Revocation of Special Power of Attorney
Revocation of Special Power of Attorney
Revocation of Special Power of Attorney
WHEREAS, under the date of December 13, 2017, I, PAUL D. VICTORIANO, JR., have
executed a Special Power of Attorney naming and appointing SHARINA I. EBUS as my true and
lawful attorney-in-fact for the purpose/s and with the power set forth in the instrument which was
ratified before Atty. WILMER Q. DONASCO, Notary Public in and for Davao City, as per Doc. No.
261, Page No. 54, Book No. III, Series of 2017 of his Notarial Register.
WHEREAS, the said Special Power of Attorney was for the purpose of processing as well
as claiming the just compensation for my property situated in Barangay Catalunan Grande, Davao
City covered by TCT No. T-170162 which was expropriated by the government through the
Department of Public Works and Highways of Davao City, Region XI.
WHEREAS, I now desire to revoke and terminate the said Special Power of Attorney and
render it without further force and effect.
NOW THEREFORE, I have revoked, countermanded, annulled and made void, and by
these presents do revoke, countermand, annul and make void the said Special Power of Attorney
and all powers and authorities therein granted and conferred upon said attorney-in-fact
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand at Davao City, on this 29th day of
January 2019.
Witnessed by:
_____________________________________ ________________________________
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for Davao City, this 29th day of January 2019, personally
appeared PAUL D. VICTORIANO, JR exhibiting his Professional Driver’s License bearing license
no. L02-86-031461. Same person is known to me to be the same person who executed the
foregoing instrument and she acknowledge to me that the same is her free and voluntary act and
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL in the place and on the date first above written.
Series of 2019