Nelson - 6thg Math

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Dakota State University

College of Education

Name: Amanda Nelson

Grade Level: 6th Grade
School: N/A
Date: March 27, 2018
Time: N/A

Reflection from prior lesson:

During our last lesson, we introduced how to identify integers and their opposites by
using a number line. We used the student activity book and each student made their
own number line to use as a resource. The studentss have a great understanding of
how to use their number lines to find integers and their opposites.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.NS.C.6​ ​- Understand a rational number as a point on the
number line. Extend number line diagrams and coordinate axes familiar from previous
grades to represent points on the line and in the plane with negative number

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.NS.C.7​ - Understand ordering and absolute value of

rational numbers.

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.NS.C.7.A​ ​ - Interpret statements of inequality as

statements about the relative position of two numbers on a number line diagram. ​For
example, interpret -3 > -7 as a statement that -3 is located to the right of -7 on a
number line oriented from left to right.​

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.NS.C.7.B​ - Write, interpret, and explain statements of

order for rational numbers in real-world contexts. ​For example, write -3 ​o​C > -7 ​o​C to
express the fact that -3 ​o​C is warmer than -7 ​o​C​.

CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP1​ Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP2​ - Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP3​ - ​Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning

of others.

CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP5​ - Use appropriate tools strategically.

Lesson Objectives:
Given a number line, students will compare and order integers by completing a
worksheet using terms such as greater than and less than with 90% accuracy.

Materials Needed:
● Student Math Workbooks
● Pre-made number lines from previous lesson
● SmartBoard/Projector
● Pencils
● Scratch paper

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

Students in this class work best in groups or with partners. They like to collaborate with
each other and learn through hands-on activities and real-world scenarios. The class,
however, meets right after lunch. So, students need to be re-focused at beginning of
each math lesson. There are a couple students who really struggle with math concepts
and need a lot of reinforcement. There are two students who are on IEPs for math.

A. The Lesson

1. Introduction​ (​3 minutes​)

● Getting attention​ - Show students two different images of thermometers side
by side on the SmartBoard. The first thermometer says, “-20 degrees,” and
the second says, “-8 degrees.” Ask students, “Which temperature is colder?
How can you decide?”
● Relating to past experience and/or knowledge​ - “Yesterday, we talked
about finding integers on a number line and their opposites. How did we find
those numbers?”
● Creating a need to know​ - “Today we are going to learn how to compare
and order those integers in a variety of story problems.”
● Sharing objective, in general terms​ - “We are going to use our number
lines again to compare and order integers using greater than and less than
2. Content Delivery​ (​50 min.​)

Part One: Discussion (20 min.)

● “Let’s look at our ‘explore activity’ in our textbooks on page 13.”
● Ask someone to read the scenario:
○ The Westfield soccer league ranks its teams using a number called the
“win/loss combined record.” A team with more wins than losses will
have a positive combined record, and a team with fewer wins than
losses will have a negative combined record. The table shows the total
win/loss combined record for each team at the end of the season.
● “What can we use to help us organize the team’s records? Right! We can plot
them on our number line.”
○ Model how to plot each point by drawing a number line on the board and
label each point according to the table. (Have students plot them on their
number lines).
● “Now that I have my number line set up, which team had the best record in the
league? How do you know?
○ Explain to students that the Wolves have the best record because their
record is farthest right on the number line.
● “Which team had the worst record? How do you know?
○ Again, explain that the Tigers have the worst record because their record
is farthest left on the number line.
● Connect both the Wolves and the Tigers records back to the previous lesson by
asking students, “What do you notice about both of their records when you look
at the number line?”

● Tell students, “When you read a number line from left to right, the numbers are in
order from least to greatest.”
○ Show an example of this by displaying “example 1 (p. 14)” on the
● Ask students, “If I want to put these numbers in order from greatest to least, what
side of the number line should I start on? Right, the right side.”
○ Model by putting the first two numbers in order and then ask for a
volunteer to come up and put the rest of the numbers in order.
● “Great! Now, what if I need to order these from least to greatest? Turn and tell
your partner how you would do this.”
○ Observation​: ​Listen for students explaining that they would start with the
number that is farthest left of the number line.
● Recap/review the conversations I heard.

● “Now let’s look at page 15. Can someone please read to us what an “inequality”
○ Choose a volunteer to read this.
○ Model and explain each symbol by writing them on the board. Also explain
that the number line can help write inequalities.
● Ask the students to use their number lines to plot the numbers -13 and 7.
● After, ask students to tell their partner which number is less than the other and
● Model how to use the inequality symbols to show that -13<7 and 7>-13.
● Say, “So, -13 is to the ​left​ of 7 on the number line. This means that -13 is less
than 7. And 7 is to the ​right ​of -13 on the number line. This means that 7 is
greater than -13.
● Ask, “How does the number line help us compare two numbers?”

Part Two: Activity (30 min.)

● I will slipt students up into appropriate pairs or groups of three during their work
● Students will complete the guided practice questions 1a - 19b on pages 16-17 of
their workbooks.
● Students will be using the number lines they used in our previous lesson to help
them complete the problems.
● Students will be answers numerical questions and story problems to apply the
concept of comparing and ordering integers.
○ Examples:
■ “List the numbers in order from least to greatest.”
■ Compare. Write < or >.
■ A hockey league tracks the plus-minus records for each player. A
plus-minus record is the difference in even strength goals for and
against the team when a player is on the ice. The following table
lists the plus-minus values for several hockey players.

3. Closure (5 min.)
● To close, I will call students back to their seats and will quickly review how we
used the number line to compare and order integers. Say, “Today we learned
how to compare integers by using inequality and ordered integers by discovering
which were greater or less than. We. . . (go through the key points).”
Key Points:
○ Graph the integers on a number line, and then read the integers in order
from left to right to order them from least to greatest.
○ When you read a number line from left to right, the numbers are in order
from least to greatest.
○ An inequality is a statement that two quantities are not equal. The symbols
< and > are used to write inequalities. (Remind them what each symbol
● I will then have students complete an exit ticket:
○ I will display the following questions on the board and ask students to
answer them by using a scratch paper and then turning it in.
■ How does a number line help us compare and order integers?
■ Compare. Write < or >. -8 and -12
■ Place the following numbers in order from greatest to least: (12, 4,
-5, 1, -6, and -10)

B. Assessments Used

Observations during discussion: ​Did the students understand how to list integers
from least to greatest and vice versa when using a number line? Did the students
understand why one integer is greater than the other (and vice versa)? Did students use
the phrases, “__is greater than__ because__?” Did students understand the definition of
inequality and the difference between < and >?

Observations during activity/guided practice: ​Are students using their number lines
as a strategy to answer story problems? Do students understand that ​when you read a
number line from left to right, the numbers are in order from least to greatest?

Worksheet (completed with partners): ​Questions 1a - 19b on pages 16-17. Are

students working together? Does each student understand or are struggling students
just watching?

Exit Ticket - ​Did students answer correctly and understand all of the components of the

C. Differentiated Instruction
● Remediation​ - During the activity, I will conference briefly with each pair or group
of students to check their understanding. I will also group students according to
their instructional level. For my students who are on an IEP, I have them
complete the reteach activity (12 questions with smaller integers). For example,
“Order the integers from least to greatest: -2, -5, -1.
● Enrichment​ - For my students who understand the content and complete their
activity early, I will present them with a challenge question:
○ “Five friends were flying kites. Abe’s kite flew up to 15 feet, Beth’s went to
23 feet, Casey’s went to 11 feet, Davio’s went to 31 feet, and Eric’s never
left the ground. Write the friend’s names in order from the person whose
kite flew the highest to the person whose kite flew the lowest. Compare
the hight of Abe’s kite and Beth’s kite by using < or >.”
○ When students finish with their challenge question, they can help teach
other students who are struggling.
D. Resources
● Go Math! Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company - 6th Grade: Lesson 1.2

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