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Typical Arrangement

[Unit : mm]
Fig.8 Cable feeder unit with double busber (Tr.bay)


Three-phase Encapsulated Type
SF6 Gas Insulated Switchgear

Type SDH714 for 72.5 to 145 kV



Fig.9 Bus coupler unit






Fig.10 Cable feeder unit with double busbar






Gate City Ohsaki, East Tower, 11-2, Osaki 1-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0032, Japan
Phone : (03)5435-7111

Internet address : http://www.fujielectric.co.jp

Information in this catalog is subject to change without notice. 2016-4(D2016/D2016)OD1FOLS Printed in Japan 06B1-E-0020
Small Space Requirement, High Reliability and Safety Characteristic Features
ー 72.5 to 145kV GIS, SDH714

The number of application for SF6 gas insulated Fuji started the development of SF6 gas insulated Compact design makes for minimum space The modular design principle applied realizes the
switchgear has been tremendously growing all switchgear (GIS) in the 1960’s. requirements and transportation by container service. standardization of components and parts.
over the world, because it has many advantageous The first 72.5 kV GIS, which was of the phase Therefore, the costs of foundations, buildings and This makes possible the large quantity production
features as below: segregated type, was put into operation in 1970. transportation can be minimized. way which increases the reliability of components
Since then Fuji has also developed three-phase and parts with their easy stock control.
● Small space requirement encapsulated type GIS and supplied the first 72.5 kV The fully earthed enclosure protects operators
● High reliability three-phase encapsulated GIS in 1975. The three- not to touch live parts directly, prevents from radio Unified SF6 gas pressure throughout the
● Safety phase encapsulated GIS for 72.5 to 145 kV as of interference, and realizes no atmospheric pollution. switchgear makes simplified gas maintenance work.
now, type SDH was developed in 2001, and have Aluminum alloy enclosure is used to reduce weight
● Good harmony with environment
been supplied all over the world. Based on these and power dissipation.
● Long maintenance interval experiences with high and long term technology, Fuji
● Short erection period at site has successfully developed an updated version of
the type SDH, namely, SDH714.
The 72.5 kV and above GIS is being manufactured Technical Data
in our substation equipment factory located in Chiba
prefecture, Japan. The substation equipment factory Rated voltage [kV] 72.5 123 145
has been recognized to be in accordance with the Rated power frequency [kV] Common values 140 230 275
requirements of the quality standards ISO 9001. withstand voltage Across the isolating distance 160 265 315
Rated lightning impulse [kV] Common values 325 550 650
withstand voltage Across the isolating distance 375 630 750
Rated normal current [A] Busbar up to 3150
Others up to 3150
Rated short-circuit breaking current [kA] up to 40
Rated short-time withstand current (3 s) [kA] up to 40
Rated peak withstand current [kA] up to 100
Rated SF6 gas pressure, gauge [MPa] Switchgear 0.6
(at 20 ℃ ) Circuit breaker 0.6
Rated break time of circuit breaker [cycles] 3
Rated operating sequence of circuit breaker O-0.3 s-CO-3 min.-CO,
O-3 min.-CO-3 min.-CO,CO-15 s-CO
Bay width [mm] 900
Number of mechanical operations of circuit breaker and disconnector Class M2 (10000 operations)
Applicable standards : IEC

1 2
Small Space Requirement, High Reliability and Safety Characteristic Features
ー 72.5 to 145kV GIS, SDH714

The number of application for SF6 gas insulated Fuji started the development of SF6 gas insulated Compact design makes for minimum space The modular design principle applied realizes the
switchgear has been tremendously growing all switchgear (GIS) in the 1960’s. requirements and transportation by container service. standardization of components and parts.
over the world, because it has many advantageous The first 72.5 kV GIS, which was of the phase Therefore, the costs of foundations, buildings and This makes possible the large quantity production
features as below: segregated type, was put into operation in 1970. transportation can be minimized. way which increases the reliability of components
Since then Fuji has also developed three-phase and parts with their easy stock control.
● Small space requirement encapsulated type GIS and supplied the first 72.5 kV The fully earthed enclosure protects operators
● High reliability three-phase encapsulated GIS in 1975. The three- not to touch live parts directly, prevents from radio Unified SF6 gas pressure throughout the
● Safety phase encapsulated GIS for 72.5 to 145 kV as of interference, and realizes no atmospheric pollution. switchgear makes simplified gas maintenance work.
now, type SDH was developed in 2001, and have Aluminum alloy enclosure is used to reduce weight
● Good harmony with environment
been supplied all over the world. Based on these and power dissipation.
● Long maintenance interval experiences with high and long term technology, Fuji
● Short erection period at site has successfully developed an updated version of
the type SDH, namely, SDH714.
The 72.5 kV and above GIS is being manufactured Technical Data
in our substation equipment factory located in Chiba
prefecture, Japan. The substation equipment factory Rated voltage [kV] 72.5 123 145
has been recognized to be in accordance with the Rated power frequency [kV] Common values 140 230 275
requirements of the quality standards ISO 9001. withstand voltage Across the isolating distance 160 265 315
Rated lightning impulse [kV] Common values 325 550 650
withstand voltage Across the isolating distance 375 630 750
Rated normal current [A] Busbar up to 3150
Others up to 3150
Rated short-circuit breaking current [kA] up to 40
Rated short-time withstand current (3 s) [kA] up to 40
Rated peak withstand current [kA] up to 100
Rated SF6 gas pressure, gauge [MPa] Switchgear 0.6
(at 20 ℃ ) Circuit breaker 0.6
Rated break time of circuit breaker [cycles] 3
Rated operating sequence of circuit breaker O-0.3 s-CO-3 min.-CO,
O-3 min.-CO-3 min.-CO,CO-15 s-CO
Bay width [mm] 900
Number of mechanical operations of circuit breaker and disconnector Class M2 (10000 operations)
Applicable standards : IEC

1 2
Typical Section of a Unit Components and Construction

Fig.1 Sectional view of a cable feeder unit with double busbar Circuit Breaker
● A motor-charged spring operating mechanism is applied. ● Maintenance free up to 2000 times load breaking.
● Three interrupters are commonly operated through insulating ● Mechanically type tested for 10000 operations. (class M2)
VT operating rods and a link mechanism.
● Combination of a thermal puffer chamber and a mechanical
puffer chamber can achieve excellent breaking performance
DS/ES from small current to large current with a small operation
CB power.


Fig.3 Principle of arc quenching

BUS DS/ES (make-proof) ● Closed position
Pressure relief Thermal puffer Insulating Nozzle Fixed
valve chamber cover contact

mechanism CHd
Insulating Mechanical puffer Check Moving Arcing
rod chamber valve contact contact

● Opening


CB : Circuit breaker VT : Voltage transformer

DS : Disconnecting switch CHd : Cable sealing end
ES : Earthing switch BUS : Bus bar
CT : Current transformer

● Opening

(arc quenching)

Fig.2 Single line diagram of a cable feeder unit with double busbar

Busbar Maintenance Make-proof

earthing switch earthing switch
earthing switch
Current Cable sealing end
● Open position
transformer Voltage (supplied by cable supplier)
Bus transformer
Circuit Line
breaker disconnector
Surge arrester
Bus (option)

3 4
Typical Section of a Unit Components and Construction

Fig.1 Sectional view of a cable feeder unit with double busbar Circuit Breaker
● A motor-charged spring operating mechanism is applied. ● Maintenance free up to 2000 times load breaking.
● Three interrupters are commonly operated through insulating ● Mechanically type tested for 10000 operations. (class M2)
VT operating rods and a link mechanism.
● Combination of a thermal puffer chamber and a mechanical
puffer chamber can achieve excellent breaking performance
DS/ES from small current to large current with a small operation
CB power.


Fig.3 Principle of arc quenching

BUS DS/ES (make-proof) ● Closed position
Pressure relief Thermal puffer Insulating Nozzle Fixed
valve chamber cover contact

mechanism CHd
Insulating Mechanical puffer Check Moving Arcing
rod chamber valve contact contact

● Opening


CB : Circuit breaker VT : Voltage transformer

DS : Disconnecting switch CHd : Cable sealing end
ES : Earthing switch BUS : Bus bar
CT : Current transformer

● Opening

(arc quenching)

Fig.2 Single line diagram of a cable feeder unit with double busbar

Busbar Maintenance Make-proof

earthing switch earthing switch
earthing switch
Current Cable sealing end
● Open position
transformer Voltage (supplied by cable supplier)
Bus transformer
Circuit Line
breaker disconnector
Surge arrester
Bus (option)

3 4
Busbar Fig.4 Line disconnector and earthing switch SF6 Gas System
Three phase conductors made of aluminium or copper, depending Rated SF6 gas pressure is unified at 0.6 MPa (gauge) for all Fig.7 shows the typical gas zones and gas monitoring system.
on the current rating, are supported by gas tight insulators. compartments. The SF6 gas filled disconnector / (earthing switch) / busbar com-
Fixed contact Fixed contact of SF6 gas pressure changes depending on the ambient temperature partment is sealed off from the adjacent unit by gas tight and arc-
of disconnector earthing switch as shown in Fig.6. proof insulators.
Disconnectors and Earthing Switches Moving contact
of disconnector
Moving contact of
earthing switch
The monitoring of SF6 gas is carried out by means of temperature
compensated pressure switches in the manner as tabled below.
A similar insulator seals off this compartment from the circuit
Line disconnector combined with a maintenance earthing switch All gas zones are monitored by gas density relays.
forms a three-position switch. The switchgear has a very low gas leakage rate.
Busbar disconnectors are assembled in each busbar compartment. Guaranteed gas loss is less than 0.5 % per annum and type
[at 20 ℃ ]
One of them is combined with a maintenance earthing switch and tested for 0.1% per annum.
forms a three-position switch. The disconnector has a switching Moving contact of Components Rated Low Operation
capability of bus-transfer current, small capacitive current as bus earthing switch SF6 gas alarm lockout
pressure pressure pressure Fig.7 SF6 gas system
charging and small inductive current as transformer magnetizing Fixed contact of [MPa] [MPa] [MPa]
current, if required. earthing switch
Circuit breakers 0.6 0.55 0.5
Earthed side of the earthing switch is brought out from the earthed
metal housing and earthed to it through a removable link for Disconnectors and earthing switches 0.6 0.55 Note 1
primary injection test. Other components 0.6 0.55 -
Disconnectors and earthing switches are normally motor or
Note 1 : Operation lockout at 0.5 MPa (at 20 ℃ ) is upon request.
The make-proof earthing switch is provided with a motor-charged PS
spring operation mechanism.

Fig.5 Current transformer Fig.6 Pressure-temperature characteristic curve of SF6 gas

Current Transformer
Terminal box Primary [MPa]
The current transformer is of foil-insulated type with ring core conductor
0.8 PS
mounted in the CB enclosure. SF6 gas provides the high-voltage Condensation curve
insulation. A separate compartment is available upon request.

Voltage Transformer 0.5

The voltage transformer is of induction type. SF6 provides the PS PS
high-voltage insulation. 0.3 : Gas-tight disconnector
Rated pressure(0.6MPa at 20℃)
: Stopping valve(N.O.)
0.2 Alarm pressure(0.55MPa at 20℃)
: Stopping valve(N.C.)
Surge Arrester 0.1
Lockout pressure(0.5MPa at 20℃)
: Gas pressure gauge

The surge arrester consists of zinc oxide (ZnO) element with PS : Gas pressure switch
Secondary 0
−40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 : Gas port
excellent low residual voltage characteristics and long service life. Core Terminal box winding
Temperature [℃]

5 6
Busbar Fig.4 Line disconnector and earthing switch SF6 Gas System
Three phase conductors made of aluminium or copper, depending Rated SF6 gas pressure is unified at 0.6 MPa (gauge) for all Fig.7 shows the typical gas zones and gas monitoring system.
on the current rating, are supported by gas tight insulators. compartments. The SF6 gas filled disconnector / (earthing switch) / busbar com-
Fixed contact Fixed contact of SF6 gas pressure changes depending on the ambient temperature partment is sealed off from the adjacent unit by gas tight and arc-
of disconnector earthing switch as shown in Fig.6. proof insulators.
Disconnectors and Earthing Switches Moving contact
of disconnector
Moving contact of
earthing switch
The monitoring of SF6 gas is carried out by means of temperature
compensated pressure switches in the manner as tabled below.
A similar insulator seals off this compartment from the circuit
Line disconnector combined with a maintenance earthing switch All gas zones are monitored by gas density relays.
forms a three-position switch. The switchgear has a very low gas leakage rate.
Busbar disconnectors are assembled in each busbar compartment. Guaranteed gas loss is less than 0.5 % per annum and type
[at 20 ℃ ]
One of them is combined with a maintenance earthing switch and tested for 0.1% per annum.
forms a three-position switch. The disconnector has a switching Moving contact of Components Rated Low Operation
capability of bus-transfer current, small capacitive current as bus earthing switch SF6 gas alarm lockout
pressure pressure pressure Fig.7 SF6 gas system
charging and small inductive current as transformer magnetizing Fixed contact of [MPa] [MPa] [MPa]
current, if required. earthing switch
Circuit breakers 0.6 0.55 0.5
Earthed side of the earthing switch is brought out from the earthed
metal housing and earthed to it through a removable link for Disconnectors and earthing switches 0.6 0.55 Note 1
primary injection test. Other components 0.6 0.55 -
Disconnectors and earthing switches are normally motor or
Note 1 : Operation lockout at 0.5 MPa (at 20 ℃ ) is upon request.
The make-proof earthing switch is provided with a motor-charged PS
spring operation mechanism.

Fig.5 Current transformer Fig.6 Pressure-temperature characteristic curve of SF6 gas

Current Transformer
Terminal box Primary [MPa]
The current transformer is of foil-insulated type with ring core conductor
0.8 PS
mounted in the CB enclosure. SF6 gas provides the high-voltage Condensation curve
insulation. A separate compartment is available upon request.

Voltage Transformer 0.5

The voltage transformer is of induction type. SF6 provides the PS PS
high-voltage insulation. 0.3 : Gas-tight disconnector
Rated pressure(0.6MPa at 20℃)
: Stopping valve(N.O.)
0.2 Alarm pressure(0.55MPa at 20℃)
: Stopping valve(N.C.)
Surge Arrester 0.1
Lockout pressure(0.5MPa at 20℃)
: Gas pressure gauge

The surge arrester consists of zinc oxide (ZnO) element with PS : Gas pressure switch
Secondary 0
−40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 : Gas port
excellent low residual voltage characteristics and long service life. Core Terminal box winding
Temperature [℃]

5 6
Typical Arrangement
[Unit : mm]
Fig.8 Cable feeder unit with double busber (Tr.bay)


Three-phase Encapsulated Type
SF6 Gas Insulated Switchgear

Type SDH714 for 72.5 to 145 kV



Fig.9 Bus coupler unit






Fig.10 Cable feeder unit with double busbar






Gate City Ohsaki, East Tower, 11-2, Osaki 1-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0032, Japan
Phone : (03)5435-7111

Internet address : http://www.fujielectric.co.jp

Information in this catalog is subject to change without notice. 2016-4(D2016/D2016)OD1FOLS Printed in Japan 06B1-E-0020

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