2ed - TheworkoftheMInistry
2ed - TheworkoftheMInistry
2ed - TheworkoftheMInistry
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Aaron Dunlop
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All content following this page was uploaded by Aaron Dunlop on 27 December 2019.
(Kithumula, Kenya)
The Work of the Ministry
Table of Contents
Preface ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Remember your Calling: “Neglect not the gift…” (1 Tim. 4:14; 2 Tim. 1:6) ..................... 15
Cultivate your Mind: “Meditate on these things” (1 Tim. 4:15; 2 Tim. 2:15) ................... 15
Take Care of your Soul: “Take heed to thyself” (1 Tim. 4:16) .......................................... 16
Guard the Gospel: “Guard the Deposit entrusted to you” (1 Tim. 6:20) .......................... 16
Keep your Head: “Watch thou in all things” (2 Tim. 4:5) ................................................. 17
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 19
The Work of the Ministry
Paul held the Christian ministry to a very high standard. His well-recognized method of teaching,
whereby he lays down doctrine followed by pointed and penetrating application has served the
Church well for 2000 years. Paul not only grips his readers with the complex genius of the gospel, but
he never fails to obligate the reader to the life of the gospel. These obligations not only apply to
Christians in general, but in his letters to Timothy and Titus the apostle lays out ministry obligations
for those who “desire the office of an overseer.”1
In the following pages, we will consider some of the imperatives that the apostle places
before Timothy, as a young pastor, in his two epistles.
We want to keep in the forefront of our mind, that we today, as leaders of the Church are
obligated to these imperatives, just as Timothy was.
This is not intended to be an exhaustive study on pastoral theology. It is more suggestive than
exhaustive. I have included references in the text and footnotes in order to provide the reader with
leads for further study. Also, it is hoped that the Study Questions at the end will assist the reader in
thinking through the subject matter and also perhaps provide material for small study groups.
It is my prayer that this short study on the pastoral advice of the great apostle Paul, will come
with freshness to our hearts today.
Aaron Dunlop
(Mwingi, Kenya, Dec. 2019)
I would like to thank my wife Grace for reading the manuscript and to Pastor Titus Nzoka, the
Principal of the FAME Reformed Theological College, for reading and checking the Scripture
references. To the Executive of the Independent Presbyterian Church (IPC) of Kenya also, for the
invitation to speak at the 2019 Synod for which these notes were prepared.
1 1 Timothy 3:1
The Work of the Ministry
Here the apostle highlights two aspects of the minister’s work. First, he must provide positive
direction and instruction (food) for his flock. Second, he must protect his flock from spiritual dangers,
false teachers and from the attacks of the devil from within the congregation.
Ecclesiology for Today, (Grand Rapids: Williams B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1996), 73-125.
10 Titus 1:7; I Timothy 3:5
11 1 Corinthians 3:9
12 2 Timothy 2:20-21
13 1 Timothy 5:17
The Work of the Ministry
The idea of the pastor as shepherd is an extension of Christ as the Good Shepherd,14 the Great
Shepherd,15 the Shepherd and Guardian of our souls,16 the Chief Shepherd,17 and the Lamb who is the
Shepherd.18 The pastor is to be a reflection of Christ, in gentleness and love. He is to keep the flock
together, recover the strays, comfort the wounded and nurture the young. Those who do not reflect
Christ, or distort the image of the divine Shepherd, are condemned, like those in Ezekiel’s day, who
abused their privilege by using the flock for their own personal benefit rather than feeding them.19
14 John 10:11, 14
15 Hebrews 13:20
16 1 Peter 2:25
17 1 Peter 5:4
18 Revelation 7:17
19 Ezekiel 34:3
20 Richard L. Mayhue, “A Biblical Call to Pastoral Vigilance,” Masters Seminary Journal 7:1 (September 1996): 31ff.
21 Ezekiel 3:16–21; 33:1–9 cf. Acts 20:17–31
22 Ezekiel 3:18, 20
23 1 Peter 2:25
The Work of the Ministry
2. Because the pastor represents Christ. As an under shepherd, the pastor is commissioned
to carry on Christ’s work on earth.24
3. Because of the love that the Lord has for his Church. Christ loves his Church and died for
it,25 He knows every single congregation26 and he appoints leaders over his Church and
holds them accountable.
4. Because failure to fulfill his role as a shepherd and sentinel, incurred guilt, as the
watchman was guilty who failed to warn the city. Paul had maintained a faithful ministry
and was, he said, “innocent of the blood of all men.”27 It is this same faithfulness that he
demanded of Timothy.
24 1 Peter 5:1-5
25 Ephesians 5:25
26 See Revelation 2:2, 9, 13, 19; 3:1, 8, 15
27 Acts 20:26
28 Acts 16:1-3
29 2 Timothy 1:5. 3:14, 15.
30 1 Timothy 4:12
31 1 Timothy 5:23
32 Hendrickson, William, Exposition of the Pastoral Epistles, (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2002), 33-39.
33 1 Timothy 1:2; 2 Timothy 1:2; 1 Corinthians 4:17
34 Acts 16:1ff
The Work of the Ministry
had no doubt about Timothy’s conversion, for he says of him to the Corinthians, “my beloved son,
and faithful in the Lord.”35 Also, the phrase “my own son”36 highlights the authenticity of Timothy’s
conversion; he was a genuine son.
35 1 Corinthians 4:17
36 1 Timothy 1:2
37 1 Timothy 3:1-7
38 Acts 16:1-3
39 Acts 19:21-22; 1 Corinthians 4:17; 16:10
40 Philippians 2:19
41 Colossians 1:1; Philippians 1:1; 2:19-23; Philemon 1:1
42 1 Timothy 1:3
43 See Philippians 4:3
The Work of the Ministry
Paul mentored, encouraged and developed a future leader in Timothy, who would in turn, pass on to
faithful men, and they again to others.44
The degree of trust and dependability that the apostle placed on Timothy is unprecedented in
his epistles. Paul sent his young son in the faith, to assist at Corinth,45 at Ephesus, and also at
Philippi.46 It is the words of the apostle to the Church at Philippi however, that most clearly show the
depth of oneness in ministry. There was no one else, the apostle said, that he could count on to carry
out his desire for the Philippian’s welfare in a time of persecution. Paul gave two reasons for the level
of trust. First, Timothy was “like-minded” (lit. of similar spirit) with Paul. Secondly, and related,
because Timothy naturally carried out the will of his spiritual father with whom he had worked
Preliminary Observations
1. These imperatives are not correctives but encouragements. The apostle is admonishing the
young Timothy to “keep on” doing what he is doing. The tense of the verbs indicates that
Timothy is already doing much of what Paul is exhorting him to do.
2. All Paul’s exhortations are for the benefit of the body of Christ. Paul’s letters are to Timothy,
but they are for the benefit of the whole church.47 This is why we have Paul’s letters today; it
has been providentially preserved for our edification, because it was inspired by God.
3. These commands and encouragements given to Timothy were given with apostolic authority
and they relate directly to the gospel; the “deposit entrusted to [him]” (ESV).48
4. These commands and encouragements, deal, not so much with the content of the truth but
with the method of how the truth is ministered, applied and lived out in the life of the
Church. Also, how the truth is guarded and preserved for succeeding generations.
44 2 Timothy 2:2
45 1 Corinthians 4:17
46 Philippians 2:20
47 See 1 Thessalonians 5:27
48 1 Timothy 6:20
The Work of the Ministry
49 1 Timothy 5:23
50 1 Timothy 5:22
51 1 Timothy 3:3, 8
52 2 Timothy 1:8
The Work of the Ministry
Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be
thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God; Who hath saved
us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own
purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began. But is now
made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and
hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. 2 Timothy 1:8-9 (KJV)
In this exhortation to stand boldly and unashamedly, the apostle embeds the resources
whereby we will be enabled to do this; it is the gospel itself. The gospel is the “testimony about our
Lord,” the sovereign to whom we belong (8). He follows this up with the affirmation that partaking of
the suffering of the gospel is done by and through the “power of God” (8). We will pick up on this
later, but for now, this power is found in the experience of the knowledge that God has “saved
us…called us…and given us” grace in Christ Jesus (9). Paul’s answer to timidity in the fight, is to
understand and enjoy the power of the gospel.
Did Timothy not know the gospel? Yes, he did, but he needed reminded of the fulness and
the glory of it, in order to rise up out of the paralysing fears of this present world and live in the
glorious freedom of eternal realities.
He needed reminded that the gospel is not some set of rules, or guidelines for holy living, that
it is not a past experience (a conversion) or an escape from hell, or a happy destination (heaven). Paul
reminds us, that the gospel is a person—Jesus Christ—and an engagement with Him, as the Son of
God and God the Son. The gospel is the reality of the life of Christ in the soul, in the person of the
Holy Spirit. We will come back to this at a later point. This is what Paul was willing to suffer for and
was not ashamed of.
The Work of the Ministry
Word of God. In short, the preacher is to study the text of Scripture, extract the message from the
Word and press it home to the hearer with bold authority.
The Work of the Ministry
59 Lenski, R. C. H. St. Paul’s First and Second Epistles to Timothy, (Peabody: Hendrickson, 2001), 642.
60 See Deuteronomy 31:11; Nehemiah 8:7-8; Luke 4:16; Acts 13:15; 2 Corinthians 3:14.
61 See 2 Corinthians 7:8; Colossians 4:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:27; 2 Thessalonians 3:14; Revelation 1:3.
62 See 1 Timothy 1:10; 2 Timothy 4:3; Titus 1:9, 2:1
63 See 1 Timothy 1:3-11
The Work of the Ministry
64 Towner, Philip H. The Letters to Timothy and Titus, (Grand Rapids: Williams B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,
2006), 317.
65 Ibid, ft. 24.
66 Guthrie, Donald, The Pastoral Epistles (Grand Rapids: Williams B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1986), 97.
67 1 Timothy 1:4
The Work of the Ministry
attention to the Word of God and the teaching of sound doctrine, so that there might be a clear
distinction from and opposition to the “seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.”68
Remember your Calling: “Neglect not the gift…” (1 Tim. 4:14; 2 Tim. 1:6)
The term charisma (gift) is found around seventeen times in the New Testament and comes from a
root word meaning grace. Broadly speaking the charismata are spiritual graces and endowments,
most commonly, although not exclusively, associated with the supernatural operations of the Holy
Spirit. Timothy was given a gift of ministry. Two questions need some attention.
1. What, more precisely, was this gift that Timothy had received? Evidently it was the gift of
preaching mentioned in the previous verse, perhaps also the gift of discernment to
distinguish between true and false. Timothy was given the ability to communicate the true
gospel to exhort and teach and he was to take that seriously, not to treat it carelessly.
2. How was this gift given to him? This gift did not come in some miraculous fashion, but by
means of the Word of God. Timothy was most likely made aware of this gift from the apostle
Paul—the prophet—during Paul’s second missionary journey. Evidently, Paul had received
some prophetic information concerning Timothy.69 This text seems to convey the idea that
some prophetic message had identified Timothy for the ministry perhaps even before Paul
had arrived at Lystra on his second journey. It was likely at Lystra also that the authenticating
mark of ordination by the laying on of the hands of the presbytery, occurred, that set Timothy
apart for the ministry.
It is important to notice here that the confirmation of the ministry, and the symbol of
authority came, not by Paul alone, but by the elders of the Church. In 2 Timothy 1:6 Paul
mentions his own hand, which does not exclude the hands of the elders, but in the context,
Paul is dealing with Timothy’s relationship to himself. Significant also, is the fact that when
Paul pointed out the laying on of the hands of the elders, included in this statement is the
implication that the elders of the Church in Ephesus have played a part in your ministry—
don’t neglect them by neglecting the gift.
Cultivate your Mind: “Meditate on these things” (1 Tim. 4:15; 2 Tim. 2:15)
The apostle returns to develop Timothy’s obligation to “these things” (See verse 11)—the doctrines
outlined previously (verses 6-10). In his second letter the apostle encouraged Timothy to “study”
68 1 Timothy 4:1
69 1 Timothy 1:18
The Work of the Ministry
also.70 Three lines of thinking here point the young pastor to the singleness of mind and the heart of
the Christian ministry—labour intensive research, meditation and being absorbed in doctrine.
The word “meditate” in the AV comes from a word that means to care for or to cultivate, to
revolve in the mind. This word is translated in a negative sense “to imagine” (plot) in Acts 4:25. The
pastor is to meditate on the word, engage and focus his mind, revolve the truth of scripture in his
mind. But the apostle pushes further and exhorts Timothy to “give [himself] wholly to them.” In other
words, the pastor, the minister of the Word is to be totally devoted to and absorbed in the Word. He
is to live and breathe the Scriptures.71
Guard the Gospel: “Guard the Deposit entrusted to you” (1 Tim. 6:20)
Paul portrays the Christian life, and particularly the ministry, as a conflict, a struggle, a battlefield and
a contest. In our English version there is some confusion between a battlefield situation and the
athlete in the Greek games. For example, in 1 Timothy 6:12 (“fight the good fight of faith”) and 2
Timothy 4:7 (“I have fought a good fight”) Paul is referring to the athlete. The word “fight” in the
English Bible, is from the Greek word ἀγών which means a place of assembly and then by implication,
a contest (i.e. the Greek games). However, in 1 Timothy 1:18-19 (“war a good warfare”) and in 2
Timothy 2:3 (“endure hardness, as a good soldier”) the apostle is using a military metaphor.
The metaphor of a soldier is developed further in 1 Timothy 6:20 when the apostle exhorts
Timothy to “guard” (ESV) the gospel. Whether Paul is using the athletic metaphor, or the military
70 2 Timothy 2:15
71 Towner, Philip H. The Letters to Timothy and Titus, (Grand Rapids: Williams B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,
2006), 326.
72 See Psalm 11:3
The Work of the Ministry
metaphor, the idea of diligence, struggle and staining (even agonizing) is present. Those who enter
the arena must first count the cost. The contender, or the soldier must fight, agonize, strive and strain
every fiber of his being if he is to obtain the victory.
Two themes emerge from Paul’s athletic and military metaphors; the quality of the soldier
and the value of that for which he fights, contends or guards. The gospel ministry is a worthy fight,
but it must be fought worthily.73
First, Paul emphasizes the quality of the soldier, his warfare 74 and his endurance.75 The
soldier’s fitness for warfare is dealt with in greater detail when the apostle addresses the
qualifications of an elder.76 Paul’s point is not simply to encourage success in the battle but to make
sure that the battle is fought well—this is the measure of a Christian soldier. It is important that
Timothy maintains authentic Christianity (i.e. orthodoxy), but equally important that in the fight he
displays the characteristics of an authentic Christian.
This warfare and the strict requirements for it might be intimidating to the young pastor, but
Paul assures him that it is not beyond his reach. Paul said of himself “I have fought a good fight” and
by the grace of God in the gospel and the indwelling Holy Spirit, Timothy could also.77
Second, Paul switches the emphasis from the soldier to the fight—it is a worthy fight, a noble
contest.78 Such a precious deposit of truth needs to be guarded.79 There are two methods of keeping
something safe; it can be locked away and preserved by concealment. The truth, however, must not
and cannot be concealed, and so another method must be found whereby we can publicly engage
with it and yet preserve it. We cannot lock the truth away, it must be and will be exposed it to hostile
forces, but we must stand guard over it, and with vigilance insure that it is preserved for future
The Work of the Ministry
those mentioned in previous verses (3, 4). “As for you…,” whatever others do, or whatever
the trends are, or the peer pressure, Paul exhorts Timothy to be alert, sober and balanced.
2. The challenge for the pastor to maintain an “unruffled alertness,”81 “control[ed] and balanced
speech”82 and “ethical correctness”83 in the midst of affliction and in dealing with false
teachers (3, 4)—in all situations. The young pastor should not lose sight of the sovereignty of
God or waver in his confidence that despite all the false teaching, Christ will build his Church.
3. The extended application of the command. This sobriety and self-control must be seen, even
in the midst of hardship, and it must not affect his continued ministry as an evangelist.
Whatever hardship come your way, keep a clear mind, your judgement sound, and your
speech controlled.
4. The apostle backs up his exhortation by bringing himself alongside the young pastor. Notice
the flow of Paul’s exhortation, “they…” (3, 4), “as for you…” (5) and “I on my part…” (6).
Others might fall away, but you must stand strong, even at times if you must stand alone…but
you are not alone, for “I have fought a good fight.” Others have fought also, and more will
fight, and “unto all them” who fight and overcome there is a crown of righteousness” (8).84
In 2 Timothy 1:6-11 Paul’s exhortation for Timothy to “stir up the gift” was in the context of Timothy’s
“fear” and “shame” at Paul’s imprisonment in Rome (Vv. 7-8). It seems that the apostle identified
these two emotions in Timothy and linked them to the young pastor’s association with the apparent
failure in the work of the gospel through Paul, now a prisoner in Rome.
How can Timothy maintain such a high standard of the ministry in the face of such difficulty?
How was he going to overcome the shame of being associated with a criminal on death row, or rise
above the criticisms of his youthfulness, or defend his people from false teachers? Encouraging words
from the apostle, no doubt was welcomed. And no doubt Paul’s example helped also. But these
would not be enough.
Sandwiched between the exhortation to “stir up the gift” (verse 6) and “be not ashamed”
(verse 8) the apostle identifies the source from which Timothy will find the ability to do these things—
it is the Holy Spirit (verse 7). We have already noticed Paul’s emphasis on the gospel (verses 8-11).
81 Donald Guthrie, The Pastoral Epistles (Grand Rapids: Williams B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1986), 168.
82 Philip H. Towner, The Letters to Timothy and Titus, (Grand Rapids: Williams B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,
2006), 606.
83 Richard C. H. Lenski, St. Paul’s First and Second Epistles to Timothy, (Peabody: Hendrickson Publishers, 2001),
84 See also Revelation 2:7 et al.
85 Michael A. G. Haykin, The Empire of the Holy Spirit (2nd ed.; Dallas, Texas; BorderStone Press, LLC, 2016), 121-
The Work of the Ministry
The gospel, Paul says, is the “power of God” (verse 8, see also Romans 1:16), which is
identified specifically with the Holy Spirit in verse 7. The point that Paul is making to Timothy is that in
the midst of all of the difficulties of life—the fears, the shame, the uncertainty—the Lord has given us
the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Furthermore, this Holy Spirit is gift to us to empower us, to
enable us to engage and interact in self-sacrificing love, and to give us self-control. Notice how Paul
enforces this thought of Holy Spirit ability with the negative construction “for God has not given us the
Spirit of fear, but of…”
The exhortation of young Timothy to continue faithfully in his ministry leads us to a number of points
in conclusion;
1. The serious business of the Christian Ministry. Paul knew that Timothy was continuing in the
way that he had been taught, but these issues needed to be reinforced, reiterated and
written for others who would follow. Although there is no evidence that Timothy was
neglecting any of these duties, it is good for him to have a reminder. There is always the
tendency to let these things slip, to lose focus, and to grow weary.86
2. The weight of the calling to the ministry. Paul said, “woe is unto me if I do not preach the
gospel” (KJV).87 Three reasons why pastors should not neglect the ministry of the Word;
a. His qualification for the ministry is a gift from God, it is precious, and he should
embrace it. We are made aware of this ministry through the Word of God and we
should esteem it.88
b. He is ordained to it by the authority of the elders therefore we should exercise it. He
does not go into this ministry on his own charge, or on his own authority. The
authority he exercises is the authority of the office to which he has been called.
c. The value of the gift of ministry in the Word demands that we engage with it. We
cannot let this gift lie unused. Therefore, Paul encourages Timothy to excite this
gift—"stir up” the gift of the ministry.89
3. The interweaving of life and ministry. It is the responsibility of the pastor (and all believers) to
model his faith as it is shaped by the gospel. How the pastor speaks, the language he uses, the
words he chooses are important. His speech and conduct must fit together, rather than
contradict one another. How a pastor interacts and reacts with the changing circumstances
The Work of the Ministry
that life and death bring, speaks to how he understands, rests in and enjoys the gospel, as we
have seen previously. It is important for the pastor, not just to talk the gospel, but to walk the
gospel. Many can talk up their Christianity, but the power is manifested in walking the
4. The power of the Word to change lives. In the passages we have studied, especially 1 Timothy
4:11-16, the reading and preaching of Scripture are the only elements of worship that are
highlighted. Prayer, singing and the sacraments are important, but the reading and preaching
of the Word are the primary and central elements of worship. It is not our dedication to
outward duties that benefits the soul and produce change in the life of our congregation. It is
devotion to the Word of God. When a man stops studying the Word, he should stop
5. The promises attached to these exhortations. First, the proper observance of the ministry
would evidence the grace of God in his own heart and become a means of assurance of his
own faith. Secondly, the continuance of faithful ministry would be a means of encouraging
and affirming other believers.91
The Work of the Ministry
Study Questions
Note: the wording of the questions is similar to the wording in the relevant text. This is so that you can identify the correct
area in the text related to the question. These questions are not designed to exam the student’s knowledge of the text, but
to enable self-study. Don’t read the text in search of the answer (or just to fill in the blank). I suggest that the student read
the text carefully to understand each paragraph before coming to the questions.
1. List three of the images the Scriptures uses to help us understand the nature and ministry of
the Church
______________________ ______________________ _____________________
Suggestion for further study: follow the texts in the footnotes and develop your own study of these aspects of the Church.
2. What two words best describe the work of the ministry, and what text links these two words
________________________________ ____________________________ _________
Suggestion for further study: write an essay on the shepherd/sheep relationship of Christ and his people
3. What Old Testament word is linked to the word “bishop” in the New Testament?
4. List four reasons why the apostle demanded such a high standard of Timothy in the ministry
i. _________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________
iii. ________________________________________
iv. ________________________________________
Suggestion for further study: develop these reasons yourself using the additional text provided in the footnotes
5. Identify and summarize (in your own words) the three aspects of Timothy’s relationship with the
apostle Paul. Provide the relevant Scripture texts.
The Work of the Ministry
6. Identify and develop two important observations about Paul’s imperatives to Timothy
7. What two themes can we identify from the language of fighting a good fight and other similar
language in the New Testament?
a. _____________________________
b. _____________________________
9. What two exhortations of Paul may indicate that Timothy was not enjoying the fullness of the
10. Briefly state what Paul meant by the exhortation “these things command and teach.”
The Work of the Ministry
Suggestion for further study: search out other scriptures that encourage both pastors and believers to be an example and
model of their faith.
12. Name four reasons why the public reading of Scripture is important
a. ___________________________
b. ___________________________
c. ___________________________
d. ___________________________
13. What two important issues should we remember with regard to the public Scripture reading?
Suggestion for further study: In addition to reading the Scripture, the apostle mentioned, exhortation and teaching. Develop
these two aspects.
16. Briefly state the importance of Paul’s exhortation to “take heed to thyself.”
Suggestion for further study: note the last part of 1 Timothy 4:16 and develop the idea of “sav[ing] yourself…and others.”
What did Paul mean by this?
The Work of the Ministry
17. What does the apostle mean by the word “watch” in 2 Timothy 4:5?
18. How does Paul encourage the young pastor and come along-side him in this exhortation to
19. List three reasons why the pastor should seek to be faithful to the ministry of the word.
a. ___________________________
b. ___________________________
c. ___________________________
20. Provide two reasons why the pastor should not neglect his gift
a. ___________________________
b. ___________________________