Bacterial Structures

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Bacterial Structures 3.

Cytoplasmic membrane
I. Size of Bacteria a. Transport of nutrients
b. Energy generation
1. High surface to volume c. ATP production
1. Aids in nutrient and waste exchange d. Special Functions
with the environment
2. The small size of prokaryotic cells affects
their physiology, growth rate, and ecology

II. Three Anatomical Regions of Bacterium

A. Appendages
a. Flagellum, Pilus
B. Cell Envelope
a. Capsule
b. Cell Wall
c. Cytoplasmic Membrane
C. Cytoplasm
a. Chromosome
b. Plasmid IV. Capsule/Glycocalyx
c. Ribosome
d. Inclusions 1. Made of polypeptides
e. Enzymes 2. Prevents dessication
f. Metabolic Intermediates 3. Biofilms for protection and metabolic
communication among microbes
Importance of Bacterial Surface
Types of Capsules
Properties are determined by the exact molecular
composition of its membrane and cell wall, including TRUE
LPS (outer membrane), various unique and shared cell
wall proteins, and the other surface structures such as Discrete layers enclosing a cell wall or a group of cells
flagella, fimbriae and capsules that can be readily visualized by microscopy

Possible natural functions of bacterial surface Micro

Web of carbohydrate molecules that envelopes the
1. Permeability barrier cell. Detected by chemical means and electron
2. Adhesins microscope
3. Protective structures against phagocytic Biofilm
engulfment or killing
4. Sensing proteins Diffuse matrix of polysaccharide which embeds one or
more types of bacteria
In medical situations as determinants of virulence
V. Cell Wall
1. Colonize tissues
2. Resist phagocytosis, antibiotics and host Eubacterial cell wall is primary made up of
immune responses peptidoglycan/murein linked via Beta 1,4 glycosidic
3. Induce inflammation, complement activation linkage
and immune responses in animals by means
of various structural components Peptidoglycan made up of n two sugar components

III. Bacterial Cell Envelope 1. N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE (GlcNac)

Composed of
Unique substances found in eubacterial cells
1. Capsules
a. For adherence 1. Muramic acid
b. Resistance to engulfment 2. Right handed amino acids
c. Storage 3. L-diaminopimelic acid (DAP)
2. Cell wall
a. Protection against lysis
Function of the Cell Wall: Genetic Material

1. Protection from hypotonic solution, prevention of Organized into supercoiled circular DNA associated
lysis with non-histone proteins forming chromosomes. Most
bacteria would have one chromosome, hence haploid.
2. Provide shape to bacterial cells
Pleiomorphic – bacteria without shape e.g.
Mycoplasma and Thermoplasma Extra chromosomal DNA that confer additional
characteristics to bacterial cells such as antibiotic
3. Basis for Gram reaction resistance

Based on thickness of peptidoglycan 1. Genomic size is smaller than DNA

2. Replication of plasmid is independent of
4. Essential for cell division chromosomal replication, a cell may have
more than one copy of a plasmid
Damaged cell wall prevents bacterial
3. May be lost by curing
proliferation. Antibiotics disrupt bacterial cell
4. May be transferred to another bacterium via
division by affecting cell wall synthesis
Arachaebacterial cell wall
Ribosome: structure of protein synthesis
Composed of pseudomurein and S- layer
Made up of RNA and proteins
VI. Cell Membrane
70S ribosome
Eubacterial cell membrane
Large subunit: 50s; comprise of 23s, 5s; 34 sub unipt
Fluid mosaic model – describes the cell membrane as proteins
lipid bilayer with proteins randomly embedded in the
Small subnit: 30s; comprise of 16s; 21 subunit
Sterols help stabilize membrane structure
VI. Cytoplasm
Function of cell membrane
Cytoplasmic inclusion bodies:
1. Selectively permeable membrane
1) Polyphosphate granules
1. Used in nucleic acid synthesis and
2. Invaginations increase surface area of
phosphate synthesis
the cell
2. Metachromatic ganules in
3. Function in cellular respiration
Corynebacterium diptherae
Mechanisms for Transport: 2) Poly B hydroxyalkanote PHA
1. Energy storage polymer
A. Along the concentration gradient 3) Sulfur granules
a. Passive Transport: No energy expenditure 1. Chemolithotrophs
a. Simple Diffusion (Osmosis) i. Sulfur or H2S as energy
b. Facilitated Diffusion source
B. Against the concentration gradient: requires 4) Magnetosomes
energy 1. Orient cells to magnetic field
a. Group Translocation 5) Poly B hydroxybutyrate
i. Molecule is chemically altered 1. Raw material for biodegrable plastic
b. Active Transport 2. Ester linkages
i. Proton gradient as source of 6) Glycogen granules
energy 1. Carbon source
ii. May involve co-transport
mechanism (symport, antiport) Gas vesicles
c. ABC Transport System
Confer buoyancy to cells such as cyanobacteria
i. ATP hydrolysis as source of
energy Mebrane enclosing vesicle are made up of proteins
GvA and GvC which is impermeable to water
Bacterial Surface Appendages Detecting Motility in Bacteria

Flagella – organelles for swimming motility 1. by direct microscopic observation

a. Made up of flagellin proteins 2. By using flagellar stains to detect the presence and
b. Proton gradient as source of energy distribution of flagella
c. Movement is effected by rotary fashion
3. by inoculation of the bacteria into motility test
How flagella work: medium

1. Filament is rotated by a protein motor in the

cell membrane Ecological Advantages to Swimming/Importance
2. Motor is powered by proton motive force of Flagella/Virulence Factor
(pmf) on the outside of the membrane
1) Survival
Structure of Flagella a) Escape predatory protozoa and phagocytes
2) Chemotaxis
1. Basal Body composed of Rod, Inner 3) Aerotaxis
Ring and Outer Ring 4) Phototaxis
2. Hook 5) Magnetotaxis
3. Filament

The Structure of the Bacterial Surface: Flagella


Flagella filamentous protein structure attached to the

cell surface that provide swimming movement for most
motile bacterial cells

The flagellar filament is rotated by a motor apparatus

in the plasma membrane allowing the cell to swim in
fluid environments

Tatic behavior or motility is the ability to move in

response to environmental stimuli


Plili are short hair-like structures composed of protein

Figure 1.2 Structure of Flagella on the cell surface

Pili – for attachment or adherence to surfaces For adherence to surface

Sex pilus used for genetic exchange Virulence factor – Resistance to phagocytic engulfment
Sex pili – used for conjugation
NOTE: Not all motile bacteria possess external
flagella, some may have internal flagella, and some The Structure of the Bacterial Surface: Pili and
would undergo gliding locomotion Fimbriae Summary

Arrangement of Flagella Interchangeable terms used to designate short, hair-

like structures on the surfaces of bacterial cells
1. Polar flagella – lophotrichous, amphitrichous
2. Lateral flagella – peritrichous F or sex pilus used to transfer of DNA between
3. Single flagellum – monotrichous mating bacteria (genetic material – plasmid)

Arrangement of flagella may be useful for bacterial Fimbriae involved in the attachment of bacterial cells
identification to surfaces in nature

In medical situations they are major determinants of

virulence shigella dysenteriae – diarrhea Neisseria
gonorrhoeae – gonorrhea

Highly resistant to dessication, radiation and harsh


Not a means of reproduction – survival mechanism

Reasons for such resistance:

a) Thick layer of spore coat

b) Cryptobiotic
c) Devoid of much water, unstable radicals may be
hard to form
d) Presence of dipicolinic acid
e) Small acid stable proteins (SASPs)
a) Binds to DNA, energy source for germination

Endospore Layers;

a) Exosporium
b) Spore coat
c) Coretex
d) Corewall
e) DNA


Specialized cells found in nitrogen fixing


Keeps the nitrogenase enzyme from oxygen

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