Technical Manual

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1.1 Models, dimensions, weights, water contents page 4
1.2 Construction page 6
1.3 Production, modularity page 6
1.4 Suspension brackets page 6
1.5 Headers page 6
1.6 Painting page 6
1.7 Insulation page 6
1.8 Operating temperature page 6
1.9 Operating pressure page 6
1.10 Special versions, accessories page 6
1.11 Components of the ECOPAN radiant panel page 8

2.1 Guidelines for a correct choice page 9
2.2 Active length page 9
2.3 Thermal emission page 9
2.4 Corrective coefficients for high installation heights page 14
2.5 Corrective coefficient for inclined panels page 14
2.6 Distance between radiant panels page 14
2.7 Minimum height of installation page 14
2.8 Arrangement of ceiling mounted panels page 15
2.9 Examples of calculation of radiant panels page 16
2.10 Effects on luminosity originating from the covering page 17
2.11 Use in cooling systems page 17
2.12 Diagrams of system balancing and power supply page 18
2.13 Flow rate and speed of water in the panels page 19
2.14 Pressure drops of panel pipes page 19
2.15 Pressure drops of headers page 20
2.16 Calculation of pressure drop of a panel page 21
2.17 Static pressure and flow rate of the electric pump page 22
2.18 Adjustment page 23
2.19 Methods of installation and dilation page 24
2.20 Examples of systems of fastening to roof page 25
2.21 Packaging page 26
2.22 Assembly page 26
2.23 Conclusions page 27


4.1 ECOPAN radiant panel page 30
4.2 Insulating panel page 30


ECOPAN is a registered trademark.
ECOPAN modular radiant panels are patented.

The technical, constructional and dimensional data are not binding and may be modified with no advance notice.

This manual may not be reproduced, wholly or in part, without written authorization in advance from Ecopan srl.

© Ecopan srl 2004

The new European standard EN 14037
defines how to obtain emissions which
can be used to compare the various
ceiling mounted radiant panels
available on the market.

To make it easier to use this product,

we feel it is helpful to provide a manual
that contains all necessary technical


1.1 Models, dimensions, weights, water contents - Tab.1
Nominal thermal
External emission Total Distance of
Interval pipe Cross section (*) width suspensions
of pipe diameter DT = 55 K L D
mm mm W/m mm mm

150 21,3 2/150 ½² 180 300 270

150 21,3 4/150 ½² 309 600 570

150 21,3 6/150 ½² 431 900 870

150 21,3 8/150 ½² 554 1200 1170

150 26,9 2/150 ¾² 190 300 270

150 26,9 4/150 ¾² 318 600 570

150 26,9 6/150 ¾² 449 900 870

150 26,9 8/150 ¾² 581 1200 1170

111 21,3 4/100 ½² 278 450 420

111 21,3 6/100 ½² 413 675 650

111 21,3 8/100 ½² 516 900 870

111 21,3 10/100 ½² 616 1120 1090

111 26,9 4/100 ¾² 279 450 420

111 26,9 6/100 ¾² 415 675 650

111 26,9 8/100 ¾² 534 900 870

111 26,9 10/100 ¾² 650 1120 1090

150 21,3 3/150 ½² 244 450 420


150 21,3 5/150 ½² 370 750 720

150 21,3 7/150 ½² 492 1050 1020

111 21,3 5/100 ½² 347 565 535

111 21,3 7/100 ½² 466 790 760

111 21,3 9/100 ½² 566 1010 980

Empty weight Weight with water
Panel Header Pannel Header contents
(**) (**) (**)
kg/m kg kg/m kg dm3/m
(*) Nominal thermal emission as per EN 14037,
4,7 1,1 5,23 1,8 0,53 based on tests carried out at the HLK laboratory
5,4 5,84 0,44 at the University of Stuttgart.
This emission is relative to DT = 55 K, where DT
8,7 2,0 9,75 3,3 1,05
is the difference between the average
10,1 10,98 0,88 temperature of the fluid and the ambient
12,7 2,9 14,28 4,8 1,58 temperature
14,9 16,21 1,31
(**) Top line: with electro-welded pipe
16,8 3,8 18,90 6,3 2,10 Lower line: pipe with no welding
19,7 21,45 1,75
Maximum operating pressure: 6 bar.
5,1 1,1 6,00 1,8 0,90
6,1 6,88 0,78 The suspension brackets for the radiant panel are
designed to support a weight without breaking that is
9,7 2,0 11,50 3,3 1,80 five times greater than the weight of the panel including
11,6 13,16 1,56 water.
The panel is able to support a load which is three times
14,3 2,9 16,99 4,8 2,69
its own weight, including water, with no permanent
17,1 19,45 2,35 deformation.
18,9 3,8 22,49 6,3 3,59
22,6 25,73 3,13

7,6 1,5 8,65 2,5 1,05

9,1 9,98 0,88

11,0 2,1 12,58 3,6 1,58

13,1 14,41 1,31
14,5 2,8 16,60 4,7 2,10
17,4 19,15 1,75
18,0 3,5 20,63 5,8 2,63
21,8 23,99 2,19
8,7 1,5 10,50 2,5 1,80
10,5 12,06 1,56
12,6 2,1 15,29 3,6 2,69
15,3 17,65 2,35
16,7 2,8 20,29 4,7 3,59
20,4 23,53 3,13
20,9 3,5 25,39 5,8 4,49
25,5 29,41 3,91

6,7 1,5 7,49 2,5 0,79

7,8 8,46 0,66
10,8 2,4 12,11 4,1 1,31
12,6 13,69 1,09
14,9 3,4 16,74 5,7 1,84
17,4 18,93 1,53

9,3 1,8 10,61 3,1 1,31

11,1 12,19 1,09
12,8 2,5 14,64 4,2 1,84
15,3 16,83 1,53
16,3 3,2 18,67 5,3 2,37 EN 14037-1 Ceiling mounted radiant panels
19,6 21,57 1,97 Maximum operating pressure: 6 bar

1.2 Construction 1.6 Painting
ECOPAN radiant panels are made by permanently After undergoing a phosphating treatment, the panels are
inserting pipes in a suitably shaped plate of steel sheet painted by immersion using water-soluble paints with
metal, including the side edges. non-toxic epoxy resin base. They are then sent to a kiln.
The latest technologies are used to make circular The standard colour is RAL 7032 silicon grey.
grooves in the plate at regular distances. This painting is resistant up to 170°C with water systems
The pipes are inserted into these housings. The profile of and up to 140°C for steam systems.
the plate wraps around two thirds of the circumference of On request, and for higher temperatures, the panels can
each single pipe to hold it in place. be treated with special paints.
At the top, at intervals of about one metre, transversal For colours other than the standard colour, after washing,
brackets are placed. They make the entire system rigid de-greasing and phosphating, the panels are painted
and allow the support ties to be attached. At the worksite, with powder treatment that is free of harmful substances.
the insulating mat provided is inserted between the side
edges. 1.7 Insulation
ECOPAN panels have tested electro-welded steel pipes
(measuring either ½² or ¾²). They are used in systems Standard EN 14037 requires the laboratory that tests the
supplied with water at up to 120 °C. emission of the panels to provide them with a layer of rock
For superheated water, steam, heat-transmitting oil, etc., wool with a thickness of 40 mm, minimum density 25 kg/m3,
steel pipes are used that are not welded, made of steel, hermal conductivity 0.04 W/mK at 40 °C, covered on the
and measure ½² or ¾² or that have similar upper side by aluminium foil.
characteristics. The insulating material provided by ECOPAN with the
panels is non-carcinogenic fibreglass wool, compliant
1.3 Production, modularity with directive 97/69/EC, implemented in Italy by means of
the decree of the Ministry of Health dated 1 September
ECOPAN radiant panels are produced in a variety of 1998, with a thickness of 40 mm and covered on the
models: upper side with aluminium foil.
- with pipes spaced at 150 mm, there are seven models For technical data of the insulation, see paragraph 4.2.
with pipes of ½² and four with pipes of ¾² The insulating mat is delivered in rolls. It is to be inserted
- with pipes spaced at 111 mm, there are seven models between the edges of the upper side of the panel. It is
with pipes of ½² and four with pipes of ¾². easy to lay because there are no obstacles to obstruct
Table 1 provides a summary of the range of products. this. This ensures perfect adherence to the radiant panel.
The sheet metal used to make plates is 0.6 mm thick and The mat is fixed using plugs that are placed in holes in the
about 2 metres long. They are assembled to provide suspension bracket.
modules with lengths of either 4 or 6 metres.
Fig. 1 shows the dimensions of the modules of 4 or 6 1.8 Operating temperature
metres that make up the radiant panels.
By combining these modules, it is possible to obtain ECOPAN radiant panels with electro-welded pipes are
radiant panels of any length in multiples of two, starting suitable for carrying fluids at temperatures of up to 120 °C.
from a minimum length of 4 metres. The version with pipes without welding can be used for
To ensure continuity of the panels at the points of welding fluids up to 180 °C.
of the various modules, joint covers are provided that
have the same cross section as the panel. They are 1.9 Operating pressure
installed using steel clips. For panels that operate with hot water up to 120°C, the
maximum pressure is 6 bar. The test pressure at the plant
1.4 Suspension brackets for each weld is bar, and the initial test pressure of each
Suspension brackets are to be placed on the panels model is 10.2 bar.
about one every metre. For panels with pipes without welding, the maximum
Fig. 2 shows the exact distance between the brackets. operating pressure is 16 bar.
When putting the panels in service, there should normally
be one suspension every two metres. 1.10 Special versions, accessories
The panels with pipes of ¾² may have spacing increased - Panels with pipes of 1” without welding
by up to 30%. - panels with pipes at intervals of 111 mm measuring ½²
Panels with a width of 60 cm or less may have suspension with 4 pipes - 6 pipes - 8 pipes with spaces for lamps
points with a distance of over 3 metres between them.
- anti-convection lateral skirts
Distances between suspensions which are greater than
- concealed side profiles for suspensions at variable
those indicated above may lead to permanent
- joint covers for pipe joints with sleeves for press fitting
1.5 Headers - headers for assembly with press fitting
- insulation covers for heads of panels
The headers have a square cross section (50x50 mm) for
- upper sheet metal protections for gymnasiums.
panels with electro-welded pipes and a round cross-
section (Æ 60 mm) for panels with pipes without welding. For a more detailed description, see chapter 3 on
Different types of work are provided (fig. 3) depending on accessories.
the fluid used and the type of supply.
They are normally provided welded to the panels.

Fig.1 Longitudinal dimensions of the modules that make up the panels (mm)

75 1950 1950 1950 75


75 1950 1950 75


Fig.2 Suspension brackets (mm)

100 950 950 50 950 950 50 950 950 100

100 950 950 50 950 950 100

Fig.3 Headers - Execution AA, B, A, C, D ( mm)

Connection Connection Connection Connection Connection Connection

1² or 1²¼ 1² o 1²¼ 1² o 1²¼ 1²½ 1²½ 1²½
Æ 2²
Insert 3/8² Insert 3/8² Sleeve 3/8²




Insert 3/8² Insert 3/8² Sleeve 3/8²

Æ 2²
50 50 50 50 Connection Æ 2² Æ 2²

connections same side connections opposite
Superheated water or
Hot water Steam heat-transmitting oil

1.11 Components of the ECOPAN radiant panel

Steel pipe, ½² or ¾²

Steel plates in single piece, including

side edges

Reinforcing and suspension bracket

Insulating mat

Plug for fastening insulating mat


Female threaded connection, 1²¼ or 1²

Insert of 3¤8² for vent or discharge

Suspension ties (chain, steel cables, etc.) not

included in supply

Joint covers with fastening clips

Anti-convective side skirts (on request)

Fig. 4

2.1 Guidelines for a correct choice An ECOPAN panel of 12 metres, formed of two modules
The ECOPAN range of radiant panels includes 22 of 6 metres, has an active length (Lact) of 11.70 metres.
different models: An ECOPAN panel of 14 metres, formed of two modules
- with interval of 111 mm, of 4.05 metres and one module of 6 metres, has an active
seven with pipe of ½² and four with pipe of ¾² length (Lact) of 13.65 metres.
- with interval of 150 mm,
seven with pipe of ½² and four with pipe of ¾². The examples above show that between the total length
Each model can be provided with electro-welded pipes or of the panels and their active length, there is a difference
pipes with no welding. of about 3%. This is as opposed to an average difference
of 5% in other panels available on the market.
All of these models provide the designer with a wide In designing ECOPAN panels, an attempt has been made
choice. to reduce this difference to a minimum.
Tab. 2 shows the guidelines for choosing the type, For this reason, a joint cover of 15 cm that is inserted to
diameter and interval of the pipes of the panels. cover the joint between two modules has the same profile
as the main sheet metal. Therefore it is also radiant.
Laboratory tests show that it performs exacly like the
Tab.2 Selection criteria active part of the panel.

pipes ½² pipes ¾²
SELECTION CRITERIA interval: interval:
111 150 111 150
mm mm mm mm
Short radiant panels:
up to 40 m with same-side connections, ! !
80 m with opposite connections

Long radiant panels: ! !

over 40 m with same side connections
or 80 m with opposite connections
High-ceiling rooms ! !
Low-ceiling rooms (h £ 3.5 meters) ! !

Water flow rate per pipe from 250 to 500 l/h ! !

Water flow rate per pipe from 500 to 1000 l/h ! !

Water heating fluid up to 120 °C Electro-welded pipes 2.3 Thermal emission

Tests based on European standard EN 14037 were
Pipes with no
carried out and certified by the HLK laboratory of the
Superheated water welding or equivalent University of Stuttgart.
characteristics The thermal emissions of the ECOPAN radiant panels are
Heat-transmitting oil
shown in Tables 3 and 4.
Tables 5 and 6 provide the emissions of a pair of headers
for the various models of panels.
2.2 Active length
The tables show the values of thermal power based on
Standard EN 14037 defines active length as the part of
the difference (DT) between the average temperature of
the panel with the same transversal cross-section,
the fluid (tm) and the ambient temperature (t a ).
excluding headers and joint covers.
The certified emission is for the active length of a radiant
An ECOPAN panel of 6 metres has an active length (Lact) panel.
of 5.85 metres.

75 Lact 5850 mm 75
height of modules:
71 mm with pipe of ½²
77 mm with pipe of ¾²
Ltot 6000 mm
Fig. 5

An ECOPAN panel of 8 metres, formed of two modules

each with a length of 4.05 metres, has an active length
(Lact) of 7.8 metres.
75 Lact 3900 mm 150 Lact 3900 mm 75

4050 mm 4050 mm
Ltot 8100 mm
Fig. 6
Tab.3 Table of thermal emissions per linear metre as per standard EN 14037
ECOPAN radiant panels - pipes of ½²
MODEL 4/100 5/100 6/100 7/100 8/100 9/100 10/100 2/150 3/150 4/150 5/150 6/150 7/150 8/150
(**) (**) (**) (**) (**) (**)
Interval of pipes mm 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Width mm 450 565 675 790 900 1010 1120 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200
No. of pipes - Æ 4 - ½² 5 - ½² 6 - ½² 7 - ½² 8 -½² 9 - ½² 10 - ½² 2 - ½² 3 - ½² 4 - ½² 5 - ½² 6 - ½² 7 - ½² 8 - ½²
DT=t m-t a (*) K W/m W/m W/m W/m W/m W/m W/m W/m W/m W/m W/m W/m W/m W/m
20 84 105 125 141 156 171 186 55 75 95 114 132 151 170
22 94 118 140 158 175 191 208 61 84 106 127 148 169 190
24 104 130 156 175 194 212 231 68 93 117 141 164 187 210
26 115 143 171 192 213 233 254 75 102 129 154 180 205 231
28 125 156 186 210 232 255 277 81 111 140 168 196 224 251
30 136 170 202 228 252 276 300 88 120 152 182 212 243 273
32 146 183 218 246 272 298 324 95 130 164 197 229 262 294
34 157 197 234 264 292 320 348 102 139 176 211 246 281 316
36 168 210 251 282 313 343 373 109 149 188 226 263 300 337
38 179 224 267 301 333 365 398 117 159 201 240 280 320 359
40 191 238 284 320 354 388 423 124 168 213 255 297 339 382
42 202 252 301 339 375 411 448 131 178 225 270 315 359 404
44 213 267 318 358 396 435 473 138 188 238 285 332 379 427
46 225 281 335 377 418 458 499 146 198 251 300 350 400 449
48 236 295 352 397 439 482 524 153 208 263 316 368 420 472
50 248 310 369 416 461 506 551 161 219 276 331 386 441 495
52 260 325 387 436 483 530 577 169 229 289 347 404 461 519
54 272 340 404 456 505 554 603 176 239 302 362 422 482 542
DTs standard
temperature difference
55 278 347 413 466 516 566 616 180 244 309 370 431 492 554
56 284 354 422 476 527 578 630 184 250 315 378 440 503 566
58 296 369 440 496 549 603 656 192 260 328 394 459 524 589
60 308 385 458 516 572 628 683 199 271 342 410 477 545 613
62 320 400 476 536 594 652 710 207 281 355 426 496 566 637
64 332 415 494 557 617 677 738 215 292 368 442 515 588 661
66 345 430 512 577 640 702 765 223 303 382 458 534 609 685
68 357 446 531 598 663 728 793 231 313 395 474 552 631 710
70 369 461 549 619 686 753 820 239 324 409 490 572 653 734
72 382 477 568 640 709 779 848 247 335 423 507 591 675 759
74 395 493 586 661 733 804 876 255 346 436 523 610 697 783
76 407 508 605 682 756 830 904 263 357 450 540 629 719 808
78 420 524 624 703 780 856 933 271 368 464 556 648 741 833
80 433 540 643 725 803 882 961 280 379 478 573 668 763 858
82 446 556 662 746 827 908 990 288 390 492 590 687 785 883
84 458 572 681 768 851 935 1018 296 401 506 606 707 808 908
86 471 588 700 789 875 961 1047 304 412 520 623 727 830 934
88 484 604 719 811 899 987 1076 313 424 534 640 747 853 959
90 497 621 738 833 923 1014 1105 321 435 548 657 766 876 985
92 510 637 758 855 948 1041 1134 330 446 563 674 786 898 1010
94 524 653 777 877 972 1068 1164 338 458 577 692 806 921 1036
96 537 670 797 899 997 1095 1193 346 469 591 709 826 944 1062
98 550 686 816 921 1021 1122 1222 355 481 606 726 847 967 1088
100 563 703 836 943 1046 1149 1252 363 492 620 743 867 990 1114
102 577 719 856 965 1071 1176 1282 372 504 635 761 887 1013 1140
104 590 736 875 988 1095 1203 1312 381 515 649 778 907 1037 1166
106 604 753 895 1010 1120 1231 1342 389 527 664 796 928 1060 1192
108 617 770 915 1033 1145 1258 1372 398 538 678 813 948 1083 1219
110 631 786 935 1055 1171 1286 1402 407 550 693 831 969 1107 1245
112 644 803 955 1078 1196 1314 1432 415 562 708 848 989 1130 1272
114 658 820 975 1101 1221 1342 1462 424 574 722 866 1010 1154 1298
116 672 837 996 1124 1246 1369 1493 433 585 737 884 1031 1178 1325
118 685 854 1016 1146 1272 1397 1524 441 597 752 902 1052 1202 1352
120 699 872 1036 1169 1297 1426 1554 450 609 767 920 1072 1225 1379

(*) DT = difference between the average temperature of the fluid and the ambient temperature (**) = non-standard panels
Tab.4 Table of thermal emissions per linear metre as per standard EN 14037
ECOPAN radiant panels - pipes of ¾²
MODEL 4/100 6/100 8/100 10/100 2/150 4/150 6/150 8/150

Interval of pipes mm 111 111 111 111 150 150 150 150
Width mm 450 675 900 1120 300 600 900 1200
No. of pipes - Æ 4 - ¾² 6 - ¾² 8 - ¾² 10 - ¾² 2 - ¾² 4 - ¾² 6 - ¾² 8 - ¾²
DT=t m-t a (*) K W/m W/m W/m W/m W/m W/m W/m W/m
20 84 126 161 196 58 97 137 176
22 94 141 181 219 65 108 153 197
24 105 156 200 243 72 120 169 219
26 115 171 220 267 79 132 186 240
28 126 187 240 292 86 144 203 262
30 136 203 261 317 93 156 220 284
32 147 219 281 342 100 168 237 307
34 158 235 302 367 108 181 255 330
36 169 252 323 393 115 193 273 353
38 180 268 345 419 123 206 291 376
40 192 285 366 446 131 219 309 399
42 203 302 388 472 138 231 327 423
44 215 319 410 499 146 245 346 447
46 226 336 432 526 154 258 364 471
48 238 353 454 553 162 271 383 495
50 250 370 477 581 170 284 402 519
52 261 388 499 608 178 298 421 544
54 273 406 522 636 186 311 440 568
DTs standard
temperature difference
55 279 415 534 650 190 318 449 581
56 285 423 545 664 194 325 459 593
58 298 441 568 692 202 338 478 618
60 310 459 592 721 210 352 498 644
62 322 477 615 749 219 366 517 669
64 334 496 638 778 227 380 537 694
66 347 514 662 807 235 394 557 720
68 359 532 686 836 244 408 577 746
70 372 551 710 865 252 422 597 772
72 384 570 734 895 261 436 617 798
74 397 588 758 924 269 451 637 824
76 410 607 782 954 278 465 658 850
78 423 626 807 984 286 479 678 877
80 435 645 831 1014 295 494 698 903
82 448 664 856 1044 304 509 719 930
84 461 683 881 1074 312 523 740 957
86 474 702 905 1104 321 538 761 984
88 488 722 930 1135 330 553 781 1011
90 501 741 955 1166 339 567 802 1038
92 514 760 981 1196 348 582 823 1065
94 527 780 1006 1227 357 597 844 1092
96 540 800 1031 1258 366 612 866 1120
98 554 819 1057 1289 375 627 887 1147
100 567 839 1082 1321 384 642 908 1175
102 581 859 1108 1352 393 657 930 1203
104 594 879 1134 1383 402 673 951 1230
106 608 899 1159 1415 411 688 973 1258
108 621 919 1185 1447 420 703 994 1286
110 635 939 1211 1479 429 718 1016 1314
112 649 959 1237 1511 438 734 1038 1343
114 662 979 1264 1543 447 749 1060 1371
116 676 1000 1290 1575 457 765 1082 1399
118 690 1020 1316 1607 466 780 1104 1428
120 704 1040 1343 1639 475 796 1126 1456

(*) DT = difference between the average temperature of the fluid and the ambient temperature
Tab.5 Table of thermal emissions of headers as per standard EN 14037
pair of ECOPAN headers ECOPAN - pipes of ½²
MODEL 4/100 5/100 6/100 7/100 8/100 9/100 10/100 2/150 3/150 4/150 5/150 6/150 7/150 8/150
(**) (**) (**) (**) (**) (**)
Interval of pipes mm 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Width mm 450 565 675 790 900 1010 1120 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200
No. of pipes - Æ 4 - ½² 5 - ½² 6 - ½² 7 - ½² 8 -½² 9 - ½² 10 - ½² 2 - ½² 3 - ½² 4 - ½² 5 - ½² 6 - ½² 7 - ½² 8 - ½²
DT=t m-t a (*) K W W W W W W W W W W W W W W
20 36 44 52 58 64 71 77 22 34 46 58 71 83 96
22 40 50 59 66 73 80 87 25 38 52 66 80 94 108
24 45 55 66 73 81 89 96 27 43 58 73 89 104 120
26 49 61 73 81 90 98 107 30 47 64 81 98 115 133
28 54 67 80 89 98 108 117 33 52 70 89 107 126 145
30 59 74 87 97 107 117 128 36 57 77 97 117 137 158
32 64 80 95 106 117 127 138 39 61 83 105 127 149 171
34 69 86 102 114 126 137 149 42 66 90 113 137 160 184
36 74 93 110 123 135 148 160 45 71 97 122 147 172 197
38 80 99 118 132 145 158 171 48 76 103 130 157 184 211
40 85 106 126 140 154 169 183 51 81 110 139 167 196 224
42 90 113 134 149 164 179 194 55 86 117 147 177 208 238
44 96 119 142 158 174 190 206 58 91 124 156 188 220 252
46 101 126 150 168 184 201 218 61 96 131 165 199 232 266
48 107 133 159 177 194 212 230 64 102 139 174 209 245 280
50 113 140 167 186 205 223 242 68 107 146 183 220 257 294
52 118 148 176 196 215 234 254 71 112 153 192 231 270 309
54 124 155 184 205 226 246 266 74 118 161 201 242 283 323
DTs standard
temperature difference
55 127 158 189 210 231 251 272 76 120 165 206 248 289 331
56 130 162 193 215 236 257 278 78 123 168 211 253 296 338
58 136 169 202 225 247 269 291 81 129 176 220 265 309 353
60 141 177 211 235 258 281 303 85 134 184 230 276 322 368
62 147 184 220 245 269 292 316 88 140 191 239 287 335 383
64 153 192 229 255 280 304 329 92 145 199 249 299 348 398
66 159 200 238 265 291 316 342 95 151 207 259 310 362 413
68 166 207 247 275 302 328 355 99 157 215 269 322 375 428
70 172 215 257 286 313 341 368 102 162 223 278 334 389 444
72 178 223 266 296 324 353 381 106 168 231 288 346 403 459
74 184 231 276 306 336 365 394 110 174 239 298 358 416 475
76 190 239 285 317 347 378 408 113 180 247 308 370 430 491
78 197 247 295 328 359 390 421 117 186 255 319 382 444 506
80 203 255 304 338 371 403 435 121 192 263 329 394 458 522
82 209 263 314 349 382 415 448 124 198 272 339 406 472 538
84 216 271 324 360 394 428 462 128 204 280 349 418 487 554
86 222 279 334 371 406 441 476 132 210 288 360 431 501 570
88 229 287 344 382 418 454 490 136 216 297 370 443 515 587
90 235 296 354 393 430 467 504 140 222 305 381 456 530 603
92 242 304 364 404 442 480 518 143 228 314 391 468 544 619
94 249 312 374 415 454 493 532 147 234 323 402 481 559 636
96 255 321 384 426 467 506 546 151 241 331 413 493 573 652
98 262 329 394 438 479 520 560 155 247 340 424 506 588 669
100 269 338 405 449 491 533 575 159 253 349 434 519 603 686
102 276 346 415 460 504 547 589 163 260 357 445 532 618 702
104 282 355 425 472 516 560 604 167 266 366 456 545 633 719
106 289 364 436 483 529 574 618 171 272 375 467 558 648 736
108 296 372 446 495 541 587 633 175 279 384 478 571 663 753
110 303 381 457 507 554 601 647 179 285 393 489 584 678 770
112 310 390 467 518 567 615 662 183 292 402 500 597 693 787
114 317 399 478 530 580 628 677 187 298 411 511 610 708 804
116 324 408 489 542 592 642 692 191 305 420 523 624 723 822
118 331 417 500 554 605 656 707 195 311 429 534 637 739 839
120 338 426 510 566 618 670 722 199 318 438 545 650 754 856

(*) DT = difference between the average temperature of the fluid and the ambient temperature (**) = non-standard panels
Tab.6 Table of thermal emissions of headers as per standard EN 14037
pair of ECOPAN headers ECOPAN - pipes of ¾²
MODEL 4/100 6/100 8/100 10/100 2/150 4/150 6/150 8/150

Interval of pipes mm 111 111 111 111 150 150 150 150
Width mm 450 675 900 1120 300 600 900 1200
No. of pipes - Æ 4 - ¾² 6 - ¾² 8 - ¾² 10 - ¾² 2 - ¾² 4 - ¾² 6 - ¾² 8 - ¾²
DT=t m-t a (*) K W W W W W W W W
20 43 57 67 77 20 49 79 110
22 49 65 76 87 23 55 89 124
24 55 72 84 97 25 62 99 138
26 60 80 94 107 28 68 110 152
28 66 89 103 117 31 75 120 167
30 72 97 112 128 34 82 131 181
32 78 105 122 138 36 89 142 197
34 84 114 132 149 39 96 153 212
36 90 123 142 160 42 103 165 227
38 97 132 152 171 45 111 176 243
40 103 141 162 183 48 118 188 259
42 109 150 172 194 51 126 200 275
44 116 160 183 206 54 133 212 291
46 122 169 193 217 57 141 224 308
48 129 179 204 229 60 149 236 324
50 136 189 215 241 63 157 249 341
52 143 199 226 253 66 165 261 358
54 149 209 237 265 69 173 274 375
DTs standard
temperature difference
55 153 214 243 271 71 177 280 384
56 156 219 248 277 73 181 287 393
58 163 229 260 290 76 189 300 410
60 170 240 271 302 79 198 313 428
62 178 250 283 315 82 206 326 445
64 185 261 294 327 86 214 339 463
66 192 271 306 340 89 223 352 481
68 199 282 318 353 92 232 366 499
70 206 293 330 366 96 240 379 517
72 214 304 342 379 99 249 393 536
74 221 315 354 392 102 258 407 554
76 229 326 367 405 106 267 421 573
78 236 337 379 418 109 276 435 592
80 244 349 391 432 113 285 449 610
82 251 360 404 445 116 294 463 629
84 259 372 416 459 120 303 477 648
86 267 383 429 472 123 312 491 668
88 274 395 442 486 127 321 505 687
90 282 407 455 500 130 330 520 706
92 290 419 467 514 134 340 534 726
94 298 431 480 528 138 349 549 745
96 306 443 494 542 141 359 564 765
98 314 455 507 556 145 368 578 785
100 322 467 520 570 149 378 593 804
102 330 479 533 584 152 387 608 824
104 338 491 546 598 156 397 623 844
106 346 504 560 612 160 407 638 865
108 354 516 573 627 163 417 653 885
110 362 529 587 641 167 426 668 905
112 370 541 601 656 171 436 684 925
114 379 554 614 670 175 446 699 946
116 387 567 628 685 179 456 714 967
118 395 579 642 700 182 466 730 987
120 404 592 656 714 186 476 745 1008

(*) DT = difference between the average temperature of the fluid and the ambient temperature
2.4 Corrective coefficients for high installation Inclination favours convective movement. There is an
heights increase in total emission while emission from radiance is
When the height of installation of the radiant panels is decreased.
over 6 metres, consideration must be made of the The new emission value is determined by multiplying the
reduced radiant effects on the occupants and for the thermal emissions in Table 3 and 4 by the corrective
luminous bodies. Therefore, a greater heating surface will coefficient shown in Fig. 9, based on the angle of inclination.
be required. 1,10

the thermal emission

Correction factor of
Table 7 below shows the coefficients of reduction in
radiance for installation heights of over 6 meters.
Tab. 7
H(m) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 20
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
fn 1,00 0,97 0,95 0,92 0,90 0,88 0,86 0,84 0,82 0,79 0,76 0,73 Angle of panel inclination in °

Example: in a warehouse where the panels are installed at a Fig.9 Corrective coefficient of emissions for
height of 10 metres, the number of panels obtained by inclined panels
dividing the total thermal requirement by the emission per
metre of the selected model must then be divided by f n = 2.6 Distance between radiant panels
0.9. To ensure even distribution of heat, the distance between
However, this must be evaluated on a case-by-case radiant panels must be equal to or less than their
basis, especially when high levels of power are involved. installation height.
Consideration should made of the size of the solid angle The distance from the cold wall must not be greater than
with which the occupant sees the surface of all of the 1 / 3 of the height.
installed panels. This is illustrated more clearly by the
laws of thermal exchange by radiance. All of this is also
dependent on the cold surface around the occupant. D
From our experience, and without entering into issues
that are difficult to resolve which would involve factors of £1/3 H
shape (fraction of the total radiant power which starts
from one surface and reaches another one), we suggest
this simple method:
a) calculate the cold surface of the external walls below
the panels (perimeter x height of installation)
b) determine the ratio between this surface and the floor
c) if this ratio is greater than 1, the corrective coefficients
for elevated heights are applied; if it is less than 1, they
are not applied.
Fig.10 Distance between radiant panels
Panels supplied with water up to 120°C normally do not
require the installation of side skirts. 2.7 Minimum height of installation
These are used in systems that are to heat single zones or
When making calculations for a radiant panel system,
where the carrier fluid is at a very high temperature.
keep in mind that the required surface area of the panels
For special installations consult the ECOPAN technical
decreases as the temperature of the carrier fluid
2.5 Corrective coefficient for inclined panels In order to ensure physiological well-being of individuals
and prevent excessive radiance, limits must be set for the
ECOPAN radiant panels can be installed inclined,
minimum height of installation of the panels.
following the geometry of the roof.
They can be inclined either transversally or longitudinally. Table 8 provides the minimum height of installation for the
panels, based on the average temperature of the carrier
fluid and the interval between pipes.

Tab.8 Minimum height of installation based on

average temperature of carrier fluid
average Interval of pipes Interval of pipes
temperature of 111 mm 150 mm
Fig.7 Transversally inclined panel supply fluid
°C H min (m) H min (m)
60 3,80 3,60
70 4,10 3,90
80 4,30 4,10
90 4,50 4,30
100 4,70 4,50
110 4,90 4,70
Fig.8 Longitudinally inclined panel
120 5,10 4,90

2.8 Arrangement of ceiling mounted panels
In laying out and arranging the panels, it is advisable to outer to
comply with the following: walls to better contrast cold radiation
- if possible, install the panels parallel to the longest wall - check that the minimum height of installation is
of the building compatible with the temperature of the heating fluid
- keep a distance between the wall and the first panel being used. For installation at reduced height, choose
that is not greater than a third of the installation height panels that are narrower or that have a greater interval
- provide panels that are as long as possible, taking into between pipes.
account emissions and pressure drops
Figures 11, 12 and 13 clearly show how correct layout of
- determine the number of panels, taking into account
panels provides even radiance and an ideal ambient
the height of installation and the resulting area of
- determine the models of panels based on their thermal
power. Place models with greater emission near the

1,50 4,50 4,50 4,50 4,50 1,50



4,50 m

ta °C 60% ta °C
22 22
21 40% 21
20 20
19 19
18 20% 18
7,00 m 14,00 m 7,00 m 14,00 m 21,00 m 28,00 m 35,00 m
transversal section longitudinal section

21,00 m 43,00 m

Fig.11 Intensity of radiance and ambient temperature with even distribution of panels of the same power parallel to the
long side of the building

2,30 4,10 4,10 4,10 4,10 2,30



7,00 m

ta °C ta °C
17 17
16 40% 16
15 15
14 14
13 13
7,00 m 14,0 m 20% 7,00 m 14,00 m 21,00 m 28,00 m 35,00 m

transversal section longitudinal section

21,00 m 43,00 m

Fig.12 Intensity of radiance and ambient temperature with higher power panels nearer the external walls

1,50 4,50 4,50 4,40 4,40 4,40 4,40 4,40 4,50 4,50 1,50



4,50 m

ta °C 60% ta °C
22 22
21 40% 21
20 20
19 19
18 20% 18
7,00 m 14,00 m 7,00 m 14,00 m 21,00 m 28,00 m 35,00 m
transversal section longitudinal section

21,00 m 43,00 m

Fig.13 Intensity of radiance and ambient temperature with panels parallel to the short side of the building

2.9 Examples of calculation of radiant panels Second example (Fig. 12 and 15)
While respecting the structural needs of the building and Consider a warehouse with the previous dimensions:
the layout of any scaffolding, machinery, and so on, it is 43´21 metres with average height of 8.2 metres, for a
always advisable to place the radiant panels parallel to volume of approximately 7,405 m3.
the longest side.
The thermal requirement has been estimated as about
In this way, you can have panels of greater length while
120 kW.
reducing the number. You will thus also reduce the fluid
Ambient temperature ta = 15 °C.
distribution network, resulting in lower system costs.
Installation height of the panels 7 m.
The length and layout of the panels must be such that it
Maximum interval between panels 7 m.
evenly covers the entire area to be heated.
Consider 5 panels with a length of 40 m, arranged as in
In the following examples, we have hypothesized similar
Fig. 15, for a total length of 200 m.
rooms but with different heights, or with different layouts
As previously mentioned in paragraph 2.4, it is not
of the panels.
necessary to increase the number of panels to be
First example (Fig. 11 and 14)
Consider a warehouse with the following dimensions: Dividing the thermal requirement by the total length of the
43´21 metres with average height of 5.5 metres, for a panels gives the average thermal emission per metre:
volume of approximately 4,967 m3. .
120 000 W ¤ 200 m = 600 W ¤ m
The thermal requirement has been estimated as about Fixing:
95 kW. Water delivery temperature t1 = 80 °C
Ambient temperature ta = 20 °C. Water return temperature t 2 = 70 °C
Installation height of the panels 4.5 m. the average temperature of the water will be:
Maximum interval between panels 4.5 m. t1 + t 2 80+70
tm= ¾¾¾ = ¾¾¾ = 75 °C
2 2
Consider 5 panels with a length of 40 m, arranged as in
Fig. 14, for a total length of 200 m.
and the DT is: DT = tm - ta = 75 °C -15 °C = 60 °C
Dividing the thermal requirement by the total length of the On the side there are 2 panels model 10/100-½² with a
panels gives the thermal emission per metre: length of 40 metres (80 m total). In the central area there
. are 3 panels model 8/100-½² with a length of 40 metres
95 000 W ¤ 200 m = 475 W ¤ m
(120 m total).
water delivery temperature t1 = 80 °C Table 3 with DT= 60 °C provides a thermal emission of:
water return temperature t2 = 70 °C
the average temperature of the water will be: 683 W/m for panels of 10/100-½²
t1 + t2 80+70 572 W/m for panels of 8/100-½²
tm= ¾¾¾ = ¾¾¾ = 75 °C
2 2 The total thermal power of the single models is:
and the DT is: DT = tm - ta = 75 °C - 20 °C = 55 °C 80 m ´ 683 W/m = 54 640 W
From Table 3 with DT = 55 °C and considering model .
120 m ´ 572 W/m = 68 640 W
8/100-½², one obtains a thermal emission of 516 W ¤ m.
for a total of:
. .
The total installed thermal power is:
. 54.640 + 68 640 = 123 280 W
200 m ´ 516 W ¤ m = 103 200 W thermal power sufficient to cover the 120 kW required.
thermal power sufficient to cover thermal requirement. Having a distribution of only 5 connections to balance the
Having a distribution of only 5 connections to balance the circuit, it is advisable to use calibration valves on the
circuit, it is advisable to use calibration valves on the panels.

43,00 m 43,00 m

1,50 2,30
8/100 ½²
4,50 10/100 ½²

8/100 ½² 8/100 ½²
4,50 4,10
21,00 m
21,00 m

8/100 ½² 8/100 ½²
4,50 4,10

8/100 ½² 8/100 ½²
4,50 4,10
8/100 ½²

1,50 10/100 ½² 2,30

Fig.14 Example of ECOPAN panels in warehouse Fig.15 Example of ECOPAN panels in warehouse
with average height of 5.5 m and parallel with average height of 5.5 m and parallel
panels on greater side panels on greater side
Third example (Fig. 13 and 16) 2.10 Effects on luminosity originating from the
Consider a warehouse, again with the same dimensions:
43´21 metres with average height of 5.5 metres, for a Ceiling mounted panels, if located carefully, do not
volume of approximately 4,967 m3. reduce the light from skylights in the roof.
The thermal requirement has been estimated as about In many applications, the effect has been checked both
95 kW. before and after the installation of the panels.
Ambient temperature ta = 20 °C. In most cases, the reduction of light in the warehouses
Installation height of the panels 4.5 m. was negligible.
Maximum interval between radiant panels 4.5 m.
Suppose it is not possible to place the panels parallel to
the longer wall of the warehouse, but that they need to be
placed parallel to the shorter one.
Consider 10 panels with a length of 18 m, arranged as in
Fig. 16, for a total length of 180 m.
Dividing the thermal requirement by the length gives the
average thermal emission per metre:
95 000 W ¤ 180 m = 528 W ¤ m
Water delivery temperature t1 = 80 °C
Water return temperature t2 = 70 °C
the average temperature of the water will be:
t1 + t2 80+70
tm= ¾¾¾ = ¾¾¾ = 75 °C
2 2

And the DT is: DT = tm - ta = 75 °C - 20 °C = 55 °C

On the sides there are 2 panels model 10/100-½² with a
length of 18 meters (36 m total) and in the central zone 8
panels model 8/100-½² with a length of 18 metres (144 m 2.11 Use in cooling systems
ECOPAN radiant panels can be used in cooling systems.
Table 3 with DT=55 °C provides a thermal emission of: This application provides the same benefits as the use of
panels for heating, which include:
616 W ¤ m for panels 10/100-½² - very limited thermal inertia
516 W ¤ m for panels 8/100-½² - no air movement, which is bothersome to persons
affected by it
The total thermal power of the single models is: - no moving parts
. - no maintenance
36 m ´ 616 W ¤ m = 22 176 W
. - no wear
144 m ´ 516 W ¤ m = 74 304 W
- no noise
for a total of: - limited amount of electrical consumption and
. . .
22 176 + 74 304 = 96 480 W electrical systems
Thermal power sufficient to cover thermal requirement. - possible to install by zones
Having a distribution of 10 connections and short panels, - minimum dimensions.
the circuit can be balanced using "inverse return".
This is a system that pleasantly cools the rooms but does
not allow air treatment, except in combination with other
specific units.
In this case, the insertion of cold surfaces contrasts the
radiance from hot surfaces, providing the occupants with
43,00 m
1,50 4,50 4,50 4,40 4,40 4,40 4,40 4,40 4,50 4,50 1,50
To prevent condensation on the radiant surface, the
surface temperature of the panels needs to be greater
than the dew point of the ambient air.
Thermal power in cooling mode should be requested
from the ECOPAN technical department, which is
21,00 m

available for suggestions for every single project.

10/100 ½²

10/100 ½²
8/100 ½²

8/100 ½²

8/100 ½²

8/100 ½²

8/100 ½²

8/100 ½²

8/100 ½²

8/100 ½²

Fig.16 Example of ECOPAN panels in warehouse with

average height of 5.5 m and parallel panels on
smaller side

2.12 Diagrams of system balancing and power
Radiant panels supplied by hot water can be connected
to the distribution network with inlet and outlet of the fluid
on opposite sides (type A headers) or with connections
on the same side (type AA and B headers).


Fig.17 Connection with fluid inlet and outlet on

opposite sides

Fig.18 Connection with fluid inlet and outlet on same

side Fig.21 ECOPAN radiant panels in series with opposite

In the first case, all the pipes of the panels are supplied in
parallel and the water flow is divided equally among
them. In the second case, half the pipes are connected in
series with the other half, thus doubling the flow rate of
each pipe.
The following are some examples of possible supply

Fig.22 ECOPAN radiant panels in series with same-

side connections

In every heating system, it is important for the heating

bodies to be supplied with the proper amount of fluid as
established during the design phase.
Fig.19 ECOPAN radiant panels in parallel with The radiant panels must also be supplied in a perfectly
opposite connections balanced manner.
To balance them, provide calibration valves as necessary
which are to be adjusted at start-up.


Fig.20 ECOPAN radiant panels in parallel with same- À Cut-off valve

side connections
Á Cut-off and balancing valve
2.14 Pressure drops of panel pipes
If there are many panels, it is advisable to provide a set of Table 9 shows the values of the pressure drop in Pa/m
pipes for "inverse return" (Fig. 23 and 24) which balances and of the speed in m/s based on the water flow rate of
the system. This solution is expensive and it is not always each pipe in a panel, with an average water temperature
feasible. of 75 °C.
This is true both for panels with electro-welded pipes and
for those with pipes with no welding.

Tab.9 Pressure drop in Pa/m pipes in ECOPAN

radiant panels

Electro-welded pipes Pipe without welding

½² ¾² ½² ¾²

















200 41 0,21 - - 70 0,25 - -
220 49 0,23 - - 85 0,28 - -
240 57 0,25 - - 100 0,31 - -
260 66 0,28 - - 115 0,33 - -
280 75 0,30 - - 129 0,36 - -
Fig.23 ECOPAN radiant panels with opposite
300 86 0,32 - - 150 0,39 - -
connections and with "inverse return" pipes
320 96 0,34 - - 165 0,41 - -
340 108 0,36 31 0,22 190 0,44 45 0,25
360 119 0,38 35 0,23 200 0,46 50 0,26
380 132 0,40 38 0,24 220 0,49 55 0,28
400 145 0,42 42 0,25 250 0,51 60 0,29
420 159 0,45 46 0,27 270 0,54 65 0,31
440 173 0,47 50 0,28 295 0,57 70 0,32
460 188 0,49 54 0,29 340 0,61 76 0,33
480 203 0,51 58 0,30 350 0,62 82 0,35
500 219 0,53 62 0,32 360 0,66 90 0,36
550 262 0,58 73 0,35 450 0,71 110 0,40
600 309 0,64 86 0,38 525 0,77 130 0,44
650 100 0,41 150 0,47
700 114 0,44 170 0,51
750 130 0,48 195 0,54
Fig.24 ECOPAN radiant panels with same-side 800 146 0,51 220 0,58
connections and with "inverse return" pipes
850 164 0,54 250 0,62
900 182 0,57 275 0,65
950 202 0,60 300 0,69
2.13 Flow rate and speed of water in the panels
1000 222 0,64 350 0,75
If the speed of the water in the pipes of the panels is too
1100 266 0,70 400 0,80
low, the water will not be able draw off the air. This may
cause a shutdown in circulation with a substantial 1200 313 0,76 455 0,88
reduction in the emission of the panel. 1300 364 0,83 550 0,95
When determining the size of the systems, it is advisable
1400 420 0,88 640 1,04
to make sure that the speed of the water in each single
pipe is never less than 0.23 m/s in pipes of ½² and 0.32
For average water temperatures other than 75 °C, the
m/s in pipes of ¾².
values in Table 9 must be corrected, applying the
In hot water radiating panels, it is advisable to have a
coefficients shown in Table 10.
temperature difference of 10°C between the delivery and
return headers. This is considered an acceptable
Tab.10 Coefficients for average water temperatures
compromise between the size of the network and the
different from 75 °C
need for a high surface temperature.
Also, pressure drops may be considered acceptable in Temperature 40°C 60°C 90°C 120°C 140°C
pipes of the panels which do not exceed 200¸250 Pa/m.
Coefficient 1,18 1,06 0,96 0,91 0,87

2.15 Pressure drops of headers
Table 11 and 12 show the pressure drops in a pair of
headers based on their water flow rate, the type of supply
(same-side or opposite) and the diameter of the pipes (½²
or ¾²).
Tab.11 Pressure drop in Pa of a PAIR OF HEADERS - PIPES ½²
Total flow Pressure drop in pair of headers A Pressure drops in pair
rate of Opposite sides of headers AA-B - Same side
headers number of pipes per panel number of pipes per panel
l¤h 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 6 8 10
400 110 - - - - - - - - 240 140 - -
500 170 100 - - - - - - 380 220 - -
600 240 150 100 - - - - - 540 310 210 -
700 320 200 140 110 - - - - - 730 420 290 220
800 420 250 180 140 120 100 - - - 960 550 380 280
900 530 320 230 180 150 130 110 - 1210 690 480 360
1000 650 400 280 220 180 160 140 120 110 1500 850 580 440
1200 940 560 410 320 260 230 200 180 160 2150 1230 840 640
1400 1270 770 550 430 360 300 270 240 220 3000 1670 1150 870
1600 1660 1000 720 560 460 400 350 310 280 2200 1500 1150
1800 2100 1270 910 710 590 500 440 390 350 2800 1900 1450
2000 1560 1120 880 720 620 540 480 440 3400 2350 1800
2250 2000 1420 1100 910 800 680 610 550 3000 2300
2500 1750 1370 1130 980 840 750 680 3700 2800
2750 2100 1650 1360 1200 1050 910 830 4400 3400
3000 2000 1630 1400 1250 1080 980 4000
3500 2700 2200 1900 1650 1500 1350 5400
4000 2900 2500 2150 1950 1750
4500 3200 2800 2500 2200
5000 3900 3400 3000 2800
5500 4100 3700 3300
6000 4400 3900
7000 5400

Tab.12 Pressure drop in Pa of a PAIR OF HEADERS - PIPES ¾²

Total flow Pressure drops in pair Pressure drops in pair

rate of of headers A - Opposite sides of headers AA-B - Same side
headers number of pipes per panel number of pipes per panel
l¤h 2 4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10
800 - - - - - 320 - - -
900 180 - - - - 400 240 - -
1000 220 100 - - - 500 290 210 -
1200 320 150 100 - 710 420 300 230
1400 440 200 140 110 - 970 570 400 310
1600 570 260 180 140 120 1300 740 530 410
1800 720 330 230 180 150 1600 940 660 520
2000 890 410 280 220 190 2000 1200 840 640
2250 1150 520 350 280 240 2500 1500 1050 800
2500 1400 640 430 340 290 3100 1800 1300 1000
2750 1700 770 530 420 350 3800 2200 1550 1200
3000 2000 920 630 490 420 4500 2600 1850 1450
3500 2700 1300 850 670 570 3600 2500 1950
4000 3600 1650 1100 870 740 4700 3300 2550
4500 2100 1400 1100 940 4200 3200
5000 2600 1750 1400 1150 5100 4000
5500 3100 2100 1700 1400 6200 4800
6000 2500 2000 1700 5700
7000 3400 2700 2300 7800
8000 4450 3500 3000
9000 4400 3800
10000 5500 4600
12000 6700
2.16 Calculation of pressure drop of a panel
To determine the pressure drop of a radiant panel, you
need to add the pressure drop of the pipes to that of the
headers, calculated based on the data provided in
paragraphs 2.14 and 2.15.

Here are a few examples.

First example Second example

Consider a radiant panel model 8/100 with a Consider a radiant panel model 10/100 with a
length of 42 metres (Fig. 25) with electro-welded length of 42 metre (Fig. 26) with electro-welded
pipes of ½² and with opposite connections pipes of ½² and with same-side connections
(type A headers). (type AA and B headers).
Header A Header B
Water delivery temperature t1 = 85 °C Water delivery temperature t1 = 85 °C
Water return temperature t2 = 75 °C Water return temperature t2 = 75 °C
Ambient temperature ta = 15 °C Ambient temperature ta = 15 °C

6,00 m
6,00 m
t1 + t2 t1 + t2
DT= ¾¾¾ - ta = tm - ta = 65 °C DT= ¾¾¾ - ta = tm - ta = 65 °C
2 2

With this data, Table 3 shows that the thermal With this data, Table 3 shows that the thermal
emission per metre of the panel is: emission per metre of the panel is:

6,00 m
6,00 m

Fm = 628 W/m Fm = 751 W/m

The total thermal power of the panel with a length The total thermal power of the panel with a length
of 42 metres is therefore: of 42 metres is therefore:
. .
Fp = 628 W/m ´ 42 m = 26 376 W Fp = 751 W/m ´ 42 m = 31 542 W

6,00 m
6,00 m

and its water flow rate: and its water flow rate:
. .
Fp´0,86 26 376´0,86 . F p´0,86 31 542´0,86 .
Qp = ¾¾¾¾¾ = ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ = 2 268 kg/h Qp = ¾¾¾¾¾ = ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ = 2 713 kg/h
t1 - t2 10 t1 - t2 10

Since the panel has 8 pipes and opposite Since the AA header has a diaphragm in it, the
connections, the inlet water is equally divided inlet water is divided among 5 pipes. Therefore,

42,00 m
42,00 m

6,00 m

6,00 m
among all 8 pipes, and so the water flow rate of the flow rate of each pipe is:
each pipe is: .
Qp 2 713
. Qt = ¾¾ = ¾¾¾ = 543 kg/h @ 543 l/h
Qp 2 268 5 5
Qt = ¾¾ = ¾¾¾ = 283 kg/h @ 283 l/h
8 8
upper value at suggested minimum flow rate in a
upper value at suggested minimum flow rate in a pipe of ½² (220 l/h).
pipe of ½² (220 l/h).
6,00 m
6,00 m

Table 9 shows that the pressure drop in the pipes

Table 9 shows that the pressure drop in the pipes is roughly 256 Pa/m.
is roughly 76 Pa/m. Therefore, the total pressure drop in the pipes is:
Therefore, the total pressure drop in the pipes is:
Dpt = 42 m ´ 2 ´ 256 Pa/m = 21.504 Pa
Dpt = 42 m ´ 76 Pa/m = 3.192 Pa
6,00 m
6,00 m

In Table 11, under the total flow rate of the panel,

In Table 11, under the total flow rate of the panel, which is about 2 713 l/h, one finds that the
which is about 2,268 l/h, one finds that the pressure drop in the pair of headers Dpc is about
pressure drop in the pair of headers Dpc is 3,320 Pa.
693 Pa.
The pressure drop of the panel will be the sum of
The pressure drop of the panel will be the sum of the two values, therefore:
6,00 m
6,00 m

the two values, therefore:

Dpp =Dpt +Dpc = 21.504 + 3.320 = 24.824 Pa
Dpp =Dpt +Dpc = 3.192 + 693 = 3.885 Pa (equal to 2.53 m c. a.)
(equal to 0.39 m c. A.)
Header A Header AA
Fig.25 Fig.26

Third example Header B 1st solution Heating

1 9
Consider a radiant panel model 10/100 with a
2 10
length of 84 metres (Fig.27) with electro-welded

6,00 m
pipes of ¾² and with same-side connections (type 3 11

AA and B headers).

60,00 m
4 12

5 13
Water delivery temperature t1 = 85 °C 6 14
Water return temperature t2 = 70 °C
7 15
Ambient temperature ta = 15 °C
8 16
42,00 m 42,00 m
t1 + t2

6,00 m
DT= ¾¾¾ - ta = tm - ta = 62,5 °C 90,00 m
2 Fig.28

With this data, table 4 shows that the thermal 16 panels model 10/100-½² with a length of 42 metres are
emission per metre of the panel is: to be provided.
Considering as valid the conditions described in the
Fm = 756 W/m second example of the previous paragraph, a panel
10/100-½² with a length of 42 metres has a pressure drop

6,00 m
The total thermal power of the panel with a length of about 2.53 m c.a. and a flow rate of 2,713 l/h.The least
of 84 metres is therefore: favoured panel will be number 8 (or number 16).
Fp = 756 W/m ´ 84 m = 63 504 W
2nd solution Heating
and its water flow rate:
. 1
Fp ´0,86 63 504´0,86
84,00 m

Qp = ¾¾¾¾¾ = ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ = 3 640 kg/h 2
t1 - t2 15

60,00 m
Since the AA header has a diaphragm in it, the
inlet water is divided among 5 pipes. Therefore,
the flow rate of each pipe is: 6

Qp 3 640
6,00 m

Qt = ¾¾ = ¾¾ ¾ = 728 kg/h @ 728 l/h 8

84,00 m
5 5
90,00 m

Upper value at suggested minimum flow rate in a Fig.29

pipe of ¾² (500 l/h).
8 panels model 10/100-¾² with a length of 84 metres are
to be provided.
Table 9 shows that the pressure drop in the pipes
is 123 Pa/m. Considering as valid the conditions described in the third
6,00 m

Therefore, the total pressure drop in the pipes is: example of the previous paragraph, a panel 10/100-¾²
with a length of 84 metres has a pressure drop of about
Dpt = 84 m ´ 2 ´ 123 Pa/m = 20.664 Pa 2.32 m c.a. and a flow rate of 3,640 l/h.
The least favoured panel will be number 8.
In table 12, under the total flow rate of the panel, Obviously, the second solution is more rational and
which is about 3 640 l/h, one finds that the advantageous, for the following reasons:
pressure drop in the pair of headers Dpc is about
6,00 m

- since the number of connections is limited, there is no

2,120 Pa.
need for "inverse return". For balancing of the circuit, it
is possible to use a few calibration valves.
The pressure drop of the panel will be the sum of
the two values, therefore: - The use of panels with pipes of ¾² allows for the
creation of rather long panels with modest pressure
Header AA
Dpp =Dpt +Dpc = 20.664 + 2.120 = 22.784 Pa drops.
(equal to 2.32 m c.a.) Fig.27 In the case in question, the ¾² panel has a greater
emission than the ½² panel. Therefore, with the same
installed power (about 500 kw) a greater temperature
difference can be used (85 °C-70 °C instead of 85 °C-75
2.17 Static pressure and flow rate of the electric °C).This will provide a flow rate of 29 m3/h as opposed
pump to the 43 m3/h required by panels with pipes of ½².
Therefore, with the same installed power and pressure
In a circuit of radiant panels, the flow rate of the electric drops, there is reduced flow rate, which translates into
pump is determined from the sum of the flow rates of the smaller pipe diameters and reduced power of the
single panels of the circuit. Its static pressure is obtained by electric pump.
adding the pressure drops of the least favoured radiant All this leads to a reduction in the amount of pipes
panel, any cut-off and calibration valves on the connection required for distribution, resulting in substantial savings.
of that panel, the pipes that supply it and the heating plant.
Consider, for example, the need to heat a warehouse
measuring 90´60 metres, with a height of 9 metres, and
with the panels installed at a height of 8 metres.
2.18 Adjustment Diagram 2
Since this is a system with low thermal inertia, the ambient Adjustment of delivery hot water temperature based on
temperature can be controlled in a variety of ways, external temperature with correction made by ambient,
depending on the type and importance of the system. programmable timer for weekly or night-time shutdown
However, you should keep mind that with ceiling with anti-freeze function to be activated should the
mounted radiant panel systems, changes should be in ambient temperature, during shutdown, drop below a
the temperature of the water delivered to the panels. The certain value (anti-freeze contact wiring parallel to the
flow rate should be kept constant. “Turning the panels on system on/off control contact)
and off” may create unpleasant sensations (like moving
from the sunshine into shade). This is because blocking
circulation means blocking the beneficial effect of
It is therefore advisable to use a mixer valve, regulator and
ambient probes as shown in diagram 1. The mixer valve
“prepares” the water to be sent to the panels so as to
maintain the desired ambient temperature.
Normal ambient probes can be installed to measure the
air temperature. Today the market also includes probes
that directly measure the operating temperature.
Since the system quickly comes up to operating power, to
reduce operating costs it is advisable to provide a
programmable timer for daily and weekly shutdowns. In T-MAND
this case it is advisable to include an anti-freeze function. V1
In panel systems of a certain size (warehouses of over T-EST ANTI-FREEZE
10,000 m2 ) in which operating costs are substantial, CONTACT
(pump control
control should be complete with an external probe. REGULATOR relay example)
However, this probe must never limit the operation of the BOILER
ambient probe (diagram 2). Fig. 31
For large-scale industrial complexes, again for
economical management, it is necessary to make use of Diagram 3
controlled, programme adjustment (diagram 3). Adjustment for systems with variation of the programmed
pre-heating hours based on the external temperature, to
ensure in any condition the desired ambient temperature
with night-time and holiday shutdowns. Adjustment and
control of the temperature difference of the water and of
the operating temperature.

Diagram 1
Adjustment of delivery hot water temperature based on
ambient temperature, timer and anti-freeze function for T-AMB + POT T
start-up if the ambient temperature drops below a certain
value during shutdown.





(pump control
relay example)
BOILER If the system includes a series of rooms all with the same
characteristics, it is possible to use a single mixer valve
Fig. 30 with various ambient probes.
If instead it is necessary to heat rooms that are not
uniform, it will be necessary to provide several
independently controlled circuits.

2.19 Methods of installation and dilation
After installing the suspension ties on the roof, the panels It is indispensable that the fastening system that
are to be raised in order to hook the ties onto the brackets
on the panels. is used allows adjustment in height of the ties to
The brackets for fastening are arranged on the panels allow perfectly straight installation without
about 95 cm from one another (see Fig. 2). Normally, one
is hooked on every two metres. Examples follow of the bends.
distance between suspension points, creating only
modules of 6 metres (Fig. 33) and modules of 6 and 4
metres (Fig. 34).

100 1950 1950 2100 1950 1950 2100 1950 1950 2100 1950 1950 1900 100

6000 6000 6000 6000

Fig.33 Example of distance between suspension points with modules of 6 metres

100 1950 2100 1950 1950 2100 1950 1950 2100 1950 1900 100

4050 6000 6000 4050

Fig.34 Example of distance between suspension points with modules of 4 and 6 metres

During operation, radiant panels behave like all pipes that

have hot fluids passing through them. This means they
undergo varying degrees of dilation depending on their
If ties of a sufficient length cannot be provided, it will be
length and the temperature of the fluid.
necessary to provide rigid supports with sliding rollers
It is important for the ties to be long enough that they do not
(Fig. 36).
keep the panels from dilating (Fig. 35 and Table 13).

L min Fig.36 Example of brackets with rollers

To keep from placing too much stress on the radiant

panels, the connection pipes between the headers and
the distribution network must be shaped so that they
absorb the dilation that takes place in the system.
Fig.35 Minimum length of suspension ties

Table 13 shows the minimum length of the ties based on

the length of the panel and the difference between the
average temperature of the heating fluid and the ambient

Tab.13 Minimum length of suspension ties (mm)

Length of Temperature difference (Tm -Ta )
(m) 75 °C 100 °C 125 °C 150 °C 175 °C shaped connection to be
calculated based on dilations
25 150 200 250 300 350
distribution network
50 300 400 450 550 650 Fig. 37
75 450 550 700 850 1000
100 550 750 950 1100 1300 To make air venting easier, the headers include threaded
150 850 1100 1400 1650 1950 inserts of 3/8² for the installation of automatic vent valves.
200 1100 1500 1900 2200 2600

2.20 Examples of systems of fastening to roof
The following drawings show some examples of
suspension systems of the radiant panels.

Fig.38 Example of brackets with chains Fig.41 Example of brackets on sheet metal with frets

Fig.42 Example of brackets with roller for panels

transversal to roof tiles

Fig.39 Example of brackets with chains

Fig.43 Example of brackets with roller for panels

parallel to roof tiles

Fig.40 Example of brackets hooked onto metal beams Fig.44 Example of brackets with steel ties

2.21 Packaging
The panels are normally shipped stacked on packs of
about 10 pieces, strapped and placed on suitable wood
spacer pallets.
Protective strips of polyethylene are placed between the
panels near the brackets.
Special packaging on request.

2.22 Assembly
If the panels are to be ceiling-mounted in buildings with a
height of over four metres, the safest and most
economical way of doing this is to use elevator platforms
with a lifting capacity of over 400 kg and that can reach the BOARDS
highest parts of the building.
These machines can be rented nationwide.
Start by securing the suspension ties to the roof. Tie rods
are not included in the supply. They may consist of
chains, steel cables, threaded bars or other devices.


On the ground, place the insulation on the panels and

secure it by placing the provided plugs about every two
Once the insulation has been placed, stack three or four
modules, depending on the capacity of the elevator
platform, and load them on the platform using a forklift.
Move the panels up to the roof and attach them, one at a
time, to the previously placed suspensions.
Once the entire panel has been installed (composed of
various modules of 4 and/or 6 metres), weld the head
pipes of two adjacent modules.
Once welding is complete, painting takes place. The rest
of the insulation is placed, and the joint cover is inserted
and secured with the clips.
The joint cover adheres perfectly to the pipes and it also
becomes a radiant surface.
The presence of shaped side edges in the plate, the ease
of laying the insulation, the head welding of the perfectly
aligned pipes, and the simplicity of inserting the joint
cover all reduce and simplify assembly times and hence
installation costs.






2.23 Conclusions
Laying and securing the insulating mat Currently in Europe, there is not a single method for
PLUG calculating the heat loss of a building. Nor is there a
specific standard for the calculation of radiance systems
with ceiling mounted radiant panels.
For over 20 years, the ECOPAN technical department has
used a method of calculation which is based on the
PLUG temperature of the inner surfaces of the room and their
interaction with the radiant panels.
The basis of the calculation is the operating temperature,
which depends on the air temperature, the temperature
of the walls, the temperature and surface of the panels
and air circulation.
A complete study is quite complex and requires
consideration of a number of factors.
Thousands of ECOPAN systems have confirmed the
Welding of modules validity of the calculations.
A rough estimate of the thermal requirements of a room to
be heated with radiant panels can be obtained using the
following formula:
= [(S1 ´ K 1 ´ DT1) + (S2 ´ K2 ´ DT2) + (S3 ´ K 3 ´ DT3 ) + (S4 ´
K 4 ´ DT4 ) +...+ (V ´ R ´ c p ´ r ´ DTE )]
where :
= total thermal requirement (W)
S i = dispersing surfaces such as external walls,
ceiling, floor, internal walls, etc. (m2 )
K i = transmittance of surfaces (W ¤ m2 K)
DTi = to-ti where ti is the temperature of the air
outside the room and to is the temperature of
WITH GUIDE the room that one wishes to obtain (K)
V = volume of room (m3 )
R = air/hour exchanges expected (1 ¤ h)
r = air density (kg ¤ m3)
c p = specific heat of air (Wh ¤ kg K)
DTE = difference between ambient temperature and
external temperature (K)
With design winter external temperatures of -5 °C,
requested operating temperature of +16 °C and air
exchange of 0.3 volumes ¤ h, approximately, for a newly
constructed warehouse, it is possible to estimate a need
of 1 m2 of panels for each 7¸8 m2 of floor space.
Besides attaining comfort, the client is also interested in
system costs and operating efficiency. Proper sizing
WITH CLAMP helps reduce these costs.
PINCER With the ambient values listed above, purely as a
guideline, based on measurements made, one can
estimate annual operating costs of about 1.50¸1.85 €¤m2
Installation of joint cover of warehouse space. The larger the warehouse, the less
the operating cost.

ECOPAN has been producing and selling radiant panels

for ceiling installation for over twenty years.
This experience has shown that the use of this product is
the best solution for heating large industrial and civil
Radiant panels fully satisfy the needs for silent operation
and lack of air movement. It evenly heats rooms with
reduced energy consumption and no fire hazard.



Anti-convections side skirts

140 mm
90 mm
35 mm

Concealed side profiles for suspensions at variable


They allow suspension ties to be attached anywhere on

the panel. These profiles, anchored directly on the
brackets, stiffen the panel so that the space between
one anchor and the next can be increased. They
remain completely concealed.

Swivel hook
for suspension
70 mm


Joint covers for pipe joints with sleeves for

press fitting

Headers for assembly with press fitting

Insulation covers for heads of panels

Upper sheet metal protections for gymnasiums

Panels with pipes of ½², interval 111 mm with

room for lamps

535 mm

565 mm

760 mm

790 mm

980 mm

1010 mm

4.1 ECOPAN radiant panel

Number of test Nominal thermal Characteristic Characteristic

emission equation equation
report as per
Model DT= 55 K exponent constant
European standard F (*) K (*)
n (*)
EN 14037-1,-2,-3 W/m W/K

2/150 ½” DC203D12.1821 180 1,1752 1,6220 (*)Nominal thermal emission as

per EN 14037, based on
3/150 ½” DC203D12.1821 / 1824 244 1,1708 2,2415 tests carried out at the HLK
laboratory at the University of
4/150 ½” DC203D12.1824 309 1,1663 2,8830 Stuttgart.
This emission, relative to
5/150 ½” DC203D12.1824 / 1827 370 1,1670 3,4450
DT=55 K is obtained from
6/150 ½” DC203D12.1824 / 1827 431 1,1677 4,0040 the equation:
F = K×DT n
7/150 ½” DC203D12.1824 / 1827 492 1,1684 4,5598
in which
8/150 ½” DC203D12.1827 554 1,1691 5,1127
F = thermal emission
2/150 ¾” DC203D12.1820 190 1,1760 1,7056 K = characteristic equation
4/150 ¾” DC203D12.1823 318 1,1763 2,8516
DT= difference between the
6/150 ¾” DC203D12.1823 / 1822 449 1,1773 4,0143 average temperature of
the fluid and the ambient
8/150 ¾” DC203D12.1822 581 1,1783 5,1687 temperature
4/100 ½” DC203D12.1819 278 1,1828 2,4278 n = characteristic exponent
5/100 ½” DC203D12.1819 / 347 1,1806 3,0599
6/100 ½” DC204D12.1977 413 1,1784 3,6753

7/100 ½” DC204D12.1977 / 1950 466 1,1802 4,1120

8/100 ½” DC204D12.1977 / 1950 516 1,1820 4,5234

9/100 ½” DC204D12.1977 / 1950 566 1,1837 4,9290

10/100 ½” DC204D12.1950 616 1,1855 5,3288

4/100 ¾” DC204D12.1989 279 1,1843 2,4274

6/100 ¾” DC204D12.1985 415 1,1793 3,6744

8/100 ¾” DC204D12.1985 / 1949 534 1,1825 4,6691

10/100 ¾” DC204D12.1949 650 1,1857 5,6154

4.2 Insulating panel

Fibreglass wool treated with thermosetting resin, covered on the upper side with
aluminium foil.
Its properties include:
- chemical inertia, immune to attack by parasites and rodents, does not decay or absorb
humidity, resistant to even substantial temperature changes.
The completely inorganic nature of fibreglass wool ensures its long-lasting performance.
Fire reaction
Class A1 according to test methods in standard EN 13501-1.
Thickness 40 mm
Thermal conductivity at an average temperature of 40°C 0,048 W/mK
Density 14 kg/m3 ±10%
Thermal resistance 0.83 m2K/W


Panels with pipes Panels with pipes

electro-welded with no welding

Ceiling mounted radiant panels with emission certified as per harmonized European standard EN 14037, com-
posed of:

Plate in quality steel sheet metal, cold worked using mechanical stamping and drawing process, to obtain deep
grooves that wrap 2/3 of the outer surface of the pipe so as to obtain maximum downward radiance.

Wide range of models based on the number of pipes they are made of, 7 models with interval of 111 mm and
7 with an interval of 150 mm, all available with pipes of ½”or of ¾”.

Length of 4 or 6 metres obtained by assembling sheets of 2 metres so as to prevent them from deforming and
to contain sliding between pipes and sheet metal within limits of elasticity.

Electro-welded steel pipes with a thickness of 1.5 Steel pipes with no welding (or with equivalent
mm made from laminated strip, diameter ½² characteristics) with a diameter of ½² (or ¾²),
(or ¾²), electronically tested at the steelworks suitable for liquids at a temperature of up to
and certified, suitable for liquids at a 180°C and operating pressures of up to 16 bar.
temperature of up to 120°C and operating
pressures of up to 6 bar.

Anchoring brackets located about one every metre to stiffen the structure, composed of rectangular tube that is
especially flat so as to allow continuity and adherence of the insulation to the sheet metal, thus reducing
thermal points.

Side edges with special profile obtained from the plate, thus extending the radiant surface. They contain and
hide the insulating mat.

Head headers welded to pipes and tested in the factory for the required pressures.

Fibreglass wool mat with a thickness of 40 mm, density 14 kg/m3, covered on the upper face with aluminium foil,
fire reaction class A1 as per standard EN 13501-1.

Joint covers to be placed on joints between modules, with the same profile as the main sheet metal, to be
pressed in and secured from underneath with clips.

Painting carried out after washing, degreasing, and phosphating by immersion in tub containing water-soluble
enamel with non-toxic epoxy powder resins, followed by kiln baking. The standard colour is RAL 7032 silicon
grey; other RAL colours are available on request.

This paint resists up to 170°C in systems supplied with water and 140°C in steam systems. For uses at
higher temperatures, there are specially suited paints.

via Mameli, 44
fax +39 0437 31027
tel. +39 0437 32005
32100 Belluno (Italy)


® ®
ECOPAN is a registered trademark. - ECOPAN modular radiant panels are patented. - The technical, constructional and dimensional data are not binding and may be modified with no advance notice. MAN. TEC. EN 03-07
This manual may not be reproduced, wholly or in part, without written authorization in advance from Ecopan S.r.l. Rights to modification reserved

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