Reed-Grade 12 - 2nd Sem.
Reed-Grade 12 - 2nd Sem.
Reed-Grade 12 - 2nd Sem.
1.2.1 God’s Word The learner will be able to The learner will take the Doctrine
Foundation of know and understand that word of God as one’s Engages in Living a moral life Holy Bible
Moral life God’s Word is one of the guide in making research work on Catechism of the
foundational sources of important moral choices Biblical evidences Trust in God’s Catholic church
1.2.2 Witnessing living a moral life. And and decisions. One will on the importance Word Catechism for
God’s Word: A witnessing to His Word is also strive to witness the of God’s word in Filipino Catholics
sign of a sign of authentic word of God as one’s one’s moral life. Witnessing Youth Catechism
Authentic expressions of following expression of following Discusses the God’s word Acts and Decrees
Discipleship Jesus. the footsteps of Jesus. essentiality of of the Second
witnessing God’s Plenary Council of
word in one’s life as the Philippines.
true followers of
Strives to live a
moral life
empowered by the
Word of God and
the teachings of
Reflect and pray the
word of God. Seeks
God’s guidance in
making important
moral choices and
ReEd Grade 12- Second Semester
1.3 Catholic Church and The learner will be able to The learner will respect Doctrine Holy Bible
Ecumenism understand the essence and appreciate other Discusses the Religious Catechism of the
of Religious freedom religions in the spirit of meaning and freedom Catholic church
1.3.1 Religious importance of Unity in diversity Catechism for
Freedom religious freedom.. Filipino Catholics
Gathers doctrinal Social Teachings
sources / documents of the Church
regarding religious Documents of the
freedom Second Vatican
Morals Council
Appreciates some
religious groups in
their efforts to
witness religious
Manifests attitude of
respect to different
religious beliefs.
Prays the prayer for
the grace to practice
religious tolerance
and freedom.
2. Christian Faith The learner will The learner will put into Doctrine Holy Bible
understand that having concrete deeds their Explains the Faith Catechism of the
2.1 Faith enlightens faith in Jesus will inspires faith on Jesus by importance of having Catholic church
human reasons believing in His words faith in Jesus for one Hope
one to live a moral life.. for Catechism for the
and witnessing His to be saved.
“the Christian moral life Filipino Catholics
2.2 Faith inspires moral teachings in one’s life.
begins and ends in Studies thoroughly Social Teachings
Life Charity
the teachings of of the Church
Christ.” CCC
Christ and the Document of the
ReEd Grade 12- Second Semester
2.2. Trinity, Foundation The learner will The learner obeys Finds and discusses Holy Bible
of Moral Living/ Trinity demonstrate deeper wholeheartedly the Biblical accounts Catechism of the
and Moral life understanding that the laws of God and the that show Catholic Church
teachings of Jesus foundational sources Faith in the Holy Catechism for the
foundational basis for
Christ and the seeks on the role of the Trinity Filipino Catholics
ethical and moral life is the guidance of the Following the
Holy Trinity in one’s PCP 11
the belief in the Holy Holy Spirit in making moral life. Commandments
Trinity. The Biblical important moral Morals of God and the
doctrine on God’s laws decisions. Makes moral teachings of
and commandments will decisions and Jesus.
be the primary source for choices in life Making moral
according to the decision and
all Christian ethics and
norms of the triune choices
moral life.
God. .
Praises God for the
love He has shown
through the gift of
ReEd Grade 12- Second Semester
B. Specific Aspects
1. God the Father The learner will be able to The learner will love Doctrine Love Holy Bible
demonstrate God the Father for His Describes the Stewardship CCC
1.1 The compassionate understanding that God immeasurable goodness Biblical and Prayerfulness CFC
Father source of all the Father is the source of and love by being doctrinal evidences Creativity Other Doctrinal
goodness, life and all goodness, life and grateful for all the of God’s goodness Sources
love. love. He created the world blessings received, and love.
out love and everything develop and use one’s Morals
He created is good and giftedness for the glory Feels accountable
filled with life. of God. of God’s purpose
for one’s life.
Lives life according
to plan of God.
Shares blessings to
others especially to
those in need
Prays heartily the
“Our Father”
ReEd Grade 12- Second Semester
2. God the Son The learner will The learner will live as Doctrine Commitment to Holy BiBle
demonstrate true children of God by Explains in one’s Jesus’ mission CCC
2.1 Jesus is our way of understanding that we following the teachings own words why CFC
becoming God’s become God’s true and footsteps of Jesus Jesus is our way of Fidelity to being a PCP 11
children children by our faith in Christ. Participate in the becoming Christian. child of God
Jesus Christ. He is the mission of Christ by Enumerates
way of which we become one’s active involvement indicator of being a
children of God especially in the life of the church. child of God. Faithfulness of
when we received Jesus Morals one’s baptismal
as our Lord and Savior in Evaluates one’s life promise
the sacrament of Baptism. accordingly as a
child of God.
Joins prayer
celebrations in the
2.2 Holy Spirit The learner will The learner will Doctrine
animates, purifies demonstrate continually asks the Describes the Strong faith Holy Bible
and strengthens understanding on the guidance of the Holy unique role of the Christian maturity CCC
Christians to follow important role of the Holy Spirit in the practice of Holy Spirit in Spiritual Discern- CFC
Christ. Spirit in the life of every one’s faith, for allowing Christian ment PCP 11
2.3 The Role of the follower of Jesus Christ. the Holy Spirit to take Discipleship Joy in the Spirit
Holy Spirit in the For one to strongly control in one’s desire to Documents of the
Moral Vatican Council
Christian believe that it is the Holy follow Jesus. Displays maturity in
Discipleship Spirit who will animates, living one’s spiritual
purifies and strengthens life by following the
every follower of Christ. example of Jesus
and empowered by
the Holy Spirit.
Listens to the voice
of the Holy Spirit
not to the voice of
ReEd Grade 12- Second Semester
one’s desires.
Pray and reflect a
video song on the
Holy Spirit.
5.The Church The learner will be able to The learner will actively Gathers solid
demonstrate participate in the foundational Encyclicals
5.1 The Church as the understanding on the different activities of the sources both in Communion Internet Sources
ReEd Grade 12- Second Semester
Body of Christ Church as the Body of Christian communities Scriptures and the Solidarity with the Documents of the
Christ, as He called where one belongs so to teachings of the poor Vatican Council
people to follow him and make alive their being Church about the Service
be his disciples to share a Church- the Body of Church a the Body compassion
in His mission and made Christ. of Christ.
them his own body- the Morals
Church. Participates actively
in the different
activities in the
community where
one belongs.
Takes pride of
belonging to the
Church- the Body of
meaningfully the
different prayers of
the Church.
Holy Bible
Doctrine Prayerfulness CCC
6 Eternal life with God The learner will The learner will manifest Explains the Hope CFC
6.1 The Hope of the New demonstrate steadfast hope that at doctrinal evidences Renewal of Life PCP11
Heaven and the New understanding that at the the end of time, Christ on the hope of the
Fullness of life Internet Sources
Earth end of time God’s will establish the New new heaven and
Kingdom will come to its heaven and the New the new earth.
fullness where His Earth. Morals
definitive plan be realized Manifests steadfast
with Christ as head “all hope for the
things in(Christ) , things in establishment of the
ReEd Grade 12- Second Semester
choices in the
exercise of one’s
freedom Holy Bible
Ecological CCC
Doctrine responsibility CFC
2 Stewardship The learner will be able to The learner will show Researches on the Common good Social Teachings
demonstrate concern and messages of Pope Just use of of the church
2.1 The Filipino Youth, understanding that the responsibility on the Francis on the role earth’s resources
stewards of God’s youth plays an important present condition of of the youth as
creation. role as steward for God’s Mother earth, will act steward of God’s
creation. As youth one with respect towards creation.
has an important creation. Morals
contribution to make to Accepts the
make the earth a beautiful challenge of the
place to live. Church for the
youth to be steward
of God’s creation.
Initiates projects
that uphold the
sacredness of
God’s creation.
Prays the ecological
prayer with the
class community.
Holy Bible
B. Specific Aspects unity CCC
Doctrine renewal of self CFC
1. Living the The learner will be able to The learners will put into States concrete and society Social Teachings
Newness of Life know and understand that practice the demands of indicators of a faithfulness to of the Church
with Christ to live in newness of life discipleship, finds person who lives a promise
with Christ requires one to specific ways to restore Pope Encyclicals
new life with Christ. on Peace and
imitate the very life of good relationships and Morals Justice
ReEd Grade 12- Second Semester
Jesus in one’s words and get involved in the Joins project that
deeds. To love the way he Church or community reinforces one’s
loves. To serve they way projects for the poor and commitment for the
He serves. the needy. poor and the needy.
Prays for grace of
following the way of
Jesus. To walk in a Holy Bible
new life with him . CCC
Justice CFC
Doctrine Peace Social Teachings
1.1 The Christian Values The learner will The learner will strive to Explains the Truth of the Church
of: Justice, Peace, demonstrate be fair in dealing with meaning and Compassion
Truth, compassion, understanding on the anyone, works for peace essence of the Respect for life
integrity and respect for values of Justice, Peace, in the community where values of Justice,
life. Truth, compassion and one belongs, responds peace, truth,
respect for life. Living to the needs of the poor compassion and
these values will help one with compassion and respect for life.
to be active participants shows respect for the Morals
for the transformation of gift of life. . Expresses these
the world. values in one’s life
with the grace and
enlightenment of
the Holy Spirit
Offers a prayer of
gratitude to God for
the gifts of these
values in one’s
Christian life. The Holy Bible
Social Justice CFC
Doctrine Social change Books on Prayer
ReEd Grade 12- Second Semester
1.2 Social Justice and The learner will have a The learner will Discusses the Courage
Social Transformation deeper understanding of internalize the value of Biblical foundations Faith
Note: (This is just a the core values of the social justice and of Social Justice
sample of a school’s school like social justice become agent for social and social change.
core values) and social transformation. transformation.
Joins initiated
activities for social
justice and social
Makes a prayer for
the attainment of
social justice in our
society. Holy Bible
Respect Human CFC
Doctrine rights Other internet
2. Human Rights and The learner will The learner will live Describes the basic Responsibility in sources
Duties demonstrate one’s basic rights and rights and duties of doing one’s Compendium of
understanding that all duties to exist peacefully every person duties as a the social Doctrine
human beings have the in one’s community and Morals human person of the Church
same rights and duties society. One will also Upholds/asserts Constitution of the
and both are equally learn how to respect the one’s rights and Philippines
important. rights of others and help performs one’s UN Declaration on
others in the practice of duties. Human rights and
one’s duties. Worship duties
Joins an
ecumenical service
during annual
Human rights
celebration. Holy Bible
ReEd Grade 12- Second Semester
Conflict CCC
3. Resolving conflicts Doctrine Resolution
through Peace The learner will The learner will do Cites the positive Peace Initiatives CFC
initiatives. demonstrate research or case study effects of peace Diplomacy
understanding on the on the different peace initiatives in Peace Teachings of the
The Ecology of different peace initiatives initiatives done by the resolving conflict Church
Peace in order to resolve government/ or church here in Mindanao
conflicts happening in in resolving conflicts and in any part of
Mindanao and in the other happening in our region our country.
area in the country. and in our country. One Morals
will share one’s reaction Expresses one’s
and reflection on one’s support to the
contribution in conflict different peace
resolutions in the name initiatives done by
of peace. the Church and of
the government in
resolving conflicts.
Prays for the
success of peace
Holy Bible
Joins prayer-rally
for peace. CCC
Human sexuality CFC
Doctrine as a gift Social Teachings
4. Special Ethics on The learner will The learner will regard Explains the biblical Respect for one’s of the Church
the issues of: demonstrate one’s sexuality as a gift and doctrinal sexual life Net Sources
understanding on the plan from God and practice evidences that Responsible
Gender Sensitivity of God on human one’s sexual life in an serve as the Other doctrinal
expression of
sexuality. Human sexuality appropriate manner foundation on God’s references
one’s sexual life
Human Sexuality is a special gift from God according to the plan or human Gender Equality
that need to be respected teachings of the Church sexuality.
and be lives our according and of the norms of the Discusses on the Gender
ReEd Grade 12- Second Semester
ReEd Grade 12- Second Semester
ReEd Grade 12- Second Semester
ReEd Grade 12- Second Semester