TMR Speedtronic™ Mark V LVDT Calibration Basics
TMR Speedtronic™ Mark V LVDT Calibration Basics
TMR Speedtronic™ Mark V LVDT Calibration Basics
(Steam turbine applications which use three LVDTs per device use a
unique method of downloading individual LVDT calibration information to
each control processor which does not result in the problems experienced
when one I/O Configuration is downloaded to all three control
processors—which is the case in the overwhelming majority of TMR Mark
V applications.)
But first, some basics of both LVDTs and three-coil electrohydraulic servo
valves are necessary. Then, a basic explanation of how feedback relates
to servo output current is given. Then a description of how the TMR
SpeedTronic Mark V converts LVDT feedback voltages into positions is
given. Finally, a description of when—and when it is not—necessary to
adjust servo valve Null Bias currents is given.
LVDT Basics
For most every heavy duty gas turbine application GE specifies to its
vendors that the voltage output of LVDTs is to be linear between
approximately 0.700 VAC RMS and 3.500 VAC RMS over the specified
range of travel of the LVDT. (The output voltage can be less than or
greater than the limits specified, but the voltage with respect to position
must be linear between the limits specified. The limits of 0.700 – 3.500
VAC RMS are almost always the standard for LVDTs; RVDTs sometimes
have higher or lower minimums, and usually have lower maximums, as
This is not to say that every device with an LVDT will have an output of
exactly 0.700 VAC RMS to 3.500 VAC RMS. Quite the contrary, most
devices will have an output of 0.700 VAC RMS at zero stroke, and
something less than 3.500 VAC RMS at maximum stroke (maximum
actuator travel)—but almost never more than 3.500 VAC RMS at
maximum actuator travel.
The servos which GE uses require negative current to cause the device to
increase the flow of fuel or air or steam to the turbine; positive servo
current decreases the flow of fuel or air or steam to the turbine. For this
reason, it is necessary to verify that the polarity of the servo current being
applied to each coil is correct before beginning any calibration procedure.
This document assumes that has been done and so the effects of
incorrect polarity will not affect the descriptions in this document.
Since there are three coils in the servo, the total can be divided by three to
determine the Null Bias current that each processor would supply under
ideal conditions to keep the device at some mid-stroke position. -0.8 mA
divided by three equals -0.267 mA per processor. Since the Mark V scales
0-10 mA as 0-100% for servo output current, this translates into
-2.67% servo current per processor under ideal conditions. (NOTE: The
I/O Configurator automatically converts the value entered into the Null
Bias Current field to a negative value when a ‘Save’ or a ‘Save and Exit’ is
performed, saving the value in IOCFG_Q.DAT as a negative value.
Therefore, it is NOT necessary—except under one circumstance, for the
Gas Transfer Valve of a DLN-I combustor-equipped gas turbine—to enter
a negative value of Null Bias current into the I/O Configurator.)
Further, most field attempts to adjust fail-safe spring tension are driven by
a desire to bring a single, or sometimes two, servo currents ‘into’
specification. Since there is only one spring, adjusting the spring tension
affects the servo current of all three coils. Resist the temptation to field
adjust a servo valve’s fail-safe spring—particularly on a new unit
installation or the installation of a new servo valve—and do so only if a
spare is readily available—again, since most field adjustment attempts
result in replacement of the servo anyway.
Under ideal conditions—that is, when the calibrated position feedback for
all three processors is exactly identical—the total of the three servo
current outputs will be between -4.00% and -12.00%, and the individual
servo currents will be nearly equal. In fact, if the proper hydraulic pressure
is available and the correct regulator gain has been input to the I/O
Configurator and downloaded to the control processors, the individual
servo currents will be very close to -2.67%, if not nearly exactly -2.67%.
The TMR SpeedTronic Mark V panel typically has all LVDT feedback
voltage signals connected to a single I/O terminal board (usually the
TBQC card on <R> processors), and those voltages are “fanned out” to
three ribbon cables which are connected to individual cards (usually
TCQA cards) in <R>, <S>, and <T>. The analog-to-digital conversions
take place on the individual TCQA cards. Because of things like ribbon
cable lengths not being exactly equal, varying resistances of connectors
and printed-circuit card traces and other component tolerance values all
adding up, the voltages that the analog-to-digital converter on each
individual TCQA card reads can be—and, in fact, are—different.
If one manually reads the LVDT feedback voltages at the TBQC card
while performing a calibration of the LVDT feedback and then inputs these
values into the I/O Configurator for the 0%-stroke and 100%-stroke
voltages, then downloads these values to the three individual processors,
the slight mismatches in the actual voltages being read by the analog-to-
digital converters on the three TCQA cards are not accounted for and the
LVDT feedback for each control processor will be slightly different from the
other control processors—not usually different by a great amount, but
different enough to cause the servo output currents of the three control
processors to vary. This is because the slight differences will cause each
of the three control processors to determine the device to be at a slightly
different position, and therefore the output of the three summing junctions
will be slightly different—meaning the servo output currents of the three
control processors will be slightly different.
For example, if <R> thought the IGVs were at 78.9 DGA, and <S> thought
they were at 78.6 DGA, and <T> thought they were at 79.1 DGA, and the
reference was 79.0 DGA, <R>’s servo output current would be
approximately -0.279 mA, or -2.79%, <S>’s servo output current might be
approximately -0.344 mA, or -3.44%, and <T>’s servo output current might
be approximately -0.121 mA, or -1.21%.
On first glance, this might appear to be a problem: the servo currents are
not approximately -0.267 mA, or -2.67%, and they appear to be
unbalanced. But, given the differences in position feedback seen by the
three processors it’s not a problem at all.
Sometimes, one TCQA card will calculate a much higher or lower position
feedback than the other TCQA cards. This can cause concern, and could
even be cause for replacement of the TCQA card which has the abnormal
reading after all other possible reasons for the difference have been
investigated (such as poor ribbon cable connections; corrosion on the
ribbon cable connect pins; a chafed or worn ribbon cable with an exposed
conductor which might be in contact with a ground source, etc.).
Assume that LVDT feedback has been recently calibrated, including the
downloading of the 0%-stroke and 100%-stroke voltages to the three
control processors and the re-booting of the processors. Then, when
verifying the accuracy of the calibration it is noted that the feedback differs
from the reference by more than 0.5%, it is acceptable to make small
changes in the Null Bias current value, download, and re-boot, and re-
check the accuracy of the positioning of the device.
Remember when changing the value of Null Bias current in the I/O
Configurator, that single value gets downloaded to all three control
processors. If one is trying to get a single processor’s servo output current
‘into’ range, changing the Null Bias current will most likely make that
processor’s value only worse, and will affect the other two processors, as
well. If a single processor’s servo output current is well out of range, the
problem is most likely that processor’s calculated position feedback is also
out of range of the other two and that is a different problem which cannot
be solved by adjusting the Null Bias current.