Lesson 1. Historical Perspective of Microbiology
Lesson 1. Historical Perspective of Microbiology
Lesson 1. Historical Perspective of Microbiology
Lesson 1
1.1 Introduction
The social and political dislocations as a result of Bubonic plague were immense,
and the resulting terror was particularly intense because the cause of the disaster
was unknown. Not until 500 years later, in 1890, did microbiologists identify the
causative organism, Yersinia pestis, carried by infected fleas. Infection spreads
among the rats as fleas bite them. But rats have little resistance to plague and
usually die. When rats become scarce, the fleas move to humans and a plague
epidemic is under way. Although rare today, Bubonic plague still occurs in parts of
the world.
The Irish famine Potato blight, a disease of plants, rather than humans, caused by a
fungus rather than a bacterium, had even greater impact than the plague. Potato
blight was responsible for the great Irish famine of the 1800s. Potatoes were the
staple of the Irish diet, so when the fungus Phytophthora infestans infected
potatoes, causing them to rot in the fields, the result was devastating. By 1846, the
potato harvest was so meager that starvation and hunger-based diseases were
widespread. An estimated 1,240,000 people had died, and 1,200,000 more had
migrated to other countries. Potato blight remains an economic threat to potato
farmers even today.
Warfare and infectious diseases have always been intimately connected. The poor
sanitation, movement of peoples, and malnutrition that a war brings, all foster
outbreaks of disease. For example, in 1812 when Napoleon invaded Russia he lost
more of his troops to typhus (a bacterial disease) than to all other causes combined.
And more of his soldiers died from wound-related bacterial infections (such as
tetanus and gas gangrene) than from the wound itself.
The first vision aid was invented (inventor unknown- possibly a monk) called a
reading stone around 1000 AD. It was a glass sphere that magnified when laid on
top of reading materials. In the year 1590, two Dutch eye-glass makers, Zaccharias
Janssen and son Hans Janssen experimented with multiple lenses placed in a tube.
The Janssens observed that viewed objects in front of the tube appeared greatly
enlarged, creating both the forerunner of the compound microscope and the
1.3.1 Microscopy
Robert Hooke (1635-1703): Robert Hooke, a young English scientist, became the
first person to view and describe fungi using a simple compound microscope. In
1665, Hooke published Micrographia, which detailed his observations of tiny cork-
like cells resembling ‘little boxes’. Hooke is known principally for his law of
elasticity (Hooke's Law) and for his work as ‘the father of microscopy’ - it was
Hooke who coined the term ‘cell’ to describe the basic unit of life.
Antony van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723): Antony van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch
merchant, made small hand-held microscopes as a hobby. Squinting through the
lens at specimens held on a pin, he discovered a world of invisible creatures he
called animalcules (small animals). He found them almost everywhere he looked:
in water droplets, particles of soil and his teeth scrapings. In 1674, Leeuwenhoek
communicated his discoveries to the Royal Society of London, sending detailed
drawings. His primary observations shook the scientific community and led to
expanded use of microscopy as a standard scientific tool (Fig. 1.1). All his
drawings and nine of the estimated 500 microscopes that Leeuwenhoek made still
exist. The most powerful of these has a magnification of 266, powerful enough to
magnify an average-sized bacterial cell to the size of the period at the end of this
Fig. 1.1 Leeuwenhoek’s microscope
The idea that life routinely arises from non-life was supported by Aristotle (Circa
350 BC). According to him, it was: “readily observable that aphids arise from the
dew which falls on plants, fleas from putrid matter, mice from dirty hay”. This
belief remained unchallenged for more than 2000 years. From ancient times,
spontaneous generation was thought to be the origin of many organisms (such as
rats and flies) that routinely appeared in certain materials. Microorganisms always
appeared suddenly in certain materials (meat juices or plant extracts, for example)
that had previously been free of them. It seemed logical that microbes were
products of spontaneous generation (the formation of living things from inanimate
Needham versus Spallanzani: For 80 years the above debate continued. Then the
proponents of spontaneous generation seemed to gain ground when in 1745 an
English clergyman named John Needham did a well-publicized experiment.
Everyone knew boiling killed microorganisms. Therefore, he boiled chicken broth,
put it in a flask, and sealed it. Microorganisms could develop in it only by
spontaneous generation. Experiments with gravy seemed to show that life could be
generated from non-living materials.
But an Italian priest and professor named Lazzaro Spallanzani was not convinced.
According to him, perhaps microorganisms entered the broth after boiling but
before sealing. Therefore, Spallanzani put broth in a flask, sealed it, and then
boiled it. No microorganisms appeared in the cooled broth. Still the critics were not
persuaded. Spallanzani didn’t disprove spontaneous generation, they said, he just
proved that spontaneous generation required air.
Gradually, spontaneous generation was rejected as the origin of visible organisms.
Francesco Redi, a physician in Italy, played a major role. In 1665 he did
experiments with covered and uncovered jars of meat. He showed that maggots
(fly larvae) developed only in meat that flies could reach to lay eggs on.
Apparently, spontaneous generation did not occur, at least in the case of flies.
Instead, flies and by extension all living things come only from preexisting living
things. Still, many people believed that microorganisms were an exception to this
rule. They are very simple and they always appear, in large numbers, soon after a
plant or animal dies. Could decomposition form microorganisms instead of
microorganisms causing decomposition? Controversy of spontaneous generation
gained momentum during the late 18th and 19th centuries, when further advances
in microscopy allowed people to view bacteria and other microorganisms.
1.5 Pasteur’s Experiments
Remarkably, the controversy continued another 100 years and became a significant
barrier to the development of microbiology as a science. Finally, in 1859 the
French Academy of Science sponsored a competition to prove or disprove the
theory of spontaneous generation of microbes. A young French chemist named
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) entered to counter the argument that air was necessary
for spontaneous generation. Pasteur used barriers that allowed free passage of air
but not microorganisms. In his most famous experiment, Pasteur boiled meat broth
in a flask and then drew out and curved the neck of the flask in a flame in the shape
of a swan’s neck (Fig. 1.2). No microorganisms grew in the flask. But when he
tilted the flask so some broth flowed into the curved neck and then tilted it back so
the broth was returned to the base of the flask, the broth quickly became cloudy
with the growth of microbial cells. Gravity had caused the microbial cells that had
entered the flask to settle at the low point of the neck. They never reached the broth
in the base until they were washed into it. Thus, Pasteur convinced the scientific
world that spontaneous generation of microorganisms does not occur even in the
presence of air. Pasteur’s simple but elegant experiments grounded microbiology
in scientific reality. Microorganisms could now be studied by rational scientific
means. Probably the most famous contribution to microbiology by Pasteur is the
heating process he developed to kill spoilage microbes while still preserving
1.6 Fermentation
1.7 Immunology
Edward Anthony Jenner (1749-1823) was an English scientist who studied his
natural surroundings in Berkeley, Gloucestershire. Jenner is widely credited as the
pioneer of smallpox vaccine, and is sometimes referred to as the 'Father of
Immunology'. Though Pasteur's achievements in microbial immunity were
revolutionary, Jenner is credited with inventing the first vaccine against smallpox
in late 1700s. In 1796, Jenner developed a controversial experiment to determine
the validity of rumours that were circulating in rural communities. Milkmaids and
villagers often recanted, "if you want to marry a woman who will never be scarred
by the pox, marry a milkmaid." Jenner speculated that becoming infected with
cowpox could offer protection against the more virulent smallpox. To test his
hypothesis, he created an inoculation with scrapings of cowpox lesions from the
fingers of Sarah Nelmes, a young milkmaid and injected it into an 8-year old boy
named James Phipps. As expected, James developed the mild fever and cowpox
lesions typical of the disease. After a few weeks of recovery, Jenner injected James
with the live smallpox virus and found that the boy was indeed protected from the
disease. In 1798, Jenner published his findings and presented them to the Royal
Joseph Lister (1827-1912), a British surgeon was the pioneer of antiseptic surgery,
who promoted the idea of sterile surgery while working at the Glasgow Royal
Infirmary. Lister successfully introduced carbolic acid to sterilise surgical
instruments and to clean wounds, which led to reduced post-operative infections
and made surgery safer for patients.
1.10 Sterilization
In 1877, John Tyndall published his method for fractional sterilization and clarified
the role of heat resistant factors (spores) in putrefaction. Tyndall's conclusion
added a final footnote to the work of Pasteur and others in proving that
spontaneous generation is impossible. For some of his experiments on light and
gases he needed to cleanse the air of particles and so developed a completely novel
way to assay the purity of air. ‘The eye being kept sensitive by darkness’, Tyndall
reported, ‘a concentrated beam of light was found to be a most searching test for
suspended matter – a test indeed indefinitely more searching than that furnished by
the most powerful microscope’. Using his new piece of equipment, which relied on
observing light scattered by dust particles, Tyndall quickly made a series of
important observations on the properties of the ‘floating matter’ of air.
1.12 Virology
Virology, the study of viruses, began in 1892, when the Russian microbiologist
Dmitri Iwanowski discovered the tobacco mosaic virus. Iwanowski was studying a
disease of tobacco plants called tobacco mosaic disease. To identify its cause, he
forced juice from diseased plants through filters that retained the smallest bacteria.
He found the filtered juice still caused disease. Because bacteria were believed to
be the smallest microorganisms, Iwanowski first thought his methodology might be
flawed. But repeated experimentation convinced him that minute disease-causing
agents were passing through the filter. He called these tiny agents ‘filterable
viruses’. They could not be seen, even under the most powerful microscopes of
that time. Until the electron microscope was developed in the 1930s, we knew
viruses existed.
1.12.1 Bacteriophage
In 1915, the first discovery of bacteriophage was done by Frederick Twort. Twort's
discovery was something of an accident. He had spent several years growing
viruses and noticed that the bacteria infecting his plates became transparent. Later
on in 1917 Felix d'Herrelle independently described bacterial viruses and coined
the name ‘bacteriophage’. In 1926, Thomas Rivers distinguished between bacteria
and viruses, establishing virology as a separate area of study.