Quiz Midterm
Quiz Midterm
Quiz Midterm
II. vasodilators
1. This route provides the rapid delivery of III. contraceptives
drug across the large surface area of the IV. Insulins
respiratory tract. INHALATIONAL
10. This route is considered to be the safest
2. Provides alternative sites for IV in cases of & most convenient route to provide
circulatory collapse or failed IV access: systemic effects. PO
22. Insert the rat into the plastic rodent 5. This method is performed by stunning
restrainer leaving the tail outside it, the animal with a sharp blow behind the
while adjusting the lock for rat’s head. CRANIAL CONCUSSION
comfort. USE OF PLASTIC RODENT 6. It refers to the act of inducing humane
RESTRAINER death in an animal by a method that
23. Gently lift the mouse by the base of the induces rapid loss of consciousness and
tail, hold the tail using the ring and death with a minimum of pain,
pinkie fingers and grab the mouse discomfort or distress. EUTHANASIA
through the scruff with same hand 7. This is done by making a deep incision in
holding the tail. MICE RESTRAINT (ONE the armpit at the side of the thorax of
24. Restrain the animal and point the tip of 8. It involves the removal of soft tissue
the rat’s nose towards the floor to from the tip of the tail using a scalpel.
expose the abdomen, locate the midline TAIL SNIP
and choose the injection site at the right
lower quadrant. USE OF DECAPICONE 9. This is a method of blood collection
from rabbits if the desired amount of
blood is small and may be used for IV
injection also. MARGINAL AER VEIN
10. Which of the following methods are
unacceptable in the euthanasia of
11. It renders an animal unconscious and
insensitive to pain and distress as
quickly as possible, followed by
cessation of all respiratory and
circulatory functions and brain activity.
12. Which among the following are the
surgical techniques of blood collection
in rats?
I. axillary bleed
II. retro-orbital
III. IV cannula
IV. tail snip
13. This method is performed with the use
of guillotine. DECAPITATION
14. This method is performed by disrupting
the head of the animal from its spinal
15. This vein runs dorsally and then laterally
over the tarsal joint. SAPHENOUS VEIN