Your Life: Jarrod Jones
Your Life: Jarrod Jones
Your Life: Jarrod Jones
Your Life
A Practical Guide for Guys
Jarrod Jones
G re s h a m H i l l P u b l i shing
Na s h v i l l e , Te n n e ssee
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13 Ways to Ruin Your Life: A Practical Guide for Guys
© 2008 by Jarrod Jones
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
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Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001
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To my pastor and friend, Harry Walls
Thank you for the weeks you took to mentor me through Proverbs 7.
Your insights and wisdom are God-given genius.
Your treasuring of the glory of God is contagious. Your desire for the protection
and redemption of brothers in Christ from sexual sin is impassioning.
Your instruction and influence course deeply through this book. Indeed this book
never would have been without your time and investment in me.
Thank you for showing me how not to ruin my life.
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Jarrod Jones lives in Alabama with his wife
Christie, and two boys, Josiah and Titus. In
2003 Jarrod graduated from Southern Baptist
Theological Seminary at Louisville, Kentucky,
with his masters of divinity degree. Every year,
Jarrod speaks before thousands all across the
world at churches, conferences, retreats, camps,
and school assemblies. Jarrod is also the author
of The Backward Life: In Pursuit of an Uncommon Faith (Revell).
For more information on Jarrod or to order other Jarrod Jones books and
merchandise visit WWW.JARRODJONES.COM.
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Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Proverbs 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
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Go ahead: say this word out loud as well. Shout it from the top of your
lungs, but this time be afraid. Be very afraid. There is no dirtier word. Unlike
sex, sin does nothing but ruin lives. Go ahead…shout it out loud again.
Declare it an enemy and hate sin. God certainly does. One last word (well,
maybe two!):
Yes, when you put the words sex and sin together, you can always spell it as
ruin: ruined lives, ruined marriages, ruined friendships, ruined reputations,
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13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
ruined trust. In the following pages, my friend Jarrod Jones has done an
amazing job of waging war against sexual sin. By using Proverbs 7 as a cata-
lyst, Jarrod tackles this controversial topic in a biblically expository fashion.
I love his honesty in these pages. Written from a ragamuffin’s perspective,
Jarrod uses his own failures and victories to connect with the reader. This is
not a book written by a “know it all” who has conquered sinful temptation,
but rather practical wisdom from a guy who has been there himself.
Whether you read this book as an individual or in a group setting, this
book can save lives. As I was reading these chapters, I thought over and over
again how I wish I had read this book when I was much younger. The pitfalls
of sexual sin are just as real today as they have always been. A book like this
can never be read soon enough by guys who desperately need to hear what
God has to say on the topic of sex.
Having read Jarrod’s writing in the past, and having heard him speak
numerous times, I believe this is his best work yet. Thanks, Jarrod, for writ-
ing such a needed book about such a neglected topic. Sure, there are other
books about battling sexual sin, but none that I have read as practical and
simply put for men, whether single, married, young, or old.
—David Nasser
Internationally known speaker and author of
Glory Revealed; A Call to Grace; and A Call to Die.
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was 13 years old. Baseball and friends were my passion. I was a fairly
good kid except for the occasional cursing, dipping Skoal®, and toking
on a cigarette.
Girls were mysterious and intimidating. I was scared to death of the spe-
cies. I ignored them mostly because any attention I gave them, or that they
gave me, made my face glow sunburn red.
Things began to change in the seventh grade. I sat behind a certain girl in
history class. Before each class, she would turn around and try to talk to me.
But I’d lean over, not wanting her to see my face shine, wrap an arm around
my notebook, draw it close to me as if gathering poker chips, then bury
my pen and face into the page writing in a nervous fury. She would laugh;
thought it was cute, I guess. All semester she talked to me and I began to feel
more and more at ease. Then one day she pushed her chips all in: “If I gave
you the chance, would you have sex with me?” I was horrified, but strangely
moved. I said “yeah” because that’s what cool guys say. Nothing ever came of
it though. But I always wondered, what if? I never forgot her question. I’ve
never forgotten the magical way the word “sexxx” hissed off of her tongue.
The spring semester ended and summer began. Early in the summer a
friend and I were walking along railroad tracks in my former hometown of
Clanton, Alabama. We were kicking around rocks, balancing on the tracks
as if on high beams, cursing, and chewing tobacco. We happened upon a
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10 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
the path by her house. 9 It was at twilight, in the evening, as deep darkness fell.
10 The woman approached him, seductively dressed and sly of heart.
11 She was the brash, rebellious type, never content to stay at home.
12 She is often in the streets and markets, soliciting at every corner.
13 She threw her arms around him and kissed him, and with a brazen look she
said, 14 “I’ve just made my peace offerings and fulfilled my vows. 15 You’re the one
I was looking for! I came out to find you, and here you are! 16 My bed is spread
with beautiful blankets, with colored sheets of Egyptian linen. 17 I’ve perfumed
my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. 18 Come, let’s drink our fill
of love until morning. Let’s enjoy each other’s caresses, 19 for my husband
is not home. He’s away on a long trip. 20 He has taken a wallet full
of money with him and won’t return until later this month.”
21 So she seduced him with her pretty speech and enticed him with her flattery.
22 He followed her at once, like an ox going to the slaughter. He was like a stag
caught in a trap, 23 awaiting the arrow that would pierce its heart. He was like
a bird flying into a snare, little knowing it would cost him his life.
24 So listen to me, my sons, and pay attention to my words.
25 Don’t let your hearts stray away toward her. Don’t wander down
her wayward path. 26 For she has been the ruin of many;
many men have been her victims. 27 Her house is the road to the grave.
Her bedroom is the den of death.
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How to Ruin Your Life
t was August 1997. I was wrestling with the decision of going to graduate
school in order to be either a high school teacher or a pastor. I spoke with
the pastor of my church at the time. He told me not to expect a parting
of the heavens and an angel descending with a scroll revealing God’s direction
in my life. He said, “If you go into the ministry, ‘stick a proverbial flag in the
ground’ and don’t look back. There will come tough times when you’ll doubt
if you made the right decision. And it’s then you’ll reflect back to see that flag
as the place and time you declared your commitment to God. No matter how
hard life and ministry get, that flag is a declaration of your commitment.”
Tenacious Resolve
Resolve. It’s sticking the flag into the soil of your heart and not looking back.
It’s driving home a vow to God to stay committed to your intended purpose.
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14 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
It’s fighting for it with all your might no matter what temptations come. It’s
having moments of heavy temptation yet remembering your commitment
to God for mental and physical purity. In life there are always situations and
moments where we fail in our commitments to others, to ourselves, and
to Christ. Yet the beauty of having this “flag in the soil” is that it gives us a
marker to come back to when we feel like we’ve strayed from God’s purpose.
Sexual sin is no different. If God has convicted your heart and there is a
discomfort in your soul about sexual sin in your life, you must repent and
reconcile with Him. The easiest way to lose the fight against sexual sin is to
simply ignore or deny the sin and be unresolved in dealing with it.
In Proverbs 7, Solomon is displaying the lack of resolve of the young
man. The young man has no flag driven into the ground. He’s curious. He’s
passive. He’s open to sexual sin. He’s seducible. He thinks he can just check
her out, maybe make out, have a night out, then a night in, and move on
with his life. He’s naïve. We can be just as naïve. Think about this in the
context of porn: Just a quick glance and it will never happen again.
On the other hand, resolve is commitment, discipline, maturity, wisdom,
discernment, and devotion. Resolve is a doggedness to seek God in your life
and to obey Him with your life. It’s a tenacity to be righteous—right with
God and others, and living right before God and others, for the glory of
God. That is what the flag of righteousness looks like. It’s the righteousness
of heart and mind.
Lost Resolve
I was single for 31 years. Around 23 years old, I was in a committed relation-
ship with a girl I thought I would marry. I confess I’d been sexually active
in my younger years. But I wanted to save myself for her. I wanted our first
time together sexually to be perfect. I considered “perfect” to involve wed-
ding rings on our fingers, vows made before God and family, and a gloriously
intimate first night. I had made sexual mistakes in the past. But I refused to
allow this relationship to become tainted, poisoned if you will, with sexual
sin. I resolved to keep our relationship sexually pure.
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Tip #1: be unresolved 15
Over time my resolve weakened. It didn’t help that she wanted to get
more “intimate” (which was a first for me). So I began rationalizing: We’re
getting married one day anyway. I didn’t hold to my resolve. Too many late
nights alone with her, too much snuggling, too much pushing of sexual
boundaries. Then one night after a movie, alone in my apartment, we had
sex. That moment did what I knew it would do. It changed everything. I felt
guilty and she felt guilty. This is one of the sexual consequences I had hoped
to avoid for the rest of my life. Still my resolve lessened even more. The guilt
would last only about an hour.
The center of our relationship became sex. I became “addicted” to her.
In other words, she was all I could think about. We had crossed over the
sexual line. As a result, jealousy over her, control of her, suspicion about her
with other guys, and constant panic about our relationship haunted me.
Our relationship was doomed because of that night months before when I
became unresolved.
The inevitable happened. She left me for another guy weeks before I was
going to propose to her. My soul felt ripped apart. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t
eat. I couldn’t quit crying. The heartfelt pain was ruthless. I’d rather have
been tortured physically than go through such pain emotionally. Granted,
not every guy handles the fallout as I did when a relationship centered on sex
ends. But the emotional and relational trauma of a sexual relationship gone
bust happens to many guys though we try to “man up” and never admit it.
Perhaps you can relate. I should have known that becoming unresolved sexu-
ally would lead to devastation. But somehow, I didn’t see it coming.
Restored Reslove
I felt the jagged edges of a broken heart for months, even years. In that bro-
kenness the Lord drew me to Himself. Like the beat-down, lonely, broken,
prodigal son returning home to the love and warmth of His father, so I
embraced the Father and repented of sexual sin. The Lord put men, young
and old, into my life to encourage me to pursue Jesus over everything and
everyone else. I grew closer and deeper in relationship with Jesus. I found
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16 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
Him to be my loving Savior and satisfier. He filled the void in my life that
I had been trying to fill by an intimate relationship with a girl. Meanwhile,
two markers became as true as air to me: 1) I never wanted to go through
that emotional pain again; 2) I never wanted to be “separated” from the
Father again. But that would happen only by driving the flag of resolve deep
into my soul.
Sexual temptation still ebbed and flowed in various ways and intensity. And
it isn’t as if I’m immune now. Nevertheless, I vowed a renewed and resolved
virginity. I’m proud to say that before I met Christie, the woman who would
become my wife, I had remained sexually pure (physically and visually) for
seven years. Believe me, the resolve was well worth the long wait.
Future Sex
As a single man during those seven years, it was hardcore remaining sexually
pure in mind and body. If only I was married, I thought, then sexual tempta-
tion wouldn’t be so intense. I had this idea that marriage was a cure for the sin
of lust. I thought wives and husbands had sex every day of the workweek,
after quiet time devotions at night, and even walked around the house naked
all day on weekends. Physical intimacy with my wife would happen when-
ever the urge struck me. Wrong.
I was a bit narrow-minded. Marriage is not about sex. If you’re not mar-
ried, fellas, let me go ahead and spoil a couple of surprises for you: There
isn’t sex everyday. And married people don’t walk around the house naked
on weekends because that would be . . . weird. But don’t get me wrong.
Marriage is great and physical intimacy is fabulous! It’s a gift from God. But
physical intimacy is not the center of a marriage.
Physical intimacy is not just a physical act either. It’s more. It’s emo-
tional, and spiritual. The physical act is never enough. It never satisfies. In
the covenant of marriage, where God intends physical intimacy, a sense of
fulfillment is found when bodies and beings are engaged as “one.” I will admit
that although physical intimacy with my wife helps with lust, it doesn’t help
completely. Marriage is not a cure-all for lust.
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Tip #1: be unresolved 17
The Mantra
It was a pretty big deal for me to come to terms with the above truth. I’d
spent seven years believing the opposite. But in accepting the reality that
marriage isn’t a cure-all for lust, I developed a mantra that I live by to this
day. When sexual temptation taps into my mind or catches my eye, I literally
say out loud: “Lust will never satisfy.”
This mantra, this truth, kept to the front of the mind and heart, is a
simple, biblical, and powerful weapon. Lust does not and will never satisfy.
Think about it. No matter how soft the porn or hard-core perverse the porn,
your craving will never be quenched. In addition, she may be “smokin’ hot”
but there will always be another girl who is “hotter.” You can look the girl up
and down and fantasize all day and night about what you would do with her
sexually, but you can never stare and fantasize until your heart’s content and
your sexual craving is satisfied. Lust cannot content a heart.
Furthermore, no matter with whom you have sex, how many women you
have sex with, or how much sex you have, you will find yourself emptier and
emptier, and needing more and more. You will never be satisfied . . . ever.
The Flag
So how do we create these “flags” in our own lives? King David penned a
psalm that was his flag in the ground to be right with God and live right
before God. Sense the intense resolve in King David’s words. “I will walk
within my house in the integrity of my heart. I will set no worthless thing
before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; It shall not fasten its
grip on me. A perverse heart shall depart from me; I will know no evil.”1
Notice the “I will” and the “it shall . . .”. This is resolve. This is a flag
driven into the ground to deny sexual immorality. It’s a declaration to walk
in purity. Will you be this resolved?
According to Scripure, to be unresolved means to be “naïve” and “lack-
ing sense.”2 In the words of my pastor, it means you are “open-doored” or
open-minded when it comes to sexual temptation and situations. There are
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18 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
some things God calls you to have the door closed on in your life. According
to Proverbs 5, 6, 7, and many other texts, sexual immorality is number one.
Resolve to be righteous. Take the flag of sexual “rightness” before God
and drive it into the soil of your heart. Take some time and get away. Spend
time alone with God in the Word and prayer. Plead for grace to be resolved
and righteous. Then drive the flag into the ground. When sexual temptation
is screaming at you or lurking within you, stop, reflect on the flag, and watch
it flapping in the wind. And say, “Right there in that place I resolved to die
to my lusts, submit my sexual temptations before the cross, and surrender
my sexual sin to Christ. I am resolved.”
Be resolved to not be ruined.
u Will you resolve in the private places of your life, business, cubi-
cle, home, college dorm, etc. to walk in integrity of heart and
u Will you resolve to put no worthless thing before your eyes by way
of Internet, cable TV, DVDs, magazines, and so forth? How?
u Will you resolve to prayerfully develop a sacred fear and hatred of sex-
ual sin and that which seduces you toward it? How will you pray?
u Will you resolve to purge perversity from your heart and mind?
How can it be purged?
u Will you resolve in advance what you will do when sexual opportu-
nities in all forms come? If so, what are some things you can do?
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How to Ruin Your Life
efore basketball season my junior year at Samford, I brought one of
my teammates home with me for my mom’s homecooking. It was
Sunday afternoon. We were in the front yard tossing the football. We
happened across a certain hole in the ground while running pass routes. My
friend Brad, my dad, and I circled the hole, squatted down, and eye-balled it
trying to figure out what might be lurking within.
As soon as Dad said, “It’s a yellow jacket nest,” a yellow jacket buzzed
from behind us and came in for a slow landing on the rim of the hole. Then
it calmly crawled in. With grins, Brad and I looked at each other as if we’d
read each other’s minds. We got a big mason jar from my mom and stood it
upside down over the hole. We stomped the ground around the hole as hard
as we could. Like water out of a hose, yellow jackets sprayed into the jar, fill-
ing the jar, and pinging the glass in a fury. Dad was leaning over the jar and
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20 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
Brad snuck up behind him, pinched him on the back of the leg, and went
“Bzzzt!” Dad yelped and leaped three feet off the ground. Little did we know
that the joke would soon be on us.
It was surreal. In slow motion the jar tipped over a smidge, teetered on
its edge for a teasing moment, and fell. We were frozen in unbelief. It felt
like a cartoon. It was as if the yellow jackets raised their stingers to full mast,
cocked back, and exploded after us in a wailing rage.
We screamed and ran for our lives. I went in one direction, Brad went
in another, and my dad disappeared all together. Dad somehow made it to
the other side of the house. Brad was still tearing through the yard doing
some two-step gallop thing and howling. I, on the other hand, ended up on
the front porch swatting, swinging, shrieking, spitting, and trying to hold
my bowels. From there everything else is a blur. All said and done, my dad
escaped, my teammate took a hit in the back of the leg, and I took one in the
back shoulder. Sweet memories. . . .
That’s what can happen when you flirt around with sexual sin too. You
might get away with it for a while. You can get comfortable, secure, and
think you’ve got it under control. You think you’ve got it nailed. The fact
of the matter is that you’re the one about to get nailed, or rather “stung.”
Flirting with temptation can lead to pain, humiliation, regret, and disaster.
I’ve heard men, even Christian men, say, while staring at an attractive woman,
“I can look at the menu as long as I don’t order from it.” This is deception
and ignorance. When I look at restaurant menus and a dinner grabs my eye,
I start thinking about it arriving on the plate, how it delicious it will smell,
and the taste that will amaze me. Looking at women as if they are “menus”
takes you down the same path. Sexually speaking, that path is called lust.
And if you look at the menu long enough, eventually you will eat.
I’m a big believer that “innocent” looks, remarks, playful conversations,
and so forth can lead to bigger issues, such as emotional attachments, sex-
ual connotations, sexual surrender, wrecked relationships, and ultimately a
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ruined life. But it’s intriguing how we rationalize sexual temptation. We set
ourselves up for the fall when we give ourselves permission just to take a
peak, or say “hello,” or sit closer, stare longer, or stand nearer. Singles live on
the razor thin edge of how far is too far? As a teenager and a single man until
31 years old, I know I did.
So how far is too far? In Romans 13:14, the apostle Paul states, “But put
on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its
lusts.”1 In other words, if you make provision for lust, you will be intensely
moved to satisfy your lusts. Don’t go there.
Paul also states, “[A]mong you there must not be even a hint of sexual
immorality, or of any kind of impurity . . .”.2 Put yourself in a bad position
and you will go too far. Acually, anything that smacks of sexual sin is already
too far. There is more discussion on this and Scripture-based dating stan-
dards later in the book.
For now, how do you keep yourself out of the how far is too far situations?
Again, the apostle Paul: “So put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking
within you. Have nothing to do with sexual sin, impurity, lust and shameful
desires.” 3 In other words, the very question of how far is too far and the state-
ment, “just looking at the menu and not ordering from it,” shouldn’t even be
in your vocabulary. Kill that rationale. It’s a non-issue, a closed door.
My pastor stated it this way, “It’s not if but when.” It’s not if you’ll go too
far, but when you’ll go too far. It’s not if you’ll get ruined, but when you’ll
get ruined.
Emotional Adultery
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22 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
counselor. I met with him periodically to discuss areas of struggle. One day
we were dealing with how sexual pasts can scar and hinder healthy rela-
tionships with women. He shared with me something shocking. It was
something I had never heard of or even considered. Many years prior to
our meeting, a flirtatious relationship developed between him and a church
secretary at a previous church he’d pastored. It never became a physical
relationship, he said. Emotionally, however, he became deeply attached to
her. And the emotions continued escalating. He fought it and fought it. It
became so intense that he decided to share his “emotional adultery” (what
he called it) with his wife. His wife considered it emotional adultery too.
She divorced him a year later.
I’ll never forget the regret in his eyes. I learned something I’d never before
considered: emotions are nothing to play around with; they are nuclear.
If you’re single, you are emotionally vulnerable. Just last night I hung out
with three single friends of mine who struggle with what I struggled with as a
single man years ago: the longing for companionship, the weariness of lone-
liness. Sexual temptation sometimes is not the biggest factor. It’s the desire
for a companion, a longing to connect deeply and emotionally. However,
emotional engagement with a woman can quickly overwhelm rationale. It
can put you on a romantic high that sets you up for disaster. An emotionally
charged and ruled relationship with a woman can lead to heartbreak, impul-
sive decisions, and potentially sexual ruin. Be careful with your emotions.
Embrace and express them wisely.
For a married man, emotional connections are for your wife only and
no other. An emotional attachment with another woman leads to emotional
disengagement from your wife. This is dangerous territory because doubts
can birth about your marriage. Fantasies can arise about the relationship
possibilities with the other woman. Emotional bonding can lead to sexual
sin. Or at the least, like my pastor friend, it falls into emotional adultery.
Emotional adultery means that your emotions, which were to be protected
and nurtured for your wife only, are allowed to run freely with another
woman. Keep a reign on your emotions. Beware of emotional adultery. It
can ruin you.
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Christian Sex
Sexual rationalization among teenagers and singles, as well as young and old
singles, can become biblically irrational and sinful. There is an actual term
coined “Christian sex.” According to a teenage guy I spoke with a year ago,
Christian sex is anything but sexual intercourse. Sexual petting, mutual mas-
turbation, anal sex, and oral sex are okay because there has been no actual
“sex,” he argued. I just read a blog yesterday from a gal who argued the
same thing. So they can still call themselves virgins and avoid guilt. They
are deceived that purity only applies to sexual intercourse. As a teenager and
young single guy, I used this rationalization too, albeit I didn’t use those exact
terms. And looking back, there was still guilt. Nonetheless, there is only one
kind of “Christian sex” the Bible endorses and celebrates—marital sex.
Remember Jesus’ use of porneia in the gospel of Matthew (see intro-
duction chapter). It’s a wide term that defines sexual sin—sexual activity
outside of marriage. It includes oral sex, anal sex, mutual masturbation, “dry
humping,” and any other kind of sexual petting—what my friend and other
Christian young men and women have called “Christian sex.” The Bible
does paint a beautiful picture of Christian sex, but sex outside of God’s will
isn’t it. In fact, Jesus uses two other words in place of what others have called
“Christian sex.” He calls it “sexual sin”—porneia.
Pushing sexual boundaries and justifying how far you can go sexually veers
you further from purity and headlong into porneia. Shouldn’t this matter to a
Christ-follower? According to the Scriptures, a Christian man wants of himself
what Christ desires of him—purity. In turn, he prays and takes steps to pursue
it. How far can I get from porneia and how far can I go to have purity is the how
far is too far question that a Christ-follower should be asking.
God champions romance and physical intimacy but only within mar-
riage. Sexual freedom and pleasure experienced in the souls of husband and
wife is incredible. It’s a gift that’s hard to describe. King Solomon gets close
though. In the book Song of Songs, King Solomon pens poetic metaphors
and vivid imagery to express sexual bliss in marriage. The following is a por-
trait of Christian sex:
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24 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
This is not just any sexual encounter. This is an exciting sexual encoun-
ter between husband and wife. This is physical intimacy as God intended it
to be. Romantic, fulfilling, exciting, freeing, satisfying, God-glorifying. Also
in the book of Song of Songs God grants sexual freedom between husband
and wife. In other words, if husband and wife are willing to explore each
other’s bodies sexually outside of intercourse, and neither feel degraded in
ways of doing so, there is a green light.5 As Mark Driscoll, pastor of Mars
Hill Church, Seattle Washington, shared (to the best of my memory), it’s
not as if Jesus is standing there with a ref ’s jersey and a whistle calling foul.
God made husband and wife to enjoy each other sexually as “one.”6 It all fits
within the oneness of the marriage covenant. So enjoy! There is no fear of
consequences or ruin. Christian sex!
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lust—along with the sinful passions and desires—is targeted with prayer,
Scripture, repentance, accountability, and faith in Christ to deliver, the act
by default is targeted too. Victory over masturbation comes and goes in par-
allel with the victory over lust. Lust is the greater issue because it can lead to
more than masturbation. It can lead to ruin.
However, many men believe the urge to act on lust through masturba-
tion is far too great to resist. Can this really be true for Christians? We’ve
been given the Spirit of Jesus. He has called us and empowered us by His
Spirit to crucify our flesh “with its passions and desires” and not submit to
them.7 Nowhere in Scripture do you find permission for someone to surren-
der to strong passions and desires that are of the flesh. Instead you will find
the command (and thankfully for us, the power) to crucify it.
The Spirit of God has called and empowered us by His Spirit to a life of
self-control.8 The apostle Paul says,
Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to its lustful
desires. Do not let any part of your body become a tool of wicked-
ness, to be used for sinning. Instead, give yourselves completely to
God since you have been given new life. And use your whole body as
a tool to do what is right for the glory of God. Sin is no longer your
master . . .”. 9
Paul adds this declaration later: “I urge you, in view of God’s mercy, to
offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your
spiritual act of worship.”10 I find strength and perspective here. Paul prefaces
his plea with “in view of God’s mercy.” He’s not inspiring us, cheering us on,
“rah-rah-ing” us on to holiness. No, he’s pointing us to what will give us vic-
tory—keeping our eyes on God’s mercy. God’s mercy was displayed in Jesus
taking our sin on the cross. The cross of Christ is where we constantly see
God’s unconditional love for us, we who were and are grossly unworthy of
His love. It’s His mercy that motivates, not our self-motivation. This is not
legalism. It’s His grace and love that moves us to set our bodies apart for His
glory and for our good.
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26 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
u What are the triggers of sexual temptation in your life?
u What boundaries do you need to set in your life not only to pro-
tect you from sexual sin, but also to prevent you from even flirting
with it?
u Do you have the attitude of I’m just looking at the menu, not order-
ing from it? Do you rationalize and toe the line with how far is too
far? What’s the danger here?
u How do you crucify your flesh “with its passions and desires”?
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How to Ruin Your Life
She is often seen in the streets and markets, soliciting at every corner.
- Proverbs 7:12
Don’t let your heart stray toward her. Don’t wander down her wayward path.
- Proverbs 7:25
imothy Treadwell was an avid outdoorsman and photographer of
grizzly bears. Archived video footage shows Treadwell “often within
arm’s reach of large brown bears, or creeping on all fours toward a sow
and her three cubs, talking in a soft sing-song voice.”1 Convinced he was safe
and in control, Treadwell became more and more daring. He no longer saw
danger. But in October 2003, Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend, Amie
Huguenard, were mauled and eaten by a grizzly bear. Writer Kevin Sanders
shares the story:
27 For small group use, you must purchase the actual books.
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28 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
skinny and ill kept brown bear. The pilot then takes off and flies
over the campsite in an attempt to chase the bear away and sees what
appears to be a large bear on a human body.
On Wednesday October 8, 2003, park rangers and Alaska State
Troopers arrive and shoot a large brown bear when it charges them,
then later kill a second smaller, younger bear after it approaches them
while they are loading the remains in the plane, and later discover
the now infamous six minutes of tape.
The first sounds from the tape are from Amie, “she sounds sur-
prised and asks if it’s still out there”. The next voice is from Timothy
as he screams “Get out of here; the bear is killing me!” (It appears that
Tim was wearing a remote microphone on his coveralls.) Amie then
yells over the background sounds of the bear and Timothy fighting
to “play dead!”, then “fight it!”, Timothy then screams, and yells at
Amie to “hit the bear with a pan,” “you have to hit the bear!” The
tape then runs out and stops . . . . 2
Common sense says you don’t tempt bears. You can’t control a bear.
Treadwell had the illusion that he could. He lost his life. Similarly the “feel-
ing” that you’re in control of sexual temptation or sexual sin is a delusion.
The Predator
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can attack in different ways. For instance, he can attack you sneakily and
unexpectedly. You’ll never see it coming.
Sneak Attack
When I was in high school, my godly grandmother visited us on a Sunday
afternoon. Mom was putting the finishing touches on lunch while we sat in
the living room watching television. This was back in the day when we had
the mega-satellite dish that took up a quarter of the backyard. That thing
looked like we were trying to contact someone out in the Milky Way.
To get a particular channel through the satellite you would have to
punch the channel number into the remote and then hit a button that would
swing the satellite around into another direction. In the process of the satel-
lite dish creaking its way around to the direction needed, it would briefly
pick up other cable programs. The programs would slowly fade in, sit for a
few seconds, then fade out. Needless to say, programs for which we had no
subscription or access would be scanned over.
On this particular Sunday, Dad flipped on the television to pass the
time. He punched in the info to take us to another channel, a football game
most likely. What happened next was like an out-of-body experience.
The satellite dish slowly made its turn. Appearing into view was a chan-
nel I didn’t know existed with our satellite capability. In faded a woman and
man in full-throttle, full-view, explicit sex. Sound effects included.
In stunned silence I sat beside my sweet and saintly grandmother as the
porn scene slowly, ever so painfully slowly, unfolded. I pleaded for Jesus’
return, or my death, whichever might come first.
I was suspended between hell and earth. It took an eternity for that
channel to fade out of view. There was nothing I, or Dad, could do. He
couldn’t have reversed the direction of the dish or it would have stopped in
the middle of the scene before reversing to the previous channel. In other
words, it would have remained there longer. I could have walked out of the
room I suppose. But that would have required bodily function, of which I
had none.
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30 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
Frontal Assault
Another way the attack comes is openly and aggressively. You can see it com-
ing a mile away. These are powerful attacks.
Christie and I were engaged for ten months. Once a month I would
fly to Hartford, Connecticut from Louisville, Kentucky to visit her. From
Hartford to Wilton, Connecticut was about an hour and thirty minutes
drive. In December 2002, my plane landed in Hartford in the midst of a
snowstorm. Christie barely made it to the airport because the roads were icy.
Once I got my baggage we were in the car and off to Wilton. The problem,
however, was the police started closing the roads. We still had an option to
drive on to Wilton but the roads were so iced over the car was fishtailing.
We decided we had to splurge on hotel rooms for the night. After
checking two to three hotels, the only hotel room left was at a Super 8.
Notice I said hotel room, not rooms. We had no choice. I booked the one
hotel room.
We knew the sexual opportunity that stood before us. It was no secret
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the temptation that awaited us. Thankfully the room had twin beds. I made
a call to a buddy. I told him the situation. I asked him to pray against temp-
tation for us. Then I gave him permission to ask me the hard questions the
next day. We slept in different beds and left early morning the next day. We
didn’t even hold hands.
There was no control over the situation that night. I had no control over
the weather. I saw the sexual enemy in plain sight. I knew what was coming. I
knew what he was up to. I was aware of his schemes.5 I wasn’t stupid enough
to believe I had control over the sexual possibilities between Christie and me
that night. My buddy prayed for us. I prayed silently as I checked us into
our room. I’m sure Christie prayed. But Christie and I didn’t pray together. I
remembered a friend telling me that he thinks more sexual encounters hap-
pen between a Christian guy and girl praying together than at other times. I
don’t know where he got his facts but I wasn’t taking any chances.
Sexual sin comes aggressively. Solomon uses the immoral woman to reveal
this truth. He says she “seeks him, comes out to meet him, kisses him, per-
suades him, flatters him, and seduces him.”6 She’s aggressive. She’s doing this
in public. Immorality sometimes just reveals itself in all its glory, doesn’t it?
And interesting how often we can find ourselves more impacted by this than
the unexpected temptation. The flat-out immorality can tap into our carnal
nature and awaken lust.
Immorality is also accessible and available. Solomon adds that the
woman is “often seen in the streets and markets, soliciting at every corner.”7
You don’t have to go looking for immorality on the city street downtown,
or on the Internet, or at the beach on spring break. It lurks within the very
relationships around you. The enemy comes after you in the relationship
with your girlfriend or fiancé that you’ve committed to purity before God.
He prowls around in the youth ministry, your small group, and your church
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32 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
The enemy behind the sexual temptation and immorality must not be taken
lightly. After reading the Treadwell story, you wouldn’t take a grizzly bear
lightly, would you? I went to Alaska to speak at a conference not long ago. As
I exited the plane in Anchorage, there in the lobby stood an encased grizzly
bear. I have never seen anything that huge and ferocious up close. Believe
me, I would never dream of getting cozy and comfortable with a freak of
nature like that. And neither would you. You would avoid it completely or
keep your distance at all costs. Similarly, after reading Solomon’s story of the
young man in Proverbs 7, you should avoid sexual temptation at all costs.
On the other hand, although you can’t completely avoid all avenues of sexual
temptation, you can labor at keeping your distance. Pointers on how you can
practically do this are found in the pages to come.
Nevertheless, sexual immorality is aggressive, accessible, available, and
even appealing. You have to anticipate sexual temptations at every turn in
your life. Not fear it, anticipate it. My pastor made a great point. He said you
don’t go into every sales venture thinking that the salesperson is going to be
completely objective and up-front with you. Most likely he or she is going to
make the item over-appealing. The salesperson is going to highlight the bells
and whistles of it. We’d be foolish walking into any place not anticipating
this. The negative has to be anticipated, or we could make a purchase that
costs way more than we intended to pay.
The same goes for sexual temptation. Anticipate the highlights and
appeal of sexual temptations that will be presented around you and before
you wherever you go. Ready yourself with the reality that the temptation is
going to look irresistible and incredible. Expect your senses to be assaulted in
a sneak attack or frontal assault. Be ready to run, not rationalize. Be prepared
to turn away from and not buy into. To do otherwise can cost you royally.
I’m sure that earlier in Treadwell’s adventures he anticipated danger and
was more cautious in dealing with bears. But over time he became deceived and
hardened, and no longer anticipated danger. He felt he was in control. Little did
he know that befriending bears would destroy him and the one he loved.
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34 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
As men, we’re mostly wired to “man up” and fight. But in God’s econ-
omy, the manly reaction to sexual temptation, sexual sin, and Satan is to run.
God surprisingly doesn’t coach us to trade punches with sexual temptation,
sexual sin, or Satan. He commands us to find His way out and run for our
lives. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 6:18 says, “Flee immorality.”9 The New Living
translation states it this way, “Run away from sexual sin!” Second Timothy
2:22 says, “Run away from anything that stimulates youthful lust. Follow
anything that makes you want to do right.”
Rest assured that God promises a way of escape no matter what situa-
tion you find yourself in or get yourself into. He provides a way out even
when your heart starts to “stray toward her” and “wander down her wayward
paths.”10 When you feel an attack coming, or if you’re caught in open fire,
your first thought should be, God, get me out of here! Most likely He’s not
going to thunder instruction down to you and provide a supernatural way
of escape. The escape can be as simple as closing your eyes and/or walking
away; texting a brother to tell him of your attack and need for help; calling
your mom just to chat; going to the gym and running or lifting weights until
you collapse; going somewhere private to get on your face in pleas to God
for strength; grabbing the Scriptures, whether by book or online; calling the
front desk of the hotel and telling them to shut down cable capabilities to
your TV; reading through Proverbs 7; and so forth.
There is always a way out. The problem is, you can ignore it. Or, see
how far you can take it and then try to bail at the last minute. I’ve tried that
before. It doesn’t work.
Think those thoughts crossed Treadwell’s mind? Ignoring danger? Seeing
how close he could get without getting attacked? Believing he could escape
at the last minute if something happened? It cost him his life.
The Enemy can easily overpower you and entice you with aggressive
and available, accessible, and appealing sexual opportunities. Don’t test it, or
him. Don’t be a fool thinking you’re in control. You will get eaten alive.
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u How has the Enemy made sexual temptation easy and accessible
to you?
u What ways of escape did God give you in those situations? Did
you take them? Why or why not?
u What are “escape routes” you can prepare for your life in anticipa-
tion of sexual temptation?
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How to Ruin Your Life
Come, let’s drink our fill in love until morning. Let’s enjoy each other’s caresses,
for my husband is not home. He’s away on a long trip. He has taken a
wallet full of money with him, and he won’t return until later in the month.
- Proverbs 7:18-20
still dislike taking out the trash. As a kid I hated it. My parents lived on
six acres of land. Our family home was about 500 feet off the road. Due
to reasons too complicated to explain, we left our garbage by the road
of our grandma’s driveway. That’s the only place the city would pick it up.
My grandma lived about 100 or so feet from the road, and about a field-
and-a-half away from our house. Even though I was only 14, I was allowed
to pile the garbage into the back of Dad’s beat-up white pickup truck, drive
through the field, and drop off the garbage. I liked doing it about as much
as I like punching myself in the mouth.
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38 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
My dad had just won a 1950 midnight blue, fully restored, Ford pickup
truck from a raffle. It was a sharp ride. It still had all of the 1950 trimmings:
the big Ford hubcaps, large steering wheel, and so forth. Dad wanted to keep
it in pristine condition to sell so he didn’t drive it much. He parked it to the
side of the driveway to display its glory.
One late weekday afternoon, several months after Dad won the truck,
Mom called from work about the garbage in the laundry room. I had pro-
crastinated taking it out for days. She made me stop everything and transport
the garbage to grandma’s. I seethed. I slung the garbage bags into the back
of the old white pickup truck. I jumped in, revved the engine, slammed the
gearshift into reverse, and stomped the pedal. Boom! I nailed Dad’s new
antique truck.
I pulled forward slowly. I nearly puked when I saw the cleft on the front
fender. I ran inside and grabbed a hammer. In a panic I tried to beat the
caved metal out into its original look. Not even close. My only hope was that
Dad would never see it.
Dad’s work required him to travel. He left on Mondays and returned
on Fridays. It was Friday. I heard him drive up into the driveway. I sat in
my room, door closed (and locked), and heart beating out of my chest. He
walked by my room toward the closet hamper. Then he walked by again and
said hi through my bedroom door.
We ate dinner that night. Not a word was mentioned about the truck.
Saturday morning, afternoon, and night, he never said a word. God does
answer prayer.
Sunday morning I got ready for church. As I was walking out of the door
Dad said, “Jarrod, you stay here.” The curtain fell. He knew it all along. I
was busted.
The seduction of the Proverbs 7 young man has reached the pinnacle. She
flat out offers him amazing sex. The bellringer is that she is a married woman.
And if there was any reservation on his part of getting caught by her hus-
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band, she crushes that concern: “My husband is not home. He’s away on a
long trip.”1 She added that her husband made a withdrawal of a wallet full
of money and was gone for nearly a month. This clinched it for him. His
testosterone clouded the possibilities that her husband could come home
early with roses. She believes her husband will never know. Even worse, he
believes it.
When it comes to sexual temptation, we don’t have to take it as far
as sleeping with another man’s wife. Let’s talk porn again. How does porn
addiction happen? It starts out as a curiosity. The curiosity becomes inter-
est, the interest becomes obsession, and the obsession becomes addiction.2
That’s the way of porn. And secrecy leads the way. The longer the secret wins
out, the more you’re convinced that no one will find out. It’s a pride thing.
You’re too clever and careful to get caught. But in God’s economy, pride
comes before destruction.
I’ve shared the platform with people who have fallen to sexual sin over the
years. I think of two at this moment. One fell to a porn addiction gone
public and the other to committing adultery on his wife. Both lost their
One of these men I held in high esteem. As a young man I had been a
part of many crowds led by this worship leader. God used this man mightily
to lead me into the presence of God. To share the platform with him years
later was a gift. I still consider him a dear friend. I love him and pray for
him and his family. My heart is still burdened for him. But I cringe and hurt
over the blow that the kingdom of God took with his sin. Praise God, His
kingdom cannot be stopped.
We haven’t talked in a long time. I don’t know where he is with the Lord
but I do know his marriage is still in tact. I celebrate the truth that through
his confession and repentance he will find the grace and forgiveness of Jesus,
and hopefully the grace and forgiveness of his wife and kids.
I think back to some downtime I spent with these two friends years ago,
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40 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
before their sin was brought to light. I remember now how I was taken back
a bit by certain comments they made in jest about sex. Nothing overt, just
out of character. I wish I’d been discerning enough to take it more seriously.
I wish I’d been brave enough at the time to call them on it.
For what it’s worth I believe these men fell into sexual sin through pride.
I think they began taking their gifts and success for granted. They could
have been burned out as well but that was never the impression I got (nor is
it any kind of excuse). Jesus faded from being the central place of their lives
and ministry. Sexual sin either filled the place or was part of the problem. It’s
possible that through pride they succumbed to a tidbit of sexual temptation.
Then it festered. Then it grew. Then it thrived. And the horror of it all is
they got away with it, initially. They believed no one would know. But God
knew. And He exposed them.
If you are keeping sexual secrets in your life, you are in trouble. You’re
falling deeper and deeper into a pit that you will battle to get out of for
the rest of your life. Your mind is in peril, your relationships are at risk,
your life near ruin. You will be found out. According to Job, the adulterer
says, “no eye will see me.”3 Are you suckering yourself into believing that
nobody will know of your sexual sin? Are you thinking that you have it all
under control, under disguise, so that no one will find out? In fact, you
may have sexual sin in your life brilliantly hidden, covered, disguised. But
dare to face the inevitable: No secret is kept before God. He knows all
thoughts, motives, pursuits, and secrets. It’s just a matter of time before
God exposes you.
For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the Lord, And He
watches all his paths. 4
Don’t be mislead. You can’t ignore God and get away with it. You will
always reap what you sow. 5
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Don’t ignore God’s call to you. Your secret will be brought to light.
Confess your sin to the Lord. Repent before Him. Pray for grace, cour-
age, and strength to handle the fallout. I’ll be up front with you. The rubble
will come down on and around your family. Plead for them. Confess to your
wife, your parents, your church, your pastor, and/or your best friend. It will
be painful. Still, expose yourself before you are exposed. Stop trying to con-
vince yourself that you won’t be found out. Don’t make a bargain with God
that if you confess and repent now, He’ll let you off the hook. Maybe. But
sin you commit in the past, especially sexual sin, tends to haunt you. More
devastating and likely is that it will come to light weeks, months, or even
years down the road.
Stop hiding. Face the consequences now in the name of Jesus. By the
goodness of His grace, trust the Lord with the repercussions of your confes-
sion no matter how life-wrenching and relationally impacting it may be.
I would encourage you to have a trusted friend, a pastor perhaps, to go
through this time with you and support you as you confess your sexual sin
to Jesus and your loved ones. Your friend or pastor will help bear the burden
with you, pray for you, encourage you. I think of how a fellow soldier throws
an arm around the waist of wounded soldier while the wounded soldier
throws his arm around the neck of his comrade. And they walk and limp
together through the fallout around them. You need that comrade. You need
that one who supports you, prays for you, and helps carry you through the
debris of consequences.
God is intensely passionate for the sexual purity of your heart and body:
“The body is not for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for
the body.”7 He’s so passionate in fact that He will expose you though it costs
you your ministry and potentially your marriage and other relationships.
He loves you enough to expose you even if it means bringing seemingly det-
rimental repercussions to His kingdom. In the big picture, He wants all of
you, especially your holiness.
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42 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
Endure [the Lord’s discipline]: God is dealing with you as sons. For
what son is there with whom a father does not discipline? But if
you are without discipline—which we all receive—then you are ille-
gitimate children and not sons. Furthermore, we had natural fathers
discipline us, and we respected them. Shouldn’t we submit even more
to the Father of spirits and live? For they disciplined us for a short
time based on what seemed good to them, but He does it for our
benefit , so that we can share His holiness. No discpline seems enjoy-
able at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it yields the fruit of
peace and righteousness to those who have been trained by it.8
God knows your sin. He will expose it. His method of bringing your sin to
light might not be through the five o’clock news, though according to the
words of singer/songwriter Derek Webb during a concert in Birmingham,
Alabama a few years ago, that would be the best thing for you (and all of us,
for that matter). That way you’re completely exposed to everybody all at once
with nowhere to run. Excuses and denial becomes irrelevant. Confession,
which means the same as “agree with,” would be the only option. Then
repentance, hopefully, would follow.
But God is more subtle than that. I believe He will ordain a person to
call you out or find you out. This is a merciful move of God into your pri-
vate sexual sin. You’ll be more apt to confess and repent when someone is on
to your sin. This prevents you from running from it, or going through the
spiritual, mental, and relational gymnastics of rationalizing your sin.
There are Christian family, friends, and colleagues in your life with the
gift of discernment. They know you all too well. You may think you’ve been
careful and clever. You haven’t. They’re picking up vibes. They know you too
well. The countdown is on to when they’ll officially discover you or they’ll
confront you. This could be a parent, a pastor, your boss, your wife, or your
new buddy from small group Bible study.
I believe you know they already know. For example, when you’re around
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them you feel strangely vulnerable, suspicious, and uncomfortable. You have
a vibe that they’re on to you but you just don’t see how. God’s mercy at work
in you and around you is how. They know.
Maybe you have already been confronted at some level. Your friend, or
dad, or pastor didn’t know exactly what you were hiding in your life but they
asked you a certain kind of question, or made a type of comment, or simply
asked if everything is okay with you. In other words, they don’t know your
particular sin but they know sin is there. And if they’ve gone so far to risk a
comfortable relationship with you by asking some probing questions about
your life, they care. This is your opportunity, God’s providential opportunity
for you to go to that friend, family, or pastor, and confess your sin as if it
were seen on the five o’clock news. Renounce any notion of believing that
no one will know about your sin.
Now or Later
The antique truck would never look the same again. But Dad wasn’t upset
just about the truck. Something else took a dent that day—Dad’s trust in
me. I lied to him. I tried to deceive him. He was deeply disappointed about
my deception. I still remember his words, “Jarrod, you lied! Why did you
lie? Never lie to me.”
I lived in denial. I audaciously believed that I had beaten the conse-
quences of my action. I didn’t consider the cost of what I had done to the
truck, nor to Dad’s trust in me. I was a fool.
You can’t lie to God, but you can lie to yourself. You can convince your-
self that whatever sexual sin you are pursuing is hidden. Right now if you
are in sexual sin, consider yourself busted. God is speaking through these
words to tell you. Confess it to Him. Again, confess means to agree. Agree
with Him that you’ve been living in sin. Repent. Tell Him what He already
knows. Quit living the lie. It’s better to accept the fallout now than later
when someone catches you with your pants down, so to speak. A dented
truck is better than a wrecked truck. And an exposed lie of sexual sin is better
than a life ruined by sexual sin.
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44 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
u Do you or have you ever struggled with pornography? How did
you get to that place? What will it take to conquer it? Can you
ever fully have victory?
u If Jesus exposed sexual sin in your life right now, what would
everyone discover? How would it affect you and them?
u Will you confess sexual sin right now to God, your wife, and/or
pastor, or your brothers in Christ? Why or why not?
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How to Ruin Your Life
he crystal-meth of sexual obsession is Internet sex.1 Stay with me.
When I was a kid, pornography wasn’t readily available. You could
get it only through a friend’s dad’s hidden porn collection or find-
ing magazines under bridges. Today it’s as easy to find as Chinese takeout.
Online videos, chat rooms, games, photogalleries, and virtual reality provide
a plethora of avenues through which you can not only get porn but also actu-
ally experience it.2 In other words, you can click online and have virtual sex.
You can explore fantasies, flirt nastily, and get “intimate” in cyberspace. And
here’s the kicker: You can do it safely and anonymously in the privacy of your
own bedroom, office, or hotel room.
Safely and anonymously. These are the lies of pornography. It’s safe. It’s
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46 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
not affecting anyone else. It’s not physical. It’s not hurting you or your repu-
tation. It’s not premarital sex or adultery. It’s simply the “menu;” you’re not
eating from it; you’re just looking at it. Sound familiar?
After all, it’s anonymous. You can’t be recognized. You don’t have to use
your real name or personal e-mail address. It’s not like walking into a novelty
shop right off the interstate and getting spotted. Right?
With Internet sex being available at the tap of the mouse, the temptation to
look just one more time can come easily. It can come particularly easy when
the thumbnail of the online video catches your eye, or that attachment comes
on the e-mail, or the blinking pop-up promising never-before-seen sexual
content appears front-and-center on your computer screen. These moments
bring about the “one more time” rationale. I mean after all, you may have
finally arrived to a place where you’re conquering the stuff. It doesn’t have
the grip on you it once did. You’ve done better at avoiding it and fighting
off the temptation recently. Accountability with a buddy has actually made
a huge difference. But there it is right in front of you. Just one more look
won’t sink you. Or will it?
Fatal Attraction
Solomon uses stunning metaphors about the deadliness of sexual sin. Like an
ox going to the butcher, a deer snared in the corner with an arrow missiling
toward its heart, like a bird sailing into a trap, all of them clueless that they
will lose their lives. This is the picture for the cost of sexual sin, whether for
those who try it for the first time or look for the thousandth time.
The ox has probably been in the pen behind the butcher’s house since it
was a calf. The butcher may have fed it, petted it, spoke sweetly and softly
to it.
The deer probably played around the snare for years. It may have eaten
around it and even paused from time to time to sniff it. Then again, it may
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Sexual Opiates
Crystal-meth. I’ve never been a user. But I’ve read about what this drug can
do to you. Apparently, when you smoke crystal-meth, opiates, better known
as endorphins, are released in your brain that can create powerful pleasure
and addiction. In a similar way pornography and masturbation have the
same effect as crystal-meth. Powerful endorphins are released through sexual
arousal and climax. The brain says, “That feels good. Give me more. Do it
again.” These endorphins connect your experience of intense pleasure to the
images you look at and methods you physically undertake to gain the plea-
sure. If you’re a Christ-follower, conviction and guilt follows because you’re
encountering sexual pleasure outside of the will of God. Though you feel
sorrowful and regretful afterward, you’re becoming more and more mastered
by the pornography and sexual pleasure. Over time, you find yourself unable
to resist the urge to indulge yourself. In other words, you’re addicted.
This addiction is powerful. Sexual arousal and release through pornog-
raphy produces natural endorphins in the brain. Crystal-meth produces
chemical endorphins in the brain. According to the experts, because the
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48 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
“feel-good” endorphins released by the brain through porn are natural, and
not chemical duplicates, porn is more addictive than a drug.
Porn Addict
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you imagine the sin of porn addiction? Are you a porn addict? Ask yourself
these questions:
Powerless Guilt
Guilt will not free you from your addiction. Guilt can actually drive you
deeper into it. In other words, the tables are turned to where the very addic-
tion you feel guilty about is what you use to medicate the guilt. Sexual sin
brings guilt. Guilt brings self-pity. Self-pity needs medicating. The addiction
medicates the guilt and self-pity. This vicious cycle can take you through a
thousand “just one more look(s).”
Sexual obsession and addiction can sear your conscience deeply; scar
your emotional, spiritual, and mental health profoundly; damage your rela-
tionships severely, and ruin your life ultimately.
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50 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
Quitting Addictions
Let me tell you how I quit smoking. Watch for the comparisons to beating
sexual sin. This list is not exhaustive by any means but it’s a start.
One, I began to associate cigarettes with everything negative in my
life—the sneaking around, the smell, the taste, the chains. I got sick of it. I
was fed up with the labor of secrecy especially. If my secret got exposed, as
with any other “secret” in one’s life getting exposed, it might draw further
questions from people about what else I might be hiding in my life.
Simply what positive anything is porn bringing to your life? Lust will
never, ever, satisfy. You can’t get enough. Notice I said that I smoked half-a-
pack of cigarettes a day (and climbing), not a half-a-cigarette a day. I could
never get enough. You can never get enough sexual anything to gratify you
totally. You will always want more.
Two, I knew the disappointment it would bring to my family. I knew
the confusion it might bring to people who looked up to me. The negative
stigma of smoking can be jolting. I deeply care about what my friends and
family think of me. It would have been embarrassing and saddening for me
to see their disappointment and confusion.
Sexual sin secrets coming to light will bring disappointment and disillu-
sionment to family, friends, and those who admire you. In addition, I think
there is a huge difference in getting exposed unwillingly than in willingly
exposing yourself. Willingly exposing yourself says so much about your heart
and desire for a pure character. It reveals that you recognize your sin and
helplessness. You’re sick of the deception so your confessing and repenting
the best and only way you know how. You are seeking help and mercy from
those you love and who love you. Those who love you would recognize this.
Otherwise, if your secret is discovered then you simply got caught.
Three, I began to see the folly of smoking. I didn’t want lung cancer.
Sucking in toxic fumes just didn’t seem normal or right for me.
Consider just for a moment how not normal pornography is. It is not
reality. It’s an act with actors and actresses directed for sexual performances.
It’s not like these encounters happen in people’s lives as a pattern. It’s bogus
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not to think that in the real world there can be a heavy price to pay for even
a hint of this kind of sexual encounter. Not to mention the stuff is edited and
airbrushed. And the effects on the lives and minds of the “actors” aren’t part
of the picture either. STDs, AIDS, and constant tests for STDs and AIDS as
a way of life? Not normal.
Finally, I quit smoking because God broke my heart. They were my
master, and Jesus wasn’t. And I wanted Jesus to break my heart. I begged
Him to give me a hatred for anything that obsessed me more than Him.
Will you pray the same for your obsession with porn and other sexual
sin? Will you pray He break your heart in that sexual sin will no longer be
your master, and that only Jesus be your Master? I begged Jesus for help and
deliverance and victory over cigarettes. Beg the same about your sexual sin.
In moments of weakness I am tempted to be numb and self-medicate myself
with nicotine. But I know it will not make my issues go away. And cost-free
smoking is not reality. Same for sexual sin. It’s alluring, but it will not make
your issues go away. The fake glamour and cost-free pleasure is not reality.
A Potent Word
Not only can God break your heart over your sexual sin, but also He can
empower you to conquer it. God’s Word, i.e., Proverbs 7, is powerful in my
personal life. “For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than
any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as to divide soul and spirit joints
and marrow; it is a judge of the ideas and thoughts of the heart.”4 God
declared through the prophet Jeremiah that His Word is “like a fire and a
hammer that shatters the rock.”5 God’s Word is potent. Is it any wonder
then that God, through Solomon, began Proverbs 7 saying, “My son, keep
my words . . .”?6
I seek to meditate on the Scriptures so that my mind won’t dwell on
sexual temptations and sin. I’m not perfect at the meditating, mind you, but
I try. I try because I need Scripture to guard me and empower me. I’m just
not strong enough without it. By default I lean toward ruin. It’s a sin thing.
But I believe that God’s Word is a sword that slits the throat of sexual sin.
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52 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
Prayer Alert
Specific prayer in the area alone—prayer for purity, integrity, strength, and
alertness to the schemes of the Devil—I can’t do without. The apostle Paul
said, “Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind . . . .”7 Prayer keeps me
alert to the temptations. Specific prayer about sexual temptation prepares
my mind and spirit. It reminds me that temptations are coming at me that
day. Then when the temptations come, I reflect on my prayer, act on my
prayer, and enter back into prayer about the temptation before me. In prayer
I find strength and victory. Prayer is a shield against ruin.
We all need accountability in our lives. King Solomon states, “As iron sharp-
ens iron, a friend sharpens a friend.”8 Also, he says, “Wounds from a friend
are better than kisses from an enemy.”9 But at the end of the day, account-
ability can affect only our actions. And that is not as important as a real
“heart change.” The heart is the ultimate issue. King Solomon would agree.
He states, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do.”10
Guarding your heart at all times, confession and repentance before Christ,
and the Spirit of Christ in you, is what brings about true and sustained heart
change, not accountability.
However, accountability can be used of God to foster heart change. The
fact that you would seek accountability speaks much about your desire for
heart and life change. If you suffer from sexual addiction, you need a friend
or mentor to ask you tough sexual questions on a consistent basis. Personally,
in terms of accountability for my life, it helps that sexual issues are not the
only topic of discussion. It’s more a friendship in which we spur each other
on to loving and following Jesus in all areas. In my opinion, accountability
should be less structured and “businesslike,” and more organic, vulnerable,
and authentic. It should be natural to a friendship. Meeting on a forced topic
of conversation which may have begun on a committed note can quickly
become dreadful, even when there’s no sexual sin. If you find a good friend
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Finding Accountability
Don’t have anyone in your life? Don’t know where to start? First, you may
need professional help. You need to see a licensed, professional, Christian
counselor. Many churches and Christian organizations provide counselors
who are free or charge a minimum fee. Perhaps whatever you’ve been spend-
ing on your addiction can be transferred to spending on counseling. Giving
up your daily latte would be worth using that money to get professional help
for your addiction. And realize that this isn’t a quick fix. Before your addic-
tion can be dealt with, there may be deeper issues in your life that need to be
brought to the surface.
If you find that porn is more of a struggle than an addiction (but this
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54 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
applies to addicts also), you need to proactively pursue another godly man
and friend for aggressive accountability. Pray for who that certain godly man
might be in your life. Then pray for courage to approach him, confess to
him, and ask him for help.
Ask if you could meet with him personally once a week, or every two
weeks, or once a month, depending on his availability. At the least ask if he
would e-mail or call you periodically during the week to ask you the tough
questions about where your eyes, ears, hands, and mind have been. There is
software available now that can keep him posted on what sites you’ve been
visiting on the net too.11 The goal is for Christ to use him to move you
toward repentance and purity. This entails you giving him permission to be
confrontational with you when needed. Accountability is not for the faint
of heart.
Where to Look
When the “one more look” drags you toward sexual sin, take ten long looks
at the cross of Jesus.12 Think about Jesus’ stunning sacrifice, His great love,
His awesome freedom, and His gripping grace gifted to you when He saved
you by His death on the cross. You are free from addiction and free from
struggle and free from sin because He beat it all on the cross. You are no
longer a slave to your lusts. You are a son of His love and glory. So embrace
the truth and live it by constant repentance and faith. Prayer and His Word
empower you to live in repentance and faith. If you are a Christian, God’s
Spirit indwells you and you dwell within Him; the power given Christ to
conquer death is granted to you to conquer sexual sin.13 You can conquer
sexual addiction by confessing and repenting to Christ, keeping your eyes on
Christ, and meditating on who you are in Christ.
For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as
Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father,
now we also may live new lives.
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Since we have been united with Him in His death, we will also be
raised as he was. Our old sinful selves were crucifed with Christ so
that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to
sin. For when we died with Christ we were set free from the power
of sin. And since we died with Christ we know we will also share his
new life. We are sure of this because Christ rose from the dead, and
he will never die again. Death no longer has any power over him. He
died once to defeat sin, and now he lives for the glory of God. So you
should consider yourselves dead to sin and able to live for the glory
of God through Christ Jesus.
Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to its lustful
desires. Do not let any part of your body become a tool of wicked-
ness, to be used for sinning. Instead, give yourselves completely to
God since you have been given a new life. And use your whole body
as a tool to do what is right for the glory of God. Sin is no longer
your master, for you are no longer subject to the law which enslaves
you to sin. Instead, you are free by God’s grace.14
u What does it mean to you that Solomon compared committing
sexual sin to an ox going to the butcher, a deer getting shot with
an arrow, and a bird caught in a trap?
u Do you agree that porn is not reality? Why? How can this help
you in temptation?
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56 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
u What steps will you take to get accountability into your life?
u Pray that God will give you a passionate hatred for pornography
and any form of sexual sin.
u I’d encourage you to fast, pray, indeed plead, that God break your
heart and the chains of your sexual sin.
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How to Ruin Your Life
Suddenly he follows…
–Proverbs 7:22
ne of my best friends was car shopping a few years ago. He walked
into a dealership and was seduced by a dark green, loaded-to-the-
nines, Cadillac Escalade. He was hooked. He bought it within
I don’t know much about buying cars. I especially don’t know a thing
about buying the likes of a Cadillac Escalade. I’ve bought only one car my
whole life—a 1995 Mazda 626, and my dad did the wheeling and dealing.
I’ve been told that the worst mistake you can make when buying a car is
doing so suddenly and impulsively. My dad is big on not buying anything
impulsively. Before he buys anything he will take days, sometimes weeks, to
mull it over. He will consider the cost, do research on the brand, and turn
the positive and negative possibilities of ownership over and over again in his
mind. When he comes to a decision, he stands firm on it. I’ve seen him walk
away from various major purchases because upon reflection he didn’t have a
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58 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
good vibe about it. Somewhere in life Dad learned the hard way—you don’t
buy impulsively. He’s never forgotten it. Now he gives careful thought to
what comes with a price tag. I, on the other hand, am still learning.
My buddy is still learning too. He didn’t give his purchase any thought at
all. He was gripped by the Escalade’s style, its feel, its beauty. He test drove it
and was hooked. He couldn’t help himself. He bought it without thinking.
However, in the days following, he couldn’t sleep. He’d spent a fortune
on this vehicle. It was out of his budget-zone and he realized it after the
fact. Reality over what he’d done set in. He took the vehicle back to the
dealership three or four days later. He begged them to take it back. The
dealership refused him without batting an eyelash. He alone was the one
to blame for his decision. He acted without thinking. And he paid through
the nose for it.
In Proverbs 7, Solomon is observing the young man. He doesn’t just
say, “He follows her.” Rather, “He suddenly follows her.”1 Suddenly implies
impulsive. Impulsive actions are perilous. On a grand scale they can ruin.
On a lesser than grand scale, they can bring intense regret. This goes for any
category of life.
Free Passes
The young man’s downfall was that he didn’t head his temptation off at the
pass. When his lust awakened, he should have closed his eyes, turned his
head, and walked the other way, not near the door of her house. When she
approached him, he should have run for his life.
Stop where you are. Think about what you are doing. Like the young
man of Proverbs 7, are you looking at the sticker price of what wrong choices
will cost you? Are you buying in to sexual sin out of emotion and testoster-
one? If you’re married, you know if you are in a questionable “friendship”
with a woman right now. Don’t deny your pull toward to her. Give your
actions and relationships some very, very deep thought. As the cliché goes,
“Call a spade a spade.” End the “friendship.” In terms of porn, give the pass-
word of your computer to your wife and encourage her to check your e-mails
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for you. Give your friends free reign to your computer. In other words, if
your buddy needs to check his e-mail on your computer, or surf the ’net, you
shouldn’t have to fear what could he could find there.
If you’re single, you are in a tough spot. I’ve been there; I was single for 31
years. You are not exempt from those dangerous “friendships” either. Guard
your life, and hers. You are also in the unfortunate position that it is eas-
ier to keep porn hidden in your life. Make yourself an aquarium to brothers
in Christ. Allow anyone and everyone to have a free pass to your computer
and your bedroom drawers. Give free access to your mom. Mom-regulated
accountability is some of the most dependable accountability on the planet.
Christie and I were given a week’s timeshare in Newport, Rhode Island for
our honeymoon. Christie wanted to do something fun that included the
ocean. I, being the big spender, decided we would rent a dinghy and cruise
the bay. I didn’t know what a dinghy was. But it cost only $50 for an hour.
A dinghy is basically a big rubber bathtub with a weed-eater on the back.
When we arrived at the pier I met the owner at his rental booth. We made
our way to the dinghy. Christie crawled in. I sort of slid and tumbled in.
The motor was a small outboard. The steering was in the form of a stick-like
handle grip that protruded from the motor into my back. I sat facing the
front. I had to reach behind me to steer the boat by the handle. There was
also a little lever on the engine itself I had to work separately to accelerate
and decelerate the dinghy. The owner asked, “Have you ever driven one of
these?” “Sure,” I answered. Not totally trusting my answer, he launched into
his bit on how to operate it. All I was thinking was “yada-yada, whatever.
How hard can it be to drive a ‘dinghy’?”
The little engine wheezed to life. I smiled at Christie and said, “Welcome
to the love boat, baby.” She was not impressed. Then I revved the engine.
It launched out of its little harbor. I had a death grip on the steering stick.
The boat was swinging violently left and right. The little dinghy was out of
control. I couldn’t figure out that you had to push the steering stick right to
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60 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
make the boat go left, and then left to make the boat go right. I panicked.
We hadn’t made it five feet from the rental booth and we were doing donuts.
I screamed like a seven-year-old girl.
The dinghy took on a life of its own. It set its sights for an adjacent pier.
We braced ourselves. “Bam,” then “bam, bam, bam.” The dinghy would
bounce off the pier only to shake it off, gather steam, and plunge ahead into
the pier again. Christie yelled, “Jarrod, you’re hitting the pier!” I shouted
back, “You think?!” I reached behind me and started pushing and jerking on
anything that protruded from the engine. The engine finally shut down.
It would have behooved me to give some thought to what I was getting
myself, and Christie, into. I should have listened and asked more questions.
What looked innocent enough on the outside proved to be a monster. It was
cheap and looked easy. It was attractive because it was cheap and easy. But
I learned again that opportunities and looks are deceptive. And many times
anything that is cheap, easy, and just attractive on the outside, you usually
pay more for in the end.
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Also, you can act without thinking when she looks at you, grins at you,
tilts her head back and giggles at everything you say. You can get caught up
in the net of an attractive, needy, “easy” woman. Before you can say “ruin,”
your lust is tapped. Your eyes glaze over, and so does your willpower. God’s
grace of escape is at your fingertips but you’re numbed and deafened by
your lust. The descent has begun. Momentum is gained toward ruin. But
strangely, it feels good. You just can’t help yourself.
The young man Solomon is watching has acted on his lust. The woman
in the last 21 verses has set him up. He should have walked away at verse six.
But there were no boundaries in his life. The opportunity was just too easy,
unshakably enticing. Adventure awaited him. According to the immoral
woman, it was risk free. Her husband was out of town. She’s attractive, she’s
cheap, and she’s easy. Or she’s attractive because she’s cheap and easy.
Accountability Co-dependence
As you’ve seen in the previous chapter I’m a fan of accountability but with
reservations. King Solomon expresses the wisdom of accountability but at
the same time says “above all else guard your heart.”2 In light of accountabil-
ity he points to it being relationally-driven not agenda-driven. He speaks of
friends sharpening friends, and the “wounds of a friend . . .”.3
You read in the last chapter that I have this kind of friendship account-
ability in my own life. On the other hand, I also stated that some men
might be in a place where they need official (agenda-driven) accountability
in their life due to the depth of their struggle. Either way, we all need it. Still
you can’t base obedience to Jesus on accountability. True obedience flows
from the heart not accountability. With that said, I’ll go further now to say
that accountability can actually hinder authentic heart change because of co-
dependence upon it. Indeed, I feel that accountability can become overrated
and even dangerous to some degree by preventing true heart change.
For example, you can meet for coffee once a week with a godly friend for
the tough questions, and that’s a good thing. And you can set up software on
your computer that e-mails your friend when you go to a Web site that you
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62 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
should not go to, also a good system. But even if you are changing habits and
the accountability appears to be working from the outside, the bigger issue is
still your heart. Jesus says that all the evil resides in your heart: “For from the
heart come evil thoughts . . . adultery, all other sexual immorality.”4
If your accountability time consistently revolves around the words,
“I’m still struggling,” there needs to be a thorough heart check. Likewise if
all you’ve done is become more religious or moral in not committing sexual
sin, you’ve missed it there too.
Therefore if change is happening only on the outside but your heart
is still burning with lust, what to do? Get on your knees and beg Jesus to do
a heart cleanse on you. King David pleaded with God to, “Create in me a
clean heart, O God. Renew a right spirit within me.”5 I bet he cried that on
his knees, alone. Accountability must carry the prayerful pursuit of a clean
heart as the laser-light focus.
Deal with your heart by submitting your mind. Wake up in the morning
and as you step out of your bed, pray, “Lord, I give you my mind today. I
worship you with my mind. I surrender my mind to you all day and in every
way.” Desire the mind of Christ. Plead with Him to give you a pure mind
and then put action behind it. Paul states, “Fix your thoughts on what is
true and honorable and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely
and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”6
“Fix” is an action word. It’s discipline to adjust and readjust your mind to
the things of God.
You will not stumble onto purity. You will not trip over godliness and
holiness of mind and heart. You have to aim for it. Listen to Job’s aim: “I
made a covenant with my eyes not to lust upon a young woman.”7 You have
to set the bead of your eyes, heart, and mind upon the Scriptures, purity,
and godliness.
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Take heed. Though sexual opportunity can be attractive, easy, and cheap, it
will cost you more down the line. I have a dinghy experience to prove it. One
thoughtless choice can slam you into a pier of ruin.
Indeed a sudden choice might cost you more than you bargained for. Just
ask my buddy with the Cadillac Escalade. As soon as he drove it off the lot,
it depreciated drastically. He could sell it but he’d lose his financial rear end.
Due to his impulsive decision, he had to live with the loss. In terms of sexual
temptation, one thoughtless, sudden, impulsive choice can make you pay
through the nose for the rest of your life. In other words, it can ruin you.
u Are you giving careful thought to the price you would pay for a
sexual sin in your life? Explain.
u Read Ephesians 6:11. Are you alert and prepared for the Devil’s
schemes through sexual temptation so that you will not make an
impulsive choice toward ruin?
u Are you in the pattern of “Pray for me; I’m still struggling”? What
actions must you take to break the pattern?
u How will you set the bead of your heart and mind on purity?
u For further reflection, flip to the appendix in the back of the book
to read the article by Randy Alcorn, titled, “Deterring Immorality
by Counting Its Cost: An Exorbitant Price of Sexual Sin.”
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How to Ruin Your Life
n Januray 26, 1972, Vesna Vulovic, a flight attendant from the
Former Republic of Yugoslavia (now the Federation of Serbia
and Montenegro), was aboard a DC-9 flight that blew up over
Czechslovakia (now the Czech Republic). A terrorist bomb was thought to
be the cause. All passengers died except Vesna. She survived a 33,300-foot
free fall from the sky. Let me repeat. Vesna lived following a super high,
one-minute-plus plunge out of the sky. A nurse saw Vesna’s legs sticking
out of the plane’s fuselage. Vesna had two broken legs, was temporarily
paralyzed from the waist down, and in a coma. She awoke from her coma
three days later.1
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66 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
Rare Exceptions
Is it just me, or do you think Vesna is the exception to that situation? This
is not the norm. You don’t see Fox News breaking a story like this . . . ever.
Rare is there a survivor of such an ordeal, to say the least.
Similarly, rare is he who escapes spiritual, emotional, physical, relational,
fallout over sexual sin. Enter the young man in Proverbs 7 again. His heart
was swayed and now he’s strayed. Solomon knows what’s coming. He’s seen
it time and again. He’s seen so many men fall because they were hardened to
truth, not counting the cost, going for experience, acting without thinking,
thinking they might be the exception. He’s witnessed so much sexual ruin.
Solomon pronounces, “For she has been the ruin of many; numerous men
have been her victims.”2 Notice the words again: “many” and “numerous.” In
other words, rare is the one who escapes. Rare are the exceptions. The young
man will pay dearly. It’s just a matter of time.
If you think you’re clever and careful enough to keep your secrets buried,
your payday is coming. And you could pay dearly. You may be retracing your
steps, covering your telephone calls, double-deleting your e-mails, viewing
porn on a computer other than your own, and so forth. But sooner or later
you’ll get lazy, comfortable, braver, and sloppy in your secrecy, and the cur-
tain will fall. At the end of the day, when God sets about to get you, you’re
done. “Don’t be misled. Remember that you can’t ignore God and get away
with it. You will always reap what you sow. Those who live only to satisfy
their own sinful desires will harvest the consequences of decay and death.”3
Just this year a famous itinerant minister who once was a local pastor
at a thriving church in my hometown was exposed for adultery. He had
maintained an adulterous affair for nearly 20 years. Twenty years. But his
day of reckoning came. You have to wonder how long it took for him to be
convinced he was the exception to ruin. A month? A year? Nineteen years?
The fact that his ministry thrived and grew while he was committing adul-
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tery probably heightened his thoughts that he might be the exception. But
God set about exposing him, and he was called to the carpet. The fallout of
his sexual sin upon his ministry, his former church, his family, and the com-
munity was devastating.
Furthermore, can you imagine the fallout on the woman with whom he
was having the affair? We often don’t consider the trauma she will endure.
Imagine the shame, regret, embarrassment, and pain she will experience
before her friends and family. As Christian men, we must keep in our minds
and hearts that all women are created in the image of God and are loved by
Him. Our desire should be to honor all women. Our conviction should be
to protect them, even from ourselves.
Solomon says that sexual sin is “the road to the grave.”4 Not a road to a
grave, but the road to the grave. It’s a journey that will bury you. It’s as if
sexual sin is a pallbearer carrying you to the grave of ruin. In physical life,
there are no exceptions to the grave. Solomon might have been reflecting
on this inevitability in relation to sexual sin. Those in sexual sin who escape
the grave of ruin are few. The exceptions are a fraction of the minority. The
number of the exceptions is found only to the right of the decimal point.
Sexual sin has snuffed out the life of many marriages. Few have been the
exceptions. Sexual sin can put your marriage in the grave. Still, God can res-
urrect it through confession, repentance, and His forgiveness and grace. God
can revive your marriage through your spouse’s grace and forgiveness, and
through your repentance and renewed vow to her. But that devastation will
be tough to forget. Scars will remain. Hopefully God’s grace will empower
your spouse to grant grace. But do you really want to make the choices to
put yourself and your spouse in this potential nightmare?
For those in church leadership, sexual sin can execute your ministry. You
won’t be the exception here. However, God can still redeem it to the degree
that He wills. He can still use you. Yet you will be disqualified from certain
avenues of ministry for the rest of your life. The apostle Paul declared, “I
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68 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
Sinful Seasons
Solomon further notes that “her house” (sexual sin) is the way of “descend-
ing to the chambers of death.”6 Sexual sin is a downward spiral of your heart,
mind, and life into death row. Few are the exception to getting out of death
row. This is King Solomon’s way of expressing the horror of sexual sin—
death. In other words, the cost of sexual sin is of epic proportions. The cost
is related to “death.” Your heart can become overcome by lust that controls
you. Your mind can become consumed with addiction to sexual images (and
the actions that follow for sexual release) and darkened to what is normal
sexually according to God’s will. Ultimately speaking, your life can become
ruined by sexual sin—death.
Unrepentant sexual sin could reveal that you are under the sentence of
spiritual death. Does sexual sin bring about the eternal death of your soul? Not
if you are a Christian. You are saved by grace through faith not by works.7
But here’s the kicker: True Christians repent. How do you know it is a
“season” of sin instead of a life of unbelief in the salvation and lordship of
Jesus? You can make a season of sin an excuse for your sin. But the apostle
Paul says, “[S]hould we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and
more kindness and forgiveness? Of course not! Since we have died to sin,
how can we continue to live in it?”8
Here’s the real problem with saying that you’re “still in a season” and
telling yourself that it will “end soon, but I’m not ready yet”—you don’t
love God as much as you love yourself. Period. If at any point in the last two
weeks you’ve actually had the thought process of, “It’s just a season; I can
stop; God will forgive me,” then you owe it to yourself and Jesus to admit,
“I don’t love God as much as I love myself.” Let’s be honest here. You know
what God thinks. You know what you think. Your actions express what you
really believe.
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I wonder if you know the direction of this path. Soon you won’t ask
for God’s forgiveness because you’ll eventually care less and less that you’re
sinning against Him. Your heart will grow harder. You’ll simply love your
sin more than Him. Your season of sin will become your lifestyle of sin. All
arrows then point in the direction that you no longer obey Him because
you were never truly of Him.9 To think you won’t fall into that possibility is
naïve. You’re not the exception. Neither am I.
Get right with God. He will forgive you through authentic confession,
repentance, and godly sorrow. But the key to it is sorrow and repentance over
your sexual sin and not basting in a season of it. “For God can use sorrow
in our lives to help us turn away from sin and seek salvation. We will never
regret that kind of sorrow. But sorrow without repentance is the kind that
results in death.”10
Keep in mind, however, that you can be sorrowful and guilt-ridden in a
season of sexual sin. But are you repenting? You can rationalize your season of
sin and be sorrowful over it for a week or eighty years. But will you repent?
Would you buy into the possibility that a gift from God is to get blindsided
by Him and hurled off the road of sexual sin? It’s a gift not to be the excep-
tion, no matter how much you hope you’ll be. If you are a follower of Christ,
I believe God will intentionally expose you. It’s just a matter of His timing.
That exposure though is grace. And if you are a child of God, you will never
be the exception to His grace.
Yet a very troubling reality is that you could be the rare exception of not
getting exposed. You may never get caught by another person. Vesna beat
insurmountable odds and lived through her ordeal. You may beat the odds
and your sexual sin never be exposed. Or, you could get exposed and ulti-
mately not care or repent. The wrath of God could be upon you, evidenced
by the fact that you have not been caught and forced to repent.
We tend to think of God’s wrath as fire, brimstone, destruction, and
rage. This is true. However, according to Romans 1, God’s passive wrath is
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70 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
seen in letting someone get away with his sin. “But God shows His anger
from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who push the truth away
from themselves.”11 “So God let them go ahead and do whatever shameful
things their hearts desired.” 12 “. . . God abandoned them to their shameful
desires.”13 “[H]e abandoned them to their evil minds and let them do things
that should never be done.”14 There are no exceptions for all are under the
wrath God other than those who have embraced Jesus as their Savior and
Lord. Then that salvation plays itself out publicly through the heart-driven
desire to honor Jesus through confession, repentance, and godly living.
Saving Face
I’m persuaded the best thing that can happen is that you not be the exception
to exposure. It’s God’s way of showing you mercy. It could save you from
very serious implications on your spiritual, emotional, and relational life in
the future. I’ve heard testimonies of married men, even ministers, who after
being exposed for their sexual sins, were relieved to be caught. I’ve seen men
collapse back into their chairs, weep in godly sorrow, and look up to God
with gratitude and relief. Freedom, though painful, had come. Sexual sin had
them imprisoned in the darkness of secrecy and guilt, but God intervened
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and blasted His light into their prison. The discovery brought embarrass-
ment and trauma to all involved, but the chamber door was ripped off the
hinges and the steps ascending to freedom lay before them. Yes, relational
consequences awaited, but they were out of death row.
These men were thankful they weren’t the exception. They were finally
“free.” Still, in many cases that freedom came with remarkable pain. That’s
the trade-off. Very few are the exceptions. But I believe the pain could be
more unbearable down the road.
Painful Grace
Rare is the one who escapes consequences of sexual sin. Many and numerous
are the slain, the ruined. Possibilities are that you will not be the exception.
Come clean. God is going to expose you anyway. It’s just a matter of when
He decides the time is right.
Vesna survived the 33,300-foot fall but she still suffered broken bones and
was partially paralyzed. But she lived. Brokenness and shock comes with the
exposed sin, but so can survival. It will take time for the brokenness to heal.
The paralyzed parts of your relationships may slowly gain feeling, but some
parts may not . . . I’m just being real. But I do know that Christ Jesus is the for-
giver, the lover, the healer, the Savior. He’s the Savior of souls, and the Savior of
relationships too. He grants grace and can empower others to give it.
Points to Ponder
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72 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
• Reflect on the feelings, the repercussions, and the impact your fall
would have on your life, on those who love you, and on the ones
you love.
• If you get exposed, be thankful. It’s a sign of God’s grace.
Trading Places
If your sexual sin is exposed I would bet that you and any one of your loved
ones would trade places with Vesna. In other words, you would welcome the
horror, impact, consequences, and pain of her terrifying fall over what your
sexual sin has brought upon you and them. I bet you would trade with Vesna
in a heartbeat over your terrifying fall into ruin. Don’t be foolish. Don’t ever
think for a minute that you’ll be an exception. You will ruin your life.
u What could be the fall out of sexual sin on those you love and
those who love you?
u How do you feel about the reality that God would allow someone
to keep “getting away” with their sexual sin?
u Has God allowed you to get away with your sexual sin? What
could this mean for you according to Romans 1? What must you
do now in response?
u But if you are addicted to sexual sin and too afraid to expose
yourself, would you dare pray that God would intervene and
expose you? Pray that prayer now.
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How to Ruin Your Life
y mom is a stellar cook. Some of my favorite meals my mom makes
are cornbread, black-eyed peas, slaw, and any kind of broiled or
fried meat she puts on the table. Growing up, she worked her
magic on the electric oven.
I once had a thing about the oven’s burners. I would walk into the
kitchen after she had turned on the oven and touch each burner as fast as
I could. I wanted to see if I was fast enough to keep from getting my hand
fried. Mom would say, “Alright, Jarrod, you’d better watch it. You’re going
to get burned.” Seems a no-brainer, I know. But I was 13 years old. Need I
say more?
One day I walked into the kitchen and one of the four oven burners had
gone from black to orange. Think lava hot. I eyeballed it. Mom said, “Jarrod,
I’m telling you . . . you’d better not.” I couldn’t resist. So with my fingertips
I went from burner to burner lightning fast, or so I thought. Then my hand
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74 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
touched the orange eye. Time froze; all feeling departed; my mouth opened
but not a sound came out. Then as waves of traumatic pain shot through my
hand, time flashed forward to catch up with the moment. From my mouth
came the release of primitive screams. I ran around the inside and outside
of the house holding my hand like a baby chick. Mom shouted, “I told you,
Jarrod! You should have listened to me!”
Profound words, “You should have listened.” She gave the facts: The oven
burner is hot and you will get burned. But I went the way of experience. The
consequence of ignoring the facts and choosing the experience brought me a
great deal of pain.
Sexual Burns
Notice Solomon’s take on what will bring a great deal of pain, scars, and
ultimately ruin into your life.
The lips of the immoral woman are as sweet as honey, and her
mouth is smoother than oil. But the result is as bitter as poison, sharp
as a double-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps lead
straight to the grave. For she does not care about the path to life.2
For a prostitute will bring you to poverty, and sleeping with another
man’s wife may cost you your very life. Can a man scoop fire into
his lap and not be burned? Can he walk on hot coals and not burn
his feet? So it is with the man who sleeps with another man’s wife. He
who embraces her will not go unpunished.3
Solomon seems to drill home the dangers of sexual ruin more than any-
thing else in Proverbs. Chapters five, six, and seven are almost entirely devoted
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to it. Think carefully about these Scriptures. They can be summed up this way:
Sexual immorality (premarital sex, homosexuality, adultery, pornography):
• Leads to death
• Is a road to hell
• Dooms you
• Poisons your soul
• Is a sword that will cut you down
• Leads you to the grave, spiritual and perhaps physical
• Ruins your life
• May cost you your life
• Burns you
• Punishes you
Solomon didn’t state these facts for shock value. They are realities.
According to the Word of God, if you choose to ignore the facts and go for
the experience, you’re headed for destruction.
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76 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
happen to you. It will upset Daddy if you disobey. Daddy will spank your
hiney if you do. Stay away from the street.”
The experience of sexual sin can be seductive. You can convince your-
self it’s not hurting anyone, no one will know, it’s just one time, and so
forth. You can rationalize what God has declared and commanded about
the facts that sexual sin can ruin you, and go for the experience. But the
experience could make you “roadkill” on the street of sexual sin. Trusting
the sexual facts God has laid out about sexual sin will guard you. Ignoring
and rationalizing the facts and going for the sexual experience will destroy
you. Treasure the facts of God and the commands of God. “Obey them
and live!”4
Note to Self
Solomon points out the window and said: “I was looking out the window of
my house one day and saw a simple-minded young man who lacked common
sense.”5 In other words, Solomon watched the unfolding of a young man who
would ruin his life. And he took mental notes. He watched and applied the
gravity of the young man’s destruction and passed it along to us.
Like Solomon, take note of lessons from life. What lessons have you
learned about what adultery can do to a family, the impact of pornography
on a mind, the regret of premarital sex by a young person? Here are a couple
of lessons I’ve observed and learned.
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edly, and penitently, shared the news. Later his dad packed up his clothes
and headed for a local hotel. My 21-year-old friend stood at the living room
window, hands on the glass, sobbing like a baby.
I observed that the grief of adultery is almost as intense as the grief of
losing a loved one to death. And this includes the family as a whole, not just
the spouse who was betrayed. I’ve observed that even one who is repentant
of the adultery still carries near unquenchable guilt and shame. This sounds
simplistic but the lesson is so obvious: I’ve learned that I never want to put
my wife and kids, nor myself, through that. Ever.
Porn Warps
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78 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
way out. Your mind can become warped and darkened. What you expose
yourself to repeatedly can haunt you for the rest of your life.
These are the facts. A hot orange oven burns. Playing on a busy street
kills. Sexual sin destroys. Will you learn from the facts or choose to go the
way of experience? Trusting the facts can protect you. Trying the experience
can ruin you.
u Reread the underlined portions of Scripture at the beginning of
this chapter. In place of the underlined phrases of the passages
above, go back and plug in “premarital sex,” or “adultery,” or “homo-
sexuality” or “pornography.” How do these texts impact you?
u Why do you think adultery can feel like a loved one passed away?
How does this reality speak to you and your life?
u Although God, through Solomon, has given us the facts about the
cost of sexual sin, why are we so tempted to go for the experience?
u In what ways can porn ruin your mind? How could it haunt you
for the rest of your life?
u List three things that you can do today to protect yourself from
experiencing sexual sin.
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How to Ruin Your Life
He was going down to the street near her corner, walking along in the
direction of her house at twilight, as the day was fading, as the dark of night set in.
- Proverbs 7:9
“Do not let your heart turn to her ways or stray to her paths.
many are the victims she has brought down….
- Proverbs 7:25-26
he U.S. Chief of Naval Operations released a transcript of a conver-
sation that took place with Canadian authorities off the coast of
Newfoundland in 1995. The conversation is as follows:
Canadians: “We recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the south
to avert a collision.”
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80 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
Americans: “This is the captain of a U.S. naval ship. I say again, divert your
Americans: “This is the aircraft carrier USS Missouri. We are a large warship
of the U.S. Navy. Divert your course now!”
Too bad this isn’t a true story because, number one, it’s hilarious.2
Number two, it teaches a strong lesson. Still, we can apply the lesson. If we
took the story at face value, we’d agree that disaster was certain if the ship
didn’t divert its course. The captain would have been stupid not to. Yet that
is how many choose to live their lives in the face of sexual temptation. How
far is too far; how long can I look; how much can I get away with? Or, the
belief that all is under control; it’s not hurting anyone; the temptations will
never become reality; porn is just looking at the menu and not eating from
it. This is flat out denial. And living in denial will ruin your life.
Permission to Sin
We can rationalize anything, especially when we feel beat up. Sexual fantasies
and possibilities numb our mind to dealing with our own issues. It’s there
we find escape, relief, and a type of self-medication. Shanuti Feldhahn, in
her book, For Women Only: What You Need to Know about the Inner Lives of
Men, pegged where men are their most vulnerable to sexual sin. I know it’s
interesting that I refer to a woman’s book to illustrate how we tick, but she
really nails it. She probably knows men better than most know themselves.
She mentions the HALT principle.
H = Hungry
A = Angry
L = Lonely
T = Tired
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These frames of mind and body can sneak up on us. If we nurse them
or deny them, we’ll find it easier to rationalize sexual temptation. In
addition, we’ll default to walking a little closer in immorality’s direction.
Feldhahn states,
If a man is working long hours, is out of sorts with the world (or his
spouse), feels under appreciated, feels like a failure as a provider, or
is far from home on a business trip—any or all of these things can
weaken his resolve.3
We can’t deny the very issues that will weaken us spiritually and morally.
Indeed, half the battle is recognizing when we slip into the hunger, anger,
loneliness, or fatigue mode.
My pastor shared with me a truth I’ve never forgotten. “Unless your heart is
satisfied, you will eat. Immorality is born out of hunger.” Just take a look at
Esau. Esau went out on an all-day hunt. He came home famished. Jacob had
just cooked a pot of stew.
Esau said to Jacob, ‘I’m starved! Give me some of that red stew.’
Jacob replied, ‘All right, but trade me your birthright for it.’ ‘Look
I’m dying of starvation!’ said Esau. ‘What good is my birthright
to me now?’ So Jacob insisted, ‘Well then, swear to me right now
that it is mine.’ So Esau swore with an oath, thereby selling all
his rights as the firstborn to his brother. Then Jacob gave Esau
some bread and lentil stew. Esau ate and drank and went on
about his business, indifferent to the fact that he had given up
his birthright.4
The author of Hebrews tied the episode to our lives: “Make sure that no
one is immoral or godless like Esau. He traded his birthright as the oldest son
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82 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
for a single meal. And afterward, when he wanted his father’s blessing, he was
rejected. It was too late for repentance, even though he wept bitter tears.”5
Esau became consumed by his hunger and it cost him everything. He
took advantage of a quick fix, an escape, and an instant pleasure. He lost the
most precious and prized gift he could have received in his lifetime—the
blessing and inheritance of his father. The point is that if your heart is not
satisfied, you will find a quick something or someone to satisfy it, or at the
least relieve it. And that quick fix can devastate your life. Don’t live in denial
of a “hungry” heart.
Here is a profound slice of truth: “Honey seems tasteless to a person who
is full, but even bitter food tastes sweet to the hungry.”6 A few realities to con-
sider here: The things of God (His Word, obedience, close relationship with
Him) become unattractive to the man who gorges on sexual sin. In addition,
a man’s own wife can become “unattractive” because he is seeking his fill at
sexual immorality’s buffet. A man’s sexual appetite will never be satisfied no
matter how much, how often, or how long he gorges. All opportunities look
attractive to him no matter how irrational. Just look at the man who commit-
ted adultery with a woman much less attractive than his own wife.
Don’t deny when you get “hungry.” Of course, we’re not talking about
hunger for food (although there could be argument for this as well), but
hunger to be satisfied outside of God. That hunger can consume you. And
the measures you take to satisfy that hunger through sexual sin can over-
whelm you. Satisfaction and fulfillment can be satisfied in Christ alone.
Think about it: you don’t sin to feel worse, but to feel satisfied. To find sat-
isfaction in a quick fix of sexual sin can cost you everything.
Anger can bring about a slow ruin. The apostle James says, “[D]on’t sin by
letting anger gain control over you. Don’t let the sun go down while you are
angry for anger gives a mighty foothold to the devil.”7 Anger in and of itself
is not the issue. There is a righteous anger, such as when you get the wrong
mobile telephone bill of $500 for the sixth month in a row and you’re now
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on your 18th call to work it out. The anger I’m suggesting here is relational
anger ignored and denied. This anger is like a dagger. It pierces your heart.
The dagger wounds you deeply but doesn’t kill you. It’s left jabbed in your
heart. The wound bleeds out. Sometimes the blood gushes, sometimes it
trickles. But the pain is there and the wound constantly bleeds.
I argue that denying the deep-seated dagger of anger can lead to immo-
rality. Whether you are single or married, this danger is real.
Anger inside of you from a past relationship gone sour or a rough child-
hood relationship with a parent or parents (or lack of relationship) can
poison your spirit like a staph infection. Anger not recognized or addressed
can skew your view of life. The wound from the dagger can hurt and bleed
out to distract to the point that you make wrong decisions that poison rela-
tionships and lead you toward sexual sin.
Disillusionment with relationships, opportunities, and life in general
can brood anger. You may have some serious baggage toward your father
that you have denied or failed to consider. This will eat you alive. It will fuel
the fire until you deal with it. Get help. Don’t go through life angry with
God and the world (although you may never admit to it or think of it in
that way). That anger can prevent you from joy, and push you toward mis-
ery. And one way among many to attempt to relieve that misery is through
sexual sin.
Everything in life may seem to work out wrong for you. Life hasn’t been
fair, you may say. Maybe you have sought applause, attention, achievement,
and yet have always come up short. Or you have accomplished much but
still remain dissatisfied. Either way, this broods an aching anger within you.
That’s what self-pity and unrelenting dissatisfaction do. Don’t make yourself
out to be a victim. Don’t think you deserve more. You don’t.8
Also, a word for the overachiever—you will never be satisfied. It’s time
to quit living on “happiness” and the high of beating the competition. Jesus
is the only contentment.9 He is the only One who gives life to the full.10
Christ Jesus is your complete joy and satisfaction. Any “joy” or “satisfaction”
found in sexual sin is cheap and fleeting.
On another note, past relationships with girls may have been dismal
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84 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
failures. You don’t know if something is wrong with you or with them. I
went through that dilemma when I was single. You’re disillusioned and
embittered toward girls and relationships, though you may fail to see it
or admit it. Girls can quickly become objects of lust instead of sisters in
Christ at this point. If you can’t get anywhere relationally with a girl you
might seek to fill that void and frustration through sexual sin.
If you’ve had many relationships fizzle or crash, or if you have barely
had a relationship with a girl (but you have desired the companionship), the
problem is most likely you, not the girl. You need to ask some honest ques-
tions about yourself. You need to pursue feedback from brothers and sisters
in Christ about what relational and social “hang-ups” they may see in you.
Do the hard work, as humbling and humiliating as it might be, to get to
the root of what’s going on with you. Don’t take the easy way out through
sexual sin.
For those who are married, you probably know that unresolved conflict
between you and your spouse at bedtime gives the enemy an open door to
mess with your affections and emotions.
Frustration can smolder if your wife is unavailable and insensitive to
your sexual needs. This frustration can plant and grow a seed of bitterness.
In that place you can rationalize and justify sexual sin. Be aware of this frus-
tration and bitterness. Anger lurks within it. Be alert for the growing seed
of bitterness and temptation to justify pursuit of sexual sin. Continually
bring this anger and frustration before the Lord in prayer. Vent to a brother
in Christ who will hold you accountable, bring perspective, and counsel
you in the frustrations. Deny your fears and ego then, and respectfully and
sincerely, share with your wife your struggle. Offer to take the lead in pursu-
ing professional Christian counseling. Either way, do not ignore the anger,
bitterness, and frustration.
The human soul can’t handle loneliness. Loneliness usually leads to isola-
tion. Isolation always leads to loneliness. We weren’t created for isolation but
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relationship with God and others. Loneliness and isolation therefore are a
lethal combination.11
Isolated loneliness brings what my pastor calls, “justified self-centered-
ness.” Key terms would be “nobody wants me.” This is where the attraction
of pornography can be most potent. Pornography displays the illusion to the
viewer that he is wanted. It’s the only time and place he feels wanted. He’s con-
vinced himself that he is the victim of his circumstances, failed relationships,
and/or lack of relationships. So he retreats to find escape. He chooses loneli-
ness. In that isolated loneliness he justifies the pursuit of sexual immorality.
On the other hand, you don’t have to be isolated to be lonely. You can
be the life of the party, the friend everyone comes to for counsel, an over-
achiever, an over-the-top-extrovert, but feel dreadfully alone. You can always
have a smile on your face; you can have pep in your step. When asked how
you’re doing, you give a spiritually flavored answer. Yet your heart is distant,
isolated, and empty.
Truth is that no human relationship can ultimately meet you in a way
that totally extinguishes your loneliness. Only Christ can meet you in that
desperate place. King David cries out to God, “Turn to me and have mercy
on me, for I am alone . . .”.12 King David is not pleading with his wife or
talking to a mirror. King David, the one who killed bears and giants and
conquered nations, admits and cries out to God that he’s lonely. Again, half
the battle is recognizing that you are alone and isolated. It’s confronting and
dealing with that loneliness in your gut as you do your life. You confront it
and deal with it by bringing it before Jesus.
God has given us friends to help us in the journey too. Though only
Christ can meet us in the neediest place, He’s given us relationships with
people to meet deep needs within us also. Friends are a gift—“A friend loves
at all times.”13 You need friends with whom you do life. True God-given,
vulnerable, honest, relationships with brothers in Christ can be God-given
antidotes to loneliness. But you have to work at being real and vulnerable.
Working at those relationships is crucial. They don’t come easy. Having a
friend who asks you the tough questions and fosters out of you honesty
about your state of mind and heart is priceless.
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86 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
When I’m tired, I’m tempted. There is no greater time that I want to escape
and release than when I’m exhausted. I want to crawl on the couch with a bag
of peanut M&Ms in one hand, a 16-ounce Coke in the other hand, and just
disappear. Christie knows there is something wrong with me when I come
home with a book, a Newsweek magazine, a Time magazine, a Sports Illustrated
magazine, the New York Times, USA Today, and a stack of DVDs. She knows I
want to escape and self-medicate. On the road when I arrive at my hotel room
after a long day of speaking at schools, churches, or conferences, I want to
crawl in the bed, flip on the tube, and channel surf. Inevitably when I do turn
on the TV, the first option I have is to purchase a movie. One set of movies I
can choose from is porn. I am most tempted at these moments of exhaustion
even if I’ve spoken against porn and other sexual sin all day.
Gaining victory against ruin is to recognize when fatigue has you in a
headlock. You don’t keep fighting against the fatigue. You cry “uncle,” and
go get some rest. I don’t know about you, but I am reluctant to give in to
fatigue, much less cry “uncle” about it.
In his book, The Rest of God, Mark Buchanan talks about our need,
and God’s gift of Sabbath rest. He’s not talking about Sundays. Buchanan is
talking about a time when we put the work down even if it’s unfinished. In
relating the pressures of getting work done to the taskmasters of Egypt upon
the Israelites, Buchanan writes:
What God cares about, and deeply, is our needs. And it’s this simple:
you and I have an inescapable need for rest.
The lie the taskmasters want you to swallow is that you cannot
rest until your work’s all done, and done better than you’re currently
doing it. But the truth is, the work’s never done, and never done
quite right.
So what? Get this straight: The rest of God—the rest God gladly
gives so that we might discover that part of God we’re missing—is
not a reward for finishing. It’s not a bonus for work well done.
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u Where are you seeking to fill your heart’s hunger right now? What
must you fill your life with instead? What will satisfy your soul?
(Hint: Psalm 1).
u What has you angry right now? What anger from your past are
you not dealing with? What is the danger of harboring this anger?
How can you defeat this anger or keep it at bay?
u Does fatigue have you in its grip? Are you taking a Sabbath day to
rest and play? Why or why not?
u Will you be brave enough to walk away from your work for a day
of rest even though it’s unfinished and unpolished?
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How to Ruin Your Life
couple of years ago Christie, Josiah, and I visited her brother and
his family in Minnetonka, Minnesota. It was during the month of
December and freezing. Lake Minnetonka was frozen. Her brother
wanted to take me on an ice fishing expedition on the lake. I was game …
kind of.
We walked out onto the ice. With every step I could hear the ice crack-
ling and splitting beneath my feet. It wasn’t encouraging.
Hundreds of feet offshore, we set up in an ice fishing tent. Inside he drilled
holes about the size of small pizzas to drop our fishing lines into. He also
placed a kerosene heater inside the tent with us and fired it up. This was a bit
troubling to me, being that I had a deeply held belief that fire melted ice.
Due to the kerosene heater, the ice underneath us became mushier and
mushier. I honestly don’t think he noticed. And I didn’t mention it. But what
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90 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
Met any aggressive and manipulative girls? If not, I assure you they’re out
there. And these types of girls are increasing all the more and becoming
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bolder. I wager that the time will come when this kind of girl will enter into
your life. Guaranteed her aggression will take you off guard. You will be
curious. But this is not the kind of girl you want anywhere near you. Often
the guy who pursues or embraces this kind of gal fails to see the red flags
about her. But his friends always can. Are you this guy? All you have to do is
ask your friends for their point of view about her and you’ll most likely see
the flags you’ve missed or denied. Then you have to heed their words and
counsel. I’ve been that guy who liked and dated that kind of gal. I got words,
warnings, and counsel. But I refused to see. In the end, it cost me relation-
ally, emotionally, financially, and spiritually.
Take heed of the red flags. Abandon the relationship. Don’t become her
friend. And for crying-out-loud, don’t twist it spiritually and be a “dating
evangelist” or “Christian friend” to try to help her or “save” her. The odds
are against you. Am I being too harsh? Read Proverbs 7.
She’s not the kind of girl you want to take home to momma either. This
is not the kind of lady you want to date, marry, or call “friend.” She just
isn’t. If she comes on to you through text messages, e-mails, telephone calls,
notes, words, and questionably innocent “affection,” you’d better get off the
ice quick. Cut all ties. If you are married, show your wife what she’s sending
you. Get serious, determined, and creative in ways to avoid and ignore her.
Tell a brother in Christ about it so he’ll check up on you. Have your friends,
your small group, even your wife pray for her. She is a hurting soul, and
expressing it in a sinful way. She needs Jesus.
Among various passing encounters through the years, one comes to
mind immediately. I met an attractive girl on an airplane years ago and nei-
ther one of us wore wedding rings. I was single at the time and believed she
was single. We chatted while in the terminal. After boarding the plane we
actually ended up sitting together. I thought, This is meant to be! She gave me
her number to look her up when I was back in town. I took this innocently
because I told her I was a minister. Right before we parted ways she smiled,
and said, “I’m going through a divorce. Call me.” Without going into all the
details leading to that moment, I’ll just tell you that it became obvious what
she wanted.
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92 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
I met up with a buddy and told him the story. I told him how much I
wanted to call her and stay in touch. I confessed my temptations to him. He
prayed with me. He told me I needed to walk away and not look back. He held
out his hand and I handed him her contact information. He ripped it up in
front of me. I never looked back, and couldn’t even if I wanted. Praise God.
I can’t help but wonder how many guys come across aggressive, manipu-
lative types of girls in their lives. Is it a common occurrence? I’m not one
to say, but due to what reality shows and sitcoms display as normal, I again
suggest that girls are becoming more and more aggressive sexually. I speak to
teenagers. I have single friends. I hear the stories. So, caution. The potential
for these encounters is increasing. It may not happen in high school but it
could happen in the second year of your marriage, the fourth year of your
career, or in the middle of a growing ministry.
She’s dressed scandalously and seductively. Sometimes sin doesn’t hide itself
at all. It has the neon sign that says, “Come and enjoy.” And we are strangely
attracted to it. We lose touch with reality in a sense. It can launch us into
sexual fantasies. Worse, that trigger of the flesh can overcome our rationale
to where we might try and act on that lust and fantasy, if not with that type
of woman, then through an outlet—such as porn.
You can tell much about a girl by the way she dresses. Some girls dress a
bit sketchy because they think it looks cute. Others dress scandalously because
they want you to want them. Either way, you don’t need a talent for discern-
ment to recognize that some women leave no doubt to what they want or
what they want for you to want, simply by the way they dress and/or act.
They are purposely scandalous and seductive. Take heed and stay off the ice.
Sexual Senses
Immorality can appeal to our senses. I’ll mention one that Solomon spot-
lights in Proverbs 7—our eyes.
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Piece of Cake
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94 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
the cake in front of the platform and placed a rope around it and appointed
guards there to keep the teenagers away.
During my message I kept pointing to the cake. I would ask again and
again, “Doesn’t this cake look goooood? Can you smell it? Smells goooood.
Who wants some chocolate cake?” Everybody, especially the fellas, whooped
At the end of my talk I asked if they were ready for some chocolate cake.
They all cheered. I said, “Well, let me go ahead and cut it and you can come
and get it.” As the single spotlight shone down, I cut into the middle of the
cake and pulled it apart. To their shock and horror, throughout the cake were
razor blades. Dozens of them. The spotlight hit the cake just right. The silver
flickered in the light. Point made. You could hear the gasp all over the room.
My point was that no matter how good sin looked, how inviting it
seemed, or how sweet it smelled, it could cost you dearly. You may think
you’ve gotten away with it, yet the sin will be slicing and dicing your life.
Solomon in Proverbs 7 has cut the cake. He has showed you the entice-
ment of it and displayed the razor blades. She, sexual immorality, can look
good, smell good, and talk smooth, but she will slice you up and cut you
The chocolate cake had no warning signs of danger. But sexual immo-
rality does, personally placed there in Proverbs 7 by God through Solomon.
Only a fool would knowingly eat something with razor blades. Only a fool
would dive into sexual sin knowing that it would ruin his life.
Thin Ice
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u For the more mature men, would you agree that girls are more
sexually aggressive today than ever? Why or why not?
u Does the way girls dress affect you? How? What can you do in
u What are some TV sitcoms that suggest that there is no real cost
to sexual immorality? Do they influence you?
u Are you walking on “thin ice?” Where has God posted signs in
your life?
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How to Ruin Your Life
# 11
She threw her arms around him and kissed him, and with a brazen look
she said, “I’ve offered my sacrifices and just finished my vows.”
“Come, let’s drink our fill of love until morn-
ing. Let’s enjoy each other’s caresses.”
- Proverbs 7:13 - 18
t happened on April Fool’s day my eighth grade year of middle school.
Before school most of my friends would hang out by the outside doors
of the gym. As I was walking toward my posse, they were all chuckling
and looking at me. My first thought was “zip up.” But all was well there. I
walked up to them and said, “What’s up? What’s so funny?” My best friend
Lance pulled out from behind his back an egg. He slammed it onto my head.
I stood in shock. I leaned my head over to catch the egg goop as it ran off my
head. But there was no goop. Lance had pulled a glorious April Fool’s joke
on me. The egg was boiled.
Once I shook off my instinct to pummel him, I laughed and thought it
was the funniest thing ever. Then he took out another egg. I was putty in his
hands. I said, “Let me get somebody.” He gladly handed over the egg.
I was waiting for my other friends to come by but none ever showed.
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98 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
The first warning bell rang. I didn’t want to miss out on the prank. I had
to pull it on somebody pronto. Most everyone had made their way to class
except me, Lance, and three or four of our friends. The last kid to walk
toward the door was a sixth grader hobbling on crutches and barely hanging
on to his books under his arms.
I walked up to him and said, “Hey, would you like an egg?” Then I
slammed the egg on top of his head just like Lance did me. Problem: This
was a raw egg.
As the egg yoke ran down his face he looked at me in horror. I was speech-
less. I spun around and Lance was foaming at the mouth he was laughing
so hard. My friends had taken off running trying to contain themselves. I
chased Lance around the building as the final bell rang.
Out of breath I decided to simply go surrender myself to the principal
and accept my fate. Consequences were inevitable. I walked into his office
and confessed the whole thing. As my story unfolded, it was all my principal
could do to suppress his laughter.
Surprisingly the kid had yet to come to the office. I had a hunch he was
in the hall bathroom by the office. Sure enough there he stood propped on
his crutches swishing water over his face and head. I felt so ashamed. You
should have seen me wetting paper towels and helping him clean egg off his
face while he slapped at my hand as if it were a gnat. I rambled on about how
Lance had set me up, that he (the kid) was my last chance to pull the prank,
and so forth. I told him I’d be his body guard the rest of the year. He looked
at me with fire in his eyes. You couldn’t blame him.
Unfortunately, I’m still just as gullible. Pranks pulled on me aren’t a dif-
ficult task. Actually, I think fewer pranks are pulled on me now because it’s
just plain boring. I’m too gullible, too easy a target.
It’s one thing to be an easy target for innocent pranks. It is an entirely differ-
ent issue to be gullible in sexual temptation. Upon further thought, gullible
may be too soft a word. Naïve is more like it. To commend your emotions
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Tip #11: BE GULLIBLE 99
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100 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
The above situations can open doors of potential temptaton, doors that
should never be darkened. The apostle Paul says, “Marriage should be hon-
ored by all.”1 Honoring marriage means not to be gullible to the potential
of sexual temptation. In other words, don’t put yourself in situations and
conversations that could look, feel, and become suspicious.
I have female friends that I once hung out with when I was single. I
still get calls from them every now and then asking to meet for lunch to
get caught up. If we meet up, it will be in public with another friend or
two joining us. Or Christie and I have them over for lunch or dinner. The
relationships have always been platonic mind you. I never dated these girls.
I have no attraction to them now. And I imagine they don’t have any attrac-
tion to me. But I’m not going to be gullible and naïve on possibilities that
innocence can get sullied by me, or them. But even more importantly, I want
to honor my wife and Jesus.
To be a young, single adult male who meets a girl and is immediately gripped
by her sweet talk, or hot body, or cute charm, or even her spirituality, with-
out getting to know what makes her tick, can devastate you. Your gullibility
can blind your eyes and numb your senses to the possibilities of years of
pain, deep regret, and difficult healing, not to mention the distance it would
bring to your relationship with Jesus.
I was asked by a single guy a while back the following: “How can you
know if the person you’re dating will not become someone different after
Scientifically speaking, according to Dr. Jay Giedd, chief of brain imag-
ing in the child psychiatry branch at the National Institute of Mental Health,
the estimated age for when the brain is fully mature is 25 years old.2 This
may be worth noting. The chances of your girlfriend changing, and you
changing, for the better or worse, are greater under the age of 25. I know I
was an entirely different person at age 25 than I was at age 21. Therefore,
to marry under the age of 25 could be a risk. Of course, the age of 25 is not
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Tip #11: BE GULLIBLE 101
the magical age of maturity by any means. There are always risks. I know 18
year olds who are more mature than some 30 year olds. Simply take the data
for what it’s worth.
On another scale, ask yourself these questions: Think in patterns (which
means you must take time to get to know the real her). How does she treat
her parents? What are her friends like? There’s an old proverb that reads, “ If
you want to know a [person’s] character, just look at his or her friends.”
Does she love Jesus with all of her DNA? Does she lie? Does she care
about people? Pushing emotions aside the best you can, do you trust her
with all of your heart? How does she use her money? If she has a career that
keeps her on the road for weeks out of the year, would you completely trust
her to be faithful? I am no expert. This is no exhaustive list, but it’s a start.
Dating Standards
A relationship has begun with you and a girl. You like her. She likes you.
You both love Jesus. You are now boyfriend and girlfriend. We can take it
further—let’s say you are engaged. The standards are the same whether dat-
ing or engaged.
So what are your standards? They should be standards driven by the
Scriptures. Here are three:
One, the apostle Paul says: “But among you there must not be even
a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity . . ..”3 The words
“not even a hint” leave no wiggle room. Sexual petting of any sort, mutual
masturbation, and any thing else you come up with is tagged by this text.
Again, I like how pastor Mark Driscoll stated the following in a sermon
series dealing with sex. He said the question is not, “Where’s the line?” but,
“When’s the time?” Answer: marriage. The question isn’t, “How far is too
far?” but rather “How not to get going until you’re married!” To even ask the
questions about how far you can go sexually with your girlfriend exposes the
sinful motives of your heart.
Two, King Solomon records the words of his soon-to-be bride: “Do
not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.”4 The New Living translation
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102 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
says, “until the time is right.” This text alone nails the sexual standard for
a dating relationship. “Love” here is referring to sexual intimacy. So when
is it the right time to sexually arouse? Marriage. When is the wrong time?
Any time outside of marriage. God didn’t give the gift of sexual arousal
for us to slam the brakes on. He gave sexual arousal so we’d go all the way.
Sexual arousal heightens the anticipation of “oneness” and pleasure within
Does “snuggling” arouse you or her? If you’re not married, then the
Scriptures say not to do it because arousal is happening. Does kissing arouse
you or her? Then don’t do it. I don’t want to be legalistic but you have to
guage yourself and the feelings of your girlfriend by the Scriptures. A simple
kiss on the cheek, or a momentary kiss on the lips may be fine. Or it could
potentially lead to arousal. If it leads to arousal, don’t do it. What about
holding hands? I’ll just say this—if anything you do with your girlfriend
arouses you, don’t do it.
Sexual petting and any other degree of sexual behavior arouses and is
declared by the Scriptures as poreniea, or immorality. Therefore, the Scriptures
say, don’t do it. All said and done, to be with your girlfriend in physical ways
with the goal of putting the breaks on is foolish. The brakes will eventually
fail altogether. Again, God never meant for a man and woman to hit the
brakes when they are sexually aroused. He didn’t wire us that way. God didn’t
design sex that way either. We’re meant to go all the way. That’s why He says
not to arouse “before the time is right.” The right time of sexual arousal is
only in marriage. When sexually aroused in marriage, there are only green
lights to go for it, not red lights to stomp the brakes.
Three, in 1 Timothy 5:2, the apostle Paul commands, “[Treat] older
women as mothers, and younger women as sisters with absolute purity.” In
other words, your girlfriend, even girls in general, is to be treated like a sis-
ter until you are married. Think about that the next time you snuggle! Her
purity, her life as a whole, is to be guarded, valued, and honored by you. She
is your sister, not just your date. She is your sister, not just your girlfriend.
She is your sister before she is your wife. This ought to tie up any loopholes
that the sinful heart can find to rationalize sexual sin.
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Tip #11: BE GULLIBLE 103
Church Sex
In Proverbs 7, the immoral woman “threw her arms around him and kissed
him, and with a brazen look she said, ‘I’ve offered my sacrifices and just
finished my vows.’”5 Did you catch that element of spirituality? It was a
spiritual custom in that day for the people of God to go to the priest with an
animal sacrifice. The priest would place the offering on the altar and set it
ablaze as worship. Then a portion of the meat would be given to the priest.
The worshiper would take his or her portion of the prime rib home to eat as
a celebration to God.
On the outside she was doing some good spiritual things. She was wor-
shiping the Lord, so it seemed. Yet her behaviors betrayed her worship. This
tinge of spirituality thrown in might have eased his conscience a tad too.
After all, a worshiping woman can’t be that bad, right? He was ridiculously
naïve and gullible.
I, too, have been that naïve and gullible. When I was single, I spoke on
summer mission trips around the world. I worked for a missions organiza-
tion out of Atlanta, Georgia. Arriving at the mission site in Mexico on a
Saturday afternoon, I was greeted by the summer missions staff. One girl in
particular made her way right to me. And I was thrilled. She was attractive
in every sense of the word.
We became inseparable. Every spare minute we had we hung out and
took walks. One particular afternoon the mission groups were walking
around an impoverished neighborhood to pray with families in their homes.
This girl and I did our prayer walk together apart from the groups. That
evening we were hanging around with other summer missions staff. One of
the staff girls said to the girl to whom I’d been attached to the hip, “I bet you
miss your husband. Is he going to be able to visit anytime this summer?”
I kid you not. I almost blacked out. I can’t even recall her initial answer.
I instinctively looked at her ring finger (as I had done when I first met
her). Confirmed again. There was no wedding ring. But still I had been too
I immediately walked away from the conversation and her. I was literally
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104 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
freaked out. I avoided her like the plague the rest of the week. It felt awkward
and looked awkward to everyone, I’m sure. I left at the end of the week in a
daze without so much as an acknowledgement of her existence. I was com-
pletely at a loss.
That’s not the end of it. Before I knew she was married, I had given her
my e-mail address and mobile telephone number. She e-mailed and called
me numerous times. She wanted advice about her marriage troubles. After
weeks of avoiding her, I answered her call one day. I told her I couldn’t help
her. I encouraged her to to pursue Jesus, and to love, support, and stay com-
mitted to her husband, and to never contact me again. It ended that day.
Mind you, this same girl wore Christian t-shirts that week. She sang
worship songs. She read her Bible. We even prayed together, for crying-out-
loud. I learned my lesson that outward Christianity can be deceiving.
Don’t be naïve. Sexual sin can be cloaked in Christian garb. You don’t
have to go to Las Vegas to happen upon sexual opportunities. It lurks in the
church and missions organizations. The immoral woman can be raising her
hands to “Here I Am to Worship.” You can become an immoral man leading
a Bible study every Tuesday night. Don’t be naïve. Guard your life.
In over ten years of ministry I’ve witnessed many Christian young men and
women stray from the Lord because of a dating relationship that became
sexual. Indeed I believe that is one of the biggest downfalls of Christian
young men and women.
First, there’s the desire for a boyfried or girlfriend. A dating relationship
begins. The relationship becomes an idol. Affections and emotions become
so engaged that the Lord grows more and more distant from their hearts. It’s
like watching a slow death of spiritual love. Then most times the lines of sex
are tip-toed and ultimately crossed. They disappear from the church. Though
not always the case, it does seem to be a pattern. It breaks my heart.
Don’t be that guy. Don’t be gullible to a girl’s spirituality without the test
of time. On a stronger note, don’t be the man who leads gullible women into
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Tip #11: BE GULLIBLE 105
your lusts, or to prove your manhood, or to fit in, or to boost your ego, or
to see if “you’ve still got it.”
Control yourself. “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith. act like men, be
strong.”6 Do so by the grace of God. Don’t pull the strings of a girl’s emotions.
Don’t befriend women outside of your marriage, particularly at emotional
levels. And to use spirituality to get what you want out of a woman, whether
sexually or otherwise, is evil. God will judge you.
Nature or Nurture
Guard your godliness. Cherish your relationship with the Lord Jesus more
than any woman. Beware of your affections and emotions for a girl who
is slowly securing your heart and mind even if you think she’s a “good
Christian girl.” Keep constant gauge on the nature of your relationship. A
couple of good questions to ask: Are your affections and emotions being
weaned away from Jesus by her? Are you becoming her-centered instead of
Do what you must do to stay Jesus-centered. This will guard your heart
and give you wisdom. When I married Christie, one of my vows was to “love
Jesus more than Christie so that I might love her better.” You must always
seek to love Jesus more.
Be a man. Be the leader in your relationship. Guard against slipping
away from Jesus and the people of God and taking her along with you. Don’t
be gullible and naïve to the possibilities.
I still reflect on my ignorance and gullibility of taking a raw egg and crashing
it on that poor kid’s head. I think back at how I stood there with my mouth
gaping, shocked at what I’d done. I remember looking down seeing broken
shells in my hand and longing to change that moment.
Don’t be sexually gullible and naïve. Beware of putting yourself or
allowing yourself into a situation where you might one day say, “What have
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106 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
I done? I would give anything to change this. I would give anything and
everything to take it all back.” It’s one thing to see the shells of a broken egg
in your hand. It’s wholly unthinkable that out of sexual gullibility you could
hold in your hand the shells of a ruined life.
u What was the most impacting part of this chapter? Why?
u How would you define godliness? What would you say is the dif-
ference between “a great Christian guy” and a godly man? Which
mold do you fit?
u For singles: What about a girl could bring “red flags” to you pur-
suing a relationship with her? What red flags do you recognize
about yourself?
u For singles: What do you look for in a girl? What would you say
the difference is between a “good Christian girl” and a “godly
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How to Ruin Your Life
It’s you I was looking for! I came out to find you, and here you are!
- Proverbs 7:15
lmost all college basketball teams view tape of the opposing team
a week before the game. We were no different. We were playing
Davidson College, out of Charlotte, North Carolina, on a Tuesday
night. A week before the game our team watched taped segments of plays
and players at the beginning of every practice for about 30 minutes to an
hour. Then we went to the floor and rehearsed how to stop them. One par-
ticular play by Davidson involved an inbounds pass from under their goal.
The play was geared toward Davidson’s 6’10”, 250-pound center. There
would be screens set for his defender. Then the ball would be lobbed in the
air near the basket for him to catch and dunk it. Guess who was guarding
Davidson’s center? Yours truly.
We rehearsed the play again and again by viewing tape, doing walk-
throughs in practice, and a final walk-through the afternoon before the
game. Our head coach, John Brady, (former head coach of the LSU Tigers,
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108 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
current head coach of Arkansas State), drilled me to be alert for the screen.
Davidson was strong. The game went back and forth until about half-
way through the first half. Sure enough, Davidson got the ball under their
goal. It was inevitable that it would happen. Coach Brady and the assistants
were shouting at me to beware of the screens.
The player passing the ball inbounds slapped the ball to begin the play.
And sure enough, I got pinned by the screens. As I saw Davidson’s goliath
turn the corner, I tried to fight through the screen. But it was too late. I
looked up. The ball was in the air. I was staring at his waist. Then it hap-
pened: “boom!” He thundered the ball through the goal. I swear I felt the
wind off it.
The Davidson students and fans absolutely lost their minds. I jogged
back down the court while Coach Brady was losing his mind too. He stared
me down. He walked past the scorer’s table and ruthlessly let me have it. His
screams were primal. I couldn’t understand a word he was yelling because of
the cry of the crowd’s mocking. I just gazed at him and nodded in agreement
with whatever. He could have been saying, “Jarrod, you’re an orange,” and I
would have been agreeing wholeheartedly.
As I listened and watched the scream and dance of Coach Brady, I lost
track of Davidson’s center. Well, he found me. He had stepped out a quarter
of the way up the court standing tall and hard like a 6’10” reinforced con-
crete wall. I didn’t see him. With no warning I ran headfirst into him. I saw
a bright flash of light. My ears rung. My vertebrae cracked from my neck
down to my lower back. He was a wall. I just sort of melted to the floor and
onto a knee.
I shook it off best I could. Even more humiliated, I looked over at Coach
Brady who buried his face into his hands and shook his head in disbelief.
It was not a good day. Things had gone from bad to worse. And it got even
worse. I got pulled from the starting line-up the second half. And with the
help of my questionable play the first half, we lost the game by over 20
As I sat on the sidelines I thought of 20 excuses of how Davidson exe-
cuted the inbounds dunk play perfectly. I had excuses of how I couldn’t stop
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Tip #12: MAKE EXCUSES 109
the play because I was illegally screened and held. But excuses would not be
accepted even if I tried making a case. Excuses could not make up for the
harm I caused in that game either. I knew their inbounds play. I just wasn’t
mentally prepared for it. I didn’t take it seriously enough. I wasn’t commit-
ted to fighting tooth and nail to stop it. I didn’t make up my mind to give it
everything I had until it was too late. I got comfortable. My preparation was
not translated into action.
Viewing Tape
Proverbs 7 is like viewing tape of sexual ruin. We’re seeing the plays of immo-
rality unfolding before us. We’re getting instructed and empowered. But we
have to put the instruction into action. We better take this thing seriously.
We better be mentally and emotionally prepared and resolved. We better be
committed to fighting against temptation to the death. We can’t wait until
the last minute to make choices. Excuses and rationalization tend to win out
at the last minute.
Excuses, Excuses
Sin and excuses have been around since the creation of man. God com-
manded Adam, “From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day
that you eat from it you will surely die.”1
Then came “the serpent,” Satan. He said to the woman, “Indeed, has
God said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden’?”2 Instead of hav-
ing driven the flag into the ground to trust the fact of God’s command, they
were unresolved. So they ate the fruit, and sinned.
Following their sin came the excuses. First, Adam: “The man said, ‘The
woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate’.”3
Then, Eve: “And the woman said, ‘The serpent deceived me, and I ate’.”4
God’s response was that the earth, nature, and humanity would be cursed
with sin and death until Jesus came to conquer it through the Cross.5
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110 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
Excuses can follow sin. Adam’s excuse for sin? “… it was Eve’s fault.” On
the other hand, sin can follow excuses. After listening to the serpent, Eve had
her excuse for sin: “The fruit is there for the taking! It looks so good! How
could I refuse when it’s right there in front of me?” Sounds like a lot of guys
I’ve known who’ve fallen to sexual sin—How could I refuse?
Either way, Adam and Eve sinned and excuses could not make up for it.
They had paradise, protection, and a relationship with their Creator. God
had made Himself clear that sin would cost them everything. Disobedience
would ruin them and everything they knew to be good. And it did.
Excuses can follow sexual sin. Sexual sin can follow excuses. The Proverbs
7 young man could say, “You don’t understand! She threw her arms around
me and kissed me! She was there for the taking! How could I refuse? What
could I do?” 6 Or, “She pursued me; she came looking for me, not the other
way around! It wasn’t all my fault.” Or maybe, “I was lonely. She wanted me.
I wanted her. I needed her. No one understands me like her.”
I wonder if you have a girl like that in your workplace, a sister-sorority,
in biology class, or at church. She makes you feel wanted. She gives you the
vibe that she’s available if you pushed the envelope. She’s there for the tak-
ing. She’s a peer, a co-worker, a friend. Perhaps she’s just an acquaintance but
she’s sending you signals so clear that even you can’t ignore the fact that she’s
interested in something more.
The Catch-22
Let’s continue down this hypothetical road for a bit. You may be married and
dealing with an aggressive woman. Or you may be single and dealing with
a seductive woman. Whatever the case, she’s flirting and the Holy Spirit has
convicted you that you should avoid interest. He has made you uncomfort-
able about being around her. You’ve arrived to the point that you feel you
must gently yet directly tell her to back off.
Prepare yourself. There is no way to “win” in this conversation. She’ll
ask, “Why?” No doubt she will be offended. Highly, highly offended. You’ll
probably get hammered with, “You’re a jerk! Who do you think you are?
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Tip #12: MAKE EXCUSES 111
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112 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
whole other subject. But there is still another particular way that you can
leave yourself open to sexual sin.
So what might be one major lure to sexual sin that’s not considered enough
for us men? I believe it’s what most guys would not admit to: self-pity.
I’ve touched on this in previous chapters but it bears repeating again
and again for us guys. We are experts at making ourselves victims of our
circumstances. We want to blame anything and/or anyone for our problems
and brokenness. In so doing we become experts at rationalizing sin. Excuses
come easy when we feel sorry for ourselves.
An injured ego makes a man particularly vulnerable. A woman can
soothe in many ways. She can say things, do things, look at you in particular
ways, laugh on cue, and so forth. It can start innocently enough, or like the
immoral woman she could have had impure motives all along. Either way,
when a woman strokes the ego, the doors of immoral possibilities begin
creaking open. Fantasies are considered. Then the fantasy hints at possibili-
ties, possibilities foster realities, and those realities bring ruin. James writes,
“But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own
lust. Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is
accomplished, it brings forth death. Do not be deceived, my beloved breth-
ren.”7 The New Living translation puts it this way: “Temptation comes from
the lure of our own evil desires. These evil desires lead to evil actions, and evil
actions lead to death. Don’t be misled, my dear brothers and sisters.”8
Sexual Clout
Consider again the Proverbs 7 encounter. She pursues the young man. She
“throws her arms around him.”9 She embraces him. Then she slides her lips
across his cheek to his lips. She kisses him slowly and passionately. She cups
his face into her hands. Staring deep into his eyes, the warmth of her breath
on him and smell of perfume around him, she says, “It’s you I was looking
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Tip #12: MAKE EXCUSES 113
for! I came out to find you, and here you are!” 10 He’s primed to fall to her
How could he refuse her in that moment? How could you or I? Imagine
how his ego soared! He feels needed. He feels desired. He feels wanted. And
his manhood is validated. What if he was going through a tough time in his
life at that moment too? Envision the clout of her seduction had he been
living a victim to brokenness and self-pity? Think about the power of her
temptations if he was complacent, bored, or discouraged with his life or
marriage. Imagine her grip on his sexual affections if he was depressed over
not having a girlfriend or distraught at being single in his late 20s? Excuses
for sex with her can abound.
Own Up
Beware of becoming a victim in your own eyes. You must be man enough
to own up to self-pity. You must reject vehemently any excuse to pursue sin
of any sort because of what life has dealt you. I shared this verse in the last
chapter, but I want to repeat it here: Paul said, “[S]tand firm in the faith, act
like men, be strong.”11
Most of us do a lousy job at handling life. We may have a veneer for
everyone on the outside but inside we’re a wreck. The danger, however, is
failing to own up to this reality. If we finally do own up, the greater danger
is not pleading our need to Jesus. The result is that sin happens and excuses
follow, or excuses happen and sin follows.
Only Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, can give you grace to endure life’s
fallouts. He’s the only way that your loneliness, brokenness, neediness, and
disappointments can be relieved and removed from your life. Sexual sin is
not relief. It’s ruin.
No Excuses
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114 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
my mistake began a sequence of events that ruined the game for us. Their
momentum became too great to stop. None of my excuses made up for
that. I did take responsibility, however, for that mistake. Though the loss
was recorded forever, I hoped I’d get another chance to play against them. I
wanted to prove myself to my coaches and teammates. To my regret, there
wasn’t another game. I never had another opportunity to make things right.
On a much deeper level, a sexual mistake can ruin you. Sin can bring
excuses or excuses can bring sin. But excuses will never give you a free pass
from the consequences. No matter how you try to rationalize sexual sin in
your life, no excuse will save you. The loss can be forgiven but it will forever
be recorded on your relational and emotional score sheet. The damage might
never be undone. You might not get another chance to make things right.
Only time and God’s grace will tell.
Listen to the call of God through Proverbs 7. Listen to King Solomon
jumping up and down on the sidelines of your life. Don’t buy into the flat-
tery. Don’t make excuses for your sexual sin. You will get slammed on. You
will lose.
u How can Proverbs 7 prepare you mentally and emotionally to
face sexual temptation?
u What does the following mean: “Sexual sin can bring excuses.
Excuses can bring sexual sin”? What excuses could one make to
commit sexual sin?
u Where in your life have you felt “pummeled”? How did you han-
dle it? Were you tempted to find pornographic (or other sexual
means) escape? Did you find escape there? Explain.
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How to Ruin Your Life
ven a serial killer reads his Bible.
Dennis Rader, the renowned “BTK” (Bind, Torture, Kill) serial
killer was interviewed after his capture by a television newsmagazine.
In the midst of the interview, BTK looked his interviewer square in the
eye and said, “I read my Bible everyday.” At the time of his capture he was
also president of the church council at Christ Lutheran Church in Wichita,
Kansas. Mind you, he was reading his Bible and serving his church while
committing years of horrendous murder. Don’t miss the point here. The
issue is not that he was ignorant of God’s Word. He was numb to it.
Beware. If someone can go through the motions of reading his Bible
daily and become so hardened toward the truth that he would “bind, tor-
ture, and kill” people, we too are not exempt from reading the Scriptures and
becoming hardened to the truth about sexual sin.
Proverbs 7 has been the writings of Solomon to his favorite son—
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116 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
Rehoboam. However, the very words Solomon spoke to his son he failed
to heed himself. Eventually, Solomon’s heart was led astray from God. This
paints a disturbing reality. The very convictions one has and the words one
speaks against sexual sin and moral failure can be compromised and aban-
doned. No one is immune.
The book of Ecclesiastes reveals Solomon’s demise. He didn’t deny
himself any pleasure, especially sexually. He had 700 wives, and 300 con-
cubines.1 All the sex he could stand. But he was left empty. “‘Everything
is meaningless,’ says the Teacher, ‘utterly meaningless’.”2 “‘I said to myself,
“Come, now let’s give pleasure a try. Let’s look for the good things in life.
But I found that this, too, was meaningless’.”3 “[I] had many wonderful
concubines. I had everything a man could desire.”4 “‘[I]t was all so mean-
ingless’.”5 You can sense the regret and sorrow in his words. The very truths
he shared with his son he abandoned. It left him void and broken. How
much more passionate would he be about Proverbs 7 now that he’s on
the other side? We’ve had much to learn through Solomon’s wisdom and
through his downfall.
However, we can’t reflect on Proverbs 7 as the hypocritical words of a
king gone astray. The truth is the truth. Sexual sin will ruin your life. So take
to heart all that Solomon said. God, through Solomon, desired to relay life’s
grandest wisdom to save us from sexual ruin.
On a confessional note, I’ve saved the best chapter for last. The Scripture
below this chapter’s title is actually the words which began Proverbs 7. I’m
thankful and relieved you have made it this far in the book. The truth of
this chapter is where I find power not to ruin my life with sexual sin. The
same will go for you. If you do not embrace the truths found in this chapter
and put them into practice, then your victory over sexual sin will be impos-
sible to sustain. I’d go so far to say that your fight will be in vain without
the Scriptures. God’s Word through the power of His Spirit and His Spirit
through the power of His Word is your only hope.
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Solomon’s words reveal the magnitude of what protects us from sexual sin.
He pleads, “My son, keep my words and treasure my commandments within
you. Keep my commandments and [keep my teachings]. . . .”6 That’s why he
repeats the word “keep” like a broken record.
That being the case, the Scriptures are to be savored, not surfed. He
says, “[keep] . . . and treasure my commandments within you . . . .”7 There
is much more to our reading of Scripture than just “reading” Scripture. I
have a daily Bible reading plan that outlines what Bible texts I am to read
for each day. It provides the chapters and verses from one of the Gospels, an
Epistle (Paul’s writings—Romans through Philemon (and possibly Hebrews
but commentators differ on the authorship), a Psalm, and a Proverb. I feel
very proud to see the checks beside each day of the month that I have fin-
ished my “assignment.” But “checking off ” my reading of God’s Word can
go from being a good thing to a bad thing. In my opinion, those check-
marks can become checkpoints of numbness to God’s Word. For instance, I
can read over daily verses or chapters to avoid guilt for not doing so whether
I got anything out of it or not. I can also officially declare, “I had my quiet
time with God” today. There’s a sense of spiritual pride in that. In addition,
there can be a hint of superstition in my reading over Scripture, such as
thinking, Since I read all those chapters, God is pleased and I’m going to have
a good day.
I admit that I’ve often approached Bible readings as a to-do list. I’m by
nature a task person. I’m compelled to read that day’s readings no matter
how much it is. But Jesus talks about “abiding” in God’s Word.8 The psalm-
ist deals with “meditating” on God’s Word.9 Just reading it is not enough.
An early church Father, St. Augustine of Hippo, used a metaphoric term
for what I think he meant about abiding or meditating on Scripture. The term
was “ruminate.” Ruminate means to “chew the cud.” Take a cow for example.
A cow digests its food in two steps. First, it eats. Next, it regurgitates a par-
tially-digested form of the food which is called cud. Then it continues eating
by “chewing the cud.” That whole process is what is called “ruminating.”
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118 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
According to studies, “dairy cows spend almost eight hours a day chew-
ing their cuds for a total of almost 30,000 chews daily.”10 In addition, a cow
gains between 50 percent to 70 percent of its energy by chewing the cud, or
ruminating.11 In application to us, constant daily reading and meditating on
Scripture energizes and empowers us to beat sexual sin.
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ment you can from it. Let it intermingle with your thoughts, your desires,
your hopes, your behavior, your regrets, your pain, your past. Let it argue
with you. Read it out loud, one word at a time. Take note of the verb and
nouns. Focus and concentrate. Dig in. The Holy Spirit will use this to ener-
gize and empower your obedience and protect you from ruin.
I had lunch with a friend the other day. He loves Jesus deeply but strug-
gles with porn and other issues. He said, “I don’t understand. I read my Bible
every day. Sometimes I even read a whole book of the Bible but I just can’t
seem to get anything out of it.” I told him, “Bro, you need to quit surfing
and start savoring. You need to ‘chew the cud’.” The lights came on in his
eyes. I hope it has for you as well.
Worth It
When you open the Scriptures, plead with God as did the psalmist: “Open
my eyes to see the wonderful truth of your instructions.”17 Trust that His
Word is perfect and trustworthy; it revives the soul, gives wisdom, brings
joy to the heart, gives insight for living, fosters purity, and endures forever.18
God’s Word alone is worth the time and effort of your viewing, ruminating,
and meditation. It pierces through your numbness to bring back feelings and
desires for authentic holiness.
On a last note about “chewing the cud,” it’s interesting that a dairy nutri-
tionist said,
[A] content cow is one seen chewing her cud. . . . 60 to 70% of cows
actually chew their cuds when they are resting. Pay attention to fresh
cows to see that they are chewing their cuds. Taking time to carefully
observe your cows will pay dividends in recognizing potential prob-
lems before they become major headaches.19
God’s Word will bring contentment, rest, and relief. Sexual sin never
will. Beware of getting numb to God’s truth. Pay attention to whether you
are surfing His Word or savoring it. His Word will pay huge dividends in
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120 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
your life. It will keep you alert to sexual temptation. It will prevent much
more than “potential problems” and “major headaches.” It will prevent you
from ruining your life.
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Solomon adds, “Keep my teachings as the apple of your eye.”24 Think about it.
When someone or something is the apple of your eye, your life revolves around
him, her, or it. It is precious to you, indeed the most precious part of your life.
It has captured your heart. My family (Christie and my two boys, Josiah and
Titus) is the apple of my eye. God calls His children, Israel, the “apple of his
eye.”25 The New Living translation states, “His most precious possession.”
The potency of “apple of his eye” is defined further in the next verse. God
described Himself like a mother Eagle fluttering and hovering over her chicks
“that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them on its pinions.”26
When Solomon says the “apple of your eye,” the literal translation is the
“pupil” of your eye. That leaves no room for error or erring. There is noth-
ing closer to the eye than the pupil. My pastor shared that Solomon is saying
that our lives should revolve around God’s Word. His Word before us and
within us should be our most precious possession. There should be nothing
more central to our lives than the Scriptures of God.
Beware of Hardening
If a man can read his Bible faithfully and commit serial murder, then beware.
There is a graver danger than being ignorant of the Scriptures. That danger
is being hardened to the Scriptures even as you read them daily. It’s reading
the Scriptures without a view of what God is saying about Himself and you.
It’s not taking time to “chew the cud,” absorb, and apply what God is com-
manding of you. The apostle Paul writes,
So get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept
the message God has planted in your hearts, for it is strong enough
to save your souls.
And remember it is a message to obey, not just to listen to. If you
don’t obey, you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen and don’t
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122 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
In other words, God will bless you by keeping you from sexual ruin.
The more we become hardened to God’s Word, the more God’s Word
hardens us. Albeit an extreme case, I believe BTK is proof. God’s Word
either melts the heart or hardens it. In terms of sexual sin, to become hard-
ened to the truth of Scripture can bring catastrophic consequences. It can
ruin your life.
u What is the difference between reading God’s Word and rumi-
nating on God’s Word? What does it look like for you personally
to “chew the cud” of Scripture? When and how will you begin
doing this?
u Right now, are you numb to God’s Word? What can you do to
change that?
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Hope in Ruin
Gr ace over Guilt
wasn’t planning on writing any more than chapter 13. I wasn’t plan-
ning on this conclusion. But as I reflected over the book, I had the
conviction that something was missing. This book was all about “how
to avoid ruin” and not enough of a book on how to deal with it.
You’ve fallen to sexual sin. Or you’ve beat sexual sin for a time only to
fail again. You’ve confessed. You’ve repented. But shame haunts you. Guilt
smothers you. Despair conquers you. You feel that you’ve sinned so hor-
ribly and so often that your relationship with Jesus will never be whole
again. You feel that He can never use you for His kingdom. You feel that
you’ll be free from guilt only if He punishes you in some way. Perhaps deep
down, you feel that if you could just “pay your dues” then your guilt will
go away.
These beliefs, thoughts, and feelings are lies. It’s the Enemy accusing
you. He is whispering, “You’re disgusting. You’re a pervert. God’s done with
you.” Or, “You looked again? That’s the third time this week! You’re pitiful.”
Let me repeat, that’s the Enemy accusing you.
Revelation 12:10b calls the Devil “the accuser of [the] brethren.”1
The accusations you hear and feel are not from your loving, forgiving,
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124 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
and gracious Father. They are from the Devil. The Devil hates you with a
“Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking
for anyone he can devour.”2 The Devil wants you to buy into his lies that
God is finished with you.
You could never bear the punishment you deserve for any of your sin, includ-
ing sexual sin: “Yet they cannot redeem themselves by paying a ransom to
God. Redemption does not come so easily, for no one can pay enough . . . .”3
No one can pay enough, that is, except Jesus. Jesus, the perfect Son of God,
in the flesh took the full punishment of God’s wrath for all the sins of your
lifetime. The perfect, sinless, Jesus Christ became your sexual sin and died
with it on the Cross: “For our sake [God] made Him to be sin who knew no
sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.”4 “By send-
ing His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin
in the flesh . . . .”5 Jesus embraced the rage and punishment of God on the
Cross for all of your sexual sin—past, present, and future.
In the book of Colossians, the apostle Paul says, “You were dead because
of your sins and because your sinful natures were not yet cut away. Then God
made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all your sins.”6 You were spiritually
dead. God made your spiritually dead heart beat through your faith. By your
faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ, your sexual sin was conquered
and devoured by Jesus’ death and resurrection. By His mercy and love and
through your faith in Jesus, you are saved and forgiven of your past, present,
and future sins including sexual sins. So no matter what you did ten years
ago, ten days ago, ten minutes ago, or ten minutes from now, that will never
change the fact that “you have been justified by faith, [you] have peace with
God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”7 “[T]here is now no condemnation for
those who are in Christ Jesus.”8 Right now you are forgiven. Tomorrow you
are forgiven. Your past, present, future sexual sins are covered in the blood
of Jesus.
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Conclusion: Hope in Ruin, Grace over Guilt 125
Free to Sin?
A word of warning here: Beware of playing the “I can sin because God has for-
given me anyway” card. The author of Hebrews declares the evil of this belief
by saying it’s the same as “trampling on the Son of God.”9 Likewise, the apostle
Paul confronted any thought of having “freedom” to sin in Romans 6:
Well, then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and
more of his wonderful grace? Of course not! Since we have died to sin,
how can we continue to live in it? Or have you forgotten that when
we were joined with Christ Jesus in baptism, we joined him in his
death? For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just
as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father,
now we also may live new lives.
Since we have been united with him in his death, we will also be
raised to life as he was. We know that our old sinful selves were cruci-
fied with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no
longer slaves to sin. For when we died with Christ we were set free from
the power of sin. And since we died with Christ, we know we will also
live with him. We are sure of this because Christ was raised from the
dead, and he will never die again. Death no longer has any power
over him. When he died, he died once to break the power of sin. But
now that he lives, he lives for the glory of God. So you also should con-
sider yourselves to be dead to the power of sin and alive to God through
Christ Jesus.10
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126 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
“For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin
and results in salvation. There’s no regret for that kind of sorrow. But worldly
sorrow, which lacks repentance, results in spiritual death.”11 True sorrow,
godly sorrow, leads to repentance. True repentance leads to a transformed
heart. A transformed heart leads to the desire for godliness. This is all a work
of God’s grace. And for anyone to use “God’s grace” as a license to continue
in sexual sin, the author of Hebrews calls it an insult to God and His grace
of epic proportions.12
The Battle
Are you sorrowful over your sexual sin? Are you repentant? Most of you
who have read this are sorrowful, repentant, and you long to be holy in
your thoughts and life. But still you battle. You find yourself lonely at 11:30
p.m. on a Friday night and succumb to the temptation of Internet porn.
As Paul says about himself in Romans 7, you find yourself doing what you
don’t want to do. But here’s the kicker: you don’t want to do it, right? You
are overwhelmed with sorrow and guilt every time. You know it breaks the
heart of God. So you fight. Yes, you get knocked to the canvas. Sometimes
you get a 2-count, sometimes an 8-count. But still you fight. I plead with
you to keep fighting. So would Pastor John Piper. Pastor Piper expressed it
[F]aith will fight anything that gets between it and Christ. The dis-
tinguishing mark of saving faith is not perfection. The mark of faith
is not that I never sin sexually. The mark of faith is that I fight. I fight
anything that dims my sight of Jesus as my glorious Savior. I fight
anything that diminishes the fullness of the lordship of Jesus in my
life. I fight anything that threatens to replace Jesus as the supreme
Treasure of my life. Anything that stands between me and receiving
Jesus faith fights—not with fists or knives or guns or bombs, but
with the truth of Christ.13
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Conclusion: Hope in Ruin, Grace over Guilt 127
Don’t curl up on the floor of guilt. Jesus didn’t die just to free you from sin,
but also from guilt. Jesus took your sin and guilt on the cross. You are justi-
fied—declared “not guilty”—before God because of your faith in the person
and work of Jesus.
Don’t believe the lies of the Enemy when he tells you that you’re disgusting
and condemned and you’ll always be a slave to porn. He’s a liar. He’s hell-bent
on making you doubt that you’re free and forgiven in Christ. He wants to kill
you with guilt. So he accuses you ruthlessly. But accusations are all the power
he has. He has no reign over you. Again, the apostle Paul in Colossians,
[God] canceled the record that contained the charges against us. He
took it and destroyed it by nailing it to Christ’s cross. In this way
God disarmed the evil rulers and authorities. He shamed them pub-
licly by his victory over them on the cross of Christ.14
Who then will condemn us? Will Christ Jesus? No, for he is the one
who died for us and was raised to life for us and is sitting at the place
of highest honor next to God, pleading for us.15
Instead of shaking the warrant of sexual sin in your face, Jesus put it in
His hand and had it nailed with Him on the cross. Again, Pastor Piper:
Make sure you see this most glorious of all truths: God took the
record of all your sins—all your sexual failures—that made you a
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128 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
Lies, Lies
Still the enemy is relentless. He’ll distract and burden you often by remind-
ing you of that warrant—bringing to your mind your sexual sin and the
guilt. Concerning the Enemy, take heart in the words of Paul,
[God] took [the record that contained charges against us] and
destroyed it by nailing it to Christ’s cross. In this way God disarmed
the evil rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory
over them on the cross of Christ.17
Christ disarmed the Devil and his demons. And he shamed them. In
Colossians 2:15, Paul is using a word picture to drive home his point. When
the Roman military conquered a foreign country in war, there would be a
parade of celebration in honor of the military hero. The judges of Rome
would lead the parade. Following the judges would be those trumpeting
the victory. Next came the spoils of the war—silver, gold, animals, pris-
oners, and so forth. Following the spoils came the conquered enemy king.
The prisoners and enemy king were paraded through the streets stripped in
humiliation. Next came the victorious army’s officials along with musicians
and dancers. Then finally came the military hero himself, in all his battle
array and glory. He was the champion. And all the people celebrated him.
See the picture? The enemy king and his prisoners publicly humiliated
and the hero celebrated? That is the picture Paul is painting of what Jesus did
through the Cross. Jesus is the champion. He lived the sinless life, joyfully
and voluntarily died a brutal death on the cross for your sin, and rose as the
hero conquering sin, death, and the Devil. In so doing, the spiritual reality
is that He stripped the Devil and his demons bare of power and made fools
out of them. The Phillips translation renders it this way,
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Conclusion: Hope in Ruin, Grace over Guilt 129
So when the Enemy brings guilt into your gut through his accusations,
get your Bible and turn to Colossians 2:13-15. Pray it, plead it, preach it to
yourself. Jesus took on your sin and guilt through his death on the cross, rose
from the grave, and in so doing the Devil and his liars were paraded around
naked and defeated. This Enemy is a shamed loser and has no power over
you. Picture yourself standing with your foot on the neck of the Enemy.
Believe it, declare it to yourself, and be free!
Don’t grovel in guilt over your sexual failure. Don’t be defeated. Don’t
give up. Jesus beat sin and guilt. He was raised from the dead to prove it.
He’s the hero. You are united with Jesus in the victory. Let your thoughts of
punishment in order to your ease guilt die with Jesus on the cross. Jesus bore
the punishment that you deserved for your sexual sin once and for all. The
Enemy has been defeated and shamed. You are free and a champion because
you are united with The Champion. To hold these truths to heart will keep
you off the canvas of guilt. As Pastor Piper expresses it, “[W]hen you learn to
deal with the guilt of sexual failure this way, you will fall less often. Because
Christ will become increasingly precious to you.”18
Cherish Christ. Treasure who you are in Christ. Rest in His grace. Be
free from your guilt. His grace conquered guilt.
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Chapter 6
• Having to one day look Jesus in the face at the judgment seat and
give an account of why I did it.
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132 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
• Guilt awfully hard to shake. Even though God would forgive me,
would I forgive myself?
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Appendix 133
Which things were pointed out that impacted you the most? The least?
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Chapter 1
1. Psalm 101:2b-4 NASB.
2. Proverbs 7:7.
Chapter 2
1. NKJV.
2. Ephesians 5:3a NIV.
3. Colossians 3:5.
4. Song of Songs 7:6, 7b, 10-12.
5. I would add that sexual exploration between spouses should be done in faith. In other words,
they should have peace that God has granted them freedom to enjoy each other’s bodies in the
context of “oneness.” However, if the conscience of the husband or wife is bothered or convicted
then the sexual exploration is not being done in faith. And according to Paul in Romans 14:23c,
“[E]verything that is not done in faith is sin.”
6. Genesis 2:23-25. I would suggest simply asking one another if their ideas of sexual play would
bring more depth, joy, fun, excitement, to their “oneness.”
7. Galatians 5:24 NIV.
8. Galatians 5:23
9. Romans 6:12-13a.
10. Romans 12:1.
Chapter 3
1. Kevin Sanders, “Timothy Treadwell and Girlfriend Killed by Grizzly in Alaska,” 10/14/2003; accessed June 12, 2005.
2. Ibid.
3. 1 Peter 5:8b.
4. 1 Peter 5:8a.
5. 2 Corinthians 2:11.
6. Proverbs 7:10, 13-21.
7. Proverbs 7:12.
8. 1 Corinthians 10:13b.
9. NASB.
10. Proverbs 7:25.
Chapter 4
1. Proverbs 7:19.
2. James 1:14-16.
3. Job 24:15.
135For small group use, you must purchase the actual books.
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136 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
4. Proverbs 5:21.
5. Galatians 6:7.
6. Mark 4:22.
7. 1 Corinthians 6:13c.
8. Hebrews 12:7-11 HCSB.
Chapter 5
1. Sentence adapted from the following quote by Dr. Robert Weiss, director of the Sexual Recovery
Institute, Los Angeles, California, “Cyber-sex is the crack cocaine of sexual addiction.” Quote
found in article by Raymond Chan, Emily Reyna, Matt Rubens, and Annie Wu in Online
Pornography: More Than Just Dirty Pictures, Stanford University Class Project, Internet http://cse.; accessed October 23, 2007.
2. Raymond Chan, Emily Reyna, Matt Rubens, and Annie Wu in Online Pornography: More Than
Just Dirty Pictures, Stanford University Class Project, Internet
projects-00-01/pornography/addiction.htm; accessed October 23, 2007.
3. Illusions: Uncovering the Truth about Pornography.
been-exposed.html; accessed April 17, 2008. The Web page cites its source of information as
taken from “Brain Pathways,” Douglas Weiss, PhD.
4. Hebrews 4:12 HCSB.
5. Jeremiah 23:29.
6. Proverbs 7:1.
7. Colossians 4:2 my emphasis.
8. Proverbs 27:17.
9. Proverbs 27:6.
10. Proverbs 4:24 my emphasis.
11. The name of the program is X3watch. “X3watch is accountability software designed to help with
online integrity. When you browse the Internet and access a site which may contain questionable
material, the program will record the site name. A person of your choice (an accountability
partner) will receive an e-mail containing all questionable sites you may have visited.” Visit for more information.
12. Hebrews 12:2.
13. Galatians 2:20; Romans 8:9-11.
14. Romans 6:4-14.
Chapter 6
1. Proverbs 7:22.
2. Proverbs 4:23.
3. Proverbs 27:17, 6.
4. Matthew 5:19.
5. Psalm 51:10.
6. Philippians 4:8.
7. Job 31:1.
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Notes 137
Chapter 7
1. Phillip Buam, “Vesna Vulovic: How to Survive a Bombing at 33,000 Feet,” http://www.avsec.
com/interviews/vesna-vulovic.htm; accessed May 7, 2008.
2. Proverbs 7:26.
3. Galatians 6:7-8a.
4. Proverbs 7:27.
5. 1 Corinthians 9:27.
6. Proverbs 7:27 HCSB.
7. Ephesians 2:8-9.
8. Romans 6:1-2.
9. Matthew 7:21; 1 John 2:19.
10. 2 Corinthians 7:10.
11. Romans 1:18.
12. Romans 1:24.
13. Romans 1:26.
14. Romans 1:28-32.
Chapter 8
1. Proverbs 2:18.
2. Proverbs 5:3-5a.
3. Proverbs 6: 26-29.
4. Proverbs 7:1-2.
5. Proverbs 7:6-7.
Chapter 9
1. Joel Rosenthal. Interview with Andrew Bacevich, April 9, 2003.
transcripts/925.html; accessed August 16, 2007.
2. “The Obstinate Lighthouse”; accessed April 18,
3. Shaunti Feldhahn, For Women Only: What You Need to Know about the Inner Lives of Men (Sisters,
Oregon: Multnomah, 2004), 133.
4. Genesis 25:29-33.
5. Hebrews 2:16-17.
6. Proverbs 27:7.
7. Ephesians 4:6-7.
8. Romans 11:35.
9. Philippians 4:11-13.
10. John 10:10.
11. Ecclesiastes 4:10-12.
12. Psalm 25:26.
13. Proverbs 17:17a NASB.
14. Mark Buchanan, The Rest of God: Restoring your Soul by Restoring Sabbath (Nashville:
W Publishing Group, 2006), 93.
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138 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
Chapter 10
1. Proverbs 7:10
2. Ibid.
3. Proverbs 7:16.
Chapter 11
1. Hebrews 13:4 NIV.
2. Claudia Willis, Kristina Dell, with reporting by Alice Park/New York, “What Makes Teens
Tick; A flood of hormones, sure. But also a host of structural changes in the brain. Can those
explain the behaviors that make adolescence so exciting—and so exasperating?” http://www.; accessed April 17, 2008. The online article
was taken from May 10, 2004, Time magazine.
3. Ephesians 5:3a NIV.
4. Song of Songs 2:7c; 3:5c; 8:4b NIV.
5. Proverbs 7:13-14.
6. 1 Corinthians 16:13 NASB, my emphasis.
Chapter 12
1. Genesis 2:16-17 NASB.
2. Genesis 3:1c NASB.
3. Genesis 3:12 NASB.
4. Genesis 3:13b NASB.
5. Genesis 2:17; 3:17-24.
6. Proverbs 7:13a.
7. James 1:14-16 NASB.
8. James 1:14-16.
9. Proverbs 7:13.
10. Proverbs 7:15.
11. 1 Corinthians 6:13 NASB.
Chapter 13
1. 1 Kings 11:4.
2. Ecclesiastes 1:2.
3. Ecclesiastes 2:1.
4. Ecclesiastes 2:8.
5. Ecclesiastes 2:11b.
6. Proverbs 7:1-2 NASB.
7. Proverbs 7:1b NASB.
This book is copyrighted material. Photocopies are not permitted. For small group use, you must purchase the actual books.
1. NASB.
2. 1 Peter 5:8b HCSB.
3. Psalm 49:7-8.
4. 2 Corinthians 5:21 ESV my emphasis.
5. Romans 8:3b NASB.
6. Colossians 2:13.
7. Romans 5:1 NASB.
8. Romans 8:1 NASB my emphasis.
9. Hebrews 10:29.
10. Romans 6:1-10 my emphasis.
11. 2 Corinthians 7:10.
12. Hebrews 10:26-31.
13. John Piper, excerpt taken from message, “How to Deal with Gutsy Guilt of Sexual Failure for the
Glory of Christ and His Global Cause,” preached by Pastor Piper of Bethlehem Baptist Church,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, at the Passion ’07 College Conference main session, January 4, 2007, in
Atlanta, Georgia. A transcript of his full message can be found at the following Web site: http://www.
of_Sexual_Failure_for_the_Glory_of_Christ_and_His_Global_Cause/; accessed April 25, 2008.
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140 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life
1. Randy Alcorn, “Deterring Immorality by Counting Its Cost: An Exorbitant Price of Sexual Sin,”
2006, Eternal Perspective Ministries.; accessed March
4, 2008.
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To my godly and gorgeous wife, Christie: Thank you, baby-love, for your
incredible patience and understanding as I have labored on this project. I’m
back from the dead now. Thanks for keeping dinner warm for me. I love you.
To Mom, Dad, and my sister, Tyree: Your selflessness and support is unrelent-
ing. Words just won’t do. I love you. Thank you.
To John A. (Lex) Williamson, Jr.: I can’t express enough how much I appre-
ciate your incredibly generous donation to make possible the printing and
publishing of this book. I hope my heartfelt “thank you” says enough. Rest
assured that God is going to use this book powerfully in the lives of people,
especially men, young and old, single and married. God will see to it that
your gift is not in vain.
To Jacob: Thank you for the long hours and the incredible hard work you
invested into the creativity and administration of this project. It spoke vol-
umes of your belief in this message and your desire to get it into people’s
lives. You encouraged me well along the way but your excellence and invest-
ment into the work said it all. It’s an honor to serve with you brother.
out this project. I’m thankful for our years of partnership—good times and
tough times. You are a dear friend.
To my fellow pastors, youth pastors, and friends, who read clips of the book
and gave great counsel and suggestions: a man-hug to all of you.
To my brothers in Christ, young and old, single and married, from east coast to
west coast, and all over the world, for sharing with me your struggles and cham-
pioning this book: I’m praying for you not to ruin your life. Pray for me.
To Jesus: The only One who beat sin, death, and ruin. Thank You for Your grace
to conquer ruin, and survive it. To You be the glory!
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