Xiao OPMGGB2306 Spring15
Xiao OPMGGB2306 Spring15
Xiao OPMGGB2306 Spring15
With increasing competition around the globe, supply chain management is both a challenge and an opportunity
for companies. Hence a strong understanding of supply chain management concepts and the ability to recommend
improvements should be in the toolbox of all managers. The objective of this course is to introduce you to the key
concepts and techniques that will allow you to analyze, manage and improve supply chain processes for different
industries and markets. At completion of this course, you will have the skills to assess supply chain performance
and make recommendations to increase supply chain competitiveness.
The course has strong emphasis on providing analytical skills, critical thinking, and managerial insights. The
topics we will cover in this course could be grouped into four main modules:
• Supply chain strategy: strategic fit, network design, global dual sourcing
• Managing supply chain risks: risk-sharing contracts, risk pooling, risk hedging
• Coordinating supply chain: sales & operations planning, bullwhip effect
• Guest lecture: there will be one or two guest lectures and the topics are to be determined.
Each topic will be discussed using concrete examples that are of practical relevance, with rigorous spreadsheet
based analysis. We will also watch videos and play games in class to facilitate learning.
The core operations class and a genuine interest in supply chain management.
Intended Audience
Students who are interested in (1) operations and supply chain management, (2) management consulting, (3)
investment, and (4) marketing.
Course Materials
Textbook (all optional)
• Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operations (5th Edition) by Sunil Chopra and Peter
Meindl. Prentice Hall, 2012.
• Operations Strategy: Principles and Practice by Jan A. Van Mieghem. Dynamic Ideas, 2008.
Grading Policy
The grade you receive for the course is intended to certify your demonstrated proficiency in the course material.
Proficiency will be estimated by measuring your performance in:
Class Participation
This is your contributions to create and enhance a positive learning environment for this course. Grading will be
based on the quality and impact of your class participation, not on quantity (although a minimum amount of the
latter is necessary to deliver on the former.)
Please leave your name-card up for the entire duration of each class and keep the same seat for the duration of the
course. A thorough preparation of the assigned materials is all that is necessary for such leadoff questions.
When you attend, you will be expected to conduct yourself professionally and respectfully during class, which
means being attentive and considerate of others in the class. This means refraining from the use of cell phones,
text messaging, email, reading the newspaper, etc. during class. Participation scores may be adjusted for students
who consistently display unprofessional behavior.
Laptop Policy
Many students (and this professor) find the use of laptops during class to be distracting. Therefore, except when
instructed by the professor, please refrain from using your laptop during class.
Course Schedule