Solar PV Asset Management Trends Update - Alectris
Solar PV Asset Management Trends Update - Alectris
Solar PV Asset Management Trends Update - Alectris
Solar PV Asset Management
Trends Update
Solar O&M Insider
Solar PV Asset Management - Insi… Share
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Mirroring the increasing specialization within the solar PV market, the GTM reports
covering operations, maintenance (O&M and asset management (AM) are evolving as
well. Previously these global reports, created by one of the industry’s leading analysts,
Cedric Brehaut of SOLICHAMBA, were published as one study. This month Cedric and
his team have split out solar PV asset management, giving O&M and AM separate due.
To get an insider’s view of this new report, called “Solar PV Asset Management, 2017 to
2022,” (
2017-2022) and the trends it reveals, Solar O&M Insider talked with Cedric Brehaut and
Laks Sampath of Alectris. For the full discussion listen to the podcast
the-new-report) or reference the transcript here (
Financial versus Technical Asset Management: “I view asset management as being two
pieces. The nancial and legal side and technical asset management. For me, the
technical consists of actually managing the plant which is the hard assets including
panels/modules, substation, inverters, transformers, etc.,” said Sampath.
These trends from the solar investment community impacting asset management
This has an impact on the entire value chain because these portfolios need to be serviced
and now investors want to have one or a small number of providers on the asset
management side and on the O&M side potentially across their portfolios as opposed to
just having one set of vendors per country.”
Process Automation
Price pressure across the value chain is driving the demand for more ef ciency. To
derive operations, maintenance and asset management ef ciencies, companies are using
software to automate these processes.
Key Findings of Solar Asset Management
Software Review
The “Solar PV Asset Management, 2017 to 2022”
2022) analysis covered 10 software vendors with solutions that were applicable to 12.5
gigawatts including the Alectris Solar ERP software platform called ACTIS.
Some of the key ndings of the solar asset management software review included:
“When you look at the diagram, it highlights the fact that asset management software is
in the middle of an ecosystem of many different pieces of software. Even the scope of
asset management software itself can be de ned in different ways. It’s a world of
integration, and software solutions that evolve in this environment have to take that into
account,” explained Brehaut.
You need all of these pieces integrated together. When you talk about process
automation, integration is key. A platform like ACTIS is actually built on Microsoft
Dynamics CRM which essentially means anything that Microsoft Dynamics CRM can
integrate with, we can integrate with. We have APIs through which we can collect the
data. We can create the trouble tickets. We can manage all of those pieces. We can
manage the boots on the ground. So that part of the integration has already happened.
The other piece you talked about earlier in emerging trends has to do with geographic
differences as well as wind. If you take the geographic part of it, this software is
developed in Europe and so we’re already across the pond.
As far as wind goes, we are in discussions right now to integrate wind into our portfolio
because there are some new wind players.
Trading is something we have to kind of look into to see what needs to happen there. And
when we do that, you’ll suddenly have a fully integrated software which from a technical
asset management side we actually do the nancial side as well,” concluded Sampath.
One conversation item was very animated and it was on the entrenched use of Excel in
the industry. When you see less than 10% of the global solar PV assets, according to
SOLICHAMBA, are managed by solar asset management software, you start to get an
idea of the quandary.
Brehaut paints the picture of how this dependence on Excel gets started, “For one plant
you can start doing things in Excel. Then you add a second one and you’re like, ‘Okay, I
can change it. I can make it work.’ Little by little, it becomes more and more painful and
more complicated and at some point you outgrow Excel but you’re used to it. There’s an
inertia and a challenge in having people switch over and Excel is virtually free. It becomes
sometimes dif cult for software providers to go out there and say, ‘Hey, you can save
money, you can be more ef cient but here you need to pay for software.’ People look at
you and it’s like, ‘What? Your software is expensive.’ It is a bit dif cult because asset
management software providers have to sell an ROI to people who may not know exactly
how much they’re spending in labor.”
The problems with Excel are not limited to increasingly complex portfolios and
geographically spread out teams where spreadsheets live on somebody’s desktop. They
are not Cloud based. They’re not transparent to the rest of the team. Ownership of the
plants are at risk of their data and that information not being available to them should
something happen to a team member who’s holding the data.
Brehaut expounded, “Even if you’ve done things right and have Cloud backup and the
les are still there, I don’t know if you have personally experienced trying to understand
a complex Excel le created by someone else. I have. I wouldn’t say it’s impossible but in
most cases, what you’re going to have happen is the new person is probably going to
redo their own thing in Excel again. You have an incredible waste of time and expertise
every time you get a new person.”
He went on to tackle a longer-term HR issue, “It’s unlikely an asset manager will stay 10
years or 20 years on the job. They will move on just like people do. And so, every time a
new person gets on board, Excel is a liability and creates a high cost of transition and
creates a risk of things falling through the cracks during that transition period, too.”
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Alectris delivers asset care innovation for the global solar industry. With our integrated suite of
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