1) This church bulletin announces several upcoming events at the church including an International Women's Day of Prayer, a Families and Friends Adventurer event, and a celebration of communion.
2) Various church groups like the Adventurer club, Pathfinders club, and prayer meetings are advertised. Parents are also reminded to watch their children during the service.
3) The bulletin provides announcements about volunteer opportunities, condolences for a family, and requests for prayers for individuals.
1) This church bulletin announces several upcoming events at the church including an International Women's Day of Prayer, a Families and Friends Adventurer event, and a celebration of communion.
2) Various church groups like the Adventurer club, Pathfinders club, and prayer meetings are advertised. Parents are also reminded to watch their children during the service.
3) The bulletin provides announcements about volunteer opportunities, condolences for a family, and requests for prayers for individuals.
1) This church bulletin announces several upcoming events at the church including an International Women's Day of Prayer, a Families and Friends Adventurer event, and a celebration of communion.
2) Various church groups like the Adventurer club, Pathfinders club, and prayer meetings are advertised. Parents are also reminded to watch their children during the service.
3) The bulletin provides announcements about volunteer opportunities, condolences for a family, and requests for prayers for individuals.
1) This church bulletin announces several upcoming events at the church including an International Women's Day of Prayer, a Families and Friends Adventurer event, and a celebration of communion.
2) Various church groups like the Adventurer club, Pathfinders club, and prayer meetings are advertised. Parents are also reminded to watch their children during the service.
3) The bulletin provides announcements about volunteer opportunities, condolences for a family, and requests for prayers for individuals.
CHURCH AT STUDY - 9:30-10:40 A.M. We are delighted that you have chosen to worship with us today.
to worship with us today. 10) March 2 - International Women's Day of Prayer
We extend our sincere welcome to our church family and guests. Divine Worship theme – “Walking with Jesus” Song Service………………………………………………………………………….. Fellowship potluck - In the Fellowship Hall immediately Opening Hymn………………………………………………………………………. ANNOUNCEMENTS following the Divine Worship hour Afternoon Workshop - Can We trust God When He says " Scripture Reading………………………………………………………………… "Follow Me"? - 2:00pm. Please see more info at 1) The Friends of Jesus Adventurer club meets this afternoon, Opening Prayer……………………………………………………………………… February 23rd, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. https://women.adventist.org/international-womens-day-of- prayer Superintendent……………………………………………Ritchi Pandaleke 2) February 24 - Pathfinders club meeting at 10-00am-12noon Lesson Study……….“Satan, a Defeated Enemy”..………..Classes 11) Sunday, March 3- Families and friends of children ages 4 to 9 3) Inviting ALL to prayer, Bible Study and testimonies on are welcome to join the Adventurers at Play Away Indoor WORSHIP HOUR - 11:00 A.M. Wednesday night at 7 pm. Come and be blessed! Park located at 2469 Aviation Lane, London, ON N5V 3Z9 *Introit………………”Great Are You Lord”……………Congregation from 12:30 p.m. to 3p.m. Please contact Sophon Bailey for 4) Every third Wednesday evening of the month, the youth and more information. *Invocation…..……………………………………………………David Forsey young adults will facilitate prayer meeting. This is an opportunity to learn the dynamics of prayer, to pray 12) March 16- Celebration of the Lord’s Supper *Hymn of Praise ……………“Hold Fast Till I Come” ………….#600 together, and for each other. Congregational Prayer. ………………….……………….Teresa Ferreira 13) YOUNG PEOPLE, are you interested in working at Frenda this (Praying for – Chesapeake & Mountainview Conference Treasury Team) 5) Parents with Children: The Mother’s room is available for summer? An incredible experience awaits! Check out your comfort. If you need assistance, please speak to the www.campfrenda.com and see if God is calling you to camp Offering……………..”Ontario Advance” ………………….Bob Reeve deacons/deaconess on duty. ministry this year. Applications close February 28, don’t Praise & Worship………………………….Jeanne & Cameron Munro delay! 6) Parents and guardians please be aware of your Children’s Story………….…..………….………………………Lucia Forsey child’s/children’s whereabouts in church. Your child(ren) 14) March 22-23, 2019 Adventist Ministries Convention MUST always BE in your company. *Scripture Reading.…..”Revelation 13:17&18”…...Nyalok Rial DISCIPLESHIFT, @ Sheraton Parkway Toronto North. Training available for ALL ministries. There will be workshop and Special Music…………………………………………………….…………………. 7) Our Condolences: Delroy Duncan's father died on Sunday, seminar especially for Seniors’ Ministry’s leaders, and leaders February 16th in Jamaica. Please keep the family in your to be. Spoken Word…..”By Beholding We Change”…….David Forsey prayers. 15) Need your prayers - Connie Soares, Ruth Stoddard, Yvonne *Hymn of Consecration…”Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”…#290 8) February 24 Outreach to the homeless continue. Volunteers Thuillard, and the Dowdell family. are needed to serve meals to the group. Parking is available *Benediction……………………………..……...................David Forsey behind the building at 696 Dundas Street Ark Aid Christian Please send bulletin related information by TUESDAY, 10:00 Mission. If you can help, please speak to Teresa Ferreira. p.m. to larris.biggs@gmail.com. Late submission will be *Postlude………….………………………..….….…..……………..Musicians deferred to the next week’s bulletin. Legend: *Congregation stands 9) February 28, March 7, 14 &21 “The Diabetes Undone Offering next week: Local Budget Interactive Video Workshop” at the London SDA Church, 805 Elder on duty: Ritchi Pandaleke Shelbourne Street - 6:45-9:15 PM Cost: $100.00 per person or $150 for family of two sharing Sunset today 6:05 P.M. Next Friday: 6:13 P.M. materials. Email gkrayner@bell.net or by phone Kathy 519- 319-4037 or Gord 519-857-5575 for details. Adventist Christian Elementary School (ACES) Sermon Notes Website: www.aceslondon.ca Principal: Mr. David Forsey Cell: 226-232-5444 Office Phone: 519-601-2277 Office Email: davids4c@gmail.com School Hours: M - TH 8:30 - 4:15
Birthday Wishes for February
Feb 3 Moses Onyango Feb 12 Zipporah Mainye Feb 22 Sri A. Halim Feb 6 Marshalee Wanyou Feb 13 Grace San Diego Feb 22Tafadzwa Zindoga Feb 8 Paula Gaspar Feb 13 Denise Hall Feb 24 Michael Olawoore Feb 8 Dawn Williams Feb 14 Gary Carter Feb 24 Brian Fabros Feb 9 Jeane Reis Feb 14 Paul Weston Feb 25 Esther Stephen Feb 10 Daniel Zablon Feb 17 Mario Carmo Feb 25 Marlyn Weston Feb 11 Randy Stevens Feb 17Stephanie Roemer Feb 26 Alison McKay Feb 11 Wayne Beaton Feb 18 Gerrison Weston Feb 29 Duke Orisi
Today - 9:30am Sabbath School
Today - Divine Service New Beginnings Today - 4:00pm Adventurers Meeting Tomorrow Pathfinders Club Meets (see #2) Communication Card Wednesday – 7:00pm Prayer Meeting (see #3 &4) In order for us to serve you better, please complete this Communication Pastor Juan Carlos Atencio Form, detach and give it to the Pastor or place it in the Offering Plate. 519-535-8945 Friday – 7:30pm Choir Practice Name: _______________________________________________ jatencio@adventistontario.org Phone: ______________________________________________ February 28 Outreach to the Homeless (see #8) Address: _____________________________________________ First Elder: Clara Baptiste February 28 Diabetes Undone (see #9) Email: _______________________________________________ cmbaptiste@hotmail.com Is ill at home March 2 International Women’s Day (see 10) Requests Visitation www.adventistlondon.ca March 3 Adventurers Outing (see #11) I want to be baptized (519) 680-1965 Seeks transfer of membership March 16 Lord’s Supper (see #12) Is in ____________________ Hospital Thought for today - “Self-talk deeply impacts your attitude, Is interested in Bible Studies Has a Prayer Request decisions and actions hence your success, happiness and self- February 23, 2019 Other:_____________________________________________ esteem.” ― Maddy Malhotra
The Vatican II Sect Promotes Idolatry by Its General Worship of Man, by Its Particular Worship of Man in The New Mass, and by Its Acceptance of Idolatrous Religions