 6% of the
respondents agreed that training is required half yearly, and 2 % of the
respondents agreed that once in a year they conduct training programs to their

146 46

147 47

In Table 9 and Figure 9, 65% of the respondents agree that coaching is the
method to use training in the organisation. 17% of the respondent’s agree that
they consider conference as their training, 5% of the respondents agree that
role playing is the method which they used for training and rest 3% agree that
job rotation is the method which they use to their employees in the organisation.

148 48

In Table 10 and Figure 10, 48% of the respondents agree that lack of interest is
the barrier for training and development in their organization. 10% of the
respondents agree that barrier may be non availability of skilled labours.
5% of the respondents may agree that finance is the barrier for training and
development for their organisation and rest of the respondents says it is due to
some other factor

149 49

150 50

151 51

Chapter – 4
Findings, Suggestions & Conclusion

152 52


1. 99%of the respondents agree that they like to attend training program.
2. 82% of the respondents agree that training means it is knowledge and skills.
3. Majority of the respondents agree that training program is essential for both
new employees and existing employee.
4. 82% of the respondents strongly agree that training is a part of organizational
5. Majority of the respondents agree that training is well planned in their
6. 73% of the respondents agree that every month training programs are
conducted in their organization.
7. Majority of the respondents agree that training program is compulsory for
the employees to work better.
8. 97% of the respondents agree that training is helpful in enhancing
productivity and performance of an employee.
9. 65% of the respondents agree that coaching is the method to use training in
the organization.
10. 48% of the respondents agree that lack of interest is the barrier for training
and development in their organization.

153 53


1. Employees should decide and determine the training programs that they
need so that they can work more effectively and efficiently, employees should
decide some of the training they would like to undergo.

2. The HR department should conduct briefing and debriefing sessions for

employees for training as to give them an idea as to why this training is been
conducted and what they have to learn in the training program conducted and
also after training completion they should take a feedback as to how effective
was the training so that the necessary improvements in training programs can
be considered and implemented.
3. Apart from on-job training programs the HR Department should conduct
constant value addition programs such as Time management, Stress
management trainings, group dynamics, grievance redressal; these will help to
add value and is also essential in today’s business scenario.
4. Performance of every employee undergone training should be evaluated so
as to get Improved quality of training activities, Improve ability of the trainers to
relate inputs to output know their understanding about the training programme
5. Training program should evaluate the abilities, competencies and potentials
of the trainees for a particular job or work skills. 6. It should aim to narrow down
the gap between expected level of performance and the actual level of

154 54

References Books:

1. Training and Development – SubbaRao

2. Human Resource Personal Management – K. Ashwatappa
3. Human Resource Management - Gary Dessler

155 55

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