Marzano Vocab PDF
Marzano Vocab PDF
Marzano Vocab PDF
1. What Power Indicators (standards) are included in this Unit? List indicators.
2. What is the key academic vocabulary needed in this Unit? List words.
Plan for direct vocab. instruction: (Marzano’s 6 Steps for Teaching Vocab.)
4. Now you are ready to plan your Unit’s lessons, activities, and assessments.
Vocabulary Four Square
Meaning Picture
Word Sentence
Sentence _________________________________________________
Sentence _________________________________________________
Connect Two
Choose two words from your list. Describe to your partner or group
how those two words are related. You all need to write how they are
connected. Then your partner can choose two other words.
______Courteous_______ and ___drenched____
are connected because a courteous person will
share his umbrella so someone doesn’t get
are connected because _____________________
are connected because _____________________
Word Context Clue Definition Quick Draw Connection
This article discusses what it means to learn vocabulary and also a few ways promote vocabulary
acquisition. The authors also talk about word consciousness.
“Browse our webinar archives, where you can watch and listen to full web presentations by
leaders in the field of school improvement.” Each archive includes questions, discussions, and
accompanying resources from the live webinar.
Elfrieda Hiebert presentation on Strategic Vocabulary Selection: Choosing words for narrative
and informational texts.
Resource page from Illinois School District U-46 on academic vocabulary including links to
activities and games.
Reference site on the English language; word origins, Greek & Latin roots, historical development
of English.
Example from a teacher of building background knowledge: Using a “dresser” analogy to teach
the structure of informational text.
Click on the English Language Learners link to find more ideas about teaching academic
vocabulary. Doing What Works website.
Accelerated Vocabulary Instruction Strategies for Closing the Achievement Gap for all
Students by Nancy Akhavan; Scholastic, 2007.
Creating a Robust Word-Learning classroom, Includes ideas for read-aloud lessons &
content areas, includes a packet of graphic organizer overheads.
Bringing Words to Life Robust Vocabulary Instruction by Isabel L. Beck, Margaret G. McKeown,
& Linda Kucan; The Guilford Press, 2002.
Rationale for teaching vocabulary, how to choose words to teach (Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3),
how to teach vocabulary.
Building Academic Vocabulary (Teacher’s Manual) by Robert Marzano & Debra J. Pickering;
ASCD, 2005
Creating a list of academic vocabulary words how to teach them. Includes academic
vocabulary word lists for content areas.
Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement Research on What Works in Schools
by Robert Marzano; ASCD, 2004
Rationale for building background knowledge and how to build it. Includes lists of
academic vocabulary for content areas.
Getting into Words Vocabulary Instruction that Strengthens Comprehension by Shira Lubliner;
Paul H. Brookes Publishing, 2005.
Strategies to strengthen comprehension, develop metacognitive skills & build word
knowledge. Includes cue cards for students in both English & Spanish.
Words, Words, Words Teaching Vocabulary in Grades 4-12 by Janet Allen, Stenhouse
Publishers, 1999.
Developing effective practices in vocabulary instruction. Includes 22 effective graphic
organizers to use.