Bacterial Structures
Bacterial Structures
Bacterial Structures
Cytoplasmic membrane
I. Size of Bacteria a. Transport of nutrients
b. Energy generation
1. High surface to volume c. ATP production
1. Aids in nutrient and waste exchange d. Special Functions
with the environment
2. The small size of prokaryotic cells affects
their physiology, growth rate, and ecology
A. Appendages
a. Flagellum, Pilus
B. Cell Envelope
a. Capsule
b. Cell Wall
c. Cytoplasmic Membrane
C. Cytoplasm
a. Chromosome
b. Plasmid IV. Capsule/Glycocalyx
c. Ribosome
d. Inclusions 1. Made of polypeptides
e. Enzymes 2. Prevents dessication
f. Metabolic Intermediates 3. Biofilms for protection and metabolic
communication among microbes
Importance of Bacterial Surface
Types of Capsules
Properties are determined by the exact molecular
composition of its membrane and cell wall, including TRUE
LPS (outer membrane), various unique and shared cell
wall proteins, and the other surface structures such as Discrete layers enclosing a cell wall or a group of cells
flagella, fimbriae and capsules that can be readily visualized by microscopy
1. Protection from hypotonic solution, prevention of Organized into supercoiled circular DNA associated
lysis with non-histone proteins forming chromosomes. Most
bacteria would have one chromosome, hence haploid.
2. Provide shape to bacterial cells
Pleiomorphic – bacteria without shape e.g.
Mycoplasma and Thermoplasma Extra chromosomal DNA that confer additional
characteristics to bacterial cells such as antibiotic
3. Basis for Gram reaction resistance
a. Made up of flagellin proteins 2. By using flagellar stains to detect the presence and
b. Proton gradient as source of energy distribution of flagella
c. Movement is effected by rotary fashion
3. by inoculation of the bacteria into motility test
How flagella work: medium
Sex pilus used for genetic exchange Virulence factor – Resistance to phagocytic engulfment
Sex pili – used for conjugation
NOTE: Not all motile bacteria possess external
flagella, some may have internal flagella, and some The Structure of the Bacterial Surface: Pili and
would undergo gliding locomotion Fimbriae Summary
Arrangement of flagella may be useful for bacterial Fimbriae involved in the attachment of bacterial cells
identification to surfaces in nature
Endospore Layers;
a) Exosporium
b) Spore coat
c) Coretex
d) Corewall
e) DNA