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The policy cycle is a methodology adopted in 2010 by the European

Union to address the most important criminal threats affecting
the EU. Each cycle lasts four years and optimises coordination
and cooperation on chosen crime priorities. The criminal threats
are identified on the basis of
criminal intelligence and
then agreed at political
level. During the cycle,
all concerned services
and stakeholders,
at national and EU
level, are invited to
allocate resources
and mutually
reinforce efforts.
Emerging threats
are also monitored so
that they can effectively
be responded to.

Serious and Organised Crime Threat Assessment (SOCTA)

Europol delivers the SOCTA based on data from member states’ (MS)
law enforcement authorities, its own databases, data from other EU
agencies such as Frontex, Eurojust and EMCDDA, from Europol third
partner countries and third private partners, as well as data from
open sources. The SOCTA contains:
• an analysis of the present and future threats posed by serious and
organised crime to the EU,
• a set of recommended crime priorities.

Choice of crime priorities and Multi-Annual Strategic Plans


The Standing Committee on operational cooperation on internal

security (COSI) examines the SOCTA recommended priorities.
On that basis, the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Ministers in the
Council adopt the EU crime priorities for that policy cycle (i.e. for
the next four years) taking into account comments from member
states, agencies and the Commission, as well as other relevant
assessments and policies.

Subsequently, the Commission convenes a meeting of representatives

from the member states, the JHA agencies and EU institutions to draft
a four-year multi-annual strategic plan (one MASP per priority and a
general horizontal MASP to strengthen the consistency and facilitate
the MASP drafting). The MASP contains a list of general objectives
(‘strategic goals’) that should be achieved during the cycle. These
MASPs are approved by COSI.
Operational Action Plans (OAPs) and Drivers reporting

The MASPs are implemented by Operational Action Plans (OAPs),

usually one per priority and per year. They are drafted by representa-
tives of the participating member states, EU institutions and agen-
cies. These OAPS are approved by COSI.

The OAPs include joint member states/agencies actions, but also

agencies’ actions and national actions. The joint actions are carried
out as EMPACT (European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal
Threats) projects. This framework provides a structured cooperation
platform for the relevant member states, EU institutions and agencies,
as well as third partners.

The implementation of each OAP is led by a ‘Driver’ from the mem-

ber state volunteering to lead the priority and the implementation is
overseen at national level by National EMPACT Coordinators (NECs).

The EMPACT Support Team (EST) at Europol provides administrative

and logistical support to the crime priorities. Europol also designates
EMPACT Support Managers to ensure operational support to all
crime priorities.

COSI approves the OAPs and will monitor their implementation on

the basis of a six monthly reporting by the Drivers via the EST.

Commission review and interim assessment

Annual reporting by the Drivers and an interim assessment by

Europol provide opportunities to adapt/modify the MASPs, or
the priorities if necessary. COSI also carries out both a mid-term
and final assessment of the results of the actions to measure the
achievement of the strategic goals with a view to improving
the operational implementation. The Commission conducts a
thorough and independent evaluation at the end of the policy
cycle. The lessons learnt from this evaluation serve as input for
the next policy cycle.
2018–2021 EU CRIME PRIORITIES (adopted in May 2017)

• Cybercrime in particular attacks against information systems,
child sexual exploitation, and non-cash payment fraud.
• Production, trafficking and distribution of cannabis, cocaine,
• Production, trafficking and distribution of new psychoactive
substances and synthetic drugs.
• Facilitation of illegal immigration by providing facilitation services
to irregular migrants along the main migratory routes crossing
the external border of the EU and within the EU, particularly
focussing on those whose methods endanger people’s lives,
those offering their services online and making use of document
fraud as part of their business model.
• Organised property crime committed by highly mobile organ-
ised crime groups carrying out organised thefts and burglaries
across the EU.
• Trafficking in human beings in the EU for all forms of exploitation,
including sexual and labour exploitation as well as all forms of
child trafficking.
• Excise fraud and Missing Trader Intra Community (MTIC) fraud.
• Illicit trafficking, distribution and use of firearms.
• Environmental crime, more particularly wildlife and illicit waste
• Criminal finances and money laundering and facilitate asset
• Document fraud in the EU, in particular organised crime groups
involved in the production and provision of fraudulent and false
documents to other criminals.


Available on the Council website using the document numbers


www.consilium.europa.eu > Documents & Publications

• Council conclusions on setting the EU’s priorities for the fight

against organised and serious international crime between 2018
and 2021 (doc 9450/17)
• Council Conclusions on the continuation of the EU Policy Cycle
for organised and serious international crime for the period 2018-
2021 (doc 7704/17)
• EU Policy Cycle Terms of Reference (doc 10544/2/17 REV 2)
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175
1048 Bruxelles/Brussel
Tel. +32 (0)2 281 61 11

For communication with Europol in relation to EMPACT
projects, use the following address:

For all communication with the General Secretariat of

the Council use the following address:

More information available on:

© European Union, 2018

ISBN 978-92-824-6494-6

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