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Theatre Syllabus 2015

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to Theatre Arts
Syllabus: Spring 2015
Ms. Massoud
Voicemail: 508-985-6417
Email: cmassoud@cityonahill.org
Website: http://msmassoudcoahnb.weebly.com
Course Description:
The theatre curriculum is built to fit the character, culture and spirit of City on a Hill. As such, it
is a rigorous academic course, assuming a solid foundation of prior knowledge and experience
among all students. The curriculum consists of high-level activities in reading, writing, speaking,
and listening and seeks to promote students development of complex skills and higher-order
thinking. Following a strategic trajectory, the curriculum engages students with theatre games
and improvisation; liberates students artistic sensibilities through Linklater-based voice work
and monologue creation; invites full sensory participation through a scenic and audio design
mini-course; and, finally, introduces students to the deeper aspects of the acting craft through
scene study and the end-of-term performance.
One central question fuels the City on a Hill theatre curriculum: What do I want to say to the
world and how will I say it? Invited to explore this directive through thoughtful, joyous inquiry,
students will cultivate the sense of responsibility, citizenship, and boundless growth consistent
with the City on a Hill experience. Every student in City on a Hills theatre program will be
encouraged to embrace formidable challenge and strive for personal excellence. Students will
complete the course with an elevated sense of self-confidence, awareness and personal
empowerment. This will enhance students overall education by helping to create an
understanding of and appreciation for their own artistic processes, and by expanding their
perspectives through exposure to diverse thoughts, views, opinions, and styles.
Textbooks and Materials:

Pen/Pencil: as per handbook, students must be prepared for class daily

o If a student needs to borrow a pen/pencil for the class, they will receive a demerit
o If they do not return the pen/pencil at the end of class, they will receive a demerit

Folder/Notebook: Computers will be available for journaling and notes. If student has
their own folder/notebook they wish to use, that is fine. Each week, guided notes packets
will be created and distributed.
o There will be RANDOM checks of the notes for completeness and organization.
This will be a TEST GRADE. If students do not have their notes completed it is
an automatic zero.

Dress Code:
o Full, appropriate CoaH uniform is required.
o The physical aspects of the class will NOT modify the APPROPRIATE uniform in any

Introduction to Theatre Arts

Syllabus: Spring 2015
Grading Procedures:
Letter grades will be based on the standard
grading scale:
90 - 100%
80 89%
74 79%
70 73%
69 Below
Not Yet Proficient

Coursework Average


Course Policies:
Attendance and participation in class are essential. Students should not expect to pass the course
if excessive absences occur. The guidelines outlined in the student handbook apply to this
course in regards to attendance. Unexcused absences result in graded zero for the day, with only
the option of making up MAJOR assessments.
There are NO makeups for participation and in-class performance projects.
Unexcused Tardiness
Students earn one demerit for being late to class. Students who are more than 5 minutes late to
class will be referred to the Deans Office.
Late assignments and/or projects are not accepted as per the guidelines in the Student Handbook
Participation Rubric
Participation includes:
o Bringing appropriate materials
o Taking part in class discussions/activities
o Working on assignments productively during class
Satisfactory = 5
Student enthusiastically comes to
class each day prepared and
motivated to independently learn.
Consistently models class rules and
an optimistic and constructive role
model for other students.

Needs Improvement = 3-4

Student who is not always in class
each day prepared, and doesnt
always participate in class
discussions. Completes group and
individual work minimally, but does
not follow classroom rules at all

Unsatisfactory = 1-2
Student is minimally prepared for
class and inadequately participates in
classroom discussions. May have
irregular attendance record. Behavior
may be disruptive and may warrant
behavior consequences. Fails to
follow class and school rules and fails
to follow the directives of the teacher.

Introduction to Theatre Arts

Syllabus: Spring 2015
Class Routine:

Free-write Do Now: Each class will begin with a 10 minute free-write based on a
question projected on the board. Free-write means to literally write whatever comes to
your mind, with little to no regard for grammar and spelling. Just write. The ONLY
person who will read this is Ms. Massoud. It will NOT be shared with the class or other
members of the school community, unless you request it.
o Keep in mind, as we are in a school setting, things that are mandated to be
reported WILL be. This includes discussion of illegal activities or harm to
yourself or others.

Guided Notes: Each unit will have a packet of guided notes. The packet will be a
TEST grade at the end of the unit, and each time you lose the packet and request a new
one, you get a Demerit and 10 points taken away from your final test grade.
o Each packet consists of:

Essential Questions of unit

Standards addressed in unit

Vocabulary for unit

Readings for unit

Guided notes

Performance Activities: One of the major aspects of the class is group and individual
performance exercises. Students are REQUIRED to participate in order to get the full 5
points for the day (see scale in Participation)

Ticket To Leave: The TTL each day will be similar to the Do Now a silent reflection
time. Students will be required to reflect on what they did today, either in their notes or
on a computer.

Assessments: Students will be assessed both on the academic and performance aspects
of the class. Academic assessments will be in the form of vocabulary examinations and
unit tests. Performance-based assessments will be graded using the rubric on the back of
this page.

Introduction to Theatre Arts

Syllabus: Spring 2015
Performance Rubric:

Volume is loud enough

to be heard by all
audience members
throughout the

Volume is loud enough

to be heard by all
audience members at
least 90% of the time.

Volume is loud enough

to be heard by all
audience members at
least 80% of the time.

Volume often too soft to

be heard by all audience


Pitch was often used and

it conveyed emotions

Pitch was often used but

the emotion it conveyed
sometimes did not fit the

Pitch was rarely used OR

the emotion it conveyed
often did not fit the

Pitch was not used to

convey emotion.


Pauses were effectively

used 2 or more times to
improve meaning and/or
dramatic impact.

Pauses were effectively

used once to improve
meaning and/or
dramatic impact.

Pauses were
intentionally used but
were not effective in
improving meaning or
dramatic impact.

Pauses were not

intentionally used.


Student is completely
prepared and has
obviously rehearsed.

Student seems pretty

prepared but might have
needed a couple more

The student is somewhat

prepared, but it is clear
that rehearsal was

Student does not seem

at all prepared to

Speaks Clearly

Speaks clearly and

distinctly all (100-95%)
the time, and
mispronounces no

Speaks clearly and

distinctly all (100-95%)
the time, but
mispronounces one

Speaks clearly and

distinctly most ( 94-85%)
of the time.
Mispronounces no more
than one word.

Often mumbles or can

not be understood OR
mispronounces more
than one word.

Shows a full
understanding of the

Shows a good
understanding of the

Shows a good
understanding of parts of
the topic.

Does not seem to

understand the topic
very well.


Uses vocabulary
appropriate for the
audience. Extends
audience vocabulary by
defining words that
might be new to most of
the audience.

Uses vocabulary
appropriate for the
audience. Includes 1-2
words that might be new
to most of the audience,
but does not define

Uses vocabulary
appropriate for the
audience. Does not
include any vocabulary
that might be new to the

Uses several (5 or more)

words or phrases that
are not understood by
the audience.


Student is able to
accurately answer almost
all questions posed by
classmates about the

Student is able to
accurately answer most
questions posed by
classmates about the

Student is able to
accurately answer a few
questions posed by
classmates about the

Student is unable to
accurately answer
questions posed by
classmates about the

Listens to Other

Listens intently. Does not

make distracting noises
or movements.

Listens intently but has

one distracting noise or

Sometimes does not

appear to be listening
but is not distracting.

Sometimes does not

appear to be listening
and has distracting
noises or movements.



Introduction to Theatre Arts

Syllabus: Spring 2015

I, ____________________________, have read and understand the expectations of the

Theatre Arts course at City on a Hill New Bedford.

If I have any questions, I will contact Ms. Massoud.

Student Name (printed): _______________________________

Student Signature: ____________________________________
Parent Signature: _____________________________________


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