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a static-free area.

A static-control wrist strap properly worn sor generates a voltage signal that changes in direct pro-
and grounded to the frame or body of the vehicle will drain portion to pressure. There are two types of MAP sensors;
the charges from your body, thereby preventing them from one that varies signal voltage and another that varies fre-
discharging into the electronic components. Consult your quency. The former can easily be read on a digital or analog
dealer parts department for a list of the static protection kits voltmeter while the latter (frequency varying type) must be
available. measured using a tachometer set on the 6-cylinder scale. If
Remember, it is often not possible to feel a static dis- you are not sure exactly which type of MAP sensor is
charge until the charge level reaches 3,000 volts! It is very installed on your vehicle, perform the check for the voltage
possible to be damaging the electrical components without signal first and if the MAP sensor does not react, use a
even knowing it! tachometer to check for a frequency signal.
Under low-load, high-vacuum conditions, the computer
leans the fuel/air mixture and advances the spark timing for
Information sensors better fuel economy. Under high-load, low-vacuum condi-
The information sensors are a series of highly special- tions, the computer richens the fuel/air mixture and retards
ized switches and temperature-sensitive electrical devices timing to prevent detonation. The MAP sensor serves as the
that transform physical properties of the engine such as electronic equivalent of both a vacuum advance on a dis-
temperature (air, coolant and fuel), air mass (air volume and tributor and a power valve in the carburetor.
density), air pressure and engine speed into electrical sig-
nals that can be translated into workable parameters for the Checking the MAP sensor
computer. Anything that hinders accurate sensor input can upset
Each sensor is designed specifically to detect data both the fuel mixture and ignition timing. This includes the
from one particular area of the engine; for example, the MAP sensor itself as well as shorts or opens in the sensor
mass airflow sensor is positioned inside the air intake sys- wiring circuit and/or vacuum leaks in the intake manifold or
tem and it measures the volume and density of the incom- vacuum hose. Some of the most typical driveability symp-
ing air to help the computer calculate how much fuel is toms associated with problems in the MAP sensor circuit
needed to maintain the correct air/fuel mixture. include:
Diagnosing problems with the information sensors can 1) Detonation and misfire due to increased spark advance
easily overlap other management systems because of the and a lean fuel mixture.
inter-relationship of the components. For instance, if a fuel- 2) Loss of power and/or fuel economy and sometimes
injected engine is experiencing a vacuum leak, the computer even black smoke due to retarded ignition timing and a
will often release a diagnostic code that refers to the oxygen very rich fuel mixture.
sensor and/or its circuit. The first thought would be “Well, I’d 3) Poor fuel economy.
better change my oxygen sensor.” Actually, the intake leak is 4) Hard starts and/or stalling.
forcing more air into the combustion chamber than is Note: A vacuum leak in the hose to the MAP sensor causes
required and the fuel/air mixture has become lean. The oxy- the MAP sensor to indicate a higher than normal pressure
gen sensor relays the information to the computer which (less vacuum) in the manifold, which makes the computer
cannot compensate for the increased amount of oxygen and, think the engine is under much more load than it really is. As
as a result, the computer will store a fault code for the oxy- a result, the ignition timing is retarded and the fuel mixture is
gen sensor. richened.
The testing information in the following sections is gen-
eralized and applies to most fuel injection components. In
order to solidify your diagnosis, it may be necessary to con-
sult a factory service manual for the exact specification(s)
for your vehicle.

Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)

What it is and how it works
The MAP sensor reports engine load to the computer,
which uses the information to adjust spark advance and
fuel enrichment (see illustration). The MAP sensor mea-
sures intake manifold pressure and vacuum on the absolute
scale (from zero instead of from sea-level atmospheric
pressure [14.7 psi] as most gauges and sensors do). The
MAP sensor reads vacuum and pressure through a hose
3.2 Here’s a typical MAP sensor (voltage varying type) - this
connected to the intake manifold. A pressure-sensitive one is from a Plymouth Sundance
ceramic or silicon element and electronic circuit in the sen-

Component check and replacement

3.3 The MAP sensor voltage (measured at the signal wire) will 3.4 To check a frequency varying MAP sensor, with no
decrease as vacuum is applied to the sensor vacuum applied, the sensor should read between 300 and
320 rpm on the tachometer scale (6-cylinder selection)
When the MAP sensor trouble code is detected, be
sure to first check for vacuum leaks in the hoses or electri-
cal connectors or wiring damage in the MAP sensor circuit.
Kinks in the line, blockage or splits can occur and deter the
sensor’s ability to respond accurately to the changes in the
manifold pressure. Check for anything that is obvious and
easily repaired before actually replacing the sensor itself.
To check the MAP sensor it will be necessary to install
the negative probe of the voltmeter/tachometer onto the
ground wire of the MAP sensor connector and the positive
probe onto the signal wire. The ground wire is typically
black in color. The signal wire can be distinguished from the
reference wire by checking for a 5.0 volt reference signal
(ignition key ON [engine not running]) and by the process of
elimination, each wire can be designated. Remember, the
signal wire will vary voltage or frequency as vacuum is
applied to the MAP sensor. If there is ant doubt, consult a
wiring diagram for the correct terminal designations.
3.5 Now apply vacuum (20 inches Hg) and the tach should
A MAP sensor will typically produce a voltage signal
read between 200 and 230 rpm
that will drop with decreasing manifold pressure (rising vac-
uum). Test specifications will vary according to the manu-
facturer and engine type. A typical MAP sensor (voltage
varying type) will read 4.6 to 4.8 volts with 0 in-Hg vacuum
applied to it (see illustration). Raise it to 5 in-Hg vacuum
and the reading should drop to about 3.75 volts. Raise it up
again to 20 in-Hg and the reading should drop to about 1.1
volts. A typical MAP sensor (frequency varying type) will
read 300 to 320 rpm with 0 in-Hg vacuum applied to it (see
illustration). Raise it to 5 in-Hg vacuum and the reading
should drop to about 275 to 295 rpm. Raise it up again to
20 in-Hg and the reading should drop to about 200 to 215
rpm (see illustration). All tests should be performed with
the ignition key ON, engine NOT running.

MAF (Mass Air Flow) sensor

What it is and how it works
The MAF sensor is positioned in the air intake duct (see 3.6 Here’s a typical airflow sensor (this one’s from a Nissan
illustration), and it measures the amount of air entering the Maxima) - to remove it, remove the bolts (arrows)


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