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Jioh 7 53
Received: 21st September 2014 Accepted: 27th December 2014 Conflicts of Interest: None Original Research
Source of Support: Nil
Evaluation of the Effect of Different Food Media on the Marginal Integrity of Class V
Compomer, Conventional and Resin-Modified Glass-Ionomer Restorations: An In Vitro Study
Shiji Dinakaran
Effect of food on compomer and glass-ionomer restorations … Dinakaran S Journal of International Oral Health 2015; 7(3):53-58
such as acids and components of the restorative materials are Dyract® was placed incrementally, and each layer was light
less significant in causing pulpal injury than bacterial leakage cured (Litex 680 A, Dentamerica) for 40 s. The restorations
along the restoration margins.8 Several factors influence the were finished with abrasive discs (Solf – Lex disks, 3M dental
micro leakage at the tooth restoration interface such as the products), and lightly air-dried and unfilled resin was applied,
nature of restorative material used, polymerization shrinkage, and light-cured. The teeth were then stored in distilled water
hygroscopic expansion, thermal and mechanical stress, and for 24 h.
dietary habits of the patient. The food consumed by an
individual can change the temperature of the oral environment Teeth in Group II were restored with Fuji II after conditioning
to a wide range. These factors may influence the properties of with 10% polyacrylic acid for 10 s. The restored surfaces were
the restorative material as well as the adhesion between tooth coated with GC Fuji varnish (GC Corporation, Tokyo) and
and restoration. Although several studies had been conducted stored in distilled water at room temperature for 24 h, followed
to determine micro-leakage of these three materials in Class V by final finishing with abrasive disks (Soft – Lex Disks, 3M
lesions, there is still controversy regarding which of these Dental Products) and varnish application. Teeth in Group III
materials is more suited for restoring cervical lesions in an acidic were restored using Fuji II LC improved after conditioning
environment, which is a major causative factor for such lesions. with 10% polyacrylic acid (GC Dentin Conditioner, GC
The present study was conducted to compare and evaluate the Corporation, Tokyo) for 10 s. The restoration was light-cured
micro leakage along the incisal and cervical margins of Class V for 20 s from the labial aspect and both mesial and distal
restoration of Dyract® (Compomer), Fuji II (Conventional aspects. Surface of the restoration was coated with GC Fuji
glass-ionomer) and Fuji II LC improved (Resin-modified varnish. The restored teeth were stored in distilled water at
glass-ionomer) immersed in common food beverages such as room temperature for 24 h. Final finishing was done after 24 h
tea, coffee, low PH carbonated drink (Coca-Cola), and lime using abrasive disks (Soft – Lex disks, 3M dental products)
juice with saline as control. under water spray and varnish applied. The composition of
the restorative materials tested is given in Table 1
Materials and Methods
One hundred and twenty freshly extracted human premolars The teeth in three groups were then thermo cycled for
for orthodontic purposes which were free of caries, erosion, 200 cycles ranging from 5 ± 5°C to 55 ± 5°C each with
abfraction or abrasion were selected for this study. They were dwell time of 30 s in thermocycling unit (LTC 100, LAM
thoroughly cleaned and stored in distilled water. Class V tooth technologies, Italy). After thermocycling, the apices of the
preparations were made on the buccal surface using no 330 teeth were sealed with sticky wax. The teeth in the three groups
tungsten carbide bur at high speed with air water coolant. (Group I, II and III) were subdivided into five subgroups (A,
Preparations were centered on the cementoenamel junctions B, C, D and E) of eight teeth each and were immersed in tea,
and were approximately 1.5 mm deep, 4 mm height, and coffee, Coca-Cola, lime juice, and saline respectively for 7 days.
3 mm width. 90° cavosurface angle was maintained at all cavity The media were freshly prepared and changed in every 24 h.
margins. The teeth were then randomly divided into three The test medium, tea was prepared by adding one teaspoon
groups (Group I, Group II, and Group III) with 40 teeth in tea dust to 160 ml of water. Lime juice was prepared by adding
each group. 5 ml of lime extract to 160 ml distilled water. Coffee was
prepared by adding one teaspoon coffee powder to 160 ml of
The teeth in Group I were acid etched with 37% phosphoric water. 0.9% saline (RUSOMA Laboratories, Indore, Madhya
acid gel (Fusion etch, Fusion dental products) for 30 s, followed Pradesh, India) and Coca-Cola (Coca-Cola Co, Kerala) were
by application of prime and Bond® NT and light-cured for 10 s. the other test media used. The pH of the immersion media
Effect of food on compomer and glass-ionomer restorations … Dinakaran S Journal of International Oral Health 2015; 7(3):53-58
The data obtained were analyzed statistically using one-
way analysis of variance using SPSS version 16.0 and is
summarized in Table 4. These data are presented graphically
in Graphs 1-3. Stereomicroscopic images at ×20 magnification
for various micro leakages are given in Figures 1-3. P < 0.05
were considered statistically significant and values <0.01 were Figure 1: Microleakage at tooth restoration interphase
statistically highly significant. showing score 0 leakage at enamel and score 1.5 leakage at
cemental margin.
Table 2: pH of immersion media.
Group Immersion media pH
A Tea 5.04
B Coffee 5.32
C Coca‑Cola 2.44
D Lime 3.79
E Saline 7.00
Table 4: One‑way ANOVA comparing micro leakage scores of compomer, conventional, and resin‑modified glass‑ionomer restorations along incisal and
cervical margins in various media.
Margin Material Mean±SD F P
Tea Coffee Coca‑Cola Lime Saline
Incisal Dyract® 0.2500±0.3780b 0.1875±0.3720b 0.4375±0.4955b 0.5625±0.4955b 0.000±0.000a 2.850 <0.05
Fuji II 0.7500±0.4629a 0.8125±0.3720a 1.4375±0.6781b 1.5825±0.6781b 0.5000±0.5345a 5.486 <0.01
Fuji II LC improved 1.0000±0.4629b 0.8750±0.4432b 1.5000±0.5345c 1.8750±0.2315c 0.5000±0.5345a 9.233 <0.01
Cervical Dyract® 0.7500±0.5345b 0.7500±0.5345b 0.8750±0.4432b 1.0625±0.4173b 0.1250±0.3536a 4.657 <0.01
Fuji II 1.2500±0.4629a 1.2500±0.4629a 1.8750±0.2315b 2.000±0.000b 1.0625±0.1768a 13.757 <0.01
Fuji II LC improved 0.5000±0.5345a 0.5000±0.5345a 1.000±0.000b 1.3750±0.5825b 0.1250±0.3536a 11.284 <0.01
Mean with the same superscript do not very significantly (DMRT), ANOVA: Analysis of variance, DMRT: Duncan multiple range test, SD: Standard deviation
Effect of food on compomer and glass-ionomer restorations … Dinakaran S Journal of International Oral Health 2015; 7(3):53-58
varies from around 4-8.5 while the intake of acidic fruit juices
or alkaline medicament can extend this range from 2 to 11.
Effect of food on compomer and glass-ionomer restorations … Dinakaran S Journal of International Oral Health 2015; 7(3):53-58
In the present study, the material Dyract® showed least micro components of prime and Bond NT help to dislodge moisture
leakage scores compared to Fuji II and Fuji II LC improved in from the conditioned dentin and attain an intimate interaction
all tested media and control group. No micro-leakage was seen at the demineralized intertubular and peritubular dentin,
along incisal margins for sub-Group IE. Only one specimen of creating hybrid layer essential for an ideal bond to dentin.14
sub-Group ID showed leakage score of 2 along cemental margin. Studies comparing Class V Dyract restorations on etched and
50% showed no leakage along the incisal margin for specimens nonetched human teeth have shown that etched specimens
in sub Group IC but only 25% showed no leakage along incisal demonstrated significantly less micro leakage compared to
margin in sub-Group ID, even though there was no statistically nonetched specimens.15
significant difference between these subgroups (ID and IC).
Peutzfeldt investigated the bond strengths of compomer and
For Group II, the scores were higher than that of Dyract® 50% glass-ionomer cements to dentin and found that the compomers
showed no leakage along incisal margin for the control group. bonded stronger than resin-modified and conventional glass-
87% showed leakage score 2 along incisal margin, and 100% ionomer materials.16 The results of the present study show
showed score 2 along cemental margins for specimens in similar finding. More leakage was observed in Group II
sub-Group IID. 75% showed leakage score 2 along incisal and compared to resin-modified glass-ionomer restorations in
cemental margins for restorations immersed in Coco-Cola. this study which is similar to the results in another study.17
But there was no statistically significant difference between In case of Fuji II LC improved, because of the slowness of
sub-Group IID and IIC. the acid-base reaction in the cement, polycid is available for a
longer period resulting in the formation of a stronger adhesive
In Group III, about 87% showed no leakage along incisal margin bond compared to Fuji II.17 The bonding mechanism of resin-
and 50% showed no cemental micro leakage among specimens modified and conventional glass-ionomers rely on the presence
in Group IIIE. 75% showed a score of 2 along cemental margin of calcium. Hence, the dentin or cementum margins of these
and 50% showed 1.5 score along incisal margin for restoration restorations show weak marginal adaptation and hence higher
in subgroup IIID. In IIIC 100% (all specimens) showed score 1 micro leakage.18 This may be the reason for the lower micro
along incisal margin and 50% showed score 2 and remaining leakage scores along enamel margins for both Group II and III
half showed score 1 along cemental margins. Here also, there in all test media and control, compared to cemental margins.
was no statistically significant difference between the sub-
Group IIIC and IIID. In tea and coffee the leakage scores were The acidic properties of acids are determined by the amount
more or less similar in all subgroups for the three materials. of acid available (titratable acidity) and the amount of acid
Among the tested materials, Fuji II had the greatest micro actually present (concentration of H+ ions).19 Type of acid,
leakage compared to the other two materials. In the case titratable acidity, buffering capacity, and temperature influence
of restorations of the three materials immersed in control the dental erosive capacity of acidic liquids.20 Carbonated
media, saline the P > 0.05 when the leakage scores of the three drinks get neutralized early despite having a lower pH than
materials were compared separately for incisal and cemental fruit drinks.21 In cola drinks, phosphoric acid is normally used
margins. but citric acid predominates in fruit juices and non-cola drinks.
Studies have shown that citric acid causes more erosion than
The single component system of Compomer (Dyract®) phosphoric acid.22 This could be the reason for more micro-
does not allow pockets of air to form in the material which leakage of all the three tested materials in lime juice compared
may occur in case of two-component systems that require to Coca-Cola. Frequent consumption of low pH beverages
mixing. This can be the reason for the less leakage of Group I showed erosion of the enamel in both in vivo and in vitro
compared to Group II and III in this study.13 Acid etching studies.23,24 It is quite possible that the higher micro leakage
with phosphoric acid produces micro retentions on enamel scores seen in low pH media in the present study can be due
that are then filled by fluid resin producing tags, resulting in to the restorative materials being removed along with the hard
adequate and long-lasting adhesion between the restorative tissues by these drinks.
material and the enamel. This may be the reason for the lower
micro leakage scores of compomer in enamel compared to The results of this in vitro study provides some insight
cemental margins for Group I in all the tested media and saline. concerning the performance of the three restorative materials,
Two different mechanisms are responsible for the formation which are widely accepted for restoring cervical lesions in the
of adhesive bonds to the cavity wall in case of Dyract®. Fifty oral environment. But this in vitro study has several limitations
percent of the reactive units of the TCB monomer in Dyract® since these restorations are prone to more kinds of stress in the
consist of hydrophilic carboxyl groups. These carboxyl groups oral cavity which are not tested in the present study and which
form ionic bonds with calcium ions of the tooth structure. may further deteriorate these restorative materials. Moreover,
Second mechanism is adhesion to the tooth surface through the entire variables faced by such restorations during in vivo
the primer/adhesive system.5 Incorporated hydrophilic performance cannot be included in this study.
Effect of food on compomer and glass-ionomer restorations … Dinakaran S Journal of International Oral Health 2015; 7(3):53-58