I. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION P303+P361+P353: IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove immediately
all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower.
Product Name Sodium Hypochlorite P363: Wash contaminated clothing before reuse
Recommended use Chemical intermediate, disinfectant, P310: Immediately call a POISON CENTER physician.
of the chemical and bleaching agent, chlorination of water, P390: Absorb spillage to prevent material damage.
restrictions on use waste water treatment Storage:
Mabuhay Vinyl Corporation P403: Store in a well ventilated place.
rd P410: Protect from sunlight
3 Floor Philamlife, 126 L.P. Leviste St. P233: Keep container tightly closed.
Salcedo Village, Makati City P405: Store locked up.
For Assistance Call : (02) 817-8971 to Disposal:
76 loc 214; Direct line (02) 817-1830 P501: Dispose of contents/container in accordance with
Iligan Plant Assumption Heights, Iligan City local/regional /national regulations
Tel: (063) 221-9466, 221-1190 Additional labeling requirements:
EUH031: Contact with acids liberates toxic gas. (Specific
Mabuhay Premium LTAI, Brgy. Biñan, Biñan, Laguna concentration limit >= 5%)
Bleach Plant Tel: (049) 541-1923
Batangas Depot BBTI Compound, Bauan, Batangas III. COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON
Tel: (043) 980-5869 INGREDIENTS
Cebu Depot Ceniza St., Ouano, Mandaue City Chemical Identity Sodium hypochlorite, 7%
Tel: (032) 344-5259, 345-0639 Trade Names/ Household bleach, soda bleach, hypo-
Synonyms chlorous acid, sodium oxychloride
Davao Depot Bunawan, Davao City
Component Name CAS Number Concentration,%
Tel: (082) 236-0015
Sodium hypochlorite 7681-52-9 7.0-8.5
II. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Sodium hydroxide 1310-73-2 0.2-1.0
Symbols Water 7732-18-5 90.5- 92.8
Safety Data Sheet Issue Date : 11/15/13
Rev. Code : 03
V. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Keep away from light, heat, acids, alkalis, ammonia, urea,
reducing and oxidizing agents, combustibles, metals
Extinguishing media
Suitable extinguishing media: Regular dry chemical,
carbon dioxide, fine water spray, regular foam VIII. EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PROTECTION
Unsuitable extinguishing media: High volume water jet. Control parameters
Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture: Exposure limits
Nonflammable but is decomposed by heat and light, causing AIHA (WEEL) - Sodium Hypochlorite: 2 mg/m3 (STEL)
a pressure build-up resulting to explosion. When heated, it OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) -
may release chlorine gas or hydrochloric acid. Reaction with Sodium Hydroxide: 2 mg/m3 Ceiling
oxidizable or organic materials may result in fire. Chlorine (from Sodium Hypochlorite): 0.5 ppm
Special protective actions for firefighters: Fight fire from (TWA), 1 ppm (STEL)
safe location. Do not breathe fumes. Firefighters should ACGIH Threshold Limit Value (TLV) –
wear proper protective equipment and self contained Sodium Hydroxide: 2 mg/m3 Ceiling
breathing apparatus with full face-piece operated in positive Chlorine (from Sodium Hypochlorite): 0.5 ppm
pressure mode. Containers close to fire should be removed (TWA), 1 ppm (STEL), A4
immediately or cooled with water. DO NOT use dry chemical
fire extinguishing agents containing ammonium compounds Appropriate engineering controls: Ensure adequate
(such as A:B:C agents) since an explosive compound can ventilation.
be formed. Individual protection measures/personal protective
equipment: Final choice of appropriate protection will vary
VI. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES according to methods of handling or engineering controls and
according to risk assessments undertaken.
Personal precautions, protective equipment and Respiratory protection: respiratory equipment with
emergency procedures: Slippery when spilt. Put on replaceable vapor/mist filter.
protective equipment (see Section 8). Avoid direct contact Hand protection: rubber, nitrile, neoprene or PVC gloves
with skin, eyes and clothing. Do not breathe vapor or fumes. Eye / face protection: safety glasses with side shields
Work up wind or increase ventilation. Ensure adequate Skin protection: suitable protective workwear, including
ventilation. boots, lab coat, apron or coveralls as appropriate, to
prevent skin contact.
Environmental precautions: Avoid entry of product into .
drains, sewers, surface/ground water system or soil.
Methods and material for containment and cleaning up:
Shut off the source of the leak if conditions are safe. Absorb Appearance Clear, greenish-yellow liquid
in dry sand or earth and place into containers for proper Odor Pungent, chlorine-like odor
disposal. Neutralize with sodium sulphite, bisulfite or
thiosulfate, and then flush with plenty of water. Do not use Odor threshold 0.9 ppm
combustible materials, such as saw dust. Do not use pH > 12
sulphates or bisulphates for spill neutralizing. Freezing point < -10 °C
Boiling point /range 105 °C , approx.
VII. HANDLING AND STORAGE Flash point Not applicable
Precautions for safe handling: Evaporation rate Not available
Use protective equipment(see Section 8). Provide adequate Flammability Not applicable
ventilation. Do not breathe mist, or gas. Do not get in eyes, Flammability/explosive limits Not applicable
on skin, or on clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling. Vapor pressure 20 mmHg @ 20 °C
Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Vapor density 1.2 (air=1)
Store dry, and well-ventilated place below 29°C. Protect from
Relative density(water = 1) (20°C) : 1.12 kg/m3
light and heat. Contents may develop pressure upon
prolonged storage. Keep storage temperatures Solubility Completely soluble(water)
Partition coefficient: n- Log Kow = -3.42
Suitable packaging material: polyethylene, polypropylene,
polystyrene, PVC, CPVC, glass fiber- reinforced plastics,
rubber-lined steel(¾” thickness) Auto-ignition temperature Not applicable
Decomposition temperature 40 °C
Non suitable packaging material: carbon steel, stainless
steel, copper and its alloys, aluminum, unprotected metals, Viscosity 2.6 mPas at 20°C
epoxy, elastomers
Safety Data Sheet Issue Date : 11/15/13
Rev. Code : 03
Chemical stability: Stable under normal ambient and Very toxic to aquatic life.
anticipated storage and handling conditions. Stability
96-hour LC50 : fathead minnows: 0.090-5.9 mg/L
decreases with concentration, heat, light exposure, decrease
Bluegill sunfish: 0.10-2.48 mg/L
in pH and contamination with heavy metals. Unstable and
shore crab: 1.418 mg/L
decomposes at pH<11 or upon heating, with chlorine
grass shrimp: 52.0 mg/L,
scud: 0.145-4.0 mg/L
Possibility of hazardous reactions Hazardous polymerisation water flea: 2.1 mg/L.
will not occur. Reacts exothermically with acids . Reacts with
Persistence and degradability:
ammonia, amines and ammonium salts to produce
Biodegradation (In water): Reacts rapidly with organic matter,
chloramines. Extremely corrosive for aluminium, brass.
e.g. sewage, soil, leading to ultimate reduction to chloride.
Reacts with metals (nickel, cobalt, copper, iron, tin) with
Photodegradation (In air) : In water, under photolysis, sodium
oxygen release
hypochlorite with concentration of13-18 mg/L, has a half-life
Conditions to avoid: Light, heat and incompatibles. of 12 min. at pH =8 . This increases up to 60 min. with pH
Incompatible materials: Acids, metals and metal salts,
Bioaccumulative potential : An accumulation in organisms is
amines, ammonia and ammonium salts, urea, ethylene
not to be expected
glycol, formic acid, methanol, reducing and oxidizing agents,
cellulose, organics and combustible material, peroxides, Mobility in the soil. Soluble in water. Readily absorbed into soil
Other adverse effects. Because of the high pH of this product,
Hazardous decomposition products: Chlorine gas, it would be expected to produce significant ecotoxicity to
hydrochloric acid, hypochlorous acid aquatic or terrestrial organisms systems.
Safety Data Sheet Issue Date : 11/15/13
Rev. Code : 03
European Regulations
Danger/Hazard Symbol: C Corrosive