Minining Green Gardens

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AGH Journal of Mining and Geoengineering • Vol. 36 • No.

2 • 2012

Sylwia Cygan *



1. Introduction

A trace remains after each industrial activity, either in the form of outstanding infra-
structure facilities, large surface area and landscape transformations, or in the worst (but very
common) case, degradation and environmental pollution. At the present time due to changes
in legislation imposing an obligation for the rehabilitation of the areas devastated and degra-
ded by industrial activity resulting in the loss of their value to stakeholders, more and more
attention is being paid to these issues. Moreover, in Poland as well as abroad there are many
examples that prove the fact that investing in industrial structures can bring many economic,
commercial social and environmental benefits. One of them is undoubtedly a huge garden
called the Eden Project, located in the south-western part of Great Britain.

2. Location of the Eden Project

The Eden Project is located in a small town called Bodelva in the county of Cornwall. It
is located about 5 km from the county’s largest city — St. Austell and about 440 km from the
capital of Great Britain, London. It is not a place to visit when visiting London or other larger
cities, but a place you need to take a special trip to. A trip can be planned very easily thanks
to the possibility of using multiple transport solutions, which are explained in detail on the
project’s website. Care was taken so that everyone can choose the right transport option in
order for them and come to visit the magical gardens. Eden can be reached from the Newquay
airport by special buses or an ecological bio-diesel taxi, as well as by train from the station in
St. Austell and Newquay and then switching to the appropriate bus. Many hiking and biking
trails also lead right to the gardens [5].

* AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mining and Geoengineering, Krakow

3. The industrial history of Cornwall

The history related with industrial activities in Cornwall and Western Devon (in lite-
rature and many other sources described in relation to both counties) dates back more than
four thousand years and is primarily concerned with ¿shing, agriculture and the extraction of
non-ferrous metals (tin, copper, arsenic).
In the period from 1700 to 1914 mainly thanks to Thomas Newcomen’s invention of
the steam engine, an industrial revolution took place all over developed parts of the world.
It contributed to the development of many industries, most notably mining and metallurgy.
Many steam engines were created (James Watt), drainage pumps, and other inventions (for
example the fuse made by William Bickford used in explosives). Therefore, in the late seven-
teenth and early nineteenth century, Cornwall was a very important center of innovation and
technological development. Pioneering devices were exported to many countries, including:
Hungary, France, Germany, Mexico and Australia. The largest mining extraction in Cornwall
and West Devon was recorded between 1855 and 1856, when 209,305 tonnes of ore were
extracted [4]. Along with the development of industry, great socio-cultural changes also took
place. Many people looking for work and bene¿ting from the opportunities given by industry
settled around the major industrial centres. However a crisis came after years of prosperity-
,(the late nineteenth to the twentieth century). This was mainly due to lower prices of ore on
the world markets. The mines were closed, and people emigrated.
The industrialisation taking place in the years 1700–1914 in the counties of Cornwall
and Devon led to the irreversible transformation of the landscape. Obtaining raw materials
contributed not only to changes in the terrain, but also the original natural landscape. Indu-
strial development also led to enormous social and cultural changes.
In 2006, the mining landscape of Cornwall and West Devon was included in the UNE-
SCO World Heritage List [5]. There are many other facilities within the country, which are
important elements of industrial heritage.
The Eden Project is also located in the post-industrial areas. It was built in an over 160 year
old former china clay open pit mine, which, in the past, was known as the China Clay Pit [5].

4. Origin and description of the Eden Project

The originator and creator of the entire project is a Dutch archaeologist called Tim Smit.
He and his colleagues decided to design and locate an investment in the excavation in Bode-
lva. They already had experience. They rebuilt the Lost Gardens of Heligan in the South of
Cornwall. However, the example of another new facility, which the gardens of Eden Project
was to be, they wanted to show how great the relationship between the world of Àora and
fauna, and humans really is.
The construction of the Eden Project was started in December 1999, while the facility was
fully opened in mid-March 2001. The complex covers an area of 15 acres (22 hectares purcha-
sed under the project) and is broadly divided into three parts [10]. It consists of biomes that are

a kind of greenhouse (resembling bubbles in their appearance) and the surrounding areas. The
biomes design consists of two layers of a steel frame (like a silicates lattice, the other triangles)
and a special material called ethyl-tert-Àuoro-ethylene (ETFE), between which the air has been
pumped. This is the kind of foil with very good light, self-cleaning, UV radiation transmission
properties. The entire construction weighs 667 tonnes, and its advantage was an easy adaptation
to the land on which it was made just like a soap bubble (Fig. 1) [7].

Fig. 1. Eden Project. Source:

As already mentioned, the object is composed of three parts: The Outdoor Biome —
with an area of 12 ha (Fig. 2), The Humid Tropics Biome — HTB — with an area of 1.2 ha
(Fig. 3), The Warm Temperature Biome — WTB — with an area of 0.6 ha (Fig. 4). Each bio-
me is characterised by different vegetation from native species in the area of Cornwall teas
and succulents resistant to climatic conditions, through plants from tropical countries, among
others, rainforests, ending with species from the Mediterranean countries, such as vines and

Fig. 2. The Outdoor Biome. Source:

Fig. 3. The Humid Tropics Biome. Source:

Fig. 4. The Warm Temperature Biome. Source:

olive trees. In addition to the interesting vegetation each biome and The Core education cen-
tre, which is also located in the Eden Project, is characterised by a mutual feature, namely the
presence of numerous shows and exhibits, thanks to which you can learn many interesting
things about the functioning of ecosystems, climate changes, as well as the relationship be-
tween humans and plants.

5. Financing of the project — forms and sources

During the planning and designing of the Eden Project investment, Cornwall was one of
the poorest region in the country. The region was characterised by a highly dispersed and small
population and a poor infrastructure. The location of such a great project in such a poorly func-
tioning and populated region of England was a huge challenge. One of the primary problem for
the organisers in ¿nding the money was in fact the poor economic status of Cornwall.

The ¿rst money collected to build this spectacular facility came from the local govern-
ment funds — the Restormel Borough Council (GBP 25 000). This was only a “drop in the
bucket” of the ¿nancial needs, although the most signi¿cant, as it opened the path to further
ways of ¿nancing.
Further measures were allocated by a government organisation the Millennium Com-
mission, which transferred and distributed the funds within the framework of ¿nancial sup-
port for small and large projects. The idea behind this organisation was to provide funding for
the implementation of regional projects in preparation for the celebration of the millennium.
The Eden Project was awarded a considerable sum, which was the main source of funding.
The next ¿nancial support was received in the form of grants and donations coming from the
European Union, the national authorities and local, private investors.
The cost of the project was about GBP 75 million. The total amount of money needed
for the project was collected in early 1999. In total, by 2006, all the received funds amounted
to GBP 133 million (Table 1). The funds were primarily intended to cover the costs associa-
ted with the construction of the building and the infrastructure [10].

Project funders and the amounts provided by them
(years 1998–2006) [based on 10]
Name of the entity Amount of money in GBP [million]
Millenium Commission 56
European union (public sector) 25
The United Kingdom (public sector) 21
Loans 19
Own funds 12
Total: 133

From the beginning the Eden Project operated as a non-pro¿t institution. It is a limited
liability company named the Eden Trust. Consequently, the operation policy of the facility
was not geared for pro¿t. The main goal was to generate such amount of funds that would
allow current needs and expenses to be covered.
Presently, most of the revenue comes from tourists and event’s participants. In the
2007/2008 accounting year, the project generated an income of GBP 22.3 million and spent
GBP 20.07 million [2], while, in 2008/2009 it generated a revenue of GBP 22.0 million, and
spent GBP 20.9 million [3].

6. Functioning formula

In addition to exploring the beautiful gardens, the Eden Project has many more at-
tractions to offer. Its formula is based on the operation of many programs and social and
cultural events.

The most important social programs include Growing for Life, Great Grass, People and
Garden [5]. The ¿rst two are addressed to prisoners and the unemployed. The programs are
about carrying out training courses in many ¿elds such as gardening, catering and nutrition,
and many others among them. The aim is to help them acquire new skills, experience and
prepare them to work. Another one, however, is designed for people with disabilities and will
be a type of therapy for them. Participants are given lessons in how to farm vegetables and
fruit, and then sell them.
A wide range of cultural and artistic events are hosted in the area of Eden Project. These
are primarily the Eden Session music festivals held in the amphitheatre next to the biomes
(Fig. 5). Besides, in The Core building organises cameral painting and sculpture exhibitions
and concerts, which attract art and culture lovers in The Arts Cafe.

Fig. 5. Eden Session. Source:

Moreover, in view of the local community, especially families with children, seasonal
attractions such as outdoor events, games, Halloweden balls (on the occasion of Halloween)
and winter entertainments on the ice are organised.
The environmental programmes are a very important aspect in the Eden Project’s
activities. One of them is an exhibition entitled the Sexy Green Car Show (Fig. 6). The
exhibition presents the latest models of cars produced with the help of innovative techno-
logy and the use of organic materials and alternative power fuels. This programme, as well
as two subsequent ones: the Climate Revolution, the Waste Neutral inform about reducing
harmful factors emissions into the environment, mainly through the use of „clean energy”,
and recycling.

7. Ecology at the Eden Project

The ecological ideas are a very important aspect of the project. In addition to the envi-
ronmental programmes, many activities are undertaken in the project area in order to make

Fig. 6. Sexy Green Car Show. Source:
it function in accordance with sustainable development principles. It is important to reduce
water and energy consumption. That’s why photovoltaic panels have been installed on the
roof of The Core building. Energy saving light bulbs are used for lighting. The control and
monitoring, heating and electrical systems correspond to a special system. The water was
needed, among others, for the irrigation of crops, is obtained from rainwater and drainage
systems. The sanitary installations are equipped with self cut-off valves.

8. Eden Project — success factors of undertaking

The largest con¿rmation of the success of the project is the number of tourists. During
the creation of the facility, the number of potential visitors was estimated at 645 thousand pe-
ople per year in the business plan [6]. As was shown in Table 2, the Eden Project was visited
by double the expected population, in fact.

The number of tourists who visited the Eden Project in 2003-2009 [based on 1, 2, 3, 6]
2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009
Number of
tourists 1.4 1.25 1.18 1.16 1.16 1.06

The analysis of the Eden Project, allowed to specify several important factors that have
contributed to its success. They are as follows [10–12]:
— The project leader — had the task of chairing the entire project. Thanks to Tim Smit’s
vision, determination and consistency, the project was completed.
— Support of the local authorities — the authorities from the very beginning were intere-
sted in the realization of the project. They aided ¿nancially primarily. They encouraged

other investors to co¿nancing Eden. The positive relationships between the local, regio-
nal, national, and the originators of the project is also very important.
— The ‘public-private partnership’— a mixture of public grants and private loans in ¿nan-
cing the project played a very signi¿cant role.
— Innovation- which is reÀected as the founding methodology, the partners involved, ar-
chitecture, the business models, the combination of multiple functions and the manage-
ment of the ¿nished project.

9. Summary

The revitalization of an unused, post china clay exploitation excavation consisting of the
creation of botanical gardens in it — the Eden Project — was carried out not in unfavourable
conditions. The creation of the project was threatened by the prevailing economic situation
of the region’s, poor infrastructure, a location which was far from major cities however and
above all, were ¿nancial problems.
Despite the problems mentioned the project came into being and achieved a huge suc-
cess. The best evidence of this success is the number of ca. one million tourist annually and
revenues of over GBP 20 million pounds per year.
The project’s characteristic features also include: operational programmes, as well as
the linking of many important aspects of economic, social and environmental impacts into
one. Thanks to a rich program of events among others, the Eden Project is constantly attrac-
ting huge crowds of visitors providing them with education, entertainment and an unforget-
table experience.
The analysis of the venture showed that the factors that have contributed to the suc-
cess of the Eden Project are innovation, the project leader, support from the local authori-
ties, mixture of public-private founds (‘public-private partnership’), as well as interesting
use programmes. It is thanks to these programmes (although not only these) that the Eden
Project constantly attracts huge crowds of visitors providing them with entertainment and
an unforgettable experience. In addition, eco-friendly policy and the connection and inte-
raction of culture, economy and science is also deemed as success factors. The case of the
Eden Project can serve as a good example to follow, and the factors that determined its
success can be considered as universal and should be taken into account in other revitali-
zation activities.


[1] Annual Review 2006/2007,, accessed February 2012.

[2] Annual Review 2007/2008,, accessed February 2012.
[3] Annual Review 2008/2009,, accessed February 2012.
[4] Cornish Mining World Heritage:, accessed February 2012.
[5] Eden Project:, accessed February 2012.
[6] Eden Project Annual Report 2005,, accessed February 2012.

[7] How StuffWorks “Science”:, accessed February 2012.
[8] Keith’s Eden Project Web Site:, accessed February 2012.
[9] Mueller S., Scott P.W., Evans M.J.: Colonization, Mineralization and Structures in Biotitic
Granite at Bodelva, St. Austell, Cornwall. Annual Conference of the Ussher Society, 1999,, accessed February 2012.
[10] Cygan S.: The Eden Project — the Identi¿cation of Success Factors of the Revitalisation Ven-
ture. Master thesis. Library of Mining and Geoengineering of AGH, Krakow 2011.
[11] Whitbread-Abrutat P.H.: Case Study: The Eden Project (Extended Version), Cornwall, UK,
[12] Whitbread-Abrutat P.H.: A Radical Approach to Post-mining Regeneration — Case Studies
from Cornwall, UK. Conference materials: Sustainable Post-industrial Land Management.
4–6 November 2004, Krakow, Poland.

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