Short Story Writing Assessment 2018
Short Story Writing Assessment 2018
Short Story Writing Assessment 2018
Conflict one
Conflict two
Describe how your story will conclude: will the story end
happily/sadly? Will there be a twist? Will anything be
Adjectives and Adverbs
Adjective: is a word that describes or clarifies a noun. Adjectives describe nouns by giving some information about
an object's size, shape, age, colour, origin or material.
Adverb: is a part of speech used to describe a verb, adjective, clause, or another adverb. It is used to tell the reader
how, where, when, or the degree at which something was done.
Fil in the table with 5 nouns you will use in your short story and then write down some adjectives (at least two for
each noun) that could describe it. You may like to refer to the list on the following page to assist you with this task.
Adjectives Nouns
Beautiful, ugly, old etc. House
Fil in the table with 5 verbs you will use in your short story and then write down some adverbs (at least two for each
noun) that could describe it. You may like to refer to the list on the following page to assist you with this task.
Adverbs Verbs
Lazily, hastily, slowly etc. Walked
Adverbs and Adjectives
Please find a list of various adverbs and adjectives that you could use within your story. Try to extend on these
Task Instructions
For this assessment task, you must choose a genre (e.g. romance, science fiction or crime) and then
plan and write a short story that follows the appropriate conventions for that type of writing.
You will begin this task by thoroughly planning your story and closely considering what plot,
character, setting and mood elements are most appropriate for the genre you have chosen.
Your story will need to follow correct short story structure. This mean that you must have an
orientation, conflict (problems and solutions), climax and resolution.
You will be required to submit the following planning:
- Handwritten planning template
- Handwritten draft of initial concept
- First typed draft to be edited by your teacher with feedback
-Second typed draft to be self-edited and peer assessed
-Final copy
Your story should be at least 600-800 words in length. Your ability to reach or stay within the word
limit will depend on how thoroughly you planned your story. Make sure you allocate adequate time
towards this part of the task.
Use a range of adjectives, verbs, metaphors, similes and idioms to make your story more interesting
and engaging.
It is expected that you use your class and homework time to complete your story. Each lesson, you
should be able to show your teacher the progress you have made.
Make sure you read the criteria sheet carefully. Ask your teacher if you are unsure about any of the
task requirements. It is a good idea to check your work against the criteria sheet before you submit it.
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 NS
Evidence of planning All planning was Planning was Planning was A plan was
Has this work been planned? submitted with submitted but submitted but it is sighted in class
Was all planning submitted story. further detail largely but not submitted
with the story? needed. incomplete. with final copy of
Dramatic Tension Dramatic tension Attempts to build Attempts are Describes people Contains some
Does the writer engage, is expertly built dramatic tension made to engage and place but simple writing
orient and affect the with deliberate with deliberate the reader but does not develop content.
reader by building language choices language choices intensity of the dramatic tension.
dramatic tension? & the use of & the use of original problem
narrative devices narrative devices is too high or
in problem and in the problem there is no
reaction phases. and reaction increase in
phases. tension over time.
Ideas Ideas are skilfully Ideas are Ideas show some Ideas are few, not Ideas are few and
Does the story develop used to generate, substantial and development or elaborated or simple and at
and craft interesting ideas craft and develop effectively elaboration. All very predictable. times seem
to develop theme? a recognisable contribute to the ideas relate unrelated.
theme. development of a coherently to a
recognisable central storyline.
Sentence Structure All sentences are Most simple and Some correct
Are sentences correct, well- compound formation of
grammatically correct, developed, sentences are sentences. Some
structurally sound and express precise correct. Some meaning is
meaningful. meaning and complex communicated.
effectively vary in sentences are
length. correct. Meaning
is mostly clear.