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Internship Report

132 KV Substation Shaheenabad,


Submitted By:

Ehtisham Saif (2018-EE-537)

B.Se Electrical Engineering
RACHNA a Constitute College of
UET Lahore

Training Duration: Eight Weeks ( 9 Aug 2021 to

24 Sep 2021 )

Gujranwala Electric Power Company Limited

Sl. Topic Page
No. No.
1. 132 KV Substation Shaheenabad ,GEPCO 3

2. Substation 5
3. Conductors Used In Substation Design 6
4. Substation Characteristics 6

5. Transformer 7
6. Circuit Breakers 9
7. Isolators 11
8. Bus Bars 12
9. Insulators 12
10. Relays 14
11. Protection of Substation 16
12. Three Phase Transformer Connections 19

13. Capacitor Bank 22

14. DC Supply 22

15. Conclusion 23

1. 132 KV SubStation Shaheenabad ,GEP

The 132 KV substation Shaheenabad
abad was commissioned in the year 1977.
Single Line Diagram of Shaheenabad Substation is:

There are two main 132 KV buses and one 66KV bus incoming for the substation. These
buses are:-
1. Ghakhar Line:
The two source of supply T/line 132kv
132kvand 600A each coming from 220kv Ghakhar
Grid Station show in Figure (1)
(1).. The distance cover by Transmission Line from Ghakhar
to Shaheenabadbad Grid Station is 7Km

Figure (1) : Source Supply Coming From Ghakhar GS


2. College Road Line:

The two source of supply T/line 132
132KV and 600A each coming from 220KV College
Road grid station show in Figure (2).

Figure (2) : Source

ource Supply Coming
C From College Road GS

3. Nandi-Pur
Pur Gujranwala Power P Plant:
The T/Line 66kv is coming from nandipur power plant as show in Figure (3). ( This
used as dual Function mean feed the Shaheen
bad grid station and also take
ta the
power when needed.
So; as mention earlier that this line is 66kv but Grid station is 132kv.
132kv. Then step up
the 66kv to 132kv and send to the Main bus bar.

66KV Lines

Figure(3): The 66kv T/Line Coming from Nandi Pur Power Plant

2. SUBSTATION (Grid Stations)

Substation is an intermediate switching, transforming or converting station between the
generating station and the low tension distribution network situated generally the
consumer’s load centre.

The sub-station receives power from the generating station by a single or more feeders at a
high voltage, transform the same to the different distribution voltages and sends to
different consumers through distribution network.

Substations are classified by two broad categories:-

1. According to the service requirement:

 Transformer substation
 Switch substation
 Power factor correction substation
 Frequency change substation
 Converting substation
 Industrial substation
 Collector Substation
 Convertor Substation
 Switching Substation

2. According to the constructional features:

 Indoor substation
 Outdoor substation
 Underground substation
 Pole mounted substation


An ideal conductor should fulfill the following requirements:
a) Should be capable of carrying the specified load currents and short time currents.
b) Should be able to withstand forces on it due to its situation. These forces comprise
self-weight, and weight of other conductors and equipment, short circuit forces and
atmospheric forces such as wind and ice loading.
c) Should be corona free at rated voltage.
d) Should have the minimum number of joints.
e) Should need the minimum number of supporting insulators.
f) Should be economical.

The most suitable material for the conductor system is copper or aluminums. Steel may be
used but has limitations of poor conductivity and high susceptibility to corrosion.
In an effort to make the conductor ideal, three different types have been utilized, and these
include: Flat surfaced Conductors, Stranded Conductors, and Tubular Conductors.


ACSR having 7-strands of steel of dia 3.00 mm and 30-Strands of Aluminum of dia 3.00 mm.

1. Each circuit is protected by its own circuit breaker and hence plant outage does not
necessarily result in loss of supply.
2. A fault on the feeder or transformer circuit breaker causes loss of the transformer
and feeder circuit, one of which may be restored after isolating the faulty circuit
3. A fault on the bus section circuit breaker causes complete shutdown of the
substation. All circuits may be restored after isolating the faulty circuit breaker.
4. Maintenance of a feeder or transformer circuit breaker involves loss of the circuit.

Transformer is a static machine, which transforms the potential of alternating current at
same frequency. It means the transformer transforms the low voltage into high voltage &
high voltage to low voltage at same frequency. It works on the principle of static induction

When the energy is transformed into a higher voltage, the transformer is called step up
transformer but in case of other is known as step down transformer.


1. Power Transformer
It is used for the transmission purpose at heavy load, high voltage greater than 33 KV &
100% efficiency. It also having a big in size as compare to distribution transformer, it used in
generating station and Transmission substation at high insulation level. They can be of two
types: Single Phase Transformers and Multi Phase Transformers.

2. Instrumental Transformers
These transformers are used for the measurement purposes at that points where standard
voltmeters and ammeters cannot be used. They are of two types:-


A current transformer (CT) is used for measurement of

alternating electric currents. When current in a circuit is
too high to apply directly to measuring instruments, a
current transformer produces a reduced current
accurately proportional to the current in the circuit,
which can be conveniently connected to measuring and
recording instruments. A current transformer isolates the
measuring instruments from what may be very high
voltage in the monitored circuit.


Voltage transformers (VT) (also called potential transformers

(PT)) are a parallel connected type of instrument
transformer, used for metering and protection in high-
voltage circuits or phasor phase shift isolation. They are
designed to present negligible load to the supply being
measured and to have an accurate voltage ratio to enable
accurate metering. A potential transformer may have several
secondary windings on the same core as a primary winding,
for use in different metering or protection circuits.

3. On the basis of working

On the above basis, transformers are of two types:
 Step up Transformer
 Step down Transformer

4. Auto Transformers
An autotransformer is an electrical transformer with only
one winding. The "auto" prefix refers to the single coil acting
on itselfand not to any kind of automatic mechanism. In an

autotransformer, portions of the same winding act as both the

primary and secondary sides of the transformer. The winding
has at least three taps where electrical connections are made.
Autotransformers have the advantages of often being smaller, lighter,and cheaper than
typical dual-winding transformers, but the disadvantage of not providing electrical isolation.

5. Distribution Transformers
A distribution transformer is a transformer that provides
the final voltage transmission in the electrical power
distribution system, stepping down voltage to the level
used by customers.

A circuit breaker is an automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect
an electrical circuit from damage caused by overload or short circuit. Its basic function is to
detect a fault condition and interrupt current flow. Unlike a fuse, which operates once and
then must be replaced, a circuit breaker can be reset (either manually or automatically) to
resume normal operation. Circuit breakers are made in varying sizes, from small devices that
protect an individual household appliance up to large switchgear designed to protect high
voltage circuits feeding an entire city. There are different types of circuit breakers which

1.Low-voltage circuit breakers

Low-voltage (less than 1,000 VAC) types are common in domestic,
commercial and industrial application, and include Miniature
Circuit Breaker (MCB) and Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB).

2. Magnetic circuit breakers

Magnetic circuit breakers use a solenoid (electromagnet)
whose pulling force increases with the current. Certain designs
utilize electromagnetic forces in addition to those of the

3.Thermal magnetic circuit breakers

Thermal magnetic circuit breakers, which are the type found in
most distribution boards, incorporate both techniques with
the electromagnet responding instantaneously to large surges
in current (short circuits) and the bimetallic strip responding to
less extreme but longer-term over-current conditions. The
thermal portion of the circuit breaker provides an "inverse
time" response feature, which trips the circuit breaker sooner
for larger over currents.

4.Common trip breakers

Three-pole common trip breaker for supplying a
three-phase device. This breaker has a 2A rating.
When supplying a branch circuit with more than one
live conductor, each live conductor must be
protected by a breaker pole. To ensure that all live
conductors are interrupted when any pole trips, a
"common trip" breaker must be used. These may
either contain two or three tripping mechanisms
within one case.

5. Sulfur hexafluoride (Sf6) high-voltage circuit breakers

A sulfur hexafluoride circuit breaker uses contacts
surrounded by sulfur hexafluoride gas to quench the
arc. They are most often used for transmission-level
voltages and may be incorporated into compact gas-
insulated switchgear.

6. Oil circuit breakers

A high-voltage circuit breaker in which the arc is drawn in
oil to dissipate the heat and extinguish the arc; the intense
heat of the arc decomposes the oil, generating a gas whose
high pressure produces a flow of fresh fluid through the
arc that furnishes the necessary insulation to prevent a
restrike of the arc.

The arc is then extinguished, both because of its elongation

upon parting of contacts and because of intensive cooling
by the gases and oil vapor. They are further of two types:
Bulk Oil Circuit Breaker (BOCB) and Minimum Oil Circuit
Breaker (MOCB).

7. Air circuit breakers

Rated current up to 6,300 A and higher for generator

circuit breakers. Trip characteristics are often fully
adjustable including configurable trip thresholds and
delays. Usually electronically controlled, though some
modelsare microprocessor controlled via an integral
electronic trip unit. Often used for main power
distribution in large industrial plant, where the
breakers are arranged in draw-out enclosures for ease
of maintenance.

Isolator can be rewritten as isolator is a manually
operated mechanical switch which separates a part of
the electrical power system normally at off load

When numbers of generators or feeders operating at the same voltage have to be directly
connected electrically, bus bar is used as the common electrical
electrical component. Bus bars are
made up of copper rods operate at constant voltage.
The following are the important bus bars arrangements used at substations:

 Single bus bar system

 Single bus bar system with section alisation.
 Duplicate bus bar system

An electrical insulator is a material whose internal electric charges do not flow freely,
and therefore make it very hard to conduct an electric current under the influence of
an electric field. The insulator serves two purposes. They support the cconductors
onductors (bus bar)
and confine the current to the conductors. The most common used material for the
manufacture of insulator is porcelain. There are several types of insulators

. Shackle insulator
In early days, the shackle insulators were used as sstrain insulators. But
now a day, they are frequently used for low voltage distribution lines.

Such insulators can be used either in a horizontal position or in a


. Pin type insulator

As the name suggests, the pin type insulator is mounted on a
pin on the cross-arm on the pole. There is a groove on the upper
end of the insulator. The conductor passes through this groove and
is tied to the insulator with annealed wire of the same material as
the conductor. Pin type insulators are used for transmission and
distribution of electric power at voltages up to 33 kV. Beyond
operating voltage of 33 kV, the pin type insulators become too
bulky and hence uneconomical.

 Suspension insulator
For voltages greater than 33 kV, it is a usual practice
to use suspension type insulators shown in Figure. Consist of
a number of porcelain discs connected in series by metal links
in the form of a string. The conductor is suspended at the
bottom end of this string while the other end of the string is
secured to the cross-arm of the tower. The number of disc
units used depends on the voltage.

. Strain insulator
A dead end or anchor pole or tower is used where a
straight section of line ends, or angles off in another
direction. These poles must withstand the lateral
(horizontal) tension of the long straight section of wire.
In order to support this lateral load, strain insulators are

For low voltage lines (less than 11 kV), shackle insulators are used as strain insulators.
However, for high voltage transmission lines, strings of cap-and-pin (disc) insulators are
used, attached to the crossarm in a horizontal direction. When the tension load in lines is
exceedingly high, such as at long river spans, two or more strings are used in parallel.
position. They can be directly fixed to the pole with a bolt or to
the cross arm.

In a power system it is inevitable that immediately or later some failure does occur
somewhere in the system. When a failure occurs on any part of the system, it must be
quickly detected and disconnected from the system. Rapid disconnection of faulted
apparatus limits the amount of damage to it and prevents the effects of fault from
spreading into the system. For high voltage circuits relays are employed to serve the desired
function of automatic protective gear. The relays detect the fault and supply the
information to the circuit breaker.

The electrical quantities which may change under fault condition are voltage, frequency,
current, phase angle. When a short circuit occurs at any point on the transmission line the
current flowing in the line increases to the enormous value. This result in a heavy current
flow through the relay coil, causing the relay to operate by closing its contacts. This in turn
closes the trip circuit of the breaker making the circuit breaker open and isolating the faulty
section from the rest of the system. In this way, the relay ensures the safety of the circuit
equipment from the damage and normal working of the healthy portion of the system.

Relay works on two main operating principles:-

 Electromagnetic Attraction
 Electromagnetic Induction


.Differential Relay
A differential relay is one that operates when vector difference of the
two or more electrical quantities exceeds a predetermined value. If
this differential quantity is equal or greater than the pickup value,
the relay will operate and open the circuit breaker to isolate the
faulty section.

. Over Current Relay

This type of relay works when current in the circuit exceeds the
predetermined value. The actuating source is the current in the
circuit supplied to the relay from a current transformer. These relay
are used on A.C. circuit only and can operate for fault flow in the
either direction. This relay operates when phase to phase fault

. Earth Fault Relay

This type of relay sense the fault between the lines and the
earth. It checks the vector sum of all the line currents. If it is
not equal to zero, it trips.

. Tripping Relay
This type of relay is in the conjunction with main relay.
When main relay sense any fault in the system, it
immediately operates the trip relay to disconnect the
faulty section from the section.

. Auxiliary Relay
An auxiliary relay is used to indicate the fault by glowing bulb
or showing various flags.


A lightning arrestor is a device used in power systems
and telecommunications systems to protect
the insulation and conductors of the system from the
damaging effects of lightning. The typical lightning
arrester has a high-voltage terminal and a ground
terminal. When a lightning surge (or switching surge,
which is very similar) travels along the power line to
the arrester, the current from the surge is diverted
through the arrestor, in most cases to earth.

Transformers are totally enclosed static devices and generally oil immersed. Therefore
chances of fault occurring on them are very easy rare, however the consequences of even a
rare fault may be very serious unless the transformer is quickly disconnected from the
system. This provides adequate automatic protection for transformers against possible
faults. Various protection methods used for transformers are:-
 Buchholz Relay
Buchholz relay is a safety device mounted on some oil-filled
powertransformers and reactors, equipped with an external overhead oil reservoir called
a conservator. The Buchholz Relay is used as a protective device sensitive to the effects
of dielectric failure inside the equipment.Depending on the model, the relay has multiple
methods to detect a failing transformer. On a slow accumulation of gas, due perhaps to
slight overload, gas produced by decomposition of insulating oil accumulates in the top of
the relay and forces the oil level down. A float switch in the relay is used to initiate an alarm
Depending on design, a second float may also serve to
detect slow oil leaks.If an arc forms, gas accumulation is
rapid, and oil flows rapidly into the conservator. This flow
of oil operates a switch attached to a vane located in the
path of the moving oil. This switch normally will operate
a circuit breaker to isolate the apparatus before the fault
causes additional damage.

 Conservator and Breather

When the oil expands or contacts by the change in the
temperature, the oil level goes either up or down in main tank. A
conservator is used to maintain the oil level up to
predetermined value in the transformer main tank by placing it
above the level of the top of the tank. Breather is connected to
conservator tank for the purpose of extracting moisture as it
spoils the insulating properties of the oil. During the contraction
and expansion of oil air is drawn in or out through breather silica
gel crystals impregnated with cobalt chloride. Silica gel is
checked regularly and dried and replaced when necessary.

 Marshalling box
It has two meter which indicate the temperature of the
oil and winding of main tank. If temperature of oil or
winding exceeds than specified value, relay operates to
sound an alarm. If there is further increase in
temperature then relay completes the trip circuit to open
the circuit breaker controlling the transformer.

 Transformer cooling
When the transformer is in operation heat is generated due to iron losses the removal of
heat is called cooling.
There are several types of cooling methods, they are as follows:

1. Air natural cooling

In a dry type of self-cooled transformers, the natural circulation of surrounding air is
used for its cooling. This type of cooling is satisfactory for low voltage small

2. Air blast cooling

It is similar to that of dry type self-cooled transformers with to addition that
continuous blast of filtered cool air is forced through the core and winding for
better cooling. A fan produces the blast.

3. Oil natural cooling

Medium and large rating transformers have their winding and core immersed in oil,
which act both as a cooling medium and an insulating medium. The heat produce in
the cores and winding is passed to the oil becomes lighter and rises to the top and
place is taken by cool oil from the bottom of the cooling tank.

4. Oil blast cooling

In this type of cooling, forced air is directed over cooling elements of transformers
immersed in oil.

5. Forced oil and forced air flow (OFB) cooling

Oil is circulated from the top of the transformers tank to a cooling tank to a cooling
plant. Oil is then returned to the bottom of the tank.

6. Forced oil and water (OWF) cooling

In this type of cooling oil flow with water cooling of the oil in external water heat
exchanger takes place. The water is circulated in cooling tubes in the heat

12. Three Phase Transformer Connections

Three phase transformer connections In three phase system, the three phases can be
connected in either star or delta configuration. In case you are not familiar with those
configurations, study the following image which explains star and delta configuration. In any
of these configurations, there will be a phase difference of 120° between any two phases.

Three Phase Transformer Connections

Windings of a three phase transformer can be connected in various configurations as (i)
star-star, (ii) delta-delta, (iii) star-delta, (iv) delta-star, (v) open delta and (vi) Scott
connection. These configurations are explained below.
Open Delta (V-V) Connection
Two transformers are used and primary and secondary
connections are made as shown in the figure below. Open delta
connection can be used when one of the transformers in Δ-Δ
bank is disabled and the service is to be continued until the
faulty transformer is repaired or replaced. It can also be used
for small three phase loads where installation of full three
transformer bank is un-necessary. The total load carrying
capacity of open delta connection is 57.7% than that would be
for delta-delta connection.

Star-Star (Y-Y)
 Star-star connection is generally used for small, high-voltage transformers. Because of
star connection, number of required turns/phase is reduced (as phase voltage in star
connection is 1/√3 times of line voltage only). Thus, the amount of insulation required
is also reduced.

 The ratio of line voltages on the primary side and the secondary side is equal to
the transformation ratio of the transformers.
 Line voltages on both sides are in phase with each other.
 This connection can be used only if the connected load is balanced.

Delta-Delta (Δ-Δ)
 This connection is generally used for large, low-voltage transformers. Number of
required phase/turns is relatively greater than that for star-star connection.
 The ratio of line voltages on the primary and the secondary side is equal to the
transformation ratio of the transformers.
 This connection can be used even for unbalanced loading.
 Another advantage of this type of connection is that even if one transformer is
disabled, system can continue to operate in open delta connection but with reduced
available capacity.

Star-Delta OR Wye-Delta (Y-Δ)

 The primary winding is star star (Y) connected with grounded neutral and the
secondary winding is delta connected.
 This connection is mainly used in step down transformer at the substation end of the
transmission line.
 The ratio of secondary to primary line voltage is 1/√3 times the transformation ratio.
 There is 30° shift between the primary and secondary line voltages.

Delta-Star OR Delta-Wye (Δ-Y)

 The primary winding is connected in delta and the secondary winding is connected in
star with neutral grounded. Thus it can be used to provide 3-phase 4-wire service.
 This type of connection is mainly used in step-up transformer at the beginning of
transmission line.
 The ratio of secodary to primary line voltage is √3 times the transformation ratio.
 There is 30° shift between the primary and secondary line voltages.
Above transformer connection configurations are shown in the following figure.


The load on the power system is varying being high during morning and evening which
increases the magnetization current. This result in the decreased power factor. The low
power factor is mainly due to the fact most of the power loads are inductive and therefore
take lagging currents. The low power factor is highly undesirable as it causes increases in
current, resulting in additional losses. So in order to ensure most favorable conditions for a
supply system from engineering and economic stand point it is important to have power
factor as close to unity as possible. In order to improve the power factor come device taking
leading power should be connected in parallel with the load. One of such device can be
capacitor bank. The capacitors draw a leading current and partly or completely neutralize
the lagging reactive component of load current. In Shaheenabad Substation, there are 36
capacitor cells connected in parallel.

Main functions of Capacitor Bank are:-

 Supply Reactive Power
 Improve Terminal Voltage
 Improve Power Factor

A power substation can have one or several DC systems. Factors affecting the
number of systems are the need for more than one voltage level and the
need for duplicating systems. Today, normal DC auxiliary supply systems in
power substations are operating either on the 110 V or 220 V level, though
lower levels exist.

Since the DC system supplying specially relay protection, control, and

interlocking circuits is of paramount importance to the substation’s reliable
and safe operation, the energy supply has to be always available. The need
for this reliable supply becomes even more important during disturbances
and faults in the high- or medium-voltage primary circuits.

As a result of these faults, AC auxiliary voltage may not be available,

because the incoming feeders may have tripped. After such a situation, the
re-energizing of the substation is solely depending upon the DC auxiliary
power available.

The importance of this reliable DC-auxiliary power is crucial for the substation
as such. The higher (more important) role the substation plays from the
complete distribution or transmission network point of view, the higher are
the demands for the substation’s DC auxiliary power systems.

Now from this report one can conclude that electricity plays an important role in our life.
That’s why various protective measures are taken to protect the substations from various
faults and its smooth functioning. At the end of the training, I came to know about the
various parts of substations and how they are operated.

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