Rifle Range Sop
Rifle Range Sop
Rifle Range Sop
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Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
General.......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Definitions ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Range Use Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 5
Restrictions ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Allowable Firearms ................................................................................................................................... 6
Range Safety Officers ................................................................................................................................ 6
Authorized Matches.................................................................................................................................. 7
Range Rules ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Liability Waiver and Age Restrictions........................................................................................................ 7
Range Training Requirements ................................................................................................................... 8
General Range Rules ................................................................................................................................. 8
Children On The Range ............................................................................................................................. 9
Range Safety ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Range Commands ................................................................................................................................... 10
Firearms Carry & Handling ...................................................................................................................... 12
Cease Fire Procedure .............................................................................................................................. 12
Firing Line Rules ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Range Rules Specific to Black Powder Firearms ..................................................................................... 14
NRA Hygiene Guidelines ......................................................................................................................... 14
Emergencies and Incident Reporting ...................................................................................................... 15
First Aid Procedures ................................................................................................................................ 15
Personal Protective Equipment .............................................................................................................. 15
Procedure for Cleaning Surfaces Contaminated with Biohazardous Material ....................................... 15
Facility Operating Procedures ..................................................................................................................... 16
Store/Building - Opening Procedure ....................................................................................................... 16
Store/Building - Closing Procedure ......................................................................................................... 17
Range - Opening Procedure .................................................................................................................... 17
Range - Operating Procedure ................................................................................................................. 18
Making The Line Hot ............................................................................................................................... 19
Making The Line Safe .............................................................................................................................. 20
Range - Closing Procedure ...................................................................................................................... 20
Safety Incident Report ................................................................................................................................ 22
Eye Witness Form ....................................................................................................................................... 23
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Replacement and Repair Costs ................................................................................................................... 24
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This procedure outlines the rules and regulations governing the use of the outdoor gun range located at
the SHARPE Shooters facility with the physical address of 2901 Gun Club Road, Augusta, GA 30907.
While shooting incidents are rare on ranges, the following range rules and regulations are established to
ensure safety and discipline for individuals using the range as well as the safety for our neighbors and
surrounding properties.
Live fire conducted at the range is designed to provide authorized personnel access to a facility where
they can become proficient with firearms and practice both individual and group shooting sports.
Individuals using the range shall become familiar with these safety rules and procedures prior to using
the range. The range safety rules and procedures help to provide range supervision and allow for
enforcement of these rules to reduce or eliminate incidents from occurring.
All users are required to abide by and enforce these rules. All users are expected to politely point out to
any user in violation of these rules, the nature of the violation, request they stop and if continued
violation occurs, report the incident along with the violators name, if possible, to the Range Officer on
duty or the Richmond County Sherriff's Department for further action.
Approved Firing: deliberate, controlled and aimed fire, which results in every shot hitting the
impact berm.
Firing Line: that part of the range where shooting benches are placed designated as a Live Fire
Activities area.
Live Fire Activities: an activity that involves the firing of a gun. Individuals involved in a live fire
activity include the shooter, Range Officer, and supporting personnel such as score keepers,
timers, and other individuals participating in a shooting activity on a Hot Range.
Range Officer: an employee or designee of SHARPE Shooters that is charged with monitoring
and enforcing all rules outlined in this SOP as they pertain to the outdoor range use.
Rapid Firing: firing more than two shots in a one second period.
Uncontrolled Firing: firing from the hip, firing a rifle/carbine/shotgun without the butt of the
stock against the shooter's shoulder, or any other type of firing in which the firearm is not aimed
by having the shooter's eye aligned with the firearm sights and the sights aligned with an
approved target.
Cease Fire: shooters stop shooting, firearms are cleared of all ammunition and placed on
shooting bench with actions open and muzzle pointed down range.
Hot Range: no Cease Fire is in effect; guns may be handled and fired.
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Cease Fire Range: Cease Fire is in effect, stay away from shooting benches and NO HANDLING
The following are strictly prohibited on SHARPE Shooters property:
1. ALL CELL PHONES SILENT. To be courteous to all shooters concentrating on hitting their
target on the range, all cell phones are to be placed on silent.
2. No shooting at wildlife.
3. No shooting cross-range.
4. Shooters may not consume alcoholic beverages or drugs (including prescription and
over-the-counter medications) that will affect his or her ability to participate with a
maximum state of awareness and in a completely safe manner, before or during live fire
activities. The Range Officer will deny range access to anyone that is or appears to be in
5. FULLY AUTOMATIC FIREARMS ARE PROHIBITED by the Richmond County Commission
as part of the zoning ordinance that is in effect.
PROHIBITED by the Richmond County Commission as part of the zoning ordinance that
is in effect.
7. 50 BMG CALIBER FIREARMS ARE PROHIBITED by the Richmond County Commission as
part of the zoning ordinance that is in effect.
piercing ammunition means a projectile or projectile core which may be used in a
firearm and which is constructed entirely, excluding the presence of traces of other
substances, of tungsten alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, beryllium copper, or a
combination of tungsten alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, or beryllium copper.
AND A SCHEDULED TIME. Anyone shooting a 338 Lapua must have a designated Range
Officer oversight during live fire of the gun.
10. No bullet impacts off the range, into buildings, signs, storage containers, sheds, or any
other structure or range feature not a SHARPE Shooters approved impact area.
11. No repeated misses of the target board, or bullet strikes that ricochet causing a danger
of bullets leaving the range.
12. No disruptive activities, such as loud music or children that are not supervised properly
on the firing line.
13. No loaded firearms are allowed on the SHARPE Shooter property other than on the
Firing Line under a Hot Range condition
a. Exceptions to this are for SHARPE Shooters employees, SHARPE Shooters
members and customers who are properly licensed Georgia Carry Licensed
individuals, and Law Enforcement personnel.
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14. Handguns are not permitted on the rifle range unless the gun is fitted with optics for
hunting purposes. The rifle range is reserved for long guns only.
Allowable Firearms
1. Handguns up to 45 Long Colt can be used on the pistol range and do not need to be
checked in with the Range Officer on duty.
2. Handguns with a caliber of 460 and larger along with AK and AR style pistols must be
checked in with the Range Officer on duty for any special designated range areas
available for these large calibers.
3. Rifles (shoulder fired) - all calibers with the exception of those identified in the
"Restrictions" section above.
4. Muzzle loaders - all types. Those individuals shooting muzzle loaders must check in with
the RSO for bench assignments so as to not interfere with other shooters with the
smoke discharge when firing.
5. Shotguns - all types.
Range Safety Officers (RSO) are required as part of open shooting at the outdoor range.
Everyone using the SHARPE Shooters range must first watch the safety video and receive a
validated video card to be used as a challenge system by the RSO before anyone can start a live
fire scenario. A designated RSO will be in charge of the firing line(s) and range at all times.
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Authorized Matches
It is the intention of the SHARPE Shooters owners to attract and host organized shoots and
competitive matches. These are shoots and matches such as Three-Gun, IDPA, USPSA, Steel
Challenge, and more. It is also the intention to work with organizations such as the National
Wild Turkey Federation, Ducks Unlimited, National Rifle Association, National Shooting Sports
Foundation, 4-H, The Well Armed Woman and many more who have an interest in the shooting
The SHARPE Shooters management will designate an Event Chairman to oversee a given
shoot/match. The Event Chairman may be an employee of SHARPE Shooters or a designated
person from a 3rd party having a vested interest in the shoot/match. If the Event Chairman is a
designated person from a 3rd party, a SHARPE Shooters employee will be designated as a liaison
to the 3rd party in support of the shoot/match.
All events must be scheduled and planned out with the SHARPE Shooters management to
ensure the necessary schedule, supplies, resources, and logistics can be obtained.
All planned, scheduled, and approved shoot/matches take precedence over any individual or
personal activity.
Range Rules
The rules for using the range are outlined as follows, along with noting any unique rules.
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Range Training Requirements
All potential users of the SHARPE Shooters range must complete a range orientation. The
orientation may be one or any combination of a safety video, in-person briefing, and formal
classroom training. The amount of training will be determined by the SHARPE Shooters
management and/or RSO on duty.
Each potential user of the SHARPE Shooters range will be given a card indicating that they have
seen the required safety video which is endorsement for use of the range. Members will only be
issued their membership card upon completion of watching the required safety video.
NOTE: The RSO on duty is tasked with the authority to require anyone shooting on the range be
given additional training before being allowed to shoot on the range again and revoking their
range use endorsement card.
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16. Live-fire times have been designated by Richmond County Zoning Ordnance to be
Monday - Saturday 10:00am until 7:00pm or dark, whichever occurs first. Sunday
1:00pm until 7:00pm or dark, whichever occurs first.
17. ALL firearms must be unloaded, cased, or actions open when taken to and from the
firing line.
18. Inexperienced shooters are to advise the RSO if assistance is needed.
19. When a "Cease Fire" is called by an RSO, stop all shooting and wait for instruction from
the RSO.
20. NO firearms are to be handled or moved until the RSO gives a Hot Range command.
All firearms in need of cleaning or repair during a "Cease Fire" must move to a
designated repair area as identified by the RSO.
21. Firing in a careless manner will not be tolerated. Shoot at your target only. Do not
shoot at any elevation that will allow a bullet to travel over the backstop berm. Any
bullet strikes to facility equipment, structures, or the like other than a designated
target carry a fine/fee to cover costs of replacement and/or repairs. Those individuals
firing in a careless manner will be dismissed from the range for the rest of the day. A
Safety Incident Report will be filled out by the RSO and will be reported via radio to the
store staff for collection of fees. See "Replacement and Repair Costs" chart at the end
of this document to be used by the RSO to determine fines/fees to be assessed.
22. NO open carry of a loaded firearm on your person is allowed. The RSO and SHARPE
Shooters staff along with Law Enforcement personnel are the exception.
23. RSO commands and range rules must be accepted at this range. Challenge to any rule
or RSO command may be made in writing or in person to the SHARPE Shooters
24. All children under 18 must be under adult supervision at all times while inside the range
perimeter. Any adult supervising a child will not be allowed to shoot on the range
leaving the child unsupervised.
25. The minimum age to shoot on the range by one's self is 18 for rifle/shotgun and 21 for
26. The RSO on duty will be equipped with first aid supplies, basic tools, and radio for
communications with other RSO and the store.
27. Keep your area used clean - the RSO will enforce this. Please respect the equipment
and clean up your area when you are through shooting. If you move something, PUT IT
BACK. If you break something, REPORT IT so it can be repaired for future use. If you
make a mess - CLEAN IT UP.
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5. All children must be fitted with eye and ear protection while visiting the range. Ear
muffs, ear plugs and safety eyewear are available in the clubhouse.
Range Safety
Range Commands
To stop all shooting routinely or, in the case of an emergency, immediately. Participants
immediately stop shooting, continue to keep the muzzle pointed down range, remove finger
from the trigger, unload and clear the firearm placing the firearm on the bench with chamber in
view and wait for further instructions.
To notify the RSO and other participants that a round did not fire when the trigger was pulled
and to alert other shooters along the line that a hazardous condition may exist.
To get shooters into position to prepare to begin shooting. Shooters will move from behind the
ready line to their assigned position. DO NOT TOUCH FIREARM! Get comfortable, adjust your
position make sure you are on the correct side of the bench.
To notify the shooters that they may load their first round. Shooters will load their first round
and keep finger off the trigger and stand ready for the next command.
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To declare that the shooters have indicated they are ready on the left side of the range. Any
shooter not ready at this command may choose to either alert the RSO that he/she is not ready
or to complete the process of getting ready before the final command has been given.
To stop all firing. All shooters shall open the bolt/cylinder, clear the chamber, remove the
magazine - unload the cylinder and lay the firearm down with the bolt/cylinder open and wait
for further instructions.
To inform the firing line that the range is safe. The RSO is telling all shooters that all guns are
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Authorizes shooters to remove their gear.
Means to proceed with whatever was being done before the interruption occurred.
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8. Chronographs may be set up only when everyone has returned from downrange while
the range is "Cold". The chronographer should be the only person in front of the firing
line. The chronographer may handle the firearm to line it up with the chronograph but
may not load the firearm until a Hot Range is in effect.
9. Anyone handling a firearm during a cease fire or carelessly sweeping people on a Hot
Range should be reported to the RSO.
a. Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction
b. Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot
c. Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to use
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4. Insert a cleaning rod down the barrel from the chamber end (if
possible) to make sure the bullet is not lodged in the barrel.
15. Only one shooter's target is allowed per frame, unless approved by the RSO.
16. Smoking is not allowed under any circumstance on the range, staging areas, or
spectator areas. Smoking is only allowed in a designated area outside the
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Emergencies and Incident Reporting
In the event of an Emergency please follow these procedures:
1. An approved Bloodborne Pathogen Cleanup Kit must be used for cleaning if at all
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2. If a large amount of blood or other biohazardous material exists on surfaces or on
equipment, the area must be roped off with "Caution Biohazard" tape. The personnel in
charge of the cleanup must adorn whatever amount of personal protective equipment is
needed for protection. The biohazardous material must be wiped up with paper towels
or sprinkled with liquid-congealing powder. The paper towels or powder must then be
placed in a red biohazard bag.
3. The surface, floor, or equipment must then be decontaminated using an approved
germicidal liquid. The solution must remain on the surface for ten minutes or as
directed and then wiped off with water. In addition to commercially available
germicides, a 1 part solution of sodium hypochlorite (common household bleach) to 10
parts water prepared daily is an effective germicide.
4. For a small drop of blood or other biohazardous material that exists on a surface or
equipment, wipe off with approved germicidal liquid. Do not use rubbing alcohol as a
cleaning solution as it does not kill viruses. The solution must remain on equipment or
surface for 10 minutes and then wipe off with water.
Disposal of Contaminated Material (i.e. paper towels, personal protective equipment, saturated
All contaminated materials including personal protective equipment must be placed in a red
biohazard bag; the bag must be closed with a metal twist closure or tied in a knot. The bag must
then be taken to a Biohazard Laboratory for proper disposal.
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h. Targets
i. Ammunition
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4. Check out RSO vest
5. Fill assigned range/bay water cooler(s) with sufficient bottled water and ice and place in
designated area(s)
6. If a match or private event scheduled for designated Rifle or Pistol range:
a. Review "Event Checklist" and perform the appropriate tasks:
i. Post appropriate "Event" signage on the range(s) announcing a closed
pistol bay/rifle range event
ii. Ensure appropriate targets are made ready for event and placed on
range(s) as necessary and outlined in event checklist
iii. Ensure appropriate shooting line/stations are identified and made ready
iv. Ensure appropriate supplies - garbage cans, brass buckets,
v. Identify event spokesperson prior to event starting and coordinate
duties of any volunteers and/or event staff
vi. Give safety briefing for event with all participants to include those not
shooting - SAFETY FIRST!
7. Verify and make ready rental/retail items (all ammunition only available in store):
a. Lead sleds
b. Shooting bags
c. Spotting scopes
d. Binoculars
e. Bullseye Target Camera
f. Eye protection
g. Ear protection
h. Targets
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b. Shooter(s) must present a range safety video card in order to use any of the
ranges and be assigned a bench by the RSO. Members will have seen the range
safety video as part of the membership application process.
c. Friends of employees are paying customers - not free loaders. Friends are to be
treated as a customer and follow the same rules as a paying customer.
d. Family of employees are defined as a spouse, and single sons and daughters of
the employee and/or spouse under the age of twenty-one (21). Any single sons
and daughters of the employee and/or spouse that is a full-time student under
the age of twenty-five (25) shall be construed to be "family." Family of
employees may shoot for no fees, but only if there are operating range benches
available. Paying customers have priority.
e. Upon successful current day receipt and safety video card - or member card -
presentation, RSO assigns a bench to shoot from.
f. Any rental items such as a lead sled, shooting bag, spotting scope, or other item,
a receipt must be presented and surrendered to RSO prior to RSO issuing rental
item. Members have carte' blanch for available rental items with the exception
of rental firearms.
g. When a shooter(s) have completed their shooting session and rental items are
returned to RSO, brass policed and bench area cleaned up, the RSO will return
surrendered receipt so that shooter(s) can then present receipt to the store
staff for retrieval of a held ID/credit card.
2. In the event of an incident:
a. ANY minor injury - slide bite, forehead scope event, or any other minor injury
event that draws blood or otherwise injures a shooter or by-stander, an incident
report will be filled out by the RSO and signed by the shooter(s) - or witness if
shooter(s) is not able to sign.
b. ANY Catastrophic or serious/fatal injury - RSO or ANY shooter/bystander on the
range will call a CEASE FIRE! RSO will radio all RSOs and store manager on duty
to CEASE FIRE on all range/bays and lock-down the entire facility while
emergency and first responders perform necessary tasks. Range closure may be
necessary, and in the case of a range closure of this nature, SAFETY FIRST by
following first responder and RSO directions followed by SAFE egress of
shooters and members from the range to either the main store building or from
the property as directed.
c. ANY Accidental Discharge - RSO will fill out an incident report and have
shooter(s) and/or witness(es) acknowledge and sign report. It will be up to the
RSO to determine if the shooter(s) can remain on the range or if their shooting
session is concluded.
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5. An RSO must always be monitoring the firing line condition. If the RSO must help a
shooter and is on duty alone, the line must be shutdown until he is free to continue his
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2. Maintain observation of the line until all shooters have removed their firearms from the
3. Put any equipment such as sandbags and rests in their storage location.
4. Pick up all trash and dispose of properly. Sweep off shooting area if required.
5. Place stools on top of shooting benches.
6. Make sure all baffle doors are UP and secured.
7. After all shooters have left the range, turn off all lights and electrical equipment.
8. Return spotting scopes and other items to the store to be put away.
9. Close and lock all doors of supply cabinets and other secured storage.
10. Insure that everyone has left the range.
11. Ensure all items are in RSO duty pack and replace/refill items that were used for the
i. Copy of this SOP
j. Incident Reports
k. FULL first aid kit
l. Tourniquet
m. Pens/Pencils
n. Sharpie Marker
o. Note Pad
p. Witness statement sheets
q. Rubber Gloves
r. Trauma Kit
a. Range inspection sheets
12. Check in RSO duty pack.
13. Check in Radio and ensure that it is plugged in to recharge the batteries.
14. Check in RSO vest
15. Drain and put away assigned range/bay water cooler(s).
16. If a match or private event was held for designated Rifle or Pistol range:
a. Perform the appropriate tasks:
i. Remove "Event" signage on the range(s) announcing a closed pistol
bay/rifle range event
ii. Remove event targets and put them away.
iii. Ensure shooting line/stations are cleaned up.
iv. Ensure garbage cans and any other debris are emptied into the
v. Ensure any full brass buckets are replaced with empty buckets. All full
brass buckets are to be put in the designated storage area.
17. Verify and secure rental/retail items (all ammunition only available in store):
a. Lead sleds
b. Shooting bags
c. Spotting scopes
d. Binoculars
e. Bullseye Target Camera
f. Eye protection
g. Ear protection
h. Targets
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Safety Incident Report
Documented by: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Did the accident seem to be the result of improper / disregard for / lack
of training / lack of firearm and safety education? ___________ ___________
Was 911 or other emergency personnel called to the scene? ___________ ___________
All "NO" answers or "Other" type of incident must be commented on in the space provided below.
Provide as much detail as possible for the incident being reported. All incidents must be reported to the
Shooters Ranges management for investigation.
Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________
(Add additional blank pages if necessary)
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Eye Witness Form
What did you see? ________________________________________________________
________________________________ __________________
Signed Date
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Replacement and Repair Costs
The following chart of costs for damages to facility equipment as the result of careless or accidental
firearm discharges or other negligent/accidental actions are to be identified and used by the RSO when
filling out the Safety Incident Report with fines/fees:
What Fine/Fee
Baffle Strike $10
Target Stand Damage $50 + Replacement Cost
Spotting Scope Damage $50 + Replacement Cost
Binocular Damage $50 + Replacement Cost
Chrono Damage $50 + Replacement Cost
Bullseye Camera Damage $50 + Replacement Cost
Facility Structures $200 + Actual Repair Costs
All other equipment not listed above $50 + Replacement Cost
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