Employing 60 GHZ Ism Band For 5G Wireless Communications: (Invited Paper) Turker Yilmaz Etimad Fadel Ozgur B. Akan
Employing 60 GHZ Ism Band For 5G Wireless Communications: (Invited Paper) Turker Yilmaz Etimad Fadel Ozgur B. Akan
Employing 60 GHZ Ism Band For 5G Wireless Communications: (Invited Paper) Turker Yilmaz Etimad Fadel Ozgur B. Akan
Abstract—Wireless data traffic is continuously increasing due 5.8 GHz [1], the latter being extended through 5150 - 5350
to the steady rise in both connected device number and traffic per megahertz (MHz) and 5470 - 5725 MHz with further restric-
device. Wireless networks, traditionally confined below 6 giga- tions [2]. However, because IEEE 802.11 initially designed
hertz, are getting clogged and unable to satisfy the ever-increasing
demands of its users. Already aware of this, telecommunications for best service support through contention-based access and
industry and academia have been working on solutions. One of due to the open nature of the spectrum, despite the quality
the main methods for throughput increase is operation bandwidth of service (QoS) amendments like IEEE 802.11e [3], service
expansion; however, sufficient spectrum is not available within guarantee is not possible. To offer reliable and satisfactory
the conventional frequencies. Following various considerations, communications, exclusive spectrum is needed, and therefore
60 GHz industrial, scientific and medical radio band has been
selected as the new spectrum to be utilized and wireless personal the high-priced mobile spectrum auctions occur. To get an
and local area network standards for the band are already idea of the worth of bandwidth, the July 2012 dated technical
completed. In line with the stated developments, this paper report commissioned by the United Kingdom (UK)’s Office of
proposes the use of 60 GHz band for the fifth generation (5G) Communications can be consulted [4]. One part of the report
communication systems. After very briefly setting the scene of presents benchmark valuation results which are compiled using
the current wireless communication networks, the physical layer
properties of the 60 GHz band are presented. A representative similar recent auctions held across the Europe. For larger
indoor simulation between the fourth generation and proposed incumbent operators the value of the spectrum in the 800 MHz
5G cases is set and performed. The results are assessed and band is found to be between £0.460 and £0.714 per MHz per
compared before concluding the paper. capita. This amount decreases to the £0.087 - £0.121 range for
Index Terms—Future wireless communication, 5G mobile com- the 2.6 GHz band. 800 MHz is important for widespread cov-
munication, millimetre wave communication, IEEE standards.
erage, whereas 2.6 GHz is necessary to support high data rates,
and the nearly 6 times valuation difference between the bands
therefore stems from the respective economic importance of
The increase in requirement of information and data within the stated channel properties. The monetary quantities given in
our daily lives and routines has been a major driver for connec- the report further validated by the results of UK’s 4G mobile
tivity growth for more than a decade now. Up until the end of auction, which was held in February 2013 [5].
the third generation (3G) mobile telecommunication systems, Providing data communications without facing the hefty
it can be argued that telecommunication and data services upfront licence costs requires resorting to the ISM bands.
have been treated as separate features. However, with the The corresponding designations according to the International
introduction of fourth generation (4G), network convergence Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radiocommunication Sector
took over and all services essentially became a form of data (ITU-R)’s Radio Regulations, Edition of 2012 [1], are provided
communications. in Table I. Since the 2.4 and 5 GHz ISM bands are already
Conventional mobile and data communications have always being utilized by WLANs, in order to satisfy the data rate
been conducted within the frequency bands below 6 gigahertz requirements of the next-generation of wireless communica-
(GHz). The simple reasons are the favourable electromagnetic tion systems, ISM bands in the higher frequencies should
(EM) wave propagation conditions and hardware capabilities. be put into use. 24 and 61 GHz bands are the next ones
However, as the demand for communications exponentially in line. While 24 GHz have better EM wave propagation
increased the available spectrum became insufficient. Wireless characteristics due to lower atmospheric and free-space losses,
local area networks (WLANs) operate within the industrial, it is confined within a bandwidth of 250 MHz. On the contrary,
scientific and medical (ISM) radio bands centred at 2.45 and although the 500 MHz wide 61 GHz ISM band is not large
2014 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom)
2014 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom)
S IMULATION PARAMETERS setting the power difference on the order of the immensely
high 220 dB, and the absorption through the wall is the
Quantity 4G 5G main reason for this. Although exact ray tracing with true
Transmitting power 24 dBm 16 refraction angles is conducted for simulations, to provide a
TX antenna gain 0 dBi 7.5
general idea on the effect of material absorption, according
RX antenna gain 0 7.5 to (5), propagation through 20 cm of sand-lime brick causes
Carrier frequency 3.5 GHz 58.32 a loss of 148.53 dB, whereas 4 cm thick HDF door reduces
Noise bandwidth 0.1 2.16 the power by 32.14 dB. These facts clearly demonstrate the
BS noise figure 5 dB 5 coverage boundaries for the 60 GHz communication systems:
UE noise figure 7 7 Unless the rooms are parted with thin materials having low
System margin 10 5 absorption coefficients, the coverage is confined within one
room and a different BS or access point is required for each
room which is to be included in the network. Third aspect to
where the absorption coefficient ↵ varies along the position contemplate is the trapezoid shape occurring behind the door.
vector r, which is extended over a distance of l between The reason is, rays passing through the top of the door form
the points P1 and P2 . For the simulations the absorption a much wider horizontal angle compared to the ones directly
coefficient is assumed to be constant, reducing (4) to hitting the door on the h = 0.75 m plane, and so spread over
↵l a longer line.
I2 = I1 e . (5)
To demonstrate power distribution better, in Fig.4b wall
Since comprehensive mm-wave characterization of building propagated hall area is left out, and the colour scale is set
materials are not currently available in literature and consid- between the maximum received power of -40.4 dBm and -
ering the fact that absorption coefficients of brick and wood 90 dBm, where the minimum of the remaining of the 1.75
does not tend to alter much below 100 GHz [9], the absorption m plane is nearly -89 dBm. Tighter colour scale makes the
coefficients available for 100 GHz, which are 171 and 185 nearly 35 dB loss caused due to absorption by the door easier
m 1 for sand-lime brick and HDF [10], respectively, are used to notice. One other difference between the received power
for the simulations. A summary of the simulation parameters results of 5G simulations is the smaller trapezoid area on the
is provided in Table II. h = 1.75 m plane. Although the hall is 2.8 m across, since the
door is only 2.09 m long, rays originated from the BS that is
IV. P ERFORMANCE E VALUATION 6.06 m away on horizontal axis and passing through the 0.36
The simulations are run for each 1 cm3 volume within m segment of the door are unable to cover the entire hall.
the defined laboratory and hall area, and results are provided
for two different heights: 0.75 m, representing the average B. Signal-to-Noise Ratio
height of a desk within an office room and covering fixed Remaining figures compare the SNR values between the
communications, and 1.75 m, representing the ear level of a 4G and 5G simulations. Fig.5a shows the calculated SNR
standing person and covering mobile communications. values for the h = 0.75 m plane of the 4G case. As can be
seen from the plot, values range from 30 to 50 dB, which
A. Received Power are much higher than the 14.9 dB required for successful
In Fig.3 received power outcomes of 4G simulation are transmission with 16-ary quadrature amplitude modulation
provided for both heights, using the same colour scale. For (16-QAM) and bit error ratio (BER) of 10-6 . Here 16-QAM
visualization purposes received power inside the wall and door is chosen as the performance parameter since it is the highest
is matched to the lowest power level within the respective defined modulation technique in the latest completed 3GPP
planes for all the figures in this section, thus the wall and specification, Release 11. The outcome for 4G is as expected
door indent are clearly visible in Fig.3. As expected, the power since it is an accomplished technology with known end results.
levels gradually decrease as the distance to the BS increases, Fig.5b, on the other hand, presents the SNR values of 5G
and since Fig.3b is closer to the BS, the power levels are simulation. Maximum SNR achieved is 18.85 dB, which is
higher for the h = 1.75 m case. safely higher than the successful quadrature phase-shift keying
5G simulation results for power outcomes are presented in (QPSK) modulated transmission with 10-6 BER limit of 10.78
Fig.4. For better illustration different colour scales are used dB. Although modulation techniques as high as 64-QAM are
between the figures. When Fig.4a is reviewed in detail, firstly defined within the IEEE 802.11ad standard, since at 60 GHz
a power difference of nearly 20 dB can be noticed for the QPSK is capable of providing a maximum data rate of 2079
laboratory area between the 4G and 5G cases. The maximum Mb/s, for initial 60 GHz deployments QPSK performance can
received power is -44.81 dBm for 5G simulation and the power be accepted as satisfactory. However, SNR on the furthest
drop is in line with the additional free-space loss for 60 GHz point of the room within the 0.75 m plane drops to 8 dB.
which is explained in Section II. The second consideration is This clearly shows the necessity of high gain antennas and
the very high power difference between the extremes of the output power transmitters, even for in-room communications.
result. The minimum received power stands at -269.22 dBm, With the wall propagated hall area again left out, SNR in
2014 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom)
−24 −24
2 2
−26 −26
4 −28 4 −28
8 −34 8 −34
−36 −36
10 10
−38 −38
12 12
−40 −40
14 −42 14 −42
2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
Southern Edge (m) Southern Edge (m)
−60 −45
2 2
4 −100 4
Received power (dBm)
−180 −70
10 10
−200 −75
12 −220 12 −80
14 14
2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
Southern Edge (m) Southern Edge (m)
the corridor ranges between -22.7 and -29.5 dB, the latter 5G systems. From the results the suitability of 60 GHz for
of which also is the end of the colour scale. As reliable in-room communications can be deduced. However, the need
communication is not possible at these rates, for practical use for a novel indoor access network architecture to establish an
of 60 GHz band, alternative solutions, such as dual frequency uninterrupted communications link in 60 GHz band is also
operation with a lower band or constructing new buildings apparent.
with wireless communications infrastructure just like water or
energy infrastructures, should be employed.
Finally, Fig.6 illustrates the SNR values for the h = 1.75 m This work was supported in part by the Scientific and
plane. Apart from slightly higher values due to being closer to Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) under
the BS, there is not any observable difference between Fig.5 grant #113E962.
V. C ONCLUSION [1] “The Radio Regulations, Edition of 2012,” 2012.
[2] “Resolution ITU-R 229: Use of the bands 5 150-5 250 MHz, 5 250-5 350
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circuitry is set for comparing present 4G and proposed 60 GHz (Reaff 2003), pp. 1–212, 2005.
2014 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom)
48 15
2 2
4 44 4
14 30 14 −25
2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
Southern Edge (m) Southern Edge (m)
48 20
2 2
46 15
4 44 4 10
Signal−to−noise ratio (dB)
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