CEIBS Mba Brochure

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中欧国际工商学院MBA招生办公室 MBA Admissions Office

China Europe International Business School

邮 编: 201206 #699 Hongfeng Road, Pudong, Shanghai 201206, PRC
电 话: (86 21) 2890 5555 Tel: (86 21) 2890 5555
传 真: (86 21) 2890 5200 Fax: (86 21) 2890 5200
电子邮件: admissions@ceibs.edu Email: admissions@ceibs.edu
网 址: www.ceibs.edu/mba Website: www.ceibs.edu/mba
Conscientiousness, Innovation, and Excellence

Message from the MBA Directors 01
Who We Are 07
What We Offer 23
Beyond the Classroom 31
Facilitate Your Future 35
Today’s China: A Land of Opportunities 39
Join Us 43

No. 8 Global MBA Ranking

No. 1 in Asia for Six Years (2004-2009) - Financial Times (2009)
No. 4 Top Non-US Business Schools - Forbes (2009)
No. 1 Most Valuable Business Schools in China - Forbes China (2005-2007)
No. 1 Best Business Schools in China - Business Week China (2006, 2007)
The CEIBS Difference
Message from the MBA Directors

Welcome to China Europe International Business School!

China’s rapidly changing economy favours managers who are decisive in the face of uncertainty yet flexible and open-
minded in implementing decisions; who are deeply knowledgeable of business fundamentals yet mindful of local business
customs and sensitivities; who are aware of international best practices yet innovative in crafting their own solutions to
business problems.

CEIBS is uniquely positioned to cultivate these essential business skills and insights in our MBA graduates. We do this by
bringing together faculty, students and alumni with professional experience in dozens of countries and industries. As the
longest running MBA programme in China, CEIBS has built a network that extends deeply and broadly across Chinese and
international business circles. The strength and diversity of the CEIBS community is our key advantage.

When members of the CEIBS community come together to discuss business and to solve problems, there is sure to be
debate. CEIBS’ interactive teaching methods, consulting projects, club activities and international exchange programme
ensure that opportunities for debate and discussion continue throughout the MBA programme. Working through their
differences in culture, background and knowledge every day for 18 months, CEIBS students eventually develop sensitivities,
skills and competencies that cannot be attained elsewhere. This is what recruiters from world-class companies have come
to know as “the CEIBS difference”.

The CEIBS MBA is a highly intensive, value-added process for people who are driven by the desire to make a difference, in
China and abroad. Within the CEIBS environment, you can fully explore and develop your potential. A CEIBS MBA Degree
offers an investment with the best return in yourself and your future career. Our beautiful campus, close-knit community,
and worldclass facilities create a learning environment unparalleled in China. We invite you to explore for yourself by reading
this brochure, visiting our website and visiting our campus. We look forward to meeting you at CEIBS.

Ms. Yvonne Li Prof. Lydia J. Price

Operations Director Associate Dean, CEIBS
MBA Programme Academic Director
MBA Programme

01 CEIBS MBA 2010 CEIBS MBA 2010 02

Milestones in the
Sino-EU Partnership

China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) is a non-profit joint venture

established in Shanghai in 1994 under an agreement between the Chinese
government and the European Commission. Its predecessor, the China-EC
Management Institute (CEMI) , was launched in Beijing in 1984. Currently, CEIBS
operates a main campus in Shanghai, a representative office and teaching facilities
in Shenzhen. The school's Beijing campus is ready for use in Nov. 2009.

CEIBS is the first business school in mainland China to offer a full-time MBA, an
Executive MBA and a wide array of Executive Development Programmes.

CEIBS received international accreditation from the European Quality

Improvement System (EQUIS) in 2004 and from US-based Association to
Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) in 2008.

CEIBS is the only Asia-based business school that has achieved top-tier global
rankings for its MBA, EMBA and Executive Development Programmes.

" CEIBS is one of

the world's leading
business schools. It
is unique in its focus
on China. No other
business school
can match CEIBS'
excellence in this most
relevant market." Prof. Rolf D. Cremer
Dean and Vice President, CEIBS

03 CEIBS MBA 2010 CEIBS MBA 2010 04

CEIBS Mission
To support China's economic development and to further China's integration into the world economy by preparing
highly competent, internationally-oriented business leaders capable of working within the Chinese economic
environment, while adapting to the driving forces of business globalization, international competition, and
international cooperation.

What Makes Us Unique

The CEIBS MBA programme is designed to prepare talented young people with career aspirations, managerial potential,
and international orientation for a career as a global business leader. CEIBS assures success for our students through
these core assets:

Experienced faculty from more than a dozen International exchange partnerships with over 40
countries, each with a solid reputation in China- leading business schools, most of which are among
focused business management expertise. the Financial Times global top 100 list.

Elite student body from nearly 30 countries and Engaging and challenging activities beyond
territories, with work experiences spanning a the classroom including international business
spectrum of industries. school competitions and simulations, student-run
conferences and forums, clubs, functions and parties.
The most extensive network of MBA and EMBA
alumni in the Chinese mainland, with nearly 8,500 Professional career development services and access
graduates and 1,000 added annually, located to world-class corporate recruiters.
around the world.
Unparalleled learning environment created by beautiful
Well-integrated curriculum that balances theory campus of east-west style, close-knit community and
and practice, hard skills and soft skills, as well as world-class facilities.
" The most important consideration I had in " The interactive teaching environment provided
global perspective and local understandings.
choosing an MBA program was the caliber of my at CEIBS allows you to express your own ideas,
classmates. CEIBS is an exciting concentration be challenged and stimulated by the thoughts of
of the world's top minds and future leaders, and I other classmates and professors, which ultimately
am challenged everyday to see new perspectives, leads to deepened knowledge and broadened
test new ideas, and find opportunities for perspectives. "
personal growth. "

Bill Keithler (USA) Joo Ohk Yi (Korea)

MBA 2008 MBA 2008
Director, MBA Student Ambassador VP of BGRC
Previous Employer: BB&T International MBA Student Ambassador
Business Development Officer Previous Employer: McKinsey & Company
Business Analyst
05 CEIBS MBA 2010 CEIBS MBA 2010 06
Who We Are
What sets CEIBS apart from other business schools is our mix of community members with rich China-related and
international business expertise.

CEIBS Faculty
Experienced faculty from more than a dozen countries, with strong reputation for authoritative business expertise,
especially on China.

Where They Received Their Ph. D Degrees

Catholic University of Paris Shanghai Jiao Tong University University of Huston
Columbia University Southern Methodist University University of Illinois, Urbana-
Cornell University Stanford University Champaign
Free University of Berlin Technical University of Darmstadt University of Leicester
Harvard University Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona University of Maryland
IESE Business School University Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV University of Massachusetts
Indiana University University of Auckland University of Michigan
INSEAD University of Birmingham University of Minnesota
London University University of British Columbia University of Oregon
Macquarie University University of California University of Pennsylvania
Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of Cambridge University of Tilburg
Michigan State University University of Florida University of Virginia
Northwestern University University of Georgia University of Wollongong
Pennsylvania State University University of Hong Kong Yale University
Purdue University

Where They Come from

North America 36.2% Southeast Asia 5.2%
Greater China 32.8% Africa 1.7%
Europe 22.4% Oceania 1.7%

No. 9 worldwide in terms of the international diversity of faculty - Financial Times, 2009

07 CEIBS MBA 2010 Professor Jenster, Per V. CEIBS MBA 2010 08

Recent Books Published by CEIBS Faculty
Advances in Global Leadership

Business-to-Business Marketing

China Entrepreneur: Voices of Experience from 40

International Business Leaders

China's Third Revolution

Entrepreneurship in Emerging Regions around the

World: Theory, Evidence and Implications

Gains and Pains: Globalization of Chinese Firms

International Joint Ventures in China: The

Development of Human Resource Management

International Trade and Investment

Letters to a Young Entrepreneur

Professor Wu, Jinglian
Marketing Revealed

Sustainability in Finance and Insurance:

Mainstreaming the Responsibility Principle

Toward the Global Common Good: A Macro

Paradigm Shift Faculty Research is Supported in Part by 15 Research Institutions:
Wealth Doesn't Last 3 Generations: How Family
Businesses Can Maintain Prosperity CEIBS Case Development Center Center for Global Operations Management and
CEIBS Center for Health Care Policy and Management Value Chain Integration
Winning by Talent: How to Upgrade Talent CEIBS Lujiazui International Finance Research Center Center of Chinese Private Enterprises
Management in Chinese Firms
CEIBS-Zhangjiang Center for Innovative Entrepreneurship Center of Marketing & Innovation
CEIBS-Zhejiang University Center for International Center of Organization and People Excellence
Entrepreneurship China Center for Financial Research
Center for Emerging Market Strategy China Service Outsourcing Center

In China, With China, For the World Center for Global Management Leadership Behavioural Laboratory
The Euro-China Center for Leadership and

09 CEIBS MBA 2010 CEIBS MBA 2010 10

Meet the CEIBS
Burgers, Willem P. (The Netherlands)
Professor of Marketing and Strategy
Bayer Chair in Strategy and Marketing
Ph. D, Michigan State University

Callarman, Thomas E. (USA)

Professor of Operations Management
Ph. D Purdue University

Chen, Hong (Canada)

Professor of Operations Management
Ph. D, Stanford University

Chen, Jieping (PRC)

Professor of Accounting
Ph. D, University of Huston

Chen, Junsong (PRC)

Lecturer in Marketing
Ph. D, University of Birmingham

Chen, Shimin (USA)

Professor of Accounting
Ph. D, University of Georgia
" CEIBS curriculum follows the latest ideas in " Interpersonal communication and other so-called soft " These are difficult economic times, even in China. But
management education. Our purpose is to form leaders skills are what corporate recruiters crave most. Mastering the way to remain on top of the key issues and grow
that possess not only the necessary technical knowledge human or interpersonal dynamics is as important as in the future is not by retreating, but by going on the Chen, Shaohui (Sophie) (PRC)
Lecturer in Management
but also embody positive values - ethical and responsible mastering technical challenges and is critical to leadership offensive, and by developing new and unique insights.
Ph. D, University of Auckland
leaders that can be models to society." success. " The CEIBS MBA program produces well-rounded
graduates who see the same things other graduates see
but think differently." Cremer, Rolf D. (Germany)
Professor of Economics
Dean and Vice President
Ph. D, Technical University of Darmstadt
Fernandez, Juan Antonio (Spain) Lee, Jean S K (Singapore) Atuahene-Gima, Kwaku (Ghana)
Professor of Management Professor of Management Professor of Marketing and Innovation Management
Visiting Scholar, Harvard Business School, 2003 Department Chair (Management) Department Chair (Marketing)
Ph. D, IESE Michelin Chair Professor in Leadership and Director of Center of Marketing and Innovation
Human Resources Management Ph. D, University of Wollongong
Director, CEIBS Leadership Behavioural Laboratory
Ph. D, University of Massachusetts

11 CEIBS MBA 2010 CEIBS MBA 2010 12

Meet the CEIBS
De Bettignies, Henri-Claude (France)
Distinguished Professor of Global Responsible
European Chair for Global Governance and Sino-
European Business Relations
EPP, Catholic University of Paris
ITP, Harvard Business School

Ding, Yuan (France)

Professor of Accounting
Ph. D, University Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV

Doucet, Lorna (Canada)

Associate Professor of Management
Ph. D, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

Fang, Yue (USA)

Professor of Decision Sciences
Chair and the Robert and Lois Braddock
Distinguished Research Scholar in Department of
Decision Sciences, Charles H.
Lundquist College of Business, University of Oregon
Ph. D, MIT

" CEIBS classroom is an exciting place with students " As Shanghai is set to become an international financial " There is wide recognition today that leaders of all Fryxell, Gerald E. (USA)
eager to learn and professors enthusiastic to teach. center by the year of 2020 and the financial industry organizations - start-ups, medium sized companies, Professor of Management
large corporations, family businesses, non-profit Ph. D, Indiana University
CEIBS professors bring to the classroom their rich China in China is undergoing substantial changes, many
organizations, public sector institutions and governmental
knowledge and global perspective, while students from opportunities lie ahead. Located in Pudong, CEIBS is institutions - must possess an entrepreneurial mindset.
different background display their imaginative ways of a unique place to explore these opportunities. Both An entrepreneurial mindset is focused on opportunity Gao, Yan (PRC)
thinking. Teaching and learning occur in an interactive internationally and domestically experienced professors and is vital to generating sustainable long term growth. In Assistant Professor of Finance
recognition of this reality, CEIBS has made Entrepreneurial Ph. D, Northwestern University
environment, where puzzles are solved one after another of CEIBS’ finance and accounting department are in the Management a core course in the MBA curriculum. In
through discussions and debates. At CEIBS we all like best position to help you to understand the financing addition, we have a number of other courses such as
to get on this enjoyable journey of effective knowledge issues facing Chinese financial and real sectors." Starting New Ventures, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Ge, Dingkun (PRC)
transfer! " Entrepreneurial Finance that provide a solid foundation for
Assistant Professor of Strategy and
our graduates to be successful in their careers. " Entrepreneurship
Ph. D, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Xu, Bin (USA) Chang, Chun (USA) Velamuri, S. Ramakrishna (Rama) (India)
Professor of Economics and Finance Professor of Finance Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship
Department Chair (Economics and Decision Sciences) Associate Dean Ph. D, University of Virginia Han, Jian (USA)
ABN AMRO Chair Professor of Risk Management Assistant Professor of Management
Ph. D, Columbia University
Department Chair (Finance and Accounting) Ph. D, Cornell University
Director of China Center for Financial Research
Professor of Finance, Carlson School of Management, University of
Ph. D, Northwestern University

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Meet the CEIBS Faculty
Harrison, Norma J. (Australia) Pastor, Alfredo (Spain) Waldman, Charles (France)
Professor of Operations Management Spanish Chair Professor of Economics Professor of Marketing
Ph. D, Macquarie University Professor of Economics, IESE Senior Affiliate Professor of Marketing, INSEAD
Banc Sabadell Chair of Economics, IESE DBA, Harvard University
Ph. D, MIT
Huang, Philip Y. (USA) Doctor en Ciencias Economics,
Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona Wang, Gao (PRC)
Professor of Operations Management
Ph. D, Pennsylvania State University Professor of Marketing
Ph. D, Yale University
Pfoertsch, Waldemar A. (Germany)
Liang, Neng (PRC) Associate Professor of Marketing
Ph. D, Free University of Berlin Wang, Jianmao (PRC)
Professor of Management
Associate Dean Professor of Economics
Director of EMBA Programme Chairman of the Union
Ph. D, Indiana University Price, Lydia J. (USA) Ph. D, University of Florida
Professor of Marketing
Associate Dean
McGrath, Mary Ann (USA) Academic Director of MBA programme White, Steven (USA)
Ph. D, Columbia University
Professor of Marketing Associate Professor of Management Professor White, Steven
Professor of Marketing, Loyola University Ph. D, MIT
Chicago, School of Business Administration
Ph.D, Northwestern University Ramasamy, Bala (Malaysia)
Professor of Economics Wierdsma, André (The Netherlands)
Ph. D, University of Leicester
Professor in Management and Organization
Mobley, William (USA) Professor Organizing and Co-Creating, Nyenrode
Professor of Management Business University
Ribera, Jaume (Spain) Xu, Xiaonian (PRC) Zhang, Wei (PRC) Zhu, Tian (PRC)
Academic Advisor to Executive Education Ph. D, University of Tilburg
Professor of Economics and Finance Assistant Professor of Management Professor of Economics
Programmes Professor of Production and Operations
Ph. D, University of California Ph. D, Harvard University Ph. D, Northwestern University
Ph. D, University of Maryland Management
Port of Barcelona Chair Professor of Logistics Wu, Jinglian (PRC)
Ph. D, University of Florida
Baosteel Chair Professor of Economics
Nueno, Pedro (Spain) Doctor, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Yeung, Arthur (USA) Zhang, Weijiong (PRC) Zhu, Xiaoming (PRC)
Senior Research Fellow, Deputy Director of
Professor of Management Professor of Strategy Professor of Management
Professor of Entrepreneurship Academic Committee, Development Research
Associate Dean Vice President and Co-Dean President
Executive President Centre of the State Council of P.R.C.,
DBA, Harvard University Tsai, Terence (USA) Deputy Director, Advisory Committee for State
Philips Chair Professor of Human Resource Member of the Academic Council Vice Chairman, the Shanghai Committee of
Management Ph. D, University of British Columbia the Chinese People's Political Consultative
Associate Professor of Management Informatization,
Director of Centre of Organizational and People Conference
Ph. D, Judge Business School, University of Member, Executive Committee (2005-2008),
Excellence Honorary Dean of College of Economics and
Park, Seung Ho (Sam) (USA) Cambridge International Economic Association (IEA),
Academic Advisor to Executive Education Zhang, Yimin (Canada) Management, Adjunct Professor, Ph. D. Advisor,
Member, International Academy of Management
Professor of Strategy Programmes Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Professor of Finance
British American Tobacco Chair Professor of Ph. D, University of Michigan Member of the International Academy of
Schütte, Hellmut (France) Ph. D, University of British Columbia
Director of the Center for Emerging Market Professor of Management Xiao, Zhixing (PRC) Chairman, Shanghai Management Science
Strategy Ph. D, University of St.Gallen Associate Professor of Management
Yu, Frank (PRC) Society
Ph. D, University of Oregon Ph. D, INSEAD Zhao, Xinge (PRC) Ph. D, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Assistant Professor of Finance
Associate Professor of Finance
Tse, Kalun (The Netherlands) Ph. D, University of Chicago
Ph. D, Northwestern University
Parr, William C. (USA) Professor of Finance Xu, Dingbo (PRC) Zhu, Yu (USA)
Professor of Finance, Nyenrode University
Professor of Decision Sciences Professor of Accounting Professor of Finance
Ph. D, London University Zhang, Hua (PRC) Zhou, Dongsheng (Canada)
Ph. D, Southern Methodist University Associate Dean Ph. D, University of Pennsylvania
Lecturer in Finance and Economics Professor of Marketing
Ph. D, University of Minnesota
Ph. D, University of Hong Kong Associate Dean
Ph. D, University of British Columbia

15 CEIBS MBA 2010 CEIBS MBA 2010 16

" Would you stop at the dictionary entry for ‘lemon’ – or actually
take a bite at it? Would you rely on hearsay about China – or
experience it first hand? It is only by being ‘inside the wall’ that I
acquired a truly valuable insight on global business. "

Gael Mion (Italy)

MBA 2006
Bain & Company

Elite student body from nearly 30 countries and territories, with work experiences spanning a spectrum of industries. Profile of MBA 2009 Class
Total enrollment 193 Average age 29 Average GMAT 694
Female 32.6% Average work experience 5.6 >=700 55%
Where They Worked Before MBA Study (MBA 2009 intake) International students 37.3% Dual BA degree or above 30.6% Mid 80% range 640 - 740

Consulting Government & Public Honeywell

Accenture Services
PSA Peugeot Citroen
Deloitte China Council for the Promotion of Schneider Electric
KPMG International Trade Sinopec
L.E.K. Ministry of Commerce of PRC …
PricewaterhouseCoopers Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and
Roland Berger Quarantine Bureau IT/Telecom
Synovate Shanghai Tourism Bureau Alcatel-Lucent
Tata Consultancy … Bell

Consumer Products & Services Flextronics
Biotech Huawei
Abon Biopharm IBM
AstraZenenca Infosys
Bayer Microsoft
… Medtronic Nokia Siemens Networks
… Oracle
Financial Services SAP
Industrial Products & Services
ABN AMRO Samsung
Bank of America Sonic Solutions
Bosch Rexroth
GE Money Yahoo
Goldman Sachs
Chartered Semiconductor
HSBC Logistics
Jefferies & Co.
Dow Chemical Anglo Eastern Group
J.P. Morgan
Merrill Lynch
Ford Motor Maersk
Morgan Stanley
Fuji Electric Schenker
Royal Bank of Scotland …

17 CEIBS MBA 2010 CEIBS MBA 2010 18
Meet Our Students

" What satisfies me most is the dynamism " Studying with a diverse student
of CEIBS curriculum which always keeps body not only exposes me to a
the pace with changing global paradigm. variety of cultures and backgrounds,
The professors have “real time” in depth but also humbles me to appreciate
analysis to make students ponder on different ways of thinking. "
emerging issues. "

Jitesh Jaipuriyar (India) Jeff Huang (PRC)

MBA 2008 MBA 2008
Secretary of MBA Student Committee Director of Communications Team, MBA Student
Director of News Team, MBA Student Ambassador Ambassador
Founding member of Energy & Environment Club Previous Employer: Big Rig Interactive
Previous Employer: Maersk Web Solution Consultant

" China's speed of economic progress in " I believe in learning by doing.

the past 30 years has been unparalleled. Participating in competitions is one
The giant has awakened and is now of the best ways to get the most out
watched by the world. Doing an MBA of our MBA experience. Being the
in Shanghai, the largest metropolitan External Affairs Director of the Student
city in China brings me close to China- Committee, I had the opportunity
centric corporate leaders, academics to coordinate various events and
and politicians who give refreshing China competitions both locally and globally.
insights that make the CEIBS experience This experience allowed me to not only
truly rewarding. " make a lot of friends, but also learn more
about the Chinese way. "

Clarissa Tan (Singapore) Margaret Kan (Canada)

MBA 2008 MBA 2008
MBA Student Ambassador MBA Student Committee - External Affairs Director
Previous Employer: UBS Investment Bank, Singapore MBA Student Ambassador
Business Unit Controller Previous Employer: OnResearch Inc.
Research Project Manager
Miss Singapore Tourism 2001
Miss Hong Kong 2000, 1st runner-up
19 CEIBS MBA 2010 CEIBS MBA 2010 20
CEIBS Alumni Chapters of CEIBS Alumni Association

CEIBS boasts the most extensive network of business school alumni in mainland China, with over 8,500 graduates North China:
and 1,000 added annually, located around the world. Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Henan, Jinan, Qingdao, Dalian, Shenyang, Shaanxi, Heilongjiang

South China:

Shanghai, Wuxi, Suzhou, Zhejiang, Changzhou, Anhui, Nanjing, Jiangxi, Hunan, Fujian, Sichuan, Ningbo, Guizhou, Hubei,

1,000 Added Annually

Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Southwest, Taiwan, and Hong Kong & Macau

Overseas Chapters:

Singapore, Toronto and Europe

8,500 Graduates 41 Countries & Regions

Argentina Kuwait
Australia Lebanon
Austria Malaysia
Belgium Mexico
Brazil Netherlands
Canada New Zealand
Chile Pakistan
China Philippines
Columbia Republic of Korea
Denmark Russian Federation
Ethiopia Singapore
France South Africa
Germany Spain
Guatemala Sweden
Hong Kong, China Switzerland
India Taiwan, China
Indonesia Thailand
Ireland United Kingdom
Israel United States
Italy Venezuela

21 CEIBS MBA 2010 CEIBS MBA 2010 22

What We Offer

Programme Structure

" CEIBS offered me a platform to exchange great ideas and explore

business insights from classmates and alumni from diverse
industries and cultures. That helps me in developing innovative online
marketplace solutions to connect Chinese manufactures with global
buyers in my current work. "

* For more information, please refer to www.ceibs.edu/mba

Zhang Qin (PRC)

MBA 2002
Senior Director

23 CEIBS MBA 2010 CEIBS MBA 2010 24

Well-integrated curriculum that balances
theory and practice, hard skills and soft
skills, as well as global perspective and local

By encouraging independent thought, team

collaboration and interactive communication in
the classroom, CEIBS provides students with the
right toolkit for success in their future careers.

The curriculum is designed to ground students

in the fundamentals of management, while
addressing their individual interests and career

" My learning in cultural terms has been extraordinary.

CEIBS opened many new doors to me, and my
Three Options classmates have been so helpful through explaining and
forgiving mistakes. This will have a great positive influence
General Management on my future career and on my personal development."
Finance Concentration
Marketing Concentration Claudia Butz (Germany)
MBA 2008
Board of Directors of International Club

Language of Instruction MBA Student Ambassador

Previous Employer: Deere and Company
Global HR Organization Design Project Manager

Compulsory Courses
The MBA core courses provide fundamental business
knowledge and problem solving skills. They build a Language Courses
solid foundation for students’ further study in chosen
In the first academic year, a list of non-credit language
areas. Core courses cover Accounting, Economics,
courses are offered free of charge.
Finance, Marketing, Operations Management,
Organizational Behaviour, Strategy and more.

Electives Non-Chinese speaking students are required to learn

Students are given the opportunity to specialize in Chinese and pass the CEIBS Chinese language
their areas of interest by taking elective courses. assessment to facilitate their MBA study and future
CEIBS offers some 50 elective courses. career in China.

25 CEIBS MBA 2010 CEIBS MBA 2010 26

Integrated Strategy Project " Doing research for Dow Chemical China gave me the opportunity to work with Dow’s senior management and to learn
from their vast experience. In addition it proved to be a great way to network with important people in the organization,
something that will definitely open doors for my future career. "

In the second half of the first academic year, students are required to undertake an Integrated Strategy Project (ISP). Rodrigo Villatoro (Guatemala)
MBA 2007
ISP at Dow Chemical

The Process of ISP* Objectives of ISP

To provide the opportunity for MBA students to work on contemporary business problems in cooperation with leading
businesses and organisations;

To foster understanding among students regarding the industry and skills required at work.

Most ISP are within multinational firms in Shanghai. There are also some opportunities to do projects in other cities in China
or abroad.

* For the most updated information, please refer to www.ceibs.edu/mba

27 CEIBS MBA 2010 CEIBS MBA 2010 28

International Exchange
International exchange partnerships with more than 40 leading
business schools, most of which are among the global top 100 list of
the Financial Times .*

Number of outgoing students in 2009: 69

Number of incoming students in 2009: 84

* Please refer to our website for the complete list

** According to "The Top 100 Full-time Global MBA Programmes", Financial Times, 2009

29 CEIBS MBA 2010 CEIBS MBA 2010 30

Beyond the Classroom
Engaging and challenging activities beyond the classroom including international business school competitions
and simulations, student-run conferences and forums, clubs, functions and parties.

Student-organized club activities are a vital part of campus life. Besides sharing common interests and having fun, the
clubs offer leadership opportunities and managerial experience. CEIBS students now run 33 active clubs.

Seminars & Events

To be a great business leader with a global outlook, you need more than business knowledge. The varied seminars and
events on campus provide unparalleled opportunities for students to experience different leadership styles, to interact with
their role models, to gain in-depth insights on life, and to build interpersonal skills.

HR Clu

Dance Club Chain

al Clu

Soccer Club
Film Clu

31 CEIBS MBA 2010 CEIBS MBA 2010 32

Achievements & Initiatives of CEIBS
" Participants of BGRC 2009 gave us feedback that CEIBS
students are highly active. To a large extent it is because our
entire student body is exceptionally active. We inspire and
influence one another to take on initiatives, through club activities,
student committee, and events like BGRC and InnovateCHINA. It
is a demonstration that CEIBS is the cradle of not just managers
MBA Students
in an established system, but future leaders that are capable of
changing the system. " Being Globally Responsible Conference InnovateCHINA
Joseph Yu (Canada/Taiwan, China) Held for consecutive four years, BGRC is the first student- Founded in 2008, the annual InnovateCHINA is
MBA 2008 organized CSR conference for future business leaders the first student-run international business school
President of BGRC worldwide. competition which focuses on searching for innovative
VP of CSR Club
Joseph Yu at Antarctics Previous Employer: ERA Real Estate Taiwan Master Franchise solutions to challenges faced by corporations in
Assistant Manager of General Affairs China.
MIT OpSimCom Competition
Three of CEIBS teams are selected top 10 at MIT
Art Appreciation Week
OpSimCom Annual International Operations Simulation,

Mentoring Program competing with 85 teams from top business schools. Art Appreciation Week in August 2009 brings together
international artists both from inside and outside of
Shanghai Night China for a week to show their artwork and to hold
The CEIBS Mentoring Programme teams 2-3 MBA students with an experienced alumnus or EMBA student mentor. It is symposiums touching upon the businesses of art, the
designed to assist MBA students in obtaining knowledge and skills that are not accessible in the classroom, and to prepare Initiated and organized annually by the student committee, fusion of art and business and related topics.
them to re-enter the market after graduation. The platform also functions as a precious opportunity for both mentor and Shanghai Night is the first of its kind to assemble CEIBS
mentee to enhance friendships and business-partnerships, which are likely to last for a lifetime. alumni & students and the elite from the top business
schools in Shanghai.

33 CEIBS MBA 2010 CEIBS MBA 2010 34

Facilitate Your

Career Development
Professional career development services and access to world-class
corporate recruiters.

Eighteen months can fly by faster than you imagine. From the first day at CEIBS,
you are encouraged to start the self-exploration process essential to career
management. You will have access to a wide range of resources to help you
identify your interests and strengths, explore career options and strengthen skills to
accelerate achievement of your career objectives.

CEIBS Career Development Center (CDC), as the first career service set-up in
business schools in mainland China, offers valuable services to help students build
a strong foundation for career management.

35 CEIBS MBA 2010 CEIBS MBA 2010 36

" The CEIBS experience gave me a totally new
mindset and plenty of resources. It helped a lot
in my later career path and entrepreneurship.
Whenever I face any problem, I will try to find
an answer from CEIBS resources, including
professor, alumni network, and my learning
experience in CEIBS. "

Ma Shuang (PRC)
EasyFinance Management Consulting Co., LTD.

Recent Placement Report

Class: MBA 2007 intake No. of job openings: nearly 780
Class size: 190 Employment rate (3 months after graduation): 74.8% Industry Function Position
No. of recruiting companies: over 200
* For more information, please refer to CEIBS MBA Career 2009 Report

Recent Recruiting and Internship Companies (partial list)

AdChina Google OnCard International
Akzo Nobel GSK Pfizer
Alcatel-Lucent Honeywell Philips
Ashe Capital HP Ping An Asset Management
AXA Hua An Fund Porsche
Bank of China Investment Management IBM President Enterprises
Financial Services 22.3% General Management 22.5% Manager with direct report 29.7%
Bayer International Far Eastern Leasing SCIP Swire SITA Waste Service Industrial Products/Services 20.4% Marketing 20.7% Manager without direct report 21.6%
British Telecom Johnson & Johnson Shanghai International Trust Healthcare Products/Services 17.5% Finance/Accounting 18.0% Professional 14.4%
Cargill Lanxess Shanghai Pharmaceutic Group IT/Telecom 14.6% Business Development 9.0% Vice GM/GM 6.3%
CICC Lenovo Shenzhen Hua Yin Guaranty and Investment Consumer Products/Services 6.8% Sales/Account Management 7.2% Assistant Manager 5.4%
Cisco LG Electronics Siemens Consulting Services 4.9% Strategy 5.4% Management Trainee 4.5%
Media/Advertising 3.9% Supply Chain Management 4.5% Director 4.5%
CITIC Private Equity Funds Li & Fung Group SK Telecom
Retail/Trading 3.9% Consulting 4.5% Supervisor 0.9%
Cummins Filtration Michelin Squibb Pharmaceuticals
Nonprofit/Government 1.9% Project Management 4.5% Others 12.6%
Daewoo Securities Moet Hennessy Diageo Standard Chartered Bank Energy/Utilities 1.0% Information Technology 2.7%
Danaher Monetary Authority of Singapore Tencent Logistics 1.0% Others 0.9%
Dow Chemical Monitor UTC Fire & Security Others 1.9%
Eli Lilly Morgan Stanley Value Partners
First Sino Bank Nokia Volvo
Fujitsu Novartis Warner Music Group
Giant Interactive Group OCBC ... * Total may not equal 100% due to rounding

37 CEIBS MBA 2010 CEIBS MBA 2010 38

Today’s China:
A Land of Opportunities
The past 20 years of China's history has
brought dramatic changes to the country
and the world. China's accession to the
World Trade Organisation (WTO) along with
its unparalleled economic growth offers
unimaginable opportunities.

CEIBS’ main campus is located in one of the

world's fastest growing cities. Known as the
Pearl of the Orient, Shanghai is a city that
entices visitors, investors, and businesses. It
is a city that awes and amazes people with
its evolving skylines, babel of international
languages, vast selection of exotic foods,
goods and experiences.

Home to 18 million residents and around

30,000 foreign direct investments,
the prosperous city provides a wealth
of opportunities to CEIBS graduates.
Thousands of CEIBS alumni live, work, and
play in this dynamic city where people can
attend world-class operas and dances,
visit the city's impressive museums and
galleries, and cheer on their favourite sports
professionals and teams.

39 CEIBS MBA 2010 CEIBS MBA 2010 40

Campus & Facilities
Unparalleled learning environment created by beautiful campus of east-west
style, close-knit community, and world-class facilities.

Designed by world-renowned architects, Pei Cobb Freed and Partners, the

school's architecture combines Western Perspective with the subtlety of Chinese
beauty and grace. Using "Suzhou tiles" to band the walls and lattice the windows,
the architects create a unique identity for the 4-hectare site in Pudong, Shanghai.
With the reflecting-pool surrounded library as the centre, all the school's buildings
are connected by arcade walkways into a harmonious whole.

In August of 2006, the school’s Phase III land was acquired. The 36,000m2 area
is adjacent to the existing campus, and will almost double the school's Shanghai

41 CEIBS MBA 2010 CEIBS MBA 2010 42

Join us Application & Evaluation Procedure

Admissions Requirements
A Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalence
A full-time work experience of two years or longer
A GMAT score or CEIBS Admission Test score
Proficiency in English

* Please refer to www.mba.com for detailed information about GMAT

Application Evaluation CEIBS GMAT code: MDQ-HH-39

The MBA Admissions Committee will take a holistic review of an applicant’s academic record, work experience, response
to essay questions, recommendations, interview performance, GMAT or CEIBS Admission Test score, etc.. To enrich the
diversity of the student body, special qualifications such as professional certificates, awards and language skills may be Size of Enrollment: 180
considered as extra merits.
Admission Rounds and Deadlines for 2010 Intake*

What We Are Looking for

* CEIBS MBA programme has one intake each year, with classes kicking off in August

How to Apply Visit Us to Learn More

Submit a completed online application form through http://portal.ceibs.edu/application/mba.do You are welcome to visit us by any of the following means:
Send official GMAT score report to CEIBS (CEIBS GMAT code: MDQ-HH-39).

Mail to CEIBS the supporting documents, including 2 letters of recommendation, official university transcript(s), 5
passport-sized colour photos, photocopies of degree certificate(s), passport or ID, proof of application fee payment and
business card, etc..

Alternatively, you may take CEIBS Admission Test which is similar in style to GMAT except that the CEIBS Admission Test
does not have the AWA section and is paper-based. The CEIBS Admission Test for 2010 intake will be administrated in
Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen on:

Feb. 6, 2010
Apr. 10, 2010

43 CEIBS MBA 2010 CEIBS MBA 2010 44

Fees and Expenses
Join us
Application Fee (Non-refundable)
Chinese applicants (including Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau): RMB 600
International applicants: USD 120

Tuition Fee Financing Your Study

Please refer to our website for the most updated information.
For First-year Students For Second-year Students
Housing & Expense* st
1 Place CEIBS MBA Scholarship Emerson Scholarship
2nd Place CEIBS MBA Scholarship Baosteel Scholarship (for mainland Chinese students only)
Students can choose to live on or off campus. There are three student dormitory buildings on campus. Each room is
3rd Place CEIBS MBA Scholarship CEL-CEIBS Private Equity Scholarship (Internship
equipped with telephone, air-conditioning, bathroom, computer network connection, and satellite TV hook-up.
EU-China BMT MBA Scholarship (for mainland Chinese Scholarship)
candidates from less-developed areas only) EU-China BMT MBA Exchange Scholarship
Liu Ji Management Education Fund Grant (for mainland ...
Chinese candidates only)
Wu Jinglian Education Fund (for mainland Chinese Student Loans
candidates only)
Bank loans are available to mainland Chinese students in
Shanghai Municipal Government Scholarship (for
27 major Chinese cities. Students meeting the criteria set
international candidates only)
* The price is based on 18-month’s stay, and is subject to change. Please refer to our website for updates by the bank can apply for a student loan of up to 80% of
La Caixa and Casa Asia Scholarship (for Spanish
the tuition with a discounted interest rate. All loans with
candidates only)
interest must be repaid within three years from the date
Estimated Expenses* of approval by the bank. For more details, please visit
(excl. tuition fee, in RMB**) relevant webpage.
www. ceibs.edu/mba_c/admissions/expenses
Textbooks: 4,000
Laptop: 15,000
Housing***: 17,000
Meals: 15,000
Miscellaneous: 20,000
Total: 71,000

* 18-month basis, and varying significantly with life style and preference
** RMB7 = USD1 (approximately)
*** based on the rent of twin-bed room accommodation

45 CEIBS MBA 2010 CEIBS MBA 2010 46

Sponsorship Partners
CEIBS is very proud to cooperate with some of the world's leading business organizations:

CEIBS Chair Endowment Fund CEIBS Campus Fund CEIBS Development Fund
Baosteel Bekaert ABB
Basque Government China Telecom Group Akzo Nobel
Bayer FTSE Alcatel
British American Tobacco Global Sources Apax Partners Worldwide LLP
Chengwei Ventures Huatai Securities Atlas Copco
Michelin IDOM AXA
Philips Electronics China Group K. Wah Group BARCO
Port of Barcelona Lufthansa German Airlines BNP Paribas
Spanish Government Pudong Shangri-La BP China
The Royal Bank of Scotland Group Shanghai Jahwa Group Carrefour China
Shanghai Jinqiao Group CHIC
CEIBS Research Fund Shanghai Tianyuan Group Ciba Specialty Chemicals
Banco Sabadell SINOPEC Shanghai Petrochemical Dow Corning
Co., Ltd. Eli Lilly Asia, Inc.
Banco Santander
Spanish Government Emerson
Bank of Shanghai
TCL Evonik Degussa
Bayer HealthCare
Telecom Corporation Fondazione Italia Cina
Wind Info GE
Dow Chemical
EVOC Henkel Asia-Pacific
Government of Cantabria CEIBS Scholarship Fund IDEPA
Hua An Fund Management Co., Ltd. Baosteel Mandarin
ICEX Bosch (China) Investment Ltd. McKinsey & Company
L’Oréal Asia Emerson Randstad
Lujiazui Development Group "la Caixa" Schneider Electric
Mindray Liu Ji Education Fund Shengli Petroleum Administration
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank LVMH Shenzhen CATIC Group
Spanish Government TESCO China
Telefónica Omnicom Group Inc.
Topspring International Holdings Limited Wu Jinglian Academic Fund
Treenity Real Estate Co., Ltd.

47 CEIBS MBA 2010

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