Advantages Challenges Microfluidic Cell Culture

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Biosensors and Bioelectronics 63 (2015) 218–231

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Advantages and challenges of microfluidic cell culture in

polydimethylsiloxane devices
Skarphedinn Halldorsson a,1, Edinson Lucumi c,1, Rafael Gómez-Sjöberg b,
Ronan M.T. Fleming c,n
Center for Systems Biology and Biomedical Center, University of Iceland, Sturlugata 8, Reykjavik, Iceland
Engineering Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA, United States of America
Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine, University of Luxembourg, 7 avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Culture of cells using various microfluidic devices is becoming more common within experimental cell
Received 18 April 2014 biology. At the same time, a technological radiation of microfluidic cell culture device designs is currently
Received in revised form in progress. Ultimately, the utility of microfluidic cell culture will be determined by its capacity to permit
3 July 2014
new insights into cellular function. Especially insights that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to
Accepted 12 July 2014
Available online 19 July 2014
obtain with macroscopic cell culture in traditional polystyrene dishes, flasks or well-plates. Many
decades of heuristic optimization have gone into perfecting conventional cell culture devices and
Keywords: protocols. In comparison, even for the most commonly used microfluidic cell culture devices, such as
Microfluidic those fabricated from polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), collective understanding of the differences in
Cell culture
cellular behavior between microfluidic and macroscopic culture is still developing. Moving in vitro
culture from macroscopic culture to PDMS based devices can come with unforeseen challenges. Changes
in device material, surface coating, cell number per unit surface area or per unit media volume may all
affect the outcome of otherwise standard protocols. In this review, we outline some of the advantages
and challenges that may accompany a transition from macroscopic to microfluidic cell culture. We focus
on decisive factors that distinguish macroscopic from microfluidic cell culture to encourage a
reconsideration of how macroscopic cell culture principles might apply to microfluidic cell culture.
& 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA license


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
2. Advantages of microfluidic cell culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
3. Challenges of microfluidic cell culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
3.1. Culture materials: polydimethylsiloxane versus polystyrene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
3.1.1. Surface treatment and coating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
3.2. Absorption of hydrophobic molecules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
3.3. Oxygen, osmolarity and pH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
3.4. Nutrient consumption and medium turnover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
4. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229

1. Introduction

Microfluidics refers to a set of technologies for the manipula-
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R.M.T. Fleming). tion of small fluid volumes (mL, nL, pL), within artificially fabricated
Equal contributing authors. microsystems (Whitesides, 2006). Microfluidic systems enable
0956-5663/& 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA license (
S. Halldorsson et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 63 (2015) 218–231 219

generic and consistent miniaturization, integration, automation 2010), stem cell biology (Wu et al., 2011), system biology
and parallelization of (bio-)chemical processes (Mark et al., 2010). (Breslauer et al., 2006), bioreactors (Pasirayi et al., 2011), three
The application of microfluidics to biology and medicine has lead dimensional cell culture (Haycock, 2011), tissue engineering
to a diversity of new research directions (Melin and Quake, 2007; (Inamdar and Borenstein, 2011), and efforts toward organs-on-chip
Yeo et al., 2011), some of which have had significant impact (Huh et al., 2011).
(Sackmann et al., 2014). Cell culture refers to the maintenance Complementing the aforementioned reviews, the present
and growth of cells in a controlled laboratory environment. Such review is aimed at researchers familiar with conventional/macro-
in vitro cell culture models are the mainstay of experimental cell scopic cell culture, who are considering microfluidic cell culture
biological research. Microfluidic cell culture attempts to develop for the first time. This review focuses on the practicalities of
devices and techniques for culturing, maintaining, analyzing and microfluidic cell culture and some advantages it may hold over
experimenting with cells in micro-scale volumes (Meyvantsson macroscopic cell culture, but also the challenges that may accom-
and Beebe, 2008). pany the culture of cells using a microfluidic device. Decisive
Understanding the interplay between critical cell culture para- factors are discussed that distinguish macroscopic from micro-
meters and the microenvironmental conditions created by micro- fluidic cell culture. The overall aim is to give the reader a better
fluidic devices will accelerate the development of microfluidic cell understanding of the rewards and challenges that microfluidic cell
culture technology (Sackmann et al., 2014). Some important culture can bring.
aspects of microfluidic cell culture systems have previously been
reviewed, including the effect of surface modification on cellular
behavior (Zhou et al., 2012), cell biology (Paguirigan and Beebe, 2. Advantages of microfluidic cell culture
2008; Salieb-Beugelaar et al., 2010), cell culture models
(Meyvantsson and Beebe, 2008), cellular analysis (Park and Shuler, Microfluidic cell culture has significant advantages over macro-
2003; Yeo et al., 2011), cellular microenvironment (Meyvantsson scopic culture, that is, culture in flasks, dishes and well-plates.
and Beebe, 2008; Young and Beebe, 2010), cell secretion (Huang Fig. 1 describes the most significant advantages and challenges
et al., 2011), chemotaxis (Kim and Wu, 2012), apoptosis when using macroscopic versus microfluidic cell culture. There is
(Wlodkowic et al., 2011), vascular function (Wong and Chan, great flexibility in the design of microfluidic devices, which can be
2012), neuroscience in general (Soe et al., 2012), in particular tailored to the needs of individual cell types and cellular co-
neuron culture (Millet and Gillette, 2012) and development cultures can be implemented on the same chip (Yeo et al., 2011).
(Millet and Gillette, 2012), single cell resolution metabolomics The advantages of microfluidic cell culture include the ability to
(Rubakhin et al., 2011), population transcriptomics (Plessy et al., more closely mimic a cell's natural microenvironment, for example
2013), lab-on-chip platforms (Mark et al., 2010; Ni et al., 2009), by continuous perfusion culture or by creating chemical gradients,
large-scale integration and biological automation (Melin and and to study low numbers of cells or single cells in high temporal
Quake, 2007), micro total analysis systems (Kovarik et al., 2012), and/or spatial resolution via automation, parallelization, on-chip
drug research (Wu et al., 2010), cellular separations (Bhagat et al., analysis or direct coupling to downstream analytical chemistry

Fig. 1. Overview of advantages and challenges of both macroscopic and microfluidic cell culture.
Table 1
Comparative analysis of advantages on reported studies using microfluidic cell culture (Poss ¼possible, N/C ¼ Not Clear).

Advantages Migration Biochemical Metabolic analysis Toxicity assay High throughput Diverse cell types Cell-cell interactions
mechanisms stimulation

Huang Vedel Bianco Biffi et al. Croushore Shintu Gao et al. Cooksey Gomez- Lecault Grossmann Antia Zheng Hong Ramadan
et al. et al. et al. (2012) et al. (2012) et al. (2012) et al. (2011) Sjoberg et al. et al. et al. (2011) et al. et al. et al. et al. (2013)
(2011) (2013) (2012) (2012) (2007) (2011) (2007) (2012) (2012)

Low sample/reagent Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

S. Halldorsson et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 63 (2015) 218–231

Experimental Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Flexibility of device Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Single cell handling Yes Poss Poss No No No Poss Poss Poss Poss No Poss Poss Yes No
High experimental Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Poss Yes Yes Yes Yes
On-chip analysis Yes Yes Yes Yes N/C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Poss Yes Yes Yes
Real-time data Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Culture under N/C Poss No Yes Poss Yes Poss Yes Poss Poss Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Downstream analytical N/C Poss Yes Yes Yes N/C Yes Poss Poss N/C Poss N/C N/C N/C N/C
Automation Yes Yes Poss Poss Yes Poss Poss Yes Yes Yes Yes Poss Yes Yes Yes
High throughput No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Poss
Co-culture with other No Poss Yes No No No No No Poss No No Poss Yes Yes Yes
S. Halldorsson et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 63 (2015) 218–231 221

platforms. At the same time, microfluidic cell culture offers (Millet and Gillette, 2012; Kovarik et al., 2012). Microfluidic cell
reduced consumption of reagents, reduced contamination risk and culture can overcome some of these drawbacks as it is possible to
efficient high throughput experimentation. Table 1 presents a culture networks formed by small numbers of neuronal and non-
comparative analysis of the advantages of microfluidic cell culture neuronal cells seeded in prescribed patterns. This allows for more
and selected publications that exploit those advantages. control over the extracellular microenvironment, monitoring of
Macroscopic cell cultures typically contain 104–107 cells, with communication between cells and spatiotemporally localized
fluid measurements representing the average over a large group of stimulation. For instance, Bianco et al. (2012) developed an over-
cells. This inevitably evens out some of the inherent heterogeneity flow microfluidic network system, operated in open and closed
within a cell population. Microfluidic cell culture devices bring the configurations, to culture primary neurons. This system was used
cell population down to a few hundred cells, or even a single cell, to study the influence of astrocytes, derived from different regions
making it possible to capture perturbations to individual cells, of the brain, on the viability of neurons precisely supplied with
increasing the spatial and temporal resolution for a given experi- stimulant molecules. Immunocytochemical staining, quantitative
mental setup. For instance, the thermodynamic, kinetic and intracellular calcium imaging and electrophysiological recording
mechanical characteristics of cell locomotion (protrusion, attach- were also integrated into the system. In order to study biochemical
ment and translocation) can be better understood with experi- stimulation of neuronal networks, Biffi et al. (2012) developed a
ments performed at single cell resolution (Lauffenburger and microfluidic system consisting of a dual channel configuration
Horwitz, 1996; Nishimura et al., 2009). Macroscopic methods used with micro chambers for the culture and drug stimulation of
to study cell migration processes include the Boyden chamber and spatially and temporally controlled neuronal networks. This device
scratch or wound-healing assays (Liang et al., 2007). These reduced the experimental variability and the time of experimenta-
methods lack the single cell resolution required to better under- tion, bringing considerable improvements over macroscopic meth-
stand the process of cell locomotion. These methods are relatively ods. Recently, Robertson et al. (2014) developed a microfluidic
easy to set up and can somewhat reflect the migratory behavior of device to culture primary hippocampal neurons in adjacent
cells in vivo when performed within a live-cell imaging station. chambers that were individually fed through inlet and outlet ports
However, they are time consuming, larger amount of cells are and synaptically connected via microchannels through a barrier
required, and chemical gradients cannot be established (Liang that prevented exchange of extracellular fluid between the two
et al., 2007; van der Meer et al., 2010). chambers. Using calcium imaging, they measured electrophysio-
Microfluidic cell culture offers an alternative to macroscopic logical communication between neurons in separate chambers in
methods to study cell migration processes and their mechanisms response to stimulation of neurons in one chamber with KCL and
at single cell resolution. Taking into consideration the advantages glutamate, revealing how the activity of one hippocampal neuro-
of design flexibility, the ability to handle single cells for experi- nal network is modulated by changes in the activity of a second
mentation, real-time on-chip analysis via time-lapse microscopy network.
and low reagent consumption. Huang et al. (2011) developed a An advantage of microfluidic cell culture is the ability to
compartmentalized microfluidic cell culture device which resem- incorporate analytical biosensors into the culture platform, thus
bles the physiological environment of migrating cells. They char- combining living cells and sensors for detection of cellular phy-
acterized cellular locomotion mechanisms and cell morphology siological parameters and analysis of external stimuli in situ, in a
during brain tumor stem cell migration by resolving the behavior non-invasive way (Liu et al., 2014). These biosensors can provide
of individual cells. For instance, migrating stem cells display rapid and sensitive analysis based on a small number of cells and
morphological polarization, membrane extension, formation and low reagent volumes. In metabolomics, highly reproducible quan-
stabilization of attachments, contractile force and traction, and tification is desired (Verpoorte et al., 2010). Metabolomic protocols
release of attachments. This platform can be tailored to study for macroscopic cell culture samples require several experimental
migration at the single cell level, providing superior experimental steps that are usually completed as separate operations. Sample
resolution over macroscopic cell migration assays, such as the preparation requires efficient cell lysis and optimal analyte extrac-
wound-healing assay. tion with minimal dilution. Sample measurement requires high
Microfluidic cell culture devices also make it feasible to study resolution separation techniques and sensitive detection. Micro-
complex cellular behavior, like the relationship between single cell fluidic systems have the potential to integrate cell culture with the
movements and collective cell migration. For example, Vedel et al. aforementioned analytical chemistry on a single device, thereby
(2013) studied the role played by collective cellular interactions on increasing reproducibility (Yeo et al., 2011; Rubakhin et al., 2011).
cell motility at different cellular densities within a microfluidic For instance, Croushore et al. (2012) assembled a microfluidic
device. Single cell locomotive behavior (straight lines, curved system to culture bag cell neurons in a controlled microenviron-
paths and short distances with no directionality), speed distribution ment. Cells were stimulated with precise doses of potassium
and pseudopodia formation were quantified. By capturing suffi- chloride and insulin, and released molecules were collected with
cient data on the locomotion of individual cells within culture minimal dilution. The system was coupled to an off-line mass
chambers with independently varied conditions, these authors spectrometer for neuropeptide characterization. Ges and
developed a mathematical model to predict the role of social Baudenbacher (2010) embedded lactate sensing electrodes within
interaction in motility. a microfluidic cell culture system, creating a biosensor to evaluate
Microfluidic devices offer the advantages of precise control anaerobic respiration in living fibroblasts. Recently, Shintu et al.
over experimental conditions via custom designed chip architec- (2012) integrated microfluidic cell culture with metabolic profiling
tures, parallelization, automation, and direct coupling to miniatur- to investigate the potential of metabolic footprinting to character-
ized downstream analysis platforms. This, so-called lab-on-a-chip, ize the response of “bio-artificial organs” to various small mole-
versatility has been exploited in neuroscience research, mainly for cules, an approach which may have the potential to be used for the
studies concerning cellular and molecular neurobiology, cellular testing of toxicological responses in vitro.
electrophysiology and neurodegenerative diseases (Soe et al., Some microfluidic cell culture devices incorporate in situ
2012). In comparison with macroscopic neuronal cell culture separation columns, which are directly coupled to mass spectro-
methodologies like hanging drop, Carrel flask, slide chamber, metry, or use electrochemical sensors and other technologies as
Campenot chamber and brain slice chamber, the chemiotemporal analytical tools. For instance, Chen et al. (2012) developed a
and spatial control over the cellular microenvironment is limited microfluidic system combining cell culture with stable isotope
222 S. Halldorsson et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 63 (2015) 218–231

labeling-assisted electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. This and data acquisition via time-lapse microscopy can be maintained
system consists of a microfluidic network for reagent supply, cell for weeks. This platform is ideal for use in cell culture experiments
culture chambers and on-chip separation micro columns for requiring a high number of different culture conditions. Going a
sample pre-treatment, preceding analyte detection using mass step further on throughput capabilities, Lecault et al. (2011)
spectrometry. This system was used to study drug-induced apop- developed an iso-osmotic perfusion microfluidic cell culture device,
tosis and perform quantitative measurements of cell metabolism with a non-perturbing cell-capture mechanism that uses gravity to
in MCF-7 cells. A similar approach was used by Gao et al. (2012). trap cells and automated medium exchange. This 1600 chamber
This group created a microfluidic cell culture system to validate microfluidic cell culture device is capable of keeping the desired
and perform studies on the absorption of methotrexate and its osmolarity in the culture chamber. Furthermore, non-adherent
effects on HepG2 and Caco-2 cells (heterogeneous human epithe- cells are immobilized during medium exchange and viable cells
lial colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line), using electrospray ioniza- are recovered. Such devices are envisaged to be of use in colony
tion quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. To evaluate the growth and variability studies, drug-response screens and other
performance of a cell based toxicity assay using a microfluidic cell applications that require high throughput cell culture.
culture system, Cooksey et al. (2011) studied the repeatability with Utilizing the flexibility and ease of prototyping PDMS, it is
the same device, the reproducibility between devices, and the possible to design, mold and fabricate microfluidic systems with
robustness of the microfluidic assay to variations in cell density. several advantages over macroscopic systems. For instance, sys-
They used real time quantitative fluorescence imaging to measure tems capable of sustaining a variety of cell types, under perfusion
green fluorescent protein decay due to inhibition of ribosome or statically, with control over environmental parameters and real-
activity by cycloheximide. They found that assays performed in time data acquisition at single cell resolution. The study of root
microfluidic devices showed comparable results to macroscopic metabolism in plants has been limited by the availability of more
culture assays and that microfluidic assays generally showed versatile macroscopic root/cell culture methods, suitable experi-
higher levels of confidence. In another study, Sugiura et al. (2010) mental systems, the underground nature of this organ and reliable
used a serial dilution microfluidic network to characterize dose methods for data acquisition. Grossmann et al. (2011) developed a
drug response of HeLa cells challenged with a mitotic inhibitor generic microfluidic platform integrated with a live-cell imaging
(paclitaxel) in a microfluidic system. Electrochemical methods station, “RootChip”, to study root cell physiology, growth, nutrient
have also being used in the detection of cellular responses in uptake, root metabolism and signaling in A. thaliana roots. This
microfluidic cell culture. Ges et al. (2012) used chromaffin cells microfluidic system was specifically designed for plant culture
cultured in a microfluidic biosensor to quantify catecholamine applications where cell-resolved assays can be performed. Perfu-
release using iridium oxide films on platinum electrodes. Cao et al. sion culture at scales typical of microvasculature would be a
(2014) created a microfluidic cell culture perfusion chip integrated challenge with macroscopic culture. Antia et al. (2007) replicated
with electrochemical sensing electrodes allowing non-invasive physiological flow conditions, within a microfluidic device, to
and accurate estimation of proliferation and apoptosis of HeLa cell study the cytoadherence and rheological responses of infected red
in 3D culture in response to anticancer drugs. To evaluate the blood cells to purified ICAM-1 and CD36. Golchin et al. (2012)
migratory properties of breast cancer cells, Nguyen et al. (2013) cultured single mycobacterial cells in a microfluidic system to
developed a microfluidic device integrated with cell-sensing measure the molecular mechanisms of stochasticity of bacterial
impedence measuring electrodes. This device allowed rapid and persistence using time-lapse microscopy and omics analyses.
sensitive detection of cell adhesion, cell spreading and cell migra- Macroscopic co-culture of cells either relies on layering differ-
tion at the single cell level in 2D and 3D cultures, eliminating the ent cell types on top of each other or the use of a permeable
need for time consuming, large cell population based experiments membrane to keep cells physically separated, while allowing
such as the Boyden chamber. All these research endeavors exem- transmembrane communication (Miki et al., 2012; van Moorst
plify some advantages in analytical control and the system design and Dass, 2011; Burguera et al., 2010). These macroscopic methods
flexibility that microfluidic lab-on-a-chip offers when compared of co-culture are being surpassed by more sophisticated micro-
with macroscopic approaches to perform the same type of studies. fluidic platforms, which allow experiments to be performed using
Most macroscopic high throughput cell culture settings depend different types of cells at the single cell level (Chiang et al., 2013).
on microtiter plates, together with liquid handling devices for the For instance, to quantify cell–cell interactions mediated by soluble
delivery of cells and reagents. This increases reagent consumption factors, Zheng et al. (2012) developed a fully automated micro-
and the labor required for a given experiment. The possibility of fluidic cell co-culture system where migration of co-cultured HeLa
fabricating miniature devices with complex fluidic architectures and HUVEC cells was monitored at single cell resolution. Hong
together with the flexibility of parallelization and automation, et al. (2012) achieved the co-culture of single-cells that were
allows for implementation of high throughput cell culture, thus paired in single chambers, by using variable fluidic resistance and
reducing the reagent consumption and labor costs. Considering a sequential cell trapping mechanism. The microfluidic chip
these advantages, Zhou et al. (2012) developed a liquid pipet chip contains 340 single-cell culture chambers that provide a well-
(microfluidic liquid handler system), for the automated delivery of controlled physiological microenvironment to study intercellular
nanoliter amounts of liquid to culture cells for high throughput communications at a single cell level.
screening applications. This device allowed the delivery and While the physiological architecture of human organs currently
change of reagents for cell manipulation experiments in a 96 exceeds the complexity of all in vitro culture systems, microfluidic
micro-well format and could be integrated to a microscope for real cell culture devices can be fabricated that capture some of this
time data acquisition. Gomez-Sjoberg et al. (2007) developed a architectural complexity. For instance, Ramadan et al. (2013)
microfluidic cell culture system with 96 individually addressable developed a gastrointestinally motivated microfluidic system cap-
chambers. This highly automated platform allows the surface able of co-culture of Caco-2 cells and U937 cells (macrophage-
coating treatment with extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins of each like). This system allows monitoring the response of immune cells
individual culture chamber in the microfluidic chip. A sequential to pro-inflammatory stimuli under fluid flow conditions. Ramadan
cell loading mechanism permits control over the number of cells et al. envisage this to be used as an in vitro model to study the
to load into each chamber, as well as the specific formulation of absorption of nutrients and immune-modulatory functions in the
reagent composition for each individual chamber. It is possible to human gastrointestinal tract. Lee et al. (2013) recently developed a
seed several cell lines without cross-contamination. Cell viability three dimensional microfluidic platform to study hepatocyte–
S. Halldorsson et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 63 (2015) 218–231 223

Table 2
Comparison of key parameters between macroscopic and microfluidic cell cultures.

Parameter Macroscopic culture (Polystyrene) Microfluidic culture (PDMS)

Physical properties Transparent Transparent

Stiff Soft, flexible
Low gas permeability Very high gas permeability
Little or no absorption of molecules Absorbs small hydrophobic molecules (Wang et al., 2012).
Cell numbers Few thousand (microtiter plate) to tens of millions (large culture Single cell (Zheng et al., 2012) to a few thousand.
Volume densities Flasks, dishes and well plates generally have 2–4 mL of medium andVaries between microfluidic devices but can be as high as 60 nL of medium
100–1000 cells per mm2 of growth surface. and 200 cells per 1 mm2 or approx. 50  higher than macroscopic culture
(Gomez-Sjoberg et al., 2007).
Nutrient consumption Nutrients in cell culture medium generally in great excess, medium Medium turnover is faster and needs to be assessed for every cell line and
exchange typically needed every 48 h to once a week (Freshney, device. Some reports indicate increased glucose consumption (Paguirigan
2010). and Beebe, 2009).
Proliferation Doubling time of immortalized cell lines varies but is typically Proliferation rates need to be re-evaluated when cells are cultured in
between 18 and 24 h. microfluidic devices. Some studies report reduced proliferation (Paguirigan
and Beebe, 2009).
pH regulation Culture medium is buffered at pH 7.4 with bicarbonate if CO2 levels PDMS is more permeable to CO2 than to O2 or N2 (Mark, 1999). Care must
are kept at 5%. HEPES is also a common buffer that is not as be taken to ensure that dissolved gas levels within chambers are as
sensitive to CO2. expected.

hepatic stellate cell interactions under continuous flow conditions. in some respects contradictory. This is likely a result of the large
They reported that liver spheroids cultured in their co-culture variety of device designs and parameters, as well as cell-specific
system showed improved albumin and urea secretion as well as responses to microfluidic culture. Table 3 summarizes some
increased enzymatic activity over spheroids cultured in conven- selected publications that contain general information on micro-
tional monocultures. In addition to the devices mentioned above, fluidic cell culture systems, their parameters and, if possible, how
microfluidic devices mimicking the organ specific architecture and those systems compare to macroscopic cultures on polystyrene or
functionality of lung (Long et al., 2012), heart (Grosberg et al., glass. In this section the focus is on some of the intrinsic
2011), microvascular networks (Zheng et al., 2012) and a blood differences between macroscopic cell culture in Petri dishes, flasks,
brain barrier (Booth and Kim, 2012) have been developed. Efforts and well-plates on one hand, and microfluidic culture platforms
to inter-connect some of the “organ-on-a-chip” systems to pro- on the other. The intention is to aid researchers wishing to enter
duce micro total bioassay systems for pharmacological studies are the growing field of microfluidic cell culture.
already under way (Imura et al., 2012). This promising technology
will provide a valuable tool to predict whole-body responses to 3.1. Culture materials: polydimethylsiloxane versus polystyrene
drugs and other pharmacological challenges (Sung et al., 2014).
Only a very limited selection of the literature on miniaturiza- Silicone is a synthetic polymer whose backbone is a repeating
tion, integration, automation and parallelization of cell culture
chain of Si–O molecules with various organic groups attached to
processes in microfluidic devices has been treated in this section.
the silicon. The silicone termed polydimethylsiloxane [(CH3)2Si–
However, from this selection it is clear that microfluidic cell
O], abbreviated PDMS, has two methyl groups attached to the
culture devices can have significant advantages over macroscopic
silicon. As with all silicones, PDMS polymers will cross-link, with
cell culture systems. As is evident from Table 1, different micro-
the addition of a curing agent containing a catalyst, usually
fluidic cell culture devices have distinct benefits. As there is great
platinum. PDMS has been widely used to produce microfluidic
versatility with regard to the possible designs of a microfluidic cell
devices. It can be easily molded to create complex fluidic circuits,
culture device, undoubtedly new advantages of these devices will
using soft lithography techniques, making prototyping relatively
emerge over macroscopic cell culture. Although microfluidic cell
simple and cost effective. Some characteristics of PDMS, such as
culture does have significant advantages, it is important to be clear
gas permeability, optical transparency, and flexibility also make it
about the remaining challenges in order to manage expectation
appealing for cell culture devices. In addition, it is generally
among end users. In the next section we discuss what we perceive
regarded as inert, non-toxic, and fully bio-compatible. The fabrica-
are the main challenges associated with microfluidic cell culture.
tion of PDMS devices involves mixing the PDMS elastomer base
with a curing agent, pouring it into a mold and heating to
3. Challenges of microfluidic cell culture accelerate the curing process. The cured PDMS can then be
permanently bonded to a glass or plastic slide by plasma or thermal
Although microfluidic cell culture provides great flexibility bonding. The duration of this process depends on device design
with respect to experimental design, moving cells from a macro- and PDMS type. Two types of PDMS are commonly used by
scopic culture environment of dishes, flasks and well-plates to researchers to fabricate microfluidic chips: RTV-615 from Momen-
microfluidic cell culture requires revision of culture protocols. tive Materials2 and Sylgard 1843 from Dow-Corning. Both manu-
Several unique factors distinguish microfluidic from macroscopic facturers report the use of irritants such as ethylbenzene and
cell culture, such as different culture surfaces, reduced media
volumes, and vastly different rates of, and methods for, medium 2
Base: polyvinylsiloxane (60–90%), polyalkylalkenylsiloxane (10–30%), and
exchange. Careful evaluation of these differences needs to be ethylbenzene ( < 1%) . Curing agent: polyvinylsiloxane (30–60%), modified silica
completed before experiments are translated between these plat- (SiH) (30–60%), octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane ( < 1%) and toluene ( < 1%) .
forms. Table 2 compares key parameters of macroscopic and Base: dimethylsiloxane oligomers with vinyl-terminated end groups ( > 60%) ,
silica filler (dimethylvinylated and trimethylated silica, 30–60%), tetra(trimethylsi-
microfluidic cell cultures. Despite a growing number of microfluidic loxy) silane (1–5%) and ethylbenzene ( < 1) . Curing agent: a cross-linking agent
cell culture devices, efforts to compare cellular behavior in micro- (dimethyl methylhydrogen siloxane, 40–70%) and an inhibitor (tetramethyl tetra-
fluidic devices versus macroscopic cell culture have been few and vinyl cyclotetrasiloxane 1–5%).
224 S. Halldorsson et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 63 (2015) 218–231

xylene in small amounts in their PDMS blends. If and how this

Proliferation and differentiation comparable to macroscopic

may affect cells cultured on cured PDMS is unknown. Sylgard 184
is more commonly used for fabrication of cell culture devices.
Despite the wide range of PDMS based microfluidic cell culture
devices that have been reported to date, few compare cellular

Steady proliferation but slower than traditional

Steady proliferation, comparable to traditional
Steady proliferation, comparable to traditional

Steady proliferation, comparable to traditional

Steady proliferation, comparable to traditional
proliferation in the device to macroscopic culture. Some consider
PDMS to be bio-compatible and not cytotoxic, based on the use of
Steady proliferation and differentiation

medical grade PDMS within long term medical device implants

(Hassler et al., 2011; Nag and Banerjee, 2012) and reports of
growth of a variety of cell lines on various formulations of PDMS.

Culture was steady for 6 days

Steady but slow proliferation
However, this does not imply that all types of cells will grow on all

Little or no proliferation
formulations of PDMS in the same way that they do on macro-
scopic culture plastics, such as polystyrene. Others regard the
Steady proliferation
Cellular response

Slow proliferation

often cited biocompatibility of PDMS to be “something of a

No proliferation

Steady decline

misnomer” (Sackmann et al., 2014).

There have been reports of artifacts arising from chemical and
physical interactions between in vitro cultures and certain for-
mulations of PDMS. One of the first studies on cellular attachment
and proliferation on PDMS (and many other synthetic surfaces)

30%–60% Every hour fibronectin

was performed by Ertel et al. in 1994. They found that culturing

Key parameters used in selected microfluidic cell culture studies and cellular response. Abbreviations: NR, not reported; PDL, poly-D-lysine; PLL, poly-L-lysine.




cells on an untreated PDMS (“NIH reference material”) surface






induced rapid and high levels of cell death on two types of

fibroblasts (3T3 and BHK). This effect could be blocked by treating
Medium exchange

the PDMS culture surface with serum or a concentrated protein

Gravity perfusion

solution. As PDMS is hydrophobic, cellular attachment to native

0.2–0.4 μL/min

PDMS surfaces may be increased with treatment to reduce its





Every 48 h
Every 48 h

every 48 h
0.1 μL/min

Human mesenchymal stem cells 1.7 μL/min

10 μL/min

HMEC-1 (endothelial) and A549 10 μL/min

hydrophobicity, or coating the surface with proteins that facilitate

cellular attachment. Lee et al. (2004) studied the compatibility of
Human mesenchymal stem cells 48 h
48 h
48 h


four mammalian cell lines (HUAEC primary endothelial cells; 3T3

fibroblast cell line; MC3T3-E1 osteoblast cell line; HeLa trans-
Human mesenchymal stem cells

Mouse embryonic fibroblasts

Mouse embryonic fibroblasts
Mouse mammary fibroblasts
Mouse mammary fibroblasts

formed epithelial cells) on PDMS (Sylgard 184) surfaces with

Human neuronal stem cell

different ratios of PDMS base and curing agent, with or without

E18 rat cortical neurons
Human tumor cell lines
A549 lung tumor cells

extraction of low molecular weight components with organic

Primary rat neurons

solvents, and with or without oxidizing the surface. All surfaces

were coated with fibronectin to facilitate cellular attachment. All
HeLa (tumor)

of the cell lines tested attached and proliferated on PDMS to some

Cell type

extent and sometimes at rates comparable to polystyrene. How-

ever, the cells tested seemed to have different preferences for
PDMS formulations. For example, MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts attached
and grew on native, fibronectin coated PDMS, at rates comparable

to polystyrene. Solvent extraction of unbound PDMS oligomers

and oxidation reduced attachment and severely impaired prolif-



eration. Excess curing agent (10Base : 3CA instead of 10Base : 1CA ) had







little effect either on attachment or proliferation. However, HeLa


Sylgard 184 Polystyrene

cells showed poor attachment and proliferation on native PDMS,

or PDMS with excess curing agent, but attachment to solvent



Sylgard 184 PDMS

Sylgard 184 PDMS


Sylgard 184 Glass

Sylgard 184 Glass

Sylgard 184 Glass


Sylgard 184 Glass


Sylgard 184 Glass

extracted and oxidized PDMS was comparable to polystyrene.

Wang et al. (2010) found that Caco-2 cells showed reduced attach-
Description PDMS type

ment and little or no proliferation on PDMS with excess curing


agent (5Base : 1CA instead of 10Base : 1CA ). Taken together, the results
from these studies show that PDMS is capable of sustaining

μ -Chambers NR


growth of different cell lines, provided that the formulation and

μ -Chambers

μ -Chambers
μ -Channels

μ -Channels

μ -Channels

μ -Channels

μ -Channels

surface treatment are optimized for each cell line.

μ -Wells

μ -Wells

μ -Wells
μ -Wells
μ -Wells
μ -Wells

Incomplete curing of PDMS leaves uncross-linked oligomers

within the material that can leach out and contaminate the culture
medium. Indeed, when deionized ultra-filtered water was incu-
Paguirigan and Beebe (2009)
Paguirigan and Beebe (2009)
Gomez-Sjoberg et al. (2007)

bated within a PDMS-based microfluidic channel for 24 h and

analyzed with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-
Wlodkowic et al. (2009)

Nalayanda et al. (2007)

flight mass spectrometry, a continuous range of uncrosslinked

Chung et al. (2005)

Millet et al. (2007)

Rhee et al. (2005)

Chen et al. (2011)

PDMS was detected despite efforts to extract uncrosslinked PDMS

Wu et al. (2009)


with ethanol in a Soxhlet extractor overnight (Regehr et al., 2009).

The same study also showed that PDMS oligomers were detectable


in the membranes of mouse mammary fibroblasts cultured in

Table 3

PDMS (Sylgard 184) microfluidic channels for 24 h. The effect of


PDMS incorporation into cellular membranes of cultured cells is as

S. Halldorsson et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 63 (2015) 218–231 225

yet unknown. To reduce the amount of uncrosslinked polymers cells were cultured on PDMS rather than on polystyrene or glass.
left in the material, care must be taken to allow curing to run to In these experiments, differentiation of embryonic stem cells was
completion. This should be done as per instructions provided by induced with retinoic acid, a small (300 Da) hydrophobic molecule
each manufacture of PDMS as different formulations may cure at widely used to induce differentiation in various cell types.
different rates. It should be noted that in this experiment the The differences reported by these studies suggest that the
PDMS was cured for only 2 h, which may have increased the viability of cells cultured within a microfluidic device depends both
possibility of uncrosslinked PDMS in contact with the cells. on the particular cell type being cultured and on the particular
The surface area-to-volume (SA/V) ratio in macroscopic culture protocol for fabricating the material, e.g., PDMS, within the device.
is roughly 0.5 mm2 to 1 μL of medium and this ratio holds true This underlines the necessity of evaluating cell growth, morphol-
from 96-well plates to larger culture flasks. In contrast, the surface ogy and viability of every cell line, relative to macroscopic culture,
area-to-volume ratio varies greatly from one microfluidic device to when it is introduced to a particular microfluidic culture device.
the next. The surface area in direct contact with culture medium in
microfluidic culture devices can be fully or partially composed of 3.1.1. Surface treatment and coating
PDMS. Paguirigan and Beebe (2009) published an extensive study The majority of cultured mammalian cells grow as monolayers
on phenotypic changes of mouse mammary fibroblasts cultured in on an artificial substrate. The surface must be correctly charged to
macroscopic polystyrene culture wells versus open unspecified allow cellular attachment and spreading. Polystyrene, by far the
PDMS microwells that had the same SA/V ratio as macroscopic most common surface for cell culture, is hydrophobic in its native
culture, or closed PDMS microchannels that had 4 times higher SA/ state and must be rendered hydrophilic before it permits cell
V. They found that proliferation was impaired in the microchan- adhesion. UV treatment or oxidizing with oxygen plasma is
nels, which could not be mitigated with increased glucose or commonly used to reduce hydrophobicity of polystyrene, making
serum supplementation. In addition, they observed several distinct it more appropriate for cell culture. Flasks and well-plates whose
cell cycle progression problems in cells cultured in the micro- surfaces have been oxidized in this way are referred to as “tissue
channels. Their conclusion was that PDMS surface area to media culture treated”. The surface of native PDMS is also hydrophobic
volume (SA/VPDMS), a ratio that can be as high as 30 mm2 PDMS/μL and must therefore be specifically treated prior to cell culture to
medium in some microfluidic cell culture devices (Gomez-Sjoberg facilitate attachment and growth. A number of different methods
et al., 2007; Millet et al., 2007; Lee et al., 2006; Chen et al., 2011), is have been developed to reduce hydrophobicity and coat PDMS
a determining factor for cellular proliferation and behavior. As this surfaces for enhanced cell attachment.
ratio increases, changes in baseline functions such as proliferation Oxygen plasma and UV treatment are commonly used to
and metabolism become more pronounced. activate synthetic surfaces (Wong and Ho, 2009), thus reducing
Millet et al. (2007) examined primary mammalian neuron the surface hydrophobicity. Recently, van Midwoud et al. (2012)
culture and differentiation at low densities in open versus closed compared treatments of different cell culture plastics and PDMS
microfluidic channels. They found that open channels, with large (Sylgard 184). They measured how the hydrophobicity of different
media volumes, could support neuron growth for at least 8 days, materials was reduced by an oxidizing treatment and how stable
while neurons did not survive in closed channels made of native the treatment was. The hydrophobicity of polystyrene was quickly
PDMS (Sylgard 184). Autoclaving the PDMS to drive polymeriza- reduced with either UV or oxygen plasma treatment and the
tion to completion, or extraction of uncrosslinked polymers with polystyrene surface remained relatively hydrophilic for the dura-
organic solvents, improved neuron growth in the closed channels, tion of the experiment (4 weeks). On the other hand, although the
although it did not reach the same level of growth as in the open hydrophobicity of PDMS could be reduced with these treatments,
channels. It should be noted that these channels were constructed the PDMS surface returned to its hydrophobic state within 1 week,
of a PDMS roof and side-walls mounted onto a glass coverslip, so a process known as hydrophobic recovery (Eddington et al., 2006).
that the culture surface was poly-D-lysine coated glass, not PDMS. This effect is due to low molecular weight uncrosslinked PDMS
Wlodkowic et al. (2009) compared growth rates of three different polymeric side-chains diffusing from the bulk to the surface, thus
cell lines (2 human leukemic cell lines, K562 and U937 and a returning it to its hydrophobic state (Chen and Lindner, 2007).
human tumor cell line, U2OS), in a PDMS (Sylgard 184) based Although the hydrophobic recovery of PDMS can be attenuated to
microfluidic cell culture device versus in macroscopic polystyrene some extent (Eddington et al., 2006), this limits the feasibility of
culture plates. They found no adverse effects on cell viability or oxidizing the PDMS surface for cell culture, particularly for long-
growth after 48 h of culture (Wlodkowic et al., 2009). term culture experiments or when treated devices are stored
Lopacinska et al. (2013) studied the use of polymethyl metha- before use.
crylate (PMMA) as a culture substrate. They compared the bio- Another approach to reduce hydrophobicity is to coat the PDMS
compatibility of PMMA alone, polystyrene alone or a layer of PDMS culture surface to promote cellular attachment and proliferation,
(Sylgard 184) underneath a perforated layer of PMMA (PMMA– either by coating with charged molecules or extracellular matrix
PDMS), with respect to PC12 (adrenal phaeochromocytoma) cell proteins such as fibronectin, collagen or laminin. The strong
growth and PC12 differentiated into neuronal-like cells. They hydrophobic nature of PDMS causes it to interact with polar
observed that for non-differentiated cells there was little difference substrates either through hydrogen bonding or through polar–polar
in gene expression among polystyrene, PMMA and PMMA–PDMS, interactions. Substrates containing methyl or alkyl groups can also
while there were significant differences between the gene expres- interact with PDMS due to van der Waals forces (Kuncova-Kallio
sion profiles of PC12 cells differentiated on PMMA versus PMMA– and Kallio, 2006). This means that proteins will adhere to an
PDMS surface. untreated PDMS surface depending on their structure and surface
Hydrophobic molecules, less than approximately 500 Da, are charge. Wang et al. (2010) studied the effects of different coatings
absorbed into PDMS (Gomez-Sjoberg et al., 2010), which compli- on attachment and proliferation of Caco-2 cells. Incubating the
cates the interpretation of some studies. Liu et al. (2010) compared PDMS (Sylgard 184) culture surface with cellular growth medium
mouse embryonic fibroblast growth in microchannels on different containing fetal bovine serum was sufficient to promote attach-
surfaces and reported that attachment and cell spreading were ment and proliferation on oxidized PDMS. Adsorbing extracellular
substantially impaired on PDMS, compared to polystyrene. matrix (ECM) proteins such as fibronectin or collagen onto native
Embryonic stem cell differentiation was also impaired when the PDMS also facilitated attachment and proliferation.
226 S. Halldorsson et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 63 (2015) 218–231

Zhang et al. (2013) studied the growth and differentiation of medium into the PDMS during the first hour of incubation. After
SUM159 and MDA-MB-468 breast cancer cell lines on PDMS (RTV 24 h, 90% of the estrogen had diffused into the PDMS. Recently,
165) with varying stiffness, coated with ECM proteins and bovine Wang et al. (2012) measured the extent of absorption of five
serum albumin (BSA). Native or oxidized PDMS proved to be different markers routinely used for in vitro cellular assays. They
unfavorable for cellular attachment while collagen and fibronectin discovered a relationship between the logarithm of the octanol/
coating greatly improved cellular attachment, regardless of PDMS water partition coefficient (logP) of the markers and the degree of
stiffness. Although BSA coating also improved attachment, cellular leaching into the PDMS. A logP threshold of ≈2.5 separated the
morphology was altered from spindle-shaped to round, indicating markers that exhibited low absorption (≤25% after 4.5 h) and those
weaker adherence. Interestingly, these researchers observed an that exhibited high absorption in PDMS (≥75% after 0.5 h).
enrichment of cells expressing cancer stem-cell markers after Although logP values for many chemical compounds are known,
2 weeks of culture on BSA coated PDMS. They conclude that coating the exact values will depend on experimental conditions
PDMS with ECM proteins or BSA to facilitate attachment can (Haraldsdóttir et al., 2012). Most media components such as amino
provide a suitable substrate for culturing breast cancer cells but acids, glucose and pyruvate have low logP values (  4 to  1) and
the phenotypic equilibrium of these cells may be altered in should therefore exhibit low absorption into PDMS. However, fat-
response to cell-to-surface interactions. soluble vitamins such as retinoic acid and calciferol, and lipid
Another possible way to treat PDMS surfaces is to coat them derived hormones, have high logP values (≥6) and will therefore
with charged molecules such as poly-D-lysine. The amino group on be quickly absorbed into the bulk PDMS of the culture chip. Cell
the end of each lysine develops a net positive charge which makes culture experiments that rely on these vitamins or hormones for
it hydrophilic and may enhance electrostatic interaction between differentiation or stimulation will need to be specifically optimized
negatively charged ions in the cell membrane (Wang et al., 2010). for microfluidic culture in PDMS devices. Some treatments have
To screen for cellular attachments and proliferation on different been reported in the literature for reducing the absorption of small
surface coatings and media compositions, Hattori et al. (2011) molecules into PDMS, such as sol-gel and borosilicate glass coating
devised a microenvironment array chip containing an 8  8 array (Gomez-Sjoberg et al., 2010; Abate et al., 2008; Orhan et al., 2008).
of perfusion chambers that can be independently surface treated Although these treatments greatly reduce the absorption of small
with up to four different extracellular matrix proteins (columns) hydrophobic molecules into PDMS, they also change the surface
and perfused with four different media compositions (rows). The properties of PDMS and therefore should first be thoroughly tested
96 chamber microfluidic cell culture device designed by Gomez- for their influence on cells in macroscopic culture.
Sjoberg et al. (2007) offers the possibility of coating each of the
chambers independently through 16 inputs and feeding with up
3.3. Oxygen, osmolarity and pH
16 different media compositions. Devices such as these can aid
researchers in devising the optimal surface treatment and feeding
A valuable property of PDMS for microfluidic cell culture
for any cell type that is to be cultured in a PDMS based microfluidic
devices is its permeability to gases. This allows for permeation of
ambient CO2 and O2 through the material to buffer the culture
Many microfluidic devices contain elaborate medium flow
circuits for creating gradients and mixing before the medium enters medium and supply the necessary oxygen. However, PDMS is also
the culture area. Through these flow circuits, the medium flows permeable to water vapor, which can cause drying problems in
over a large surface of PDMS where proteins and hydrophobic devices where the media volume is small compared to the surface
analytes in the medium may attach to the free hydrophobic sites of area. Evaporation of even small amounts of water from the
the PDMS channel (Zhou et al., 2012). This can lead to unwanted medium can cause a significant shift in medium osmolarity. Most
cellular attachment in the flow channels or non-specific protein cell lines can tolerate osmolarity ranges from 260 to 320 mOsm/kg
adsorption from the culture medium. To overcome this, various but shifts in osmolarity during culture should be avoided
surface treatments have been developed to modify the surface and (Freshney, 2010). Heo et al. (2007) showed that evaporation in
prevent its interaction with proteins (Wong and Ho, 2009). Among culture chambers containing 500 nL of medium through a thin
the most commonly used surfactants are poly(ethylene oxide)- (120–400 μm) PDMS membrane caused a rapid shift in osmolarity
that was sufficient to kill human endothelial cells in only 25 min.
terminated triblock polymers, such as Pluronic® which are able to
Blau et al. (2009) fabricated culture vessel lids, of 1 mm thick
form a stable adsorbed layer on the hydrophobic PDMS surface,
PDMS, and reported reduced evaporation and stabilized medium
thus preventing non-specific protein adsorption (Wong and Ho,
osmolarity in long-term cell cultures.
2009). Yang et al. (2010) developed a method where native PDMS
The optimal pH for most cultured cells lies in a narrow range
was coated with polysaccharides using a photocatalyzed surface
around 7.4 (Freshney, 2010). This may deviate slightly from one
modification method. They found that carboxymethyl cellulose
cell line to another, but most commercially available media are
coating repelled both positively and negatively charged proteins
designed to keep pH close to 7.4. Cellular respiration produces
while retaining the ability to support cell attachment, proliferation
carbon dioxide that dissolves in the medium to produce carbonic
and migration.
acid, which combined with acidic metabolic byproducts such as
lactate, tend to acidify the medium. Therefore cell culture media
3.2. Absorption of hydrophobic molecules
needs to be buffered to keep pH within a physiological range. Cell
culture in flasks or dishes is generally performed in incubators that
The hydrophobic and porous nature of PDMS enables small
allow control of ambient CO2. Lids or caps are kept un-tight or
hydrophobic molecules to diffuse from the culture medium into
the bulk polymer. It has been demonstrated that Nile Red, a small contain filters that allow diffusion of gas between the culture and
hydrophobic fluorescent dye, is absorbed into PDMS surrounding a the surrounding air and the necessary CO2 exchange between the
microfluidic channel in a matter of seconds, and the fluorescent medium. As PDMS is permeable to gas, control of the partial
signal was retained in the PDMS despite multiple washes (Toepke pressure of CO2 in ambient air can be used to buffer media pH. The
and Beebe, 2006). Regehr et al. (2009) demonstrated that when partial pressure of ambient CO2 required to maintain pH within a
cell culture medium containing 1 nM estrogen was incubated in certain physiological range is also dependent on whether the fresh
microfluidic channels, over 50% of the estrogen diffuses from the culture media also contains a buffer, such as sodium bicarbonate.
S. Halldorsson et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 63 (2015) 218–231 227

HEPES can also be used to buffer cell culture media at 7.4. resulted in oxygen levels of to approximately 11.5%. The same
HEPES can maintain physiological pH without the need for control study provides calculations for medium perfusion rates necessary
of ambient carbon dioxide and might be used when culturing cells to maintain stable oxygen levels within microfluidic culture
in microfluidic devices outside of incubators. Some considerations channels, based on device dimensions, diffusion rates and oxygen
are necessary when using HEPES to buffer culture media instead of uptake rates of the cells. Gases have different permeability and
bicarbonate. HEPES is light sensitive and is reported to produce solubility in PDMS than in water (Mark, 1999). This leads them to
hydrogen peroxide when exposed to ambient or fluorescent light, fractionate within the PDMS so the real concentration of CO2 and
which may have adverse effects on the culture (Bowman et al., oxygen inside the chip may be different from that in the air around
1985). HEPES buffered media should therefore be kept in the dark it. To better regulate on-chip oxygen levels or create oxygen
as much as possible. This point is especially relevant for micro- gradients, Thomas et al. (2011) developed a microfluidic culture
fluidic cell culture with transparent material, such as PDMS, device where precisely oxygenated water is continuously perfused
outside of a dark incubator. Addition of HEPES to culture medium through channels adjacent to cell culture chambers, allowing rapid
will also cause a shift in osmolarity so careful evaluation and control of on-chip oxygen levels within physiological ranges while
testing should be carried out if it is to supplement complete at the same time minimizing evaporation from the culture
media. chambers.
Oxygen is necessary for cellular respiration in vivo. However, Novel methods to accurately measure pH and oxygen levels
the oxygen requirements of cells cultured in vitro vary greatly as inside microfluidic cell culture chambers in real time are necessary
many cell lines rely primarily on glycolysis rather than aerobic as standard laboratory pH and oxygen probes are too large to work
respiration for energy production. Primary cultures, particularly with such small media volumes. In addition, the culture medium
from late stage embryos or adults, typically require more oxygen in most microfluidic culture chambers is closed off within PDMS,
than transformed cell lines. Other cells, for example mesenchymal making direct measurement challenging. Methods utilizing a
stem cells, proliferate faster and longer and maintain their undif- ratiometric pH sensitive dye and oxygen sensitive fluorescent
ferentiated characteristics better under hypoxic conditions (Ma probes such as BCECF and RTDP to measure perturbations inside
et al., 2009). Rat embryonic neurons and neuronal stem cells have microfluidic channels and chambers have been developed, but
been reported to grow just as well in anoxic medium as normoxic, they rely on modifying the culture device or medium composition
provided that the glucose in the medium is sufficient (Wohnsland with potentially harmful effects to the cells cultured within the
et al., 2010). During normoxic conditions, these cells will fully device (Han and Burgess, 2010; Lee et al., 2008). Recently,
metabolize glucose via glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation. If Magnusson et al. (2013) developed a highly accurate and precise
cultured in an anoxic environment, glucose consumption increases method to indirectly measure microfluidic chamber pH by mea-
about 5-fold and lactate production increased about 10-fold with suring the shift of light absorption by phenol red as a function of
no marked reduction in viability. Apart from a direct effect on cell pH. Contrary to previously reported methods, this method
viability, oxygen levels can also greatly affect cellular behavior, requires only a standard cell culture medium, standard microfluidic
morphology and differentiation (Mannello et al., 2011; Panchision, device design and a standard laboratory microscope with a
2009). suitable filter. Real time monitoring is necessary for proper quality
In macroscopic culture, oxygen and CO2 diffusion from the air control of conditions within microfluidic cell culture chambers.
inside the incubator into the culture medium is usually considered Different methods are used to supply fresh media to micro-
sufficient to supply the cells with the necessary oxygen amount for fluidic cell cultures. Syringe pumps are commonly used to flow
growth and proliferation and adequate medium buffering media directly into culture lines or chambers. Fresh medium can
(Freshney, 2010). Incubation of microfluidic culture devices gener- also be supplied by pressurizing media vials connected to culture
ally takes place in either a standard laboratory incubator or lines or chambers with air and using on-chip valves to precisely
mounted onto a live-cell imaging station or bioreactor. In any case, control flow in and out of the device (Gomez-Sjoberg et al., 2007).
ambient CO2 levels need to be accurately controlled to maintain Attention must be paid to the composition of the air used to
the correct pH. The ratio of media-to-cell volume tends to be lower pressurize these media vials. For example, if the medium contains
with microfluidic cell culture, therefore, especially if no bicarbo- bicarbonate buffer and the media vials are pressurized with
nate or HEPES are added to the media, one must ensure that ambient air (0.039% CO2 by volume), the pH of the medium will
permeation of O2 and CO2 can occur at rates sufficient for aerobic increase in the vials before it enters the device. Therefore, media
respiration and buffering of media pH, respectively. PDMS is highly vials should be pressurized with air containing the correct per-
permeable to gases and allows diffusion of CO2 and oxygen into centage of CO2 and O2 in order to keep pH and dissolved oxygen at
the medium inside microfluidic channels, supplying the culture physiological levels.
with oxygen, removing carbon dioxide produced by cellular
respiration and maintaining physiological pH. Passive permeation 3.4. Nutrient consumption and medium turnover
of oxygen through PDMS is generally assumed to be sufficient for
supply at a rate sufficient for aerobic respiration. How the thick- In contrast to macroscopic cell culture where medium is
ness of PDMS or surface coating for cell adhesion will affect gas typically stagnant in culture flasks or wells, relying on excess
exchange is not clear. For example, native PDMS is highly oxygen amounts of nutrients in the culture medium to feed cells over a
permeable, but the permeability is subject to change when number of days, microfluidic systems can be designed for perfu-
proteins are adsorbed on it or when the surface is modified by sion culture, where medium continuously flows through the
plasma oxidation, as is common in the construction of microbior- culture channels and chambers. This method can create a more
eactors (Mehta et al., 2007). Kim et al. state that thin PDMS realistic culture environment by keeping nutrients and other
membranes (∼100 μm thickness) can be used for gas exchange in a important media factors constant by continuously supplying fresh
microfluidic perfusion culture (Kim et al., 2007). media and removing waste products (Kim et al., 2007). Continuous
In thin-walled PDMS culture channels, containing metaboli- perfusion also offers unique opportunities to create chemical
cally active rat hepatocytes, Ochs et al. (2014) report that oxygen gradients within the cell culture, which are difficult to achieve with
was readily replenished (to approximately 16%) by the environ- macroscopic culture methods (Kim et al., 2007; Chung et al.,
ment but that the same cells cultured in 5 mm thick PDMS devices 2005). However, culturing cells under flow has its own challenges.
228 S. Halldorsson et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 63 (2015) 218–231

Living and proliferating cells consume energy sources, such as into isolated culture chambers using an on-chip vacuum and
glucose, glutamine and amino acids, and produce metabolic waste, evacuating air through the PDMS. While medium continuously
such as CO2 and lactate. Most microfluidic culture devices have a flowed past the culture chambers, the cells were not in the direct
high number of mammalian cells to media volume, which better path of flow, while diffusion replenished nutrients into and
simulates in vivo cell density. If this ratio is 50 times higher in a removed waste from the culture chambers.
microfluidic cell culture device than in macroscopic culture, one Su et al. (2014) characterized the effect of various culture
can assume that metabolites will be depleted and wastes will build parameters on cell stress in human embyronic kidney cells cultured
up 50 times faster. Medium in a macroscopic culture is generally in PDMS (Sylgard 184) microchannels, by measuring the expres-
changed every 2–4 days to replenish nutrients and remove waste. sion of a key chaperone gene involved in the unfolded protein
With the aforementioned ratio, this corresponds to total media response. Without replenishing media, cell stress was significantly
exchange in a microfluidic chamber every 1–2 h. higher at 48 h than at 24 h post-seeding, while media replenish-
Paguirigan and Beebe (2009) found that the baseline glucose ment at 21 h reduced stress at 24 h. However, Su et al. also report
consumption per cell of mouse mammary fibroblasts was three to that increased frequency of media replacement (6–12 h intervals)
four times higher in a microfluidic culture device than in macro- leads to “abnormal cellular morphology”, which might be related
scopic culture. Due to the high cell number to media volume ratio to the “contraction and re-spread” process observed by Zheng
in microfluidic devices, careful validation experiments and feeding et al. (2012). Su et al. (2014) also provide evidence suggesting that
schedule calibrations are necessary for every device and cell line. increasing the concentration of foetal bovine serum in media can
Yu et al. (2007) did an extensive study on medium exchange rates, alleviate stress in some cell lines.
supplementation and seeding density in microfluidic channels
versus macroscopic culture. Among their findings was that increas-
ing the medium exchange frequency from 12 h to 1 h resulted in
4. Conclusions
slower proliferation of normal mouse mammary (NMuMG) cells in
both macroscopic culture and PDMS micro channels. Decreasing
The development of microfluidics over the past decade has
the medium change frequency from 1 to 4 h had a beneficial effect
been fast. Microscale bioreactors and analysis systems have grown
on cell growth in both platforms, although cell proliferation in
in ever increasing numbers and complexity, offering new insights
micro channels was higher. They concluded that build-up of
into complex cellular behavior. Microfluidics has brought the
endogenous growth factors plays a critical role in cell growth. These
ability to custom tailor microenvironments, automate experimenta-
soluble signaling molecules need to reach a certain concentration
tion and couple cell culture directly to high throughput analysis
in the medium before growth is promoted. Due to the high cell
systems. As enticing as these new advances may be, there are still
number-to-media volume ratio of most microfluidic channels and
hurdles that arise when an established culture platform is changed
chambers, the critical level of soluble factors in the cellular
from macroscale cultures on polystyrene to microfluidic devices
microenvironment can be reached more quickly. A balance is
made of PDMS or other materials. Different cell types respond
necessary between, on one hand, the rate of media replacement
differently when moved from macroscopic culture on polystyrene
required for replenishment of nutrients, and on the other, the need
to microfluidic culture on PDMS. Device designs are as diverse as
to keep the concentration of endogenous growth at effective
the cell lines cultured within them, making generalizations diffi-
cult. In addition, it is likely that negative results, such as sub-
With computational modeling and experimental testing,
optimal cell growth in a given device or other complications, may
Giulitti et al. (2013) optimized medium replacement strategies for be underrepresented in the literature.
long-term culture of mouse myoblasts (C2C12), human fibroblasts Although PDMS has a number of properties that are beneficial
(HFF) and mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) in PDMS (Sylgard for cell culture, such as transparency and gas permeability, it
184) microchannels. They examined constant flow rates, as well as should be kept in mind that the primary reason for using this
periodic replacement of medium, and found that slow, continuous material in microfluidic cell culture devices is from the fabrication
perfusion had deleterious effects on their cultures, especially perspective, namely, ease of prototyping and low cost (Berthier
downstream while fast, periodic replacement of the same media et al., 2012). For decades, glass and polystyrene have been used for
volumes resulted in uniformally healthy growth of all cell types macroscopic cell culture and they have been thoroughly studied
within the channels. This was attributed to heterogeneous dis- and characterized in that respect. Indeed, the majority of new
tribution of nutrients (higher concentration upstream) versus published data on in vitro cell biology is still based on cells
endogenous factors and waste (higher concentrations downstream) cultured on these materials. When cell culture is moved from these
in slowly perfused culture channels. They conclude that medium macroscopic platforms to PDMS based microfluidic devices, where
delivery strategies are extremely relevant for proper maintenance volumes are small, surfaces large in comparison to volume, and
of cell homogeniety, viability and behavior in microfluidic cell feeding schedules different, cellular behavior may very well turn
culture. out to be different. This makes direct comparison between
Another important factor to consider when exposing cells to a experiments performed on these platforms difficult. This is not to
perfusion flow in microfluidic channels is shear stress. When rat say that macroscopic cell culture is more reliable, only that
mesenchymal stem cells, adherent to a microfluidic cell culture researchers should be aware of the fact that the transition may
chamber, were exposed to sufficient flow induced shear stress not be straightforward, as most cell culture protocols in existence
(1.3 N m  2), Zheng et al. (2012) reported “contraction and re- have been optimized for macroscopic cell culture. As the field of
spread” process, whereby cells contracted during the initial 20– microfluidic cell culture matures, we will undoubtedly see an
30 min and re-spread in a similar period. While the device increase of standardized microfluidic devices. While design and
fabricated by Zheng et al. (2012) was designed to mimic the flow prototyping of novel devices are simpler and more cost efficient in
induced shear stress typical of blood vessels, it is important to PDMS, new production techniques such as microfluidic hot
recognize the morphological response of cells to shear stress and embossing in polystyrene (Young et al., 2011) are likely to be
eliminate it when not desired. Different strategies to minimize the favored for mass production. Over the past decade, many compa-
effect of sheer stress on culture stability have been published. nies have emerged that offer standard and customized microflui-
Kolnik et al. (2012) developed a cell trapping system to load cells dic cell culture platforms, with chips fabricated from a wide range
S. Halldorsson et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 63 (2015) 218–231 229

Table 4
A selection of companies offering standard and customized microfluidic cell culture equipment.

Company Website Cell culture products Chip material

Aline Microslide Acrylic

BellBrook labs Microchannel plates Standard tissue-culture treated plastic
Cellix Ltd. Chips, pumps, software, automated Acrylic, Topas
CorSolutions Pumps, probe stations, probes, flow N/A
Cytoo Chips, plates, chambers Glass, Acrylic
Dolomite microfluidics Chips, interfaces, pumps, sensors, Glass, fused silica, PDMS
Elveflow Pumps, flow control software. N/A
Epigem Chips, gaskets, ferrules Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), Polyaryletherketone
FlowJEM Chips, interface accessories. Polycarbonate (PC), Cyclic olefin polymer, Acrylic, PDMS
Fluidigm Corp. Chips, automated platforms. PDMS
Gradientech Chips (conc. gradient), software. Polymer
Merck Millipore Chips, pumps, software, automated PDMS
Microflexis Chips, interface accessories. Polycarbonate (PC), polystyrene & other polymers
Microliquid Chips, chip mounts. PDMS, PMMA, PC
Mimetas Chips, plates. Ordyl SY330
SIMTech Microfluidics Foundry Chips, interface accessories. Polymers, elastomer, epoxy

of materials (See Table 4), some of which overcome certain established cell culture laboratories. Therefore, biochemical
disadvantages of PDMS, for instance compatibility with long term researchers should have strong ties to experienced engineers if
culture (Trietsch et al., 2013). they hope to successfully enter the field of microfluidic cell
To the researcher interested in entering the field of microfluidic culture. This being said, if cell biologists are aware of the intrinsic
cell culture, we offer the following general guidelines: factors that differ between macroscopic and microfluidic cell
(1) Test the compatibility of any cell line intended to use for culture, the latter nascent field has the potential to be used to
microfluidic culture with various formulations of PDMS. A simple investigate many hitherto under explored aspects of cell biology.
experiment where a culture surface is coated with various for-
mulations of PDMS and cells seeded onto these surfaces should
quickly reveal any complications with cellular attachment, survival Acknowledgments
or proliferation.
(2) To test for leaching of toxic or other unwanted species from This work was supported in part by the National Research Fund,
and medium component absorption into PDMS, one may incubate Luxembourg, Award #6728678 and Icelandic Center for Research,
fresh cell medium with PDMS (with sufficient surface area), START postdoctoral grant no. 130816-051.
separate the medium from the bulk PDMS, then add it to a well
characterized macroscopic cell culture and monitor for any
changes in response. References
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