Population of The Study

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3 Population of the Study

The study targeted the personnel in Tourism sector, State officials, economic analysts and

citizens living on the northern states of Nigeria. The target population provided information on the

rates of unemployment, scarcity of food, rate of economic growth, impact on tourism as well as

the image of the country. These factors are major indicators of the progress of the country or can

be used as measures of the national development. Any change such as a decline in any of the

factors or an improvement will be useful in this study especially in the Northern State of Nigeria.

The targeted people will help with guiding information on the changes experienced in the period

between 2009 and 2015 which experienced intensive activities (disruption) by the Boko Haram


3.4 Sampling Technique and Sample Size

The target people were selected randomly from the tourism sector, the state, economic

analysts and the members of the public to be in the sample. The sample consisted of 80 people

who were achieved as follows: 30 people were selected randomly from the tourism sector. The

tourism sector included the tourist guides, wardens and the officers in charge of the game

reserves and the parks. 10 officials of the state from the Northern part of the country including

members of the local governments, house representatives, senators as well as governors who

discussed key issues concerning the amount of revenue collected in those years compared to

years when there is minimum Boko Haram activities. They also discussed about the budget

allocated on the security matters in their region which could otherwise been used for the

development of the country. 10 economic analysts who helped in the analysis of the direction of
the economy especially considering the Northern part of the Country. Finally, 20 members of the

public were consulted on their opinions about the economy and how the Boko Haram has

disrupted their normal life including the employment opportunities.

3.7 Sources of data

The primary source of data was the respondents. They provided the study with firsthand

as well as reliable information about the impact of the Boko Haram sect on the activities of the

country including employment activities, tourism sector as well as the image of the nation which

is important in attracting investors to the country. The study also used secondary data. This

included the research materials from written by other researchers who have investigated the

Boko Haram sect impact on other sectors, journals, newspapers reporting on Boko Haram,

government publications as well as magazines.

3.8. Data Collection Instrument

The study designed a questionnaire which was issued to the respondents. The

questionnaire was self-designed with the title “Implication of Boko Haram Insurgency on

Nigeria’s National Development.” The questionnaire consisted of both open-ended and closed

questions which enabled the study to gather adequate information concerning the activities of

Boko Haram sect in the region. Respondents were required to respond to the set of questions to

their best knowledge possible which revealed the extent which the Boko Haram had impacted

matters national development in the country. The questionnaires were distributed using drop and

pick method for most respondents were they filled the questionnaires on their own and then they

would be picked later.

3.9. Instrument Validation and Reliability

Validating the research instruments aims at lowering the level of error in a study. On the

other hand, reliability ensures that the measurements are stable as well as seeking to ensure to

maintain consistency of the instruments of the study. The questionnaire was a valid instrument as

well as a reliable one since it helped the study achieve its objectives to a great extent. Besides,

the analysis and interpretations which relied on the data gathered using the questionnaire was

done precisely and with completeness. Besides, the measurements were consistent. For instance,

the impact of Boko Haram can be illustrated using the low number of tourists vising the country

as well as increased joblessness of not only the youth but also the country as a whole and to be

specific the Northern states citizens.

3.10. Method of Data Analyses

Correlation and regression analysis were the methods used to analyze data. Regression is

a powerful tool of statistics which helps researchers in understanding relationship between two

variables. In this study, regression will be useful in determining the relationship between Boko

Haram and national development. On the other hand, correction analysis helps in quantifying the

link between two data sets.

3.11 Model Description and Justification

After conducting research of the target population, the study will focus on the tourist

guides, economists and the citizens. Besides, the study will also focus on the officials of the state

ranging from the local government officials as well as the federal members such as the house

representatives and senators from the Northern States of Nigeria. The reasons as to why these

people are targeted is because they provide very key information about the progression of the

economy. Tourist guides, wardens have useful information on the extent in which the tourism

sector has been affected since they are in daily contact with the parks as well as the reserves.
Besides, they also have information concerning the statistics or the numbers of the tourists touring

the parks and reserves. Moreover, economists provide information about economic growth as well

as analysis of the progress or decline over the years.

3.12 Limitations of the Methodology

First, the respondents may provide false information. The respondents don’t provide

100 percent correct information especially in cases where social issues or questions requiring

information which may seem to be directly related to them because they may feel security

threat thus providing incorrect response which may amount to wrong interpretations and thus

wrong results. Second, respondents understand and interpret questions in different ways. One

limitations of drop and pick is that the respondent may not interpret the question as required

thus providing wrong responses as well. Some meanings of concepts or words used may be

challenging to the respondents thus having trouble in understanding the intended meaning

which the researcher is trying to pass. Third, a questionnaire may not be able to express the

feelings as well as emotions of the respondents such as those expressed by means of facial

expression or even those expressed through body language. This may lead to the loss of very

useful data to the study. Finally, the questionnaire lacks customization to individuals. The

questionnaire doesn’t provide individuals with tailored set of questions according to

individual characteristics which suite them. General information for all respondents may not

suite every respondent and may not provide all the information.

3.13. Ethical Consideration

The research study observed ethics while dealing with the respondents. First, the study

obtained the consent of the respondents before engaging them in research and therefore each

respondent participated in the research voluntarily or without compulsion. S econd,

respondents’ information was kept confidential unless they agreed to be disclosed. For

identification, they were assigned random numbers which concealed their identities. In simple

terms. Their privacy was observed throughout the period of research. Third, the respondents

were notified about the aims as well as the objectives of the research and therefore any

information provided by them was purposely for the research. Finally, the questionnaire was

formulated using fair language which didn’t cause any harm or offend anybody.

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