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Angina pectories- a comprehensive review of clinical features, differential

diagnosis, and remedies

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5125 Debjit Bhowmik et al./ Elixir Pharmacy 40 (2011) 5125-5130

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Elixir Pharmacy 40 (2011) 5125-5130

Angina pectories- a comprehensive review of clinical features, differential

diagnosis, and remedies
Debjit Bhowmik1, B.C.Das1, A.S.Dutta2 and K.P. Sampath kumar3
Karpagam University, Coimbatore, India
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, R.K. Pharmacy College, Azamgarh
Coimbatore Medical College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.

Art i c l e h i st ory : Angina pectoris is the medical term for chest pain or discomfort due to coronary heart
Received: 15 August 2011; disease. Angina is a symptom of a condition called myocardial ischemia. It occurs when
Received in revised form: the heart muscle (myocardium) doesn't get as much blood (hence as much oxygen) as it
16 October 2011; needs. This usually happens because one or more of the heart's arteries (coronary blood
Accepted: 25 October 2011; vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle) is narrowed or blocked. Insufficient blood
supply is called ischemia. Major risk factors for angina include cigarette smoking, diabetes,
K ey w or d s high cholesterol, high blood pressure, sedentary lifestyle and family history of premature
Angina Pectories, heart disease. . This causes the distal part of the heart does not receive any more blood and
Stable angina, individuals will develop chest pain. Initially when the coronary disease is mild the angina
Coronary Heart Disease, will occur during exercise, eating heavy meals, extreme heat or stress. As the coronary
Coronary Artery Spasm. disease worsens, the angina will come on with minimal work and may even occur at rest.
The first approach in the treatment of angina pectoris is to prevent the progression of heart
disease. By addressing the known causes of heart disease, such as reducing high cholesterol
levels, controlling high blood pressure, stopping smoking, losing weight, exercising and
eating a “heart-healthy” diet, the symptoms can be reduced. Most people can live a
productive life if they make the necessary lifestyle changes. By following medical advice,
taking doctor-prescribed medication, maintaining a good, physical condition and eating well,
angina can be controlled. There are also natural alternatives to conventional medicine such
as herbal and homeopathic remedies useful in controlling angina without the harsh side
effects associated with prescription drugs. Herbal and homeopathic remedies are safe and
gentle to use, while at the same time addressing the underlying causes of the condition.
© 2011 Elixir All rights reserved.

Introduction individual who die suddenly and have no symptoms. No race or

Angina pectoris is a medical condition that occurs when ethnic groups are immune from coronary artery disease. angina
your heart receives a decreased amount of oxygenated blood. pectoris is far more common in women than men. In addition,
Often, this occurs due to deposits of cholesterol clogging the angina in women can present in an atypical fashion. The pain
blood vessels that carry blood to your heart. Patients who have may not be in the chest area and the pain may have a different
angina pectoris are at an risk for having a heart attack, Chest quality. To improve the prognosis, it is essential that one change
pain behind the breastbone is the most common sign of angina the lifestyle. One should adhere to these changes, otherwise
pectoris. The discomfort may feel like pressure, squeezing, angina will recur. The best preventive measures one can take
burning or tightness, reports the National Heart Lung and Blood include - start an exercise program - stop smoking - decrease
Institute. The chest pain is most common during exercise, alcohol consumption - avoid stressful situation - avoid heavy
physical work or sexual activity. Emotional stress, cold weather and fatty meals. The best treatment of angina is drug therapy.
and nightmares may also trigger an attack of chest pain, explains The most common group of drugs used to treat angina is
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Patients with severe angina nitroglycerines. Nitroglycerin is available in various
pectoris may also develop the pain during rest without the formulations. It can be taken by mouth, placed underneath the
presence of any stress. An episode of chest pain caused by tongue and can even be given intravenously. Nitroglycerin has
angina pectoris may last from 5 to 30 minutes, Angina is a the ability to open up (dilate) blood vessel and allows more
common presenting symptom (typically, chest pain) among blood to the heart. Nitroglycerin is usually taken when one feels
patients with coronary artery disease. Statistics reveal that close the chest pain coming. A tablet is placed underneath the tongue
to 7 million American suffer from angina and countless more do and within a few minutes the pain will disappear. In some cases,
not even know if they have it. Each year close to half a million two tablets may be required. Nitroglycerin formulations are also
new cases are diagnosed. The common condition affects nearly available as an oral pill which must be taken 2-3 times a day.
¼ individuals over the age of 55. Each year, there are more than Beta blockers have been used to treat coronary disease for
1 million cases of recurrent acute angina, with a morality rate of decades. They act by decreasing the work of the heart and thus
close to 40%. In addition, there are a significant number of decrease oxygen utilization. Unfortunately they work in the long

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5126 Debjit Bhowmik et al./ Elixir Pharmacy 40 (2011) 5125-5130

term and do not work immediately, like nitroglycerin. Beta Coronary Artery Spasm
blockers have to be taken every day and have a few side effects Another cause of unstable angina is coronary artery
like a decrease in libido. Calcium channel blockers are very spasm.Spasm of the muscles surrounding the coronary arteries
effective in the treatment of angina, but like the beta blockers causes them to narrow or close off temporarily. This blocks the
they have to be taken daily. flow of blood to the heart muscle for a brief time, causing angina
Causes angina pectories symptoms. This is called variant angina or Prinzmetal angina.
In most cases, the cause of angina is coronary This is not the same as atherosclerosis, although some people
atherosclerosis: the thickening of arteries that supply blood, have both conditions. The symptoms often come on at rest (or
oxygen and nutrients to the heart. This happens when fatty during sleep) and without apparent cause.Cocaine use/abuse can
deposits, called plaques or atheroma, narrow the arteries over cause significant spasm of the coronary arteries and lead to a
time and reduce blood flow to the heart.Symptoms may only heart attack.
appear at times when your heart needs more blood supply, such Risk factors
as when you're stressed, exercising or climbing stairs.As your All of us have fatty deposits in our arteries to some degree.
heart tries to pump faster to meet your body's increased Atherosclerosis can start as early as our 20s and increases with
demands, the narrowed arteries struggle to keep up. The heart age. But there are risk factors that are known to increase the
then receives too little oxygen, which causes pain in the heart development of fatty deposits that can cause your arteries to
that is felt as chest pain.In severe cases this can also happen narrow.
when the heart is at rest. • A family history of atherosclerosis.
Types of angina pectories • High levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood.
Angina is classified as one of the following two types: • High blood pressure.
 Stable angina • Smoking.
 Unstable angina • Being male.
Stable Angina • Diabetes.
Stable angina is the most common angina, and the type
• Obesity.
most people mean when they refer to angina. People with stable
• Stress.
angina usually have angina symptoms on a regular basis. The
episodes occur in a pattern and are predictable. For most people, • Lack of regular exercise.
angina symptoms occur after short bursts of exertion. Stable Symptoms of angina pectories
angina symptoms usually last less than five minutes. They are Symptoms typically start during physical exertion or
emotional stress. They are often worse in cold or windy weather
usually relieved by rest or medication, such as nitroglycerin
and sometimes after big meals.
under the tongue.
Unstable Angina • A squeezing or heavy pressing sensation on the chest.
Unstable angina is less common. Angina symptoms are • Increased shortness of breath on exercise.
unpredictable and often occur at rest. This may indicate a • A sense of heaviness or numbness in the arm, shoulder, elbow
worsening of stable angina, but sometimes the first time a person or hand, usually on the left side.
has angina it is already unstable. The symptoms are worse in • A constricting sensation in the throat.
unstable angina - the pains are more frequent, more severe, last • The discomfort can radiate into arms, the jaw, teeth, ears,
longer, occur at rest, and are not relieved by nitroglycerin under stomach and in rare cases between the shoulder blades.
the tongue. Unstable angina is associated with the same symptoms at
Unstable angina is not the same as a heart attack, but it rest. In some cases the fatty deposits that restrict blood flow can
warrants an immediate visit to the healthcare provider or a rupture. Blood then clots around the rupture, and the clot may be
hospital emergency department. The patient may need to be large enough to block the artery and seal off the blood supply.
hospitalized to prevent a heart attack. If the patient has stable This may cause unstable angina or a heart attack.
angina, any of the following may indicate worsening of the Pathophysiology
condition: An angina episode that is different from the regular Myocardial ischemia develops when coronary blood flow
pattern Being awakened at night by angina symptoms More becomes inadequate to meet myocardial oxygen demand. This
severe symptoms than usual Having angina symptoms more causes myocardial cells to switch from aerobic to anaerobic
often than usual Angina symptoms lasting longer than usual. metabolism, with a progressive impairment of metabolic,
Coronary Heart Disease mechanical, and electrical functions. Angina pectoris is the most
The most common cause for the heart not getting enough common clinical manifestation of myocardial ischemia. It is
blood is coronary heart disease, also called coronary artery caused by chemical and mechanical stimulation of sensory
disease. In this disease, the coronary arteries become blocked, afferent nerve endings in the coronary vessels and myocardium.
narrowed, or otherwise damaged. These nerve fibers extend from the first to fourth thoracic spinal
They can no longer supply the heart with all of the blood it nerves, ascending via the spinal cord to the thalamus, and from
needs. Most cases of coronary heart disease are caused by there to the cerebral cortex. Studies have shown that adenosine
atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).Atherosclerosis is a may be the main chemical mediator of anginal pain. During
condition in which a fatty substance/cholesterol builds up inside ischemia, ATP is degraded to adenosine, which, after diffusion
the blood vessels. These buildups are called plaques, and they to the extracellular space, causes arteriolar dilation and anginal
can block blood flow through the vessels partially or completely. pain. Adenosine induces angina mainly by stimulating the A1
Multiple risk factors, particularly: diabetes, high blood pressure, receptors in cardiac afferent nerve endings Heart rate,
smoking, high cholesterol, and genetic predisposition may myocardial inotropic state, and myocardial wall tension are the
accelerate this build up. major determinants of myocardial metabolic activity and
myocardial oxygen demand. Increases in the heart rate and
5127 Debjit Bhowmik et al./ Elixir Pharmacy 40 (2011) 5125-5130

myocardial contractile state result in increased myocardial with this syndrome are postmenopausal women, and they
oxygen demand. Increases in both after load (ie, aortic pressure) usually have an excellent prognosis Syndrome X is believed to
and preload (ie, ventricular end-diastolic volume) result in a be caused by microvascular angina. Multiple mechanisms may
proportional elevation of myocardial wall tension and, therefore, be responsible for this syndrome, including (1) impaired
increased myocardial oxygen demand. Oxygen supply to any endothelial dysfunction (2) increased release of local
organ system is determined by blood flow and oxygen vasoconstrictors, (3) fibrosis and medial hypertrophy of the
extraction. Because the resting coronary venous oxygen microcirculation, (4) abnormal cardiac adrenergic nerve
saturation is already at a relatively low level (approximately function, and/or (5) estrogen deficiency A number of
30%), the myocardium has a limited ability to increase its extravascular forces produced by contraction of adjacent
oxygen extraction during episodes of increased demand. Thus, myocardium and intraventricular pressures can influence
an increase in myocardial oxygen demand (eg, during exercise) coronary microcirculation resistance and thus reduce CFR.
must be met by a proportional increase in coronary blood Extravascular compressive forces are highest in the
flow.The ability of the coronary arteries to increase blood flow subendocardium and decrease toward the subepicardium. Left
in response to increased cardiac metabolic demand is referred to ventricular (LV) hypertrophy together with a higher myocardial
as coronary flow reserve (CFR). In healthy people, the maximal oxygen demand (eg, during tachycardia) cause greater
coronary blood flow after full dilation of the coronary arteries is susceptibility to ischemia in subendocardial layers. Myocardial
roughly 4-6 times the resting coronary blood flow. CFR depends ischemia can also be the result of factors affecting blood
on at least 3 factors: large and small coronary artery resistance, composition, such as reduced oxygen-carrying capacity of
extravascular (ie, myocardial and interstitial) resistance, and blood, as is observed with severe anemia (hemoglobin, <8 g/dL),
blood composition.Myocardial ischemia can result from (1) a or elevated levels of carboxyhemoglobin. The latter may be the
reduction of coronary blood flow caused by fixed and/or result of inhalation of carbon monoxide in a closed area or of
dynamic epicardial coronary artery (ie, conductive vessel) long-term smoking. Ambulatory ECG monitoring has shown
stenosis, (2) abnormal constriction or deficient relaxation of that silent ischemia is a common phenomenon among patients
coronary microcirculation (ie, resistance vessels), or (3) reduced with established coronary artery disease. In one study, as many
oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. Atherosclerosis is the as 75% of episodes of ischemia (defined as transient ST
most common cause of epicardial coronary artery stenosis and, depression of >1 mm persisting for at least 1 min) occurring in
hence, angina pectoris. Patients with a fixed coronary patients with stable angina were clinically silent. Silent ischemia
atherosclerotic lesion of at least 50% show myocardial ischemia occurs most frequently in early morning hours and may result in
during increased myocardial metabolic demand as the result of a transient myocardial contractile dysfunction (ie, stunning). The
significant reduction in CFR. These patients are not able to exact mechanism(s) for silent ischemia is not known. However,
increase their coronary blood flow during stress to match the autonomic dysfunction (especially in patients with diabetes), a
increased myocardial metabolic demand, thus they experience higher pain threshold in some individuals, and the production of
angina. Fixed atherosclerotic lesions of at least 90% almost excessive quantities of endorphins are among the more popular
completely abolish the flow reserve; patients with these lesions hypotheses.
may experience angina at rest.Coronary spasm can also reduce Exams and tests
CFR significantly by causing dynamic stenosis of coronary Upon hearing about the patient's symptoms, the primary
arteries. Prinzmetal angina is defined as resting angina healthcare provider or the provider in the emergency department
associated with ST-segment elevation caused by focal coronary will immediately think of angina and other heart problems. Time
artery spasm. Although most patients with Prinzmetal angina is of the essence - treatment will probably begin as the
have underlying fixed coronary lesions, some have evaluation continues. An electrocardiogram (ECG) will be done.
angiographically normal coronary arteries. Several mechanisms This painless test checks for abnormalities in the beating of the
have been proposed for Prinzmetal angina: focal deficiency of heart. Electrodes are attached to the chest and other points on the
nitric oxide production, hyperinsulinemia, low intracellular body. The electrodes read the electrical impulses linked to the
magnesium levels, smoking cigarettes, and using beating of the heart. The ECG looks for signs of a heart attack or
cocaine.Approximately 30% of patients with chest pain referred of impaired blood flow to the heart. For many patients with
for cardiac catheterization have normal or minimal angina, the ECG result is normal. The patient may have a chest
atherosclerosis of coronary arteries. A subset of these patients x-ray. This will show any fluid buildup in the lungs. It can also
demonstrates reduced CFR that is believed to be caused by rule out some other causes of chest pain. There is no blood lab
functional and structural alterations of small coronary arteries test that can tell with certainty that someone is having angina.
and arterioles (ie, resistance vessels). Under normal conditions, There are certain blood tests that suggest that a person may be
resistance vessels are responsible for as much as 95% of having a heart attack. These tests may be done if a heart attack is
coronary artery resistance, with the remaining 5% being from suspected. While these tests are going on, the healthcare
epicardial coronary arteries (ie, conductive vessels). The former provider will be asking questions to help with the diagnosis. The
is not visualized during regular coronary catheterization. Angina questions will be about the symptoms and about the patient's
due to dysfunction of small coronary arteries and arterioles is medical history: previous operations, medications, allergies, and
called microvascular angina. Several diseases, such as diabetes habits and lifestyle. The physical exam will include listening to
mellitus, hypertension, and systemic collagen vascular diseases the heart and lungs and feeling the heart through the chest. If,
(eg, systemic lupus erythematosus, polyarteritis nodosa), are after these tests, the healthcare provider suspects the patient may
believed to cause microvascular abnormalities with subsequent have coronary heart disease, additional tests will be performed
reduction in CFR.The syndrome that includes angina pectoris, to confirm the possibility.
ischemia like ST-segment changes and/or myocardial perfusion Exercise stress test: An ECG is taken before, during, and after
defects during stress testing, and angiographically normal exercise (usually walking on a treadmill) to detect inadequate
coronary arteries is referred to as syndrome X. Most patients
5128 Debjit Bhowmik et al./ Elixir Pharmacy 40 (2011) 5125-5130

blood flow to the heart muscle indirectly by changes on the inserted into the artery at this time to help prevent it narrowing
ECG. This usually is done only for stable angina. down again in the future.
Thallium stress test: This is a more complex and expensive test • Bypass operation: a superficial blood vessel is taken from
that injects a radioisotope into the circulation and indirectly another part of your body, usually the leg, and joined to the
detects parts of the heart that may not be getting enough blood coronary artery to bypass the obstruction to blood flow.
during "stress" (usually walking on a treadmill, or after Transmyocardial Revascularization
administration of a drug that mimics exercise in those unable to Transmyocardial revascularization is a procedure for people
walk on the treadmill). This information indicates more who cannot undergo angioplasty or surgery. A simple incision is
accurately whether any of the coronary arteries may be made in the chest, and a laser is used to "drill" small holes
narrowed, causing inadequate blood flow to the heart muscle or through the outside wall of the heart into the left ventricle.
ventricle. Again, this is usually done only for stable angina. About 20-40 holes are made. Bleeding from these holes is
Dobutamine echocardiogram stress test: This is done for minimal and usually stops after a few minutes of pressure. It is
people who cannot walk on a treadmill. A drug called not clear why this helps relieve angina. One theory is that it
dobutamine stimulates and speeds up the heart, creating an stimulates growth of new blood vessels that improve blood flow
increased demand or need for blood flow tot he left ventricle or to the heart. Other investigators believe it is a placebo effect.
muscle. If the muscle shows a slowing of function on the Current research is focusing on trying to find growth factors that
ultrasound image of the heart muscle, then it indirectly indicates could be injected into coronary arteries or directly into the left
inadequate blood flow to the muscle. ventricle to encourage growth of new blood vessels.
Coronary angiogram (or arteriogram): This test of the Diet for preventing angina pectoris
coronary arteries is the most accurate but also the most invasive. Obviously, a healthy diet goes a long way in preventing
It is a type of x-ray. A thin, plastic tube called a catheter is angina pectoris. The following basic guidelines need to be
threaded through an artery in the arm or groin to one of the main followed with meticulous care:- Avoid fatty foods to the
coronary arteries. A contrast, or harmless dye is injected into the maximum possible extent. This includes fried food, milk
arteries. The dye depicts the arteries directly and shows any products such as butter and cheese, full cream milk, oils, etc.
blockage more accurately than the above or more noninvasive Fermented milk products are good for people with angina. This
procedures. includes curds. Use only vegetable oils for cooking. This
The healthcare provider will make the decision about includes sunflower, olive, groundnut and rapeseed oils. Avoid
whether these tests or any treatment need to be done on an salt in the diet. Do not consume foods that are too much salty. In
urgent basis. If so, the patient will be admitted to the hospital. If meats, red meats such as mutton, beef and pork must be avoided.
not, the tests will be scheduled for the next few days, and the White meats such as poultry and fish are beneficial. Fishes with
patient may be allowed to go home high body oil content must be preferred. This includes sardines,
Treatment of angina pectories tunas, mackerels, salmons, herrings, etc. Canned fish must be
You may need to take several medicines to control strictly avoided. There should be at least two to three fish
symptoms and improve your angina. consumptions per week. Carbohydrates should form the major
• Aspirin in low doses reduces the tendency of small blood cells part of the food. This includes cereals, wheat, rice, bread,
called platelets to stick together, which helps prevent the potatoes and pasta. It is found that a little bit of alcohol is
formation of a blood clots. actually beneficial for angina, but excess is harmful. The safe
• Glyceryl trinitrate relaxes the arteries of the heart and relieves limit of alcohol is as follows:- For men: 21 units per week, and
angina attacks. GTN comes in sublingual tablet or spray form. not more than 4 units on any one day .For women: 14 units per
• Long-acting nitrates reduce the frequency of angina attacks. week, and not more than 3 units on any one day.
These can be in the form of tablets or patches and are very Prevention of angina pectories
effective. Their main side-effect is headache, but this often Many of the risk factors for angina can be tackled by
disappears once the nitrate has been taken for some weeks. lifestyle changes.
• Beta-blockers block the effect of the hormone adrenaline so • Eat a varied and healthy diet with plenty of leafy vegetables.
that the pulse is slowed and blood pressure lowered. This Avoid sugary foods and saturated fats found in meat and full-fat
reduces the heart's need for oxygen and improves the supply of dairy products.
blood to the heart muscle. They are also important in protecting • Stop smoking. Your doctor or pharmacist will be able to
the heart after heart attacks. provide advice about stop-smoking programmes and medicines
• Calcium-channel blockers reduce the muscle tension in the that can help you quit.
coronary arteries, expanding them and creating more room. • Lose weight if you are overweight.
They also slightly relax the heart muscle, reducing the heart's • Exercise more: aim for a half-hour walk each day.
need for oxygen and reducing blood pressure. • If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, maintain
• The potassium-channel activator nicorandil (Ikorel) reduces treatment for these conditions.
muscle tension in the blood vessel walls, expanding them and Ayurvedic herbs
improving the flow of blood and the supply of oxygen. Ayurveda is a treasure-house of remedies for angina
Surgery pectoris. There is a long list of herbs that have been used since
If you have severe angina that is not responding to ancient times for the treatment of the condition. The following is
medication, a cardiologist may decide you need surgery to a list of these herbs with their actions on the human body:-
restore heart function to an adequate level and reduce the Guggul is an age-old remedy used by Ayurvedic exponents for
likelihood of a heart attack. treating angina pectoris and its complications. Guggul is in fact a
This can be done by one of the following operations. mixture of several substances that have been extracted from the
• Angioplasty: the narrowed coronary artery is dilated (opened Commiphora mukul plant. This medicine is effective in treating
up) with a balloon. A small tube called a stent may also be atherosclerosis, which is a leading cause of angina. This is
5129 Debjit Bhowmik et al./ Elixir Pharmacy 40 (2011) 5125-5130

because of guggulsterone, which is a compound found in the 11) Heberden W. Some accounts of a disorder of the breast.
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the affected patient’s heart may get sufficient blood for daily subjects. Br Heart J. 1974; 36: 481–486.
activities, but the arteries may not be able to respond 14) Schang SJ, Pepine CJ. Transient asymptomatic ST segment
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symptoms disappear after a period of time. Rest and 15) Droste C, Roskamm H. Experimental pain measurement in
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with unstable angina, other medications such as antiplatelet Cardiol. 1983; 1: 340–345.
medications, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers and blood 16) Falcone C, Sconocchia R, Guasti L, et al. Dental pain
thinners may be given. In severe cases of angina, or where the threshold and angina pectoris in patients with coronary artery
risk of a heart attack is high, surgical procedures such as a disease. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1998; 12: 348–352.
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5130 Debjit Bhowmik et al./ Elixir Pharmacy 40 (2011) 5125-5130

Ayurvedic Name of Biological Common English Action on the Human Body

the Herb Name of the Name of the Herb

Alfalfa Medicago Alfalfa Juice of the alfalfa grass is used for people with arterial and heart
satina problems. The benefits of this juice are improved by taking it in a mixture
with carrot juice.

Amla Emblica Indian Gooseberry Amla tones up all the organs of the body, and that includes the heart. Thus
officinalis it betters the pumping action of the heart.

Chachinga Trichosanthes Snake Gourd The leaves of the snake gourd have been traditionally used as medicine for
anguina treating pain in the heart due to physical exertion.

Haldi Curcuma Turmeric Curcumin is a chemical compound present in turmeric. This compound is
longa known to lower the amount of serum cholesterol and even the blood sugar

Kahu Terminalia Arjuna Arjuna is perhaps the most beneficial herb used by Ayurvedic
arjuna practitioners in the treatment of angina-related problems. The bark of the
arjuna tree is known to have stimulant action on the heart.

Lahsoona Allium sativa Garlic Garlic is beneficial for people with angina pectoris as it is a known blood
thinner. For this reason, garlic must be included in the diet.

Peepal Ficus Peepal The leaves of the peepal tree are effective in treatment of heart ailments.
religiosa They are known to strengthen the heart and thus keep angina pectoris at

Pyaaza Allium cepa Onion Trials have shown that regular usage of onion for five months is beneficial
in decreasing serum cholesterol. It is also beneficial in decreasing

Rojmari Achillea Blood Wort The herb of blood wort is beneficial in the treatment of circulatory
millefolium problems due to its stimulant action. It can bring down high blood
pressure, which is a leading cause of angina pectoris.

Tilpushpi Digitalis Digitalis Treatment of angina pectoris is one of the most elemental purposes
purpurea digitalis is put to. Digitalis stimulates the muscle activity of the heart and
makes it pump better. Thus it forces more blood into the heart and
improves nourishment.

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