Orientation: Grade 7-Drama Unit 1

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Grade 7- Drama Unit 1

School of the Misfits

September- October 2019


Table of Contents

Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….pg 1
Rational…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………pg 2
Unit Objective ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………pg 3
Unit Overview……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….pg 4
Lesson Plan 1…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………pg 5
Lesson Plan 2………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..pg 8
Assessment…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………pg 11
Checklist……………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………….pg 11
Rubric …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………pg 12
Materials……………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………..…pg 13
Bibliography…………………………………………………….……………………………………………………….…………pg 13

In todays society everyday has become a performance in a sense. We value those who know
how to carry themselves in a polite and dignified matter. We give jobs to those who can
present themselves with confidence as well as who can understand social settings. It is my duty
as drama educator to provide my students with the necessary skills to navigate the world they
are entering.
In this unit of orientation, students will learn the skills to take necessary risks in a safe learning
environment while embracing their strengths and weaknesses within the dramatic arts.
Students will embrace the opportunity to communicate in a respectful environment while
learning spatial awareness, and the basics of social communication with others. Since this unit
is designed for Grade 7 students, our activities within this unit will work at challenging and
fostering the students cognitive domain, social sphere, physical dimensions, and
interrelationships among these domains ( TRM).

Unit Objective
Students will Aim to master the following skills:
o Freeze (the understanding of what and how to properly freeze)
o (Lesson 2,5)
o Characters
o (Lesson 3,5)
o Story creation (building a story and keeping it going in a sensible sequence)
o Lesson 3,4,5
o Levels
o Lessons (2,3,5)

Unit Overview
Lesson #1:

 Objective: Being able to say everyone in the classes name as well as a fun fact about them.
 Activity: walk/ talk, fruit bowl (multiple rounds with similarities and differences),
introduce your neighbour
 Specific Learning Outcomes: 1,2,3,5,6,7,9,10,15,17,
Lesson #2:

 Objective: Successfully play Wax Museum as a class

 Activity: walk, low level walk, high level walk, freeze tag, jump turn twizzle, wax museum
 Specific Learning Outcomes 1-11, 13-19
Lesson #3

 Objective: Successfully play Hitchhiker in groups of 4

 Activity: walk, character walk, clap circle, talk about blocking/accepting, “ yes, lets”
 Specific Learning Outcomes: 1-19, 21-23
Lesson #4:

 Objective: Story Creation

 Activity: levels walk, collapse, blob tag, zucchini 1, zucchini 2, zucchini 3
 Specific Learning Outcomes: 1-19, 21-23

Lesson #5:

 Objective: 3 Frame Freeze Tableau

 Activity: walk, character walk, freeze as a character, sculptor and statue (levels), Preform
their 3 frame Tableau
 Specific Learning Outcomes:

Lesson Plan #1
Teacher Name Elisabeth Pascal N/A

Subject Area Drama Grade 7

Topic Orientation- Jump, Turn, Twizzle Time 47min

Goal 1:To acquire knowledge of self and others through participation in and reflection on
dramatic experience.
Goal 2: To develop competency in communication skills through participation in and
exploration of various dramatic disciplines.

Specific Learner
Taken from Alberta
- Orientation learner Expectations
Program of Studies - 1,2,3,5,6,7,9,10,15,17
I want the entire class to know everyone’s names as well as a ‘fun fact’ about each student
What do you want your
students to learn?

How will you know your - Formative- class participation checklist
students have learned?

Teacher Resource Manual DRAMA Junior High School. 1989 Alberta Education ISBN 0-773-0078-9
What resources will you

Have students come and sit in a circle on the floor. Take attendance

Brief introduction to who I am as a teacher. (explain my past schooling/ work experience/ reason
3 -5 min for believing in the arts)

Ask the circle the Questions of the day Weekend high or low? Students can voluntarily share
verbally or think about it without sharing.

o I would explain to students of the importance/ my expectation for them to be respectful of

2 min others (our classmates, other students, and teachers)

- Teacher Actions
o I will instruct students through direct instruction and then through modelling the appropriate
actions which correlate with the terms used in each game.
o I will have students reconvene in a circle formation to bring their attention back to the activity
at hand.

Student actions:

- Students will stand up and move around the classroom as instructed. Students will follow
Body the teacher direct instruction and should participate at the appropriate times.
- Students are openly sharing ideas and practicing the concepts being taught
(Activity) - Students are learning and creating a safe working environment

- Assessment Evidence
o By using my observation check list I will be able to confirm that students have met the criteria
expected for them (participation)

- Transition Details
- After each game has been played, I will have the class gather in a circle as a way to bring
us all back to the same level. We will then disperse into the next game once instructions
have been given.
- I will use the coming together into a circle to bring the attention back to what needs to be
focused on.
Welcome walk- students will walk around the classroom, as they meet someone they will do a
silent interaction ( wave, smile, hand shake etc)

 Walk/ and talk- continue walking around the room this time with someone. Talk with
2 min
them and discuss their day, or a fun thing they did on the weekend or whatever
3 min conversation you can think of.

Fruit Bowl- In this game students are sitting in a circle ( either on chairs or on the floor). There is
one less seats than there are students. The extra student stands in the middle and calls out “
6 min stand up and switch seats if… “. The student can finish the sentence with things that will get
students to stand up. Examples if your wearing jeans, if you have a cat, if you have a sister etc. if
the statement applies to you, the student must stand up and switch seats with another student
who is standing. The new ‘extra’ student then repeats. The goal is to find a seat and not be in the

Introduce your neighbor- Students with say the names of the people beside them when sitting in
a circle. They will then all switch seats and learn the names of two people beside them. Students
will then learn two people on either side of them. They will switch seats again. Students will then
10 min learn 3 people on either side of them. The game will continue until everyone knows everyone’s
name. once the names are known the students will add a fact about themselves. They will then
have to learn their neighbors name and a fact. We will go around the circle and ‘introduce our

neighbor to the class’. The students will then switch seats and share their name and fact with new

15 min
Name and fact game- In this game students will take turns finding people in the class who share a
commonality. Students will first do this activity silently by only pointing or trying to use different
cues to connect. After 20 seconds I will have them share what commonality they thought they
had in common.

-The next round students will try to connect based off-of the facts they heard about each other in
the previous game. In this game they are relying on their previous listening skills and if they truly
learned the facts early.

 Group discussion about:

Spatial awareness as well as the importance of recognizing our space is for drama?
If time take turns sharing one thing they learned about someone in the classroom. Have them grab
a journal and either ask a drama question they want answered next class, or one thing they did in
class that resonated with them.

 Did this lesson go well?

 How did you feel that time management went?
 How can you improve classroom management?
Reflection  What modifications or improvements need to happen in order for this unit to continue
 What changes need to happen to make this lesson better?

Lesson Plan #2
Teacher Name Elisabeth Pascal N/A

Subject Area Drama Grade 7

Orientation- Wax Museum/ Level

Topic Time 47 min

Goal 1:To acquire knowledge of self and others through participation in and reflection on
dramatic experience.
GLO Objectives
Goal 2: To develop competency in communication skills through participation in and
exploration of various dramatic disciplines.

Specific Learner
Outcome(s) Orientation Learner Expectations:
Taken from Alberta 1-11,13-19
Program of Studies

Objectives Students are able to successfully play wax museum with the use of levels incorporated into the
What do you want your game.
students to learn?

How will you know your - Formative- class participation checklist
students have learned?

 Teacher Resource Manual DRAMA Junior High School. 1989 Alberta Education ISBN 0-773-0078-
What resources will you 9

Introduction Have students come and sit in a circle on the floor. Take attendance

Ask the circle the Questions of the day Weekend high or low? Students can voluntarily share
verbally or think about it without sharing.
3 min

Introduce what a tableau is to the students (frozen picture) Explain that this will be our final project
so todays lesson is going to be a stepping stone to helping us achieve this skill. I think its important

2 min for students to understand that these games have purpose and that final projects take time to
build. It helps students realize that we are working towards a goal and in turn hopefully helps
motivate those students who need external motivation

o I would explain to students of the importance/ my expectation for them to be respectful of

others (our classmates, other students, and teachers)

- Teacher Actions
o I will instruct students through direct instruction and then through modelling the appropriate
actions which correlate with the terms used in each game.
o I will instruct freeze walk, and wax museum all in through bringing them back into a circle for a
brief explanation, and then modeling the activity, and then competing the activity as a class.
Each game scaffolds concepts onto the next.

Student actions:

Body - Students will stand up and move around the classroom as instructed. Students will follow
the teacher direct instruction and should participate at the appropriate times.
- Assessment Evidence
o By using my observation grids/ check list I will be able to confirm that students have met the
criteria expected for them (participation)

- Transition Details
- After each game has been played, I will have the class gather in a circle in various levels.
After the first game we will sit down and listen to the instructions for the next game
(Freeze, Turn, Twizzle). After freeze turn twizzle, I will have them come back to a circle but
this time have them crouch while I explain wax museum. After was museum, we will stand
in the circle while I explain our concluding exercise.


2 min Opening Walk: Students will begin the class walking in various directions to open their mind
and body to the concepts that are about to take place. This walk helps to reinforce spatial
awareness, as well as how we interact with the world around us. This walk also helps to get
students in the right frame of mind to being earning.

Low Level walk: in this variation of the walk students will walk in strictly low level (can crawl, or
2 min
crouch etc). In this walk students learn the impact of their levels on the space and people around
them. They also learn how to predict movements of others before they happen (helps with

High Level Walk/ Natural level: Students will practice walking and carrying their body in a high
3 min level. Then we will bring them back to a neutral/ natural level walk.

** importance of levels in a scene adds dimension and makes it more realistic and engaging for
audience members ( can be offering side coaching to help further students learning of the
importance of levels)
7 min Freeze walk- Have students walk around the space and turn before they bump into a wall or
another person. When they hear “ FREEZE” they must freeze in the position that they find

TWIST- Levels The students must explore he space using different levels ( high, medium, low)
freezing at these different levels as well.

15 min
Freeze, Turn, Twist, Twizzle- Practice freezing- have students walk in a circle or randomly around
the room, FREEZE=freeze, TURN= turn 180’, and freeze, JUMP= jump Turing 180’ and freeze,
TWIZZLE= spin 360’ and freeze.

Wax Museum- Students freeze in a statue position. Another student is the freeze police and
walks around- if they see anyone more they become the freeze police. Every so often yell out,
move and become something else- freeze, each time a new character takes place it must be a
new level from the last. The freeze police can go around the room and try and get the statues to
break character. The statues must remain frozen and silent even if the police is questioning them.

Closure  Group discussion about: what is tableau? Why is it important to freeze in tableau? Why are
levels so important?

 Did this lesson go well?

 How did you feel that time management went?
Reflection  How can you improve classroom management?
 What modifications or improvements need to happen in order for this unit to continue
 What changes need to happen to make this particular lesson better?


SLO Orientation Evaluation Checklist

Student #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 16

Terry .s

Mrs. Pascals SLO Quick Reference guide:

1. Classroom rules 9. Focus concentration
2. Attitude, safety, comfort 10. Listen
3. Respect for equipment 11. Imagine and create solutions
4. Establish control signals ( voice, 12. Deadlines
instrument etc) 13. Demonstrate trust
5. Positive participation 14. Work cooperatively
6. Display audience behaviour 15. Support others
7. Willingness to risk 16. Offer and accept criticism
8. Share ideas

Participation Grid

Student Name Lesson/ Activity Participated /10


Grade break down:
Rating Scale 1-5 daily participation 15%
Teacher evaluation of final project 35%
Student journal/ pair share reflection 15%
Student evaluation 15%
Student Evaluation of participation: 5%
Checklist of mastery of Freeze Frame 15 %
Final Project Rubric

Freeze Student is able Student is able Student Participated in No
to freeze for a to slow down attempts to scene but attempt
moment movements to slow down lacked ability made
almost a freeze but is unable to freeze
to slow
Levels Multiple levels Students Students Participated in No
are used within attempted make scene but attempt
the scene levels, but the minimal lacked levels made
differentiation effort to
is unclear incorporate
Story Scene Tells a Scene tells a Scene has Scene has No
Creation ( clear story clear story with limited story students attempt
sequence with a two of the line and only Participating in made
Beginning, beginning, following: contains scene but
Middle, middle and end. Beginning either a lacked any
End in Middle beginning, sequential
sequential Or end or a middle, story line
order) or an end
Character Face and Body Either face or Minimal Participated in No
developme are both body is effort put scene but attempt
Expressive expressive but forth to be lacked made
not both expressive character
with either development
face or body

Materials Used / Resources:
o Journals for students
o 175 Theatre Games: Warm-Up Exercises for Actors
o 200+ Ideas for Drama
o DramaResource.com
o Learning Through Drama in the Primary Years by David Farmer
o Teacher Resource Manual DRAMA Junior High School. 1989 Alberta Education ISBN 0-773-0078-9

Hurley, Nancy. 175 Theatre Games: Warm-Up Exercises for Actors. Meriwether Publishing,
Colorado Springs, Colo, 2009.

Scher, Anna, and Charles Verrall. 200+ Ideas for Drama. Heinemann, Portsmouth, NH,
Teacher Resource Manual DRAMA Junior High School. 1989 Alberta Education ISBN 0-773-0078-9


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