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12 Gods and Goddesses

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12 Gods and Goddesses

Zeus (Jupiter)
 he overthrew the power of his father Cronus
 Son of Cronos and Rhea
 his power was greater than that of all other
divinities together
 King of the Olympians
 Married to his sister Hera, but is famous for
many affairs
 God of the sky, uses lightning and thunder as weapons
 his shield is called the Aegis
 Gave birth to Athena by himself when she sprang fully-formed from his head
 Symbols of Zeus: the eagle, the scepter and cornucopia
 Weakness: Wandering eye
Poseidon ( Neptune)
 Ruler of the Sea
 Zeus’s brother and second only to him in
 his wife was Amphitrite ( a granddaughter of the
titan ocean )
 he was commonly called Earth-shaker and was
always carrying his trident, a three-pronged
spear, which he would shake and shatter
whatever he pleased.
Hades (Pluto )
 Third brother of Zeus
 the God of the Underworld and the Dead
 Also the God of Wealth and precious metals
hidden in the earth
 his wife was Persephone whom he carried
away from the earth and made Queen of the
Lower World
 Referred to also by his latin name Dis meaning “ rich

Hestia ( Vesta)

 Goddess fo the Hearth, the symbol of Home, she

almost never leaves home
 Virgin Goddess along with Artemis and Athena
 Eldest daughter of Cronos and Rhea ; Zeus’s sister
 Hestia means “ the essence”, the true nature of
 she has no distinct personality and plays no part in myth

Hera ( Juno)
 Protector of the marriage, and married women were
her peculiar care
 the Queen of the Gods and is the wife and sister of
 Argos was her favorite city
 the cow and peacock were her sacred animals
Ares ( Mars)
 God of war
 Son of Zeus and Hera , he was disliked by both of his
 he is considered murderous and bloodstained but
also a coward
 his bird is vulture, his animal is dog
Athena ( Minerva)
 the daughter of Zeus alone, no mother bore her, she
sprang from the head
 she was her father’s favorite child and was allowed to
use his weapons including thunderbolts
 Chief of the virgin Goddess and was called “Maiden”, Parthenos and her temple was
called Parthenon
 She is fierce and ruthless battle goddess, but elsewhere she is warlike only to
defend the State and the home from outside enemies
 She was the pre-eminently the Goddess of the City, the protector of civilized life, of
handicrafts and agriculture; the inventor of the bridle who first tamed horses for men
to use
 She was the embodiment of wisdom, reason and purity
 her favorite city is Athens, her tree is olive and her bird is owl
Phoebus Apollo
 Phoebus means brilliant or shining
 The son of Zeus and Leto, born in the little island of
 he has been called “the most Greeks of all Gods”
 The God of Light and Truth, in whom there’s no
darkness at all, he is also God of Truth, no false word
ever came from his mouth
 depicted as beardless young man
 Master Musician, he directed the choir of Muses
 Handsomest God
 Twin-brother of Artemis
 Apollo taught men the art of medicine, so he is often referred to as “The Healer”
 Because of his truthfulness and integrity, he was granted the gift of prophecy and
Aphrodite (Venus)

 Daughter of Zeus and Dione

 Goddess of Love, Desire and Beauty, she’s a
laughter-loving goddess
 Aphrodite was rose from the foam of the sea
 Her skin was said to be 'whiter than ivory', her
hair as golden as the yellow rays of the setting
sun and her eyes were as blue as the summer
 Her Greek name Aphrodite, gave us the word "aphrodisiac"
 Her Latin name Venus, gave us the word "venereal"
 She was one of the 12 Olympian gods who resided on the summit of Mount
 wife of Hephaestus
 myrtle is her tree; dove, sparrows and swans are her birds
Hermes ( Mercury)
 a messenger god in Greek mythology
 son of Zeus and Maia, daughter of Atlas
 God of Commerce and Market, Protector of
 the fastest of the gods, he wears winged
sandals, a winged hat and carries a magic wand
Artemis (Diana)
 Apollo’s twin sister, daughter of Zeus and Leto
 one of the three maiden Goddesses of Olympus
 Protector of young, goddess of chastity and
huntsman of the gods
 cypress is her tree, all wild animals are scared to
her, especially the deer
Hephaestus (Vulcan)

 sometimes said to be the son of Zeus and Hera,

some says of Hera alone
 among the perfectly beautiful immortals he was
the only ugly
 God of Fire, he is patron god of both smiths and
 he is kind and peace loving
 his wife is Aphrodite

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