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Quiz Midterm

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II. vasodilators
1. This route provides the rapid delivery of III. contraceptives
drug across the large surface area of the IV. Insulins
respiratory tract. INHALATIONAL
10. This route is considered to be the safest
2. Provides alternative sites for IV in cases of & most convenient route to provide
circulatory collapse or failed IV access: systemic effects. PO

I. Intrathecal 11. Rapidity of the desired effect, which

II. Intracardiac refers if the drug is local or systemic in
III. Intraosseous effect, is one of the factors to be considered
IV. Intradermal in choosing the appropriate route of
administration. FALSE
3. The common diluent/vehicle used for this
12. Parenteral is derived from two Greek
parenteral preparation is usually oil based.
words which means “into the stomach.”
4. The drug Isordil (Isosorbide dinitrate) can
be administered through this route. 13. Intraarticular route is usually used for
corticosteroids to relieve painful, inflamed
arthritic joint. TRUE
5. Intradermal injections are usually inserted
at ___ degree angle. 15 14. Oral route is more convenient
6. This is one of the most common method of compared to parenteral routes. TRUE
drug administration for animal testing (i.e. 15. Intramuscular administration provides
mice). IP maximum degree of control to drug’s dose,
thereby titration of dose is made possible.
7. Which among the following dosage forms FALSE
can be administered rectally?
16. Infiltrative technique is the method
I. suppositories used to administer local anesthetics used in
II. syrup dental procedures. TRUE
III. enema
IV. embrocation 17. All the muscles in the body could be a
site of administration for IM drug
8. Drugs delivered through this route is used preparations. FALSE
for the treatment of erectile dysfunction
18. Epicutaneous route achieves systemic
and the only drug approved by the US FDA
effects by the application of drugs to the
through this route is alprostadil. skin via transdermal patch. FALSE
19. The route of administration refers to
9. Most common drugs administered the path by which the drug, poison or other
subcutaneously: similar substances is taken into the body.
20. Epidural can be injected anywhere in 9. Mice restraining can be done by:
the spinal column, while intrathecal is only
on the second lumbar region. TRUE I. one-hand technique
II. two-hand technique
III. DecapiCone
QUIZ 2 10. Which among the following situation is
the most common problem in
1. This organization published a code of restraining a rabbit? THE RABBIT
practice for the care and use of USUALLY KICKS ITS HIND LEG
laboratory animals in the Philippines.
PALAS 11. What is the maximum volume of drug
that can be administer through IP in
2. This parameter in the proper care and mouse? NMT 2 mL
management of animals should provide
conspecific social interaction between 12. Which among the following routes of
animals. HOUSING/CAGE administration can be used in
administering large volumes of drug in
3. This agency is primarily responsible for mice?
the welfare of all animals in the
Philippines, which includes the proper I. IP
care, management and utilization of II. SC
animals and all other animal-related III. IM
activities. BAI IV. IV
4. This method of animal identification 13. This method usually requires dipping
permanently puts markings and the tail in warm water before
identification tags, commonly on the tail administering the drug or withdrawing
of the rats/mice. ANIMAL TATTOOS blood from the vein. IV
5. This refers to philosophical view and 14. Intraperitoneal injection is usually
personal value characterized by injected at the ____________ of the
statements by various animal rights abdomen of the rat. LOWER RIGHT
6. This species of rat are the commonly 15. This refers to the hind or back part of
used animals in laboratory research. the rat or the rabbit. DORSAL RUMP
16. Restrain the animal and place a small
7. This refers to the state of being amount of the drug on the nostrils of
abnormally too thin and too weak. the rat using a pipeter, watch the drug
EMACIATION disappear and repeat as necessary.
8. This restraining technique is utilized for
rats that are aggressive and agitated 17. Restrain the animal, hold the rat’s tail by
because the darkness and the gentle the tip with the non-dominant hand,
restrain of this technique can calm the rotate one quarter turn to locate one of
rats. TOWEL RESTRAINT the two lateral veins, inject the needle
at 15-20°angle at the distal portion of 25. Grasp the rat around the thorax under
the tail. INTRAVENOUS the scapula and the forearms of the rat
should cross under the rat’s chin.
18. Sedate the animal and remove hair of UNDER-THE-SHOULDERS GRIP
the rat to expose skin, inject the needle
at 15-30°angle but do not insert the QUIZ 3
needle very far, to form a small bleb.
INTRADERMAL 1. A capillary tube/pipette is inserted
medially, laterally or dorsally from the
19. Loosely restrain the animal and grasp venous sinus in the eye. RETRO-ORBITAL
the skin and gently pull it upwards,
insert the needle at a 30-45°angle into 2. This method is performed by
the tented skin. SUBCUTANEOUS withdrawing the blood from the animal
through intracardiac route.
20. Restrain the animal and one hind leg EXSANGUINATION
must be stabilize, insert the needle
perpendicular to the skin over the rat’s 3. It refers to methods applicable only if
quadriceps and avoid the posterior part. specific conditions are met, as indicated
INTRAMUSCULAR in the AVMA Guidelines for the
Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition.
21. Grasp the rat by the tail with the ACCEPTABLE METHODS UNDER
dominant hand and pull gently CONDITION
backwards, place the non-dominant
hand over rat’s back and grasp the rat 4. This is a method of blood collection
around the thorax with the ring, pinkie from rats not generally accepted
fingers and thumb. OVER-THE- because of the high infection risk it may
SHOULDERS GRIP cause to the animal. TAIL SNIP

22. Insert the rat into the plastic rodent 5. This method is performed by stunning
restrainer leaving the tail outside it, the animal with a sharp blow behind the
while adjusting the lock for rat’s head. CRANIAL CONCUSSION
comfort. USE OF PLASTIC RODENT 6. It refers to the act of inducing humane
RESTRAINER death in an animal by a method that
23. Gently lift the mouse by the base of the induces rapid loss of consciousness and
tail, hold the tail using the ring and death with a minimum of pain,
pinkie fingers and grab the mouse discomfort or distress. EUTHANASIA
through the scruff with same hand 7. This is done by making a deep incision in
holding the tail. MICE RESTRAINT (ONE the armpit at the side of the thorax of
24. Restrain the animal and point the tip of 8. It involves the removal of soft tissue
the rat’s nose towards the floor to from the tip of the tail using a scalpel.
expose the abdomen, locate the midline TAIL SNIP
and choose the injection site at the right
lower quadrant. USE OF DECAPICONE 9. This is a method of blood collection
from rabbits if the desired amount of
blood is small and may be used for IV
injection also. MARGINAL AER VEIN
10. Which of the following methods are
unacceptable in the euthanasia of
11. It renders an animal unconscious and
insensitive to pain and distress as
quickly as possible, followed by
cessation of all respiratory and
circulatory functions and brain activity.
12. Which among the following are the
surgical techniques of blood collection
in rats?
I. axillary bleed
II. retro-orbital
III. IV cannula
IV. tail snip
13. This method is performed with the use
of guillotine. DECAPITATION
14. This method is performed by disrupting
the head of the animal from its spinal
15. This vein runs dorsally and then laterally
over the tarsal joint. SAPHENOUS VEIN

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