Optimum Coordination of Directional Overcurrent Relay in Presence of Distributed Generation Using Genetic Algorithm

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Optimum Coordination of Directional Overcurrent

Relay in presence of Distributed Generation Using

Genetic Algorithm
Mr. Sahebrao V. Chakor Prof. Mrs. Tanuja N. Date
Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department
K.K.Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research K.K.Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research
Nashik-03(MH), India Nashik-03(MH), India
svchakor88@gmail.com tndate@rediffmail.com

Abstract- Distributed generation (DG) is commonly used to power system protection. Each relay in the power system must
supply the local loads. The penetration of distributed generation be coordinated with the other relays in the power system [1, 2].
leads to violating the relay coordination in the distribution Several heuristic-based optimization techniques were proposed
network. The interconnection of DG affects miscoordination of for optimum coordination of OCRs [3]. The optimum settings
distribution system protection, because of the generator ability to
for TMS and PS are obtained using different algorithms
contribute large fault currents to the fault point. The impact of
DG on relay coordination affect the operating time of relay. The proposed by the researchers. In some cases, pickup currents are
CTI associated with primary and backup relay pairs is getting determined based on experience and only the value of TMS is
violated due to changes in fault current level. Thus, coordination optimized. Several non-linear programming (NLP) methods are
between primary and backup relays fails in the presence of used to optimize both TMS and PS. However, NLP methods
distributed Generation. Hence, the interconnection of DG in the are complex as well as time consuming. To avoid the
distribution system causes an adverse impact on protection complexity of the NLP methods, the OCR coordination to
coordination. Relay coordination problem has many constraints avoid the complexity of the NLP methods, the OCR
due to coordination criteria. Heuristic based optimization coordination problem commonly formulated as a linear
techniques are used to solve the optimization problems. These
programming problem (LPP) [13]. Various LPP techniques are
techniques have a drawback of converging to the values that may
not be optimum due to the wide range of design variables and present by the researchers for OCR coordination [3-6]. In [7,
difficulty in getting an initial feasible solution with a short range 8], optimum coordination is achieved by considering different
of design variables. This paper presents a new algorithm to network topologies. In [9], a genetic algorithm is proposed to
overcome the problem of the initial feasible solution in find the optimum solution for relay settings. In [10], GA is
determining the optimum settings of OCRs. In this context, the used to find the optimum relay settings.
optimization problem is formulated as constrained non- linear
optimization problem and is determining using Genetic Injections of distributed generation (DG) in distribution
Algorithm (GA). This algorithm is tested on two different system jeopardize the existing protection scheme. The impact
networks that found suitable to give satisfactory results. depends on some DGs, size, type and location. Moreover, the
position of DG in distribution network changes the
Keywords— Distributed Generation, Relay coordination, Genetic configuration of the distribution system. The distribution
Algorithm, MATLAB Toolbox, Inverse Definite Minimum Time system is radial in nature, and overcurrent based protection
relays, scheme are set for the uni-directional flow of current. But the
I. INTRODUCTION injection of DG power causes meshed configuration of the
distribution system and on few branches current flows in the
Shunt faults in a power system give rise to sudden built up both directional.14-15]. In this paper, the problem of
of current. This magnitude of fault current can be utilized for determining the optimum values of TMS and PS of OC Relay
the indication of fault existence. The over-current protection is had been formulating. The Genetic algorithm optimization
most widely used for the protection of power system. method with proposed algorithm is used to determine optimum
Directional overcurrent relays (DOCR) are commonly used for values of TMS and PS. Two case studies with a 3-bus system
the protection of distribution systems and also as a secondary with 3 OCR relays and 3-bus system with 8 OCR relays are
protection of the transmission system. In distribution feeders, presented to illustrate the proposed method.
they play a more prominent role and there it may be the only
protection provided. A relay must trip for a fault under its II. PROBLEM FORMULATION
primary zone of protection. Only if, the primary relay fails to Relay Coordination problem can be formulated as
clear the fault, the back-up relay should take over tripping. If constrained optimization and solved by different optimization
backup relays are not well coordinated, the relay may get mal- methods. To achieve relay coordination, the sum of all primary
operate. Therefore, relay coordination is a major concern for relay operating times should be minimized using the optimal
relay settings [time multiple setting (TMS) and plug setting III. GENETIC ALGORITHM
(PS)] [8-10]. This is present in equation 1.
N A Genetic Algorithm Heuristic non-traditional optimization
min z ¦t i (1) technique he has based on the, mimic the process of evolution,
i 1 right. GA is advantages of converging to the global optimum.
Where The genetic algorithm will be slow compared to conjugate
z - The objective function in zone k, gradient is disadvantages of GA. Distinguishing characteristics
i- Index, of GA compared to traditional methods are as follows:
ti - Operating time of the ith primary relay for its near-end fault x GA works with the coding of the parameter set,
in k, not the parameter themselves.
N - A total number of directional overcurrent relays. x GA’s search for a population of the point, not a
Depending upon relay characteristics the above optimization single point.
problem has following constraints, x GA uses the objective function information & not
A. Relay Setting the derivatives & second derivatives.
Each relay has time multiple setting (TMS) and plug setting A. Important terms in Genetic Algorithm:
(PS). PS limit has chosen based on the maximum load current
x Chromosome: a set of generation, a chromosome
and the minimum fault current seen by the relay, and the
contains the solution in a form of generations.
available relay setting. The TMS limits are based on the
available relay current-time characteristics. x Generation: a part of the chromosome, a generation
contains a part of the solution. It determines the
ܲܵ݅݉݅݊  ൑  ܲܵ݅  ൑  ܲܵ݅݉ܽ‫ݔ‬ (2) solution. e.g. 16743 is a chromosome and 1,6,7,4 and
3 are its generations.
ܶ‫  ݊݅݉݅ܵܯ‬൑  ܶ‫  ݅ܵܯ‬൑  ܶ‫ ݔܽ݉݅ܵܯ‬ (3) x Individual: same as a chromosome.
Where x Population: number of individuals present with the
PSi , min- minimum value of PS of relay Ri same length of the chromosome.
PSi , max- maximum value of PS of relay Ri x Fitness: the value assigned to an individual based on
TMSi , min- minimum value of TMS of relay Ri how far or close an individual is from the solution.
TMSi , max - maximum value of TMS of relay Ri x Fitness function: a function that assigns fitness value
TMSi,min and TMSi,max taken as 0.025 and 1.2, respectively. to the individual. It is problem specific.
x Crossover: taking two fit individuals and then
B. Bounds on Relay Operating Time: intermingling there chromosome to create new two
The relay needs a certain minimum amount of time to individuals.
operate. Also, a relay should not be allowed to take too long x Mutation: changing a random generation in an
time for its operation. Has been mathematically stated as. individual.
‫  ݊݅݉݅ݐ‬൑  ‫  ݅ݐ‬൑  ‫ݔܽ݉݅ݐ‬ (4) x Selection: Selecting individuals for creating the next
Where, Start
timin- Minimum operating time of the relay for the fault at any
point in the zone k,
timax - Maximum operating time of the relay for the fault at any Determine Fitness of each Evolution
point in the zone k,
C. Backup-Primary Relay Coordination Time Interval
The fault sensed by both primary as well as secondary relay
simultaneously. The backup relay should take over the tripping > n Generation
Yes Display
action only after primary relay fails to operate, to avoid mal-
operation. If Ri is the primary relay for fault at k, and Rj is
backup relay for the same fault, then the coordination constraint No

can be stated as. Select Next Generation

‫ ݆ݐ‬ǡ݇ െ  ‫݅ݐ‬ǡ݇  ൒  ο‫ݐ‬ (5)

Where, Perform Reproduction Using Crossover

ti,k - Operating time of the primary relay Ri , for the fault at k,

tj,k - Operating time of the backup relay Rj , for the same fault
Perform Mutation
at k,
Δt - Co-ordination time interval (CTI).
Fig 1. Flow chart of GA Algorithm
B. Coordination of Overcurrent Relay A. Iillustration-I
Fault in the power system is sense by both primary as well A radial distribution system, with three OC relays as
as backup relays. The primary relay should operate first and if shown in Fig. 2. is considered to test the algorithm, The
the primary relay fails to operate the backup relay should maximum fault current just beyond bus A, bus B and bus C
operate. So it is necessary to set the operating time of primary are 2500 (Amp), 3500 (Amp) and 4500 (Amp) respectively,
relay less than that of the backup relay. A simple radial feeder the CT ratio for RA is 200:1, RB is 300:1 and for RC is
with three sections they are shown in Fig.2. 500:1. Minimum operating time for each relay is considered as
C B A 0.2 (sec), and the CTI is taken as 0.3 (sec). Current seen by
each relay at different fault locations is given in Table 1.
Table I. Current Seen by Relay At Fault location

Fault Relay
M N Position A B C
Just Beyond A 12.5 8.33 5
Fig 2. Radial Feeder System.
Just Beyond B --- 11.66 7
Just Beyond C --- --- 9
For a fault at point N, relay RA should operate first. Let the
operating time of RA are set to 0.2 (sec). The same fault have The characteristic equation of normal IDMT overcurrent relay
been seen by relay RB as well as RC, but relay RB should wait is given by
for 0.2 (sec) plus, a time equal to the operating time of circuit
breaker (CB) at bus A, plus the overshoot time of relay A,
0.14* TMS
Top 0.02
which is called as coordination time interval (CTI).Accordingly § If ·
operating time for each relays should be set. This is necessary ¨ ¸ 1
for maintaining the selectivity of relays at A, B and C. In the © ps ¹
same way for the fault at point M operating time of relay C Where
should be set as operating time of relay C plus CTI [7]. The Top- Operating time of IDMT relay
selection of TMS and PS for settings of operating time with TMS -Time multiple setting
CTI is shown in fig.3. PS- Plug setting
If - Fault current seen by relay

Consider x1, x2 and x3 are the TMS and y1, y2 and y3 are the
RB PS of relay RA, RB and RC respectively, then the
optimization problem to minimize the total operating time
formulated as-
Operating time (sec)

0.14* x1 0.14* x2 0.14* x3

min z 0.02
§ 12.5 · § 11.66 · §9·
¨ y1 ¸ 1 ¨ ¸ 1 ¨ ¸ 1
© ¹ © y2 ¹ © y1 ¹
Subjected to
500 1200
0.14* x3 0.14* x1 (7)
 t 0.3
Fault Current (Amp)

0.02 0.02
Fig 3. Coordination Time Interval § 5.00 · § 12.5 ·
¨ y1 ¸  1 ¨ y 2 ¸  1
IV. RESULT © ¹ © ¹
0.14* x 2 0.14* x1 (8)
An MATLAB program is developed to find optimum 0.02
t 0.3
values of TMS and PS for OC relay coordination problem. The § 8.33 · § 11.66 ·
program will test on different systems and were found to give ¨ y 2 ¸  1 ¨ y1 ¸  1
© ¹ © ¹
satisfactory results in all the cases. Two case studies on the
radial feeder as well as a multi-loop distribution system with 0.14* x3 0.14* x1
 t 0.3 (9)
DG and effect on relay coordination are presented here for 0.02 0.02
§ 7.00 · § 11.66 ·
demonstration. Detail procedure for the formulation of an
¨ y3 ¸ 1 ¨ ¸ 1
objective function and constraints would be present. Also, © ¹ © y1 ¹
application of GA for the objective function is explained. The
0.14* x1
obtained results are obtained using Genetic Algorithm (GA).
t 0.20 (10)
§ 12.5 ·
¨ y1 ¸  1
© ¹
0.14* x 2
t 0.20 (11) The 3-bus distribution system shown in Fig. I. is
§ 11.66 · considered for the illustration. This system consists of 3 buses,
¨ y2 ¸ 1 3 lines and one generator. A two, 1 MVA synchronous DG is
© ¹ connected at bus 2 and 3, to supply the local loads and both
0.14* x3 loads consider as 10 MW. The system data is given in Table I.
t 0.20 (12) All lines are protected by directional overcurrent relays with
§ 9.00 · normal inverse characteristic. Four different fault points (A to
¨ y3 ¸  1 D at the middle of each line) are considered. Relay primary
© ¹ backup relationship and fault current data without considering
Minimum operating time for each relay is set to be 0.20. The DG and with DG is given in table - II. The minimum operating
lower bound on the values of TMS and PS are taken as 0.05 time as well as CTI is considered as 0.2 sec. The GA method
and 0.8 respectively. The upper limit of TMS and PS for the is used to find optimum relay settings with considering single
entire relay is taking as 1.1 and 1.2. MATLAB toolbox used to and two DG. The optimum relay settings are presented in table
solve the above optimization problem using GA. Table II – III.
shows the result obtained using GA.
Table I. System Data.
Table II. Result for Illustration-I
Sr. Particulars Ratings
GA No.
Relay Number
RA 0.083 0.811 1 Generator
Xd' = 0.25 p.u
RB 0.159 0.943 2 Line 0+j0.25 p.u
RC 0.223 0.874 1MVA,11KV,Xd' =
Total operating 3 DG
1.2861 0.30 p.u
time (sec)
Table II. Fault Current Data
B. Iillustration-II
Due to the presence of DG in distribution system, the Fault current(Amp)
original relay coordination is lost. The original relay Fault Relay With 1- DG
coordination is restored by disconnecting all DGs during the Point With single DG With two DG
fault conditions. This will lead to the loss of DG power as well Primary Backup Primary Backup Primary Backup
1 -- -- --
as it will create resynchronization problems for connecting A
2 6 4677 4769 6445.27 6428.46
DGs after clearing the fault. 3 -- -- --
G 4 6 4677 4769 6428.46 6445.27
5 1 6174 875 6878.63 1242.86
1 3 8
C 5 3 6174 875 6878.63 1242.86
6 8 2613 6191 6878.63 6106.68
8 -- -- --
2 4
7 5 6191 2613 6106.68 6878.63

C Table III. Optimum Values For TMS and PS
6 7
TMS & PS obtained TMS & PS obtained
using With single DG using With two DG
Fig: 1. 3- Bus system with 8 directional OCRs with single DG. 1 0.1039 0.8493 0.0982 0.8000
2 0.0817 0.8007 0.0816 0.8013
3 0.1056 0.8319 0.0981 0.8007
4 0.0783 0.8916 0.0777 0.914
1 3 8
5 0.1910 0.8170 0.1672 0.8000
6 0.1604 0.8980 0.1664 0.8141
A B 7 0.0789 0.8320 0.0799 0.8044
8 0.2535 0.8350 0.2338 0.8851
2 4
2.2388 1.8012

6 7


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