The Principle of Topological Interlocking in Extra
The Principle of Topological Interlocking in Extra
The Principle of Topological Interlocking in Extra
19 226
5 authors, including:
A. Ya. Kanel-Belov
Bar Ilan University
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Acta Astronautica ( ) –
5 a School of Civil and Resource Engineering, The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009, Australia
b Institut für Werkstoffkunde und Werkstofftechnik, Technische Universität Clausthal, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
7 c School of Engineering and Science, International University of Bremen, P.O. Box 750 561 28725 Bremen, Germany
Received 2 October 2003; received in revised form 22 November 2004; accepted 1 December 2004
Applications of a newly established principle of topological interlocking to different types of extraterrestrial construction
11 are considered. Topological interlocking arises when elements of special shapes (usually convex or nearly convex, such that
no stress concentration develops) are arranged in such a way that neither of them can be removed from the assembly without
13 disturbing the neighbouring elements. Two types of extraterrestrial structures are considered. The first type represents mortar
less structures built from specially engineered interlocking bricks, called osteomorphic bricks. The self-adjusting property of
15 these bricks permits erecting structures which tolerate low precision of production and assembly, thus making the proposed
method suitable for in situ produced bricks and low cost assembling machinery. The structures of the second type are modular
17 extraterrestrial bases or space ships organised in topologically interlocking assemblies. For an extraterrestrial settlement such
an organisation permits easy assembly even if the modules are uploaded on uneven ground. A space ship can be assembled
19 from independent smaller ships interlocked topologically thus becoming a flexible vehicle suitable for both long-distance
journeys and simultaneous exploration of extraterrestrial objects clustered in a relative proximity of each other.
With the increasing awareness for the need of util- Currently, a number of architectures for the extrater- 31
25 isation and colonisation of the outer space in order to restrial structures are envisaged which can be broadly
further economic, scientific and social developments, categorised into two major classes: (1) structures built 33
27 preserve Earth’s ecology or even to ensure the sur- from basic elements such as bricks, possibly manufac-
vival of the human race (eg., [1–3]) the time is ripe tured in situ and (2) modular structures based on Earth- 35
manufactured units (including structures assembled in
orbit, e.g., [4]). The building elements of the extrater- 37
∗ Corresponding author. Fax: +61 6488 3987. restrial structures of the first class should satisfy the
E-mail address: (A.V. Dyskin). specific requirements which include easy delivery or 39
0094-5765/$ - see front matter © 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
2 A.V. Dyskin et al. / Acta Astronautica ( ) –
connecting surfaces of the bricks. Furthermore, un- 43
der loading (both gravitational and thermal) the brick
Fig. 1. Interlocking bricks proposed for lunar construction (adopted shape gives rise to considerable stress concentrations 45
from [2]). which are, in a long run, deleterious to the structural
integrity of the lunar base. 47
Recently, a new type of interlocking, that we call
1 in situ manufacturing, easy assembly and multifunc- topological interlocking, emerged that neither requires 49
tionality. Attractive in this regard is the utilisation of keys and connectors nor imposes high demands on the
3 interlocking blocks or bricks which can be assembled manufacturing precision. Based on this principle ba- 51
using special keys or connectors without the binder sic plate-like assemblies can be produced which form
5 phase such for example as mortar. There are different flexible mortarless structures with high fracture resis- 53
types of interlocking blocks used in civil engineering tance and tolerance to missing blocks [15–17]. Inter-
7 (eg., [5–9]). A simple interlocking brick [10] (see also locking of this type is achieved either by special ar- 55
[2]) was proposed for lunar construction to be sin- rangements of blocks of simple shapes (for instance
9 tered in situ from the regolith (Fig. 1). An advantage platonic shapes [18]), or by specially designed curved 57
of this technology, provided the current problems of surfaces [17]. An example of the first type of inter-
11 sintering [2] are solved, is the abundance of the raw locking is given by plate-like assemblies of tetrahedra 59
material and its high degree of radiation protection [19,20]. The second type of interlocking is exempli-
13 [11]. Interlocking is an important element of this con- fied by a set of so-called osteomorphic bricks, Fig. 2 61
cept since it removes the need for mortar and hence [16,17,21] permitting construction of both plate-like
15 for two major ingredients—cement and water—the in and corner-like structures, as well as columns. 63
situ production of which at industrial scale would re- Possible applications of topologically interlocking
17 quire considerable capital investment. While cement blocks go beyond construction elements of structures 65
can in principle be produced in situ, for example from of the first type. In extraterrestrial structures of the
19 regolith [12], supplying large quantities of water may second type, the functional modules themselves can 67
pose a problem. In addition, as far as the construc- be shaped to ensure their interlocking, which opens up
21 tion on planets without an atmosphere is concerned, interesting design perspectives. This paper introduces 69
mortar will necessarily have to be cured in vacuum. the principle of topological interlocking and considers
23 This might be detrimental to the mortar quality due to conceptually some applications in both planetary and 71
Fig. 2. Masonry structures assembled from osteomorphic bricks [17]: (a) principle of assembly of layer and corner structures, (b) layer of
osteomorphic blocks (1) completed with half-blocks (2) and (3), (c) a column structure.
Fig. 3. A layer-like square-based structure of interlocked tetrahedra. peripheral constraint, the tetrahedral elements will be 19
arrested within the structure.
of the osteomorphic block allow erecting structures
without mortar or any other binder. Another attractive 19
property of these building blocks is that they are self-
adjusting, such that the construction process does not 21
Fig. 4. A layer-like hexagon-based structure of interlocked cubes.
require high precision positioning of the blocks, hence
robotisation of the process can easily be achieved. Nei- 23
ther is high manufacturing precision required, so the
construction can be based on in situ mass production 25
of cheap building blocks (see Section 3.2 for discus-
sion of the tolerance of the structure to variations in 27
block dimensions).
These beneficial properties come at a price: the 29
ods. 39
A natural peripheral constraint for plate-like inter- 43
1 each curved surface prevents its displacement along locking structures can be provided by elements of
the normal to the assembly in either direction. More- planetary topography such as small craters or other 45
3 over, these surfaces are engineered in such a way that pits. Fig. 6 shows an example of foundation built in
both planar and corner structures are possible, making a pit. The upper and lower gaps between the inter- 47
5 this block a convenient construction element. Also the locking assembly and the pit walls should be either
shape of the interlocking surfaces makes the blocks filled with an expanding grout (possibly mixed with 49
7 self-adjusting such that any, even very inaccurate ini- regolith) or equipped with special jacks to provide the
tial placement of a block, leads to its self-positioning necessary constraining pressure (in Fig. 6 the grout 51
9 into the correct place. is shown double-hatched). The other gaps (single line
A.V. Dyskin et al. / Acta Astronautica ( ) – 5
Fig. 6. Interlocking foundation built in a pit. The grey hatched
area represents the pit wall; the upper and lower gaps between the
walls and the structure (double-hatched) are filled with expanding
Fig. 8. An example of constraining by external frame.
grout. The other gaps may be left unfilled.
standing alone structures other methods of providing 15
the constraint are required. Some of them are discussed
in the following subsection. 17
the gaps, some bricks have been cut to shape fitting sioning can be achieved by employing hydraulic jacks
3 the pit geometry. of different types. Tensioning can be conducted on a 33
Another type of interlocking structures utilising the single cable at a time or on multiple cables simultane-
5 natural environment to provide the constraint are in- ously. After tensioning the cables have to be gripped. 35
built structures in caverns or lava tubes. (For a general Generally there are three methods of gripping or an-
7 concept of utilisation of the lava tubes see [2].) Fig. choring (e.g., [23]). The first, most commonly used 37
7 shows schematics of an in-built structure. In this method is based on the wedge producing a frictional
9 case, only gaps between the structure top and the cav- grip on the cable, Fig. 9. The second method uses the 39
ern roof should be either filled with expanding grout direct bearing from rivet or bolt heads formed at the
11 or equipped with the pressurising jacks (as shown end of the wires. The third method is based on looping 41
in Fig. 7). the cables around the structure.
13 By the same token the interlocking structures could The post tensioning in every brick column is labour 43
be fitted into larger artificial structures. However for a intensive, however it provides a low weight constraint
6 A.V. Dyskin et al. / Acta Astronautica ( ) –
Tension/holding device
Gripping wedge
Internal tension
cable Tension cable
Fig. 9. Constraining by post-tensioning of internal cables.
1 (as compared to the external frame). Another advan-
tage of this constraint method is its operational flex-
3 ibility, since the number of cables and the density of
their installation can vary within the same structure
5 depending upon the constraint requirements.
3.1.3. Roofing
7 Roofing is typically achieved by construction ele-
Fig. 10. Mould for simultaneous casting or sintering of 5 osteo-
ments other than the ones used for the main building.
morphic bricks [25]. The two separable halves of the mould are
9 The advantage of the proposed osteomorphic bricks shown.
is that they can also be used to construct a roof, al-
11 beit only a planar one (special curved osteomorphic cutting from large stones, can be viable, it seems that
blocks have to be designed for other types of roofing, the main in situ production technology will be based 29
13 such as a dome type; alternatively, standardised planar on sintering of bricks from regolith dust.
‘cassettes’ each consisting of a number of blocks can There appear to be two major sintering methods. 31
15 be used to approximate a curved surface of a dome). One method—sintering in a mould by external or inter-
However, due to relatively low bending stiffness of nal (microwave) heating—was already discussed (see 33
17 assemblies of osteomorphic blocks [16], internal roof [2]). There are still some problems with attaining the
support is required in order to reduce the roof span and uniform temperature, so further work is required to 35
19 the associated inward deflection. It should be noted, develop the method to an industrial technology. Here
however, that on planets with low gravity the achiev- we would only like to emphasise two points as far as 37
21 able post-tensioning might be sufficient to minimise the application of this method to producing osteomor-
the deflections even in the case of relatively large roof phic bricks is concerned. Firstly, a special mould is 39
23 spans. required, cf. Fig. 10. The mould consists of two halves
which need to be separated after sintering to enable the 41
3.1.4. In situ production of osteomorphic bricks extraction of the brick. Secondly, it is important that
25 Although it cannot be ruled out that an efficient pro- the self-adjusting property of the bricks permits con- 43
duction technology based on cutting the bricks from siderable tolerance to the quality of the surface such
27 bulk material, for instance mining them in quarries or that after sintering no further machining is required. 45
A.V. Dyskin et al. / Acta Astronautica ( ) – 7
13 are to be used. Presently, this method appears to be Bricks manufactured from the regolith can provide
more time consuming than sintering in a mould, how- an efficient radiation protection owing to the high con- 55
15 ever, while in un-manned robotic missions time may tent of oxygen [11]. However, in mortar free structures
the joints between the planar faces of the bricks are 57
not be an issue.
not filled and therefore can provide passage channels
17 3.2. Sensitivity to manufacturing imperfections, for radiation. In this case a double skin construction 59
planetary dust and weathering is necessary with the brick pattern of the outer skin
being shifted with respect to that of the inner skin. If 61
19 When bricks are manufactured and used in the ex- necessary, the cavity between the walls can be filled
traterrestrial environment, one has to face the possi- with bulk regolith to increase the thickness of the pro- 63
21 bility of surface imperfections inherent in the man- tective layer. Alternatively, a more advanced brick de-
ufacturing process or stemming from weathering or sign can be used, with planar faces of the bricks being 65
23 planetary dust adherence. The fact that interlocking replaced with concave–convex ones, thus eliminating
of the osteomorphic bricks is provided by the special permeability with respect to radiation. 67
25 curved faces rather than keys, pegs-and-hole connec-
the only important consequence of the imperfections cladding pre-manufactured surfaces, for instance to
31 is the inevitability of certain variations in the brick di- shield a module or a spacecraft (see [26]). In this 71
mensions leading to unevenness of the upper edges of case the ability of the bricks to form corners may not
33 the constructed wall. In conventional brick and mor- be needed which removes the constraint on the brick 73
tar structures it is the mortar layer that mitigates the thickness. For instance, it can be smaller than half of
35 brick size variations. In the interlocking structures the the brick length, as shown in Fig. 11. This type of 75
wall height variations will have to be dealt with by applications may require cladding of non-planar sur-
37 adjusting the tension in the cables. The necessary vari- faces, in which case non-planar osteomorphic blocks 77
ations in the cable force can be estimated as follows. or tiles will be needed. The following procedure can
39 Let s be the standard deviation of the brick height, the be considered for generating the shapes of individual 79
average brick height being h. If the average wall (or tiles to match the profile of the body of the spacecraft.
41 structure) height is H, then the standard deviation of Starting from a planar arrangement of the original pla- 81
the wall height is H = s(H / h)1/2 under a natural nar blocks, a required area of the plane is mapped
43 assumption that the size variations of different bricks onto the spacecraft surface using a continuous func- 83
are statistically independent. In order to compensate tion, followed by a three-dimensional continuation of
45 for this height variation one needs to produce a strain the mapping function to transform the shape of each 85
of H /H , which requires changing the tension cable tile. A natural constraint in this case is that the tile
8 A.V. Dyskin et al. / Acta Astronautica ( ) –
Fig. 11. Osteomorphic tiles for cladding of curved surfaces: (a) curved tiles and (b) tiles pre-positioned on a surface.
1 dimensions should be considerably smaller than the 11.93 kN, while the solid plate failed at the average 33
radii of curvature of the surface to be cladded. load of 9.9 kN, which is about 10% lower that of the
3 Since cladding requires non-planar blocks with dif- assembly. 35
ferent curvatures and dimensions, the mass production
5 method based on sintering in the mould may not be ap-
propriate. Two other alternatives, the method of rapid
5. Interlocking modular structures
7 prototyping or direct cutting from a bulk material will
have to be used for the purpose. 5.1. Self-adjusting modules for an extraterrestrial 37
The interlocking blocks were cast from cement paste ‘derivatives’ of the tetrahedron shape were proposed
17 (Portland cement with 38% water ratio) and cured for in [27]. Figs. 3–5 show the assemblies of elements 45
21 days in a humidity room. The cup of 15 mm diame- that appear to be the most suitable ones for the pur-
19 ter in the centre of the assembly is a part of the inden- poses of extraterrestrial construction. Fig. 3 shows a 47
tor which delivers load to the structure. The structure square pattern of interlocked tetrahedral elements in
21 rests on a flat surface which simulates the material to the middle section of the assembly. Figs. 4 and 5 de- 49
the indentation. It is seen that the fractures are con- elements. The main feature of these structures, viz.
25 tained within the loaded block and do not propagate their non-smooth surface, makes them less suitable 53
into the neighbouring blocks. Fig. 12c shows the for construction purposes. However, at a larger scale,
27 fracture pattern created in a reference solid plate of they can provide an interesting design for an extrater- 55
the same external size and the same material as the restrial station. Indeed, if each element in Figs. 3–5
29 interlocking assembly. In this case the fractures do represents a pre-fabricated module of a station, then 57
propagate over distances considerably larger than the these structures can be thought of as a cluster type
31 block dimensions. In the reported series of tests the organisation of the station as per Reynolds’ classi- 59
assembly failed at the average indentation load of fication (see [28]). The shapes shown on Figs. 3–5
A.V. Dyskin et al. / Acta Astronautica ( ) – 9
interlocking is indicated by two parallel sections: (a) initial posi-
tioning of the pre-fabricated modules uploaded on uneven ground;
the arrows indicate the assembling force applied to the collection
of modules and (b) the resultant assembly.
The advantage of using the interlocking organisa- 5
tion of modules is in the inherent self-adjusting prop-
erty of topological interlocking. The same geometry 7
that locks the elements within the structure ensures
that if in a loose structure the elements are not prop- 9
erly aligned, application of lateral load will force them
into a regular planar arrangement. This is illustrated by 11
11 Another aspect of the topological interlocking is
that it can give rise to assemblies with high toler-
13 ance to missing blocks. The aforementioned structures
differ in this regard. The structures assembled from
15 osteomorphic blocks (Fig. 2) as well as the square- Fig. 14. A path to service a faulty module (highlighted): broken
tiling based structures (Fig. 3) are tolerant to missing
lines show the modules that should be removed to access the faulty
17 blocks, i.e. the structural integrity of the assemblies module.
are maintained even if isolated individual blocks are
19 removed [16]. On the other hand, the hexagon-tiling
based structures (Figs. 4 and 5) do not tolerate miss-
21 ing blocks and disintegrate once a single block is re-
moved or fails. This imposes certain restrictions on
the modules is acceptable, either square-tiling based in this illustration): a small horizontal component is needed for
27 or osteomorphic blocks should be used. If however, integrity of the spacecraft structure to be maintained.
easy replacement of the modules is important, then one
29 should use the hexagon-tiling based structures, since into a small spacecraft in its own right. Then at the 45
in that case each module can be accessed by remov- object of interest (e.g., a planet with satellites) the
31 ing modules one by one via the shortest route leading modular spacecraft can be disassembled into sepa- 47
33 5.3. Spaceship based on interlocked modules spacecraft can be reassembled for further interplan-
etary journey. A particular design could for instance 51
Another possible application of interlocking struc- provide the landing capability to only some of the
35 tures is the in-orbit assembly of a spacecraft from in- modules, while equipping the peripheral modules with 53
dependent modules. In this case the thrust shall be special engines to provide the main thrust for distant
37 used to keep the modules together by inclining the jets journeys. 55
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