Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking
P – 63
Identification Critical Thinking Stages Of Students’ Mathematics
Education Study Program FMIPA UNNES For Solving Mathematics
This research is qualitative research that purpose to describe critical thinking stages of college
students for each level of critical thinking skills in Mathematics Education Study Program FMIPA
UNNES for solving mathematics problems. In the clarification, a subject in critical thinking level 0 until
level 3 showed the same characteristic that is getting the information in the picture, and be able to create
images to get additional information. In the assessment, subjects in critical thinking level 0 just dig a
small portion of relevant information, the subject in critical thinking level 1 until level 3 dig most of the
information. In the inference stage, a subject in critical thinking level 0 to level 2 only using inductive
thinking, subject in critical thinking level 3 using deductive thinking. In the strategy stage, a subject in
critical thinking 0 using the analogy or not can come up with strategies employed, subject in critical
thinking level 1 and level 2 using the analogy, subject level 3 using his own ideas by looking for
relationships in solving problems.
Keywords: critical thinking, the stages of critical thinking, clarification, assessment, inference,
strategies , and solving mathematics problem.
1. Background
Critical thinking is a mental process that is well organized and play a role in the
process of making decisions for solving the problem by analyzing and interpreting data
in the activities of scientific inquiry. According to the Association of American Colleges
and Universities (in the Office of Outcomes Assessment University of Maryland
University College, 2006) there are 6 of intellectual standards that students must possess
ie critical thinking, communication skills, quantitative and qualitative literacy,
information literacy, cooperation, and integrated learning. Therefore, universities should
facilitate critical thinking development because universities graduates must contribute
their specific disciplined mastery to society. Institutions are also asked produce
graduates who are able to demonstrate or apply high-level cognitive skills for solving
problems that are not limited to a particular discipline.
College student of mathematics education study program of Natural Science and
Mathematics Faculty of UNNES as a pre-service teacher expected became
This paper has been presented at International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on
Mathematics Education 2011 “Building the Nation Character through Humanistic
Mathematics Education”. Department of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State
University, Yogyakarta, July 21-23 2011
PROCEEDING ISBN : 978 – 979 – 16353 – 7 – 0
mathematician who enjoys math and enjoys teaching math. Therefore, college students
need to be equipped with competencies in science, technology, oral communication,
working independently, working in teams, think logically, and think analytically.
College students should be participate in learning, reasoning, comparing on what is
learned with what is already known, completed between what is already known with
what is required, and must have the skills. Such skills include problem-solving skills,
decision making skills, critical thinking skills, and creative thinking skills. The
important thing for solving mathematical problems are process, understanding,
reasoning, and methods until produces the correct answer so that students can use
critical and creative thinking skills.
The research about the quality of critical thinking skills have been widely applied.
McLean (2005) states that the quality of college students critical thinking are low and
medium. These results are consistent with research conducted by Bullen, 1998; Kanuka
& Anderson, 1998; Hara et al, 2000; and Rose, 2004 (McLean, 2005). Gibson
(McLean, 2005) provides clues why research on college students do not show a high
critical thinking. The quality of critical thinking will evolve over time ranging from
content-based skills toward critical thinking skills and complex, researchers should not
apply a high standard, and 4 weeks for reseacrch so it is not allow the quality of critical
thinking of students moving towards a high level. Kurniasih (2009) found that the
critical thinking quality of college student in Mathematics Education FMIPA UNNES
for solving mathematical problem are not critical and less critical. The research also
found that the arrangement of the level of critical thinking skills consists of critical
thinking skills level 3 (critical), critical thinking skills level 2 (quite critical), critical
thinking skills level 1 (less critical), and critical thinking skills level 0 (not critical).
College student critical thinking stage investigation in online asynchronous
discussion have been widely applied e.g Norris & Ennis, 1989; Henri, 1992; Clulow &
Brace- Anderson, Govan, 2001; Garrison, Anderson & Archer, 2001; Newman, Webb &
Cochrane,1995; Bullen, 1997 (Perkins & Murphy, 2006). But, college student critical
thinking stage investigation for each critical thinking level never yet. Whereas, that
investigation result can be used for increasing the quality of critical thinking. Therefore,
research for identifying characteristic of critical thinking stage for each level of critical
thinking must be done. This research try to identify critical thinking stage of college
International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics Education 2011
Department of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University
640 Yogyakarta, July 21-23 2011
PROCEEDING ISBN : 978 – 979 – 16353 – 7 – 0
3. Research Question
International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics Education 2011
Department of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University
Yogyakarta, July 21-23 2011 641
PROCEEDING ISBN : 978 – 979 – 16353 – 7 – 0
The research question was how are critical thinking stages of college students in
mathematics education study program of Natural Science and Mathematic Faculty of
Semarang State University for solving mathematics problems.
International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics Education 2011
Department of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University
642 Yogyakarta, July 21-23 2011
PROCEEDING ISBN : 978 – 979 – 16353 – 7 – 0
utterances obtained from interviews and written or number obtained from interviews.
This is similar to what is expressed Moleong (Moleong, 2009), qualitative research
produce descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words and the observed
behavior of a person.
The research is a descriptive-qualitative, means describe the events that became the
center of attention (characteristic of critical thinking stages) qualitatively and based on
qualitative data. Characteristic of critical thinking stages is assessed the activities of
college student thinking in the clarification stage, assessment, inference and
strategy/tactics. Based on the qualitative approach in this study, all the facts either
written or oral from human data sources that have been observed and other relevant
documents that described what it is then assessed as possible to answer the problem.
The data in this study are the identification of critical thinking stage of college
students at each level of critical thinking skills (critical thinking level 3, 2, 1, and 0
obtained in the previous research). This data are the characteristic of the thinking
process of college students who performed at the clarification stage, assessment stage,
inference stage, and strategies/tactics stage.
2. Research Subject
Research subject in this study are first year college student (first semester) of
Mathematics Education Study Program of Mathematics Department of Natural Science
and Mathematic Faculty of Semarang State University academic year 2009/2010 as
many as 8 subjects. Research subjects is the informant to get any characteristic of
critical thinking stage of each critical thinking level. The subject is reviewed their
critical thinking activity deeply. Research subjects are those who follow courses of
calculus. Besides college students, this study involves 2 lecturers of calculus courses.
Lecturers are those who make the validation of the problems used at the written test and
interview guides.
The research was conducted in calculus class of first year college students of
Mathematics Education Study Program. Problem Based Learning with problem solving
activities carried on in the classroom. At the end of the course college students are given
problems to be solved within a certain time. After that, the research choose 8 subject
that represent each critical thinking level.
International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics Education 2011
Department of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University
Yogyakarta, July 21-23 2011 643
PROCEEDING ISBN : 978 – 979 – 16353 – 7 – 0
In previous studies, researcher have obtained four levels of critical thinking skills ie
critical thinking skills level 3 (critical), critical thinking skills level 2 (quite critical),
critical thinking skills level 1 (less critical), and critical thinking skills level 0 (not
critical). Researcher choose the right subject to determine the characteristic of critical
thinking stage for each level of critical thinking abilities. Each level of critical thinking
selected 2 subjects who can communicate ideas clearly and based on the uniqueness of
the answers given by college students at every level of critical thinking skills. Specified
two subjects, with the consideration that the method of data analysis used the constant
comparative method.
3. Research Procedur
The procedure used to collect data are (a) validation of the mathematical problems
and validation of the interview guides, (b) Problem-Based Learning as a means for
identification of critical thinking stage every critical thinking level of college students in
solving mathematical problems, (c) written test (essay test) to identify critical thinking
stage of college students when solve mathematical problems, (d) task-based interviews
to obtain in-depth information and support what has been obtained from the written test.
Interviews were conducted around the answer of written test done by college student.
Researcher used a tape recorder to record all information during the interview, (e) Field
notes to complement the data that does not recorded in the written test and interview.
4. Research Instrument
The research instrument are validation guides of mathematical problems and
interview, research lesson plan, written test, and interview guides.
5. Data Analysis
Analysis is done for problem solving written tasks and result of interview. Analysis
of problem-solving written tasks based on solutions that do by the college students and
guided solution. The steps of data analysis results of the interviews are data reduction,
data display, drawing conclusions from the data collected and verification of conclusion.
Results of interviews analysis will be used as a triangulation on the analysis of the task
and used to identify critical thinking stage of each level critical thinking college
International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics Education 2011
Department of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University
644 Yogyakarta, July 21-23 2011
PROCEEDING ISBN : 978 – 979 – 16353 – 7 – 0
students. Data analysis was done using The Constant Comparative Method. This
analysis involves the comparison of one segment data with other segments to determine
the similarity and difference. Data are grouped together in the same dimension. This
dimension tentatively given a name, which became a category.
The data in qualitative research required the credibility, transferability,
dependability, and confirmabilitas (Siswono, 2007). Credibility refers to the question of
whether the data obtained in accordance with what exists in reality. In this research, the
credibility of the data done by persistent observation, that is the researchers interviewed
the subject thoroughly, in detail and hold a repetition of questions at different times if
the information that is unclear or different. Researchers also conducted triangulation to
validate data. Triangulation in this study done to compare data of students work (in
problem solving written tasks) with data from interviews, compare and examine data
from different subjects in one level of critical thinking. Additionally, validation of the
mathematical problems used to identify mathematical critical thinking stages.
Transferability is an attempt to build generalizations as in quantitative research. In
this research, transferability done by describe each aspect of critical thinking component
of every subject in detail. Dependability is a term that is equated with reliability in
quantitative research, ie can not be made replication or retest research results. In this
research, dependability done by techniques as described to maintain credibility and
audit techniques that maintain the honesty and accuracy of the observer perspective.
Confirmability replaces the term objectivity in quantitative research. In this study,
confirmability filled with certainty because it is based on data extracted with the truth.
International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics Education 2011
Department of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University
Yogyakarta, July 21-23 2011 645
PROCEEDING ISBN : 978 – 979 – 16353 – 7 – 0
International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics Education 2011
Department of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University
646 Yogyakarta, July 21-23 2011
PROCEEDING ISBN : 978 – 979 – 16353 – 7 – 0
obtaining additional information that can be dug up, and using knowledge to get the
information. Characteristics of thinking in the assessment stage are defining the concept
directly, digging most of the relevant information to the problem, making the
connection between existing information and information is dug, digging the knowledge
that has been recognized, the idea of working on using the analogy and based on
interpretation of the questions which accompanied the previous knowledge.
Characteristics thinking in the inference stage is induction thinking ie determine the
relevant information, identify relationships, use the analogy, and determine the cause
and effect. Characteristics of thinking in the strategy/tactic stage are using an analogy,
their thinking can not be followed and illogical, and using the knowledge that has been
3. The identification results of college student who are at critical thinking level 2 (quite
critical) for solving mathematical problems.
Characteristics of thinking in the clarification stage are identifying problems based
on a statement (written) on the problem as a whole (the question sentence is read),
knowing the meaning question implicitly, utilizing an existing information on the
image, knowing the questions relating to derivatives, making the image to get additional
information can be extracted and use of knowledge to get the information.
Characteristics of thinking in the assessment stage are defining the concept precisely,
digging most of the relevant information and concepts to the problem, can make the
connection between the information/concepts that exist and the information/concepts
that were dug, digging the knowledge that has been recognized, and still can not come
up ideas of their thinking because their ideas analogous to the idea of doing what's
already been done or is based on knowledge that has been recognized.Characteristics of
thinking in the inference stage is induction thinking ie determine the relevant
information, identify relationships, using analogies, and determine cause and effect.
Characteristics of thinking in the strategy/tactic stage are using an analogy, some of
their thinking can not be followed and illogical, and using the knowledge that has been
4. The identification results of college student who are at critical thinking level 3
(critical) for solving mathematical problems.
Characteristics of thinking in the clarification stage are identifying problems based
International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics Education 2011
Department of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University
Yogyakarta, July 21-23 2011 647
PROCEEDING ISBN : 978 – 979 – 16353 – 7 – 0
International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics Education 2011
Department of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University
648 Yogyakarta, July 21-23 2011
PROCEEDING ISBN : 978 – 979 – 16353 – 7 – 0
problems as a whole (the question sentence is read), knowing the meaning of the
question implicitly, knowing that the question related to the derivative and using
the knowledge to get the information.
2. In the assessment stage, subjects in critical thinking level 0 only dig some relevant
information while subject in critical thinking level 1 to 3 dig most of the relevant
information to the problem. In critical thinking level 0, the subject does not have
any idea to solve the problem and if any idea then the idea is analogous to a
problem that has been done previously in class. In critical thinking level 1, the idea
of working on using the analogy and based on interpretation of the questions which
accompanied the previous knowledge. In critical thinking level 2, the ideas based
on the use of an analogy to what's already been done or is based on knowledge that
has been recognized. While the idea of doing a subject on critical thinking level 3 is
their own idea by looking for relationships that can be used to solve the problem. In
critical thinking level 0 to 3, the subject has used the knowledge that has been
recognized. In critical thinking level 1, the subject defines the concept directly
while the subject in critical thinking level 2 and 3 define the concept precisely.
Subjects in critical thinking level 1 to 3 able to make connections between existing
information with the information extracted. Subjects in critical thinking level 3 able
to form ideas to solve problems and assess the reasoning performed.
3. In the inference stage, subject from critical thinking level 0 until 2 only using
induction thinking while subject on critical thinking level 3 uses induction and
deduction thinking. In critical thinking level 0, induction think that subject use are
determine the relevant information, recognize the existence of a relationship, and
using analogies. In critical thinking level 1 and 2, induction thinking that subject
use is same with induction thinking on critical thinking level 0 plus determine the
cause and effect. Induction thinking of the subject on critical thinking level 3 are
determining relevant information and identifying relationships while the deduction
thinking is done by using logic.
4. In the strategy/tactics stage, subject on critical thinking level 0 using an analogy or
unable make strategy used for because still searching for relevant information.
Subjects critical thinking level 1 and 2 use an analogy, thinking (reasoning) can not
be followed and not logical, and using existing knowledge. Subjects in critical
International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics Education 2011
Department of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University
Yogyakarta, July 21-23 2011 649
PROCEEDING ISBN : 978 – 979 – 16353 – 7 – 0
thinking level 3 using his own ideas by finding relationships in solving problems,
and their thinking (reasoning) is clear and logical.
Based on the conclusions of the research results, it is recommended the further
research in the Mathematics Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Faculty
of Semarang State University to solidify the identification stage of critical thinking
college students for solving mathematical problems. However, further research should
use variety measuring tool of critical thinking and research time long enough. In
addition, based on the characteristics of critical thinking stage of each critical thinking
level can be enhanced critical thinking skills of college students.
Kurniasih, A.W. (2010). Penjenjangan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dan Identifikasi
Tahap Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Matematika FMIPA UNNES
dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Matematika. Tesis magister, tidak diterbitkan,
Universitas Negeri Malang.
Siswono, Tatag Yuli Eko. (2007). Penjenjangan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif dan
Identifkasi Tahap Berpikir Kreatif Siswa dalam Memecahkan dan Mengajukan
Masalah Matematika. Disertasi doktor, tidak diterbitkan. Universitas Negeri
International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics Education 2011
Department of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University
650 Yogyakarta, July 21-23 2011