Steering Gear Control System: Standard For Certification

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No. 2.9
Type Approval Programme No. 7-861.80




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Standard for Certification - No. 2.9, October 2009
Type Approval Programme No. 7-861.80
Page 3


1. SCOPE ....................................................................... 4 2.5 Elements of type approval........................................... 5

OF PRODUCT TYPE .............................................. 4 APPENDIX A
2.1 Procedure .....................................................................4 TABLE OF TYPE TESTS FOR STEERING GEAR
2.2 Documents to be submitted .........................................4 CONTROL SYSTEM.......................................................... 6
2.3 Design requirements ....................................................4
2.4 Requirements to identification of type of product
with certificate .............................................................5


Standard for Certification - No. 2.9, October 2009
Type Approval Programme No. 7-861.80
Page 4

1. Scope — a list of items which are subject to assessment with a

specification of probable failure modes for each item,
The type approval program describes the work process in order with references to the system documentation
to obtain a Type Approval Certificate for a Steering gear con- — a description of the system response to each of the
trol system. above failure modes identified
The work process includes an assessment of the manufacturer's — a comment to the consequence of each of these fail-
quality control ensuring conformity during manufacturing of ures.
the Steering gear control system (i.e. production control).
6) List of control & monitored points
Note: A list and or index identifying all input and output signals
Heading control system is not included in this type approval pro- to the system as required in the rules, containing at least
gramme. the following information:
---e-n-d---of---N-o-t-e--- — service description
— instrument tag-number
— system (control, safety, alarm, indication)
— type of signal (digital / analogue input / output).
2. Conformity Assessment of Design of
7) Circuit diagrams:
Product Type
— for essential hardwired circuits (for emergency stop,
2.1 Procedure shutdown, interlocking, etc.) details of input and out-
The type approval procedure consists of the following ele- put devices and power source for each circuit.
8) Test program for testing at the manufacturer
— application for type approval of the product Description of test configuration and test simulation meth-
— design assessment ods. The tests shall cover all normal modes as well as fail-
— type testing ure modes identified in the functional failure analysis,
— assessment of the manufacturer's quality control including power and communication failures.
— upon renewal, Type Approval Certificate retention survey. 9) Software quality plan (for information)
2.2 Documents to be submitted The software life cycles activities shall minimum contain
procedures for:
The following documentation shall be submitted, either using
a common electronic format (e.g. Acrobat(pdf) or MS Word — software requirements specification
format (doc)) and protocol (e-mail or CD) or hard copies in pa- — parameters data requirements
per: — software function test:
1) Functional description including: - parameter data test
- validation testing
— clear text description of the system configuration — system project files stored at the manufacturer
— clear text description of scope of supply and what is — software change handling and revision control.
controlled and monitored and how 10) Test program for Routine and commissioning tests.
— clear text description of safe state(s) for each function
implemented 11) Environmental test program, performance test program
— clear text description of switching mechanisms for and specification of test site(s).
systems designed with redundancy R0 12) Environmental- and performance type test report(s).
— P&I/hydraulic/pneumatic diagrams if relevant. 13) Product marking.
2) System block diagram: All the documentation submitted shall be marked in accord-
ance with the manufacturer’s QA-system and shall be pre-
— showing connections between all main components pared for easy reference of the various elements asked for.
(units, modules) of the system and interfaces with oth-
er systems. 2.3 Design requirements
3) User interface: The Steering gear control system shall comply with relevant
requirements of the following publications as amended:
— a description of the functions allocated to each work
and operator station — DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.4 Ch.8:
- Electrical Installations
— a description of transfer of responsibility between — DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.4 Ch.9:
work and operator stations. - Control and Monitoring Systems
4) Power supply arrangement: — DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.4 Ch.14:
- Steering Gear
— electrical supply: diagram showing connection to dis- — SOLAS Ch. II-1:
tribution board(s), batteries, converters or UPS. - Regulation 29 and 30: Steering gear.
— DNV Standard for Certification no.2.4:
5) Functional failure analysis - Environmental test specification for instrumentation and
The following aspects shall be covered: automation equipment.
— IEC 61162 series:
— a description of the boundaries of the system includ- - Maritime navigation and radio communication equip-
ing power supply preferably by a block diagram ment and systems. - Digital interfaces.


Standard for Certification - No. 2.9, October 2009
Type Approval Programme No. 7-861.80
Page 5

Publications may be obtained at: — environmental type testing.

—, DNV Rules The type testing shall be done either in the presence of a DNV
—, IMO Publications surveyor or conducted by a recognized laboratory holding val-
—, IEC Publications. id accreditations for the applicable tests. Alternatively, the
presence of an independent expert from a recognised Authority
2.4 Requirements to identification of type of product may be accepted for testing in accordance with international
with certificate standards following the judgement of the DNV Responsible
The manufacturer shall specify equipment types, type num- Approval Centre.
bers, models, etc., which completely identifies the components All the type testing shall be documented in accordance with
and sub-systems of the Steering gear control system according EN 45001 (ISO 17025).
to drawings and equipment specification.
All optional features shall be listed and those for which type Performance type testing
approval is requested shall be marked, either by separate type Tests shall be carried out to verify that the performance of the
numbers or by suffixes to the equipment's basic type number. test samples conforms to the requirements of DNV Rules for
All drawings and descriptions shall be marked with drawing Classification of Ships and relevant SOLAS regulations.
reference number, item name, issue date, etc., which identify
the documentation completely. Environmental type testing
In addition all software modules installed per hardware unit The environmental type testing shall be in accordance with the
shall be specified with names and version numbers. specification of DNV Standard for Certification No. 2.4.
The final product shall be provided with visible marking giv- 2.5.4 Routine tests (RT)
ing at least the following information: The routine tests, including commissioning tests on board,
— identification of the manufacturer constitute the final production control and the manufacturers
— equipment type number or model identification standard RT shall be described in the documentation submit-
— serial number. ted. RT are normally carried out by the manufacturer or his
representative unless otherwise stated on the type approval
2.5 Elements of type approval certificate.

2.5.1 Application for type approval 2.5.5 Type approval certificate

The initial stage includes filling in the DNV application form When the design assessment and type testing are successfully
86.02a asking for DNV type approval of the Steering gear con- completed a type approval certificate may be issued to the
trol system. The application form shall be forwarded to the lo- manufacturer verifying the conformity of the design of the
cal DNV station together with product documentation and product type.
proposed test programs.
2.5.6 Certification retention survey
2.5.2 Design assessment Certificate retention survey is required in front of renewal of
The second stage involves DNV assessment of the documenta- type approval certificate. The objective is to verify that the
tion requested in sub-section 2.2 and will verify that the design product has not been altered with respect to design and func-
of the product is in conformance with the regulations and tions covered by the type approval.
standards described in sub-section 2.3.
2.5.7 Renewal of type approval certificate
2.5.3 Type testing (TT) At least three months before the period of validity expires, the
When the design assessment has been completed by DNV, in- certificate holder has to apply for renewal of the certificate.
cluding approval of all test programmes, the type testing may
commence. Upon receipt of the request for renewal, DNV will perform a
certificate retention survey as stated above.
The type testing comprises:
The certificate retention survey report will constitute the basis
— visual inspection for renewal of the type approval and the issuance of a new cer-
— performance type testing tificate.


Standard for Certification - No. 2.9, October 2009
Type Approval Programme No. 7-861.80
Page 6

Appendix A — IEC 61162-1 (2007): Digital interfaces – Maritime naviga-

tion and radio communication equipment and systems –
Table of Type Tests for Steering gear con- Part 1: Single talkers and multiple listeners – Annex C
— DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.4 Ch.9 – Control
trol system and Monitoring Systems
— DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.4 Ch.14 – Steer-
Required test procedures are specified in the following publi- ing Gear
Tests shall be carried out at test sites approved by the Society.
— DNV Standard for Certification No. 2.4 – Environment The manufacturer shall, unless otherwise agreed, set up the
test specification for instrumentation and automation equipment and ensure that it is operating normally before type
equipment. testing commences.

Table A-1 E. Environmental tests as defined in DNV Standard for Certification No. 2.4 (SfC 2.4)
No TEST Specification of test Basic standard TT RT
E.1 Visual Inspection SfC 2.4, 3.2 x
E.2 Electrical Power Supply Failure Test SfC 2.4, 3.4 IEC 61000-4-11 x
E.3 Power Supply Variations Test SfC 2.4, 3.5 IEC 61000-4-11 x
E.4 Vibrations Test SfC 2.4, 3.6 IEC 60068-2-6 x
E.5 Dry Heat Test SfC 2.4, 3.7 IEC 60068-2-2 x
E.6 Damp Heat Test SfC 2.4, 3.8 IEC 60068-2-30 x
E.7 Cold Test SfC 2.4, 3.9 IEC 60068-2-1 x
E.8 Salt Mist Test SfC 2.4, 3.10 IEC 60068-2-52, test Kb x
(only required for enclosure class C and D)
E.9 Inclination Test SfC 2.4, 3.11 IEC 60092-504 x
(only required for equipment with moving parts)
E.10 Insulation Resistance Test SfC 2.4, 3.12 x
E.11 High Voltage Test SfC 2.4, 3.13 x
E.12 Conducted Low Frequency Immunity Test SfC 2.4, 3.14.4 x
E.13 Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Immunity Test SfC 2.4, 3.14.5 IEC 61000-4-4 x
E.14 Electrical Slow Transient/Surge Immunity Test SfC 2.4, 3.14.6 IEC 61000-4-5 x
E.15 Conducted Radio Frequency Immunity Test SfC 2.4, 3.14.7 IEC 61000-4-6 x
E.16 Radiated Electromagnetic Field Immunity Test SfC 2.4, 3.14.8 IEC 61000-4-3 x
E.17 Electrostatic Discharge Immunity Test SfC 2.4, 3.14.9 IEC 61000-4-2 x
E.18 Radiated Emission Test SfC 2.4, 3.14.11 CISPR 16-1, 16-2 x
E.19 Conducted Emission Test SfC 2.4, 3.14.12 CISPR 16-1, 16-2 x
E.20 Compass Safe Distance Test SfC 2.4, 3.15 IEC 60945, 11.2 x
(only required for equipment that shall be installed less
than 5 m from magnetic compass)
E.21 Acoustic noise and Alarm Signal Levels for Equipment in- SfC 2.4, 3.15 IEC 60945, 11.2 x
stalled on the Bridge

Table A-2 I. Interface tests, IEC 61162-1 (when available)

No TEST Specification of test Comment
I.1 Input circuits – limited current test IEC 61162-1, B.4.2
I.2 Input circuits – maximum voltage test IEC 61162-1, B.4.4
I.3 Input and output circuits – temperature test IEC 61162-1, B.4.5
I.4 Input circuits – maximum workload test IEC 61162-1, B.4.6
I.5 Output circuits – maximum workload test IEC 61162-1, B.4.6
I.6 Input circuits – corrupted data IEC 61162-1, B.4.7
I.7 Input & Output circuits – endurance test IEC 61162-1, B.4.8
I.8 Output circuits – protocol conformity test IEC 61162-1, B.4.9.1
I.9 Input circuits – protocol conformity test IEC 61162-1, B.4.9.2


Standard for Certification - No. 2.9, October 2009
Type Approval Programme No. 7-861.80
Page 7

Table A-3 P. Performance tests, Test scope to be determined based on design

No TEST Specification of test Comment
P.1 Power unit control (start/stop) Pt.4 Ch.14 Sec.1 E101/503 Local, Bridge
P.2 Power unit running indication Pt.4 Ch.14 Sec.1 E/I Local, Bridge
P.3 Rudder angle control (local) Pt.4 Ch.14 Sec.1 E503 Local, Bridge
P.4 Means for disconnecting any remote control Pt.4 Ch.14 Sec.1 E504 Local
P.5 Hydraulic locking alarm Pt.4 Ch.14 Sec.1 E Alarm at bridge, and machinery space
P.6 Electrical power failure alarm Pt.4 Ch.14 Sec.1 E Alarm at bridge, and machinery space
P.7 Electrical Phase failure alarm Pt.4 Ch.14 Sec.1 E Alarm at bridge, and machinery space
P.8 Electrical Motor overload alarm Pt.4 Ch.14 Sec.1 E
P.9 Hydraulic oil Temperature (for steering gears under Dy- Pt.4 Ch.14 Sec.1 E Alarm high temperature Alarm at
namic Positioning control) bridge, and machinery space
P.10 Hydraulic system tank level alarm Pt.4 Ch.14 Sec.1 E Alarm low level Alarm at bridge, and
machinery space
P.11 Control power failure Pt.4 Ch.14 Sec.1 E Alarm at bridge, and machinery space
P.12 Power units shall be arranged to restart automatically Pt.4 Ch.14 Sec.1 I101d
when power is restored after power failure
P.13 Any protective shutdown shall initiate alarms. Pt.4 Ch.14 Sec.1 E403 Alarm at bridge, and machinery space
P.14 Automatic start of pumps to be provided with manual Pt.4 Ch.9 Sec.3 A200
P.15 The two control systems to be independent and physical Pt.4 Ch.14 Sec.1 E503
P.16 Alarm acknowledge Pt.4 Ch.9 Sec.3 A500
P.17 Control power failure Pt.4 Ch.14 Sec.1 E Alarm at bridge, and machinery space
P.18 Only one control station shall be in control at time Pt.4 Ch.9 Sec.3 A303
P.19 Control transfer between control stations Pt.4 Ch.9 Sec.3 A304
P.20 Indication on station when in control Pt.4 Ch.9 Sec.3 A306
P.21 Earth faults Pt.4 Ch.9 Sec.2 B100
P.22 Computer based systems: Pt.4 Ch.9 Sec.3 A200
— communication errors
— computer hardware failures
P.23 Loop failures Pt.4 Ch.9 Sec.3.A204/Sec.2 Alarm at bridge, and machinery space


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