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At the end of various activities in one hour, at least 90% of the students from Grade 10 of Lyceum of Lal-lo
shall be able to:
a. complete expanded meaning of terms through vocabulary map;
b. interpret and analyze a short story through varied ‘thinking hats’ method;
c. use the correct/ appropriate pronoun in agreement with the antecedent;
d. relate reflection on the importance of pronoun-antecedent agreement;


A. TOPIC: Literary Text: The Magic Pear Tree (A tale from China)
Grammar Focus: Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
B. REFERENCES: Nimfa R. Gabertan, Custodio, M.A., Rabago, S. E. (2009). English hands-on, minds-on,
hearts-on Learner’s Material.
C. MATERIALS: Visual aids (Traditional/ Multimedia), Video Player, Worksheets
D. METHODS: Inductive and Collaborative Learning
Value: Importance of having a good agreement with the members of the society.


Before we start, please arrange first your chairs and pick (Students arrange their chairs and pick up the
up the pieces of paper scattered under your chairs. pieces of paper.)

Please all stand and feel the presence of the Lord through (The students stand and pray.)

Please be seated. Good morning class. Good morning Ma’am.

Class secretary, please check the attendance and give me Yes Ma’am.
the names of those who are absent today after our class.

Class, before we start our lesson I will let you watch a (The learners will watch a short magic trick video
short video clip. All you have to do is to watch, listen and clip.)
try to understand the video clip using the Guide

Process questions:

How was the video clip? (Varied answers.)

Wasn’t it amazing? (Varied answers.)

Do you want more magic? Yes Ma’am.

Close your eyes and at the count of three open them.

At this moment, kindly look at the illustration flashed on

the board.


Based on the short video clip and this illustration what do Something that talks about magic ma’am.
you think is our lesson for today, class?
Nice answer!

Our lesson for today class is all about the “The Magic
Pear Tree” (a tale from China) and from the tale we
will discuss about Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement for
our grammar points.

Have you tried to eat a pear? Yes Ma’am.

Before we read the story let’s first unlock some difficult
words in it. Using the VOCABULARY MAP, you will
complete the expanded meaning (definition/ synonyms/
sentence usage/ illustration) of the given word. For each
word, one expanded meaning is missing.
Definition Synonyms/ Related words


Sentence usage *Illustration

- (noun) a small
seed 1.
hard seed in a fruit


He planted the pip



??? priest, reverend 2. D. (noun) a member of a religious community

of men typically living under vows of poverty,
chastity, and obedience.

A monk is a holy


- (verb) start to
grow, spring up

sprout 3. C. develop, bud, germinate

Some green leaves

begin to sprout.
- (adjective)
cruel, wicked, mean 4. A. The farmer uttered nasty words to the monk.
behaving in an unpleasant or
spiteful way.




And now, let’s read the tale. I am going to read first and then
afterwards, I will also let you read it.

(The teacher reads the tale)

Now class, I will group you into 6 and in order for you to be
grouped into six kindly look under your armchairs and get the
piece of colored paper attached to it.

As you can see, those are hats with different colors and
whatever color is your hat will be your group for our
activities for the whole period. Proceed now to your group

Each group must have a leader and a secretary. Each group

must analyze and interpret the story using the different
thinking hats.

Each thinking hat calls for different dimensions of thinking

(red-feelings, white-facts, yellow- values, black-caution,
green-creativity, blue- process). For each dimension of
thinking, there are cue phrases to use.

(In the discussion of the story, the learners will be 5 minutes

to talk about their thinking task (ex. Thinking about facts)
based on the hat that they wear. After which, a group
representative will share to the class what they talked about.)

Hat color Thinking about…


 I/ We feel…


 I/ We learned…


 The good thing

about the story
 The moral of
the story is…

 The weakness
of the character
 The risky action
of the character
 The difficulty
faced by the
character is…

 If I/We were to
something in the
story, it would


 This story is
mainly about…

GRAMMAR POINTS( Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement)

Now, let’s go back to some of the sentences in the story

1. The people were astounded. In front of their eyes stood a

small pear tree.

2. The farmer had watched the scene in amazement. He had

not been able to believe his eyes.

3. The monk ate the pear with concentration until there was
only a pip left. He quickly dug a hole in the ground.

Kindly read the first one. How about the second and third?

Let’s go back to the first sentences what pronoun is being

used, but before that, what is a pronoun? It is a part of speech that substitutes a noun.
Very good!

Now that you know what a pronoun is, give me the pronoun Their Ma’am.
being used in the first sentences?


How about the second and third sentences? He Ma’am.

In the first sentences, to what noun does the pronoun “their” People Ma’am.
refer to?


In the second line, what does pronoun “he” refer to? Farmer Ma’am.

Very good!

How about the last sentences given, what does the pronoun Monk Ma’am.
“he” refer to?


If these are the antecedents used in the sentences, what then is Antecedent is a noun that a pronoun replaces.
an antecedent?

Antecedent and pronoun must match or agree in
For pronoun-antecedent agreement there is a general rule and number, person and gender.
what do you think is that general rule?

Singular antecedent (noun)=singular

Exactly! That means that…. (pronoun)
Plural antecedent (noun)= Plural
Margarita (noun antecedent)=she (pronoun)
The visitors (noun)= they (pronoun) Liza(noun)=she (pronoun)
those (pronoun)
Now, who can give me another example?

Very good!
Pronoun and antecedent should agree in gender.

Brent is the most punctual student because he always goes to Male noun=male pronoun
school on time. Female noun=female pronoun

How about if we are referring to non-human objects/groups? We use" it" or "its" Ma'am.

Very good!

Example: if your antecedent is elephant your pronoun

would be "it".

Any question class? None, ma'am.


Now, I have here a magical ball where in it tests your

understanding about the lesson.

The ball is made up of papers that contain questions. It will

be passed to everybody while the music is playing and once
the music stops you will also stop passing the ball and the last
holder of it will get a piece of paper from the ball and answer
the given question.

If you can't answer the question you can ask for a help from
your classmates.

Are you ready?

Okay, let's starts

1. What do you call a part of speech that substitutes a - Pronoun Ma’am.


2. Give 3 examples of pronoun. - He, she, and it Ma’am.

3. What do you call a noun that a pronoun is replacing? - Antecedent Ma’am.

4. Give example of antecedent for the pronoun he? - Larry Ma’am.

5. What is the general rule for pronoun-antecedent - Antecedent and pronoun must match or
agreement? agree in number, person and gender


With the same group you were in earlier, you will play a
game called "searching for you". I will be giving each group a
cartolina. In the cartolina, there are sentences where in you
will give the appropriate pronoun based on the underlined
antecedent in the sentence. Each group will be given word
bank where you can find the antecedents.

It is a race game; whoever be the first group to post their

work on the board will be declared as the winner and will
have a prize.

Reminder it is a group activity so I want you to cooperate to

you group mates.
None, ma'am.
Any question before we start the game?

At the count of 3 you start doing the activity.

1. their
1. Both boys and girls are required to wear _____
proper uniform. 2. it
2. Only one letter arrived in the mail and _____ was
a bill. 3. his
3. Every man strives to reach for ________ dreams.
4. Melody loves _____ best friends. 4. her
5. Jake told his brother that ______ ought to get
5. he
out and enjoy the fresh air.

(The teacher will check their works.)

H. Valuing
The sentence we shall construct will be erroneous
What is the importance of pronoun –antecedent ma'am.
agreement? What do you think will happen if their
agreement is not correct? There would be no peace and order ma'am. If the
sentence becomes erroneous, the society will also
Relating the situation to the story, what do you think will be in chaos.
happen if the farmer and the monk do not have good
agreements or relationship? We must have good and correct agreements to
Okay, Very Good. others so that we shall attain orderly society
What shall we do then?


IV. Evaluation
DIRECTIONS: Read carefully the given sentences. Write the correct/ appropriate pronoun in
agreement with the underlined antecedent.

1. The shoppers couldn’t find _______ car in the parking lot.

2. The horse ate _______ hay in the barn.
3. Ricardo liked the movie, but _____ liked the popcorn more.
4. Elizabeth opened _______ window to look at the clouds.
5. Riezel is very beautiful as ______ walks along the ailes.
6. Mrs. Lawson came home, and _______ called Mrs. Jones.
7. Jane and Toby wanted chicken for _______ picnic.
8. Joy loves to sing and _______ has a nice voice.
9. The box lay on the floor with ________ lid wide open.
10. Although Kara often went to the library, today _________ stayed home.

V. Agreement

Reflect on why the farmer despite of having much, acted selfishly? On the other hand, why do Filipinos
practice generosity despite having less?
Then, Draft a post or tweet about The Filipinos’ generosity despite experiencing poverty with the use of
pronoun antecedent. Use the hashtag #whengenerosityreigns and post it in actual Facebook or Twitter account and
tag it to me.

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